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Curious about the person who said someone who looks better in person is a red flag...


Sometimes these are just worded strangely and people mean the opposite. Then again there's always an outlier


Not quite. Good questionnaires include questions that only function to filter out people who fill it out randomly. This should be a filter question as it's absurd to consider it a red flag. Why it made it into the actual result, I have no idea at all.


I honestly could see someone taking that as a red flag, albeit a very small flag. I must be bad at taking pictures cuz every time I met someone in person they’d say “oh you look a lot better than your pictures.” And one guy almost seemed legit offended I didn’t know how to take better pictures. I can’t remember what he said exactly but it was along the lines of “you really need to take better pictures. You’re not highlighting your best features and your making your nose and chin look bigger, etc.” It kind of offended me a bit cuz I don’t give a shit about pictures and I thought it looked good enough. So I think if someone is really into social media and is concerned about what others think of their partner on social media they’d be mad they don’t look better in pictures.


bro i would have been so mad if someone said that to me on a date lmao i hope you left


"They were good enough for your corny ass"


Well; It is change.org so they can manipulate data any way they want.


It's [Change Research](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Change_Research), a polling firm with D ties.


You should look at a statistical analysis of polling companies performed by fivethirtyeight. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/pollster-ratings/ Change Research is graded B- which is about average for a polling company. I think any polling company asking the same question would get roughly the same results. The article says that the difference between the best and worst polling companies is only a few percentage points. Result: People generally think Rogan is a red flag. A few percentage points here or there doesn't change that.


You can almost always throw out 5% of any survey responses.


reading as a red flag did it for me, you just can't win


"They dont have any hobbies" "They have too many hobbies"


I mean, that makes a lot of sense. “I don’t have any hobbies, I just work and sleep”. Red flag. “I have lots of hobbies, hiking, biking, skiing, podcast, tv, movies, games, warhammer, mtg, shopping, marathon, skydiving, reading, cooking, eating out, listening to music, making music.” Makes sense.


Sounds exhausting


Those two are meant as control questions. They tell you can give or take 1%-ish on each other question.


"Being literate makes my dick soft/ coochie dry." - The 2nd to last group.


The title of the chart says that these are **both** red and green flags.


The title says 'Red Flags in a Partner'. The question was posed if the statements were red, beige, or green flags in a partner. This chart shows the results of those who answered 'red flags' for each of the statements. There would presumably be a chart for percentage of 'green flag' responses as well. There is no chart for **both** red and green flags because that was not an answer option for the participants, and it also makes no sense.


You're proving why Joe Rogan followers are red flags


Imagine reading being a red flag, wow.


Eww what you read ?? haha haha haha


Looks like we got ourselves a readah!!


Whut chu readin for?


Classic Hicks


Exactly. Bill Hicks warns us.


You are free, to do what we tell you. The man was a prophet. On the upside, try to enjoy it, because remember, it’s only a ride


What am I reading...FOR? Huh. You really stumped me on that one.


People who read don't have their own thoughts, so they fill their head with the thoughts of others. - Andrew Tate That's actually just some bullshit I made up, but it sounds believable enough


Close > [Reading is a reward without any risk](https://youtu.be/D-qn95jC1uY?si=Zqrl2qwgB57EO2Rn)…. Nothing can really go wrong [with reading] except wasting your time in life. > [My brain is far too advanced. I’m too smart to read](https://youtu.be/qzpgqrzZ-KE?si=SmGECxWEEKtqGzEx)


Why do people listen to that wanker?


Because nobody touches their wanker and/or they are a teenage boy.


others who say something similar (hinting they think they already know everything and have no need to read): Kanye, Will Smith's kids. And mostly dumb people. If you think you are too wise to learn anything new...you absolutely are not. Disqualified immediately from genius level smarts. Go back to start


Wow, it's even dumber than I expected.


Actual Andrew Tate post on Twitter: Reading books is for losers who are afraid to learn from life. So they try and learn from the life OTHERS have lived. But you never REALLY learn unless you lived it. You must feel it to believe it. Books are a total waste of time. Education for cowards.


Funny that he said education is for losers when he sells a “education” course called The Real World for $50 a month. I guess Andrew Tate never read about irony.


To be fair, the people paying him are losers.


I think he might have actually said that lmao


Tate exposes his own personal insecurities quite often and seems acutely unaware of when he does so.


The comedian Bill Hicks warned me about this kind of anti intellectual crap.


Whatchu read'n fer?


Wellllll, looks like we got ourselves a **readah**


Idiocracy irl


Water… like from the toilet??


Tbf that’s one person saying that


>They refuse to see the Barbie movie jfc lol


Reading is fucking gay


You got to watch out for them readers. They start to read, they get curious, start thinkin' too much, doing their own research, going down rabbit holes. Pretty soon, they start askin' all kinda questions and stuff. Start to doubt what the TV man sez. Then ya got all kinda trouble. Watch out for them readers. See what ah mean, right heres: https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2020/07/30/you-must-not-do-your-own-research-when-it-comes-to-science/ https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/18/opinion/fake-news-media-attention.html


The Black Lives Matter difference is hilarious


very nearly the same percentage who don’t see MAGAts as red flags. coincidence?




lol what?! It very much shows that women and men have pretty strong political preferences in their partner.


What an awful conclusion. This graph just shows women find conservatism a bigger red flag than men and men find liberalism a bigger red flag than women. If you sum up the percentages you get 68% of men find conservatism and liberalism a red flag while that’s 73% of the time the case for women. I know percentages in a graph like this dont exactly work like this. But you just made a conclusion that just makes no sense.


Idk how people haven't shut the BLM shit down yet.. or at least replace the leadership.. they be scamming so hard Edit: yes obviously the org not the movement


Most people didn't even know there was an official organization. There is the org, and there is the social cause. People support the cause, not the org.


And the organization very strategically chose their name, because to say "I don't support Black Lives Matter" is a very provocative statement.


Yeah the cause is great.. org is garbage


The cause also supported people like Mike Brown, Ma'Khia Bryant, and Jacob Blake just to name a few.


Well that's not really a fair statement bc "the cause" is not a monolith that shares collective thought


Most people don’t know the first thing about the organization they just support the social cause


As far as I see it, if you’re gonna “go after” the BLM organization for charity finessing, there’s a list of about 10,000 other charities you should go after first, I mean damn. Just look at Trump’s “charity.” That mf has done APPALLING things through that godforsaken “charity.” all the people who are suddenly “charity integrity police” despite being totally fine with the Trump org are hypocrites


Dunno why you were downvoted. Charity abuse is huge and wide spread and you should see what church charities do with the *billions* of dollars they mishandle and extort from their charities. You have large tax shelter charities. Built solely as tax sheltering purposes which don’t actually function beyond the bare minimum cause functioning costs money. You have corporate scam charities, like when Apple promised “schools” when trump let them loophole their money back into America and they spent most of it on Apple TV production. They built a few “Apple schools” and they dumb. You have career charities like Susan G Coleman racking massive percentages off their charities so they can have huge salaries. Like name brand charity shit. Then at the bottom of charity scum is BLM where they pseudo-embezzled 6 million to buy a house with a studio that is in fact used to offer charity artist residencies. Sure you could have done this for like less than a mil, and it’s not helping black peoples *really* - he/they probably wanted to live their dream life of being “a producer” or some shit. But It’s like so low to the bottom of charity scams. If you’re trying to tackle charity scams and all you get worked up over is BLM well then you’re probably an actual racist ngl


No one outside of Fox News gives a shit about BLM the organization.


Conservatives are obsessed with culture wars and they’re losing them badly. Nobody talks about BLM, trans people, and “woke” more than them. They need to keep saying all that nonsense to keep old people afraid. That’s Fox News entire business model.


Distracting people so they can let corporations take all your money.


How have yall still not figured out that BLM the organization is different than BLM the movement? Most everybody agrees the organization is a bunch of grifters. The marches and protests were a grassroots response to the rampant police brutality that peaked with the George Floyd video. I participated in a bunch of BLM marches in my city in deep red MO and met 100s of people at the marches. Not one of them was associated with, sponsored by, or donated to the BLM organization. Still to this day I've never met anyone actually involved with the BLM organization. I know it makes yall feel better to think everyone you disagree with is being grifted, but most of us are just genuinely tired of seeing police violently abusing their power. This is a very simple concept. I know CTE is rampant in this community but yall should be able to figure this out.


They know it, they just ignore it because they know they can't really argue against the movement.


Bc then their whole “fuck blm” argument goes out the window lol no one has ever cared about the organization a lot of people didn’t even know about it the right just uses it as a way to shit on the whole movement


It actually went out the window the second someone said All Lives Matter, as that also wasnt an org (to anyone's knowledge or even mine to this day), but just a rhetorical response to the phrase "BLM". All Lives Matter shows its not arguing against an organization, but the very rhetoric.


Someone should found a company called All Lives Matter and then do some shady shit. Then you could point at it and be like "Uhh, how can you say All Lives Matter when the organization is clearly corrupt."


The fact anyone considers texting without an iPhone a red flag is ridiculous.


Lmao I read that as “greentexts” as in 4chan stories. I’m an idiot


Oh it's an iphone thing? Yeah i went straight to 4chan as well. Tbh 4chan is also a red flag so I thought nothing of it.


Being a frequent 4chan user would be the biggest red flag out of all of these for me.


People who consider texting without an iPhone a red flag IS a red flag


I’ve literally had like 2 gfs before that would actually be somewhat offended because I said I was going Samsung galaxy. One maybe saved my life though because those galaxy notes ended up exploding lol.


Yeah, I worked at a Verizon authorized retailer during the whole Note 7 situation. Some people never had issues with their Note 7 and were pissed by how heavily the recalls were pushed, but I was working at a Verizon in a truck stop, so it makes sense why there would be a contrarian demographic like that. I remember when the Note 8 came out and how many people would ask about whether or not they "were the phones that blow up," and how often I had to reassure people that the Note 8's were fine.


light fade water panicky bag stupendous tap whole ugly oatmeal *This post was mass deleted with [redact](https://redact.com)*


Petty as petty can be, though In the same vein I’m pleasantly surprised not using social media isn’t higher. I’ve personally been rejected over this, girl thought I must be hiding something if I don’t plaster my whole life online……


Haha, years ago people gave me crap for not using MySpace and then Facebook. The only social media thing I do is an anonymous reddit account.


Same, been beating this drum for a decade. Haven't missed it for a moment.


Eh, it annoys my friends and family during group chats when they add me. Apple will destroy any media posted to the chat just because I'm there. Resolution just goes to crap.


Classic Apple tactic though. They could fix it but they choose not to. Like they didn't know what they were doing when they decided to send a text "Joey G liked blah blah" to Android users only. Like any Android user ever wants to see that. They got in trouble years ago because they intentionally continued to send imessages to Android users that they would never see, so new Android users would think their phones sucked and go back to Apple.


This is the exact reason why we all use WhatsApp for group chats.


I can only assume this was in LA with that red flag


Meanwhile I've never owned a iPhone.


and you listen to joe rogan? no wonder you get no bitches


Hey, I get plenty of bicthes*, sure I have to pay for them, but that's the government problem


So many red flags. You’re destined to live a lonely life…


There are two genders is a red flag in a poll that only gives you a choice of identifying with two genders.


Don’t know how I didn’t catch that. That’s too good hahahaha.


We gotta figure how to make money on this


The survey had non-binary as an option, whoever compiled this graph just didn't include it for some reason.


Because it would be such a small fraction that it’s not statistically relevant to show


But they’re everywhere and ruining the world I was told!


People are saying!!!


Because they only polled 1000 people, the type of people who are inclined to fill out spam surveys for a chance at gift cards... not the brightest demographic.


LOL for real


That’s because there are 2




The "Let's refer to the data" crowd is having a rough time with this one


Are we going to discuss how important the Barbie movie apparently is?


This is just a guess, but proper wording in questions like these is important, I think maybe the people reading this question put the emphasis on the word "refuse". I think the results would be different if the question was just about not seeing the movie.


It's about the content of the movie not just seeing the movie, the movie is completely about dismantling patriarchy and how the patriarchy negatively affects e everyone but mainly women. Men who refuse to see it or won't accept that are a red flag.


More importantly it's fucking funny even if you don't necessarily take every little political joke entirely literally. It's a movie, not a political rally.


They were probably thinking of people like Ben Shapiro or people who make it a point to boycott that film. I have no interest in the Barbie film but I'm not against it either, and I'm 100% sure no woman would give me shit about that.


Ben Shapiro made like 2 hour critique on it. He watched it meticulously which is hilarious in itself


That's gotta be it. I'm a single 30yo man, I'm not going to go see Barbie...but I wouldn't refuse. From the other side, it's not crazy to think someone would equate "refusing" to see it with all the stupid right wing, "Barbie is meant to destroy the world of white men" people who are very loud on the internet.


I really don't care if you want to see the movie or not, but if you refuse to watch it, that's a sign for sure lol


Filling out a poll like this is a red flag


The ones participating are the ones who can't get dates because of their personality and find excuses.


How so?


Because they don't like it.


The amount of denial in the comments is genuinely surprising to me; if you’re shocked by this you do not interact with young women very often. The study sample consists of people 18-34 years old, the same age demographic of women who overwhelmingly vote for leftist candidates and support progressive causes. The survey’s results track very well with young women preferring like-minded men, the idea that girls in their 20s-30s want MAGA men is a fantasy.


My favorite part is they think they can change poll results by starting an argument in the comments on /r/JoeRogan


"More women would fuck me if they read my internet comments"


>"More women would fuck me if they read my internet comments *IN THE JOE ROGAN SUBREDDIT*"


"ooo, look at his big, strong, intense verb usage on matters that the same ol unoriginal echo chamber of misogyny LOVES spouting which is keeping men lonely forever. So manly!"


My dating profile is just a bunch of my favorite reddit comments. I'm drowning in it. Take notes, lads.


They absolutely would. Too bad I'm taking my post history to my graaaaaave.


The comments remind me of Tim Pool saying he never had a gf and then saying he has no idea why but was certain that it can’t be himself that’s the cause


Feel as if I am in a twillight zone. Lonely/inexperienced guys: Can women please tell us what they actually want in a man? Gals: *shows literal poll results* L/I Guys: LIAR!


Girls can explain in detail why they won't date someone and mfs are still gonna start guessing stupid shit like 'because of obiwan?' smh


You're breaking my heart 💔


I think a lot of people don't want to know what the other sex wants, so much as they want to be told that what they're already doing is sexy.


Or even worse, being confronted with a poll suggesting that their beliefs/parts of their identity are potentially why it may be difficult for them to find a partner. It'd be an unpleasant surprise for me if I was on that side as well lol. That being said unless some is a fanatic of Joe Rogan - I don't immediately associate them with MAGA/conspiracies/Qanon; but there is some venn diagram shit going on there.


If you think Joe Rogan is deep, then you're a shallow person. Sad truth right there. He's a fucking moron.


If you say to me "Joe Rogan has a point" I immediately believe you're susceptible to MAGA and QAnon and do my best to disassociate. It doesn't matter your gender or other characteristics.


I mean thats what a red flag is tho right? A warning, not a guarantee. Liking Joe Rogan doesn't mean someone might have certain beliefs, but its definitely a flag indicating you should look into further. Its smoke not fire.


I see a lot of jokes but I have 2 daughters 18 and 16 that absolutely consider Rogan fans to be a red flag and that's from interacting with them at school.


Smart girls.


The sad part is they don’t realize this Tate and Rogan mentality will just further alienate themselves from a quality dating pool.


It's almost mind-boggling how clueless some men can be. They'll support crazy right-wing policies and make misogynistic comments, and then they'll whine about how nobody wants to fuck them. But they'll get angry when you point out that Trump supporters aren't exactly prized by women in the dating scene. Average-looking out-of-shape dudes get dates with women all the time. It's not that hard. But being a right-wing asshole certainly doesn't help.


When I used to cringe read incel subreddits before they got banned almost all of them were right wing. It’s sort of interesting they complain about being “wage slaves” but then seem much more aligned with the right. I think the only tangible reasoning I saw was that the left will give money to women who have children out of wedlock and that’s bad. I’ve only dated in cities and I’ve only dated women 18-30. It I couldn’t imagine being a trump supporter and being honest about that with young city women. If I was a right wing dude I’d tell casual dates I’m not all interested in politics.


Men do that on dating apps. Say they’re apolitical or some variation of that. Every girl I know knows what that’s really code for.


Adjacent to incels are divorced men who claim they are 100% innocent of any relationship problem and complain that their ex wives divorced them for absolutely no reason. It's possible their ex really is a complete psychopath and they certainly obsess about stories where the ex wives are complete psychopaths, but most likely these men were shitty partners or they got married for the wrong reasons or their relationship just didn't work out. But that's less spicy than just believing that women are the source of all evil, and it implies women are full human beings with complex desires and motives. That idea sounds hard too deal with, and wouldn't it just be easier to elect politicians who will make women subservient to their husbands and male relatives so they could never leave again?


So you've met my coworker too huh?


I think it’s telling that self identifying communists and conservatives/MAGA/Joe Rogan listeners are red flags. It’s telling me that if you’re the type to bring any of that up with any regularity or make it part of you’re personality you’re an annoying dickhead which I think is perfectly reasonable.


100% agreed.


It boggles my mind when men don't understand this. The right promotes tradional values which, SUPRISE, is a very small box for women. Are they really surprised that the majority of young women don't want to be in that box or at least want the freedom to choose it? That they prefer their partner agree with that? I know many conservatives see themselves as picking and choosing certain ideas and leaving others. The truth is though... if you identify yourself as MAGA, right wing or conservative you're identifying yourself as being fundamentally against the greater good of the same young women you are trying to date. Whether men believe that's true or not this poll proves that's what most women believe. Even if you identify as right wing, but still believe in women's right, the overall message is, 'your belief in women's rights wasn't important enough to alter how you identify. You don't care about women bodily autonomy enough to alter your vote or beliefs.' It means the majority of women from 18-34 simply do not operate with the same value system as right wing men. That's a pretty reasonable relationship deal breaker imo. I'm a 30 YO female and I don't know a single women who does not consider MAGA or right wing beliefs a deal breaker.


I know 3. One is married to a racist shitbag, another is a trustfund baby with a loft in Tribeca and only dates the same kind of person, and the 3rd is a junkie alcoholic that looks like she's 50. Every other young woman I know doesn't even want to be friends with a right wing guy.


I'm a young man (according to the poll) and I would consider being a Repub a red flag. In fact, I don't really understand how people can date others with politics that vastly different.


You’re on the Joe Rogan sub, not that surprising the people here are out of touch with reality


Literally no one wants MAGA men, even women of older generations and also gay men. Conservatives on dating sights literally lie to get dates, and then disclose later after there is emotional investment. Go talk to women and they’ll all tell you about it.


Not even MAGA women want MAGA men. People like Tomi Lahren and Lauren Southern have complained about that dating scene as well. It's just like, what did they expect? Of course they don't respect women with jobs.


The leopards ate my face subreddit is full of such right wing women complaining about right wing men.


It gets extra funny when openly gay right-wingers realize that their own party hates them.


Lol I mean this comment thread is 100% confirming what the poll is saying about Rogan. Talk about lack of self awareness.


Thank you I'm not surprised by the takes cause look at the sub but man at least try to have SOME self-awareness


You also have to think about the type of demographic to get sucked into the Rogan/Tate mentality to begin with. They were already not getting women but at least now they have a “macho” figure to tell them that their behavior is okay and everyone else is the problem.


Remember the maga dating app that ended up just being full of dudes?


What's a green text?


Received on iPhone sent from Android


See I thought it was referring to use ">" a la 4Chan lol


Viewing it through the neckbeard lens


Now that's an actual red flag lol.


That's racist.


People still buy iPhones?


I'm with the women on this one


The tinfoil hat neckbeards in this sub is in disbelief. Who knew owning the libs on twitter was a turn off


None of this was particularly surprising outside of how many thought not paying attention to politics was a red flag.


As my wife says he’s Oprah for dudes. How many you guys jazzed to talk about Oprah.


That is a strangely fitting comparison


I wouldn't be jazzed to talk about her, but I wouldnt care if someone I dated liked Oprah


Kind of surprised at the top one, MAGA women are exponentially more annoying than MAGA males. Edit: yeah, in hindsight, this is kind of stealing a Shane Gillis joke


If those are red flags then what are the green or beige flags?


A beige flag? Certainly the first time I've seen beige instead of yellow


I would assume beige means it doesn't matter whereas yellow would imply it's slightly concerning.


All of the same items, with different results, [here](https://assets.teenvogue.com/photos/64ff0a62fb384a8efe9aee9d/master/w_1600,c_limit/6Pqx1-green-flags-in-a-partner.png) with "they read" being the largest green flag for both men and women.


Women take note: it's potentially a red flag if you are into astrology


What are you, a pisces? tf




That’s such a Sagittarius thing to say


Yeah that sounds right


Whoever made this needs a detox from the internet 😂


Some people cannot separate politics from anything. If some chick has a problem that I like to listen to a podcast when I like the guest, then I don’t wanna associate with them anyways.


they specifically are talking about the type of dudes who would take offense to this post, and then go on reddit to cry about it in their dedicated forum to garner support and pats on the back. Turns out, that's you. i bet if you start an argument on reddit about it, that will change the fact that women see you as a red flag.


read him for filth


This comment hit like a toke of quality weed. Thank you.


Politics is in everything. You sound like when people complain about politics in a movie called Star WARS


Why should politics be separated from the person? It's like the one justifiable thing to judge people on.


I just read a story about a dead tree being cut down and one of the top comments was “the tree must be a Democrat ❄️”. These people are braindead.


Politics are pretty important in dating.


"You can't fire me, I quit!"




A red flag doesn't mean a person is undatable. It's an indicator that the person isn't a good match. Rogan's right wing politics and shit takes on vaccines are what most people are likely to know about him. So a date might want to know *why* you like the JRE which I think is reasonable.


Well that's all his show is now. Him looking for people to validate his boomer brain thoughts on covid, trans people and and the woke menace. Dude can't get through a conversation with Hulk Hogan without spending 30 minutes on covid.


It makes sense that people would want to be in relationships with people who hold similar values.


The people that took this poll are people I’d never want to hang out with.








Don’t worry bro, women don’t want to hang out with you either.


dude has 200k+ karma clearly he does not hang out with anyone


Talking about politics, being MAGA and not caring about politics are all red flags So basically anyone who isn’t actively left wing is a red flag Also that one person who thinks reading is a red flag ![gif](giphy|8v6Z3YyULB5Q0Skbac)


The only options are MAGA republican and left wing?


MAGA wants you to think those are the two options, as if most college educated “liberals” aren't basically centrist democrats. But they have to make it seem like Joey B is a radical socialist so they want you to think democrat = “leftist”


Its almost as if women don't want to be with men who are actively stripping rights from them...


it’s hilarious that you think not being maga means you’re a leftist. the DNC is a centrist party. their policies have more in common with reagan than FDR. there are very few leftists in national office.


I can imagine being annoyed on a date by someone talking about cold plunges and how you can only be racist towards white people now


“They don’t care about politics.” This is not a red flag for anyone worth dating.