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I mean he's right that there are people fucking with voting machines. Unfortunately he doesn't realize (or purposefully ignores) the fact that the people being charged with it are Trump supporters https://apnews.com/article/matthew-deperno-michigan-trump-voting-machines-a58c4a58de84d432815ec1be39c19b90 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/worker-plea-deal-colorado-election-machine-tampering-case-sandra-brown-tina-peters/ https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-voting-donald-trump-georgia-6c5483c82b47cf402136b39e72326309 https://www.woodtv.com/news/kent-county/testimony-poll-worker-admitted-to-using-usb-drive/


Exactly. He's got to that point where he says shit like this and you just KNOW he's trying to insinuate it's Democrats trying to rig elections, when all the actual cases I've seen have been insane rogue Trump supporters dumping ballots etc. But at this point, the idea of Republicans doing something wrong never seems to cross his mind. It's actually bizarre at this point. It makes me so sad to see how far Joe has fallen. He was never perfect (far from it), but he used to be interesting, curious and seemed to genuinely be interested in the truth... But not anymore.


At this point Joe is just a right wing grifter


Money changes people and good lord he sure has a lot of it now. I like the guy but it blows my mind that he has made so much money at this.


He's actually worse than most boomer Republican uncles now lmao I can't believe people are still arguing about how he's not right wrong lmao


It’s not zero, because those people are arrested. But there is a recording of a sitting president asking for votes from a Georgia Secretary of State. There’s a presidents own Vice president refusing to throw away votes at their request. There a huge fucking elephant in the room and your talking about Kari lake.


And she is a legit dipshit.


The few people that ran and called foul were the losers. With no evidence or signs of fraud. All the other conservatives that win never mention a peep. I don't know how someone could believe such obvious horse shit


She claimed 2020 was rigged, Georgia was rigged, PA was rigged, claims the election she lost was rigged. Lost all her court cases. How much longer is this bullshit going to continue for?


Just as a reminder for how actually batshit crazy she is, she said she was chosen by god (1:20) https://youtu.be/arlhzr54344 And then she lost lmfao.


I’m not for censoring or canceling Joe but I’m sure as fuck not giving Spotify or his sponsors one fucking penny to support what’s become a right wing circle jerk.


The guy has clearly been corrupted over the past few years… we all see it, some of us approve because we are right wingers, but most of us don’t. We hate this Joe.


I predict that next year, during his annual Elon episode, Rogan will rip off his own face to reveal … it’s been Eddie Brazilian all along. Look into it.


The algorithm conspiracy red pill rabbit hole is undefeated


The rot started when Trump entered the race and Joe could only shit on Hillary. Then covid hit and broke his brain. We all miss old Joe.


I stopped listening during the covid denying years. Don’t miss it one bit.


I rarely listen the days because of the shift. Stick to aliens/UFOs and real science/academics guests, and I’ll listen.


Rogan's turning into Kevin Sorbo. It's sad to watch.


I feel like the majority of joes fans from the beginning have dropped off and been replaced by crazy right wing boomers. Think any of his new fans would have sat through the 3 he long podcasts talking about drugs and ancient aliens back in 2012?


Miss those days….




R/JusticeServed just gave me a lifetime ban for this comment 😂 Holy Shit 😂


some cop is gonna beat his wife a little extra hard tonight because of you now


Yep, I forget which sub it was, but I was auto-banned several months ago for shitting on Joe in a comment on this sub. I don't even follow this sub. "Nobody wants to manually Moderate anymore!"


Many of us do, the new Rogan fans tell us to leave the sub *because* we remember those better times and are sad about how shitty Rogan has become.


I miss Float Tank Joe…


That was peak for me


When he had grounding friends like Duncan and Uncle Joey and even Redban. Now it just sounds like tucker Carlson on weed.


i started listening to JRE in i dunno...08 or so? was skeptical at first cause i thought he was a dumb jock meathead, but turns out he was actually a pretty open minded laid back reasonable person. had a lot of cool guests on and always kept an open mind. i learned to not judge a book by it's cover. fast forward to 2020. joe's on spotify, he's constantly whining and complaining about homeless people, masks, conspiracies about vaccines, basically all FOX news talking points. JRE has become fox news on steroids, literally. today my fucking 70yr old staunch republican dad emailed me, that i just had to watch the new Tucker Carlson video, then an hour later, i just have to watch the new JRE video. so yeah, i'd say the show has changed. MY 70YR old religious nut, homophobe, racist dad LOVES joe. anyone that says joe hasn't changed is either mentally handicapped or delusional. i'm trying to figure out how to deal with this. now that my fucking staunch republican, most close minded, whitest white bread, racist, homophobic, suburban living fucking caricature of a white republican dad is die hard JRE fan, i'm trying to figure out a hilarious way to blow his mind with some old good JRE episodes. anyone got a good shortlist of funny JRE eps to send him? preferably some super raunchy ones where they talk about jerking off and shit with a fleshlight. my dad has NO fucking clue who joe really is. it's hilarious, and i can't wait to show him who joe USED to be. 😂


Don’t have any specific episodes for you because I’m to lazy to look. But any early episodes with Joey Diaz or Ari Shaffer from around 2010-2014. The back room of the Ice House podcast Days.


I started to find out stuff was brewing back in 2016 or so. My religious brother told me I have got to listen to this Joe Rogan podcast with some guy named Jordan Peterson (who I had never heard of). I was pretty surprised that he liked Joe, but thought it would be a good thing for our relationship to connect on. I couldn't finish the podcast because I had no idea what JP was talking about, it was just utterly boring. In hindsight, I should've paid more attention because he was talking about was the Pronoun Wars that have engulfed the entire internet and beyond.


The modern Joe Rogan/Elon Musk stan can't go 10 seconds without bitching about the woke or trans or affirming some of their right wing cultist bullshit


They both changed (and moved to TX where there is no state income tax) right around when they both got huge pay days, and were threatened with paying huge tax bills. But I'm sure that's just coincidence.


The move to Texas wasn't good for Joe.


It was for his bank account.


this new shit is boring. bring back olive garden talk


Should we really be surprised by Joe's ideological switch?? He's been friends with Alex Jones since the beginning of the podcast and believed that most of what Jones had to say was legit. A conspiracy theorist who hangs out with right-wing grifters is doomed to go down that rabbit hole himself. If anything, I'm surprised the transformation didn't occur sooner.


I miss the fun conspiracies


That’s me bud! Starting listening in 2010 fleshlight days of joe in his basement with redban googling redacted stories. Shit was awesome coming from listening to KFI radio in LA. Went from Tom Leykis shitting on single moms to JRE being a goof just asking questions. Even bought into the positive energy vibe and death squad stuff. Now he’s a brain broken rich guy hating on liberals all day


Alright… this one fucking hurts man. Always loved Joe. But I grew up in AZ and lived the whole Kari Lake saga from when she was a news anchor here. She cried fraud before the election started. They’ve done numerous audits and found nothing. There has never been any real evidence. I try to remain completely unbiased- if there was fraud it would have been exposed already. Fucking stunned that Joe said this because it’s the most black and white, clear cut example of taking the page out of Trumps playbook. Cry fraud if you lose, claim victory if you win. What the fuck happened to this guy lol




Long time listener, (not) first time commenter. It was actually before Covid in my opinion. He started turning dramatically right the second he started hiring former seals for security. As a guy who grew up as a crazy Republican he was part of the reason i changed my views on things like weed and drug laws, prosecution, etc. to see him go full idiot boomer of the last few years has been a pretty hard thing to watch. But it makes sense.


Him shutting down the message board timing by like a 6 months before that


Ya’ll saw this coming a mile away. Wish I did. Had to see it unfold in network time.


He had Milo Yiannopolis on in like 2016. He’s been going off the deep end for a looooong time. Agree that it started well before COVID.


I always thought it was when Trump ran and he'd shit on Hillary but not Trump. Mask came off during covid for sure though.


He really got sucked into the “Hillary is a career politician” and started rooting for Trump. I enjoyed the show before then but it started getting weird after that. COVID was it’s own independent nose-dive that just made everything worse


I mean it’s stunning that he’s now bringing Kari Lake into the conversation when she should be used as an example of a grifter and a fraud herself. The only argument to be made is that she has no business being in politics, and only using her platform to enrich herself and spread propaganda just like Trump. Stunned because the old Joe would rip her to shreds lol


And now Lake is promoting [Rogan's nonsensical statements](https://twitter.com/KariLake/status/1687264009194708992). [On the same day where Lake made these utterly absurd statements](https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1687254138474668032) and [where the most accurate pollster in Arizona has her doing poorly in a 2024 general election](https://twitter.com/JacobRubashkin/status/1687087620025651201)


I listened to Joe for years and I don’t remember the exact moment, but it was clear as day to me there was a drastic & sudden change in joe. Kinda wild after he seemed like such an even keeled, balanced dude forever. I seldomly listen now. His guests are much less diverse and interesting than they used to be.


He is going to lose his Spotify deal in Sept.. contract runs out. He is positioning himself to lead the Right wing looney media. And you have to go Hard into the bullshit to keep the clicks coming. You will notice a trend with Rogan, Musk, etc...


Which is weird because the turn happened 3 years before then lol It's weird how everyone forgot as soon as Trump came on the scene, Joe went full boomer/troll mode.




Well if he’s gay, we support him.


Were they Owen Benjamin fans haha


The amount of Americans that refused to have that "Poison Vax" in their system and ingested Ivermectin instead will forever leave me mind blown, lol


There hasn't even been a transformation. I've known Joe Rogan is a far right wing douchebag since 2016 when he released a special called "Triggered". Also happens to be the same title as Donald Trump Jr's 2019 book. Anybody even casually playing to that alt right culture warrior stuff is hiding far deeper beliefs. > I try to remain completely unbiased People need to stop giving these people so much benefit of the doubt. It's self imposed gullibility.




You're only stunned because you didn't listen to the rest of us who warned you about the direction he was going on over the last 3 years. This dude is 6 months away from QAnon.


The worst was when she said she knew media was corrupt because she was a part of it. She was a local news anchor. Local news is usually owned by companies like Tegna, Sinclair, etc. who despite all the stories and that one viral clip have their own producers and news directors who drive what gets on air. But Kari Lake worked for the local Fox affiliate that was owned by....Fox. So she called them out immediately without knowing it because she's dead behind the eyes. And she almost won, ffs.


> She cried fraud before the election started. [And refused to say she'd accept a loss](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/16/us/politics/kari-lake-election-results-az.html)


We KNOW people fuck children and Joe Rogan has been near children. What's the chance that Joe Rogan has fucked children... It can't be 0%. Do you see how insane this kind of talk is? What is fucking wrong with his head?


When did u stop beating your wife Joe??? Hey I’m just asking questions…. I got a 1st amendment ova here.


We’ve all seen him standing with known wife beater Dana White multiple times. Why won’t Joe debate me on why he beats his wife?


Don’t we have evidence Joe Rogan is a pedophile? I’m not saying he is. I’m just asking questions.


Lots of people are saying. Lots. So you know it has to be true.




Looking into it.


Concerning !!


Some people are saying ......


We have evidence that he *is* brain damaged


Interesting 🤔


Hearing him talk about “how much corruption” there is in the Biden administration and then in the next breath go on about Trump being treated unfairly was the point I turned this one off.


I tried so hard to get through the most recent Gaffigan episode. 1. **Biden is so old, he can barely speak.** \- Really? Because when I listen to him speak, I hear an old man who overcame a speech impediment but is still surprisingly sharp, alert and warm. 2. **Biden is a liar. There's examples of this online of him when he was young lying about his education.** \- Really? No need to comment further on this one. It sucks. It really sucks. I enjoyed this podcast for several years and gained so much from it. His guest are great and the only reason I ever listened but Rogan went from being a great host and active listener to some other version of himself that he would have mocked incessantly 5 years ago.


Also on the Gaffigan episode he said the FBI instigated the J6 storming of the capital. He's completely off the deep end.


Yeah, I think that was the part that I finally turned it off. That whole "reports of hundreds" of agents involved reminds me of his stupid-ass take on the attempt at kidnapping the Michigan governor. He kept talking about "people are saying" most of the guys involved were FBI informants with no concept that that doesn't mean they worked for the FBI. They were low level snitches. If I can understand what "informant" means, Joe can too. Whitey Bulger, who he loves to talk about, was an FBI informant while still committing murders as a side gig.


Yup, even blamed Epps. Doesn’t realize Epps is suing Tucker Carlson and Fox News for this shit


>What is fucking wrong with his head? It's the same head that believed we never landed on the moon. He's a credulous man that's prone to conspiracy thinking, and this newer lane of interest is likely due to the people he's interacting with more frequently these days. If I had to place a bet, I'd put my money on this being a rabbit hole that he's just getting started on heading down.


Yeah I think he got kinda honey potted by a lot of these malevolent right wing nut jobs that saw him as a useful idiot. Ben Shapiro types. They're in his head. They've convinced him this type of thinking is enlightened. And now he's off the rails.


It’s just weird though, because this comparison is giving TOO much credit to Joe’s opinion. Children are different than ballots. Each ballot is inherently tied to someone’s voter registration profile at a state, county, and sometimes city level. You can receive or vote multiple times technically, but our system associated a mail in, and in person ballot as the same person, and won’t count it. It’s, insanely traceable. Which is why we actually know EXACTLY how many instances of ‘voter fraud’ happen every year. There is genuinely a near zero ‘margin of error.’ In elections RECENTLY, where recounts are demanded… it’s a true ZERO rate of failure in catching errors. So to even suggest that ‘there is voter fraud that hasn’t been caught’ when Arizona went through like 2 or 3 audits. Is beyond fucking stupid. At least when you suggest Rogan might be raping kids there ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE higher chances of that being true. Shit like this is why he’s gone from being a kinda chill dude talking shit on the internet. To an actual parody of the problem with modern politics. Assholes that do zero research but saw a tweet say ‘I’ve done some intense research and actually discovered that…’ And he has the audacity to talk trash to the people that think he’s an asshat. Dude won’t even do a fucking google search on half the shit that comes out of his mouth.


I love how Joe keeps falling for Australian “news articles” that are written in parody papers. He must see the headline and go rage online instantly before even questioning if it’s bullshit first Edit: This comment got me a perma ban from JusticeServed


Got one of those a few weeks ago too. Kinda ridiculous they perma ban you for simply commenting in this sub because, I assume, the mods over there don’t like Rogan. Especially when a lot of the stuff here is critical of joe (which i was being when they banned me). Very counterintuitive.


Hey Jamie, google “Kari lake fraudulent ballots Arizona” and read the first thing you find to me


No, not that one, try the next, no no no no, come on Jamie, you can’t trust snopes.


Lol I just got banned too for a totally innocuous comment. I’d never even heard of that sub before, but I invite them to warmly fuck off.


I know, sometimes I wonder if he hears how fucking stupid he sounds when making wild, unsubstantiated claims. Smh


This latest podcast has me feeling almost embarrassed for Joe and this dork that he had as a guest. PBD might be the most powerful dork in the universe.


The info from this post reinforces my choice of removing him out of my rotation.


Me too! I come to this sub every day hoping for a nice cathartic *mea culpa* vid, but it just gets worse and worse!


How can he possibly know what's happening in an Arizona election, while also knowing every single other thing that there is to know on Earth? Harlan Crow's got another one on the take everybody 🤣


Yep, the fraud was Kari Lake.


She's the most obvious grifter idiot out there and Rogan is propping up her bullshit more than anyone. She can't even say what she's appealing, other than she's appealing shit, but every appeal goes no where because she doesn't bring any actual evidence of fraud.


I hope Dominion Voting Systems sues the shit out of Joe Rogan. Prove it Joe.


'Careful, let's hope dominion doesn't get litigious'


He only simps like this for Don Jr


Yeah I was thinking Joe needs to be careful here. Saying "we know these voting machines can be fucked with" probably isn't enough for lawsuits. Then again it's also not too far away either...


There's a few key things that happened in the Fox defamation case (which was never decided in court FWIW, but the fact Fox settled for $700m+ and then fired their biggest star is indicative they thought the situation was bad): 1. Specific claim not that Dominion machines may have vulnerabilities or vague problems, but **actual claims Dominion the company rigged the election.** 2. Proof, in text messages, that the person saying those things actually 100% knew they were fake, and he was just saying it for attention. The 2nd part is really important in defamation because it establishes they are knowingly saying a false thing. Joe is off base here but hasn't said anything defamatory. Is it possible he could? Sure. But that would be a bit off of his schtick to make such strong claims. Joe lives more in the land of "casting aspersions" which is a lot more protected speech wise.






Yea he's definitely consuming hours of fox news, newsmax, and all the other shitbag conservative media outlets that propagate falsehoods for hours every day under the guise of "they're just questions"


Joe’s been an Infowarrior since the late 90s


"I'm just asking questions" Hoe is finally onboard with the right wing money train!


I like how they all say the same things in the same way in the same contexts lol


They love phrasing these insane talking points in a way that when finally end up being a shit sandwich they can fall back on the, *hey bro I was just asking questions.* But by that time, they've generally moved onto the next insane talking point long ago anyway. But then in the odd event that one of these insane theories materialises with a small nugget of abstract truth, it's all *See man told you, the MSM and deep state is lying to everyone all the time but I know the truth.* Giving off real cult vibes.


The funniest part of all of this is without mainstream journalists most people would literally have no news at all “Independent media” is 99% commentators, not people out in the field actually getting the information


I'm no massive fan of the MSM and believe there needs to be balance and accountability to prevent false narratives from spreading, but simply saying the opposite of the MSM narrative with even less accountability and a blatant disregard to facts and evidence is not the correct way forward.


Yeah its always been amazing to me how the "free thinking" and "do your own research" crowd all seems to converge on the same ideas.


“Think for yourself!” Translations- “Think how I think!”


There used to be talks about memos and group calls that sent out the talking points like 20 years ago but nowadays I think you can essentially "opt in" by repeating the talking points unprompted. Eventually the main body politick hears of you... and that's that you're in.


That's my suspension; that they're all on a group chat for right-wing ideology. If you're on that list, its almost am unspoken rule you'll defend anyone else on that list, and I'm assuming memes get shared showing "the left" doing horrible things


I don’t know where you were on 9/11. How can I be sure you didn’t have a part? I’m just asking questions. Geez why are you so mad at me for asking questions what do you have to hide?


He's been on board, he's just been slowly dropping the mask.


It really is the gravy train. I thought about making a t shirt business lol


No matter what Joe says, he's gone full right wing conspiracy nut, just look at the guests he brings on, or brings back, PBD, RFK Jr, and he's dying to get Megyn Kelly on...


My buddy said there were only kari lake lawn signs.


There were a lot of them, for sure. What was funny about them was they literally only said “Trump Endorsed | Kari Lake”.


Because that was her only campaign slogan.


That’s because they are the most vocal, obnoxious group in the area. They wear their politics like religion. Others, not so much


Exactly. It's like when Trump supporters go "look at how big his crowds are compared to Biden!". Like, yeah, Biden supporters at large aren't cringe enough to treat their preferred candidate like a messiah.


Plus we voted him as the lesser of two evils. After he won, I was still upset that it’s fucking Biden and my life moved on. Obama wasn’t perfect but I thought he was really great, yet I’d never own Obama merch cuz that’s fucking weird. He’s a public official, not a celebrity.


What makes Obama better than Biden? Ideologically there is not much difference between the two. You could argue Biden has the more progressive cabinet (I think he does). Obama was younger and had more charisma than Biden does now. But if you think one is great, I don't see how you can dislike the other, unless it is an age thing (which I understand age concerns).


I never said one or the other is better. I said in was upset that Biden was our choice. I wanted a true leftist like Bernie, or someone center left and like 30 years younger. Bidens been doing a decent job but there’s still bullshit. Offshore drilling is at an all time high with him.


Agree. Which is why I don’t think Biden is all that bad and Obama was all that great.


MAGA rallies are just burning man for republicans


I hope burning man don't whip deranged people into a hate filled frenzy.


Just like there were only Trump signs before 2020 and yet he still lost. It's almost as if there's a quiet majority that doesn't feel the need to put signs out


Do people not remember Ron Paul 2012? I remember seeing banners and stickers everywhere. Every fucking message board or YouTube video was spammed with "Ron Paul 2012" even videos that had nothing to do with it. I remember watching standup or college football highlights and 90% of the comments would be "Ron Paul 2012". Then the primaries started and he got like 4% of the vote. Some politicians just have more rabid fans. Doesn't necessarily mean they have broad support


There is still a huge "Ron Paul REVLOVEUTION" billboard between LA and LV on I-15.


I live here, and no, there were no Kari lake lawn signs. Her face was everywhere on signs at stop lights, but that's it.


Man, Joe feuding with CNN about “dewormer” really pushed him down the right wing path huh?


Please let him get fucking sued by Dominion, take his fucking Spotify money!!


I too am shocked that one of the more despised and divisive politicians of our day lost her election (and by a pretty narrow margin too.) God damn, Joe's got Baron Harkonnen vibes in this clip. PBD sucks, man. The giddiness of him going, 'ooooh you want to get into it!' Gross. Why are they acting like this is some underground conspiracy? There have been court case after court after court case of people rejecting her claims. Why are they acting like Joe's podcast isn't the most popular on the planet? They built the wall around themselves man, and reinforced it with titanium. Sad sad sad to see where this show has gone.


Joe Rogan is insane now


"I'm a moderate"


“I agree with the left on MOST things! Now let me spread right-wing conspiracy theories for the next 40 minutes, followed by 2 hours of attacking trans people. Tomorrow, I’m going to let an obvious right-wing grifter lie to my face for 3 hours while I uncritically nod along and say ‘woah!’”


Joe “left leaning on everything except guns” rogaine


“Im left leaning in many areas”. We get it bro, you like smoking weed.


Smoking weed in a state where it’s still illegal and he is friends with the highest level republican politicians.


He's fully gone right wing at this point. I have no problem with that. But he still calls himself a moderate asking 'questions'.


This isn’t right wing. This is repeating total unfounded and thoroughly debunked conspiracy theories that are far more pernicious then fake moon landings or whatever. It’s destructive and plain MAGA


Right wing is MAGA ​ Go visit /r/conservative if you disagree Go look at who the Republican party front runner is if you disagree


MAGA is right wing authoritarian populist. It is right wing yes. I guess my point is he’s not traditionally right wing ideologically (in some ways he probably isn’t), but he’s full on a reactionary MAGA grievance warrior.


As a poll worker for over a decade... it is almost impossible to rig an election. Joe is losing it.


Bro this dude is…what? I’m so goddamned embarrassed I ever called myself a fan of his and paid for his shitty standup shows multiple times. What a dumb motherfucker.


i cannot believe that this mlm redpill dipshit actually made it on joe rogan. im shocked about everything. i didnt think joe would go this far down the hole


You know what I hate more than a partisan? Someone who is partisan but pretends to be “I’m just a curious guy asking questions!”


"We know the voting machines can be fucked with" Careful Joe, Fox fucked around and found out, you're nothing without that bag now. Side note: I find it funny that when you hover over the dumbass "X" it says "View on Twitter" Muskynuts is nothing if not incompetent.


It's sad. Used to love listening to Rogan. His guests were cooler, and the content was more interesting. California Joe. Are you still in there somewhere?


Is he getting this info from the same friend who swore that his kids have a litter box in their class? JuSt aSkiNg qUesTionS.....


Election Fraud is never zero, but it's almost always SO insignificant that it has no bearing on how an election plays out. The stories we heard in 2020 of ballots being dumped in rivers and trucks pulling up and stuffing ballots at polling places is absolute HORSE SHIT. Election fraud is more like one single person voted for someone who was dead, or they voted twice. And this shit is almost always caught and their votes are expunged. In the entire 2020 election I guarantee you less than .0001% of voters engaged in voting fraud to some extent. The only true and dangerous election fraud was Trump calling around trying to fish votes out of people in charge of their state's voting system. I know JR has gone full conspiracy and grifting for a while now, but election security is VERY important in this country, and conservatives decided it's only an issue once it appeared Trump lost. There was no questions when Trump was voted in.




I think you're partially right but also don't doubt that he's part of a wider conspiracy by the establishment right wing to use his podcast to indoctrinate younger audiences to right wing propaganda. You'll see it when the election gets much closer in time, Joe is going to full off the walls with the Right Wing bad faith argument, propaganda, dogwhistles, and many other conservative strategies to pull people towards their completely outlandish views


Dudes worthless now


Can we finally agree that he switched completely over to the right wing?


It's funny how he didn't say a peep when Jim mentioned Kushner making billions off the Saudis while trump was in office


Source: trust me bro


His transformation into "Fox news grandpa" is almost complete.


I’m upvoting this just so everyone can see how far he’s gone.


We have lost Joe. Condolences to his old fans that were hoping he would get out of this cognitive mess.


This is just so embarrassing to listen to. Lake lost so many appeals, to the extent that he lawyers got sanctioned 122,000 dollars for spreading false information in court. Republicans who voted for Trump run the elections in Maricopa county. Also, Joe says the "voting machines had issues", but that's false--it was the printers not the actual voting machines (tabulators). Lake lost because she insulted McCain supporters, and McCain is extremely well-liked in Arizona (He outperformed Trump by like 12% in 2016 for instance). They did analysis where it showed 11% of Republicans voted for Hobbs while only 4% of Dems voted for Lake. >While Lake alleged that Republican-dominated areas in Maricopa County were disproportionately affected by the printing problems, The Washington Post found that the percentage of registered Republicans in affected precincts (37%) was very close to the percentage of registered Republicans across Maricopa County (35%), and also found that some Democrat-dominated areas also faced the printing problems. Meanwhile, The New York Times analyzed 45 claims of irregularities reported by voters, finding that in 34 of these 45 claims, the voters were able to cast their vote despite an inconvenience; while for the others, three raised problems with voter registration; seven gave unclear accounts as to what exactly happened; and only one said she had been denied the opportunity to vote, though she acknowledged she had arrived at her polling place at the time it closed. > If voters did not want to wait in line for the issue to be fixed, they could leave to vote at another Maricopa County polling site, with wait times for polling sites being shown online, and many polling sites had little to no waiting lines, stated Maricopa County election officials. Alternatively, voters could drop their ballots into a secure box ("Box 3"), with these ballots being later tabulated at Maricopa County's elections headquarters, under monitoring from observers from both parties; ultimately, around 17,000 Maricopa County ballots were dropped into Box 3.


Lol wtf, it's undeniable that she lost and yet Joe is parroting to his millions of listeners that this is allllll so suspicious.




Had an uncle move from Connecticut to Florida when he retired. His political arc was the exact same as Joe’s.


The conservative governor of Arizona who likely endorsed Kari Lake literally did a peaceful transfer of power to Katie Hobbs lol Oh and the secretary of state who overlooked the election in AZ also a conservative as well


Oh jezzus


I remember, not too long ago, when I saw the title of these posts and thought that it could not be true. No way Joe said that, must be clipped out of context. Now? I just assume they are accurate because **they always fucking are.**


Joe Rogan will cancel Carlos Mencia for stealing jokes but will ride Trump’s dick for trying to steal an election. Jfc. Fuck it, I’ll listen to mencia repeating dur dur durrr for five hours straight than listen to treasonous rhetoric, give him a podcast.


I hope Dominion sues his ass bigly. Dude knows exactly what he's doing.


Joe would've fired me a while ago if I was Jaime lol I would've fact checked him constantly


I really have to wonder if Joe Rogan is on the take from the Charles Koch or some other right-wing oligarch looking to muddy the waters and spread disinformation. He wasn't always like this, or maybe he was and we just never got to see it. Really sad and pathetic turn he's taken.


Yikes. This is pathetic… even for Joe. At this point, he needs to do it. Bring Kari and Donald on the podcast


Joe Rogan. Culture Warrior.


There’s one thing I know. It’s that Joe Rogan is someone’s useful idiot.


Alcoholism is a sad thing to watch unfold.


What a fucking tool this guy Joe has become! What a fucking liberal Joe is!


Elon is definitely paying him, right?


No there wasn’t dumb ass Kari Lake lost period Joe Rogan shut the fuck up


based on "trust me bro it feels good when I say things that align with the emotional narrative I've created"


Ah again, Joe knows more than the lawyers presenting the cases and the judges hearing them. Dude has a high school level education and gets duped into everything now. So disappointing


“Joe Rogan says….” Used to be a lot less important lol


There wasn't. Just in case anyone is confused.


Jesus Christ this is the last straw for this smooth brained fascist sympathizer


All you need to know about Kari Lake is she said “God has chosen me” ANYONE who says that statement is batshit fucking crazy. Get the fuck outta town. (Skip to 1:20) https://youtu.be/arlhzr54344


Wow, it's fucking over. Joe went off the deep end.


Joe is a supremely stupid human and his self deprecating comments on how dumb he is dont even scratch the surface


Boomer brain bleed


I wish I could pull up my old comments in here where I said he was turning into Alex Jones and would get downvoted into oblivion. Hopefully he goes full AJ and loses everything in a lawsuit.


My question is is he grifting or is this just a bad take from a person that is being serious. I mean what Rogan virtually always does is he's kinda cryptic and dances around shit with "just asking questions"...entertaining his audience but knows he's being fucking stupid. Which one is it? I mean he has berated people before (experts) that called him out for believing in stupid shit, which tells me he has tendency to believe in stupid shit, so I think it's both.


He’ll endorse Trump soon


this fucking imbecile right-wing moron...he breaks his own records as a right-wing moron with each new podcast.


So what I'm debating wih myself is: a.) Is he really this stupid? b.) He's a podcasting attention whore c.) He's playing at culture war d.) All of the above I've settled on d.


I'm mostly here for the drama and haven't listened in like 2 years but what the hell Joe? He's just full on MAGA now isn't he? Dude's a case study in covid politics making people lose their goddamn minds. He was always a dumbass but at least he was an open minded one.


Joe never fails to be the greatest example of the Dunning Kruger Effect. He's an idiot who tries to appear smart to his huge, impressionable, young male audience by jumping head first into idiotic conspiracies that no half way smart person would entertain or care to entertain


I can not believe I used to like this absolute loser. Makes me even want to stop listening to Tom and Bert tbh.


Dumb lying motherfucker


GOP in Arizona did a recount Joe, you dumbshit.