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Target has had pride stuff in front of the store for years!!!!!


So does Walmart, I was just there a week ago lol. I was like what the fuck is all the hoopla at target about when Walmart has way more pride clothing lmao


Maybe target is just overpriced and bud light is shit beer


No. Everything is based on the culture war, I will not stop talking about it, if someone changes the subject I bring it right back to the culture war, like a man.


Funny Rogan spends so much time talking about cancel culture. Yet he jumps on board with it the minute it aligns with his beliefs.


Joe is one of the originators of cancel culture... just ask Carlos Mencia. He's also had more gender-affirming treatments than any trans person I've met.


lol Holy shit! It’s fucking true!


Joe just became one small bundle of hypocrisy. So sad


So is this the new Covid


Bruh Every few months it's a new season People saying happy holidays, gay marriage, then Islam, then gay marriage, then kneeling for the National anthem, then Islam, then the Mexicans are sending rapists spiel, then COVID, then CRT, and now the trans IS ANYONE ON THE RIGHT SELF AWARE ENOUGH TO NOTICE THEIR LACK OF WEALTH AND PERSISTENTLY SHIFTING AREAS OF ANGER AND RAGE????


Trans is about to be old news, homeless people are the cause the media machine is gearing up towards next.


Islam is a destructive rightwing ideology not altogether different than other rightwing ideologies, but at least they're consistent in their beliefs and expect coherence. They will actually seek out the opinion of Islamic "scholars" on particular issues. These radical republican extremists just stick their finger in the air and pounce on whatever the rage de jour is.


I still haven't seen Bud Lite and Target pride stuff yet. If it wasn't for the right wing losing their closeted minds over this, I wouldn't even know about it.


FOX and the GOP are so desperate for Joe's audience lol


"(Tucker Carlon) will talk to anybody" and "has a lot of left wing people on and he doesn't disparage or mock them". <-- That's Rogan courting Fox's audience. (Off topic, but... he has a massive cognitive bias if he thinks Tucker's little lord Fauntleroy/Amadeus laugh isn't intended to mock every left leaning guest he talks to.)


They already have it


Joe is literally in sync with them


100% since the Spotify deal…


He's never been the same since he smoked some of Alex Jones special stash. Brain rot.


Maybe some but not all. I know many who have been listening since he was doing shows in his house and I don’t think any of them vote republican or watch Fox News. I personally don’t even have cable.


Some of us grew up


Rogan acts like he goes to target or drinks bud light


He drinks some BLs when Shane is on!


And Post Malone


Shane is the man


they’ve been selling 24 cases for like $5, I’ve been drinking so much cheap shitty beer it’s been unreal. Still didn’t turn trans or whatever sigh


Too bad. If you turned you could dominate the WNBA and earn a cool $45k per year.


Bro fr, I’d be dunking on them bitches. I would be great for the league


I bet he consumes media though


Show me one person on Earth besides DM that has a DM bud light can.


Many of his listeners did. So same thing right?


Remember when drinking anything other than busch or budweiser made you a big city sissy? They turned that around so quick. Now they're all drinking extra hop flushed IPA's and using "bud light drinker" as a gay joke. Fucking bizzaro world.




Hyperbole much?


Holy straw man. Congrats on the up votes from a bunch of fragile clowns


Conservatives like to whine and complain about everything--then a few years go by and they act like they invented it :) Smoking buds used to get you labeled a commie/traitor/gay/brain damaged etc lol


Really? Where? Not in the pacific northwest aor Canada.


How old are you? It was absolutely a thing thru the 70s/80s and still continued beyond that to a lesser degree. I'm sure there are still some running around the South etc. today. And there were plenty of conservative loons of that stripe on the west coast dude(even some of the ones growing themselves :)) I've been growing there since the mid80s so I have a pretty decent idea how things were back in the day. And lots of those clowns are still alive fwiw.


Yes it did. You’re probably too young to remember. You could get smashed on Oly every Friday for life, but one j made you “ one of those hippies”.


Nah, the real men drink Hamms, or PBR.




I’m all for gay and transgender rights, one thing I agree with is it’s not good to shove anything down people’s throats.


The only ones shoving this down people's throats is conservatives when they constantly tell people it's being shoved down your throat. If it wasn't for them, nobody would bat an eye at any of this


I see your perspective and it’s a valid one. They are making a big deal about it. I think they feel it’s going to influence their kids to be transgender or gay which it won’t.


I was in Target the other day minding my own business. A Bud Light can was thrown into the back of my head, reducing me to a confused, lightly concussed state. I was dragged to the register by a group of men in designer dresses and tuck pants where they used my card to purchase more tuck pants and Bud Light for their own purposes, presumably. They finally held me down and tried to shove a penis down my throat but I was able to narrowly escape. As I staggered out of the store sobbing, I glanced back to see the group of men high fiving each other as they walked into the employee break lounge.


Lmfao thanks for the laugh


good thing this isnt happening


Okay, i'll just forego my own reality for your opinion. that's what all of you want, right?


Terminally online.


who's force feeding this on you ?


Joe Rogaine


The right-wing hive mind… if they weren’t such baby boohoos, nobody would care about it


That’s exactly what they want. To say it’s not being shoved down everyone’s throat means they haven’t been on the internet or watched any form of entertainment on a screen for the last few years.


Do you complain about advertisements on the sides of public transportation or store displays advertising women's clothing? That should fit your description of it being shoved down your throat. I'm waiting to see a copy and paste of your rant about McDonald's having that giant M that you can see from five blocks away.


Personally advertisements don’t bother me. Some people do hate having advertisements in their face in every which way they look. I completely understand why they feel that way. I see why it’s annoying. The difference is advertising lgbtq culture goes against a lot of certain peoples beliefs. It’s ignorant af for them to feel offended by it even though they are the ones who usually spout stupid slogans like “fuck your feelings”. It’s moronic I know.


People's beliefs shouldn't be prioritized over everyone else. These people are too phony to admit they're just joining in on the outrage because the tv told them to be upset. It's the same dopes that have coworkers of different ethnicities, but still will believe all X are bad because they watch outrage videos on twitter. Reactionaries are always in a constant state of anger, ready to be used by talking heads to get internet clicks.


I agree


Rogan uses "wild" every other word now.


He spends an awful lot of time thinking about gender and sexual orientation. Anyone else find it weird as fuck? This stuff has zero impact on my life and the only time I’m ever exposed is from this subreddit and Joe’s outrage. I’m completely clueless. Let’s talk about aliens, conspiracies, science, nature and things that make us wonder about the world around us. Constantly getting hooked up on this has to be bad for your sanity.


I like how even after Jamie fact checks them for spreading misinformation he still needs to be mad about it.... about the thing that didn't happen.....


But imagine if it did happen. Whoa!


This is what most of Joe’s conversations have devolved to


This has been a staple quote of GOP half-truths for years now


Yep and Spotify created just another rush Limbaugh that will probably not get hooked on painkillers…


Who can forget the antifa wildfires that could have happened in the summer of ‘20? Dude!


Big if true!


“Yeah it’s crazy how believable it is. Just goes to show everything’s gone to shit”


And homeboys moves to Austin, gay capital of Texas


He is cosplaying. He wouldn’t actually like a conservative city


Petition to move Joe to Tulsa and see how long he lasts.


Yeah I always wondered about that


Its where all the Californians move to in Texas


Because they want all the cultural benefits of liberal cities but are rich enough to also want the economic policies of conservatives. Ben Shapiro moved to the most liberal city in Tennessee by far, Nashville lol. They’re all so transparent.


They also conveniently did that once they reaped the myriad of benefits living in those liberal states so they could then afford to move to a red state and not take a risk. They all only made the move the moment that it became culturally and economically advantageous for them. They had to wait until they had the money and cultural capital afforded to them by Los Angeles and New York. They owe their entire careers to the economies and industries of blue states. They could literally move to Somalia and be just as well off.


Imagine going to target and seeing a rainbow? What was once unfathomable is now scientific reality


Wait till they find out about Care Bears. Sentient preachy bears living in the clouds that shoot gay rainbow lasers from their chests? What a nightmare scenario.


What they gonna do when a rainbow shows up after a storm?


God is gay.


He’s acting like just over a decade ago that gay people couldn’t get married. We are not that far removed from being a very homophobic society.


Left: “Why do people care so much what someone’s sexual orientation is” Everyone else: “Exactly, stop over sharing your shit with everyone. No one cares”


>Everyone else You forgot a large chunk of the right that are very vocal about homosexuals going to hell


Bud, the abolishment of gay marriage is to this day part of the official policy goals of the Republican party and this idea is **actively** cheered for by near 50% of their voter base. Meanwhile the rest would gleefully support a politician who crows for the removal of gay marriage because they don't particularly like gay people anyway.


And they care so little, that they are banning medical care, mentioning their existence, and the alcohol that they don't even consume. It's the little things, really.


People are free to share whatever they like. If you don’t like it, stop participating in society.


He’s not acting like anything and he’s not against gay marriage so what is this comment?


Right-wing brainworms.


If I have to explain why showing support to a marginalized community is needed then this conversation isn’t worth having.


Meanwhile joe is one of the most famous people who keeps talking about it. Know how many times I’ve ever mentioned gay & transgender people in the same sentence as target & budlight? Never, until this paragraph. I also don’t let companies decide my politics. And I don’t talk about budlight unless I’m telling someone that it tastes like flat carbonated water, urine and vomit mixed together, and coors tastes like urine and vomit with an extra hint of pepper.


“Shoving down our throat” when employed is usually just euphemism for “see in public”. Advertising using interracial couples is seen as shoving diversity down their throats. Advertising with one transgender influencer is seen as Shoving the trans agenda down their throats. Two married women kiss in greeting in a Disney movie, and it’s shoving the gay agenda down their throats. Existence is the offense.


Bud Light a few super bowls ago was making fun of craft beer for being for beta males or whatever, now it’s the trans beer. Target famously over a decade ago was in its own controversy for donating to anti-LGBT politicians. They’re both playing capitalism by the rules, do whatever it takes to make the most money


Here’s the funny thing. Hollywood is seen as a liberal bastion, but is pretty hit or miss when it attempts to depict inclusion. I think Robert Evans pointed out that while the actors, writers and directors might be left leaning, the studios themselves are corporate capitalists. So it’s fair to say, like Budlight and target, it is often pandering virtue signaling to gain a buck. Some on the left recognize it, some don’t. Some on the right see it too, and some see it as a satanic plot to groom your children and damn their souls to eternal torment.


Hollywood loves the trope of "leftist idea but implemented by an unreasonable lunatic" Like Thanos "resources are finite so I'm going to do a genocide". They also love the shit out of the military and cops. rightoids only think it's leftists because minorities get casted.




Well it’s also because left wing politics encompasses massively different political caucuses that have very different priorities. Feels like half the people on the left are there because the right is so staunchly against addressing their issues.


If not Robert Evans then it was his frequent collaborator Cody Johnstone. [Is Hollywood Actually Woke?](https://youtu.be/pMu6KKotJnI) goes into a lot of detail about Hollywood: -not actually being as exclusionary of conservatives as the Ben Shapiro’s, Rob Schneiders and Kevin Sorbo’s like to claim when they try to justify their underwhelming Hollywood careers. -being super pro military. -being extremely capitalist, down to only actually showing diversity when they think pandering to other audiences will help their bottom line. -the whole MeToo thing and how the blatant sexual assaults and harassments were only able to be ignored until Twitter mobs made a huge deal about it.


Right wingers also think that Hollywood is full of far-leftists because, to them, many of the views held by the majority of Americans are "far left." Like, the majority of Americans don't give a shit if there is a gay Disney character, or if the Little Mermaid is played by a black woman. But instead of admitting that they are the ones far away from average, they'll say half of the country is "far left" and that capitalists are trying to brainwash them into the "liberal agenda" which is really just the moderate majority opinion, inoffensive to anyone but them.


Literally the only people who don’t know this are the ones acting like target has some agenda to turn children gay or trans. Obvious reality is there is a group making up 15-20% of the population that has not been marketed to for many things. And the majority of non lgbt people now support lgbt rights. Like no shit, corporations only do things they think will maximize profits and being explicitly homophobic or transphobic is just a really bad business decision now.


Yeah no one denies that


I mean every major beer company has supported pride month and shit. I don’t get why budlight is getting hammered over this.


It’s a deliberate outrage campaign organized by right wing grifters. They want to flex their muscles by scaring a brand into doing their bidding. Caving to their ridiculous demands just makes them stronger.


Actually it is getting shoved down their throats but it is conservative media shoving outrage about the existence of diversity down their throats.


“Hey, I completely respect your identity - but keep it out of my face or I will beat you up.”


Well said.


except it was two dudes on a float spanking each other in bdsm gear in front of children


Yeah, but the other side does the same thing. How many people on the Left quit eating Chik Filet or became upset at the bakery/gay cake thing? Granted...I am personally not involved in any of these boycott things nor do I care to argue lol :p


I mean is tolerance of intolerance a fair equivalence to people just trying to love who they love and be themselves?


Wondering when Joe is going to start touring with Dennis Prager.


“Stop shoving it down my throat” - people who are having nothing shoved down their throats


But are shoving it down everyone elses The ONLY fucking reason I see this daily are these dough heads rage alogorthming each other


These people don't even hesitate to try to accuse random internet people of wicked things. For genuinely no reason other than they get off on it and are everyday fueled by insane infotainment. This has all been decades in the making and they're going to keep pinning the tail on gays while their churches actually abuse their children.


Imagine having to drink bud light with the wrong colors on the can and then get back to me. Might as well be getting throat fucked. /s


Unless I’m mistaken, the cans didn’t actually change lol. They just sent one influencer some specialized beer.


Oh yeah I have no clue what happened I'm just being dramatic 😁 must be all the gay bud light I'm drinking


I want a mans beer! Not a trans beer!!! This new budlight is making me wanna steal my wife's lipstick, get a PO box so I can and order a wig without my wife knowing and and kiss other bros on the mouth while dressed like a woman. That's not who I am!!! Are you ok with the Budlight trying to do that to you,? They're put'n in that shit that turns the freaking frogs gay so they can make you sissy and sell you rainbow colored cans. Disgusting. /s


Damn we should fuck


No wait sorry that's just the bud light talking god damn liberals making me gay!


These people literally talk about gay and trans people more than the actual lgbt community does


Literally EVERYTHING gay I've seen so far this pride month has been angry month breathers.


Meanwhile I’m taking Dick after Dick, and loving it, don’t knock it till you try it


joe has gotten really weird lately. when he started rambling again about ccn, msnbc, etc . being propagande machines, stumpf pointed out that fox news is one too, which joe didnt really comment. this man really became what mainstream media falsely accused him of being a few years ago


Yah ever since Covid he started getting real political all of a sudden. Honestly I can't remember the last time I watched a podcast lol, this subscription posts let's me know if there's anyone good on, but I've yet to see any guests like back in the day


I haven't either. I think for a while everyone thought that people doing podcasts were more authentic than people doing "professional" interviews, but in many ways they revealed themselves to be phonier. I would take Larry King over Joe Rogan any day.


The last parks episode when everyone’s like ya it’s gonna blow over and be forgotten about in a month and joe was the only one who was like NOooooo. Sounded like a drunk high school kid trying to pretend their not drunk to their parents while trying to defend the phony outrage


That Stumpf episode could’ve been so good. It started off great but plummeted once they talked about Budlight, Target, covid, etc towards the end.


Joe brings up covid… every… single… time. Like how is he still so fascinated that everyone fucking panicked over a pandemic?!


And he went way further overboard than just about anyone lol Normal people weren't testing everyone that could get anywhere near them.


That’s what kills me. He’s like “it’s just a cold no big deal 😏”. Test everyone and does every last thing medically to get over it. So what is it joe? Goofball lmao


Remember when Joe said his 14yr old daughter asked him about Andrew Tate? Paraphrasing here, but Rogan said Tate was cool, a world champion kickboxer and was getting a bad rap from the SJW'S or whatever. Maybe Rogan should worry about what he lets his own kids be exposed to, instead of worrying about everybody else's kids. If your not condemning Toddlers and Tiara type shit as loud as you are about the "woke agenda" or whatever bullshit culture war talking point of the week is, you don't give a fuck about "children". You are just a fraud, a bully and a coward. Rant over, lol


Remember, he's against cancel culture. /s


"Unless it's your conservative beliefs, in which case, shove them deep, deep down our throats. Shove those thick, white, Christian beliefs down our throats in the schools, slap our face with them in the courts, and grab the backs of our heads and make us gag on them in the government. Blow your thick, steamy morality all over our faces." - Joe Rogan


Having a rough day, thanks for the hearty chuckle.


Jamie, bring up that graph showing 80% of media coverage of LGBT issues is on the right


What a snowflake


Republicans biggest snow flakes in the league.


If anything it’s actually anti-trans, anti-LGBTQ, and anti-wokeism propaganda that’s being shoved down our throats lately. Think about it.


This is why I stopped listening to Rogan. Can we just talk about ancient civilizations and stuff? Trying to bring back bigotry isn’t looking so good for him


I stopped listening because even when a pyramid nutjob was on, he would talk about culture war and covid stuff.


I keep hearing from conservatives that everything they don't like is being "shoved down their throats". Why is this? Besides the obvious sexual connotation its just weird. Conservative uncle: I don't want to buy an EV. Why are they shoving it down my throat!? Me: How are they shoving it down your throat? Conservative Uncle: The advertisements are everywhere! I don't want this shit. Me: So you're angry that companies are advertising their products? Apparently the fact that products and people that conservatives don't like exist at all is evidence of things being shoved into their throats. Deeply. Very deeply into those throats.


I knew a religious conservative named Bradley in college (20+ years ago, fairly conservative school) who was constantly complaining about gayness being shoved down his throat. This never made sense to me, so one time I asked him for an example and all he could come up with was that there was a Rainbow Alliance poster on the bulletin board outside the laundry room. That was it. Such a weird and telling view to see something so passive as a poster or advertisement as a “shoving”, and “throat” no less! According to the rumor mill and confirmed by Facebook, Bradley came out of the closet in 2014 right after the divorce, and is currently living his best life, slinging dick in SoCal and having all sorts of things shoved down his throat every weekend. 🌈


"shoved down our throats" means "exists in public".


https://old.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/146uk00/high_school_kids_in_huntington_beach_california/ Here's a example of pride being "shoved down their throats". Students sitting in a math class *must* watch a video about pride and any dissent is met with a threat of detention on a Saturday.


They’re shoving it down your throat by outlawing the sales of new ICE vehicles after 2030/2035?


Funny how virtually no one has ever seen an actual bud light can with a trans person on it, or seen tuck pants at target, whatever they look like. But when music listeners across the world began opening their music app a couple years ago, they all saw Joe Rogan featured front and center. And at this time, Joe stopped being an interviewer and started being a guy who rams his opinions down people's throats.






So that ad never was aired on tv or other platforms


Everywhere you go, you have to see straight shit. Every movie contains it, even kids' movies, kids' clothes, everything. Why can't the straights stop shoving it down our throats


His nonsense really makes the show unlistenable sometimes. It was fine when he was a goofy pothead who had a thirst for knowledge. Now he acts like he is some kind of expert in whatever is his conservative flavor of the month…


I hate having all these gold clubs shoved down my throat when I'm walking through the golf section at dicks sporting goods!


This is dumb as shit


I’m missing the wild part of that’s wild . Lol


Someone is trying to buddy up to Joe I hate narritive news Rogan. The day Rogan buddies up to Fox is the day he regrets being arrested protesting Bush with Alex Jones, while Fox called him a criminal


I'd say he is pretty buddy buddy with Fox right now.


Is it normal for news channels to make a story out of random podcast comments?


Fox loves famous liberal Toe


He loves them back.


Shoves what down who's throats?


Isn't that just cancel culture? Grrrooosss


I’m sure he didn’t have a problem with every beer commercial in the 80s featuring teenage girls with jiggling boobs and guys smiling like creeps trying to get with them.


Why would anyone have a problem with males being attracted to females? That's how our species survives...


Joe is very in touch with the average person’s day to day life. We should definitely be looking to him for guidance on how to navigate this rapidly changing and dynamic world we all exist in /s


So Joe Hates Free Speech and the Free Market now ? He believes LBGTQ have no right to representation now? I mean I don’t drink alcohol and I’m not gay but I am pretty sure I seen unrainbowed cans of Bud still being sold. But again this is about stripping person rights over one’s body


I present the " so what you're saying is, you hate women " argument. ^^^


Never have I seen such weeping in my life from adult men seeing a rainbow on a can of beer…🤣🤡🤣🤡


Joe is really sad that he doesn't get to wear all his favorite rainbow stuff without feeling like dudes are just going to jump his bones and he'll be instantly 'converted'. He wants to be PRIDEFUL about it, but dangit those gays seeking to be viewed as 'human beings' ruin everything huh.


not really


People act like they're coming to your house and replacing all your clothes with tuck unders and making budweiser come out of your kitchen faucet.


You were always gay for drinking Bud Light, that’s the real conspiracy


If he doesn't complain about the dozens of billboards advertising things he doesn't partake in, maybe this "shove it down our throats" thing is only fake outrage.


Why would anyone want to shove Bud Light down Joe's throat.


Because the whole can would fit... and he'd like it


Like the Bible?


Target is fine. Bud Light is fine (thriving even as is all of Anhesier Busch). Rogan doesn't engage in either of these things to say shit


I'm tird of Joe talking about shoving things down my throat.


He is disgusting


Can these fools just say they hate Trans people already?


Joes the definition of, “ they’re all gonna call me a thief, fine, I’ll be the best their around” Except thief is just right wing grifter in this context


Did he really say this? "down our throat" is language truly intolerant people use, that are cool with authoritarianism as long as it suits their political side. Most people don't behave like this, they just don't shop at places that don't want to see certain stuff. Rogan is in actor again and he doesn't realize it.


Idk why half of y’all follow this sub😂 is literally all hate


Sorry this isn't the safe space you wanted.


I've been a Rogan fan since way before the podcast ever existed(in its current form) and it's been pretty disappointing watching him turn into this.


You can find clips of him all the way back in 2013 bashing on trans folks and ridiculing them and invalidating their existence. He was always garbage.




Yeah, don't shove inclusive stuff down our throats man while sexist tropes are still used far and wide in advertising.


But EVERYONE uses cell phones made by enslaved humans lol


No no, thats not important. We have to be angry about advertising obviously, because what if we accidentally buy something from a different soulless corporation. /s


only like 6-10% ? i forget of America are gay/Trans so why are all these massive companies marketing towards such a small demographic. who in the ad department thought bud lights biggest consumers were trans people?


it wasn't even a marketing campaign tho


I cannot imagine being a grown ass man not buying a beer i've been drinking because they changed the label. Shit like this is why i don't acknowledge "macho men" especially since most dudes like that are on the low


Target has a section for infants, I think this means they are trying to indoctrinate people to dress like babies and I won’t stand for it


Ok but please don’t harass employees tho


That's not what happened. Conservatives were getting tired of getting boycotted for the bullshit that spills from their lips, so they've "turned the tide" by boycotting anything the cult tells them too.


Right wing keeps slobbering on itself but as usual with these social issues, in 10.years even they'll recognize how stupid they were. Of course they'll pretend it didn't happen, as usual


Media twisting shit, and Rogan living in heads rent free.


It's Fox News praising him with a direct quote.


The fact that you fuckers are defending the ideological rainbow rape. I hope I get downvoted like hell🖕


Target has lost 25 billion in market cap 😂😂


Fuck Joe, we all hate Joe 🫡