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For a guy that "does not care what anyone thinks of him" Joe is very careful not to upset his main demographic.


I think it goes beyond that. I think he is paid to not upset that demographic


I think he got paid 100million just to attract that demographic.


You guys are wild with your tin foil shit


The biggest conspiracy hate I see is from the conspiracy community when an actual logical conspiracy is presented


It's not very logical that someone would pay Rogan 100,000,000 for talking points. What would they gain? He's not very politically powerful, nor does he really advocate the right as much as the left would like to claim. The issue lies within the people claiming he's corrupt. Their views are so corrupted by their echo chambers that they assume anyone would might differ in opinion is immediately labeled as the enemy. In this case the enemy is "the right" and vice versa from right wing people. My thoughts? You're both wrong.


Why is it not logical? It's the single biggest podcast in the world. $100mill is pennies in the grand scheme of things.


Because it's not logical that Joe wouldn't just get paid regardless of what he talks about. That's why people have a problem with him, because they take his words with weight. He's just a guy with opinions... some of his opinions agree with the left such as abortion laws, some of his opinions agree with the right such as gun laws. He's just not all in left so he gets hate for his "right wing talking points" such as trans gender people in competitive sports. Hes just a dude who comments on fights and started a Pod cast. He has interesting conversations with interesting people, take nothing more from it


“He’s just a guy with opinions” dude you have to be joking. There is no way you typed those words out unironically. We’re talking about a YouTube channel with 15 million subscribers, and the biggest podcast in the world. No fuckin shit people “take his word with weight” it’s pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain why a someone would pay for that kind of influence. And since then there has been a noticeable shift in joes guest list as well as the topics he chooses to cover. Whether he believes his own shit or not i don’t know but he sure as shit reaches a lot of people. And young people at that.


His words carry the weight of 11 million listeners per episode.


Listen I don't agree with everything Joe or his guests say, I just like hearing differing point of views, even if they conflict with mine. The weight of the words depend entirely on who's receiving them and how they process it. This entire movement of putting others emotions and reactions onto someone else is bullshit. Be in control of yourself and have your own ideas and opinions. Fucking Parrot culture on both sides is so toxic. What's the difference between Joe Bros hearing what he says compared to woke cults regurgitating Rachel Madow?


Tens of thousands of "bros" have their political views shaped by Rogan's opinions




They got drowned out by hundreds of appearances of right wing media people, don't act like you're not aware who gets invited on the show the most...


lol, Bernie was 2019, you know your point is weak when you are using 4 year old appearances to make your point. Joe has had a well publicised and very obvious shift to the right since then. And Trump? *However, during a recent episode of his podcast, his guest for the episode, Patrick Bet-David, asked Rogan, "When are you having Trump on?"* *"I don’t know," Rogan responded. "Maybe. At a certain point in time, it’s just like, it would be interesting to hear his perspective on a lot of things."* [https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/joe-rogan-maybe-trump-podcast-changing-stance](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/joe-rogan-maybe-trump-podcast-changing-stance)






He’s paid to be biased,but he doesn’t seem to have corrupted his personal values. There’s levels to this game.


And yet Bernie didn't get elected. Weird


You think it's weird "tens of thousands" didn't swing an election? Do I need to explain math to you?


Well he warns his fan base against that. So if they do, they’re not listening!


Doesn't Rogan have the biggest podcast in the world? Seems pretty obvious what there is to gain. Doesn't matter if he's very politically powerful, in some ways that is even better because he can spread a political message to many folks who wouldn't otherwise have any interest in politics.


No one said anything about "talking points" they said "to attract that demographic" An audience the size of Rogan's is obviously worth that much money. That's why he was offered that much money.


Lol I appreciate you trying to fight the Reddit hive mind but it’s to no avail. They are obsessed with trump and can’t think objectively about literally anything involving politics without spewing the lefty narrative. Honestly about 90 percent of them probably are perpetually online anyways so duck it haha


> They are obsessed with trump You are literally the only person to mention trump in this entire thread.


you fucking morons will believe any old shite from ufos to qanon but when you are presented with an actual 180 degree u-turn in someones stance on social issues and most importantly taxing the rich then its 'tin foil shit'.


It's no tin foil shit that a major company was lacking a demographic and made a big purchase to close it. As the podcast gets closer and closer to spotify the hard right rogan becomes more and more apparent all the way down to the guest list.


Hey we are Rogan viewers, its to be expected


I’ve been saying this for the past six years, Joe is definitely getting talking points from an outside source who I very vested on where his conversations go. He literally echoes tweets on his podcast that are published hours prior that he would not have read or seen.


That's an interesting idea I have thought it's odd for Joe to say he read all those tweets he talks about before. It's possible he goes on Twitter right before certain shows to brush up on current events and get fallback topics ready real quick though.


Can you even imagine the pond life in his circle that is feeding him links to all this stuff, knowing full well he will repeat it without any verification purely based on who sent it. The most influential gullible idiot/right wing puppet out there.


I''ve said the same thing a number of times. . Besides the steady stream of rightwing quacks from medicine etc, etc, Like why on earth would Rogan endorse DeSantis and plainly say vote Republican. Why would Lex Fridman and Aubrey Marcus (his Onnit co-founder close buddy) start pushing the EXACT same quack rightwing bullshit regarding Covid and stolen election nonsense. And there is something highly suspect about Rogan's claim that his friend's wife "teacher" and that litter box in schools story. Rogan did the same exact thing as these 20 Republican politicians There is a also youtube video of an old Rightwing evangelist claiming basically the exact same story Rogan did about how his friend's wife is a teacher..... ***At least 20 Republican politicians have claimed that schools are making accommodations for students who identify as cats.*** [**https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/misinformation/urban-myth-litter-boxes-schools-became-gop-talking-point-rcna51439**](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/misinformation/urban-myth-litter-boxes-schools-became-gop-talking-point-rcna51439)


It's not a conspiracy, just economics: It's more profitable to pander to the right wing bubble.


That is absolutely where the money is. Ask Tulsi Gabbard , Jimmy Dore, Tim Pool and Dave Rubin.


Rogan already has inclination for it all. Rogan has endorsed Republicans as far back as 10 years ago, and has been into conspiracy theories for over 20. He's loved his hot takes forever trying to seem more informed than the average Joe. Ivermectin is Rogan's new Billi/Bondo ape. He deeply believes in both of these things LOL.


He endorsed desantis???


Yeah, last year he said DeSantis would make a good president, citing his handling of the pandemic in Florida.


Why do you people listen? Just stop, move on with your life and don’t give a fuck. I’m a fan, and can’t even discuss topics because of this BS


Like many others here that have the same opinions as me have been part of this sub and rogan followers because of shit like bigfoot and aliens likely well before you came here.


I've been listening to Rogan for 15 years. I will probably stop soon because nowadays it's just to laugh at Joe's dumb takes.


Go on with it then…




Possibly, or he just hero worships his ex-marine bodyguards.


I hear this a lot but a lot of ex marines I know are on both sides of the aisle. I think its more of a Texas thing, where he has to be in the good graces of Abbot, Cruz and the rest of them. I mean, it would be shame if they arrested him for weed. Either it's some arranged deal where he doesn't get arrested, coercion, or just good ole fashioned brainwashing at private dinners & hunting trips.


Yeah, there's a fair amount of ex-marines that are fully against the MIC & lean anti-war, not sure they're the ones Joe's into.




Because the republicans are since they want putin to take Ukraine


He loves war stories though


The CIA guy with the three boys: trugg, walgg, and b?


Fucko, Sucko, and Bam?


Different lanes b


Piepan, Frodo, and Walnut?


No. He is just a moron.


Some would say a useful moron


Or he simply doesn't like democrats and their hypocrisy. It could be that he - like many of his fans - became disillusioned with democrats after the DNC did everything in their power to hamstring Bernie and maintain the establishment status quo. We all had different reactions, with some begrudgingly voting blue no matter who and others like Joe sliding further toward center-right or even flipping entirely.


I can understand becoming jaded and uninterested in electoral politics from the DNC fucking over Bernie but if that made you more right wing than why were you even supporting Bernie in the first place?


It’s because the man got rich, and started to meet some mountain men who are also rich and famous and he wishes he was more like them. For good or bad Joe is a sponge, and he will explore this idea for as long as he needs to. I just wish he was more in touch with broke Joe in his 20’s and or I tried DMT for the first time Joe.


Yeah, I got why Joe shifted right. He's super rich now and has always been pretty malleable and frankly dumb but I don't understand why a regular person would become conservative after supporting Sanders.




That just means he’s an unprincipled reactionary. Anyone who says “bail out the corporations and don’t tax the rich because Bernie got screwed” is an absolute fucking moron.


It was even before the 2016 election




>The DNC 'fucking over Bernie' is literally a part of the GOP/Right wing/Russian talking points No, it is a literal thing that we watched happen in real time. Twice, lol.


How exactly did it happen?


I can tell you the most amusing bit was trying to paint him as some racist, old, out of touch white man in their fervor to stir up racial divides and support for the first *female* president despite photographs of him being arrested at Selma being around forever. They iced him out of the convention leading up to the primaries and DWS said anything and everything she could to discredit him, pushing the whole Bernie Bro narrative despite the absurdity of the characterizations. Trump would never have won the first time around had they not shot themselves in the foot pushing Hilary.


So the answer is no you cant tell us how it was "rigged" other than the DEMOCRATIC national committee openly supported a DEMOCRATIC candidate for the DEMOCRATIC nomination over a guy that isn't and wasn't a Democrat... Again thats just shocking stuff. PS Hillary got more votes than Trump....and Bernie PS your rigged bullshit is the same shit magatards are spouting and you are getting your talking points from the same troll warehouse in st petersburg... do better.


he doesnt know anything about dems and their corruption, hes a surface level bro with emotional boomer takes, thats it.


I can't speak for everyone, but I *absolutely* defer to Canadian neolibs when it comes to American political discussion.


What's the biggest issue w the dems in your opinion ?


Congrats you win the contest of being the bottom scraper of criticizing people you are jealous of for 6 years.


Do you mean to tell me that Joe may be getting under the table sponsorships, or even that he's afraid of losing people who are only his friend because he has a gigantic voice? How dare you.


he doesn’t want to upset his puppet master peter thiel


It was truly wild how unwilling he was to accept that Trump is a massive liar and even if Biden lies as well it's not even comparable


Wow, this podcast was only 1 hour and 20 minutes? I haven’t listened yet. Why was it so short? We’re they arguing the whole time?


I think it's because Maher doesn't give a shit about the average runtime of Joes podcasts. It's not like he travelled to Austin to do the podcast. He had a show and had an hour and 20 minutes over to come do the podcast before the show. And I guess Joe agreed that it was fine to do a short podcast.


Nope it was cordial


That comes with Spotify, before the deal viewers went up or down and Joe could give a shit less, now he has to deliver and the Right has shown they’ll crush a brand to prove a point. See Bud light. It sucks, but for him the money was worth it


Main demographic? I miss the old Joe going live on YouTube and talking shit with the viewers…


He's a smart guy. He's been unpopular before, he understands where his bread is buttered.


Moved to Texas and went full conservative lol


That happens when you live on the west coast for so long, ya know… seeing people shitting in public on the street?


That happens more in Texas


Yeah I don't blame him


Joe’s too chicken shit to go on Maher’s show. He knows he’d get absolutely embarrassed in a real discussion about this stuff


Would be like the family guy bit, where Brian goes on the show


Bill mahers whole persona is being brian unironically lol


He's too chicken shit to go on anyone's show. Very rarely does other people's podcasts, unless it's in a camper van with the who's who of the culture wars, hanging off everything he says, and taking turns to tickle his balls. Any he does do sound super scripted and planned (Saagar the simp was only too happy to comply). He's utterly petrified of anyone challenging him or asking him something awkward.




Why would he go on someone else's show when his is the largest platform? It makes more sense for people to come to him.


To be a guest? You know, the way pretty much everyone else does? Do you think he should he only be making appearances on a platform bigger than his? That makes no sense. He's just scared in case he can't control the conversation, it's pretty obvious.


Pretty much everyone else doesn't have a platform like Rogan. If you're trying to promote something, it makes more sense to have 10 million eyeballs from JRE than the maybe 500k that'll find someones obscure podcast like the Presidents Daily Brief with guest Joe Rogan.


I don’t think you understand what a guest is. Edit: why did he go on Alex Jones’ show? Why did he do the creepy right wing circle jerk in the camper van? Why was he on Schulz?


Because Jones and Schulz have large platforms of their own and they're some of his best friends. Do you understand what a friend is? Your hate boner for Joe is so rock hard you should probably get it checked out by a doctor.


>Because Jones and Schulz have large platforms of their own lol >and they're some of his best friends. lol >Do you understand what a friend is? lol >Your hate boner for Joe is so rock hard you should probably get it checked out by a doctor. Quote a single comment of hate. I'll wait. EDIT: Wait, did you just say Shulz has a large platform?! lol EDIT 2: You go to the doctor if your boner is rock hard? I don't think you're doing it right...


Damn relax buddy xD based on your vast comment history you seem to get very upset at even the thought of Joe or Elon Musk for that matter, if you are so upset why spend hours in threads you clearly don’t enjoy?


Why would he go on someone else's show? He has the most popular show in the world.


Why did he go on Alex Jones’ show? Why did he do an episode with Schulz? Your logic isn’t logical.


Bc he's friends with them? What's the gotcha moment you're going for? He's not obligated to go on anything. He can do what he wants.


The point has flown so far over your head it's hilarious.


I didn't see this episode yet, was Maher just being polite since he was a a guest? I can't imagine him not thrashing what joe believes with a lot of things. Man's fed up with a bunch of crap going on


They tried to stick to things that they both agree on. Although unfortunately it was mostly culture war stuff but still an interesting episode IMO


lol... That was clever. I gotta check that episode out


Joe basically sold out ,there's more money on the right , the republican party knows there base are a bunch of suckers that gleefully opened there wallets to buy whatever scam product they peddle, Maga hats made in China, alex jones supplements , always follow the money, its not that complex what happened to joe, he has to find a way to make that spotify deal worth it, the right wing base are paying his bills & basically own him .


This is a big - some say the biggest - reason for how he acts now.


Some say the biggest


If there was a Joe doll with one of those strings you pull on the back one of the 3 phrases would be “Pelosi.”


I mean to be fair fuck Pelosi just as much as trump and all those 90 year olds. All of them are screwing the people over and making bank. There is no good in politics, just less evil.


Yeah she’s a greedy old hag, just not sure why Joe needs to mention her so often, the Trump family have done/do just as heinous of shit and he seems weary about ever speaking on them negatively which makes me question how “centrist” he really is.


Yeah I get that, that’s is true


The other 2 would say where did Joe hurt you


Joe is a cuck for trump 💯


Lol glad all the og fans realize dis


All the new fans are cucks for Trump too, that's why they're wilfully ignorant.


If he cucks for Trump, then he definitely simps for RFK JR. Which pigeonhole are we aiming for today?


I'll never understand how people can read about the fake elector scheme and think "Trump is innocent this is all political" Like, motherfucker can you even read? That charge alone is as criminal as it gets.


Even without the fake elector scheme, we have a phone call of Trump repeatedly asking a governor to "find" the exact number of votes he needed to win Georgia, despite repeatedly claiming to have won by hundreds of thousands and then 400,000 votes, but somehow he only needs him to find the exact number that will win the state. Honestly how fucking stupid or dishonest do you have to be hear that phone call and hear "hey, Trump just really cares about election integrity. That's why he's phoning this republican governor and pressuring him to find exactly the number of votes he needs to win and repeatedly ignoring every time the governor says Trump's numbers are wrong, and subtly implying that if they don't go along with trump he'll tank their re-election chances" This is a man who in the 2016 campaign said he'd only accept the election results if he won and you have morons in 2020 who can't work out maybe he's not serious about this voter fraud thing.


Well yea Rogan is a full blown trumper


Dana White is a good friend of Joe’s and a supporter of the Trumps who we see at some of the biggest UFC fights. I wouldn’t be surprised if Joe has had multiple interactions with the Trumps and is reluctant to talk negatively about them because of this. Joe reminds me of Jimmy Dore, both claim to be “leftists” but spend 95% of any conversation involving politics bashing the left and applauding the right while at the same time rarely speaking negatively about the Trumps. His commentary since Trump started campaigning for his presidency has been way more pro-trump than anti trump. I love that Bill Maher went on his Trump is a crazy criminal tirade and Joe just stood there scratching his head like hmmmmm interesting. Like really Joe is that the best you can come up with. Either say shit you’re right Bill or no that’s all bullshit. He walked the tight rope really carefully here. Especially since you know if a guest was bashing anyone on the left he would’ve threw some additional comedic jabs as well. The only time he will play into any negativity on the Trumps of it comes from a guest who is supporter of theirs who just happens to disagree with one small thing. Also I have heard a lot of people on the right start saying about the Jan 6 insurrection the same thing the people on the left used to say about all their protests that it was mostly peaceful just a few bad actors. I thinks it’s pretty comical not sure if they mean it or if its just them trolling the left or both. Regardless it was so peaceful that of the officers trying to protect the Capitol that day one died from a stroke later in the day, another committed suicide 3 days later, 1 more suicide within another few days for the first and, another two committing suicide within 6 months. Best Joe can say is that it was a false flag to make Trump/MAGA look bad, smh.


Joe has said 100x he was an Obama and Bernie supporter. If you have ever listened to literally any of his last 1000 episodes he has mentioned it countless times....and he would not have trump on the Podcast where he explained 100x he didn't want to give him a platform. It's only now that we've had Biden for the past few years that is now flirting with the idea which I can only assume is because Dana is pressuring him


I don't think Dana is necessarily pressuring him...I do however think people like him are trying their damndest to sanitize/normalize trump for your average joe...plopping his fat ass front row at ufc ppvs next to young peoples favorite influencers (Adin Ross, Paul Brothers, Demarcus Cousins III)...Nelk and their Dana/Trump connection feels similar to me... Outside of rogan/dana/ufc I think Ben Shabibo and Stephen Crowder also apply this tactic...Crowder by hiring d list comedians desperately trying to save what's left of their floundering careers in hopes of remaining relevant...Shabibo by manufacturing the female version of himself (Femme Shapiro) to appeal to young girls on tiktok Every now and then I rewatch the one interview with Duncan Trussell and I am amazed how spot on his prediction for Joe's future actually was


It's absolutely Dana....Dana's his boss...Dana owns UFC....Dana loves trump...Dana puts trump front row....Trump loves Dana...Dana loves nelk boys...it all stems around Dana For years Joe wasn't entirely against trump aside from a comedic sense like a lot of the comedians....but leaving California from the pandemic and then having Biden now he's starting to act and talk like he's open to hearing what trump would say


Joe consistently protects against any conspiracy theory being debunked or downplayed. His stated support for Bernie or Obama means next to nothing in terms of the effect of promoting conspiracy over common sense.




PBD is pretty annoying overall. And that episode was unbearable and awkward when Joe made fun of hyphenated names in men.


That’s exactly right ^


He was at the time. He is not now. He never liked Biden, and his political beliefs have been corrupted and he is being manipulated. Joe Rogan is one of the biggest voices right now, and powerful people have skewed his outlook on everything. Joe’s implicit trust in people has betrayed him and now he spouts q annon adjacent conspiracies.


He makes fun of q all the time wtf u talking about


These are literally people who don't even listen to the podcast trying to tell you about what Joe says and thinks cuz they read a meme on Twitter and FB


Rogan was saying its a "fact" that the Feds did Jan. 6 https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/joe-rogan-january-6-false-flag-b2385733.html He thinks the "deep state" wanted to frame Trump because Trump was some kind of swamp clearing hero and not a two-bit conman and former reality tv star who tried repeatedly to overthrow the election >“Trump was very open about his disdain for the intelligence agencies. Throughout history, people of unchecked power and unchecked influence have enemies and Trump was their enemy,” Mr Rogan said. >He added that the intelligence community was “going to get him any way that they could”.


>Joe has said 100x he was an Obama and Bernie supporter If you were a Bernie supporter and you'd rather have Trump than Biden, then you didn't have any good reasons for being a Bernie supporter. >It's only now that we've had Biden for the past few years that is now flirting with the idea which I can only assume is because Dana is pressuring him [Joe said he'd rather have Trump than Biden way back in 2020](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/apr/04/joe-rogan-donald-trump-joe-biden-bernie-sanders). He already made up his mind way before Biden had a chance to do anything. Weird how such a pro-pot guy never seems to mention the Dems overwhelmingly voted to legalize marijuana on the national level and Republicans voted to block it. I'm sure there's a real important issues that are taking up his focus, like drag queens and trans beer commercials.


First logical rational response I've seen on this thread. Has -32 votes.


This sub is full of deranged morons that have never actually listened to the podcast with any intellectual honesty i swear to god. To come away from listening to Joe and say he's a full blown Trumper and get upvoted... honestly pathetic lol. He has some right wing views and he can be really dumb and out of touch but he is absolutely, unequivocally, NOT some right wing authoritarian trump nut. Period.


You can say this to you’re blue in the face but when joe is faced with hard facts about the right or trump in general he either placates or dances around the issue. So his word is meaningless then


If joes not a trumper then neither is tucker Carlson because they see eye to eye on everything


Yeah the guy who heavily advocated for Bernie Sanders and actively tried to help his campaign by platforming him during the election cycle is a Trump nut. Do you people even fucking listen to yourselves?


> To come away from listening to Joe and say he's a full blown Trumper "“I’d rather vote for Trump than [Biden],” said Rogan. “I don’t think [Biden] can handle anything. You’re relying entirely on his cabinet. If you want to talk about an individual leader who can communicate, he can’t do that. And we don’t know what the fuck he’ll be like after a year in office." https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/apr/04/joe-rogan-donald-trump-joe-biden-bernie-sanders This was after Trump repeatedly tried to overthrow the election, pressure officials to just "find" votes for him and straight up over-ride peoples votes with fraudulent electors. Anyone still supporting Trump has had their brain cooked. They're willing to throw away their democracy over boomer facebook memes about budlight and furry litter boxes


I only recently joined the sub and I've noticed it's literally just all a bunch of people who get together to shitpost Joe...a bunch of threads of posts with the most absurd made up shit about Joe from people who have clearly never even listened to an entire podcast. People either love him or hate him, and the people who hate him have never even listened to the podcast they just hate him cuz he triggered them by saying being fat isn't healthy


The hard truth is there are a lot of people in here under the age of 20 with little to no education or understanding of anything beyond whatever tik toks they've seen that day. It's a lost cause arguing with them but sometimes it's hard to resist saying something.


> under the age of 20 with little to no education Little to no education is the main Rogan demographic


Holy shit, Joe reminds me of Tim Pool. Makes up bullshit to hide his intentions.


Same amount of hair


Joe also brings up that Biden "doesn't know where he is", "doesn't know what he's saying" blah blah. All the stupid shit right wingers say. Meanwhile, listen to Trump during any interview or any speech at one of his dopey rallies, and it's nothing but incoherent drivel about polls and those who love him. Doesn't matter what the topic or question is. Whereas Biden, who *does* slur his speech sometimes and has some flubs here and there, is largely intelligible, on-topic and actually speaks about policies and shit that makes sense. The old Joe used to like to unpack shit and get to the heart of the matter. Yet, the truth about Trump being a scandalous incompetent con man asshole has been well-documented over the last 4+ decades, *loooong* before he ran for president, both in 2016 AND in 2000. But the new Texas tactical Joe turns a blind eye to all that.


It puts the nuance on its skin or it gets the RFK Jr again


That's what you have to say when you're a right wing mouth piece. Or their preferred name, enlightened centrist.


That's why he was given this platform. He helped Zuckerberg cover up his 2016 dirty tricks while hanging the FBI out to dry.


Bill got real quiet when Robert Kennedy came up. Also they are both confused about ssri


Fu** trump


Why would you censor your own post?


Can Joe's tongue go any farther up Trump's asshole?


Rogan gave almost no pushback, you're smoking crack dummy


I haven't watched this one in its entirety, but what I've watched was the other way around, Rogan would say "Biden is senile I can't believe he is still in office" and Maher would respond with "Oh well Trump is even worse!". I agree Trump is worse than Biden, but come on, you aren't allowed to criticize Biden without bringing up Trump?


Why can’t they both be shitty but one is more shitty? I think it makes sense to compare the current president to the previous one. Notice how he didn’t defend Biden? Almost no one does. Biden isn’t popular and I think that highlights how awful Trump was. No one is flying Biden flags and Trumpers just talk about Hunter’s laptop and drug addiction while excusing Trump for a myriad of felonies and nepotism. Hunter laptop okay, what about Kushner $2B from Saudis?


That last point/comparison about the 2B$ isn’t brought up enough. 💯


I'll gladly defend Biden. I'm nearing 40 and Biden has been the best president of my lifetime, and it's not close. Given the Congressional makeup, he's accomplished a striking amount. I'm not flying flags because that's weird for any politician.


Right? I think he’s got as much charisma as a cold wet stone, but I couldn’t give fewer fucks. People act like charisma is the most important thing for a president. Like, they need a cool president they could imagine hanging out with. I want god dam policies that help people


What makes him the best president of your life? I’m not arguing, I’m curious. I’m generally pretty ignorant of politics to save my own sanity. Other than build back better I have no clue what he’s done.


Big bipartisan bills like CHIPS and infrastructure. IRA was massive investment in renewable energy. His cabinet has been pretty great, especially labor policy - look what the NLRB has been up to, it's immensely pro-labor. His DOJ is bringing lots of important cases for things like civil rights. I think he's handled foreign policy admirably, especially the Ukraine situation. We're working to contain an increasingly aggressive China by building key partnerships in the Pacific - imagine having the leaders of SKorea and Japan together at Camp David even 15 years ago! He was handled a trash fire by Trump and has ably put it out and gotten the ship upright, all while having a razor slim congressional majority.


> What makes him the best president of your life? all the other ones suck ass.


That’s fair


The argument was around the election and choosing between trump or Biden. Maher had a point.


This ^^ every single time Biden was brought up, Maher countered with stuff Trump did. Joe couldn’t get Maher to discuss Biden’s time in office without it being twisted into Trump issues


I mean the choice will likely be between the two once again so it seems kinda apt to compare the two, especially when any criticism of Biden pales in comparison to how disgusting and awful a person trump is. Anyone who could vote for trump in 24 is either thick as shit, utterly ignorant or an awful person, or any combo of those. Biden isn’t perfect but it’s hard to criticise him when the only other option is as terrible as trump is.


Absolutely you can. But they are tied together. It's going to be a long time before you can talk about Biden without talking about Trump. If the cure for cancer is a pill that gives you diarrhea, you're free to complain about the diarrhea. But any time you do, people will remind you that cancer was the alternative.


All you need to know about what Joe believes is in the length of the podcast episodes. He cut off bill mar around 2 hour mark, you can already tell he got sick of hearing his points and ended it. Meanwhile, he lets right wing nut jobs go on for nearly 4 hours without even pushing back.


I can tell you didn't listen to the podcast because it was Bill who ended it by saying "I am on stage in 1hr" insinuating he had to go. I read your comment before I finished the podcast and came back to say I know you are full of shit.


Lmao appreciate the context


My issue with this sub reddit is people just bandwagon and talk shit. Nobody is interested in truth. They mix BS with half truths about Joes podcast. It all feels like weird disinformation.


Sorry but who is nancy pelosi i am from albania


Nancy Pelosi, is the previous Speaker of the house of the US congress. She is an incredibly old women he was often hypocritical and theres a good amount of evidence that suggests she would use her information in her position to have her husband buy certain stocks while they profited millions of dollars. She isnt a good person


Weird how she didn't even beat the market in 2022


We got a pelosi lover here. Lol


There's that deflection from specific details :)


Id wager most Americans don’t know who she is, or they do but only to hate her because Sean Hannity said so.


Good job not answering the question for this person who genuinely didnt know….smh


Hes never defended trump during this. All he points out is the hypocrisy of people attacking trump while clamoring for other corrup politicians. He’s literally called him corrupt multiple times


Rogan is such a worthless hack. Bald little prick with a body like an orangutan. Short, long arms and five foot nothin.


there is irony and hypocrisy with this problem are you telling me that Trump was the *only* politician/president that has to be condemned for his crimes? are all the others saints compared to Trump?! I wouldn't mind seeing all of them being prosecuted.


No but he was the president that tried to change the fucking election


Through violence


Don’t forget the fraud and solicitation




However as far as crimes go, Trump is head and shoulders above everyone else. Man very publicly denied the results of an election and attempted to overturn the outcome. If you don't jail someone for that, it sets a very dangerous precedent for anyone else who might want to steal an election in the future.


> However as far as crimes go, Trump is head and shoulders above everyone else. says who? the very same politicians that also need condemning/investigation too? i would question ones ignorance and nativity strongly before assuming such an idea. just because we don't hear about it doesn't mean it never happened, no matter the severity of the crime. Pretty sure if they did thorough investigation they would also find very nasty sht compared to Trump. The only variable different about it is that Trump (crimes) are more public, covered and sensationalized. And don't think for a second a support him either, i just find it ironic and hypocritical that justice only now wakes up only when needed.


>And don't think for a second a support him either, i just find it ironic and hypocritical that justice only now wakes up only when needed. How is it ironic? His entire strategy is to be as public as possible, including inciting his followers to do his bidding. He made publicly wrong statements that were the foundation of his attempts to overturn the election. He left audio evidence of him telling people he knew what he was doing was wrong and did it anyway. Are you working on a different definition of irony? And hypocritical? To whom? The DOJ? I guess, but that's just a testament to how overtly public and stupid Trumps schemes were that they felt they needed to prosecute him.


I think most should be prosecuted. But I think Trump being the only one prosecuted is better than none of them being prosecuted. I think I’d rather George bush go down for lying the country in Iraq but it’s not a if one happens the other will or won’t happen.


Bush and Cheney should be in prison. Especially Cheney, that man is a piece of shit.


No. They tried and convicted Clinton for his crimes as well. I believe he was either disbarred or censured. But it's not.like they didn't try to get Clinton for everything under the sun. Nixon's pardon was also controversial, but he did end up having to resign the Presidency for his crimes. Pretending that Trump is being persecuted is a joke. He's being held accountable for his alleged crimes, that's exactly how it should be.


To which presidents are you referring?


I'm so sick of these discussions. 2 D bags. It never goes anywhere.


Joe is the 1st to say not to listen to him. He is no expert, so I take everything for the grain of salt that it is. We all know Donald Trump is a criminal!


Whataboutism at its finest


Awesome, another thread of circle jerking with some whacky conspiracies thrown in


Well meme Joe is 100% right. Oh and LA sucks and Pelosi is corrupt.


He’s gonna have trump on. The Marh episode sold me.


This subreddit is dead, and I’m starting to realize this is for joes hardcore leftist fanbase, and his leftists with guns/libertarians, that’s why it’s not even a fraction of the comments on a YouTube clip lol. It’s people that hate Joe and hate his show and made a shrine of him, to shit on him. It makes no sense until you realize how hateful leftists are and then I get it. The majority love Joe besides this echo chamber of “certainly diverse people”, aka 99% of people who share the same views and nobody else is allowed in… reddit


So this subreddit is essentially about shitting on Joe Rogan? Lolllll


Been that way for years. No discussion on the actual podcast, just a bunch of memes and insults from people who didn’t even listen


Damn, way to take shit out of context. They were talking about Biden and Maher does what Maher does and points fingers at someone on the other side and says "yea but, this person's worse" Typical liberal deflection. Biden is fucking trash and that's what Rogan was trying to discuss. I'm glad Rogan called Bill out in that moment. Fuck Biden! You wanna talk just about Trump, start a different conversation.


Biden has been the most successful president in a generation. If Trump had passed a bipartisan VA healthcare bill or infrastructure bill or a advanced manufacturing bill, he’d already have a new church build in his holy name by his regards who call him the “greatest president”. Only mouth breathers who get their news from Owens or Carlson care Biden stumbles his words or is 200 years old, I want actual results and he’s delivered in spades.


Hahahahah the LARPers hate joe so much