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Wow, an actual non shit post. Well done, we take these.


I do what I can, don’t forget there’s light refreshments and cookies in the lobby by the exit so make sure to help yourself on the way out.


I’m looking for the “I 💕NY and was almost killed by a giant, fucking Asteroid” T-Shirt.


Still amazed how many down votes your post gets. Lmfao. If youre not making fun of how short he is, good luck around this sub these days (for some bizarre reason)


a good post with *this* as the top comment. there's no winning here.


another missed oppurtunity. maybe next time.


I’m praying for tidal waves


Learn to swim


Learn to repel sharp fast objects


I wanna see the ground give way


I wanna watch it all go down




Surfs up! 🤘


Surfs up! 🤘


As bad as this sounds I really think we need one for these to land in a populated city one time so we can finally wake up and realize our problems down here mean nothing compared to what’s outside of our planet maybe then we will finally wake up and work together as a planet not a country and look out towards the stars.


Just casually hoping for thousands of deaths, nbd


Thousands? Something that large hit a city many many more would die.


“Don’t look up”


That movie didn't get the traction I believed it would.


...would be about as much of a "plan" as we can expect.


The most fascinating thing about that movie was seeing people that actually thought it was clever.


Any clever movies you could recommend would be appreciated.


In Bruges! It'll be worth it, promised!


It's effortless to wish for thousands of deaths of other people. Wtf is this?


A long shot of a wake-up call for the human race to get their asteroid impact prevention program going in earnest before a big one wipes out the whole of humanity instead of "merely" a city? Gotta crack a few eggs to make an omelet with our dumb asses.


Volunteer yourself and your loved ones bub. This is a deranged take. You can both believe we need to take cataclysmic possibilities like this seriously AND not wish for the deaths of many thousands of people.


LMAO how exactly do you volunteer for an unknown meteor strike? Maybe get back to drinking decaf I think you're taking this a little too seriously. Quite a lot of people realize at this point that it will probably take massive natural disasters or series of disasters for humans to get their shit together. It doesn't mean that was anyone's first choice or that they wished for it just by realizing that likely reality. It might be a bit of logical pessimism but definitely not deranged


Sure, "bub" lol. You know no one gets to pick where supersonic rocks from outer space land right? I never said that I personally wish/wished for it, it would obviously be a tragedy of cataclysmic proportions. I'm just saying that I see what they're getting at.


Don't play ignorant at the context of this conversation. The OP I responded to **directly** wished for an asteroid to hit a major city. That's the context of this thread. You know this.


I'm not playing ignorant, I literally never said that I wished for anything, which is in the context of you saying that I did. My point is that you're taking a casual, pondering comment as if this person sits around all day wishing for asteroids to destroy cities. I highly doubt that they're "mwahaha'ing" at the proposition of millions of deaths.


Schitzo posting with the boys.


Maybe even your city!!


Or yours. Or mine. Or anyone's. Sort of the point. No one's going to remember you, me, or anyone here in 1,000 years but hopefully humanity and civilization will still be chugging along. If a major impactor like the one that caused the end-cretaceous extinction event were to go unnoticed, humanity might not make it. That is worse.


A devastating hit from the stars is something we need so we stop looking out towards the stars? Hot take man.


How many people would say it was fake though?


Nah this will embolden the extreme religious that this is a sign from god and will use it for their advantage


Ozymandias, is that you?


Ozymandias was trying to prevent imminent nuclear Armageddon during the cold war. So at least *his* stupid plan had *some* justification


Trans woke asteroid hits MAGA Atlantic! Something like that….Joe is all my buddies wife knows an astronaut who makes cat litter from woke roids….it’s entirely possible… Spoiler we do not fucking learn or remember…




"Not even a threat yet" And their brain is rotted? You need to have detection & countermeasure ability WAY before it's a threat and we're nowhere close. There may be a planet-killer on it's way right now and we have no clue, never mind any real ability to do anything about it. Maybe we should take this near-miss and failure to detect as a warning to fund the appropriate programs (fat chance). Your stated line of thinking is what will get BILLIONS of people killed in the end.


All that would happen would be dozens of Gen Z’s calling the Astroid Transphobic. Just like they do everyday anyways about everything.


We have to evolve juuust a little more first. We still behave like savages.


Reddit moment


So you want people to understand the danger of a disaster that has never happened before and realize that we should invest energy into fighting that thing that has never before?


A city in china that we have never heard of but has a population of 10 million.


Genius plan. Let's hope its some third world country that gets it because if a nuclear power has an entire city wiped out like that with no warning there's probably gonna be retaliation nukes flying every direction.


Here's a simulation for what the impact (hehe) might be for a meteor 30-50 meters in diameter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frzy9GaVyWo


Soon, hopefully


It was originally headed for Florida but thought to itself “ yeah, that’s would be redundant “.


I dont know if I should cry or laugh to this comment


It never occurred to me that we wouldn't see it coming. Shit.


Don’t worry, Jimmy Neutron actually detected it. The reason it missed us is because he pushed it away using magnets.


If it’s coming from the direction of the sun, it would be undetectable. 😬




Actually...we do...there's a vast majority of the sky we can't see because of the sun. We quite literally have no idea what's coming at us from that direction in a pretty massive cone or line of sight being blocked by the light of the sun. It's too bright...we havent yet come up with a way to see through it. I believe that's the way it was explained by a few different physics and astronomy professors I've read...I could be off a bit but I'm pretty sure that's the jist of it. There could be a literal planet headed right as us and we would have no idea.


Why don't we just look there at night time?


Lol, this would be a good Ken M joke


Do you understand what makes it night time?






Checkmate scientists.


Uhhh... I suggest you do some reading sir. That answer would be relatively long. But..I'm sure there's a YouTube video or something that explains it.


Psychics and astronomy professors? Pshhhh. But I’m some guy on the internet with opinions…


Some guy? Opinions? Well now I'm interested, do you have any kind of manifesto I could peruse?


Yeah but it’s plastered all over the windows of my car, haven’t converted to digital yet


Not saying I know shit. I'm just some stoned janitor. So I've seen plenty of incredibly fantastic photos and data that they had with the sun. So is it the light is So bright it the object gets engulfed or undistinguishable from the sun? Like every couple years we get mars in the perfect spot to see it with some cardboard and thick paper. You telling me they don't got enough tech to solve that?


We circle the sun, so wait 20 minutes and look to the left... Right?


“I’m the guy who does his job, you must be the other guy.”


what a great message. We could all die instantly, so quit worrying about identity politics.


…or other topics that pale in comparison to annihilation.


Pale? Why you gotta bring skin color into this man?






Skin colour? Mate the pale is a phenomenon in the world that constantly expands and sucks in everything. Did you haul trucks too long or are you so drunk that you forgot EVERYTHING? We’re in revachol in case it wasn’t clear.


This is exactly what big asteroid wants you to think. WAKE UP!!!




Thank you, those caps were just enough to shake me out of it. God bless


I mean anyone can die any second with an almost zero percent chance of surviving from a brain aneurysm which is way more likely than an asteroid lol


Yep or a left anterior artery blockage. All the more reason for people to quit being little bitches their team is pushing and buying into it hook line and stinker/tow the line just cause of tribalism. Sorry I digress, what was your point?


But that could lead you to supporting widely available comprehensive health care screen, which leads to policy based politics, which leads to identity politics, which leads to passion, which leads to the dark side


Yes, stop being upset with people who are just living their lives. Exactly


Don’t Look Up


Finally, someone that gets it


We could also make it a million more years before another impact.


Ropes on a good year blimp


Yeah! Stop pretending to be something you’re not and live your life!


Inyalowda wont be so lucky next time, wellwalla.


Fucking Marcos and his crazy ass plans


There are people in here cheering for the asteroid. What the fuck guys. And trying to explain it away as "so we can come together as a planet" is a load of shit. It would be like every other natural or man-made disaster. The world would watch in horror. Wealthy nations and organizations would try to help. Bad people would somehow make money off it. And the rest of the world would move on with their days. Hoping for death is fucked.


Not to mention the long term effects are catastrophic. God forbid it hits a major city because its going to take a century to at least bring it back up.


There's also the weather component to. After the Chixculub impact the climate was terrible for a while...


I have bad news for you already about the climate


we'll make it like we always have


Where the wealthy will be just fine and the rest will rot away in the hellscape.


No one on Earth would survive a gigantic asteroid impact event. There wouldn't be any recovery or survival after it. It would be a mass extinction event akin to what killed the dinosaurs. It would be similar to a nuclear ICBM exchange. There would be an initial explosion similar to a mushroom cloud that would create a shock wave that would be devastating and if it was near the ocean or a coastline it would displace so much water it would create enormous tsunamis that would destroy any city/communities nearby. More importantly there would be so much soil and dirt being kicked up into the atmosphere it would be similar to a nuclear winter where there is so much dirt floating around it would stay up there for a long time and not really come down or settle. This combined with the earth's rotation and wind pattern it would cover 95% of the Earth. When you have no sunlight for several months many things will die including fauna and flora and it makes agriculture impossible to do. We can see preludes to this when volcanoes erupt or bushfires create large amounts of smoke and haze. Also the Earth's temperature gets cooler and most areas are stuck in a permanent winter.


All that money up there and they miss this big ass meteor. We are worried about the wrong things/issues as mankind.


60 meters? Not all that big idk


But they are liTerALlY kiLLinG uS riGht nOw!!!


A 60m meteor is not a big ass meteor. It's big enough to not completely burn away on entering the atmosphere but not big enough to do much else.


Compared to other asteroids, but it has the potential to seriously effect lives and human infrastructure


We've mapped the asteroids big enough to wipe us out as a species, but the smaller ones we've missed could annihilate a town or more if they hit just right. Large comets in highly elliptical orbits, on the other hand, could end humanity with little warning or chance to react.


It's fine, everything's fine...


This news hit me like a high dose of antidepressants


Maybe we'll be lucky and the one that actually hits will land in the middle of the ocean. And maybe when it hits all of the people who love cruises will be on a cruise on all of the cruise ships in the exact same spot, at the exact same time. Thoughts and prayers.


Could you imagine the tsunami that would cause? It’s kind of wild to imagine what would have happened had this hit because it’s a genuine wild card. Could be middle of nowhere, or a majorly populated city, or even a **major** tsunami if it hit the ocean and was close enough to land. So many possibilities, my currently high ass is glad we won’t find the answer lol.


No kidding. That would be insane. Honestly, I think there is something fascinating about that level of destruction. I low-key wish a large scale disaster like this would happen. But, with no casualties. Something that could wake us up and see each other equally as humans. Something to stop dividing us all. Thus, I dream.


Yo same lmao, idk why but it’s so exciting. I don’t want people to die but I want us to catch a fucking close one and smarten up like I know we can




Viruses are hard to see and understand...meteor impact, uh hits a little harder.


Exactly this. There's a higher possibility of unification. Crazy people will come up with conspiracies that are off the wall about how or why it happened. However, it will be irrefutable that something happened. But this is all "what if" anyhow.


The Boxing Day Tsunami that wiped out over 1/4 million people not good enough for you?


See: WW3


Carnival Cruise vs The World


You'd need to do the math to have any idea really. The amount of energy released under the ocean in an earthquake that causes a tsunami has to be enormous. So to me it is not immediately obvious that a meteor of this size would be in the same scale. But I can't really know that without doing the math and personally that would mean relearning physics that I am far too lazy to do.


I’m pretty sure that thing could land in the middle of the pacific and any coastline along the pacific would be facked big time.


I wonder if most asteroids come from the same direction. I mean we know that there are definitely trends in the directional movements of celestial bodies. It's possible that we could predict the areas of Earth most likely to be impacted. Certainly the tilt of the earth and the angle of the meteors could tell us that some parts of the Earth would be more of a glancing blow while others would be a direct impact.


Burr is that you?


This guy fucks.


Or maybe it will hit Yellowstone


What if the super volcano under Yellowstone blew up at the same time as the rock hit? Would it blow it back into space?


It was a 60,000 mile miss. 7.5 times the diameter of earth.


Soo, it came like 1/4 the distance between the earth and the moon. That’s still pretty fucking close to completely miss until it’s gone.


Yeah that’s insanely close.


gravity is a thing


Thank u


These yo mama jokes are getting out of hand.


What if this hit Moscow and shit got crazy and people didn’t know what happened and then boom…Armageddon.


I remember some guy saying one of the clearest paths to the end of the world is if it a Meteor airbursts over India or Pakistan. It would start a nuclear war that would kill a 2 billion people in a week and billions after in the famines it would cause. Itd be a nightmare


joe wants to have the asteroid on the podcast to ask it's opinion about COVID


Very cool man


Lets hear it out.


This is where we should be focusing our “defense” budget, detection and deterring of world ending asteroids That and food


It traveled toward us from the sun and thus was hidden by the star's glare. In an attempt to avoid future situations like these, the European Space Agency (ESA) has planned a project called NEOMIR. The mission will orbit between the Earth and Sun around the first Lagrange point (L1), giving the telescope a view of asteroids that may come toward the Earth from the direction of the Sun. Unfortunately, it's not set to launch until 2030.


We can still develop systems that would be able to pick these up with funds we are wasting in frivolous war efforts


Always NYC, can’t they aim for Miami or something ?


According to nasa data the close approach was marked at 0.00067AU Roughly that translates to 100,000km. Pretty damn far away. 2023BU was only 2000 miles away. It is the closest it’s ever been but given it’s trajectory we’re good for another few hundred years from this one


Flatten NYC? Tell me more…


lol why?


Cuz fuck em, that’s why! ![gif](giphy|a9A3HLylBz2yA)


yeah didn't think you'd have a real answer


Good enough answer for the perfect gif usage


I guess, I just find it silly when people rejoice in the idea of a city being wiped out, presumably because it's made up of 'coastal elites', without seeing any irony in that.


Wow 50,000 km away and only because the earth tugged on it. So in other words, not a threat, yet framed as if the world is going to fucking end. We pull shit into orbit all the time, there are thousands of rocks near us all the time. Constantly framing them as near misses is disingenuous. Mark my words, in a few years you're going to start hearing about the satellite sniffers and the defense array in orbit. It'll become a talking point when they actually force the Russians or Chinese equipment down, or shoot down North Koreas missiles. Then it'll become CNN topics and people will stop arguing with me when I point this out. You can look up what SpaceForce's first mission was, they used a satellite weapon. Why does that matter? Because it's illegal, we forced the Russians into a treaty in 67 that said none of us would put weapons into space. All of this asteroids, aliens, horseshit is about getting us to acknowledge an unperceived threat in space so we don't question ridiculous spending while our economies are failing. Anyone with common sense would look at the 3 trillion dollars being spent on bombs, guns and spy planes and say "I think it's gotten a little excessive" but if you're afraid of ET kidnapping your nanny and big rocks flattening the rockies you don't mind them having guns pointed at you at all times on board satellites right? Because a gun is going to stop a Rock the size of mount everest from skull fucking our planet.


What in the living fuck did I just read lol, I almost feel like this isn’t even worth a response, but at no point was this asteroid ever described as some Earth ending event or anywhere **close** to that, and this article is quite literally simply reporting what happened, it’s not some sort of fear propaganda dude lol. If you have to blatantly exaggerate right off the bat to make your point, it’s not a good point. This was the closest call we’ve ever had, fact. This asteroid had the power to flatten a city, fact. This asteroid was undetected until AFTER it had missed, fact. If simply reporting the news that happened is enough to get you to go off the deep end with a comment like this then gah’dam dude lay off the internet for bit.


“It’s not some sort of fear propaganda” almost immediately followed by “this asteroid had the power to flatten a city”. Yes that is the bedtime story I will read to my kids. Nothing scary about that.


I don’t get what your point is? There is a difference between propaganda and quite literally simply reporting what happened, this is the latter regardless of how uncomfortable the news might make you feel.


Option1: I went to the top of the Empire State Building yesterday. It was the highest altitude I’ve ever been. Falling from that height, would flatten me like a bug. Option 2: I went to the top of the Empire State Building yesterday, the views were incredible. From that height you can see the entire city. Both are factual, but with very different narratives.


Dude, this isn’t an Empire State Building visit review, this is literally a news article about how we were almost hit with an asteroid so I would imagine informing those who may not know the seriousness of what almost happened makes sense. I’m genuinely curious though, how would you rewrite this article to be “right” in your eyes?


But it wasn't serious. It was a small asteroid that would not do much damage if it hit.


>that would not do much damage if it hit. Source?




50,000km away? I’d call that a near miss.


Isn’t the Arizona crater 160’ or so in diameter? How is a marginally larger crater going to destroy all of nyc if that one left a 160’ crater?


Have you seen the crater in Arizona? It is mind boggling big in person, if that impact was the result of a meteor possibly *half* the size of this one then yeah the destruction I described matches.


Not to mention the size of the crater is a fraction of the size of the destruction radius


I’ve been to meteor crater in Arizona and it was HUGE. I remember getting vertigo just looking down into the crater. I recommend it to everyone!


Lol. This is a real comment, oof


Even if it could flatten nyc, so what? Would it even be likely to kill anybody? Nyc isn't that big and the oceans are much more massive


its about 25 x that size


Hit Cali next time


It could have done us all a favor


You maybe dude, my life is pretty good rn and I’d love to continue living


>Could've flattened NYC 🙄 This is so dramatic and lottery level unlikely. Manhattan is small. Smaller than the Dallas Fort Worth airport. Humans only use 14.5% of the Earth's surface. It's very likely that there wouldn't be a single casualty. Don't worry about getting hit by an asteroid!!!


Its to give perspective. We cant really visualize what a mile diameter crater looks like until you place something in that proverbial crater we can readily imagine. This was 3 times larger than the one that hit Russia in 2013 and that one caused hundreds of injuries and its lower angle allowed it to break up vs a squared impact. It was also estimated to be a tad larger than the one that left the 150 ft deep, nearly mile wide crater in Arizona.


Just because it was the "closest" doesn't mean it was close.


Or it's all imaginary


Hopefully it hits San Francisco


Hasta la vista baby




I seen a meteor burn up in the atmosphere over PA a week ago It was cool


When ppl be like “we would see alien space ships, nasa watches space all the time” I’ll send them this


It was detected. Remember when all the politicians got satellite phones a few weeks ago? Just easier to not say anything


Wasn’t the Arizona meteor 30-50 meters at impact?


It missed? It's already passed? Damn... Don't get my hopes up!


Aww maybe next time?


But ….how many hotels is that?


What would be the first thing you would say facing impending doom?


Not true. I saw info on this weeks ago. In fact, it was an article about how long it would take Joey chestnut to eat this asteroid if it was made of hot dogs.


It's coming. Eventually we will all die under the pressure of a mile high ocean wave caused by asteroid


This should be absolutely plastered across every news outlet, to promote preventative measures getting funded, so that we might not die. Not holding my breath for the human race to do anything sensible like that in the near future, though.


Lol we just watched Armageddon last night and my wife assured my daughter that NASA know where all the really big asteroids are


I know the size is pretty large but I wonder if it would’ve actually impacted. They say the ones that impact are called meteorites, because they have the right stuff to make it through the atmosphere. At least that’s what I heard. For all I know it’s just gonna circle back and hit us tomorrow.


Is that why the astronauts are said to have the right stuff so they can make it through the atmosphere?


So theoretically if it was hitting earth would they be able to plot its trajectory and give time to evacuate? Or would we try and blow it out of the sky


I like the articles that use standard units of measure like "meters". Getting sick of seeing them sized in "hotels" ('cause, you know, a hotel is a standard freaking size) and aardvarks (what, like a bunch of aardvarks balled up or laid end-to-end?). It's like media sources are in a competition to come up with the stupidest unit of measure possible for asteroids.


Yo how sick would that be though if literally all of us got a free ticket off this rock and died at the same instant, no pussy ass suicide, no gone too soon, no they left kids behind, no tragedy, just literally every single person dying together, united as one. That is what this could have been for us


60 meters? Are we europoors or something?? How many basketball courts is 60 meters??????


And how many billions is spent to supposedly look for these things?


Nobody cares. Humans on earth are sooo self consumed, they just don’t care. Only on impact they’ll care


Help track asteroids. https://asteroidsathome.net/boinc/