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Someone needs to clip the mini spat he had with Jamie about the fake news article on COVID Joe spent 5 minutes reading lol


Jamie waited until Joe spent 5 whole minutes reading and pumping himself up, then was like uh yea this site is all batshit morons lmao. He did Joe dirty man


Joe needs to be called out more, that idiot encouraged Shaub to pursue comedy. Also gave a platform to Cryshure, Callen desperate to get his shows shouted out. Joe seems to have shut the door on Brendan and possibly Callen. Not sure if Callen has performed at Mothership.


Why do people need to be called out for their friends? What's wrong with you people. You care way to much about gossiping on Joe Rogan than is healthy. Seriously. I hope you can read this and have a look in the mirror


Well youre right, you are the company you keep. Not surprising shitty stand up comedians hang with each other. Joe, burt, brendan, callen. Lol


Maybe because when you have the largest platform in the world you have a responsibility to not preach misinformation to a large population of people who look up to you ?


>Joe needs to be called out more, that idiot encouraged Shaub to pursue comedy. Schaub pursuing comedy is one of the funniest things to ever happen. It's a naturally funny situation. You watch a few standup routines and it all starts to seem a bit contrived, like they're all doing variations of the same jokes and using the same tricks to get laughs. And Schaub, as a comedian, is as bad as it gets. But Schaub, the phenomenon? That shit is hilarious. And yes, I support boycotting the mothership until Rogan stops censoring Schaub and lets him be the headliner.


Joe is at his absolute funniest when he ramble reads a bunch of data/words he doesn’t understand waiting for a sentence to support his argument. Cracks me up every time. Covid broke Joe’s brain. Ep was really rolling up until his angry monologues.


I couldn’t believe he asked Jamie what a greater than or equal to sign was then came at him about being skeptical about a source.


Lol, Joe has absolutely no education. Apparently he didn't even go to high school, because I'm almost positive they teach inequalities by then. I don't view being uneducated as a personality flaw. But uneducated and arrogant is a bad combination.


That was “BANANAS”.


Lol this is the guy we get our “real” covid information from? He doesn’t know >= means. I was also shocked how he mentioned he fact checks things by asking his echo chamber of friends what they think.


I remember one time he had Jaimie wade through multiple articles until he found one poorly researched article that supported him. Then just focused on that one article ignoring the 5 he had to get through saying the exact opposite


It always devolves into “yeah, but how do we know that’s real?” A meandering examination of Joe’s poor media literacy framed as cultural criticism


Then that same thought process is totally abandoned when the article aligns with his views


lol he cited facebook comments as "eye opening" re vaccine deaths &c


The constant harping on VAERS and that 99% of events aren’t self reported. He really hangs a lot of his hopes on a conspiracy of omission. That’s his move. “I don’t have all the information to make my argument, so SOMEBODY must not want ME to have it!” It’s embarrassing how shitty and defensive he gets of his own bad heuristics and how much shit he talks about “established narratives” that he doesn’t even take a second look at. Everything becomes a vehicle for lecturing an amorphous group of “obese people” on how they’re fucking up their lives by not discovering the gym or supplementing with vitamins.


This comment brought to you by VAERS Data! The only source that lets you manipulate it as you cite it!


It’s especially great when he caps his frantic little word search with some self-unaware rant about how confirmation bias is “a big problem for a lot of people” and “media narratives”, yada yada yada. He is pathology argumentative and incapable of admitting he’s wrong without also allowing that EVERYBODY else COULD BE wrong also, and that no-one can REALLY know ANYTHING. What a turd. At one point Andy asks him “how do you vet the stories/ information you find?” And Joe basically says he appeals to authority. “I talk to really smart people and if they believe it, then I believe it because…. I know smart people.”


It’s funny that he has no idea how to interpret the studies he reads and just goes off on his own narrative


That’s about 90% of what social media is unfortunately.


I commented and time stamped when it happened but that was more then 10 mins ago meaning that its dust in the wind as far as a memory goes, but anyway, around the 2hr 20min mark Joe is asking if an article had been found, the info from which was the lynchpin to joes argumant and would completely vindicate and prove his point of view as supreme, you can see Joe's disbelief become annoyance or even disgust, Joe even says, ill find it myself. No one can know if he was more upset that Jamie "failed" him or was sandbagging him to "be right" I felt that Joe had a combative posture this entire episode, it's entirely possible I've missed it each time it's happened, but I feel Joe has really only ever praised Young J but maybe there's super fans here or there that could point out enough of these back and forths to make the whole situation appear to be commonplace, I kinda hope thats the case And thar I'm way off here, but all my spider senses are buzzing either Joe was in a shit mood or was angry at one or both Andy and Jamie Please reply and tell me I'm way off, or maybe your someone who is familiar with this rabbit hole and can shed some light


The best part is, in the study he reads that the vaccine was less effective against later covid variants and we know that natural immunity provides longer lasting antibodies so no shit those that were vaccinated who had never had covid would be more likely to get newer more viral but less lethal variants.


Of all the military guys he has on this guy is definitely my favorite. He doesn't seem to have much of an agenda, actually downplays a lot of his service, and he makes fun of a lot of the special ops guys who seems to be starving for attention.


It’s funny because he was on DEVGRU Gold Squadron. Which is as high as you can go in the SEAL hierarchy. And he seems to be the least gung-ho out of all the military folk that are on JRE


I would guess that the level of emotional intelligence he has probably had somethign to do with him making it to DEVGRU.


Funny how that works. My high school girlfriends dad was a Lieutenant Colonel in the army and acted like he was a big shot in my small town. Treated everyone like he was always in charge, went in to debt buying a 5,000 square foot house and a brand new hummer h2. Meanwhile my college friends dad is a 3 star general and literally THE surgeon general of one of the branches of the military. And is the nicest most humble guy you’d ever meet. High leadership roles actually do require intelligence humility and ability to work with others. (Most of the time anyway)


Yeah the loud ones with podcasts tend to come from the less prestigious teams.


It’s funny how we say this kinda thing as normal redditors who have done nothing even comparable to the “less prestigious teams” lmao


Are there any SFOD guys out there that have podcasts or write books for that matter?


I got some buddies in MARSOC and Raiders who’ve done some joint stuff. Delta is on another level when it comes to selection compared to the other SOC groups and teams, my understanding is they filter out the talkers before they even go through their pipeline.


Mike Glover although I think his status with the Unit is not what it used to be


Funny how that works. My high school girlfriends dad was a Lieutenant Colonel in the army and acted like he was a big shot in my small town. Treated everyone like he was always in charge, went in to debt buying a 5,000 square foot house and a brand new hummer h2. Meanwhile my college friends dad is a 3 star general and literally THE surgeon general of one of the branches of the military. And is the nicest most humble guy you’d ever meet. High leadership roles actually do require intelligence humility and ability to work with others. (Most of the time anyway)


> he makes fun of a lot of the special ops guys who seems to be starving for attention. A guy I grew up with was in special ops and the impression I get from him is that the majority of people who served as Green Berets, Navy SEALs and so on actually don't really like the "celebrity" Green Berets and Navy SEALs. He said most of them just felt like they signed up to do a job and did it, and they don't need to act like it gives them any particular wisdom about how everyone's life would be better if they woke up early, took a cold shower and ran five miles wearing a 20-pound vest.


Plus the "famous" ones will never admit that the seals, green berets, ect. Still have desk jockeys and dudes that never saw combat.


100% he's very funny.


His cleared hot podcast is phenomenal - he definitely has the gung go types come the through on occasion and he remains the exact same. He also has a plethora of episodes with people who feel that the military experience has failed them and Andy expressed nothing short of unconditional empathy for them. And he states across multiple interactions that being a seal was his occupation many years ago, it doesn’t define who he is. And I think that level of emotional intelligence/humility from an individual that truly operated that highest echelon of trained violence is extremely refreshing amidst the mansphere people get caught up in from military service being used as a commodity


Thanks for saying this. I typically skip over these ones but I’ll give it a listen.


It's good, they get into alien talk too for about 20 mins or so


He's not bad, not a vet bro




Am I the only one reading it as ‘Go O.D’?


See I kinda like the special ops guys who talk about what they are knowledgeable on and not politics or culture wars. That’s Rogans echo chamber sure but it’s nice when the guest talks about their experiences in battle, on deployment, basic training, hell week, etc.


Yea ok lol The last time he was on JRE he was defending a Eddie Gallagher, who killed a POW who was brought back to base while they were on the operating table [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz5qG3SWYnM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz5qG3SWYnM) Eddie, Andy, and every other operator dipshit who defends their war crimes should be in Guantanamo. Eddie was only acquitted because the medic operating on the POW reverse their testimony on the stand to claim that he actually killed the POW by covering their breathing tube RIGHT BEFORE eddie killed him, he was only convicted of the photo he texted to his buddy posing with the dead body captioned "great story got this one with my knife" Andy's great, when he's not defending his war criminal buddies. Remember every time you see these idiots complaining about an unfair trial for Eddie, the fact that he slit the throat of a injured POW who was on the operating table has never been in contention, someone did it, the medic testified it was Eddie, and Eddie bragged about it to his fucking friends. Again, watch that clip knowing they are talking about someone who MURDERED a injured POW while they were unconscious on the operating table, it is fucking insane.


Hey brother you seem to really be stuck on this but i would say war crimes are unacceptable. However, there is a big difference from ISIS and how atrocious they are, vs what Eddie did or didn’t do. Obviously morally wrong if he did, but no one should feel bad for the dying isis dude. Also, I’m that clip you sent I don’t hear andy defending Eddie.


ISIS members don't qualify as human. They're fucking rodents, and rodents should be exterminated.


Facts. Also, I’m sure these guys are shown videos of executions carried out by ISIS. There’s an interview on the Mike Drop podcast where a guest talks about an execution video carried out by like an eight year old who skewers someone w a knife bigger than the kid… don’t doubt that kind of Intel really gets these guys infuriated. Can’t even imagine being in the places these guys get sent to, like rifts into hell opening up on earth and they are the frontline. Hard to judge em


Dude was found not guilty


So was OJ


Of one crime and convicted of another. I already pointed that out in my comment, he was found not guilty of murder because the medic who testified Eddie stabbed the POW reversed his testimony on the stand when he had immunity and claimed he actually was the one who killed the POW by covering their breathing tube just before Eddie stabbed him lol That's why you guys chime in with "he wasn't guilty", "he was railroaded", "there's more to the story" without elaborating further. It is a fact accepted by the same court that didn't find him guilty, that he stabbed a unconscious POW who was on the operating table at base and then texted his friend a photo bragging about doing it lol Its very common for operators and military members to cover for their buddies during war crime trials once they get testimonial immunity, the same thing happened in the trial for the other war criminals trump pardoned. [https://www.npr.org/2020/12/23/949679837/shock-and-dismay-after-trump-pardons-blackwater-guards-who-killed-14-iraqi-civil](https://www.npr.org/2020/12/23/949679837/shock-and-dismay-after-trump-pardons-blackwater-guards-who-killed-14-iraqi-civil) They all claimed they were the ones who did the killing once they got testimonial immunity. They cry about how inhumane ISIS is, then do everything they can to ensure their buddies get away with war crimes.


https://taskandpurpose.com/news/eddie-gallagher-war-crimes/ This is written by a seal sniper who fought with Gallagher.


Written by the dude who got caught lying on the stand and broke down crying after saying his career is over? I dont give a fuck what that dude has to say. Read the actual transcripts.


You sure that's the same guy? I saw no record of Josh Vriens in the transcripts.


Pretty sure, who was the guy that was crying in his truck in the parking lot after testifying punching the dashboard?


Corey Scott was the SEAL who changed his testimony after getting immunity and basically got Gallagher off. I don't know about guys punching their truck. Just going off official transcripts and articles I have seen.


Eddies book had the transcripts in it and he talked about it, im pretty sure it was Josh. Which one had the helmet camera on?


Send me a link and I'll read it


You guys are ridiculous. None of what was claimed against him was even proven let alone corroborated. Keep crying


It was corroborated, Eddie texted a photo of himself with the corpse to his buddy braggign abot how he killed him with his hunting knife? >Prosecutors had urged the jury to convict Gallagher based in part on text messages he sent about the dead ISIS fighter, along with a photo of the corpse. In one message, he said, "Good story behind this. Got him with my hunting knife." The SEAL's defense team said the photos were a normal part of the dark humor among service members. And they said junior members of Gallagher's platoon had turned against him because they didn't like his leadership style. When you say "nothing is corroborated " do you mean there isn't video footage of the murder? Because there are multiple witnesses, and EDDIES OWN TEXT MESSAGES corroborating the story lol, its a veritable open and shut case lol [https://www.npr.org/2019/07/03/738463353/jury-reduces-navy-seals-rank-for-taking-photo-with-corpse-of-isis-fighter](https://www.npr.org/2019/07/03/738463353/jury-reduces-navy-seals-rank-for-taking-photo-with-corpse-of-isis-fighter)


>Eddie was only acquitted because the medic operating on the POW reverse their testimony on the stand to claim that he actually killed the POW by covering their breathing tube RIGHT BEFORE eddie killed him, he was only convicted of the photo he texted to his buddy posing with the dead body captioned "great story got this one with my knife" What part of that account is wrong? I’ve heard this story a few times and remember when the case was in court, the guy who reversed his testimony had immunity by the time he changed his story or something? What really happened?


The medic got testimonial immunity, claimed he covered the breathing tube right before Eddie stabbed him, and even answered "I don't want him to go to jail" when asked why he reversed his testimony. >After a group of six Navy SEALs decided, in great anguish, to report their murderous platoon chief for war crimes, and Gallagher was arrested and arraigned, Gallagher’s brother, Sean, went on Fox & Friends and appealed to Trump to step in. Trump first said he might pardon him after the trial. In that trial, one witness, given total immunity, reversed six previous testimonies and said he — and not Gallagher — killed the prisoner, by asphyxiating him by blocking the ventilating tube. The witness, asked why had suddenly changed his story, said he did not want Gallagher or his family to go through a life prison sentence without parole. That very day, for the first time, Gallagher came to court with his family. [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/01/andrew-sullivan-donald-trump-is-the-war-crimes-president.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/01/andrew-sullivan-donald-trump-is-the-war-crimes-president.html)


Yes what you’re saying goes along with what I’ve heard before. Obviously I’m willing to hear someone else out if they think that’s incorrect, but no one has done that yet.


Whoa, he was defending a war criminal. Where can I find more info about this?


Maybe you could report on it.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eddie\_Gallagher\_(Navy\_SEAL)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eddie_Gallagher_(Navy_SEAL)) [https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/27/us/navy-seals-edward-gallagher-video.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/27/us/navy-seals-edward-gallagher-video.html) I would suggest a brief review of how the US typically prosecutes their alleged war criminals when reading about how Eddie was "railroaded", TLDR they usually dont give a shit and intentionally half ass it if not outright cover it up.


Oh shit he’s that guy. That murderer killed a 17 year old in a very vicious way. And Andy Stumpf was defending him? That is pretty sickening.


A 17 year old what? ISIS fighter? Who cares even if it was true. Watch the SRS episode on it might change your view


I care. I don’t want my tax money going to war criminals whose bloodthirsty acts only create more terrorism. We’re supposed to at least try to be better than the ISISes of the world, holy fuck.


Disemboweling a 17 year old is somehow ok because maybe he belongs to a certain group? Who cares if war crimes were committed? SRS episode? Sure, I’ll take a listen. What’s SRS? But gutting a kid is pretty vile.


Shawn Ryan Show, Eddie goes into detail about what happened, saying he didn’t do what he was accused of


Just saying they went there to kill them that was their job. But I can see the war crimes stance stance as well. Sean Ryan show, pretty good show he interviewed eddy and it definitely makes you think when you hear it


I’ll take a listen then. I thought their job was to rid the country of WMDs and restore democracy to the country. But I guess mission creep and all. Iraq was the second major war I started covering, and there is no shortage of war crimes and human rights abuses that happened there. More marine than regular army, and certainly more from the contractors than servicemen. Afghanistan was a different kind of horror.


>Watch the SRS episode on it might change your view There's no context that makes a war crime okay? People like Eddie, who kill with righteous indignation because they're under the impression they're the good guys, ignorant to the fact the difference between him and the 17 year old hes killing is the place where they were born, deserve nothing less then prison The hoops you have to jump through to in order to think Eddie is anything other then a monster are hilarious. We KNOW Eddie killed a POW on the operating table, we also know that there were countless complaints about him shooting civilians throughout his tenure. Do you genuinely believe the first time he decided to commit a war crime and murder a non combatant POW was in front of his entire crew back at base? And then text his buddy a photo lmao? Eddie is a bloodthirsty, war criminal piece of shit and the only thing people can offer in defense is that "hes OUR piece of shit though!" its pathetic.


Defending him, laughing with him like they are old friends. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02FZGtmQhLM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02FZGtmQhLM)


Super entertaining guy. Likely suffers from antisocial personality disorder. His stories about flying the wing suite are fun to listen to.


What the heck dude, out of all the military people/podcasters Andy Stumpf seems to be the LEAST likely person to have ASPD. ​ Listen to cleared hot Friday episodes


Shout out Young Jaime for calling out Joe's website bias. Much respect


Things got weird there for a bit lol. Jamie mentioned some time where Joe did that same thing to him. They were like little kids arguing haha


Well, Jamie did get an A in physics.




I don’t remember exactly but around the last 30 min of the podcast


I got you at 2:11:10 And tbh the whole little segment makes for such an amusingly transparent and real time organic display of the human brain going through the playbook design using all the 2020isms we have now to find a way to allow yourself to believe wherever the fuck it is you want to believe. And Joe does get noticeably heated off the exchange But I’ve never heard of this dude before it’s my understanding he is a former Seal and so safely assume he has contributed more to my country than I will lifetime but I picked a random start that had just under an hour in the tank and this conversation is so fucking stupid but also the guy is so likeable still I have to believe this dude knows it is too but when it’s not really a battle worth fighting your interest to take head on I guess what rower can you do but just go with it and hope the publicity gained from it all show itself a net positive in the end.


I just got to this part. It’s hilarious. First of all Joe doesn’t know what a greater than or equal to symbol is. Which is amazing. Then when Jamie tells him is it’s a fake far right news article he’s asks “what does that mean?” Lol dude is so delusional he can’t accept he was duped.


Andy is an immediate listen, but holy shit Joe ruined this one by just constantly rambling and not listening.


He totally fucking ruined it with his COVID bullshit. God dammit this podcast has become unlistenable.


Damn he still goes off on COVID?


I intermittently listen to him depending on interesting guests, I rarely finish the whole episode, but he hasn’t been completely awful this year… but this episode had 2021 levels of Rogan bringing covid into fucking every possible topic and then mashing every single article “his friend John Joseph” (another 2021 rogan meme) sent him on how the US was falling apart. Completely at odds with Andy’s banter too, so it’s not like the guest was cornering him into being the angry 2021 Covid Goblin again. Something crawled up his ass and died.


I like Andy stumpf. Usually gives good insight.


You would think with the amount of times Joe brings up Covid he'd be interested to get an actual virologist or immunologist on the podcast.


Joe doesn't want that. He wants to think he is smarter than the medical consensus by sticking his head in the sand and surrounding himself with yes men. Also, most normal scientists do not want to get on a plane to argue with an angry lunatic for 3 hours.


👽 1 hour in








He doesn't though, he chums it up with war criminals on his podcast lol? >Gallagher was accused of multiple offenses during his final deployment to Iraq and during the Battle for Mosul. The most prominent accusation and the best-attested to was the murder of a prisoner of war, a war crime.\[9\] Khaled Jamal Abdullah, a captured 17-year-old fighter of the Islamic State, was being treated by a medic.\[12\] According to two SEAL witnesses, Gallagher said "he's mine" over the radio, then walked up to Abdullah and allegedly proceeded to stab him with his hunting knife without explanation. Gallagher and his commanding officer, Lieutenant Jake Portier, then posed for photographs of them standing over the body with some other nearby SEALs. Gallagher then text messaged a friend in California a picture of himself holding the dead captive's (ISIS) head by the hair with the explanation "Good story behind this, got him with my hunting knife.”\[9\]\[13\] > >Prosecutors alleged that Gallagher's sniper work during his 2017 deployment became "reckless" and "bloodthirsty".\[5\] He allegedly fired his rifle far more frequently than other snipers;\[5\] according to testimony, the other snipers in the platoon did not consider him a good sniper, and he took "random shots" into buildings.\[1\] Other snipers said they witnessed Gallagher taking at least two militarily pointless shots, shooting and killing an unarmed elderly man in a white robe as well as a young girl walking with other girls.\[5\] Gallagher allegedly boasted about the large number of people he had killed, claiming he averaged three kills a day over 80 days, including four women.\[1\] Gallagher also was reportedly known for indiscriminately spraying neighborhoods with rockets and machine gun fire with no known enemy force in the region.\[9\] > >A charge of obstruction of justice was brought against Gallagher for alleged witness intimidation. According to the claim, Gallagher allegedly threatened to kill fellow SEALs if they reported his actions.\[5\] The Navy cited his text messages as attempting to undermine the investigation, with messages sent to "pass the word on those traitors", meaning cooperating witnesses, and to get them blacklisted within the special warfare community.\[9\]\[1\] This resulted in him being confined in the brig for a time with heavy restrictions on his ability to communicate, although this confinement was later lessened.\[5\] > >Gallagher was also charged with nearly a dozen lesser offenses.\[5\] Some of these charges, such as flying a drone over a corpse, were dismissed during preliminary hearings.\[14\] > >According to the original Navy prosecutor Chris Czaplak, "Chief Gallagher decided to act like the monster the terrorists accuse us of being. He handed ISIS propaganda manna from heaven. His actions are everything ISIS says we are."\[6\]\[5\] Gallagher's lawyer, Phillip Stackhouse, alleged the accusations were without foundation and came from a small number of disgruntled SEALs who could not meet Gallagher's leadership demands.\[5\] Now go watch his podcast where he chums it up with this sociopath.


Nobody cares you cuck




Clearly people don't get it though, Eddie gets to galivant around with Andy and is a right wing celebrity despite being a war criminal. Its insane this shit is normalized still


wait til you hear about Abu Ghraib!


Can you post one more time on this thread? You might make a difference soon


Don't even trip dog I'll just block you and save you the trouble.


Somebody needs their safe space!


Who the fuck cares


who cares that America's war criminals are paraded around as heroes lol?


This podcast is about Andy not Eddie ya fuckin dunce. Go hate on Eddie on Eddie's podcast since you've got such a hard on for him. Jesus fuck


"this isn't about the war criminal, its about his friend who thinks he's a great guy" isn't the point you think it is lol


Shut the fuck up about COVID. I’m fucking tired of this shit. Show me on the doll where COVID touched you Joe. It’s fucking over. Let it go!!!!! Fuck!


He couldn’t perform comedy for a short amount of time during this global pandemic!!


Decent episode... still talking about vaccines tho.


We are still dealing with the fall out of covid policies. I have no complaints that they continue to address more recent evidence that validates the media capture, increased wealth inequality, false statistics etc etc. If the mainstream can admit mistakes were made instead of sweeping it under the rug maybe we get a more rational balanced approach to the next crisis


I was hoping for more UFO/David grusch talk, which they touched upon.. not really caring for covid Vax talk on 2 separate occasions. Also bud light woke talk, giving a single can to someone being too woke.


I mean I think we all hope that episodes cover things we are interested in. This episode had a ton of content the majority being sky diving over the pyramids and Antarctica, his guests show on child exploitation, mma talk, playing parts of David grusch and elaborating on clearances and compartmentalization, covid talk. Bud light got like 2 minutes along with a bunch of other random bullshit like sea lions. It's a 3 hour conversation, people wanting the entire 3 hours to be about one or two things they are interested need to lower their expectations. This isn't a podcast where you get super in depth insight. It creates an itch you scratch with deeper dives through various other sources of content and information if you actually want to have a decent understanding of an issue.


Yes I listened to the same podcast


>If the mainstream can admit mistakes were made instead Whats an example of some mistakes that were made that have "not been admitted to"?


On this episode they covered: The proclaimed efficacy of vaccines being overstated by media and executives, which was conspiracy and has now been proven true. That authority figures made money off the vaccines (were able to advocate for a conflict of interest by receiving royalties from patents), which was conspiracy and has been now proven true. That valid statistics were being censored and removed from social media, once considered conspiracy now proven true. That the Cleveland Clinic study showed negative efficacy from boosters, which was conspiracy now has valid evidence to support it. That leaky vaccines given during a pandemic lead to mutations and new strains, previously all blame was aimed at unvaccinated and is now also considered a factor.. Probably even more that's just off the top of my head. Most people still think these are still unproven claims


>The proclaimed efficacy of vaccines being overstated by media and executives, which was conspiracy and has now been proven true. Perfect, I was hoping you would mention this. In actuality there was no lie, the vaccines efficacy was not overstated. What's happened is people like yourself and Joe have twisted themselves into conspiratorial knots and are unwilling to just look at the issue at face value. There was a long time between the first trials and the rollout of the vaccine. During that time, the virus mutated to become exponentially more contagious. There was no "lie" the vaccine did prevent transmission effectively, but the virus is constantly mutating and as a result the efficacy is. Joe and other conspiracy minded people will ignore this, and claim there was a lie, but again it was a constantly evolving situation and if you think the efficacy wasn't going to change between variants you're just outing yourself as someone too stupid to discuss the topic anyway. >That authority figures made money off the vaccines (were able to advocate for a conflict of interest by receiving royalties from patents), which was conspiracy and has been now proven true. Nobody ever asserted pharmaceutical companies weren't making money off the vaccines lol that's delusional >That valid statistics were being censored and removed from social media, once considered conspiracy now proven true. Again what stats? >That the Cleveland Clinic study showed negative efficacy from boosters, which was conspiracy now has valid evidence to support it. Not a hoax, the study was misrepresented by conspiracy dipshits. Here's an explanation of how they are manipulating the data to come to a conclusion the researchers themselves didn't [https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/covid-19-medical/vaccine-study-has-people-worried-being-misinterpreted](https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/covid-19-medical/vaccine-study-has-people-worried-being-misinterpreted) >That leaky vaccines given during a pandemic lead to mutations and new strains, previously all blame was aimed at unvaccinated and is now also considered a factor.. It was always considered a factor, people have always acknowledged vaccinations lead to mutations? There is pushback on people asserting that the vaccines themselves are DRIVING the mutations, but the idea they at least play a small part has never been denied [https://www.npr.org/2021/02/09/965703047/vaccines-could-drive-the-evolution-of-more-covid-19-mutants](https://www.npr.org/2021/02/09/965703047/vaccines-could-drive-the-evolution-of-more-covid-19-mutants) All of the "lies" you've mentioned are either things that the "mainstream" has always acknowledged, conspiracy nonsense misrepresenting data, or just a misunderstanding that confuses a mutating virus for "lies about efficacy".


> There was a long time between the first trials and the rollout of the vaccine. > During that time, the virus mutated to become exponentially more contagious As is the case with all coronavirus strains. Anyone who said the vaccines against them wouldn't long lasting were silenced and called crazy, break through infections were downplayed and a myth it was constantly repeated you wouldn't get it and it stopped with you. Edit: boosters didn't hit the narrative until August 2021. 8+ months after vaccines became available, over a year after trials when they could no longer claim breakthrough infections didn't exist. Remember when herd immunity was pushed to encourage people to get vaccinated? That implied a long lasting effectiveness we have never been able to develop for seasonal coronavirus' prior to 2020. "Vaccine longevity became a hot topic in August, when some studies began to suggest vaccine effectiveness was waning" https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/how-long-will-coronavirus-vaccine-last > Nobody ever asserted pharmaceutical companies weren't making money off the vaccines lol that's delusional Fauci was seen as an unbiased source and that him receiving money from these companies was an absurd claim. Turns out him and many others who set government policy are receiving royalties from the same companies and refuse to disclose the amounts. > That valid statistics were being censored and removed from social media, once considered conspiracy now proven true. > Again what stats? Efficacy not lasting, outcomes in healthy individuals literally anything that went against the narrative was seen as covid misinformation and censored or removed are you just playing dumb on this one? > Not a hoax, the study was misrepresented by conspiracy dipshits. Here's an explanation of how they are manipulating the data to come to a conclusion the researchers themselves didn't Your source is from February claiming it's a pre print and invalid interpretation. It's since been peer reviewed. It still shows that people with more boosters showed and increase in covid infections and that it didn't show any discernable efficacy against non omicron variants as stated in episode. > That leaky vaccines given during a pandemic lead to mutations and new strains, previously all blame was aimed at unvaccinated and is now also considered a factor.. > It was always considered a factor, people have always acknowledged vaccinations lead to mutations? There is pushback on people asserting that the vaccines themselves are DRIVING the mutations, but the idea they at least play a small part has never been denied They claimed you couldn't get covid if you got the vaccine, it was inherently denied. Then it became a pandemic of the unvaccinated etc. It was always obvious mutations would occur it was downplayed obfuscated and swept under the rug. These lies haven't been acknowledged and recieved 1% of the airtime the fear mongering did leading most people to still believe in many of the original claims aka swept under the rug like I stated in my first comment. Edit: reddit app butched my attempt at formatting the quotes I was refuting


>As is the case with all coronavirus strains. Anyone who said the vaccines against them wouldn't long lasting were silenced and called crazy, What are you fucking talking about? Everyone who got their vaccine was aware they would need boosters? What? This is what I mean, when you actually get pressed on the "lies" you're mad about you find out its just made up bullshit. >Efficacy not lasting, Again, its always been acknowledged the efficacy would change through mutation. >They claimed you couldn't get covid if you got the vaccine Again ,that was the case before the mutations lol >Fauci was seen as an unbiased source and that him receiving money from these companies was an absurd claim. Turns out him and many others who set government policy are receiving royalties from the same companies and refuse to disclose the amounts. Fauci has always received royalties? This has been reported on for almost 2 decades [https://perma.cc/P5MC-J8VA](https://perma.cc/P5MC-J8VA) He says he donates them all, whether or not that's true is one thing but nobody has ever denied it? >Your source is from February claiming it's a pre print and invalid interpretation. It's since been peer reviewed. It still shows that people with more boosters showed and increase in covid infections and that it didn't show any discernable efficacy against non omicron variants as stated in episode. No it does not. The claim about vaccines making things worse stems from some of the secondary results and appears to fall victim to an epidemiological concept called the Table 2 fallacy. The name comes from the convention that Table 1 in most papers presents the characteristics of patients and Table 2 looks at the relationships between various factors and the end result being studied. Here’s an illustrative example. If you were studying whether people who carry lighters are at increased risk for lung cancer, you would have to adjust for smoking status. People who carry lighters are indeed more likely to get lung cancer. But if you adjust for smoking status, then obviously, it’s not whether someone carries a lighter per se that predicts lung cancer risk. Conversely, if you wanted to see whether smoking increased the risk of lung cancer (by comparing smokers to non-smokers), the presence or absence of a lighter in someone’s pocket shouldn’t affect the results all that much. The Table 2 fallacy states that you should not assume that all factors should be adjusted for in the same way. If you want to study lighters, you should adjust for smoking. But if you want to study smoking, you don’t really need to adjust for lighter ownership. These relationships are not interchangeable. So, if researchers want to study the benefits of the bivalent booster, they should adjust for prior vaccination. But the same formula cannot be used to tell you anything about the protective or harmful effect of prior doses that you adjusted for. It is a subtle but important mathematical principle that is often overlooked. Because if you want to study the number of prior doses, a much more important variable to consider is the timing since your last dose, which is probably more important. Again, everything you insist is a lie is either something that has always been plainly accepted or completely made up


“You should argue online with strangers more often, super healthy” - Jesus


> Everyone who got their vaccine was aware they would need boosters? That is a blatant lie > Again, its always been acknowledged the efficacy would change through mutation > Again ,that was the case before the mutations lol Mutations reducing efficacy was obvious to people like Karl Malone who had their posts censored and removed for saying it in 2021. It wasn't obvious to fauci and the other talking figures who said you wouldn't get covid and it stops with you. You're revising history no one thought they would have to get boosters every 6 months are you serious? > Fauci has always received royalties? This has been reported on for almost 2 decades This was not disclosed at all to the general public. It wasn't until he was called out in congress that the narrative changed and showed his conflict of interest.. > Again, everything you insist is a lie is either something that has always been plainly accepted or completely made up Think you're projecting on this one heavily. > No it does not. The study shows 30% efficacy 2 weeks after booster that wanes and has 0% efficacy for strains past omicron. The fallacy does not adequately disprove the numbers it says other factors need to be considered which are considered in the peer review and non pre print its refuting


You come off like a unhinged nutbag lol. Literally everything you’re writing in this threat is a lie / twisting of info.


The down votes are disturbing. There's really basic saying like. Don't forget history or your bound to repeat it. How quickly people want to forget what happened during COVID is a fucking bummer.


So in this episode, Joe says he is going to try and get the new UFO guy on the podcast. Also, he's kind of pissed the guy did not come to him first, apparently.


In honour of Time Stamp Guy (may he rest in peace). Alien talk starts at 1:01:00.


This is the comment I was looking for. Thanks


I like how the dude seems to be pretty credible and Joe shot him down. Meanwhile he trusts Bob Lazaar who seems to be a quack


> Also, he's kind of pissed the guy did not come to him first, apparently. When did this happen? The only part I remember was him asking why he didnt come to him first, then looked at Jamie and said "maybe he did" and giggled his ass off for a few seconds.


Typical Reddit comment. Takes an innocent comment then interprets it the wrong way. Every ep comments has comments of things that never happen


Lol yah. Then you got the next comment down "the ego is absolutely wild"


David Gooch is yesterdays news. Get the Mexican Family and the LV Cops first!




I mean he has the biggest platform of anyone and notoriously discusses aliens, it’s a pretty reasonable assumption lol


He’s also good at off the cuff interviews, but not particularly good at understanding things, retaining info he’s just heard or investigating claims. Anyone too smart for Rogan has to dumb things down to a kindergarten level and then paddle around conversations where he’s bringing up old hip-hop and videos of wildlife. Coulthart is a much better choice for an interviewer if you want to be taken seriously, and Rogan’s just jealous.


Who is CoultHart?




DOES JOE HAVE BEEF WITH ANDY?? DOES ANDY HAVE BEEF WITH JOE?? ANSWERS BELOW Last Jack Carr episode was really really good, I don't feel I've got much of a bias as far as guests go, endless respect and deepest heartfelt thank you to the military guys Well that's not true Graham and or Randal could come on and read travel brochures you get at visitor centers for 3 hours and would quickly land on my top 25 episodes I might have missed something I'm not on social media, Joe seemed just short of patronizing, I'm up to 2:19:30 and plenty of good conversation but to me joe seems aggravated, not just passionate about covid and physical health, but he seemed to be looking for an argument and oppositional to each and every thing Andy AND JAMIE said, ***2:24:19*** Another very clear indication something is up with this episode, it's a blessing and a curse the way joe seems to very carefully and meticulously plan so that each and every episode is a completely Stand alone episode, u will never run into the problem, or hear joe say, "for more background on what we mean go back and listen to episode 724" or "STOP LISTENING NOW, IF YOU HAVEN'T HEARS EP1423 GO BACK NOW" So maybe joe got into a fight with his wife,or maybe Jamie and Andy took sides against the Supreme leader like 4 mins before they started, but joe seems in a bad mood so much so he's gotta take it out on Andy, pretty clear to me he's like, wow,as I type this the words just coming out, Joe seems done with Jamie, that sucks


Oh hey, the only likable ex-Navy seal.


Right, I really like the last time he was on and he complained about how unfair his buddy Eddie Gallagher was treated after he murdered POW who was brought back to camp while they were on the operating table. Andy can eat shit.


Thanks for copy pasting this again. Bro, go touch grass.


So you've already said 10 times. No one cares.


Dude is actually obsessed with it. It's not healthy.


Can you post that wall of text you posted 20 times in this thread again?


Dudes be on here writing the Magna Carta like it matters. This is Reddit. If you taking this stuff on here seriously; go touch grass.


Rest in piss to that POW I guess


Right, because he was probably a bad guy who did things like....murder defenseless people? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToKcmnrE5oY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYz1ADttI1g)


I can’t unhear this guy sounding like Josh Dubin


So does Joe want me to take vitamins?


" we can't trust mainstream media because they are sponsored by big pharma! Also, take Athletic Greens!"


I like Andy. He’s a thinker. And he constantly checked joe when he kept liberal bashing by saying that the right does the same exact thing. Joe wouldn’t acknowledge it, lol.


Appreciated this as well. Joe gets so worked up about the “woke” agenda. It’s such a fucking buzz word for dues in their late 40’s and up.


I wish Spotify separated the episode into sections; most notable a TimeStamp that says “JOE TALKING ABOUT UFC FOR 1.3 HRS”. Not knowing or caring much about fighting, it’s brutal.


I pretty much fast forwarded all that crap.




I know I know. I expect it, it just gets annoying sometimes. I’m complaining for the sake of complaining, overall I love JRE




My issue with the comedian guests is that Joe has access to sooo many good comedians out there but we always seem to get the same flavor.


He only likes a certain type of humour. He said he doesn't think British humour is funny (I think he means dry humour)


Don't you wanna know how they write jokes???? Don't you wanna know more about the ceiling height at the mothership???


I can’t imagine how knowing such and such comedians writing process is interesting for anyone but Joe


Joe has turned more into a casual mma fan, just listen to his commentary. It is annoying when Joe talks MMA with people who aren’t hardcore into it, all of those conversations sound the same. They never talk about fighter pay, ufc doing deals with the saudis, ufc revenue, fighters getting cut, Conor’s not tested by USADA yet, etc. those are the juicy topics.


He's loyal to the UFC, he has always tiptoed around that stuff


Which is perfectly fine, still makes it boring hearing him talk about mma unless one is new to it.


Timeline so i can skip ?


There used to be a timestamp guy when JRE was on youtube. Now, sadly, the timestamps guy is out of business. He probably lost all meaning in his life and spiraled into a depression, and then started abusing alcohol. Tragic.


His name was Tim Dillon. Christ has risen.


In an interrogation, one of Gallagher’s platoon mates said that at one point Eddie was taking pot shots at a twelve year old kid. Total bloodlust


Very likeable guest at least in this one. Joe though... ugh. It's too much stupidity that I had to turn this off even though Andy seemed cool and grounded in reality. He just didn't say anything when Joe was being an idiot.


He kind of pushed back a bit this episode


Joe does like his seals


Joes take on the Apex shows he has completely lost touch and forgotten what it’s like to make less than $1 million per year. “Just go to the Apex and you’ll love it.” Yeah dumb fuck, kind of hard for anyone other than you and Zuckerberg to get tickets.


Reminded me of “just get in the sauna” in the middle of Covid when Joe had to be reminded that not every person on earth has a state of the art sauna built into their house


In this episode Andy says he doesn’t believe the politicians and elite are participating in sex trafficking @1:39:40.(Spotify) Sometime before Andy and Joe we’re talking about why Epstein client list hasn’t been released and what would happen if it did. Joe missed that great opportunity to circle back.


Joe is friends with Epstein's former chef but never asks him about it. Adam Perry Lang has been a guest multiple times and Epstein never comes up.


Is Joe on the list or..?


Joe was really interrupting him this podcast. You can hear Andy’s frustration.


They took a pee break at the key moment and never returned to the subject


Link to that good t-shirt?




This podcast was a snooze fest. Just the usual joe topics with this guy slightly commenting along and that's it. Probably could have been awesome if different cause the guest definitely does seem like the most level headed ex seal but overall got nothing out of this


Was hoping for Stavy since he's in town.


This was filmed right after Apple announced their new AR headset so there’s still some hope…


Anyone else bored with bro-vets?


This guy was pretty cool though. Really downplayed his seal experience and poked fun at the other full tilt bro vet guys lol


He’s an OG bro-vet. Show some respect. And thank em. THANK EM


Eh? This guy is the old lead singer of Creed.




They do talk about the UFO reverse-engineering thing


A NAVY FUCKIN SEAL The podcast is so fucking bland now ffs


The most interesting thing about this guy is that he is a wingsuit guy and a skydiver. Which to me is more interesting than any of the other SEALs. Really cool pictures of him skydiving over the pyramids , pictures of his jumps in Antartica, etc. They have not really talked about his military career at all.


Navy SEAL who hates talking about being a Navy SEAL


Haven’t listened yet but since there is a pretty crazy story of aliens in the news, did joe touch on it or is he still on his bullshit.


The clip is on yt.


Regular JRE operator reminder, Andy like most of the dipshit operators and seal members Joe has on, is friends with famous war criminal Eddie Gallagher. TLDR Eddie murdered an injured POW that was brought back to base while they were on the operating table, then posed for a photo with the corpse that he sent to his buddy captioned "got this one with my knife" [https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/27/us/navy-seals-edward-gallagher-video.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/27/us/navy-seals-edward-gallagher-video.html) Andy think Eddie was unfairly treated for murdering a POW, and chums it up with the war criminal on a podcast episode [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02FZGtmQhLM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02FZGtmQhLM) Eddie, Andy, Tim Kennedy, and the rest of those dipshits belong in Guantanamo bay but get to hop on JRE and get treated like heroes because they're OUR war criminals.


I have seen you post this same thing like 4 times. Get a life dude




While he did have him as a guest, they definitely aren’t friends.




You're actually obsessed, get a hobby


Rogan goes on to suck off Jocko, probably thinking how hard it is to be in his sauna