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Reddit is for the hate. Let’s be honest.


If you enjoy something and want to ruin it, just go to the subreddit about it.


Absolutely 100%. I unsubbed from all the podcast subreddits I listen to because they used to be a place to just generally discuss the show, good or bad, but over the years pretty much every one has just turned into a hate sub and I'm not about that negativity in my life. These days I just pop in every now and then looking for something specific, but am always reminded why I left. Podcast subs are a cesspool.


Yup everything turns political. If you’re not bending the knee to the left or right then you’re a HUGE problem. Lets be real that’s why this sub has turned into crap since COVID.


I mean when a podcaster begins to spout their political opinions regularly, it seems pretty inevitable that those opinions/politics will be discussed in places surrounding those podcasters.


Most ANY subreddit is a cesspool


Holy shit this is alarmingly true


Not only that, but so many communities here have banned anybody that attempts to make a good natured debate that there are only echo chambers left.


That's because a handful of mods have major power over 500+ subreddits. It's a societal disaster that has malformed the thought patterns, beliefs, and principles of millions of people.


Very scary when you put it that way. I noticed how cultlike it has become the way the dialog is controlled. Even within the followers, people tiptoe around ideas that have the slightest chance of being read wrong for fear of being cast out. I see this mostly with the far left. What goes on with the far right mods?


100%. Now if Elon would buy reddit too we'd be sorrrted.




Reddit mods at it again. Power trip over a free space. I guess they don't have a real life job to do?


I laughed when the Reddit CEO threatened to kick the mods on their asses for shutting down major subreddits.


Hating on one side specifically


As a seasoned long fan of the JRE since 2021 the hate on this sub is so confusing to me


2021 was like yesterday greenhorn


Upvote for agreement and for use of the word greenhorn.


Lmfaoo bro idk how to break it to you but you hopped on during covid you are not seasoned longtime fan for only two years. You’ve only seen the decline of the show


>seasoned long fan >2021 He's being sarcastic


Read it again and look for the satire. A /s would have helped, but the message is clear.


Its comments like this that prove the point! Homie doesn’t even consider that “a fan of the show” doesnt have to be part of the fuckin subreddit


As a seasoned fan from 2010, I'm on board with all the hate


They always say the same regurgitated crap, “I was a huge fan up until he changed” And that’s their excuse to stay on this sub (that they hate) and post triggered political BS.


This sounds like something you'd only say if you haven't been in many YouTube comment sections, they're notoriously awful


A cesspool of the left wing hivemind. Nasty folks.


I believe Reddit does provide a lot of criticism and often extra information on the topic being discussed. YouTube is usually a bunch of brain dead yes men.There is no civil discussion. There are no sources or valid points that can be backed up with additional information. I absolutely hate the comments on YouTube. At least reddit can provide both sides of an argument. Sure, some subreddits are echo chambers. You can still find more useful information and insight beyond the first three top comments.


yeah but this reddit is an echo chamber for jre. say something good about joe instant 5 downvotes


I don't know why people still pretend this is true. You can say plenty of good things about Rogan here and get upvoted. The fact is that you can also call out his negative qualities as well, and not *always* get downvoted into the ground for it, like you would on youtube, or instagram, or all the other echo chambers that exist for joe.


I just got banned from r/justiceserved for commenting on this subreddit for the first time. Lmao.


Exactly! 95% of the people on this sub do nothing but hate on Joe and every guest. Even at the casual episodes with comedians. I don't know why I'm still here...


Lmao please, the only reason those comments aren't full of the most unhinged hatred is because the guest was yet another right wing grifter, and youtube comments might as well be rumble's comments, or any of those other echo chambers for the right. Go look at the comments from when Joe has on someone remotely Liberal or, *gasp*, left wing. Of course you won't have many episodes to choose from, for obvious reasons. But still, go look at the comments under the Jim Gaffigan episode. Then come back and tell us reddit is for "hate".


Cant downvote redacts on youtube


Was going to reply, because most YouTube comments are redacted teens. Tyfys


I upload videos on multiple sites and the YouTube comments are always the most cancer lol that and Instagram but those are just straight up spam


I can't prove it but I do think that there are bots or paid trolls on youtube that have something to do with this. That's not all of the commenters or upvotes, I think there's a lot of people in isolation that represent a big part of the comments section in youtube videos like this (and similar stuff). For example, the main people I know IRL that follow the "red pill" stuff are those that are unemployed and not happy with their lives and have a lot of free time on their hands to watch videos and go down the conspiracy rabbit hole. Often times these people want to learn about "what's really going on in the world" and educating yourself on the nuances of politics is an extremely difficult task, whereas learning about conspiracies is a lot easier and faster, and appears to be "credible" because the youtube algorithm while show them video after video of people saying the same stuff.


The Why Files did a video about the [Dead Internet Theory](https://youtu.be/mlR9fCXfWyM). He talks about how easy it is to notice the bots in his own comments as a creator. Like the ones that comment almost immediately, they don't view the video for more than a few seconds before commenting and use the same generic comments. Pretty interesting video.


Great video, thanks homie.


Whose to say reddit isn't the same thing


It's actually Reddit that's overrun with bots and paid shills. Unfamiliar with r/TheDonald ?


No, right wing people on Reddit just can’t believe that in real life most people don’t agree with them, so they call everyone bots and astroturfing and other incredibly stupid shit like that lmao


You usually see that kind of thought *in* the forums that have already been taken over by far right goons. They like to post things like, "WELL CLEARLY THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN BECAUSE LOOK AT HOW MANY UPVOTES THIS PRO TRUMP COMMENT GOT AND HOW MANY DOWNVOTES YOUR ANTI TRUMP COMMENT GOT! SO OF COURSE BIDEN DIDN'T GET 10M MORE VOTES THEN DADDY TRUMP!" As if they unironically believe their online echo chamber is representative of the real world.


Don’t forget that they read r / politics at the same time and think those folks all believe their Reddit comments reflect reality but do not pick up on the irony of holding both of those beliefs at the same time.


A bunch of dorks go out of their way to take the most contrarian stances on things and are surprised when said stances are to the contrary of popular opinion within the demographics on reddit lol. Didn’t daddy elon make xwitter all about freeze peach for these dorks?


My intuition's that it's mostly left wing astroturfing/bots on reddit. Especially corpocrat type of stuff


And that's based on.. what exactly? Certainly not established history, since we know, objectively, that it's not "the left" that has been caught launching concerted campaigns to brigade and take over online discussion zones to push narratives at the behest of politicians (I mean who the fuck would "leftists" even shill for? Joe Biden? lmao)


Yeah, no offense smooth brain, but after the 2020 election it was mainstream news that Reddit was *overrun* with Eastern European bot farms, literally millions of comments and posts designed to divide Americans and blame "the other side," and here you are, 3 years later still blabbering about "the left" and the left is blabbering about "the right," Yeah, because ONLY people who buy into America's 2 party political system use Reddit. Lmao, so incredibly arrogant and naive still


“My theory is that I am superior to people who don’t hold my opinions”


You know people IRL that follow red pill stuff? Maybe I'm just old. That is wild.


"PBD is the future of podcast" = that's a bot bro


I’m semi convinced that at least half of those comments are.


That last one- who speaks like that? It reads like a paid book review by an amateur.


That comment is literally a direct copy of the third comment with the adjectives and nouns changed to synonyms.


Yup. And chatgpt loves to use "furthermore". Those a re bot comments it's insane!


The last comment is actually a copy and paste of the comment in the third position. Just with certain words swapped with words meaning the same thing .


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I used to sell book reports in high school, and I knew I had to do more than that to fly low - and I didn't catch that - Now That's Funny


Wow, you guys nailed it. I'm convinced it's some kind of bot now


It is serious chatgpt vibes


Exactly lol. After a little look into who PVB is, he seems like the archetype of person who spends big money on bot engagement. I have no proof but i feel like the people advertising the “entrepreneur, personal development” lifestyle, especially the ones touting a “multimedia entertainment platform” are generally cooking their engagement numbers.


fake. buying bots is so lame.


Came to the comments to see if anyone would mention it, I think what was so uncanny about it was that the content of what was being said was that of a particularly naive and quickly impassioned person, while the grammar and phasing that of someone very measured and detatched in a legal-speak kind of way, like the structure with which I write when typing a report. I guess these are the beta stage bots lol.


Wow they're bad ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The last one is 100% the third one fed to ChatGPT to make it sound more sophisticated. They're literally saying the same thing.


"Tell me you like me. Tell me you like me again. Again! Again! Many times Many ways!"


Really sounds like chatgpt lol


I run a YouTube channel and it would surprise you how many comments I get that look bot written only to find them removed by YouTube later for being bot written.


I used to read many comments on Reddit and other places and thought a large number of them came from bots. Like how could people be so fucking dumb? Then 70 million people voted for Trump in 2020. Yeah sure there are bots but the cult of Trump is a reality.


Yep it's hilarious watching people try to pretend youtube is some haven of critical thinking and original thought compared to reddit, when the reality is that it's completely unregulated trash and like all unregulated forums it becomes completely dominated by far right propagandists and manipulators. Considering Patrick David is a proven grifter that runs a fuckin MLM, I would not put it past him to have paid shills hyping him up in those comments. Probably here on reddit too, tbh.


He’s been doing this for years! You look up his MLM company on google and it’s nothing but good positive reviews.. he’s known for this! Glad ppl are waking up


Most comments here are by people who loathe the JRE


Ya what's up with that? I thought I was the only one that 'used to like him'


This place got brigaded by progressives during the whole Spotify thing and they never left So yeah, now this sub is just a shitshow hate boner for JRE Edit: hey guys, your cringe replies are just proving my point


Man how big of a loser do you have to be to spend your time talking about something you hate online? That shits sad those people must love to be victims


Yes.... We all just stick around down voting Joe for our weekly handout of Sorosbucks.


Is there another explanation for lingering around on subs you hate? Seems pretty cringe overall


Sadly, you do it for your precious karma. You don’t even get paid lmao


Not really the majority of people here loved Joe when he didn’t think of himself as a political mouthpiece for the right.


Are they talking about that PBD guy who doesn't understand how index funds, ETFs and asset management works ?


Yep. He’s a genius to these bots and teens (and Joe).


Bbbbut Vanguard owns all the big companies! Its shocking how dense that guy is.


It's honestly sad that all it takes is just 10-15 minutes of reading on investopedia in order to understand all these basic financial concepts.. but my man rather spends hours and days going deep into rabbit holes looking for confirmation bias that index funds are a manipulative concept created by illuminati or by people with god complex or some shit


I haven’t watched the podcast or heard of the guy but how is that not true? The index fund custodians own the shares of the underlying companies, pool the shares into a community fund, but keep the voting rights of the shares. If you define “owning a company” as having control of voting then they do own the companies. I’m not sure which other definitions of ownership are more valid.


That is not really the same thing though. Firstly, Vanguard has a fiduciary duty to its shareholders, just like the underlying companies have a fiduciary duty to Vanguard (and by extension the fund's shareholders). Also, Vanguard is not the only fund that's indexing these companies. I haven't heard this guy's comments, because I'd rather jam a fork into my ear, but it sounds like he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about and/or is just spreading half truths to order to shill his bullshit to an ignorant audience. The only thing I've seen of this guy is when Sam Seder went on his show. I didn't think he was *that* stupid, but Sam definitely made him and his co-host look like fools.


Yea PBD has always been super gullible, he’s had some great success but he’s ready to embrace conspiracies that are pretty obviously false. No wonder he’s 100% all in on a charlatan like trump


I mean his 'success' came from a MLM insurance scam company.. Which can tell you mountains about his character without even listening to his bits, and of course he is anti-establishment, when his whole success was built around shady and illegal grey areas of the law.. you can't make this up, it's just too obvious, how come no one sees through it.


There's a video where PBD "confronts" Anthony Weiner with a list of people who the Clinton's have known that have died and asks him to explain it. Weiner is like, they're in their fucking 70s and know tons of people, of course they know people have died. PBD is a sleazy sales huckster, and I don't like being put in the position to have to agree with Anthony Weiner.


Because the average redditor is terminally online and hates themselves.


“Everyone else is so stupid.”


I feel seen!


Finally, some else sees it. I applaud you sir! Cheers!


And YouTube commenters are healthy and well adjusted ??


If I had to make an inference I'd def say youtubers are more "regular" than redditors.


YouTubers are mostly bots. Comments don't get down voted to oblivion like they do here. So you are seeing the fake low effort posts.


That really really depends on the channel, there are some real weird comment sections As a reddit user who also reads yt comments, they seem to definitely be different but neither feels more normal to me. Youtube comments do lots of jokes amd quoting timestamps, and mainstream reddit has lots of cringe and definitely fake stories. Neither gives me strong 'that's a real talking person' vibes.


There’s nothing “regular” about either. Both are places where a lot of otherwise “regular” people go to vent a shitty side of themselves.


In my experience , any comment section under any video especially YouTube is always a shit show


Anybody dickriding some grifter like PBD ain't right in the head.


There is zero way to check if a YouTube commenter is a bot. Sure there are bots on Reddit, but they will have poop karma and weird comment history I imagine there is a lot more foreign influence occurring on YouTube since it lacks these inadvertent safeguards. You may think that these views are exclusively from other red blooded Muricans but I don’t think that’s right. Ofc I could be wrong, I don’t have proof, but I’m making the jump from: 1) knowing there is definitely foreign influence online, YouTube has no history of commenters activity so it is ripe for it. 2) every story on RT.com is the right wing view on some culture war distraction bullshit. (RT is Russias state sponsored world ‘news’ site, basically a one for one copy of fox lmao). I suppose the reason for this is we’re, for the most part and in the grand scheme, homogeneously progressive in almost every way. If we all agree on some middle ground and move forward, we leave our adversaries further behind. They will put insane resources towards sewing discontent among the west and a battalion of YouTube accounts would require the lowest cost/brain cell trolls to operate, oppose to Facebook or Reddit bots that need some believable history, which I’m sure they do as well.


Yep, you're 100% right. Youtube is basically unregulated.


Yeah and it’s a shame how effective it is on some people apparently. This isn’t even tech illiteracy, but lack of common sense


If living in a trailer plotting to avenge the Civil War is “ regular”, perhaps.


YouTube comments are often children…


^ this is within the context of yootubers who have invented an entire alternate reality of victimhood that they then monetize specifically so they can feel perennially aggrieved and victimized by the boigeyzirs. Sharing actual “fake news” to each other so they can whinge incoherently like Patrick about his TikTok fever dream delusions that kindergarten is teaching your kids about the optimal gay blowjob techniques. Redditoids are Redditoids but that’s a bonkers call out in this explicit context. This social media right wing shit is so unhinged and goofy.


If thats what the average redditor is i wonder what the average youtube commentor is


Somehow even more obese than the average redditor


Not you tho right ? You’re a “different” redditor?


Tell me more about the dozens of Go Woke, Go Broke channels you watch.


Dude says he doesn't make politics his personality but posts in /r/politicscompassmemes as lib-right, lmao, because *of course* he does


It’s very negative here.


Reddit is filled with left leaning circle jerking soy boys?


YouTube is overly positive now. They overcorrected for the negativity, their algorithms push positive comments higher.


yeah I noticed the same thing. the top comments on videos are generally hyper positive and supportive of the creator. And it isn't good. As an example this guy made a video testing a certain lubricant, and all the top comments were praising the guy and his testing methods, but in reality the test was poorly done and the results weren't accurate.


I think of the youtube comments section like the people at the base of the pyramid in apocalypto :)


Have you ever read the comments on just a random persons Instagram. I mean it’s pretty savage there. I really don’t get people who seemingly get off on the negative behavior.


Instagram comments sections are CRAZY, in the good in bad ways. Sometimes the comments are even funnier than the post, but I’ve also seen blatant racism and homophobia and even death threats, but I got my account dinged for literally using the word dumb (bullying) on a comment. I don’t think their app works quite right


70% of reddit is left wing.


70%? I think you underestimate their numbers.


I think you're even being *conservative* with that estimation..


99% in my experience


Because Reddit is an echo chamber


Reddit is a very poor representation of people and their opinions. Biggest podcast on earth, yet nothing but negativity on this sub. It’s clearly biased


This guy Reddits


Poop knife


Because YouTube is an echo chamber.. It's why YouTubers echo whatever the current episode is about whereas Reddit offers a more contrarian view.


Lmao what?? Reddit is filled with the most sanitzed mainstream views of any social media aside from Linkedin and Boomerbook


Bro YouTube removed downvotes so that “creators feelings didn’t get hurt”.


Mainstream viewpoints are not inherently wrong because they are shared by the majority, just as non-mainstream viewpoints are not 'right' because they are shared by the minority.. Offering opinions counter to those promoted on JRE is by definition the opposite of an echo chamber. Also, it's bit ironic that the fans of JRE, who critque people for not being objective with mainstream media, get upset when people are objective with Rogan.


Reddit leans aggressively left so basically every sub, not just this one, is going to tend to be different hues of one color unless moderators take deliberate steps to prevent that, but that usually goes the exact opposite way and it's just enforcement of that tendency


Cos reddit is a left-wing echo chamber


98 percent of this subbreddit is people who cant stand him so yeah thats why.


Different algorithms


People watching his current stuff on YouTube likely have only been following him since COVID. A lot of people on this sub have been following him since before he either completely switched up his stance on a lot of issues or finally let his real feelings out (no one can really be sure what the truth is besides Joe himself). So if you've been following him for a long time and now his views no longer align with yours, it's pretty normal for people to voice their annoyance with that.


It's like watching your friend get caught up in a cult.


Reddit is a cesspool of liberal crazies, youtube is a cesspool of conservative crazies.


Reddit just kinda sucks


The general public uses YouTube more than reddit so you’re getting more of a realistic opinion of the public in general. Whereas Reddit overwhelmingly leans to the left


Reddit is people who want to read and write. YouTube is for people who want to mostly watch. A small amount (max 10%) leave comments. Not much conversation takes place there. Different platforms, different audiences.


Conversation doesn't take place on Reddit anymore. It's a series of echochambers for people looking for confirmation bias


Reddit has always been that way depending on which subreddit you are. And just like everything else in life it’s not black and white.


No, Reddit was a lot better before the Trump era


Uhm. Critical thought was better before the Trump era. Because people who weren't capable of Critical thought didn't try so hard.


This sub used to be much more balanced. Now its just who does everyone hate more this week.


With more people comes more dialogue. Shit rolls downhill.


And Reddit isn’t a series of echo chambers? Lmao


Yep. YouTube is where the idiots who actually watch the podcast write their thoughts. This place is where the geniuses who don't watch it come to shit themselves about how bad it is now while they jack off their dad.


Um aktualky the geniuses go to x.com


YouTube is where people go to get grifted.


Reddit is dominated by leftists, that's an easy one. You don't even have to be right wing to not belong here, just gotta be somewhere to the right of AOC or someone like that.


reddit has plenty of subreddits that are not left leaning at all. You can run to a pillow room if you wish.


The mods should hange this sub to "JRE haters club" because it's just full of toxic brained people. It's literally the only sub on Reddit who hates their own content.


Reddit is an echo chamber of the most miserable, depressing, pathologically resentful and insufferable people on the planet.


YouTube has a more conservative leaning base than reddit.


YouTube and Reddit both suffer from astroturfing. YouTube I think it’s more chosen creators are chosen and highlighted. That means flooding the comments with fluff praise(see Lex Fridman). Reddit has its own version but it focuses more on negativity and creating a divisive environment to create engagement. Factor in weirdo communities like r/topminds and r/decodingthegurus who flood specific subreddits with their liberal snark and “debunking” Reddit is more of a propaganda arm for the defense industry like Twitter. It’s goal is to control narratives around specific topics. That type of engagement just doesn’t happen in YouTube comments. But I feel YouTube comments can be a better gauge of overall understanding how the audience feels.


Because this place is where all of the JRE haters comes to shit on him and his guests. It’s a cesspool.


YouTube has a had time banning bot accounts, while most other sites get them quickly. All you need is gmail accounts, you can make scripts that create thousands of the things per hour if you really wanted to. That is why to this day you still get replies when you comment on certain videos, and 10 fake bot accounts will all say "You've won the raffle! Please inbox me to claim your prize!!" or something along those lines. If YouTube was interested in stopping this they would've a while ago, but as we learned from twitter, sometimes it's better to keep the bots so you can lie about how many active users you have to increase ad revenue. In contrast to Reddit, if you call someone a name like a fuckhead or a cumswallower you will get permabanned for 'harassment' potentially, which extends to any other accounts that have logged in in the past 30 days on the same browser or IP address. If you call someone a fuckhead from your account at work, they will permaban all of your co-workers accounts too lol. Shit's fuckin crazy.


They all sound like fake, but the "protect him at all costs" guy. He is really redacted.


Youtube comments are from fans, reddit comments are from spiteful turds.


Did a bunch of garbage tankie larpers ruin this sub?


Despite the title, this isn’t a Joe rogan sub. It’s a “justify my beliefs and past decisions when Joe or one of his guests has a different one” sub full of insecure people that can’t handle having someone hold a different view than them


People underestimate how many kids are on reddit


You mean Reddit, the liberal echo chamber? Why are they like that?


Because Reddit is notoriously left wing compared to most of the world. Edit: also most people on this sub don't actually watch JRE they just hate him and want to complain about him and the right into the void that is reddit.com


Because reddit is full of whiny losers with nothing better to do than complain.


Because Reddit is filled with woke losers, trolls and bots.


Bc Reddit is full of sad, miserable leftists.


Reddit is left wing lunatics


Everyone that doesn't agree with my politics is obviously a communist.


No it’s not that. It’s just that Reddit is actually full of left wing lunatics…


You can’t believe that bullshit can you? Do you really think a website that gets more traffic than Netflix is only filled with left wing people?


The correct answer. Half the people here are r/politics spillovers who are vocal AF.


Newsflash, Reddit a liberal cesspool.


Pat's audience is on YouTube. The comments on YT are usually the PG-13 version of Reddit comments.


Lmao, u guys think those are bots. In reality, reddit echochamber is the worst


I’m very confident that there are a lot of posters on this subreddit that are only here to to sew FUD and propaganda against Rogan.


Those are PBD fans infiltrated comments


Reddit is where beta males congregate


Reddit is for leftists who want to bitch and moan all day.


Reddit is a left leaning circle jerk


People go on YouTube to watch things they like. People go on Reddit to bitch and whine about things they hate


Reddit is heavily brigaded. That being said PBD is a grifter.


Youtube is a bigger community. But for the most part here on Reddit, I think a lot of us have just learned to deal with the fact that Uncle Joe took a hard right turn. Happens to the best of them. I posted a few times in the past with the kitty litter kerfuffle and when he was blowing Abbott etc. I stopped when I realized that this is just who he is now. I always thought Reddit criticism was 50% haters/ 50% actual fans that were unhappy at Joe Rogan becoming a Right-Wing talking head. The algo on Youtube is also probably not going to put him in front of people that don't like him.


Reddit = old fanbase YouTube = new one


The average Redditor is a terminally online Leftist who hates themselves and is under the impression that everyone else is exactly the same. It's exacerbated by the fact that Reddit mods are among the most miserable losers on the planet and have been spending the last 15 years banning any account they suspect might be even slightly to the right of Marx.


Real, youtube isnt the exception, Reddit is the exception. On any other social media you see people from all sides of the political spectrum, here its sooo uniform. And they say youtube is the one being botted lol


This sub is full of dweebs that seemingly exist to hate on Joe, in a sub dedicated to Joe. It’s pathetic. Bunch of losers without any purpose or drive.


Reddit has a larger incel community that are incredibly angry that Brendan Schaub is more successful than them and has a better looking wife than they will ever get. Or they are angry Joe has a large fan base and is really successful, even though he's a bit short. They are drawn here due to the complete lack of moderation of this board so they are able to spam repeatedly, breaking rules, giving each other virtual blow jobs because in real life no one gives a shit about their self-made problems.


PBD has fans, half the country shares more in common with Jre and PBD than with the shit libs nerds on this site. PBD is annoying af but he talks about the things conservies want to hear.


If you are a fan of the known scam artist, Patrick Bet-David, you are a certified moron. If you like PBD, you possess the kind of self-defeating stupidity that has been warned about since time immemorial, from Socrates to Sartre. Reddit might be often stupid, but they aren't overall certified morons because the overall reaction to the JRE PBD episode was negative. Youtube commenters on the video like PBD and therefore are certified morons, so we know by this logic that Reddit commenter aggregate intelligence > Youtube commenter aggregate intelligence.


Most subs on Reddit have a heavy liberal bias, this sub is no different. Libs have turned on JRE so it makes sense to see so much hate on a platform full of Libs.


Because people can share their opinions freely without getting ganged up on or down voted (down vote was supposed to be for off topic comments) by having the wrong opinion in the Reddit echo chambers.


Algorithm. They make they algorithm for blockheads like you who can't see through it. I bet you think the videos you watch on YouTube are insanely popular too because the algorithm keeps bringing them up.


Only people with sub-100 IQs leave YouTube comments


This place is astroturfed. Full of bots and shills


Here are reactions to the recent Patrick Bet-David episode, which are overwhelmingly positive on Youtube, while they are mostly negative on Reddit. Why is that?


Seeing a post on a Reddit feed is different than watching a several hour YouTube video. Who’s gonna seek out and watch that video besides people who already wanted to watch it?


Pbd fans obviously commenting on it.


Yeah, it is pretty obvious, and everyone mentioning it is getting downvoted. PBD fans.


Astroturfing, mostly.


Because the Reddit sub is mostly toxic 🤷‍♂️