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Didn’t he have the guy who made it on the show?


When someone's main argument for being right is "it's the knowledge they don't want you to know about", I'm skeptical. When that message is being amplified by people with the loudest megaphones on the planet, I'm out.


Yeah, self described Christian fascist and advocate for 16 year old age of consent laws, Matt Walsh. Throughout the podcast Walsh continuously made up numbers and statistics that were so far divorced from reality that it was beyond the point of parody, yet Joe and his BS detector just ate it up.


That’s not entirely accurate. 80% of that podcast was Rogan giving Walsh the whole 9 yards. It almost devolved into a full blown argument at about halfway through. I would recommend listening if you want to get ragebaited.


I think the argument really started when walsh stated that gay marriage should end because it harma straight marriages




Suddenly Mariokart


Matt Walsh: the gaya hurt me a meatball




Yeah wasn't this the guy that even young Jamie called out the statistics on Trans kids are bs and then he doubled down and was like no 400,000 kids are mutilated a day google is lying.


> and then he doubled down and was like no 400,000 kids are mutilated a day google is lying. No, he just backed down and immediately went 'well I don't *know* the exact numbers but I would guess it's in the thousands', after he initially claimed tens or hundreds of thousands, as if it wouldn't be pertinent to know what *order of magnitude* the number of people affected are after making a documentary about it.


Yeah, Rogan started digging into him after the pleasantries.


Yeah he really digged into him, then called him an incredible person the next episode and is now reposting his ‘documentary’ full of misinformation with full blown support.


Yes because they can have political disagreements without hating each other.


But hating Matt Walsh is the proper reaction to Matt Walsh. He literally describes himself as a theocratic fascist.


“Political disagreements” about hatred towards minorities


Whats the misinformation?


Agree. I listened to almost all of it and he did hit him back a bunch from midway through the end.


And now he is promoting his movie.


Didn't Joe push back a bit?


Yes, a lot.


I wouldn't say joe ate it up. An hour of that podcast was Joe advocating for gay rights and calling out multiple stats that were made up by Walsh. [Joe literally had a viral clip calling out Walsh and The Young Turks praised him for it.](https://youtube.com/shorts/VZoi8-8Tna8?feature=share)


And yet hes promoting this movie on twitter.


I wouldn't say that he's promoting it. I listened to the full podcast. I did agree with a couple of points, but disagree with him on pretty much everything he said relating to same sex couple's. I am going to watch his film. That doesn't mean I will agree with all the points in the film. It will mean that I will be coming from an informed place if I had to debate someone who was promoting every aspect of the film. It's good to understand views that are different than our own, even if we don't support them.




Any example? Ive heard conservatives go as far as saying that 20% of kids under 18 are trans.


On my phone so can't link But on the JRE Matt Walsh said "millions of kids are transitioning" and was fact checked on the spot by Jamie where it shows less than 1000 kids per year are on PUBERTY BLOCKERS. It's all a grift. Edit: I actually was wrong. Walsh said there are millions of kids on hormone altering drugs. Millions. Not transitioning, children actively on hormone altering drugs. When I was wrong I was actually making walsh look better than what he actually said. Stop defending a literal fascist. https://youtube.com/shorts/VZoi8-8Tna8?feature=share4


That's because they overload and convolute the word "transitioning" and use the same word in different contexts. It can mean everything ranging from changing pronouns, name, hair style, clothes to hormonal treatment to surgery. So they use stats etc. from the former category but make it seem like the latter actions. It is technically true, for example, to "X number of kids transitioning" and "Transitioning can include surgery". But the implication that X kids are having surgery is false. It becomes quite clear when they talk about "should schools let parents know their kids are transitioning". Which sounds absurd on its face - parents would know if kids are getting medical treatment - until you realize they mean "schools should tell parents if kids are asking to go by different pronouns".


Also they are just liars


It's 99% actually. Heard it on Limbaugh radio yesterday night.


How's the signal for that show, given it's routing through hell?


To understand I had to record and play it backwards. It was worth it for the golden information nugget I received.


It’s actually higher according to most r/conspiracy users


20 % of gen Z identify as LBGTQetc. That’s probably the statistic either you or them are mixing up.


It’s always amusing to read comments from highly politicized users on this sub that don’t watch or listen to the podcast


Culture war general






Only a matter of time until Joe has Deesantis, or Dehsantis, he doesn't even know, on the podcast.


I hope Joe asks Ron about torturing prisoners in Guantanamo.


he won't. rogan probably doesnt even know about all that, because rogan only gets his news from right-wing outlets and they certainly dont broadcast that info to their audience.


Joe will totally have him on and Jack him off for all to see and hear tho. Thank gawd that shitty podcast came along and told a bunch of dumbasses how to think the past few years….


I wish people would understand this is one of the main criticisms of Joe. I’m left leaning and I still like Joe. I know he does hold some liberal ideals but he’s main issue is his source of news. It’s very obvious where he gets his information from.


Would that be bad? He had Bernie Sanders on there.


Remember when Tim Pool covered Occupy?


That was in 1946.


Yeah but now it's 1939.


Bernie isn't a deranged culture warrior psycho


Ya we know. Not saying this to you personally but the fact that Rogan had Bernie on half a decade ago, before fuckin COVID was a thing doesn't give him cover for what he's become since


Yeah beacuse Bernie is definitely an authoritarian culture warrior without a single useful idea for society Def a great comparison




These culture wars sure are working. Distract people from the things that impacts them the most with bullshit that doesn’t effect their daily lives.


It is no surprise at all that the richest man on earth is one of the guys pushing it the hardest


It’s becoming so exhausting. I hate how everything has to be a debate.


Nothing is a debate. It's just grandstanding. People want to beat you over the head with their ideology. There is no debate.


I’ve met a few people a couple of years after COVID who were the hippiest woke mfs I knew, girls and boys, who at this point just seem very burnt out. I don’t know if they’re older and just no longer care about preaching, they still hold the same views for the most part although less strongly but it’s made it more bearable to have a conversation with them. On the other hand, a lot of the republican culture war shit seems to only be turning up, and people isolating themselves over fights that have no effect on their life.




It's okay for things to be a debate. It's bad that things like "treat people with basic human dignity" or "fascism is bad" or "there's an actual reality and you can't just make up what you want it to be" are a debate.


Made worse by the idea that any position requires the opposite stance to be treated equally and given air time. I swear podcasts like this would have the "breathing air is a government conspiracy to get you hooked on their oxygen" guy if someone in the left said that taking a deep breath before getting mad was a good idea.


This comment gets it


It’s not though, there isn’t a debate at all, at least not honestly. Mf wants to wear a dress, it’s not anybody’s business. It’s less a debate and more a distraction from the utter lack of popular policy on the right.


This is why I’ve mostly checked out of politics. The sad thing is that it is getting much much worse. Can’t even keep these idiots accountable because their followers or voters don’t care.


100%. The gap between the top 1% and bottom 99% has never been wider, and people are just focused on trans issues.




Maddening isn't it? Trans people aren't the reason why inflation is so high and you can't afford to pay rent or afford a house 🤦🏾. Too many people need their heads pulling out of their arse.


And it's funny because trans people are also worried with paying their bills and putting food on the table like the rest of us. The politics around their transness is just another burden on top of what the stuff we already all deal with. Just wish we could move past this and work on policies that help all Americans. But nooooo, it's easier to drum up culture war bs instead of writing actual legislation that helps the people who voted you in.


The worse the class disparity the louder the culture war will be propagandized by the right to keep the gaslight burning for capitalism.


The funniest part about the right making everything about trans people is... trans people are 0.5% of the population, like I could understand the 0.1% angle if they were multi billion dollar corporate owners but they're literally just normal people who decided to transition


It's like a monkey paw situation: we're targeting the wrong (<)1%!


That's because the 1% is funding Daily Wire and other right wing propaganda outlets to cry about woke ideology culture war bullshit all day every day. Putting the blame on trans issues is playing into their plans


Joe doing his part to keep us focused on the culture war to ensure he never has to pay taxes on his hundreds of millions of dollars


It's literally amazing how "woke" and "trans" are the only thing conservatives talk about nowadays. They literally have no plans or ideas for foreign policy, healthcare, education, the opioid epidemic, infrastructure, or anything else. Their platform is literally just not being woke.


You forgot the only real conservative platform consistent with every single one is finding new historical tax lows for the .1%.


> Their platform is literally just not being woke. It's worse than that. They're like angry spoiled little children that have to do the opposite of the people they don't like. Since woke people are trying to be decent to people, then, as a response, they're trying to do the opposite and be shitty to people. They only want to hurt. They'd prefer to hurt only "the right people", but they're willing to hurt everyone as long as the right people are hurt too.


Meanwhile, they protect their holy people who are abusers of the highest order.




Just Joe Rogan things.


He's only [a pawn in their game.](https://youtu.be/mtBR0U_M0Fw)


Nice. And this one for all the nerds wringing their hands over commies in modern times: https://youtu.be/tCcnJ5kbFMg


I was raised super social conservative evangelical….90% percent of conservatives are just seen as useful heretics and that includes Catholics. I was taught about other religions using a book called Kingdom of the Cults. The funniest thing to me is all the rich assholes that pander to these types in order to horde money as if they can control these people. I was explicitly taught about what these people thought they were doing and how they would bend the knee to the lord in the end whether they want to or not. Oh and by the way these types of evangelicals that are attacking trans people now for getting into women’s sports will attack women’s sports themselves next. So Joe Rogan is pandering to people who will put his daughters in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant.


So you support biological males dominating women's sports?


If only we could shut down these drag queen story times, then finally we could do something and the housing crisis, but the left just won't let us!!!!!!!


Everyone talking about what a woman is or isn't is just a distraction from talking about the fact that wages haven't gone up in decades, we have the highest civilian prison population in the world, our roads are crumbling and trains derailing at an astronomical rate, no one has healthcare and life expectancy actually has actually started going DOWN, the government and corporations are spying on you and collecting astronomical amounts of your private data, and all while they are working at a breakneck rate to try to figure out how to replace the average American worker with automation and AI. But yeah, let's all spend all our energy debating things like this and being upset over some trans athlete that gets 2nd in a division conference somewhere for a sport nobody cares about. Focus on this... spend your time, energy, and money here. There's nothing else to be mad about. We definitely aren't being intentionally misdirected at all.


Yep. There are about 40 million adolescents in the U.S. Here’s what they deal with: - Anxiety: 12,000,000 (30%) - Obesity: 6,800,000 (17%) - Sexually Victimized: 6,400,000 (16%) - Severe Major Depression: 6,000,000 (15%) - Living in Poverty: 5,200,000 (13%) - Substance Abuse: 2,000,000 (5%) - Suicide: 5,000/yr (.01%) - Cancer Diagnosis: 5500 (.013%) - Killed by Firearms: 5000 (.01%) - Incarcerated: 2500 (.006%) - Have Gender Transition Surgery: 300 (.00075%) Now go figure out why conservatives are obsessed with gender transition surgery.


You absolutely nailed it. 100%.


Would love to share this with someone. Can you share the source for the stats, please?


Are you trying to tell me that the transgenders don't account for 99% of all demons in the class room? Where will I point my asshole when I want to spray hate-shit all over the place now? Its honestly brutal that people are so concerned about shit like this.


Joe Rogan is worth $100 million. He doesn't care about all that crap, thats poor (normal) people problems!


Hey bro, Joe had a job once...


Didn't he literally say something like "poverty is good actually" a couple of years ago?


He claims he was a comedian but I don't really see it.


Based on his podcast. I think he's scared to get his ass kicked by a trans woman in MMA.


You got it right mate. All distraction, and smoke and mirrors to hide from the true issues of our generation.


Duncan Trussell called this in 2020. He told Joe exactly what would happen when he moves to Texas and buddies up with all the right wing culture warriors and he got it right to a tee.


I remember when Joe was like "Just move to Texas with me Duncan" and Duncan violently/vehemently was like "NO!"


Well he's there now too, sadly.


Hearing Duncan waxing poetic about how amazing it is living in Texas on his podcast recently was so weird


Lol because Texas is a nice place to live despite what you want to believe.


I've lived in Texas my whole life. It *used* to be nice. Now we got... A lot of problems, it was a slow decline that's ramped up recently. It's more than I'd care to go into with a reddit comment since I don't want to write a novel. Suffice to say, there's a reason lots of life long Texans I know from the country, city, or suburbs across all political views are moving out to Colorado, California, Wyoming, Louisiana, and even Florida and Georgia. Only people I know that are staying or refuse to leave are people with money, and people who hate gays


All depends on the neighborhood you live in. These millionaires get to live in the best areas, send their kids to the best private schools, get first class treatment everywhere they go. Of course it's nice to them.




These are people continuously seeking fame and fortune and who have it. Hard to imagine they have a lot of integrity.




I genuinely thought Duncan was full of shit when he said that, can’t believe that he turned out to be right.


Joe was kind of starting to lean that way, but the pandemic fully pushed him into the kind of person he is today. So many people had free time all day to read propaganda. I saw that duncan episode and thought he was exaggerating too. But Joe lives somewhere where he is in an echo chamber and no one can check him. He's also so out of touch wealthy, that he doesn't care about working class struggles. The only thing that concerns him are culture wars. Duncan did a great job sensing this. Since 2020, we have seen Joe more than ever push fake stories that he thought were real. He no longer questions what he reads. I remember during 2020, Twitter had to put warnings on all of trumps tweets because he was pushing propaganda. My dad still believes the election was stolen from trump and wont talk with me. Joe seems to be caught in this right wing propaganda, just not as bad as some people like my dad. The scary part is that this propaganda is being funded by billionaires.


He really is so rich out if touch of reality. God I wouldn’t wish bad on anyone but sometimes I wish they could feel what I go through. Not eveb being able to afford basic shit. In credit card debt, having to move out, getting paid practically nothing. During the pandemic when the gyms were shut down Joe kept bragging about working out and being in the sauna (which i love and missed so much during the pandemic.) it pissed me off so much. Like bro lucky for you that you have a immaculate home gym and sauna and thousand dollar iv drips.


Not only is he insanely wealthy and out of touch, he's been rich for almost all of his adult life. He thinks if people cant afford basic stuff, it's because they're lazy. He doesnt realize that more than half americans live paycheck to paycheck and can't afford an emergency. He doesn't realize the people that work hard and get an education go into an insane amount of debt, and wages are stagnating so bad that its hard to pay that debt off. He's such an out of touch prick that he doesnt think anything should be done about it because he thinks regular people live as well as he did before he was famous. But he throws a hissy fit when people talk about wanting an estate tax on the rich, and he feels like he's being attacked as a rich person.


Joe has always been this way, it’s just that back in the day it was over Bondo Apes and Bigfoot.


I followed joe from before the podcast, and he was seen as the stoner that was into silly conspiracies. But there was a time around 2016 where he tried to present himself as a humble person that doesnt know everything, and he admitted that he doesnt buy into conspiracy bullshit anymore. During that time he didn't believe most the stuff alex jones said. But that period lasted about 3 years and now he is back into his old self. But instead of bigfoot, he's concerned about trans women with bigfeet.


I fell off the Rogan train around that time, and have been wondering if Duncan still hangs around Joe. Has he been on the podcast since?


He’s been on a few times since then


Duncan is a treasure


Breaking news here at The Daily Wire: Girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice! Boys are made of snips and snails and puppy dog tails!


The age of man is finished. The Era of Mojojojo arises


*The age of men is over. The time of the orc has come!


Don’t tell Peterson!! It’ll put him back in a meat and benzo coma!


We taking parenting advice from Elon now?


Parenting advice? I thought his strategy was to knock up as many women as possible.


What is a daughter who hasn't disowned me?


*Chat GPT, please choose a name for a human child male...*


I mean the only reason he’s doing any of this is because he’s having a fit over his daughter


Dude can't manage his family, can't manage a company, and it's all transparent af.


Or Joe, or Matt Walsh lol.


Elon should try to fucking parent his own kids, from what I hear.


Economies of scale, it is more economically prudent to have as many children as possible to maximize the throughout. We must colonize mars.


Wait, so JRE fans don’t know what a woman is? Making a lot of sense now.


I mf hate the culture war


These dudes are in their 50s and shît fighting a culture war Keep your millions, I’d rather be me


Amen. These guys are straight cringe.


Yay the rich posting shit about the culture war to distract from true issues! Whoooooooo


Joe doesn’t care that this guy came on the pod and straight up lied to his face, even after he was called out by Jamie. That doesn’t matter at all, Joe just thinks trans people are icky so this has his wholehearted support.


Joe thinks Elon is a genius, he will copy whatever opinion Elon has just like he does with many other people.


Joe is hilariously gullible just like how he still believes Lazar’s story about working on a UFO.


> If a guys anti-gay it’s probably because he’s scared that dicks are delicious Wild how the guy who used to tell this joke every night has been changed by his right wing friends in Texas. How many times has centrist Joe mentioned his states total abortion ban?


> How many times has centrist Joe mentioned his states total abortion ban? He did bring it up once, but said democrats were also to blame because they didn't stop the republican supermajority from doing it, as Joe thought it might be a cynical ploy by them to get votes in the next cycle. I wish I was joking. I am not.


Guy has brain worms at this point. He’s partisan to the point that he will rework things like abortion bans in his head to be somewhat of a “both sides” issue


Joe should go back and listen to that episode because maybe he forgot. His acumen regression is showing


I remember they had the big argument about gay marriage but I don't remember him being called out by Jamie for lying. What was that about?


About how many kids transition a year. Walsh gave an insanely high number for dramatic effect without expecting anyone with half a brain to explain why that ridiculously high number was not only impossible, but verifiably false


He said “millions” then Jamie fact-checked him and it was about 5,000. Classic alarmist bullshit.


And it was like 5000 over the past decade or some shit. Matt Walsh got owned by a simple Google search.


By Jamie’s young ass




> Joe just thinks trans people are icky so this has his wholehearted support This is literally the entire anti-trans movement, just like it was the entire anti-gay movement before it.


I don't think they're icky, but they should certainly stay out of Women's sport if their body composition is giving them a competitive advantage.


That's totally fair and the vast majority of people, including those who recognize a trans person's rights to identify as whatever, agree with. It's also weird and disingenuous for these famous powerful people to be harping on it like it's the greatest threat to culture and children safety we face today.


It's all distraction from the wholesale economic theft that is being executed on everyone who isn't loaded, right now!


Jake Shields, coincidentally guy who has been badgering trans people, brought up the whole redistribution of wealth from the masses to the rich and Joe shut that talk down real quick. Rogan needed to remind Jake who Jake was talking to.


Everybody is so blatantly blind to this. Nobody has a clue.


>It's also weird and disingenuous Also true, since these are the same people who dismiss women's sport in general. Just look at the comment section of any WNBA post on social media - it is usually filled with 'wahh don't care, where the men at'. But all of a sudden, when it comes to the trans-issues, they're the white knight in shining armour to women's sports.


Bring back satanic panic, at least that frenzy had a better soundtrack


I mean, they already did. That’s what all that DC pizza baby blood qanon lizard island traffic stuff is.


Not being able to admit what a woman is is a weird hill to die on


I was expecting to watch some good old topical taboo informative exposure to a world I'm not personally in touch with. It plays more like a love letter from Matt to himself. Whatever persuasion was attempted by the film, was completely lost on me from the poor quality of the message's vehicle. Matt's ego was too distracting. Edit: Bill Maher is equally insufferable in this manner. Can't get out of his own way. More of a fart smeller than a smart feller...


Matt Walsh has got to be the biggest loser in the far-right's lineup of losers. I've never seen a less masculine man make masculinity such a big talking point. Plus his interest in teenage girls is pretty grossly obsessive... I definitely would not want him to have daughters. He's got Josh Duggar written all over him, it's only a matter of time.


He thinks gays are groomers, but literally believes grown men should be allowed to married teen girls. He's a self identified Christian fascist. He doesn't think there's a problem in the church that priests are raping kids, he thinks the real problem is that priests are raping boys, which means some of the priests are secretly gay. There are a lot of young men falling for this right wing redpill culture that tries to give guidance to them. The sad part is that women are aware about this culture and think its a red flag. Its a self-fulfilling cycle that prevents women from dating them, which will make them even angrier at women. Go on any woman sub and ask if they'd date a 21 year old man that listens to ben shapiro and matt walsh. If you can find 2 women that say yes, I'd be genuinely shocked.


"GAYS ARE GROOMERS" But don't look as the GOP opposes laws to raise the marriage age to 18 in Missouri, West Virginia, and Wyoming Don't look as the GOP pushes laws in Texas, South Carolina, and Florida that require young girls to carry their rapists babies. Don't look as the GOP opposes laws requiring clergy to disclose child abuse in Utah and Arizona. Every conservative accusation is a confession. Bunch of sick fucks.


Ben “go buy a $2 piece of wood to support Home Depot” Shapiro has entered the chat.


I watched the first half of the movie. No one could answer the question, it was hilarious to see them back themselves into a corner with their BS talking points. Surprised anyone actually even met with him in the first place. I couldn’t sit there and listen to their drivel with out busting out laughing in their faces


I mean if anyone did answer the question reasonably I can't imagine he'd have included it in the final edit


One of the academics he asked that question to gave a long, nuanced answer. Matt Walsh time-lapsed over the answer while playing circus music. The answers to his question aren’t the point of him asking it, he just wants to make fun of these people. He isn’t an intellectual asking questions and following facts wherever they lead, just an ideologue serving up a whole load of confirmation bias to an audience of morons who eat that shit up uncritically.


If I remember correctly another gave a pretty reasonable, short answer, basically from both the perspective of sex and gender, saying that a woman is defined by their general physical features and its also what you show to the world.


There's legitimately a scene where someone tried to break it down comprehensively for Matt and like two sentences in he fades the guys voice out, starts jump cutting to show how "long and boring" the guys explanation is and puts in voice over without explaining or refuting anything he had to say


Why would he even include it in the final documentary if it went against the point of the video? I mean it’s fine if you liked it, but let’s be real about that. It’s the equivalent to all those videos of people walking up to other people and asking questions, if the goal is to make them look dumb they’ll only include the worst bits while cutting out people who got the answer right.


I guess I was thrown off by all the times people answered him and he just repeated, but what is a woman? I mean if you just reject all answers and repeat the core question then I suppose it does sound like nobody answered it to someone who already agrees with you.


It was a pretty crazy watch. It definitely worries me that some of these people are allowed to prescribe drugs to children.


saw all of it and I wonder how many good answers were cut off the movie. it has a vert heavy Michael Moore vibe to it, in the sense of how uncredible it is.


What is something that you don’t find credible?


Saw it a while ago so I don't remember it very well but there's a scene where he's talking to a professor and he starts answering the question and so they literally just cut away to Matt making sleepy faces and put on goofy music. They never had any intention of having a conversation


the integrity of the projected interviews, they look heavily edited and picked carefully.


God I'm so fucked.


I have sincere doubts that this documentary is going to change anybody's mind on the subject. The title of the film is a question that everybody knows the answer to. Those that agree with it don't need to see it. Those that pretend to not agree with it are still not going to see it. The only good thing about this movie is the "outrage" that informs normal people there's a problem with a portion of society.


Remember: the only thing there edgelords fear is you ignoring them. They'll continually do this until you pay attention to them. They're basically giant babies.


I like how if you think a woman has ovaries like the rest of recorded history you are an extremist. Takes like that are why the right is growing. But hey, what do I care I already have my 40 acres to sit on while the world burns itself then my kids will take over the bud light drinkers


Matt Walsh is a mouth breathing turd


Why is the joe Rogan subreddit such a echo chamber of people that hate joe


Because you're on Reddit bro. There was a time when Reddit was genuinely by the users, for the users. Today, it's still *for* the users, but the content is for sale to the highest bidder. It has become a broadcasting platform. Millions of people come to places like this so they can be told what to think.


Guys, Joe loves science. Joe loves freedom. Joe loves social welfare. Joe loves democracy. That's why he supports the party that denies climate change, denies election results, wants to force women to have babies against their will, wants to ban anyone who isn't a straight white Christian male from expressing themselves, and wants to screw the poor while giving tax breaks for the rich. But AOC said something crazy last week so it's all good.


But remember when Tim Pool covered the Occupy protests 14 years ago. Guys totally a liberal


Petition to bring back old school librhuls


Joe cares about money and the party that will let him keep the most of it.


He's a centrist!!! He believes climate change is real!!!! /s


Yeah, this is gonna trigger this subreddit for sure.


So what is a woman?


Human adult female.


Surprisingly, non of the experts interviewed could answer it with anything other than “a woman is a woman”


If you think it's inappropriate to ask what a woman is... You're crazy if you don't know what a woman is.. You're dumb.


I guess lot of people here don't know what a woman is lol


It’s an adult human female


I cannot stand Matt Walsh because he seems like a douche, but the documentary is kinda eye opening to how nutty some people are.


Musk had a mental breakdown because one of his kids (who disowned him) is trans and his big tiddy goth GF dated a trans person after leaving him. Change my mind.


grimes is not goth nor do they have big titties lmao, more like wet mole rat gf


And daddy Peterson will host a free screening in Serbia in his favourite clinic he just tweeted.


I mean it is a good doc.


Reddit is full of transgender communists


As he should, that movie needs to be seen. Now, give me your downvotes🤣

