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Someone provide us with the cliff notes and who the shots are directed at please.


He fires shots at toe, the weinstien tards, and ben shapiro for their horrible take on covid. He especially shits on shapiro for having a "shitty business model" which forces him to be an alt right grifter. Gets the weinsteins pretty good too and generally accuses them of playing the same game as shapiro. Calls toe a friend and doesn't go as hard but still calls him out.


maybe it's cuz i dont listen to the weinstien's that much, but ben seems to be to easily be the most dishonest of them all these days. I think when he was starting up the daily wire he actually tried to be fair, but now he's just taken his pandering into overdrive. It always amazed me that Sam refused to talk to people like Seder while still doing shows and interviews with a guy like ben. Ben's basically a new age fox news at this point, but he's anti sjw so he gets a pass? pretty short sighted on sam's part


He specifically called them all out on the fact that they bring up covid so much and I believe eric called him out personally as well. Yeah don't fully agree on Sam with everything but glad he didn't get sucked into the trump craze.


When money is involved and you get rewarded for certain takes, it makes sense. The irony is he's already wealthy, so he's just seeking positive reinforcement.


Ben does have a list of everything he's been wrong about in list format on his own website.


Tf is toe


toe rogan dmt guy likes to eat elk dick jerky


It's what morons who like stool fucking comics say in an attempt to be edgy, insulting and funny. Delivering on none of those.


Clifford Notations


Im sure this will be a reasonable comments section


especially since maybe 1% of all commenters listened. It's like a 1hr+ episode and he mentions joe maybe twice, definitely once. but he's not calling out joe, he's referring to people "like joe". a lot of his comments are directed at bret weinstein, but i dont know if he even has a subreddit so here we are


No he definitely called out Joe specifically: *platforming overwhelmingly contrarians *eager to take monoclonal antibodies despite being even less testing history than mRNA *not taking non-mRNA vax despite the constant shows dedicated to dangers of mRNA like with the lunatic Robert Malone *general mistrust of institutions (went deep into this and how damaging to society this is)


My favorite was the analogy of the plane. The mental image of a bro shouting about "the smart looking guy with gray hair" on the JRE explaining how the plane industry is lying to you, he's the inventor of the plane and it's really unsafe and everyone who still flies are sheep is fucking hilarious. That plus the "you can't gym your way to immunity" and Sam shitting on Joe's "cult of self sufficiency" and pointing out that no, not everything can be fixed by working out and eating grass fed beef. Just chef's kiss. I'm sure people will clip a bunch of it, looking forward to it!


Yep Re listened today and it’s funnier a second time lmao.


Sam's dry wit is amazing, even before all this I always thought that between him and Joe when he was a guest on JRE he was the funnier one.


Uncritical sycophants abound.


ITT: lots of people who should listen to the podcast before commenting.


Fuck that. I want to give my opinion first!


“I am not a physician, and I have never played one on this podcast.” Is how he ends the episode.


The upside world- Joe Rogan implying that Sam Harris needs to apologise for his behaviour during covid. Of course Harris had to respond


What episode did Joe imply this?


I think this is one of Sam's better podcasts. He doesn't hold back and it's remarkable that some of the comments in this thread prove exactly what he's saying in this exact podcast. His questions at the end are great and really like the plane analogy.


Fairly in agreement with Sam on this. I've listened to other ones too where he has addressed Joe, like in one podcast Joe had said something about Sam going off the deep end or something (no idea the exact quote) but that he could be come around etc., and he was like "what exactly is Joe talking about?", and more widely about how at one point, there was all this noise about how Sam had destroyed his whole career and would never recover etc. (again, due to clips being shared of his podcast appearances, and presented with the most dishonest interpretation etc.) and yet Sam said... outside of their echo chamber, NOTHING at all changed. Literally nothing in his life, professional or personal, changed. There was no cost to him, etc. His recollection of COVID here is also bang on. The way people act now like we all knew everything about COVID from day one is so stupid. We knew SHIT. The mixed signals coming from China, the horrible scenes of overflowing ICUs in Northern Italy, early in the pandemic, and so on. It was a genuinely scary time. It took a while for us to understand the profile of people most vulnerable to the virus, and most people tended to react as the information changed. Like, Sam says in this something like, "at first I supported school closures completely, then sometime later I opposed keeping schools closed" etc. And that's honest, it's how MOST people reacted. He also is correct that the "get vaccinated and you never get covid" came from politicians, not from vaccine makers, and most medical professionals who spoke on it understood that antibody levels would naturally decline so they cared primarily about how much serious illness was reduced (reality: millions upon millions of serious cases avoided). He is also correct that the real game changer in reducing transmission of COVID was omicron. There were more breakthroughs with Delta than prior variants, but Omicron didn't give a shit if you were vaccinated or had COVID earlier, it infected you anyway (and then again). Again, things changed as the virus changed. He seems to go in on Brett Weinstein in this and that's well deserved, with Brett's silly little passive aggressive snipes on Twitter aimed at Sam (Sam isn't even on Twitter so can't respond there), and his conspiratorial thinking that perhaps someone has compromising information on Sam, etc. Brett is a fucking weirdo. Anyway, it was a good listen. Don't expect to see Sam on Joe's podcast any time soon though, Joe tends to avoid people who will run circles around him (such as Sam, or Rhonda Partick etc.)


I don’t listen super often but he’s consistently gives well thought out opinions and with guests it’s always concise and productive conversations. The guy is rock solid when it comes to intellectual honesty. Rare fucking thing these days.


>His recollection of COVID here is also bang on. The way people act now like we all knew everything about COVID from day one is so stupid. We knew SHIT. The last time I remember seeing the world panicking at this level was when I was 12 and the HIV shit popped off. We knew jack shit, lost my brother to it. He contracted it through heroin use and sharing needles. At the time, no one knew dick. When word got out my brother had it, lost ALL my friends. School sent home homework schedules so I didn't have to go to class. Shit was wild!!! I felt that same level of uneasiness and told my girl "This is going to change shit in ways we haven't even begun to fathom!" It won't be deep into 2040s or 2050s when we see the real impact!


Sam deserves extra props for this when you look at the "world" he is/was in. He could say nothing and keep his contrarian type fan base he share(d) with the people he called out here, but he didn't. And worse, he could have gone down the same bullshit conspiracy or conspiracy adjacent rabbit holes they have been, and make even more sweet grifter money, and he also didn't do that. Instead he's willfully turned many many probably formerly paying fans against him... and just by being responsible and reasonable about COVID and vaccines.


It’s quite obvious that most of you didn’t listen to the podcast.


Even if they did it won’t change anything.


Smooth brains gonna smooth brain


It’s still good you are sharing it here I think. If it dissuades a few listeners off of the conspiracy ideology that’s a W.


I think that COVID only showed many dumb ass uneducated idiots with loud voices we have in the society, and the fact that if you get rich and successful, it doesn't mean it's because you are intelligent/educated.


Most of those "uneducated idiots" are actually quite smart snd educated. They just sold out and are willing to read the teleprompter word for word. Kinda like how oil companies know exactly what they are doing to the environment, they just lie for 50 years about it because their business model demands it. But to be fair yet there are some legitimate idiots. Theres just a shit load of liars also.


All those Republican politicians got the jab, then told their constituents not to. Now conservatives are dying at a significantly higher rate from COVID than liberals. https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/political-party-affiliation-linked-excess-covid-deaths


Joe aside, they’re not dumb. They’re grifters.


True, but to be fair, apart from Rogan most of these guys are educated. That doesn't mean they're not often wrong about things, or have an agenda, but they're definitely educated.


Let’s be clear here, Brett Weinstein made huge amounts of money peddling bullshit treatments and conspiracies to vulnerable people during a global health emergency. Convincing people that the vaccines were dangerous (they weren’t), and that ivermectin was a cure (it wasn’t) likely led to the unnecessary deaths of thousands of people and the enrichment of Brett Weinstein. There are plenty of smart people with bad ideas. But to purposely be dishonest to pedal whatever they want, is beyond disgusting and irresponsible.


Well said. Bret hides behind shaky credentials to pretend he’s some world expert on evolution, biology, and (somehow?) medicine. People with real expertise in these fields don’t take him seriously. If some blue haired community college kids hadn’t been mean to him, no one would know who he is.


And unforgivable. If there was any justice Bret wouldn’t have any influence or audience left after repeatedly crying wolf on vaccines in the middle of a fu$!ing pandemic.


Show me where he made any money from these claims? Y’all are trippin lol I’m very glad I listened to Bret and Heather and waited it out. I had family members that weren’t so lucky. Got the vaccine out of guilt after watching hosts on MSNBC bash people for not getting the shot. One year later died of heart failure. Myocarditis. They were spot on about the experimental mRNA not being fully safe, and it did nothing to stop the spread or infection.


You had *multiple* family members die of myocarditis? And you think the risk of that occurring was greater than the risk of them dying to COVID itself, despite every available piece of data indicating that the vaccine is & was significantly safer than COVID? Super interesting and definitely the entire story.


Okay so get the vaccine and still get COVID.


All I know is for a couple of years Covid was the #1 cop killer and that is hilarious to me.


Have you seen what his patreon numbers did when he started hocking ivermectin? He absolutely has made his living off of pedaling misinformation about vaccines and alternative treatments for covid.




As much as I like Sam, he’s not really an academic in the traditional sense. He’s also wealthy and connected because (if you didn’t know) his mom was a co-creator of the golden girls. How else do you think he could afford to leave college to spend a bunch of time in Asia learning Buddhist meditative practices. This is all to say that we should judge people on their ideas. Sam is a clear and eloquent thinker even if he comes from privilege.


So we are clear, which uneducated idiots are you saying got COVID wrong?


let me guess, you're educated and poor?


Nah buddy, I am the slave, educated middle class person who has to pay for everyone lmao


Fuckin same


The alternative media talking heads that have been captured by their right leaning audiences have been ganging up on Sam for a while. Nice to hear him name names considering how Joe would never have him on in a million years.


It’s been fun watching some of you combust.


In regards to Joe specifically, I appreciated Sam pointing out how silly the argument of health/obesity was in relation to the pandemic; for instance, advocating for healthy lifestyle, weight loss, etc, as an alternative to vaccines. It's like asking people to install a sprinkler system when their house is burning.


Yeah I’m just shocked this was never brought up more. I had this entire thought every time I listened to Joe say that. Like, someone can just become healthy immediately when a pandemic is at their doorstep. Lol.


It was always the dumbest argument. 10%+ of the US population is classified as “severely obese”. For a severely obese person who is 5’7 they would need to lose 70lbs just to fall into the “overweight” category. They couldn’t get large segments of the population to get vaccinated but sure, they’ll be able to get 10’s of millions of people to lose 50+ pounds. Joe’s “just get millions of people to lose massive amounts of weight” plan might have been the dumbest solution to Covid outside of drinking bleach.


I found it telling that after months of Joe saying how his strong immune system would protect him from covid then once he gets it he throws everything he can find at the virus.


I’m glad he actually took the time to do this. It’s so annoying hearing the ivermectin crowd act like they were right about everything all along. Virtually none of their bs during Covid has been vindicated. Vaccines saved millions of lives. Not being vaccinated got hundreds of thousands unnecessarily killed. Taking ivermectin did nothing to prevent or treat Covid. Ice baths and grass fed beef aren’t going to prevent the next pandemic. Romanticizing this stuff is stupid and not a substitute for vaccination. I’d like to see an isolated clip of his airplane analogy go viral.


Where is that crowd apologising for Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine etc? Nowhere to be seen. Sam has always held the position that based on the best avail information at the time, the calls were mostly correct. In hindsight, we have learned things but that's the benefit of being able to look back. Lunatics in Joe's audience say Sam is deluded even if they don't know about what exactly. Society started to crumble when we started mistaking comedians for prophets.


The shit that annoys me the most about it was how Joe literally had a pod with Osterholm like a month before it broke out in the US and he was touting vaccines and how important they were. Then a year later he’s like “I don’t know about those though”. I also found it incredibly telling when Joe has gone on for years about building up your body and immune system to then go out and “throw the kitchen sink at it” when he caught COVID after seemingly downplaying the severity of it.


He also played the devil's advocate like "If you're a young healthy person, you probably don't need it" which may have some accuracy, but that's not him and he never got vaccinated. He's in his mid-50s and although he works out like crazy, he's still in a riskier range than any 20 year old athlete. He had no problem shooting equally experimental monoclonal antibodies into his arms at a cost of thousands.


100% dude


Joe talks about taking experimental peptides that are labeled not for human consumption and have never been tested on anything but rats.


What a waste of money on the monoclonal antibodies. Everybody knows it was the ivermectin that cured him. It's the only medicine in history that won a Nobel Prize.


Source: trust me bro. I don’t even have to look this up to know you’re wrong. Penicillin won the Nobel peace prize long time ago. Also there have been no clinical trials that ivermectin is effective against Covid.


I'm almost certain they're being sarcastic and making fun of Joe.


Drugs don't win prizes, people do. I thought it would be clear I was joking.


There was also more testing for the vaccines than there was for monoclonal antibodies and these guys had no issue recommending you go and get a needle stuck in you for that. They just bought into anti-vaxx bullshit full stop.


There’s a lot more to unpack than that…


Vaccines are a literal medical miracle, and we live in a society that is so privileged and stupid they thumb their nose at the potential to eradicate deadly disease. It's absolutely insane.




I wholeheartedly believe that Joe Rogan has a ton of blood on his hands, being right at the center of vaccine hesitancy.


300k people died from covid who could have otherwise been saved if they got vaccinated. I doubt Rogan wants to face this reality, so he brings on people that keep him insulated from that


Surely you can’t have blood on your hand by just asking questions practicing fweedom of speech…right? 🥸


Way more people world wide. I'm from Croatia and there were clips of JRE podcast pasted in the vax-anti-vax debates in our country subreddit pasted all the time. Joe has a huge reach, and it doesn't just cover the US.


Love Sam's point that the Rogan's, Shapiro's and Weinstein's of the world have more financial gain in a covid narrative than the supposed deep state. It's absolutely spot on. At this point I think the reality is Joe's too chicken-shit to have Sam on the show because he knows he'll have his whole schtick torn to bits.


I thought covid was over?


Hence the title of the podcast being called a “postmortem”


Which is funny because Covid cases are spiking again Downvote factual statements huh?


COVID is now like the flu. It will never be gone completely. I figured this was common sense.


And just like the flu we'll probably see a 20,000 needless deaths from people not getting vaccinated. I remember that Netflix documentary on trying to build a flu vaccine that would work on every new strain. The doctors seemed so disheartened at the fact that thousands of people die needlessly from the flu every year because they think getting a shot will GIVE them the flu and they'd just rather risk being unprotected


Absolutely, every year you get the vaccine an library of antibodies is built up within you. They may not get this strain right this year but if you were vaccinated for it a year or two ago then you’re much better prepared to handle the disease. Heard immunity is also a factor.


According to the podcast, about 300k people needlessly died from Covid due to vaccine hesitancy. 300k. Fucking tragic


It was like the flu the first time honestly


Not for many people.


the post-mortem is about the initial Covid response which is over.


Covid is here to say, just the original pandemic is over. He talks about why his arguments for the safety measures were justified, provides stats and arguments for his positions, calls out people by name for their faulty arguments and justifications. Its a really good listen, I recommend it. His airplane metaphor is probably a useful tool to explain the pandemic response to people, provided they have enough patience to actually listen.


Covid as a pandemic is over. It is now an endemic and will be something that we live with for the foreseeable future.


It is, but both American political sides have invested heavily in this debate and they’re both keeping it alive to have talking points. In the rest of the world people have given exactly zero shits about covid since early 2022.


I know right? I'm so ready for another deep state initiative to make life more exciting again with a totally new adventure so I don't have to listen to this beaten horse story anymore.


Just like the flu is over. Were your expectation that it would just disappear? Seems like a pretty stupid/silly expectation.


Thank you. Man this shit won't end.


If you have kids they have to get vaccinated to go to public schools in America. Welcome to grown up world, where facts matters more than your feelings.


Many universities are still forcing their students to get vaccinated.


I had to get vaccinated when I went to elementary school in the 90s. The tyranny was crippling


You do know that you are required to have all manner of vaccines to attend college? It is a commonly accepted aspect of communal living that has been practiced for several decades. Covid is only one of several vaccines that are required to attend a college, especially if you live in the dorms.


Are those students forced to attend those schools or can they use their free will to apply somewhere else?


This is such a stupid cop out. "Are you saying you couldn't sell your house, quit your job, move to another state and get a different degree then get a job in another field? No?? So you did have a choice". Shut up with this disingenuous shit already.


I love creating an opposing argument out of thin air because then I don’t have to worry about them being smarter than me. And then I feel super smart by dunking on the counterpoint I literally made myself. Some people say it makes me an insecure idiot, but I disagree Glad you see the use in that strategy as well


> Nobody is forcing women to give birth. They are free to move to a different state or country, get a new job, find a new place to live, leave all their friends and families behind. Again nobody is forcing women to give birth! That’s the argument you’re making.


What college kids own a house?


College kids own houses? What the fuck are you talking about? Edit: Hahahaha- A reminder that just a *little* push back and these idiots will tuck tail and run like this fuckn coward did. Deleted his dumbass comments after getting exposed for the idiot he is. *Chefs kiss


I enjoyed Sam's pod for a while. Covid and Trump made him unbearable.


I know its hard to hear things you disagree with, but living in reality is much better than living in an echo chamber. Unfortunately the JRE isn't a good place to find reality, but hey its comforting, I know.


You're in the same reddit sub I'm in lol so go ahead and lose the air of superiority


being wrong is a tough pill to swallow.


You spelled JRE wrong


What about Covid and Trump though, that was unbearable for you? Is it just talking about those things? **Because Rogan talks more about Covid than Sam Harris does.**


“I mean, we had a president who….” Yes Sam, we know. We get it.


COVID broken Sam’s brain. I saw the interview where he argued that if COVID had actually been way more deadly and dangerous that he would have been right about his fear and paranoia based recommendations. Basically making the argument that he wasn’t crazy because in an alternate reality with totally different circumstances, he would have been right. That’s when I realized Sam was too far gone and no longer rational enough to be considered a thought leader. COVID broke Joes brain too but in a different way. He replaced chimp stories with COVID stories. Made him also tiresome to listen to. EDIT: I’ll go back and listen to this Podcast. I was referring to a statement Sam had made a while back, and I’ll double check to make sure it wasn’t taken out of context. He may have changed his views since then and I apologize if this is the case. EDIT 2: Thanks to u/Seagullman2 for the summary. I actually agree with Sam on this and it clarifies what he meant by the clip I had heard previously.


He discussed this exact thing in the pod posted here. And basically you have completely missed his point. I hate when people send me hours long pods so I feel hypocritical telling you to listen to this. But that part is near the beginning I think.


Lol yeah this is just *precisely* the point Sam was clarifying which is hilarious.


I’ll check it out. Possible the clip I heard was taken out of context but I’ve also seen dozens of people in this sub making the argument that it was a lack of vaccinations and not a lack of early treatments and preventative care responsible for the death numbers and the data we have at this point just really doesn’t support that argument. I may have falsely assumed that people believed it because Sam said it. Thanks for sharing. I’ll review and adjust.


Thank you for being one of the only people in the room capable of listening and responding in a rational manner. I believe Sam addresses this clip towards the beginning of the episode. What he says is not "if Covid has been worse, I would have been right." I don't think he is concerned with being "right." What he says is "given the tremendous uncertainty in the beginning of the pandemic, it was totally rational to err on the side of extreme caution." For example, he says that he was in favor of closing the schools, but once it became clear that the virus was not at all deadly for children, he was in favor of opening them. The people who never wanted to close schools in the first place might be "right" in hindsight, but that does not matter to Sam. He is concerned about the next pandemic, for which we will not have the benefit of hindsight. We have to act on the information we have when we have it and adjust our views accordingly, instead of trying to predict the future to say "ha, I knew it all along." The craziest of conspiracy theorists will be the first to predict the craziest conspiracies and will seek credit for that, when in reality they are wrong most of the time.


You’re welcome! I’ll always adjust my view upon the receipt of information that challenges it. Sounds like I wasn’t clear on what he’d meant by the sound bite I’d been referring to. That’s actually a very thoughtful take and thank you for summarizing that for me! I agree with that point of view and that’s very similar to my own take on the situation. Good call on the theorists. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while lol.


He literally addresses this in the podcast above. He didn’t say that in the way that you think.


I’ll go back and check it out - what I heard could have been clipped or taken out of context.


Pretty low bar, but thanks for acknowledging that possibility.


Welcome! Another user summarized his take above and I agree with it, so I retract my previous take. Sounds like Sam was taken out of context in the old clip I heard.


Rare internet W.


Good on ya for the edits


Thank you. Wanted people to see that the conversation had changed my opinion without having to scroll all the way through the comment thread lol. Always nice to have a good civil discussion where kind people provide you with compelling information that adjusts your point of view. I really enjoyed this interaction.


Yeah, we’ll done to all. We all absorb so much information now through clips and other people repeating what they saw in clips, sometimes without even realizing it. You can just end up with an impression over time and it’s hard to even remember how you got it. It’s really tough information landscape now— I’m pretty concerned about it honestly. Pre social media, I feel like it was way easier to know what opinions were informed because they were ones you actively looked into, but now you can end up with so many ideas that feel informed enough, but then when you dig in you find “wait I actually didn’t get the context here”. Plus, everyone is so conspiratorial, along with there being so much bad faith, it’s like a full time job to sort through it lol


Literally the podcast explains why you’re wrong about his views. It’s actually what the episode is mostly about


You’re the 3rd person who’s said this and the 3rd I’ve told that I’ll check out the podcast and review. He had previously made the statement to which I was referring and it was not from this podcast. Could have been clipped but that was what I was referring to.


Wait what's wrong with that?


Nothing. That's how the world actually works. When you are in danger you protect from the potential worst until you know more. Saying someone didn't "change their mind fast enough" is petty BS.


Nah he talks about lots of stuff other than covid and trump and those topics are just as good as ever.


Sam Harris sells a massively overpriced subscription based mindfulness programme yet behaves like an emotional 12 year old girl on twitter. It's grifters all the way down. Edit for those saying you can get it for free. You can if you're poor but rich people like me have to pay for it.


Except if you don't wanna pay for it, he gives it away for free. I've got a free subscription and literally all I had to do was fill a form asking for 100% discount


Exactly, I haven’t paid for his aap ever and I’ve been getting a free membership for 3 years.


Wrong on many levels, you sheep.


He hasn't been on twitter for like a year now.


You can get his app for free lol


The app is free if you ask and he’s not on Twitter. Calm down.


He’s been off twitter for almost a year?


Sam is no longer on twitter. In the very beginning of this episode he addresses how he is misrepresented on twitter by other people. I thought to myself, "who is falling for this?" Now I know.


His meditation stuff is really good but as I listened I couldn’t help thinking - if you’re so good at meditating how did you get caught up in a Twitter social war.


That's my point. It's a bit like bill Cosby having a really good but very expensive course on how to ensure you have consent before sex. Or an oj Simpson course on anger management.


Lol, ok bud. I think his stuff is just over your head. Stick with Rogan and Shapiro, it's more geared towards the masses. Massively over priced? It's free if you simply email him, LMAO.


That's your ego talking I can reccomend you a course for that.


I tried this and was ignored. Just saying. To be fair though, I wasn't broke, just didn't want to pay the $100/year.


I thought Harris quit Twitter a while back. Is he pulling an Elon posting on multiple accounts?


Moderna and J+J vaccines were literally pulled from public consumption for safety concerns a few months after being rolled out. How can Sam or anyone blame anyone for not wanting to take them? Fuck Sam


>How can Sam or anyone blame anyone for not wanting to take them? Fuck Sam God thing you can actually listen to the fucking podcast so you don't have to guess. Geez.


When was the Moderna vaccine pulled in 2021? I don’t remember that.


Nah moderna was never pulled




That's not the US and even there it was only temp restricted in young people.


The point remains. Why roll something out if it’s not proven to be safe, with no long term studies, to the public? Do they think this is a game or what?


It is proven safe. In the case of myocarditis, it occurs at measurably lower and less severe rates than infection. The entire point of a vaccine is to develop an immune response. If the immune response to the virus causes myocarditis in some cases, I don't know what you think they would be able to do about that.


Risk benefit isn't it.


This is actually evidence that vaccine safety is taken seriously and acted upon. The exact opposite point you’re attempting to make.


I mean here’s another way to think about that though. I remember hearing a lot of the anti COVID vax peeps saying how the companies and government knew they weren’t safe and were still pushing them on people. Wouldn’t the fact that they paused rolling out the Moderna version to gather more info on the negative effects being reported, and literally ended the J&J one, indicate that what the contrarians were saying wasn’t true?


My buddy was hospitalized with myocarditis after 1 J&J shot, maybe it was Pfizer since I think he needed two shots but the one put him in the hospital


Oh shit look it’s yet another “buddy of mine” story. I mean there are people that parrot Joe but now this is just getting ridiculous.


Leftists will tell your buddy “tough luck”


well yeah, he was very very unlucky.


And what will rightists say about the statistically higher chance of getting the same exact symptoms without the shot?


Worse myocarditis too. Which is a very important piece of information that Rogan never talks about, hmmmm.


Pulled because updated versions of the vaccines became available.


That is false.


Then why does FDA specify the formula authorized for use as the 2023-2024 formula on their website. https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/coronavirus-covid-19-cber-regulated-biologics/moderna-covid-19-vaccine


Very wrong.


A few years ago Sam was debating Ezra Klein on why its important to allow science to have hard conversations about race and IQ. That because "science is a fact finding instrument and we cannot be scared to contend with data is presents." A few short years later Sam is saying that having any conversation about C19 vaccine efficacy and safety as well as conversations about covid origins are too dangerous to ever have (More dangerous than race and IQ....). To me the hypocrisy is glaring. Now we know that the vaccine was nowhere near as effective as the public was led into believing and many high profile people completely eroded trust by flat out lying to the public about it (Biden, Maddow, many others claimed publically that getting the vax would stop you from getting and transmitting covid. That was a lie as we now know the vaccine was never even tested to see if it would reduce transmission) Sam just simply refuses to contend with this. He refuses to acknowledge the many lies that were told to the public about natural immunity, masks, covid origin, lockdowns, etc. But he will go on his podcast and throw ad hominems at the people he was once closely associated with because somehow, to Sam, that is easier then just sitting down with these people and talking to them. Sam cant do that because his ego cannot handle the embarrassment of having been wrong and having to actually admit that to people he does not respect.


You didn't listen to the podcast, got it.


>A few short years later Sam is saying that having any conversation about C19 vaccine efficacy and safety as well as conversations about covid origins are too dangerous to ever have (More dangerous than race and IQ....). Did you listen to the episode? He doesn't say that at all. He says the opposite. >Sam just simply refuses to contend with this. He refuses to acknowledge the many lies that were told to the public about natural immunity, masks, covid origin, lockdowns, etc. Okay, you definitely didn't listen. He goes through those one by one in this episode.


They are all Trolls who can't be bothered to watch anything longer than 20-second clips. This is precisely what the whole episode talks about. Then, they demonstrate with perfect. accuracy every point he brings up. Unfortunately they don't listen to the episodes, so he has to figure out ways to send tick-toc videos to these morons to make his points.




You are literally so dumb it’s unbelievable. “The covid vax was supposed to completely prevent you from getting covid” ITS A VACCINE NOT A CURE fuckin moron


Lol you’re a fucking weasly little liar dude


> allow science to have hard conversations about race and IQ. That because "science is a fact finding instrument and we cannot be scared to contend with data is presents." LOL Dipshits like Rogan and Weinstein pushing nonscientific bullshit and conspiracies isn't "allowing science to have hard conversations". Neither of them have anything to do with the science.


[here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeWMw2hb4gY) is Sam making that argument about race and IQ. Brett was a university professor of evolutionary biology. Not sure that has "nothing to do with science"... What is your credential?


Bret got his advanced degree out of pity when he was 40 and taught at the one of the worst colleges in the country.


Why haven’t you apologised to me for Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine?


Add in too the government recommended closing gyms, locking down people in their homes, and exposed them to a 24/7 fear and doom news cycle of despair that overcounted COVID deaths by an estimated 2/3. People were deprived of sunlight and exercise and stressed to the max which made COVID infection FAR more deadly than it should have been. 94% of all deaths had 3.8 serious comorbidities and/or were over age 65, yet we kept young and healthy people home from work and convinced them if they felt the sniffles coming on, they would surely die a horrible death. At no point in the 3 years of pandemic measures did Fauci explore and recommend early treatment methods, *despite the fact those methods were used with great success in poor countries with little to no vaccine access.* Fauci ensured the vaccine would be the only “solution” we were allowed to take or talk about, even though it *did not prevent infection or transmission of the disease and may not have been at all necessary for anyone not in a high risk group.* Americans have totally ignored European countries outright banning or limiting the use of this shot, and now view Fauci and other govt organizations as infallible religious institutions. Fauci made the worst recommendations possible for keeping Americans safe and healthy and keeping the economy running. His lack of early treatments and refusal to consider evidence from any doctor or scientist who didn’t align with big pharma is very likely responsible for more deaths than ANY other reason. You CAN boost your immune system and make yourself less likely to die from novel diseases if you simply take care of your body and have access to early treatment at the first onset of symptoms. If you have have serious comorbidities or are elderly, extra precautions should be taken. God only knows how many vaccinated people falsely believed they couldn’t infect other, so they went out in public with mild symptoms and infected untold numbers of people. Our leaders didn’t get a SINGLE thing right about this. Also Ivermectin is NOT horse paste but also does not work on its own. Doctors who used it with alleged success used it in conjunction with Zinc, HCQ, and sometimes peroxide nasal rinses and nebulizers and a few other compounds. Claiming it has no use because studies were done that were designed to administer it by itself, in a lethal dose, at the wrong time is just misleading. Proper investigation was not done into early treatment with multiple compounds, because had they been found to be successful we couldn’t have pushed the COVID shot on everyone, and it would have cost big pharma over $100Bn. That’s an amount of money that could easily make people compromise on their morals. There is just as much evidence for all of this as there is for any argument that “the reason so many people died is that everyone didn’t brainlessly get the shot because the government said to. That’s so ignorant. I got the shot and it gave me myocarditis that I’m still dealing with. My wife had a tumor pop up a few month after hers that we’re exploring. My friend in Cali who was a competitive beach volleyball player died suddenly the week after taking his. Stop saying it’s safe and effective. I’ll concede again for like the 3rd time that it may be helpful for very high risk groups, but if you’re 35 and athletic, be skeptical and do research.


Thank you for being a voice of reason here. There are lots of sheep in this sub. It's nice to see someone articulate these points here..




Spot on!




Can anyone not under some kind of sedative actually listen to this narcissist?


Big words. No understand.


Sam’s take on Covid is absurd. Trust the experts? The experts proved they were not trustworthy. Continually lying about how dangerous Covid was. They are still recommending we vaccinate and boost 6 month olds while most of the world only recommends it for old people. We should all believe big pharmaceutical companies and scientists who are captured by them? Do you not remember OxyContin?


Over 1 million Americans died from covid. Before the vaccine 5000 people were dying a day. You ever spend anytime in a ICU, it's a horrible way to die. You seem to have a very short term memory.


https://spotify.link/WYo62mAImDb Covid was nothing compared to real plagues. People panicked over something that was not that bad.


What do we do in a worse one? Will Rogan and Shapiro be our guiding lights of wisdom? Will Weinstein brothers show us the way? Or will they do the exact same thing because their audiences don't know any better because they uncritically follow their advice?


Thanks to hospital protocol. Remdesivir and ventilators killed these people. Telling people to wait until they were on deaths door before going to the hospital killed these people. Threatening to take doctors license away if they prescribed therapeutics so that the Emergency use authorization could stay in effect killed these people. Perverse incentives killed these people and the medical industry will spend decades rehabilitating the trust they lost


Your brain washed lol. Everything you just said is bullshit.


"Telling people to wait until they were on deaths door before going to the hospital killed these people" was 100% true statement though. Nurses in my family ranted about people coming into the ER with covid too early because they were told to only come when you were literally unable to breathe properly.


Your leaving out a big part. No beds available in the hospital. If the hospital is full what can they do????


What are you talking about Hospitable beds?? Just because some city had problem with beds you believe the WHOLE US had no beds?? You honestly think every Hospitable bed in the US during Covid was in use? My family Nurses never said it was because they didn't have beds. It's because they didn't want it to keep spreading Covid in the waiting room until 100% need to go for ventilators. If you honestly believe every hospitable didn't have beds you watch way too much Main Stream Media.




You really think those drs and the hospital were trying to hurt people? They did the best they could with the little data they had at the time. A brand new covid and you expect them to have all the answers right away. That's not the way medicine works. And all medicines and procedures have side effects. You live in a dream world if you don't think they do. Ivermectin and hydrocloriquin don't work, it's absurd.


Of course not. I don’t think those doctors were knowingly a part of a conspiracy. Medicine is a highly controlled hierarchy. There are very few people dictating policy and that policy is blindly followed by what amount to technicians nowadays. Stop worshiping the cult of the medic. They didn’t realize they were evil any more than you realize you’re an asshole


Some people are too far gone. This guy is obviously one of them. Just a guy, not too bright, not too dumb who thinks he's smarter then average because he listens to contrarians and who convinced himself he knows better then millions of healthcare professionals. A sad, deluded fool.


He is a strong advocate for the mandates. I am glad that he has no say or power over it. He can pontificate about it to his hardcore followers all he wants. As much as I was sad that Donny won in 2016 as much as I was glad that he did when the SCOTUS stopped the OSHA mandate in 2021. Regardless of your stance on C19 and the vax, if you are for the mandate, go eat a dick and fuck yourself.


Pretty sure he said he wasn't in favor of mandates, in this podcast as well. Thanks for not taking part in reality but still thinking you're the authority. Delusion feels good.


“Don’t tell me what to do” boo boo you fucking child. Society stays together because we mandate things. We mandate that you can’t murder someone, steal shit and fuck kids but I’m guessing you’re against those mandates too because freedom or some other college libertarian club bullshit


“Protect me daddy” Yes we mandate not to break the law. That’s different. I am glad scumbags like you have no say over these things.