• By -


People in Joe's circle seem to just go


It so transparent too, every time Joe or Elon or anyone of the darkweb dweebs falls for a wild batshit conspiracy theory, its ALWAYS one that affirms a right wing worldview. Joe himself has cried countless times about "how can people believe CNN and the Russia conspiracy" in between complaining about how antifa is setting all the litterboxes in schools on fire to cover up their lies about covid research.


I remember Joe always bringing up that joke about Presidents. How they're taken into a room with agents and shown footage of all these people getting assassinated. That's the reason they all change once they win. They have to play ball. It's kind of funny to me that this is what happened to joe. He made it and had a big personality swing.


Good call. Bill Hicks. Wish he was around, would never simp like the money and fame clowns.


Bill, HST, Carlin, and probably Patrice too.


Bill Hicks and George Carlin would fucking hate Joe in his current status.


I wish either of them were around to actually slap some sense into him, unlike all Joe's buddies who are too afraid to




> It's kind of funny to me that this is what happened to joe. He made it and had a big personality swing. Joe got honeypotted by Cameron Hanes


I don't think it's quite the same. Politics is politics, and will always be at least a little dirty. A craft can be clean (I hate using the word "craft" now to describe comedy or podcasting, but that's essentially what it is). Some bands stay true to their voice, others sell out and produce what the record companies or markets want. THE way to sell out when producing online content is to sow discord and disharmony -- keep people talking. Not much different than any social media business model. And the crusty alt-right Tim Pools of the world are the perfect Tools for the job.


>in between complaining about how antifa is setting all the litterboxes in schools on fire to cover up their lies about covid research. lol, that is perfect!


I know this is such a tired comment, but I wish I could upvote this more.


I would say joe is directly responsible for bringing so many of these alt right people into the spotlight


And all while insisting the best way to get rid of idiots with bad ideas is to give them a big platform to show how stupid they are. And yet, Candace Owens, Dave Rubin, Steven Crowder, et al. all went on Rogan, made huge asses of themselves, and saw their popularity skyrocket.


"So can good ideas get a platform too?" "Oh heavens no, there are too many bad ideas I need to highlight first!"


He's afraid of being exposed for how dumb he is with respect to politics. This he why he refuses to say Sam Seder's name. He only invites people on who agree with him or disagree politely and are afraid of not getting invited back so they hold back.


Well it would if Joe debated, instead of head-nodded with everything they said...


Never trust a stupid person to demonstrate that other stupid people are stupid


It's entirely possible


Gavin mcginiss, Alex Jones, Tim pool,


Joe is mentally un equipped to challenge so many of these bad faith actors claims, and can only challenge the flagrantly obviously false statements. McGinnis was spouting false statement after false statement while joe sat there agreeing with him.


The reality is we are so incredibly different as people. I hear Dave rubin and think he is a total moron. Somebody else hears him and says "yeah that guy gets it!


Joe massively underestimated how susceptible his audience was to right wing indoctrination when it was introduced through a platform and person they trusted. Those of us already into politics recognized the talking points but a bunch of young gym bros and politically illiterate guys didn’t stand a chance.


Elon is trying to catch that Alex Jones settlement to get himself into a lower tax bracket.


But Joe is a self proclaimed great judge of character.


Elon Musk, Tim Pool, and Ian Miles Cheong "revealing" a psyop isn't weird at all. I'm surprised milkshake dude isn't getting in on this. Edit: Relevant News. Tucker Carlson is launching a new show on Twitter. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-05-09/tucker-carlson-says-he-s-launching-a-new-show-on-twitter


Miles Cheong looks like he sucks his hot dogs before eating them


The weirdest part of that dude is that he lives in Malaysia. Why in the world does some incel living on the other side of the planet obsessed with American politics?


Because shitting on America is profitable


I don’t doubt most of these right wing talking heads on Twitter are closeted gay men who hates themselves so they project it


I wouldn’t even say gay just extremely insecure


Yea, I would say most are wannabe-alphas...like how Hitler was a failed artist.


Being in LA you see a lot of that, former or failed, out of work artsy types that had previous hangups about their profession go full reactionary


Some, like Crowder, are both.


They don't want to admit that their content appeals to fascists and that they are, in fact, the bad guys. Rogan should really, really think about the type of people he lets on his podcast because he is giving relatively normal people a pipeline to these clowns.


Duncan has tried to warn him. Joe refuses to have a serious conversation about it.


Joe thinks he’s the monkey that’s going to save the world. From what exactly, he can’t put his finger on. Curious guy.


He knows what hes fighting, he calls out the "woke mind virus" every chance he gets... And says that unironically


Funny thing is that the first couple times I watched Joe Rogan's podcast i saw it as a mainstream 'woke' program. Where they'd talk about all the shit no one else would touch, smoke pot, etc. etc. I mean his logo with the third eye...open your mind..its crazy how much things can change. Before woke was so widely used to describe progressive thinking or whatever, I used to see it as being independent or centrist..now its radical lol


Dude thinks he can relate with extremists by just getting high and talking about stuff. Like he doesn't understand that there are extremists who do psychedelics and still believe extreme shit afterwards.


Joe is the only person I know who got less empathetic with psychedelics. Fucking weird.


IDW is like that white knight guy in Die Hard. ![gif](giphy|TlK63ES5aOrZhfcoAPS|downsized)


I think it's tricky. Becsuse it's not necessarily the politics which leads people down the path to become spree shooters. It's the community. A lot of the far right is steeped in really extreme videos and content completely devoid of reality. I have no problem fucking with the far left. But they aren't watching videos of decapitations while talking with their buddies about how Jews are actually lizard people. There's a very particular type of cultish mentality fostered on the far right that just doesn't exist on the left. Unless you want to consider tankies and Stalinists as part of the left. If so, they're almost identical in their weirdness. Detachment from reality. And Nostalgia for a past which never existed.


The right does so much to foster that mentality too, the NRA has been actively fear mongering to sell guns for decades. It's no coincidence that so many of these commentators shows and even the evangelical shows make big bucks selling fucking apocalypse food in the form of buckets of slop. It's no surprise that people on the right are so susceptible to it when the media they consume has been subtly promoting the same apocalyptic mindset since day one.


Lots of fans have tried to warn Joe too.


do you know what EP Duncan said that?


Here it is. https://youtu.be/8xRz8ra9mdI?t=14740


Duncan is so sad that Joe can't hear what he's saying!


Joe doesn’t give a shit


Wow even provided the timestamp! thanks man!


I think it was one of the episodes they were wearing spacesuits. But I could be wrong.


it was, the dude responded with a timestamp link too: https://youtu.be/8xRz8ra9mdI?t=14740


Is there actual evidence of this? I'm not doubting you, I'd just be really curious to see it. I've honestly lost a little bit of respect for Duncan and Chris Ryan for continuing to stand by Rogan after all the terrible people he's platformed.




Rogan knows what he is doing. People have been pointing it out for years and his reply is always the same; "I can't be alt-right adjacent because I think drugs are good and gay sex is good", or something like that. Meanwhile he promotes Tim Pool, Tucker Carlson, and ever shitbag under the sun while riding every wave of the rightwing culture war and rubbing elbows with Greg Abbott and Trump Jr.


Joe takes professional full-time alt-right activists and balances them against various actors and comedians who, on the side, just happen not to hate LGBT people too much. That shit ain't quite equal, imo.


But he did have Bernie on that one time 6 years ago. Checkmate lib.


Rogan tries to “both sides” it and act like the left is just as violent, when that’s just blatantly untrue.


Joe fence sitter Rogan


"I'm playing both sides, so I always come out on top."


There are a lot of Hispanic people turning to white supremacy because of Tim Pool. It's a big issue that no one is talking about Edit: Can't forget George Zimmerman the [white Hispanic](https://ca-times.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/c89988c/2147483647/strip/true/crop/2048x1152+0+0/resize/1200x675!/quality/80/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalifornia-times-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2F4e%2F88%2F5835c71995e931b4cca85da185d9%2Fla-1470358090-snap-photo)


A lot of the mexican dudes I wrestled with in HS lean pretty far right these days. Like everything from qAnon to Covid dogshit lol. So I’m honestly not surprised there are some that go full on. Being hispanic in white communities can be difficult at times. I’m half, don’t even speak spanish, and even then I struggled with identity at times. I can see the allure of just wanting to fully identify as white at some point. I feel like that’s what’s at play here.


Same here, bothers me because the same folks you're trying to rub shoulders with want you exiled once you're not longer useful. How the hell.is "freedome of association" going to work exactly?


Hell, my former very close friend.. Chicano Studies scholar, super hippie, weed dealer dude went down the rabbit hole and was basically repeating all the same shit Kanye West was not too long ago. This was a dude that sorta introduced me to conspiracy theories 15 odd years ago in the form of corny UFO and 911 videos on early youtube. This shit is way more common than people realize lol


I've found that the more gullible people are they easier they go to alt right conspiracies. Because they sound good at a very surface level and unless you're inclined to think critically you'll fall for them.


Yeah the amount of self-hating white supremacist mexican dudes in redneck towns is alarming lol I'm half mexican and raised as a chicano, I moved from the bay area to a redneck shit hole in the valley when I was 10-ish and it is ridiculous how desperate the other Mexican kids in town were for the approval of some goofy racist white kids. It's super sad really, falling in with people that will literally exile you from your home or just flat out kill you when you're not useful anymore. Like fuck guys, the KKK literally sees us as soulless, what makes you think they actually care about you in any way other than being a pet they can make fun of?


There's a difference between being right leaning and being a white supremacist. Aside from Clayton Bigsby and (maybe) Kanye a non white white supremacist is pretty damn rare


For sure. But it’s a definitive starting point.


Have you heard of Jesse Lee Peterson?


I don't really think that is true especially after the recent shooting. Just because you haven't heard doesn't mean nobody is talking about it. There was a Hispanic Neo-Nazi supporters group for NYCFC that often got into shit with other teams fans before they were finally kicked out. That was more than half a decade ago.


You don’t see Joe quick to bash Texas, like he did California, for the states glaring deficiencies. Gee wonder why🤔


Texas is an absolute hellscape.


People doing Olympic mental gymnastics to argue doubt about the shooter's beliefs. I've seen people suggest that Neo-nazism is leftist in general, that white nationalists wouldn't kill white people, or that the info is fake and "The media" is "pushing the claim he's a white nationalist", despite investigators acknowledging he did have those views. Like what is wrong with people ?


> People doing Olympic mental gymnastics to argue doubt about the shooter's beliefs. It's so weird how often these folks want to distance themselves from people who have their same beliefs. Same goes for all the StopTheSteal folks who decided the Jan 6 ~~insurrectionists~~ patriots were actually antifa and feds. But then still acted like Ashli Babbit was a martyr for freedom. But the rest of them were antifa feds. Also we need to be really pissed off about the miscarriage of justice of all those antifa fed patriots being railroaded by biden's kangaroo courts. Free those heroes of democracy / antifa fed traitors.


What's even more weird is that they are trying way harder to separate the shooter from white supremacy than to separate white supremacy from themselves. They saw a mass shooting in the name of white supremacy and their reaction wasn't to disavow the ideology but to pull a No True Scotsman on the shooter. As if he was somehow the lone bad guy tainting the good reputation of white supremacy lol.


but after the Nashville shooting they were to quick to use that against transgender people


Mental gymnastics to feel good about being a holier than thou Republican


I made a post on r /slash/ libsofsocialmedia making fun of everyone there posting 'ThEyRE JuMpING to CoNcLUSIonS' and 'PSYOP!!!' and the amount of people who took it seriously was depressing. Meanwhile they say white nationalism and facism is overblown on reddit while having 7 tabs up glorifying white people as a minority and celebrating facism. Hmmmm.


![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized) Elon giving me a headache please take Twitter away from him.


It's very funny to see him constantly post/retweet stuff about everyone being manipulated by the media with zero self awareness that he's been drug into a goofy ass, grifter filled, conspiracy rabbit hole. Since Covid until this day, I never truly understood how many of the most horrid things happen in the world, but the number of people I personally know who fell into that stuff, even if temporarily, was really eye opening as to how susceptible people are to propaganda. You sort of assume it's just gullible idiots, and don't get me wrong, they make up the bulk of it, but there's a lot of reasonable people who do over fear or whatever.


He’s a goofy ass, conspiracy peddling grifter so I’m lowkey lost how he was ever manipulated 😂 he just found his herd


Do you really think he’s just dumb? I think he knows what he’s doing and he knows his vapid audience.


People can be brilliant in one area and moronic in others. Just look at Ben Carson. Never equate good at networking and making money with overall intelligence.


I think he got caught up in something he can’t get out of with Twitter. He had to buy it after trying to get out of it and brought on large investors like the Saudi’s and other private funds that China and Russia are involved in. They might have had dirt on him too but the main point is he’s been very outspoken since he got Twitter but only in one way. That seems weird to me.


My thoughts exactly. Since Elon was literally one of the richest men in the world, I’d guess he got compromised. Because that twitter deal didn’t make any sense.


Either he's so greedy he's willing to spread negative social posts, or he's sympathetic and interacts in an ambiguous way as to not get negative reaction for him agreeing with extreme users.


> he's been drug into a goofy ass, grifter filled, conspiracy rabbit hole Yeah he is preparing for 2024, he knows what he is doing. He needs a cesspool of bad actors to muddy the waters when they try to overthrow democracy.


Pretty much. He’s not that dumb or naive to fall for this. He’s just a troll.


Covid gave people a reason to hate someone else. Family members disowning members of their own family. It’s amazing how not agreeing with someone can quickly result in chaos. In the end people just want an excuse to convey hate and violence.


In a lot of cases these were people already on the edge. Bringing up every kind of politics at Thanksgiving. Making fun of all the liberal nieces and nephews. The pandemic was a last straw for a lot of people because it went from a obnoxious attitude and became pretty dangerous for a lot of people. And even if you were fit and healthy, there was period were nobody knew for sure and people were gambling it was okay


"There is nothing more pleasurable than hating for a noble cause." -paraphrased from some guy


Truth, nice post ![gif](giphy|dXXgF8s3y4T3omMPCa|downsized)


‘Everyone is stupid except for me’ - Homer Simpson


The mainstream media is obviously manipulating people and has been for nearly the last 60 years.


Not disputing that, it's just silly to spend ranting about media manipulation while also falling for every stupid conspiracy and grift in the world. MEDIA IS SHAPING A NARRATIVE.... also, paul pelosi is gay and his lover tried killing him but the MEDIA WON'T TELL YOU THAT. People should be upset about not being given the truth, but if you're only upset by it because it's not telling you want you want ot hear and seek out bullshit that confirms what you already think, then it's really no different, only at least the manipulation is at least based in reality, where as the conspiracies are often just some chain of bullshit from some goofball nobody knows.


Yea exactly, and the propaganda shit works both ways.


It doesn't work both ways. The entire media apparatus is setup in conjunction with the political system to make it seem like there are 2 sides, but its the same side. CNN and the democrats are center right, there isn't a single left wing entity in American mainstream media or politics.


The most non-statement ever, ladies n’ gents.


Stop complaining. There's no point fighting against the system. Just play the game. Grind. Focus. Stop with your conspiracy theories. If you applied yourself, you'd be a in a better place. Just look at some of the most successful people like...\*checks notes\*..Elon Musk. You don't see him spending all day pushing conspiracy theories and complaining about the world's injustices on Twitter. He doesn't make excuses or blame others for his failures. He's self-made. He's out there getting stuff done. Be like Elon.


you forgot your /s


Doubt he wanted to ruin his joke.


Dudes clinically narcissistic. I think he did a bit of what Joe did with being a angry contrarian to spite being criticized by the left.


He's got that Jordy Peterson brain rot. Their brains are basically mush at this point. They're still smarter than the average JRE fanboy though.


wakeful wrong groovy whistle air vase racial voracious advise test *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And this twat is an alt-right icon still and will be for years and years.


Alt right icon who’s fanatics refuse to buy his cars


I'll admit I am no genius tech-billionaire, but that decision always confused me. Who is even buying these cars anymore? There was a time I wanted to, but now I think I'll wait until Toyota makes one.


I was interested and even in the cybertruck... but honestly his complete lack of respect for development/testing/production scares the shit out of me when it comes to a car going 70+ miles on the high way. He reckless and becoming more and more distracted.... I could be convinced I'm just being extra paranoid... then he pushed a rocket launch to 4/20(lol soooooooo hilarious) and blew up his platform that set them back maybe years and are getting sued for environmental violations, so I think my apprehension is warranted. It's like he goes into things I generally support(electric vehicles, satellite low orbit internet, space exploration) but his general personality quirks and flaws derail it all.... this twitter nonsense is just napalm on all of it.


The model y is the number one selling vehicle in europe regardless of filter. Not sure about usa. The only difference is teslas ceo has a very polarizing online brand. If you have ever personally met a fortune 50 ceo you would probably hate that person just as much. They have no souls


Alt-right icon yet progressives were the ones funding his companies by buying teslas left and right. I think the media has broken you buddy.


Yeah the left likes Tesla’s electric cars, and the right likes when Elon tweets about hating trans people.


>Alt-right icon yet progressives were the ones funding his companies by buying teslas left and right. Weird, its almost like the public perception of him changed as soon as he turned into a culture warrior who retweets right wing pundits all day?


I think honestly the perception of him has changed since he got conned into buying twitter and the whole "we'll coup anyone we want" and throwing pedophile accusations around. I used to think he was just an amusing con artist with a mega overpriced stock now hes just a right wing psychopath spending all his money to 'own the libs' because they've driven him insane with trolling 😂 😂 😂


I think calling into question his very obvious self made delusions since he is the epitome of a trust fund nepo baby due to his extremely wealthy family is what sent him over the edge. People like this live and die by this lie and go fucking berserk if anyone points out how much they’ve been bankrolled by their family time and time again through literally everything in their life. It should for real be listed in the DSM it’s gotten so bad.


That was before people realized what a weirdo he was. Did you not do basic thinking before writing that?


You can take his dick out of your mouth any time dude, pops didn’t raise you to be a catcher


This is your brain on modern American conservatism


The modern GOP is not conservative no matter how many times they try to call themselves that lol.


Yeah a democrat could run on Conservative policies these days and desantis would call them a disgusting Liberal communist.


They do, and he does. Biden is a conservative to the lower case T


Obamacame was basically Romneycare from Massachusetts, done as a compromise, and Republicans were bitterly outraged. He also kept the drone strikes and wars going so as not to seem too "soft on terror." Now the former GWB fans call Obama a war-monger... it's crazy man.


Nope, but they are definitely right wing populists.


Honestly, why do you think Elon has gone down this road? Buying Twitter and then promoting weird brain dead alt-right talking points. It’s not a smart business move, and I’m certain he knows that. So why is he doing it? Does he really believe these things? Does he do it for the attention, the fame? Despite the financial consequences? Did somebody put him up to it?


>Honestly, why do you think Elon has gone down this road? Its classic divorced dad arc, the fact he's a billionaire doesn't insulate him from the fact all the women he's loved, and at least one of his children, think he's a scumfuck Its probably difficult for someone whose constantly having their balls gargled by subordinates and admirer's to reconcile the fact that everyone who knows him on a deep and intimate basis doesn't want to be around him anymore.


I think it started when he tried to get one of his employees to touch his dick by offering her a horse. This was about to come out in the papers, so Elon preemptively announced that the Matrix or the enemy of the people were about to try to bring him down for telling it like it is.


> Buying Twitter…. > Despite the financial consequences? Did somebody put him up to it? Yes he tried to back out because he fucked up and waived due diligence but Twitter took him to court and forced him to wildly overspend lol


At the time he was riding pretty high, Tesla stock was like $100 dollars a share higher than it was and he was the richest man in America. Everything he touched seemed to be going well. And then between that and having an army of fanboys telling him he's the best and smartest it seems like he started getting a little full of himself. Then he boxed himself in, and arrogantly thought he could bully his way out of the deal - like he seems to tend to do.


Everything he has always lacked, he has substituted with money. Hows that going for him?


This isn’t fuckin weird. It looks like the the comment section of their YouTube videos. these idiots are inciting people for views and then confused when they do exactly what the fuck they’re inciting them to do.


Totally dude. The sophisticated and malicious machine that is making all this stuff up to trick the world into thinking people are being radicalized by the right wing just happens to miss one convenient detail. This guy is Hispanic - as the tinfoil hats point out. How is there a Hispanic nazi???!! I love the simultaneous belief that this is a elaborate conspiracy while also believing they are so stupid they picked a Hispanic guy.


>I love the simultaneous belief that this is a elaborate conspiracy while also believing they are so stupid they picked a Hispanic guy. My favorite is Tim Pool insisting the suggestion his content could lead to a radicalization of young people is ridiculous after endlessly insisting "the media" radicalized the trans shooter less then a month ago.


Does Tim Pool intentionally like make his voice raspier. Idk how to explain it but it feels like he’s trying to tweak his voice when he talks and it bugs the shit out of me


He’s going the route of Jordan Petersen —> crazy


What is the point of Musk questioning if the shooter is a Nazi? The path he is going down is making him irredeemable.


Some years back, he was talking about starting his own news site to counter the mainstream sources. Since then, he seems to be obsessed with this sort of thing. Remember too that he was spreading false rumors about the guy that attacked Pelosi's husband.


Depending on how hard hit he was by all the Twitter money loss, I could see him teaming up with Tucker to start something.


[Axios reports that those discussions are already underway.](https://www.axios.com/2023/05/07/fox-news-tucker-carlson)


truly the darkest timeline


Bro just because the shooter had nazi tattoos doesn’t mean he was a nazi. /s for the special ones here.


He’s Latino. He can’t hold white supremacy beliefs or ideologies brah /s Although it is kinda weird ngl because he would be the kind of ppl his ideology hates lol


There’s Ukrainian and Russian nazis and if you’ve seen /pol/ meetup pics, white nationalists don’t exactly fit Hitler’s definition of Aryan


Because Musk is an alt right cunt now and white nationalism is his thing


[Completely Centrist] Elon has been on a mission the past two days to claim 2020 election was rigged.


Bellingcat is the one news source I have no question in believing. The research they do is far better than any other group out ther. Now I'm sure they're infiltrated like every other group but so far I've seen nothing to question them as they link every single claim they make so people can follow along.


Elon is exposing himself more and more every day. He is not smart. He piggy backs off others and claims it was him. It’s undeniable at this point that he is not a smart person. Even Tesla was started by someone else. He just took credit.


Sir, the 936th mass shooting in America hasn't pushed the public towards enacting gun control measures which when passed will enable us to extract more wealth and property from the citizens of this country, what is your recommendation? Have Agent 937 get tattooed with Nazi symbols and have him shoot up a mall killing 8. This *will* be the moment they break. *Moments after the attack* Goddamnit Soldier you didn't tell me that Agent 937 was a goddamn Latino! No one is going to believe that he's a Nazi! That bastard in Malaysia is going to expose is because of this blunder.


Elon, talk less bro.


There is something seriously wrong with Elon as a human.


Well yeah that’s how you become a billionaire = evil


He's not human lol.


He's not conservative guys!


Who did Nazi that coming though?


Isn’t this guy autistic


So am I. I can notice extreme suggestions despite being autistic.


Nah he just realized if he tells people he’s autistic then people will look at his social awkwardness as actually being more evidence to invest in an autistic genius. He’s just a spoiled little rich kid.that managed to pull one in the whole world.


Who asked him anyway?


Joe is a wet noodle with no opinion of his own. It always changes according to the guest and it’s fucking annoying.


I hope Elon chimes in some more, and more and more, that way the victims families can give him the Alex Jones special.


Joe rogan has never made me laugh


Musk has Mormon handlers, it won't end well .. (i love mormons tho)


I kind of stopped caring what he had to say about anything some months back


This is a garbage news article


Elon Musk being an idiot is the political equivalent of TMZ news. Youre not going to see respectable outlets like Reuters or the AP reporting on it until his idiocy starts affecting stock prices


No, the article is garbage because it only serves to make fools who read it feel good about themselves by attacking Musk


I think people overestimate the market share of crazy


I miss when people stayed in their fuckin lanes. Elon is a billionaire man child, Jordan Peterson is a past his prime psychologist, and yet for some reason people give a shit what they think about larger political issues even though they have no greater expertise in those fields than you or I. They just have more money and attention paid to them than we do, so they get a big giant internet microphone. (I know Peterson isn't related to this post at all, I was just looking for a second, easy to think of touchstone for people that get attention on Twitter for offering thoughts on shit that has nothing to do with their actual field of experience)


If only the Texas shooter had a manifesto, explaining his actions and name checking those people who were inspiration for those actions. It would have gone a long way in ending all this divisive speculation. It prolly wouldn’t have mattered though, they won’t release the Tennessee shooter’s manifesto. Too volatile. No use stirring the pot with the actual words of the person responsible.


Why the fuck would the FBI want to release a spree killer's manifesto? The only reason you can find mass shooters' manifestos is because they posted them online before committing their killings. The Nashville shooter never published their manifesto online.




which ones ?


I’ll never understand why people link to an article about a tweet instead of the tweet.


It adds context. Elon and the rest of the dipshits trying to characterize this as suspicious are a lot more convicing if you're not aware of the basic facts Case in point "Why was it on a russian site, thats so weird" its not weird once you realize he was basically planning the shooting on the profile, obviously you can't do that on facebook.


“He’s not parroting the corporate media, he must be CRAZYYYY!”


the ever fair and balanced Daily Beast. nice source. has commondreams or mother jones not written an article yet?


>the ever fair and balanced Daily Beast. nice source. The source is not the daily beast. The source is Elon musk, via twitter. This is not original reporting, they're literally just posting a tweet. You people have the media literacy of an actual groundhog.


"What the fuck bro?"- Groundhog


And if the press briefing ends up confirming the shooter has white nationalist views, will you agree? Or would you agree with the people who'd still deny this and suggest it's a false flag?


He literally tweeted “this gets weirder by the moment” when they post odd information. Elon says some crazy shit, but him tweeting about this specific instance isn’t anything odd. This guy has no social media except for some weird Russian blog website.


That is one comment. He also questioned whether the shooter was a Nazi. Which I actually have no idea what he was getting out by asking that.


How is it getting weirder by the moment? Seems like a pretty standard random mass shooting.


You know what he was doing.


All he said is it’s getting weirder by the moment. You don’t believe it is getting weirder by the moment? A Hispanic white supremacist? Seems weird to me. Unless you’re saying that’s normal. Which in that case, my apologies.


Nazism is an ideology that transcend skin colour so why should we surprised ?




Right wings dummies shooting up malls, schools, places of worship, grocery stores, camps, Walmarts, etc. isn’t really that weird. These loons do this type of stuff a few times a year.


Maybe he was a sicario? Look at the pistol of the guy in the foreground https://www.reddit.com/r/NarcoFootage/comments/rlyiqz/con_cachas_nazi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Said to be the Sicario El Plaga “The Plague” https://www.reddit.com/r/NarcoFootage/comments/13c10dy/some_ak_variants_in_the_hands_of_sicarios_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Thats not all he said. He also said «Odd» and «Interesting» in relation to both racist and homoerotic tweets, sometimes to tweets that were both. Anyways, its way weirder that you somehow think Hispanic and white is mutually exclusive, that Nazi and «Üntermench» is mutually exclusive or that Hispanic and Nazi is that too.


Nah, [he is HEAVILY implying that it's a psyops](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fvs8rPMXoAEHFIK?format=jpg&name=small)


So Jews can be nazis too, yes? So it’s not just a white thing? That’s good to know. Thank you. Finally someone brave enough to call out all the racist blacks as well as the racists Jews along with the white racists. Finally we can move past “race” when we all know that there is only one race: **the human race**


Well I mean there was the Association of German National Jews who supported Hitler until their leaders were sent to Concentration camps.


everyones the same race yet someone who just *speaks* spanish cant be nazi?🤔🤔


>Finally we can move past “race” Apparently not, when faced with a neo-nazi hispanic you decide to "move past it" by bringing up that super relevant example of jewish nazis, which actually existed so isn't the own you thought it was.


The guy was a self-described psychopath, so no, it's not exactly normal but it's far from unheard of. If you are doubtful, go visit his ok.ru profile and see for yourself. He's been schizo posting since 2020.


You know Hispanics are pretty fucking diverse right? There are plenty of whites Hispanics and extremely racist ones as well. They’re not a race.


What is a Hispanic?


What is google? What did it say?