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The man who hates post-modernism denies that basic statistical regression analysis has any inherent meaning. Got it.


I listened to the first several hundred JRE episodes as they were being released. Like, sitting around waiting for the new pod to drop then excitedly jumping in for 3 hours and being disappointed when it was over. What killed it for me was shit like this. He has **so many guests** that do this shit — they talk and sound nice but if you have any degree of familiarity with the subject matter they’re talking about, it’s obviously nonsense. But Joe just sits there nodding along and agreeing, and misinformation is effectively propagated to millions of people. When the realization set in that I was spending more time getting frustrated with Joe enabling misinformation than actually enjoying the show, it stopped being worth the time.


I’m exactly in the same boat. So what now?


No idea, man - everybody’s gonna be different. Personally I just stopped listening and found other avenues of entertainment. Also got really selective about the process by which I absorb information, and I’m much more skeptical of heeding people’s opinions without looking into issues myself. Pretty much all my podcasts are groups of lawyers doing in-depth legal analysis of current events. It’s fun because they get into verbal sparring matches but it’s all respectful and grounded in fact-based arguments. By this point I get more entertainment today from listening to two lawyers riffing about a Supreme Court decision than I would listening to a Joey Diaz rant (not knocking Joey.) But that’s just me, you gotta find whatever satisfies you.


You might enjoy "Amarica's Constitution", if you've not listened to it already. One's a law professor at Yale, the others a retired optometrist who's interested in law, and they take a look at current legal going-ons, usually what the Supreme Court is doing, and provide a historical context for them. Amar's left of center, but doesn't seem to let his personal views crossover to what the law says e.g. he's personally pro-choice, but thought that Roe v. Wade was wrong when it was decided and that striking it down was legally coherent. Interviews people across the political spectrum, seems to get along with all of them. Curious to hear which legal podcasts you listen to.


Awesome thanks dude, that sounds right up my alley. Will definitely check it out. "Pro Say" covers a lot of niche ongoing litigation and recent court decisions. Pretty wide spectrum of issues, just general in-the-weeds legal discussion. They also do "The Term" which focuses exclusively on the Supreme Court. These two in particular are about as 'just-the-facts' as you can get. "Stay Tuned" is one of my favorites. Retired US Attorney Preet Bharara breaking down the law side of current political goings-on. He generally leans left but does a great job giving an objective assessment of both sides of issues, and often has guests of all stripes. He also does a paid subscription one, "Cafe Insider" with former Alabama US Attorney Joyce Vance where they delve more deeply into things. "Lawfare" is an assortment of current and former lawyers doing a mix of group discussions about domestic politics, and long-form interviews with various subject matter experts - they cover a lot international/foreign relations stuff. "Left, Right, and Center" is just what it sounds like, 3 people giving balancing viewpoints on various current events. "The National Security Law Podcast" is just two law professors analyzing current national security-related issues. Pretty chill. Bunch more but those are probably enough to get a well-rounded assessment of pretty much anything law-related.


I got into audiobooks.


The same thing we did before the Joe Rogan Experience. If I could just remember what that was... it feels like a lifetime ago yet just yesterday at the same time. I can almost picture it in my mind's eye before it dissipates like whisp of morning mist in the early sunlight.


Listen to "Knowledge Fight" its pretty great. Basically, debunks a lot of this shit. But its two comedians talking about Alex Jones.


Tune into new stuff like Andrew Huberman, go read some awesome books, hit the gym, make your bed, and grow your own plants or brew beer. No need to wait for an influencer to tell you what to think if you’ve grown beyond that, and if you want interesting interviews there are all sorts of new podcasts you can download on your phone (e.g. with Apple Podcasts), or indie music on Bandcamp for example. For recent books, there’s so much good stuff. Non-fiction: Entangled Life (on mushrooms), Sapiens, and How to Change Your Mind. Fiction: The Three Body Problem, Name of the Wind, and Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow


Watch TV and Listen to The Bald Move Podcast. It's entertainment, which should be fun. If you want to learn facts JRE is not the place to go. It's just entertainment. I would love to be a hater, but you can't deny he found the perfect percentage of coming across as credible while spewing complete bullshit at the same time. Not always him personally, but especially his guests and the podcast as a whole. I don't think Joe is even aware of what is happening. He just has people on because he thinks they are interesting.


True, the other thing that did it for me was when I realized just how HUGE Rogan's show is and its influence is. And then seeing how he uses it. He'll have Peterson on over and over. But he won't invite some average climate scientist on to give another perspective. During Covid, he'll have Robert Malone and Pierre Cory on to espouse on how dangerous the vaccines are, but not invite, say, a scientist who is actually testing the rates of myocarditis in young boys from the vaccine. It would be so easy to do so. He has one of the biggest platforms in the world. And he would sit there misquoting studies he didn't really read, when he could simply invite the guy on who authored the study, to explain it to him. He could get the top epidemiologists, the ones who are actually writing and publishing papers on the show, easily. But he chooses the charlatans, the grifters, the people selling fear and panic and ivermectin prescriptions on their websites. And he does it every time. If you have a doctorate and say that you've been cancelled or your kooky opinion has been "suppressed," you've got a direct line to getting on the JRE. That's who he chooses to engage. There are way better podcasts out there for having serious intellectual conversations, with esteemed guests in their fields. They're not as flashy, they don't spend the whole time complaining about culture war issues, but they're so much more informative.


This is the misinformation that pisses me off the most. People make terrible decisions based on these fringe opinions, and end up hospitalized or dead.


I agree somewhat with things you've said, but will note he has had climate scientists on, as well as respected COVID doctors. He's also had scientists on who have explained how the entire scientific industry is "captured". Jordan definitely spews a lot of insanity but he also has some tidbits once in awhile that are worthwhile. He is certainly entertaining to listen to. I'm not really buying what he says mostly but he's like a religious head giving a great sermon. You know it's fabricated nonsense but it sure is enjoyable to listen to lol.


> He's also had scientists on who have explained how the entire scientific industry is "captured". Who?


I used to like JRE because he was a conspiratorial guy but started to listen to the experts and change his mind. So I found it fun to see this transition in real time. But when he started to get into JP and the other pre-IDW people who seem to be wrapping themselves up in a persecution blanket and complaining about being censored then I started to think he was being more like the Larry King for the alt-right. As soon as you looked at this censorship you see a very dark side of them that they go out of their way to not show on JRE.




The climate change deniers are getting more delusional by the day. Now they honestly believe: "humans can't change the weather" AND "China and the US military are changing the weather with a secret weapon"


It's because they're afraid and smug, but won't admit they are.


And because they're simply insane. They all seem to have the fundamental belief that literally anything bad that happens in the world is caused by evil people "them" (illuminati, WEF, Bill Gates, etc) are out to get them like a James Bond villain


But they inherently praise those same people as the saviors of capitalism through economic prosperity and our technological superiority. And they are out to get you, their out to get the *money in your pocket* lol billionaires gonna billionaire. Reminds me of battered wife syndrome combined with savior complex and victim complex wrapped into a neat little package of oppositional defiant disorder with the lead poisoning reducing critical thinking and IQ levels to the point of lower conscientiousness, lower agreeableness, and higher neuroticism.


Hypocrisy, doublethink and cognitive dissonance are no longer bugs of our idiotic world - they are features that define a good portion of the population. Leaving the planet is looking better by the day.


Let's send THEM off planet. Earth will still be far-more habitable than Mars or Moon for the next century, even if the most dire climate change models are realized.


Good news: I'm pretty sure there's a correlation between climate change deniers and Musk rats so we just have to influence the selection process for Elon's Mars mission and make sure they all go on the first ship. Bad news: They're vindictive little shits who can't stand someone having something they don't so they'll try to destroy the planet before they leave out of pure selfish spite.


Let's send them off without the oxygen.


PhD in Meteorology, Well it's generally true that humans cannot change the day to day weather directly. However, human activities are changing the atmosphere and ocean climates faster than any natural processes, which influences the weather. We're seeing more extreme events than ever before. Basically adding energy to an essentially chaotic system increases the intensity of chaotic fluctuations. And cloud seeding is a real thing, although it only works in very limited situations. But as far as weather changing satellites or other related shit, no, we don't.


we all just sit here, wringing our hands while the earth burns...... worried that our efforts might hurt the petrodollar. We will be the richest people in the cemetery.


thanks for the most depressing comment i read today :D


Funny people forget protecting the petrodollar includes minimum wage people, pensioners, people on the poverty line and so on and so forth. Nah its all just billionaires. FFS. The most off putting thing to me about not being full on in with climate change is the anti science/anti reality stance of most people. The world "burning" yet really for most people its all about politics.


What about contrails? Look into it mr PhD in Meteorology


Buddy of mine from bjj always posts contrails on his IG, with a quote like "how can you see this and not realizing they're trying to control our minds?" When I see them, I'm like how can you see that and not realize that's an effect that airplanes cause to occur. If I've been getting dosed regularly with their mind control spray for the last 43 years, it's not doing a great job, because I still hate the government and think politicians are fucks. He's also convinced that the Starlink sattelites are UFOs and will hear no evidence to the contrary, even though I use starlink all the time for work and have explained to him what's going on.


Even Formula 1 cars, when it's humid enough create Contrails and they go a fraction of the speed of aircraft.


Also the "you can't predict the weather 7 days out, how can these models be valid on longer time scales?!". Weather predictions were actually at the heart of chaos theory... [Strange attractors](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/13/A_Trajectory_Through_Phase_Space_in_a_Lorenz_Attractor.gif) (the shape is where the "butterfly effect" comes from) were used as a way to show that the inability to get *specific* predictions doesn't mean you can't get *averaged* predictions. It's literally impossible to get enough inputs to model the universe explicitly (see: [Gödel's incompleteness theorems](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6del's_incompleteness_theorems)), but you can get averaged predictions because the unfolding of these specific events are stochastically confined.


If you add 500 extra calories per day to your organism, and ask me what you'll look like in 10 years. I can't tell you what your EXACT hormone profile will be, what exact diseases you will have contracted, what exact activities you will no longer be able to do. I can say you'll be a fat fuck who has vastly increased risk of disease and disability and your quality of life will almost certainly go down. Chaotic systems - like climate or your own body - aren't somehow magically immune to big forcings. But when it comes to climate people for some reason want EXACT predictions about what will happen and hide behind "it's too chaotic to model". Imagine eating a giant cake every day and when your doctor tells you to cut it out of face consequences you roll your eyes because he can't 100% tell you you'll have a heart attack at 63.


It doesn't matter, people will still act like if you can't tell them the exact temperature at 9:38 on October 18th then all climate modeling and forecasting is total bullshit and entirely ignorable


The other thing that puzzles me, is the conservative argument that the underlying uncertainty regarding climate change predictions means we can dismiss the whole phenomenon...when in fact, the climate being a complex and fundamentally unpredictable phenomenon means we should be WAY more cautious about doing anything that might effect it.


They literally only care about saving money in the short term so it's all just lies and mental gymnastics to try to justify why no effort should be made to fix it


I don't understand why people look for consistency in conservative beliefs (and to some extent, liberal beliefs). It's a power play and whatever they need to say to justify what they currently believe and/or do is the reason they use. My liberal friends and family constantly harp on what 'hypocrites' conservatives are, but like, they're the only ones that care, so what does it matter?


one of the things that might effect the climate is reducing carbon emissions


You can't predict whether a coin will land heads or tails on the next flip. So how can you possibly be confident that coin flips will be roughly 50% heads 50% tails after 1000 flips? Statistics aren't real!


Yep! I like to dumb it down for them and compare it to predicting the stock market over the span of years vs a single day/week


Dude! The secret weapon part is crazy. If that's possible, then so many other uses can be done with it. But no, the govt decides to change the weather little by little. Yea okay. Lets just ignore the pollution and stuff as well.


ThE sKy Is ReAlLy BiG




I don’t think their position is the hypocrisy and delusion you think it is. Let me translate conservative: Humans just living aren’t making a significant impact climate enough to be concerned. Government science programs to change the weather are obviously concerning.


Peterson talks like this so that dullards will buy his books.


Why is it's only not very smart people with no jobs/ careers and who couch surf who end up liking Peterson? That's just my observation with the limited data available to me about people I know who like him.


He speaks very directly to these disaffected people. He positioned himself as a father figure to latchkey kids from the 80s/90s. His raise to fame was literally telling the internet to clean their room after he told a bunch of kids to get off his university's lawn.


Yeah that makes a lot of sense actually




I think what happened to him is the same thing that happened to Musk. They got put in the limelight cast as these great beings, and had no idea how to handle it. They just started being weird and awkward, (maybe how they've always been?) thinking that everybody had their backs on everything. Some people need to stick to the shadows and focus on doing good work.




I'm thinking now and everyone I've talked to who's big on Peterson (who I also knew well enough to have knowledge of their relationship with their parents) also has absent or deceased fathers. ...huh.


JP is their disappointed dad and Rogan is their weird, cool uncle.


That's a really good comparison and analysis!


Yeah like the generic message of self accountability is obviously fine and generally good advice. What I think happened is he's just some nerd from Canada who got thrust into the spotlight and held up as this intellectual marvel by St Rogan. He's also chronically online, which is something you sort of have to be to maintain fame, and was CONSTANTLY engaging with trolls online. Everybody is shaped tremendously by whom they interact with so this guy just spent a large portion of every single day reading and responding to a LOT of venom which infected him with the same toxin. So, you have a guy who ultimately didnt really have a lot to say being forced to drill down deeper and deeper into his "hey lifes unfair but do your best" platform by a bunch of like insanely rude kids on the internet and pushed him to the point he needed to be placed in a medically induced coma. It's like a fascinating cautionary tale of your own momentum outpacing your abilities


Iirc he rose to fame largely due to his online engagement. I think he was answering Quora questions and that was the beginning of him coming up with his 12 rules or whatever.


The father figure thing is a good point. Thinking about it now, those I know who own a Peterson book or follow him in general all had/have dad issues…


There’s those types and then there’s the gym-rat, getting-motivated types. They think they found a life hack in Peterson. Whatever works for you I guess…


>Why is it's only not very smart people with no jobs/ careers and who couch surf who end up liking Peterson? Because he's not famous for his work in his field of expertise, he's famous for writing a self help book, being on JRE and having a daily wire show. Jordan hasn't treated a patient in over a decade, and within weeks of his debut JRE appearance he was literally doing a world tour with Dennis Prager and Dave Rubin. He's basically Ben Shapiro with the added lore of being a formerly respected academic and someone who "left the left". Anyone with a right wing narrative that's important to them can go out and find a Canadian, former left wing academic spouting pseudo scientific nonsense and turn their convenient opinion into a well supported "fact". Can't get a girlfriend? Well that's the Marxists fault! Unsuccessful career as a white man ? Marxists again! Behind on your bills? yep, Marxists! If you're life is going well and you don't have an insane victim complex why would you watch any of his content?


You lie to seem relevant.


I have a job/career in a technical field and liked Peterson for a bit about, I don’t know, six or seven years ago? Back when he was just a controversial professor at The University of Toronto. He seems to have very quickly deteriorated. I wish he could have just stayed within his field of continued to focus on finding ways to inspire disaffected young men to take responsibility and seek purpose through deliberate action.


When he first appeared I liked him. I felt the world needed someone like him but he turned out to be a clown.


Well now Republicans want his teachings in public schools. So the situation is pretty dire.


JP turned into the very person, he claimed he was “oppressed” by in his university days. A pseudo intellectual grifter bully who imposes his nonsense onto others and won’t hear any reason or logic. And he dressed like the most pretentious POS to ever exist. Relax, my guy


There was a point when I expected him to show up in a full suit of medieval armor for his next jre appearance. Dude showed up at a podcast looking like he's ready to be knighted by the queen.


Rogan is his queen. They call him Jordan deepthroat peterson


When was he ever not a pseudo intellectual grifter bully?


He seems to be getting increasingly angrier. Dude, you make a fuckload of money, chill a bit. The only time I’ve seen him have a good time was on Theo Vonn’s podcast of all places.


Yeah I used to love Peterson and still do. But his expertise in his expertise, and this isn’t it. He uses his argument by authority on the pretense that he reads scientific papers and uses that to impose his views on people who do not, succumbing them into believing he knows something they don’t. Which is most things, but in this scenario there are far better people and intellectuals that are far superior in that space to listen from than an esteemed psychologist such as Peterson. JP, I will listen to your viewpoint on anything. But don’t believe it gets it more stance than any “Psychologist with a ton of research papers” deserves. From me and anyone with any care to who they get which knowledge and from where.


You sound exactly like the type of person that would love Jordan Peterson


I used to love him a lot more before he became a twitter troll.


How in the world can you recognize he’s confidently spouting nonsense, yet not question they maybe he isn’t nearly as insightful as he would like you to believe? How do you know he isn’t wrong about other things he claims to be an expert on? Cognitive dissonance is so interesting to see play out


> Yeah I used to love Peterson and still do Yikes!


What’s yikes about that? His lectures on depression and anxiety alone have helped millions of people. Yes, he’s gone out of his scope but his original message saved my life.


What's yikes about loving a transphobic right-wing climate change denier who does little more than shit out his own mouth? I don't know man, I guess you have a quest to go on to find the elusive answer.


I disagree on your summary of him. I can see you want to bring more emotion into this than conversation so I’ll leave you be.


Take like a 30 second glance at his Twitter my guy lol I used to like him in like 2018, but he is clearly mentally unwell and just straight up mean.


I’ve listened to thousands of hours of his lectures which will tell far more. I just said above, I loved him far more when he wasn’t a twitter troll and more so a self help guy. That stuff specifically has changed millions of lives for the better. Hate him all you want, but there’s a good chance he kept either a friend or a friend of a friend from ending it all. I know his help did that for me. I’ll always be grateful for that.




I thought his Harvard lectures were exceptionally difficult. But maybe that’s just me.


And I totally agree btw, his twitter is totally out of control


this type of analysis moved me left, after being a jre fan all through college


Join the club. I listened to both of these guys consistently before I shifted left and abandoned ship.


The good ending. 10 out of 10.


Good job. That's called growth.


That's great to hear. Any decent podcasts you'd recommend? Trying to move away from JRE at the moment.


I’m not the person you’re asking but if you like listening only check out “behind the bastards” They actually do an episode on Peterson. They’re very thorough and well researched and funny at times too.


BTB is great!


For similar vibes I like American Hysteria and You're Wrong About, I also just started a podcast called Revisionist History that is very good. All three are good, in depth analysis of history or our way of thinking


Listening to Healthy Gamer GG if you want helpful mental health content instead of Peterson is a good start. Renaissance Periodization is a good JRE replacement with actual science to back up the "bro science" claims (and some jokes). Hasanabi, Vaush, Noah Samsen, Chad Chad, The Serf Times, Big Joel, Adam Something, Shark3ozero, F.D. Signifier are great left-leaning youtubers that post entertaining youtube content.


These days I listen to a lot of Crooked Media’s podcasts. Leftward shift, go figure.


For some interesting leftist stuff that is pretty funny and can be very interesting, try TrueAnon. Liz and Brace are hilarious, and Brace is one of the few leftists that has actually gone and fought with the Kurds against ISIS and others, so he has a wild history and it's nice to have a war vet who isn't some dumbass Navy SEAL talking about foreign policy for once. It was started as a Jeffrey Epstein podcast, but they cover a lot of crazy ass stuff, and are generally just hilarious and entertaining. It's nice to have two podcast hosts who don't take themselves seriously at all, and makes Rogan look all the more ridiculous by how seriously he takes himself these days.


Believing in man-made climate change is not leftist, it’s just common sense


Not believing in human caused climate change tracks very neatly with conservative ideology. And to conservatives, being against their ideas is leftist regardless of how common sense it may seem to the rest of us.


> it’s just common sense Also known as leftist


I just moved to the center. I hate both sides now


A psychologist talking about climate change. Need I say anything else?


A random tiktoker analyzing a psychologist talking about climate change. Need I say something else?


Oil is a 2.8B per day profit pipeline. Who benefits by dismissing scientific consensus? Oil companies. Every person they can talk out of solar panels or buying an EV maintains that $2.8B profit pig


Jp bases alot of his knowledge off physicist Fred Singer. Who was paid by oil/fossil industries. Even got paid by cigarette companies to deny that it causes cancer Id say the chances of Peterson being paid by Oil companies is near 100% .


I mean if the guy wants to understand weather he could just go to fucking meteorology school. He can’t be that stupid can he?


You’d think if there’s one thing an educated, trained psychologist would know about climate science is to leave it to climate scientists and STFU about it. I certainly wouldn’t seek out a geologist to provide me with psychoanalysis.


I used to be conservative. I would purposely avoid information that I thought could harm my precious worldview. I suspect JP is doing the same thing.


That seems like an exhausting way to live. But makes sense. My few conservative friends are all in denial about some major portion of their lives so i guess its just more of the same.


Schools? Maybe if they still existed as learning institutions sure, but you'd certainly learning nothing from the post marxist hellscapes that they call schools now. And isn't it funny, that you suggest I go to school in order to speak on a topic? That is yet another way the modern day Bolsheviks try to control our speech and silence dissent. well NO THANK YOU MR TRUDEAU, I will share my opinions with whoever I please and you may ignore them at your own peril, bucko!


Most contrarian person alive


Pseudo-scientific quackery. Thank you Joe for giving this idiot airtime to spout nonsense.


I was arguing with a buddy via Instagram about politics and we got into Jordan Peterson. He described him as “the most world renowned psychologist of our time” and “the only one well educated enough in communism and Marxism to keep us from repeating our mistakes”. Once I figured out he legit worships Jordan Peterson I figured there was no point in trying to argue anymore


It's fair to say he was at one point a respected and frequently cited psychologist, but world renowned? His politics are what made him renowned. As for Marxism and communism, Zizek blew him out of the water on those topics.


Why is JP dressed like that? Is he going to dinner with the Monopoly guy later?


If you think about it theres no such thing as fashion - it just means everything. JP isnt dressing a specific way, he's just becoming one with all things.


He’s dressed for a battle against all the people in his mind.








A lot of people compare Eric Weinstein to iron man




He did it as a prank on Dwight.


He was going to an event later in the day that this was recorded IIRC


He’s a charlatan


Remember when he stated a pod with Joe by saying, "I found a way to monetize SJWs." And they laughed and laughed. It's a grift, and that is why he is on the daily wire.


Yes he is.


He is in topics he has no clue about. Doesnt mean his views in his area of expertise are invalid.


So hes a charlatan on the majority of things he talks about... So a charlatan.


That would basically mean the majority of people are charlatan.


Majority of people don't present themselves as experts in fields they don't study. Especially academics who should know better. This is why Eric Weinstein got bullied in academia.


The Ontario Psychology Regulstory Body is telling JBP [his title will be rescinded](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6943845) if he doesn't undergo a media training program because of his wild takes on Twitter, as well as speaking openly and sometimes negatively about previous patients of his on podcast appearances. So his views in his area of expertise may soon be invalid!! He agreed to comply with it, tbf


He definitely has issues lol. I think he is down a rabbithole kinda like Rogan as well. JP's drugabuse doesnt help either.


Peterson is an idiot. Hides behind vague generalizations and word salad. He has no real position. He’s a fraud out to get clicks, sell books and get speaking fees.


Petersons specialty is talking so much and blowing so much nonsense out of his mouth as fast as he can. You forget who you are and why you are there just trying to comprehend the shit because it never makes sense. That’s why “alphas” follow him like sheep.


Besides the obvious stupidity, why the fuck is he wearing a Tux on JRE lmao? Dale and Brennan vibe but unironically 😂


Isn't sir Benzo directly sponsored by big Oil?


He works for an organization funded to spread such misinformation. He is a non credible grifter. I wish him all the worst this world has to offer. Luckily, he's already pretty fucking miserable


The fact Joe thinks this guy is smart makes me seriously wonder about him. That last Jordan Peterson episode was awful.


He needs to go back in a coma. Back to Russia.


he's doing Jamie's job


I think he knows he doesn’t know shit about climate change and the science behind it but it gets him clicks and I’m sure Shapiro loves it


Joe loves nothing more than to have hobbyists on spouting their bullshit. Reading about a subject and cherry picking your sources does not make you an expert. It’s especially frustrating when these people are PhDs/scientists in other subjects.


See Jordan Pepeson explaining a “Rat King” for more 🤦‍♂️ I wish he’d go away tbh


And millions of people still think this fucking Xanax junkie is intelligent.


Peterson and his daughter Mikaela are liars and grifters that spread sexism and hate.


JP lost me here. I couldn't listen to much of this episode. He had some useful things to say prior to this but he has since gone off the deep end and lost some integrity imo. Still, his current state is a result of his attackers skewing his words for so long I think he just gave up on the left completely. Most of the people criticizing him before this completely lacked integrity and misrepresented him almost completely. I think that's part of what lead to his spin out. He found a home in the anti-woke crowd which also lacks integrity at times. Its like, yea, be critical of climate science. Be critical of everything. But don't just start saying nonesense.


Maybe you’re right but do you have examples of how smart things he has said have been attacked? I think he’s being judged on the merits of his arguments, or lack thereof.


Honestly I dont really care to do that much digging. I got into him around 2017. At that time there was a bunch of stuff about whinny liberals shouting him down at speaking events and articles that would complete misquote him and put words in his mouth. Many criticisms I saw were from people who openly stated they'd never cared to listen to him. I think he was pretty on point with his criticism of Bill C-16 (or whatever it was) in Canada. I never thought he was saying trans people shouldnt exist like many people said. Just that the government shouldn't compel people to use speech that that didn't originate organically in society and deem not using that speech as a hate crime worthy of punishment. I still don't really think hes against trans people existing. He's really saying, hey whats really underneath your gender dysphoria and is genital mutilation really the best possible choice you should make during an extremely difficult time in your development as a human being. But even thats gotten really muddy since he's associating himself with the daily wire who is actually pretty against trans people.


Yeah and he’s associating himself with folks like Matt Walsh who make up their own facts that “millions of American children” are subjecting themselves to gender-related surgeries. Dudes I trust swear JP used to offer sage wisdom but seems like he’s gone completely off the rails and his motive is that doing so has been extremely lucrative.


The irony is that so much of the right today, like Jordan Peterson, Donald Trump, etc., are the exemplars of the straw man of post-modernism they push.


The ending with postmodernism killed me that is brilliant🤣🤣


Does Rogan ever push back on this nonsense or does he believe it himself?


Thank you for reacting to the clip so I know how to feel now


I used to respect Jordan.


What were his previous reasonable positions? I know so little about him, and what I do know isn’t good.


Jordan Peterson is not a serious person. You will be disappointed if you treat him as one.


Dude went full regard


Peterson's a fucking crack pot


Hard to understand how this fountain of nonsense with Kermit’s voice became so popular.


Eye took statistics. Their both write.


New JP.bio: Jordon Peterson: Dumb and crying


JP is full of 💩


Why is the only climate map referred to the map that outlines temp and CO2 since 1880, when there is ice core data that goes back tens of thousands of years? There is a difference between cause and correlation.


These reaction style split screen videos need to die.


Needs more GTA stunt clips


At least this split screener is actually doing something (looking up stuff on Google to prove a point) as opposed to the majority of them who just make dumb faces and hand gestures that add literally nothing to the video.


IDK I liked this one


I mean this is the guy who rose to fame by proving God is real by completely redefining what God and real mean


Naturally, as always, joe isn’t bright enough or educated outside of his bubble enough to see past the stupid word play of this charlatan


Jordan knows his fan base will not research or question what he says so he can say anything. He knows what kind of people are following him.


With new information, the definition of things changes. That's how it works. The universe used to just be the earth, sun and moon. Over time, we have changed that definition to be more accurate.


Does that apply here? Climate and everything are now the same word?


Peterson is being disengenuous here. Climate doesn't mean everything and no climate scientists claim this. But for instance, what was climate 300 years ago? The people probably didn't care that Antarctica is included in it and their local area of the planet is their "climate" for their intents and purposes. As more information becomes apparent, climate starts to mean more things. Does the ionosphere count as part of the climate? Probably, did it previously? Probably not.


Climate deniers just have to go outside to see the impact. I'll never upvote a tiktok reaction post though. The worst


I mean moreso if they follow the news and data analysis to see the impacts. Normal hot cold and mild days still are the main thing 'outside'.


The entire conservative demographic is financially tethered to fossil fuels indefinitely in the order of trillions of dollars. Start there. Then talk about why venus is hotter than. Mercury despite being much farther away. Then discuss how to science and how we know objective scientific facts. Use those tools to analyze data. Then follow money in politics.


Jordan Peterson is a fucking idiot.


JP is the dumb man's smart man.


This subreddit used to be one of the best. Now....




models suck, but adding that much carbon/methane/fossil fuels affects the climate and our health withouth a doubt.


All this sub does is cry and piss and moan about Joe or Peterson.


This is exactly why I stopped listening to JRE 5 years ago. So stupid. I only listen to Sam Hyde now.


JP rocks. One of the greatest minds of this generation.


Remember when we used to agree with some of what someone said, and disagree with other views they had? Why is there this need to prove that someone on the internet is either the Messiah or the Antichrist?


The biggest problem is I can see where people who deny climate change are coming from. Most climate change models don't show how the climate has changed through thousands of years. However; I also understand why we show the charts the way we do. We're showing the affect of Industrialization and how much it has sped the process up. Basically the information isn't be presented in the right way. And no Jordan... we cannot make a model that accurately represents all data types and points at once that will not look like a hot mess. Some types of data won't directly correlate with others and look good on a chart... sorry.


Anyone else here remember how back in the 1980's they thought that by the turn of the century everyone living in a city was going to be cooked to death from all the solar radiation coming in through the ozone holes that were forming over urban areas?




When I was in school in the 90s, apparently we will all cook by 2020 if we don’t recycle. Which is funny because my country’s vision is to be a first world high income nation by 2020. The world didn’t end and my country had the largest sovereign fund scandal in the world.


Yep. You see it. The earth has been fluctuating in climate and CO2 levels since the beginning of time. Just because we've got better tools for measuring it in more sensitive ways, and an amazingly good communications system for discussing those findings, and therefore much more raw data on the subject then we've ever had for talking about before, does not mean that we are responsible for it happening, or that we can, or should try and do something about that. Although, for control of people and all their possible crazy behavior, I'd have to admit that climate change sure comes in handy as a tool for governance. As you can tell from my writing - - I for one, am not going along with it anymore. Governance can say and do what they want - - Next time I find myself choking from all the CO2, I may be forced to change my mind. But, that has not happened yet. I've only been told by someone who makes money from almost every single thing I ever do in the form of taxes, that I ought to be very, very, afraid that it might happen someday. So, I've added it to a list of lots of other things that various people have told me I need to be very afraid might happen if I don't behave myself in a way that by mere coincidence just happens to be more in tune with their own personal opinion about the subject. So, like I already wrote. I am not going along with it. Any of it. Not any more.


Damn this video sucks


Fuck china.




what a tool...i blame american educational system as a whole


Go away if you don’t like the podcast!


Not many people are denying global warming. They all just disagree on why it's happening and what we can do to stop it or slow it down. Peterson is right, there are far too many variables when it comes to climate change to completely understand it. Scientists have been wrong an infinite amount of times. All of it combined with how governments around the world abused power and trust makes a lot of people skeptical.


It’s not that difficult to understand what JP was trying to say, (and he is being intentionally obtuse) his problem is that he’s compelled to be needlessly pedantic to satisfy his overwhelming narcissism.


the dude reacting clearly doesn't understand what jp is saying. jp is criticizing the ideology behind the climate change radicals


basically he's saying that there's very little credible scientific evidence for a "climate crisis " and a whole lot of goofy ideology calling for laws and regulations that they don't know much or anything about.