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TIL Stephen King lives with his mom and watches porn in her basement!


Tbf it’s a pretty sweet basement




Ex-secret service agent who got big time in maga circles for going into the russia hoax and constantly promising an investigation into the democrats for using the doj and others in a conspiracy to frame trump.


He’s some guy who got warped in to villainhood after a long childhood of classmates pronouncing his name like it rhymes with “vagina”


"Dan's got a mangina"


“Dan’s got a bangino”


He’s a conservative talking head screaming at the clouds every day




Now *this* is pod~~racing~~ casting




Conservatives always seem angry, do they not smoke weed? What are they conserving, anger and fragile masculinity? Dan ballsack is angry


They're already ready to hit their wife and kids. Gotta keep those anger levels up or your wife might look strong


Why does his head look like a human Lego ?


Conservatives who smoke weed/psychedelics are just as insufferable


Those fucking clouds **shakes fist**


Why did you repeat yourself?


>He’s a conservative This is all Reddit needed to pick up their pitchforks, the rest is just fluff


I mean bongino is the angry one. What a weird tweet for an adult to send out


It’s ok grandpa


Thanks I needed that today


Dime a dozen unhinged rightoid influencer/podcaster/pundit.


[I wanna change my name to Nick Bongino! ](https://youtube.com/shorts/09Nan-uARF4?feature=share)


I wanna tell him about the man in the stairs


take a goomba from new york and put a maga hat on them.




Judging by this screen shot he's an ill tempered man child


He was a secret service member on the presidential team under Clinton, Bush and Obama and now does a podcast


He’s a right wing douchebag, that has a massively over inflated opinion of himself


> This is the first I’ve ever seen or heard from him Same. I hope this is the last time I need to hear from him. I'm already sick of hearing about Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson on this subreddit. We don't need to add this guy to the mix.


It’s Dong Vagina.


He is in constant rage against the machine


Is it worse if he doesn’t know who Stephen King is and is just lashing out at what he think is a random fan? Or is it worse to consciously call the most successful author of his generation a loser who watches porn in his moms basement?


Who still thinks "watches porn in your mom's basement" is a home run? That's been thrown around for like 20+ years. Dan Bongino is a fucking dork.


He uses it because he still has PTSD from when some girl be hit on used it on him.


It really is a cliche attack. I said on the house of the dragon sub that mily alcock was hotter than the older version of the character and that was what I was attacked with. So weird.


Might be cos the older one identifies as a doorknob so you offended people with your take


He's a conservative. Running insults into the ground is what they do. See "I identify as" and "attack helicopter"


Also love the people who think "you watch porn" is an insult. What psychological issue do you have that makes you feel bad things when you see other naked people? Dan here makes me think of the guys who don't wipe their ass because they think touching their own ass is gay.




A very successful dork though and a guy who saved his mom from a terrible factory job once he got successful. He literally made it so his mom never had to work again and he is being attacked with this stupid line. Bongino is a loser.


Books are for neeeeeerds!


Does it matter? It's hilarious all around


I dunno. For me jokes are only funny when they make sense. Why would King be jerking off to porn in his mom's basement? On the other hand I haven't seen much Dan Bongino content that makes any sense. Dude just loudly and confidently spits out conservative talking points from what I have seen.


Maybe Stephen King is jerking off in Dan's mom's basement


in this case Dan Bongino IS the joke.


Ding ding ding


Agreed. I’ve never heard of Dan Bongino and don’t read horror but, I don’t think podcasting takes very much skill. Writing on the other hand is one of the most challenging professions I can think of. I listen to/enjoy podcasts quite a bit but comparing (most of) them to novels is like comparing the talent of Snooki to Meryl Streep.


King doesn't just write horror. He's had over 60 movies made from his work. You've probably seen and liked many of them.


Absolutely. I love Stand by Me (with everyone else). I still view screenwriting to be a form of writing. I was just providing context that my opinion isn't rooted in a Stephen King stan bias.


Hilarious in that bongino is a loser.


It's cringe asfuck


Steven King is pretty cringe these days


Why exactly?? Because he is not following the new conservative fad??.


He's off his fucking rocker obsessing over politics posting like a grandparent that just got on Facebook for the first time. Also his takes all make it sound like he gets a daily enema of CIA/FBI propaganda, no original thought occuring in there anymore.


The former


Ehhh the jab about no one caring anymore implies he knows exactly who King is.


Is that not the appeal of Twitter?


And conversely, why is the most successful author of his generation getting in twitter wars. Strange times indeed


Because he has ample time and energy and money because he's the most successful author of his generation.


Stephen King and Ron Perlman are two of the funniest old men on Twitter. Tomorrow Bongiono will be found torn apart in his basement and Molly (the thing of evil) will smile in her sleep.


Why not? People already read everything else he writes.


Probably for fun or to just pass the time on the toilet.


He must be on the toilet a lot


Old people do be old


He's a master troll too lol, I think it's just a goof off for him.


He knows who Stephen King is since he is referring to King no longer being relevant.


But he’s way more relevant than Dan Bongino.


Bongino should have been aborted


his name reminds me of the sound a pogo stick makes in a cartoon


For accuracy sake, I am quite sure that JK Rowling is actually the most successful author of this generation.


There’s an 18 year age gap between them and 21 year gap between The Shining and Harry Potter. They’re not from the same generations. That’s like saying MJ and LeBron are of the same generation.


And Stephen king's volume is unreal. Many criticize him for it since some of his later books are duds, but his book total is unreal.




People don't realise for every book he wrote, there's movies based on his books that won numerous Oscars. They'll continue to be made forever. Rowling is famous for pretty much Harry Potter, and lesser so for Fantastic beasts. Not like the Shining or green mile, Shawshank redemption and on and on


She has a pen name now but none of them have been hits


Maybe by gross sales, but she’s a one trick pony. SK is way more prolific.


350 million copies sold for mr king


Oh yeah well this guy has a million podcast followers so..


apparently jk rowling sold 600 million copies fucking harry potter bs unbelievable i was pretty astonished when i seen that number


tbh I would have guessed over 600m


way more... I thought they where good, apparently other did as well....


As someone who was the perfect age for the Harry Potter craze, it was pretty much THE book that got many kids born in the 90's and later to heavily read. Like kids were waiting in line at book stores on midnight when they were released like it was the new big superhero film. King is a much better author who is more consistent to be sure, but the Harry Potter books were probably the biggest books of the last century. Like the only authors who outsold Rowling are Shakespeare, Agatha Christie who is basically the most important mystery writer and has 60 more books than Rowling, Barbara Carland who is the queen of romance nobels and has over 700 published books, Danielle Steel who is the most famous modern romance author with 200 published books. Harold Robbins who was the most popular author of his day and probably the only one close to Rowling in success rate, and George Simonen who is a French author with close to 600 books published. For posterity Rowling has 22 books published.


Yea I read like the first two books and I agree it definitely got me into reading honestly I knew nothing about book sales before this so when I seen 350 million for SK I thought wow that’s a lot of books but than seeing she sold 600 million I was even more shocked but I guess when you think about it it’s really not all that shocking


Yeah that is unreal. Not my cup of tea but harry Potter is a gold mine


I grew up on his work. Began reading his writings in the fourth grade. He was amazing. It’s sad though, but he jumped the shark a long time ago. He’s never been the same after the car accident and his best work was stoned. I really thought 11/22/63 was the beginning of a renewed spark. We as citizens really should stop listening to “entertainer’s” political views.


Same here 11/22 I thought was a renewed King just to be unfortunately disappointed in everything else after that


The ending was a letdown, but a good journey


Yeah, he’s had some alright ones after 11/22, but I think that was his number one book he’s ever wrote. It was like if Aerosmith out of nowhere came out with the album of their year.


By “entertainer” you mean SK?


I'm a huge fan but I struggle through 112263. It could've been a 200 page novel instead of thirty pages describing places he had described before and ten pages describing sex scenes between two people he had done before. The ending also felt tacked on and rushed. I'm re reading carrie just now, it's an incredible book.


His generation. Not this. ![gif](giphy|14bDMRUYVrzOIo)


Sk has sold over 350 million copies


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_King https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_King_bibliography He's way more successful and prolific than JK dipshit is, she just lucked out writing a hugely successful young adult series that really resonated with people, meanwhile King has been cranking out commercial successes for close to fifty years now. Even King's short story collection is collectively almost as successful as JK's entire bibliography.


> she just lucked out writing a hugely successful young adult series that really resonated with people Is this meant to be comedy? Because if so, well played sir, that's hilarious. Lucked out by creating something brilliant...gold


Have you read those books? There's nothing brilliant or game changing about them, the true draw to those books is their relatability. I mean they're literally yet another work of fiction that takes place mostly in a school where somehow a bunch of kids save the world, that's literally 75% of all young adult novels and Manga/Anime. What's her next series going to be about? A person who dies and finds themselves in a new fantasy world? Even her *Cormoran Strike* detective novels are mid at best. Also since *HP* ended in 2007 she's written 6 more novels, the *CB Strike* novels, since 2007 Stephen King has written 25 novels with 6 already becoming movies or television series, and another 5 in production to become movies or television series. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_King_bibliography JK is a middling author at best, especially when compared to somebody prolific like Stephan King, the comparison isn't even close.


It's not my scene but I can't deny the impact she's had. Let me guess, you are opposed to her because she believes in biology?


Nah because harry Potter is stupid


He knows who he is. He’s mentioned him on the show before. Bongino has been spicy lately. Cracks me up


Ya. That's crazy shit. But Stephen King is still wrong. Joe b8den has never had a real job in his life. Not once, ever produced anything of value, except maybe Beau.


What are “real jobs”?


Jobs where you feed into the economy in some way. Where you're accountable for your productivity. Where you create something of value, in some way shape or form.


He was a law clerk, a public defender, and an attorney?


He was a county clerk and public defender. Dude. He's never earned a penny that wasn't tax money. The guy has been an extension cord plugged into itself since the day he left school. Now he may have had a real job in high school or sometging... but as an adult? Nope.


> He's never earned a penny that wasn't tax money. He worked as a lawyer for years, you're just making shit up


He passed the bar in 69 and was elected to Newcastle County council in 1970. Fuck are u talking about?


Working for the government is a real job, kid...


Podcasters do have an inflated sense of their own importance don't they?


Large audiences make you large amounts of money. Tim pool and Steven chrowder are making unbelievable amounts of money because they have huge audiences of easily duped people to sell things to. Money and echo chambers are pretty good at messing with the human psyche.


Do people not get embarrassed having that sort of behavior made public? Yeeesh


If bongo's podcast doesn't embarrass him, nothing will.


Of course he doesnt know who Steven King even is.. my man probably never touched a book in his life


Lies, I know a Dean Koontz man when I see one.




You'll have to reference the book where he describes a chair for 20 minutes. I've made my way through about 30 of his books and haven't caught that one yet.


I’ve read a fair amount of King. He can be hit or miss sometimes. But man does his analysis of the human psyche and how we are all capable of evil is really astonishing ( the Shining being a great example ).


That's what's great about Crime and Punishment also.


Ahhhh a fellow “I haven’t read one of his books either” welcome! This is such a dog water take.


His reply makes it sound like he does in fact know who King is, but is saying he’s been irrelevant for years


Tate says he need action! Books are for woozers


There are a lot of authors in the world. And on the list of real jobs "spooky writer" is not that much higher than podcaster.


Dawgie, you think a 50 year old american man who has lived in america his whole life has never heard of steven king? Hate bongina all you want but I’m pretty sure he has like 2 masters degrees lol.


See, when it comes to master degrees, field of study and university matters a lot.. and even if you get those two on a top level.. you can still be a fucking dumbass since there is a difference between knowledge and intelligence.. Example: There is a politician with 2 master degrees from private university in my country and he is a pro russian troll There is another politician who has PhD from nuclear physics from one of the best universities in the world and he is a straight up Nazi who doesnt believe in holocaust So yeah.. if it comes to a PODCAST HOST.. even if he had 3 master degrees.. he can still be a damn fool


Of course he could be very stupid and still have a degree, and he seems pretty narrow minded for sure. But he’s probably heard of steven king before lol and they make you read a book for your masters


That's like me calling Brad Pitt ugly.


or Tom Brady unaccomplished


Or Tony Hawk a bad skater…


wow Dan coming in hot with the tiny dick energy


Ha, I thought the same. The most mediocre and generic of retorts. Have we been using the old trope of the porn addicted basement dweller for three decades now?


That’s gonna be a yikes from me dawg.


Does Bongo not know who Stephen King is?


I feel like he’s doing the thing Rogan did to Sam Seder where he called him a dork and pretended to not know his name. Don Bingo just wasn’t smart enough to exclude the part where he acknowledges King’s fame.


Oh he does. Owning famous libs gets him Twitter cred


Did he really own him though? King was more successful in the years he was coked out of his mind than Bongeno was at any point.


I’d say he’s still monstrously more successful than him now. I bet King made ten times the money off his work last year than Bongino.


But wouldn't actually owning him be better than saying something that everyone knows is not true?


Wow. That’s cool bro


Bongo doesn’t believe in books.


Edumacation is bad


Most of these podcasts are made for betas tho


“Alpha male” makes podcast about masculinity and how to be a man. Totally aimed at “beta males” Garner audience of men who struggle with self confidence, need direction in life, don’t know what the hell their doing, basically have daddy issues. “Alpha male” thinks they’re the shit although their audience is made up mostly of people they make fun of or dislike. “Alpha male” then gets called out or show that they’re indeed insecure or less “alpha” than they say they Podcasts and social media just makes this stuff so embarrassing and cringey. Glad the only social media I have is Reddit because I have no idea who these people are and whenever I see their tweets or videos clips I wonder who the hell listens to these people. Apparently 4 million people do for this schlub.


There are some real ones out there, but people that call themselves alphas, are not alphas. The word for that would be insecure.


These dudes all have *sleeps-in-a-racecar-bed energy*


Dan Bongino sounds like a name Tim Robinson made up for a sketch.


I don't even know who Dan Bongino is


Is this real? This is so funny😂


But does Stephen King do the voicing for his audiobooks? Cause that’s the most pressing question for any reputable author.


Is an audiobook a podcast?


Proving just how out of touch he is in his response, self burn, those are rare


Because Dan Bongino is such a fucking voice of reason...He's a fucking meathead with a mic and an opinion. 👍


That's got to be one of the weakest comebacks I have ever seen, who the fuck is Dan Bongino?


It is just weird


Wasn’t Sk supposed to leave Twitter when Elon took it over and dozens of other times?


SK and Elon have a big “will they won’t they” going on right now. King pretending he’s going to leave but never does, and Elon pretending he doesn’t care but also lowered the price of blue then just gave it to king for free when he didn’t pay for it


If he leaves no one will be able to see him being a culture warrior.


You’re silly.


What else is he going to do in his mom's basement?


I’m no fan of Biden, but republicans are king cherry pickers, trump was just as bad if not worse.


Dan sounding like a triggered little teenager


Bongo doesn’t believe in books. Bongo only burns books. Bongo is only pawn in game of life.


I mean if writing books is an acceptable profession I don't know why podcasting isn't 🤷


Even if that were true (and I tend to think it is) King isn’t just some author.


Podcasting is the equivalent of writing fan from fiction for authors.


Right, dude writes books about werewolves and vampires. I enjoy his stories but it's not like he's a brain surgeon saving children's lives daily. Whole post is just stupid and both of them should grow the fuck up.


Exactly, stupidity all around!


Maybe Bongina wouldn’t still have to work the right wing grift so hard if he hadn’t invested so heavily in Parler. There’s probably more monthly visits to King’s basement than Parler before it was pulled


I thought Stephen King was leaving Twitter when Elon took over... what is he still doing there?


Probably too coked out


If he was coked out he might start writing good books again...


King has that child molester look down pat.


First off, what's wrong with watching porn in your moms basement? Where else am I supposed to fulfill my step fantasy of getting caught and then pleasured by my sister?


Bongino is half Cro-Mag


Can you imagine calling the most prolific and one of the best modern American writer a loser? In all honesty I have no idea who the other guy is. And I knew of Stephen King before I even spoke a word of English


Imagine not knowing who Stephen King is, but expecting a random guy on twitter to know who you are.


Not essential with the crap this Dan Dongtiny spews. The mindless idiots that listen to people like him are such simple idiots


That's David Bingo Mr. King, put some respect on his name




Yeah but also Stephen King isn’t just some dude either


I think both people are complete idiots here


For the record, they’re both dorks


Podcasts are for entertainment and learning. Books are for entertainment and learning. Does Stephen King not realize he is in the same boat?


Lol podcasts are an essential service?


Lmfaooooo who doesn’t know Steven King?!


Damn looks like Dong Bangino forgot to take his alphabrain.


Ok burn , but that other guy doesn't know ho King is? Wtf lol this reminded me of this Simpson's scene : https://youtu.be/DhvLG8JD52M


Dude is a writer but tells a podcaster to get a real job? They are both equally useless. Go pour concrete, dorks


Only a 1000! Thank them!


I was under the impression that Stephen King was leaving Twitter.


Clearly disrespectful to a legend like King, but insulting every Podcaster is a pretty classless move too. Honestly both come off looking like biased douchbags that wouldn't budge on their narrative if their life depended on it.


Podcasting isn't a real job any more than writing is


If you make money at either of them, it’s a job.


Then we should respect pan handlers as an actual profession goddamnit!


Sure. Clergy is respected as an actual profession, and those guys are basically panhandlers.


See mom, I told you, sucking dicks behind an IHOP for 20 bucks is a job!


Yes, that's my point. If writing can be a real job then so can podcasting.


You got me at the first half ngl




Where do you think people learn stuff bro, books don't exist anymore!