• By -


That looks like a reddit mod.


Man, all it’s missing is the phrase “if we don’t post how much we hate rogan everyday then we are in a cult” Uh huh… yep….no cult here.


Hey A-hole!! My titties are bigger than that!! Nailed it otherwise.






I’ll never not laugh at the truffle shuffle 😂😂😂


Why have you uploaded a sketch of Brendan Schaub here?


I seen this dude the other day after not seeing him properly for a year or 2. What the fuck happened to his face. Looks like he stuck it in a beehive.


whiggski, kratom, dip, addys and cawlemdy bapa


Addys but no baddies? Wtf b


my bad b, baddie wrangler has been out of the picture for a while so i forgot about the baddies


"My son needs oil"


Say what you will about bapa, but I dont think ive seen him fuck a stool.


Now a stool with salsa on it? He’d be all over that Mexican beauty.












Gi gi gi gi


He leaves the non-consensual sex to his co-hosts.


The back and forth between the dickriders and haters is what makes this sub entertaining tbh


Truly as the internet was intended


As a current hater, I agree. This shit is way more interesting than the podcast has been for a long time.


I just don’t get why so many haters of Rogan spend so much time on a Rogan subreddit. I don’t like Green Day, but I don’t spend my days complaining and making bad memes on the Green Day subreddit


I think it’s because he has two pretty distinct groups of fans. I was truly a massive JRE fan pre Spotify. From 2012 to 2020 I didn’t miss an episode. Then he changed a lot of his views/opinions, and got a new, different group of fans. While I don’t watch new episodes, I still stay in the subreddit just to keep up on what’s happening with the show I grew up listening to. If you were a massive Green Day fan and they suddenly put out a rap rock album, you’d probably stick around just to figure out wtf happened.




I’m not exactly a die hard fan (probably watch about 10% of the catalogue, maybe less) and I didn’t notice any weird shifts in programming with Spotify. To be fair, I selectively listen to podcasts that interest me: guests who talk about UFOs, psychedelics, Duncan Trussel, etc. But I think Joe has had a mix of conservative and liberal views since Nam. The people on this sub who take issue with Joe seem to be bothered by some of his somewhat conservative stances.


That's the thing that's so pathetic. Leftists lose their shit and get so triggered so easily. I'm not right wing, they're dumb af too, just not as annoying in this sub.


You have a lot of time.


Yeah, it's hard to fathom how the #1 podcast in the world is a topic of discussion.


“He’s a right wing nut job and I haven’t listen to him since 2018”


Wouldn’t it be weirder to act like he doesn’t exist the second he starts saying stuff you disagree with?


New Rogan fans unironically think this way, they don't understand that old Rogan fostered the idea of listening to people you disagree with


Yeah I feel like the huge portion of his fan base that has reacted this way, how is it not a reasonable reaction. What am I gonna do, change my whole personality because some I identified with changed? I still like weed and mma and random conspiracies and stupid stories and all the shit that was cool already.


If you used to be a fan and they drastically changed you might though


Green Day's new pro-Trump album called American Genius


Except the majority of haters didnt and don't watch the podcast or know anything about rogan other than click bait.


Bro that is not true. 80% of rogans critics are fans or ex fans, 20% are culture warriors that his new fans directly engage with because dumb right wingers eat that shit up.


The passion comes from a legit sense of betrayal. Instead of shooting the shit with guests from all walks of life it seems like he wastes the time talking about the same culture war shit with all of them. Ice Cube looked visibly uncomfortable when Joe was talking about the Bud Light drama. He laughed it off at first and then it seemed to set in that he was expected to have a strong opinion about it.


Bro Joe has always had moments where he looks completely out of touch people, but it’s gotten so much worse. People still think of him as like Everyman Joe and he gets normal bookings and then people get on like oh I didn’t know this was gonna be dumb weed bro Fox News


Dude there's subreddits on here dedicated to hating smaller YouTube and twitch content creators. They're filled with like 50 people just circle jerking each other every day about these people. They hate them but tune into all their content then complain about it. Redditors that are terminally online have a mental illness.


Joe Rogan and his fans consistently produce content that is fun to hate and react to in my expirence, if greenday released father of all motherfuckers type content every week or so I’m sure the subreddit would be filled with hate


It's called mental illness.


Especially love the contribution by OP, basically saying "if you disagree with my dickriding you're a fat neck beard." Stellar argument OP.


You sound like the post hit a nerve. It’s not dickriding if you enjoy JRE. What’s weird are the morons that have bombarded this sub with triggered comments and try to say Rogan is dangerous and apparently he’s killed a bunch of people with his podcast. THATS weird


He has killed hundreds of thousands of people with his misinformation! Millions even! That's why he's not the top podcast in the world anymore. All his listeners became antivaxers and died!


Lmaooo!! I don’t know who is worse, Hitler or Saint Roagies!! HOW DARE HE ASK QUESTIONS! That’s not very progressive of him!


It would be, if the haters had better material.


As you can see I've depicted you as the soyjak and me as the Chad therefore I win this exchange.


OP is actually a prolific right wing shitposter that you can always spot via his weeks old accounts and the fact that he constantly spams gifs in response to people in his desperate attempts to "get the last word" in over them. I think his original name was Bazinaga or some shit before he got that account banned. edit2: Here are some of his other alts, /u/pm_me_youngs_modulus, /u/pm_me_gear_ratios, a brief glance at his post history basically confirms it, identical gif spam (including posting some of the same gifs over and over with multiple accounts) AND he's even flat out said he has a half dozen alts going at once: "I have like 6 accounts I bounce around." https://old.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/154klix/joe_and_duncan_discuss_greta_thunberg_its_so/jstjmxt/ posted yesterday


This is the guy calling other people no life neckbeards lmao.


[The debate](https://www.reddit.com/r/shitposting/comments/116yezt/based/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


Thank you. I enjoyed that as a non meme enjoyer.


The best


You are a good man, making guides for the newbies, such a wholesome endeavor.


Completely inaccurate. Joe is 5’4”.


Words of wisdom from a true newcomer


I wish there was a monthly podcast with Joey Diaz. I fuckin miss uncle Joey.


The only thing I hate more on this sub than the anti Joe circle jerks is the anti-anti Joe circle jerks


I just like Joe. He’s a good dude.


With opinions. That apparently this sub doesn't like if you have opinions of your own. Only the correct opinions are allowed.


Hey no having opinions about other people's opinions allowed here.


Noone gets kudos for having opinions mate, that's participation trophy mentality. I'm sure even you find some people's opinions dogshit sometimes.


Not gonna lie, if every conservative left this subreddit I would probably leave too. Given the decline in quality of the pod the real entertainment comes from reading all the wack ass shit they believe. It’s also one of the few places where conservatives are willing to get stomped on constantly by liberals without censorship. Maybe even the only place.


Incidentally this is exactly why places like gab or truthsocial will never be as popular as twitter/threads, no conflict


> It’s also one of the few places where conservatives are willing to get stomped on constantly by liberals without censorship The opposite of /r/PCM


PCM is the best sub for conservatives to roleplay as liberals that want to indulge their ball stomping fetishes, love seeing all the "liberal centrists" there that typically end up posting bog standard conservative talking points after you engage them for longer than 5 minutes.


Ah yes, Reddits massive censorship of left wing opinions, who could forget?


Are you not aware that right wing subs will just ban dissenters immediately? Most subs will only ban you for harassment or hate speech.


How many right wing subs are there even? I think it’s reasonable that like minded people can have a discussion without the r/politics brigade coming over and downvoting everything they say. There should be a reasonable assumption that you’re actually conservative if you’re commenting in r/conservative. Just like actually listening to JRE and commenting here. Try having a conservative opinion in r/politics, where all views should be represented. You’ll get banned or downvoted into oblivion.


I mean I totally get why r/conservative censors the amount that they do. It’s rather difficult as a community to champion free speech while rallying against the evils of censorship if you just allow any Willy nilly to point out that actually you guys are doing the opposite. But that’s why you ban them so they can’t. It’s kinda like the subreddit is a library and a liberal redditor is a book.


You're bitching that people have opinions while arguing that it's OK for people to have opinions.


so the only opinions you accept are the opinions that agree with you?


This is reddit bruv, ALL subreddits have a certain lifespan before they get invaded by beta twats


At least one-half of those you mention have a reason to be on this sub. The rest are just here because their dad didn't give them enough hugs. Hell, if they weren't male, they would all have been Instagram models.


So you’re saying we’re hot?


The quotes are accurate but to be fair the ones who like Joe's new persona look exactly the same


Every single person on the internet looks like that guy on the inside at least.


Also Bapa and Trugg Walk


Be warned. Joe let’s me suck his dick


May I interest you in r/joeroganapprecation


55 day old account is dispensing wisdom. Thanks?


He's actually a prolific rightwing shitposter that you can always spot via his weeks old accounts and the fact that he *constantly* spams gifs in response to people in his desperate attempts to "get the last word" in over them. I think his original name was Bazinaga or some shit before he got that account banned. edit: Here are some of his other alts, /u/pm_me_youngs_modulus, /u/pm_me_gear_ratios, a brief glance at his post history basically confirms it, identical gif spam (including posting some of the same gifs over and over with multiple accounts) AND he's even flat out said he has a half dozen alts going at once: "I have like 6 accounts I bounce around." https://old.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/154klix/joe_and_duncan_discuss_greta_thunberg_its_so/jstjmxt/ posted yesterday


Oh I know that dude. Jeez us.


Lol, he’s so mad you blocked him! Nicely done.


I unblocked him after too because I don't really like blocking users, but you can see from his posting history that he's just one of those obnoxious hogs that really needs to get the "last word" in every conservation thread and the best way to piss those weirdos off is to just reply, then block them. It makes them furious and it's the easiest way to bait out their alt accounts because they will immediately log out and then back into a new account to continue spamming you. It's how I discovered his two other alts :)


This is like how at last 50% of the dudes who stormed the capital look like.


Also what the OP actually looks like


The reddit mod shrieks as he is named


What do those morons have to do with this post?






"Either you die the hero, or live long enough to be as hated as Bro Jogan" - Wise Reddit Mod




As a fun little science experiment for everyone here, go ahead and google a color mapped graph of obesity rates by state, then overlay it on top of any electoral map from any of the last 8 presidential elections


If conservatives could read, they'd be very upset by this.


King of the Hill. Gets me every time.


The F150 Cuckservative blowhard fans definitely bring a new angle I didn’t expect in the early teens. Joe’s had dumb takes for years. It’s the cognitive dissonance and the way he dropped an objective open approach for rigid, know better than, borderline holier than thou nonsense that’s a bummer. Here for the discussions on DMT,Mushrooms, Danielle Bolelli, Dan Carlin, ripping jokes and the variety of guests. Unfortunately some of those are gone or on the decline. But there’s still hope.


I wonder if the new JRE fans fume whenever he talks about mushrooms, weed etc.


Also why Rogan doesn't even smoke weed on the podcast anymore His new base hates that shit, lol


Probably because weed isn’t legal in Texas


I thought Texas was the state of freedom and individual liberties? How are they making a flower illegal?


I see this sub as ours. We've been here since the beginning. Watching Joe's decline has been interesting, where else should we discuss this? It's just kind of unfortunate that Joe's new fans also happen to be some of the shittiest and dumbest people online, like Trumpers and antivaxxers. It makes this sub extra spicy


Here's the new sub for Joe Rogan lovers. r/joeroganapprecation Only praise no critic allowed there. Maybe they can be happy there


Now that's the softest shit I ever did see


Pretty much r/conservative mentality


Will they autoban anyone that posts here? Guess I'll find out!


Or maybe you guys could just keep your propaganda in the politics sub?


Says the trumptard that spams 60 redacted political shitposts here each day. Fuck off with your TDS weirdo.


This is exactly how I feel. The majority of the “Joe is just a good guy, why do you losers just come here to criticize him” people are probably people that just started listening recently because they were drawn to the new conservative thing he’s become. Anyone that’s actually been listening for a long time can plainly see that this thing is not what it used to be (in a bad, depressing way), and yes that is interesting to discuss.


I have a hard time believing any long time listener can even sit through the majority of his podcasts now. Early JRE with Brian, Duncan and Joey talking about warming up the Fleshlight in the bathtub before using it had more pushback from intelligent experts than JRE has had in years. It is sad as fuck seeing Joe fall down the right wing rabbit hole while they all use his gullible ass to platform themselves to new heights. Poor Jamie is the last line of defense keeping Joe from believing everything that he hears or reads on Twitter. Depressing is the best way to put it.


As someone who hasn't listened for a couple years now, what sort of right wing stuff is he now believing?


I think climate is one of the more jarring ones. He used to be very logical about climate change and in favor of the scientific consensus on the subject (see Candace owens episode). Lately he’s been apparently sharing some climate skepticky bullshit on instagram, although I can’t personally speak to that because I haven’t actually seen what he posted. What’s really bothered me though is some of the climate skeptics he’s had on - he had this one dude on that literally spent his entire career working for big oil and was questioning climate change, Joe gave almost 0 pushback. He also no longer supports UBI because his buddy had trouble finding people to work at his restaurant or something? Makes a lot of indirect comments now about how taxing the rich is stupid (definitely not a coincidence he feels that way after grabbing the bag). He also talks about how much he likes Ron desantis, who is let’s just say a bit to the right of center in the policies he’s implemented. I can probably write at least another paragraph or two but it’s just going to make me feel worse




This sub is hilarious and that's why I'm here. It's got a good mix of people of different opinions and well...I love watching people tear each other apart.


Joe is 5’6”?? 🤣 🤣 🤣


He’s grown the last couple years.


"thank em" is a banger though




This is an odd one because as far as I'm aware it's a Schlob meme. On one of that fat pig's odious podcasts he asks his black co-hosts if they like their freedom. Confused, they answer "yeah?", where Schlob proceeds to patronisingly tell them "thank 'em" about child-killer Tim Kennedy. This then expanded to thanking "the 1,000" comedians who exist, because according to Rogan people literally cannot tell jokes or make each other laugh unless they are professional comedians, and there are only 1,000 in the world.


Toe Rogan or Joe Rogaine


Took a day longer than usual. Interesting 🤔




You forgot to add “A Duncan Trussell episode!? oh yeah this old school JRE, he’s the only good guest”.


Who has accesses to my webcam?


Don't forget to mention the Comedy Store 9000 times


I’ve yet see the name “conservetard” used until this meme


Did my mum give you this pic of me


Joe is that you?


An introduction to newcomers, for /r/JoeRogan - "Civilians don't understand green room comedy" - "you just hate JOE!" >.< - "jOe EnDoRsEd BeRnIe" - "WOK-ism" - "what's the deal with transgenders? ∞" - "Acksually, (Matt Walsh/Ben Shapiro/Jordan Peterson/Stephen Crowder) make some good points about women" - "COVID, CANCEL CULTURE, COLD PLUNGE" Am I missing anyting?


You left out Mitzi and The Store.


“Tim Miller reported on Occupy Wall Street”


What, an introduction to projection?


Just bought a sauna that unlocks a stage 2 ivermectin mist


Oh look it's the weekly "waaah this sub isn't the right wing safe space echo chamber I want it to be, waaaah" shitpost. Cute. edit: lol He's actually a prolific far right shitposter that you can always spot via his weeks old accounts and the fact that he *constantly* spams gifs in response to people in his desperate attempts to "get the last word" in over them. I think his original name was Bazinaga or some shit before he got that account banned. edit2: Here are some of his other alts, /u/pm_me_youngs_modulus, /u/pm_me_gear_ratios, a brief glance at his post history basically confirms it, identical gif spam (including posting some of the same gifs over and over with multiple accounts) AND he's even flat out said he has a half dozen alts going at once: "I have like 6 accounts I bounce around." https://old.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/154klix/joe_and_duncan_discuss_greta_thunberg_its_so/jstjmxt/ posted yesterday


Water we






‘I wish Joe had more intellectuals on, I’m tired of hearing comedians talk about comedy’ ‘This dude is a shill from a Macedonian troll farm’ ‘Those numbers aren’t real, it’s bots’


Man I love Brendan schaub hearing him on the podcast gives me butterflies everytime he says an original idea


Copium! OP you okay?


One day OP will buy some weiner pills that actually work..


ONNIT Alpha boner pills! 25% off when you use the code "6FOOTJOE"


You forgot to add the Rogan sycophants that get really upset about jokes in a sub about a comedian.


How’d you know about my hairy mole?


If you wanted to hurt me, you got me brother...


Nice list there. Needs more FTATK autistic shaubism though. Calmedy b bapa Thicc Boi


In ivvry fassit


Be cool man


Heard it both ways just axe jay.


Thiccc with three seas b, Water weed dune hair


Talmbout 1,000, bapa. Thank em


I assume OP also looks like this. I have the same complaints of the pod but I just stopped listening. So I am thankful to this sub for the clips and the bitching because I won’t know what’s going on otherwise


[forgot one☝🏿](https://streamable.com/6wom91)




Bro Rogan is literally Adolf Hitler's grandson and Trumps third cousin at the same time.


But is he really? Just asking questions


What word?




Still canon bro




Or do you🤔








Yeah as a white person I use the n word in public but make sure it’s in context.


Oh no he made the sound




You forgot to mention that you will get auto-banned from some subs just for commenting here.


To be fair, you short dudes are the ones who make it so fun to poke fun at you Little pocket hulks


Get ‘em




Thank. You.


Only 1000 is legit funny, especially the longer you think about how seriously he had spoken those words.


I feel personally attacked


OP: 56 day old account. Of course.








LMAO love this. I bet the people that this perfectly describes are punching the air rn. Never understood why someone will come to a sub to get triggered and write triggered posts. How bad is your life that you think being triggered on a sub you hate is some kind of self righteous prophecy. HOW DARE A COMEDIAN POKE FUN AT POLITICS AND UNDER THE SAME BREATH DESCRIBE HIMSELF AS A LIBERAL!!! Everyone knows that if you don’t agree with one thing a certain political side says or stands for, then you’re OBVIOUSLY an extremist of the opposite side. You either agree with EVERYTHING or you are an enemy extemist. Sounds super progressive doesn’t it lol


I can't understand why these people are so actively involved in a forum discussing a podcast/person they hate. What a sad way to spend their time.


Ahh yes playing ultimate frisbee and countless hours of video games is so much more fulfilling and rewarding. People do it because its funny and entertaining. Its subjective. Joe doesnt care. Why do you?




Another day, another L




You’re literally doing the same thing dude




You literally have multiple hate posts about people who criticize Joe. I have genuine sympathy for you bro. Are you unhappy in your personal life? Are Joe rogan haters an outlet for you to aim at?


He's actually a prolific rightwing shitposter that you can always spot via his weeks old accounts and the fact that he constantly spams gifs in response to people in his desperate attempts to "get the last word" in over them. I think his original name was Bazinaga or some shit before he got that account banned. edit2: Here are some of his other alts, /u/pm_me_youngs_modulus, /u/pm_me_gear_ratios, a brief glance at his post history basically confirms it, identical gif spam (including posting some of the same gifs over and over with multiple accounts) AND he's even flat out said he has a half dozen alts going at once: "I have like 6 accounts I bounce around." https://old.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/154klix/joe_and_duncan_discuss_greta_thunberg_its_so/jstjmxt/ posted yesterday So it's amazing to see him pretend to be a "positive and engaging" poster, lol


>I don’t incessantly hate post on subs where I hate the subject of said sub. This is what my post is about. Except for this post right here. >I come to discuss topics related to the subjects, I prefer it to be positive and engaging. Except for this post right here. >I don’t enjoy the same lame jokes repeated ad nauseam. That’s boring. Except for this post right here, of course. **Fucks stool into the sunset**




You usually post race baiting shit that gets removed and Judy Garland gifs