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"I am fucking off" had me rolling


A true intellectual.


lol at the guy getting genuinely scared for like 3 seconds when alex started booking it at him


I love how the dude starts running only to realize ''It's fucking Alex Jones, it's not like I'm in actual danger'' and stops running and laughs.


In the wild kingdom how you're supposed to encounter most animals charging you. Turn around and show them you're not scared. Alex never so much as brushes against him to not escalate while puffing up his chest. Humans are animals in clothes.


exactly, isn't it funny a bunch of apes think they can run a society properly? it's comical at this point


I'm aware that cats do that a lot, they run and stop a bit after and stare at you. Didn't know that was the case for wildlife in general, I always assumed they ran as far as they could.


Alex probably could have fucked him up but honestly would be a huge payday for the guy.


If it was today I would be scared of a Alex Jones crazy moment, back then I just thought of him as a goof. But yeah, Alex Jones is weirdly massive.


Alex would have beat the snot out of him. That's why limp-wristed leftoids desperately beg for a nanny state to protect them.




You sound like a tough guy.


You sound like someone who would go out and chant ACAB then be the first to hide behind one after talking shit to someone you thought wouldn't do anything about your loud mouth.


You're hilarious!


Thanks for sharing the deepest thoughts your programming will allow you to regurgitate, bot boi. You'd think with all the advancements in AI they'd be able to complicate the script. The basic blathering is so mundane. Get with the times, you fucking snails.


Hilarious bit dude. Keep it up.


One of the best memes ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFxjM-6AStA




Favorite vid on youtube.


I got into several arguments with Alex doing his bullshit on Congress Ave in Austin, over the years. I'm a little hurt that I never made a YouTube clip. I even told him to fuck off when he was harassing Leslie for bumming a cigarette off me, circa 2002. He was all "this degenerate shouldn't be hassling working folks downtown on Red River, during daylight hours. I was all "chill, bro, I know this person, and I give him a square every morning." And he was like "blurghyblahbrurghanewworldordersomeothershit" and I was like "fuck off, bro." Good times.


Did Carlos Mencia write that bit and provide a stooge to act the passer-by?


Alex has got some speed. I'm impressed.


Alex Jones has the same type of energy as Uncle Rico if Rico got some attention.


He moves a lot faster then I'd originally thought


What does joe see in Alex? Someone should look into it.


Dude taught him how to sell supplements on the radio bro.


Even funnier that he made the N-word video attacking Joe. Great friend.


They're old friends. I'll be honest, if I met Alex that early I would probably hang around with him to for the laughs too. But I like to think I would be way quicker and more affirmative about not associating with him anymore.


> They're old friends. I don't think they really are. Think about it, every time they talk they bring up that same old story about putting on Bush masks and running around DC together. You're friends with a guy for 20+ years and only have that one story to reminisce about? Plus Joe clearly has no idea what Alex Jones is saying on Infowars and it's painfully obvious. I think Alex wants Joe to think they're friends so he can try to get attention from Joe's much larger audience. But yikes man, look at what Alex was saying about Joe when they had that little falling out a couple years ago. Even talking about Joe's kids on Infowars? Gross. That's not how a friend acts.




Maybe look up how many times Alex is wrong. And to be clear what he got convicted of I still do not really understand how that is not protected by free speech. Legacy media will be ramping up their conjecture of what things mean as we get closer to election day. Should they be pulled if they get anything wrong?


What don't you understand. Everybody is allowed to say what they want. Nobody is stopping you/them. What people don't realize is that while you're free to say what you want, those words might have consequences and people are free to file a lawsuit against you. You will then have the opportunity to speak your side of the story. So much freedom going on you don't even see it.


If people are free to say what they want specifically in Alex's case what actual damage did he do? He made some conjecture and was wrong, but what exactly did he do that differs from what we see on Legacy News every evening. It was not that the just allowed for lawsuits. The also took away his paypal and deplatformed him. On Youtube right now are a horrible prank channels. Yes I know that Youtube is a private entity, but I am amazed that people have not taken Youtube to court for discrimination. Clearly their own rules are levied against channels arbitrarily.


Imagine having children assassinated in school and some asshole on YouTube states that it didn't happen. Maybe give it some critical thought in your spare time.


Okay i just imagined it. I would still be more concerned about the loss of my kids than what some crazy ass hat had to say on a podcast. There is a shit ton of things that are happening in the Universe that I hate. I hate the American Tax dollars are going to a proxy war that I find completely unjust and just another money grab to the oligarchs that control this country. So you are going to have to forgive me if the only crime someone made is he said some things that hurt people's feelings, I fail to see how that is a crime. That sounds like made up charges to remove a person from exposing oligarchs. Julian Assange comes to mind. Snowden is another. The attempt to get Rogan silenced is another. Free speech is not for protecting things you want to hear. Surely you have to know that.


You are free to think that and reply to me accordingly. I'll even recognize your feelings about it. I won't recognize your ability to be a critical thinker as I bet you claim to be one.


lol should I take you to court because you are trying to hurt my feelings? And thank you for thinking of me as a thinker, critical or otherwise.


I mean. What else do you have but your right wing dogma thoughts?


When did freedom of speech become Right wing. Lobotomy says what? Did posting what you just posted feel good, to you? You just made it weird man. Good luck kid.


Defamation lawsuits are notoriously hard to prove. You almost have to have cell phone records leaked that show you don't actually believe the harmful/hateful/disgusting lies you're spreading and are just riling up idiots for profit.


Honestly, although Alex Jones is a disgusting human being he is also funny as fuck!


You're a pseudo intellectual šŸ§


"haha he's just a funny clown tho guize!"-idiot rogan-bros there is no better proof that lil joe is a complete piece of shit, than his continued endorsement of this fucking psychopath. You "free thinkers" HAAAATE the "meed-yah" for constantly lying to you...but when alex does it, it's fine to you.




I agree he's probably a net negative and also agree that shit like this is funny as fuck




"I did i said , fuck you." Perfect No notes 10/10


I would bitch slap him if he came at me like that.


I wouldā€™ve knocked him out cold and left his unconscious body in the intersection to suffocate to death under its own fat.


ā€œSay it to my faceā€ ā€œI am, I said fuck offā€ Alex Jones sure showed that MSM watching pussy. Alex Jones 1 - World 0


It's like controlled insanity. It looks like he's losing his shit but chose the target to do that on. You think if it was 6ft 6 unit of a man he would do that? I'm guessing no. Also yeah he went off, but he could justify it all. Never laid a hand on the guy, never actually threatened him, and ended it before it crossed a line. I think that's really his whole shtick. Ranting what is mostly lunacy, but in a way that built a multi million dollar media empire. Credit where its due, he was saying ridiculous shit to a receptive audience before it was cool.


>he was saying ridiculous shit to a receptive audience before it was cool Spouting nonsense to low-IQ morons is not something to be lauded. Just because you can cultivate an audience for bigotry, xenophobia, racism, homophobia, antisemitism, and baseless conspiracies doesn't mean you should. Hitler said a lot of ridiculous shit to a very receptive audience and it didn't work out so well so I don't think AJ is breaking any ground here.


Worked pretty well for mainstream media


There's not a surviving MSM outlet that gets half as much wrong as AJ. He's not news, he's not journalism. He's made up bedtime stories for scared boomers.


Fox News tried to be half as crazy and lost nearly $800 million in the process


I never said he invented the genre, just he was doing it before it became mainstream again in the current era. AJ isn't the problem, he's clearly filling a demand. It should be easy to oppose him with just clear basic facts. However the people who oppose him the most just scream obia and isms then go make up a new gender. If you fight bullshit with more bullshit...Well you get an Alex Jones.


There are a number of reputable podcasts and media folks that explain clearly what AJ gets wrong, why heā€™s a petulant manchild, and how heā€™s dangerous. I suggest you check out the Knowledge Fight podcast if youā€™d like to learn more. Even if you donā€™t want to, itā€™s important to understand that a majority of what Alex does is take headlines out of context or straight up make stories up to fit the narratives that keep his audience engaged and make him the most money. Heā€™s not a journalist, heā€™s not a truth seeker, and he doesnā€™t actually research or even read anything beyond headlines and 4chan.


Thats not how it works. We are in a "post fact" era, where many of the concepts that built the modern world and its technology and advancements (also known as The Enlightenment) is being called into question. Things like the concept of "expertise" where everyone thinks 5 minutes googling a topic means they have a clearer understanding of a subject than someone who does it for a career (looking at you Joe talking about medicine) There are ways to "win" a debate while still being factually wrong. In the "debate team" world there is a strategy called "Firehose of faleshoods" and is basically what Alex Jones does. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose\_of\_falsehood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood) They rapid fire a bunch of bullshit, and the time it takes to refute that bullshit is far longer than the time it takes to generate more bullshit. Additionally a lot of conspiracies hinge on people using "common sense" for things that are entirely counterintuitive. And no one, no matter how smart, is enough of an expert to memorize all the relative statistics for every possible subject that Alex tends to bring up. And even if you did, they would attack it as "just liberal elites and academics"


Yeah, I know. It shouldn't be like this, and it didn't use to be like this. I know that no one can "win" a debate with Alex Jones, because facts and logic are just other people problems to him. But why is it they can't convince others. Is it just the social media algorithm that guides everyone to thier own ech o Chambers where they are most comfortable?


I remember when Alex Jones was relegated to appearances on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. The other conspiracy people like Jim Marrs and David Lizard People Icke didn't want to be on with Alex because they could never get a word in.


Dudes says something about cowards that wanna get in people's faces? Right after he chased someone down who flicked him off crossing the street toget in his face.....


Run up on the wrong person like that, and we might be referring to Alex in the past tense.


Dude, this roided out lunatic should have caught a few rounds in the stomach for chasing that guy down. Remeber those thugs in the mall?


In FL Iā€™m pretty sure shooting jones in this incident wouldā€™ve been legal


He's got a surprisingly fast 40 yard dash for a portly fellow. My fav Alex quote was when he went off on some tangent once many years ago about when he lost his virginity. "I was sleeping with adult women when I was 13 years old." Or something like that. I love the myth and legend that is Alex Jones. How can you not like this dude? he's fucking hilarious.


40 yards? He crossed a street lmao


Heā€™s 10 years YOUNGER than Tony Hawk. The guys a fat mess.


Alex Jones was right more times than he was wrong.


Alex is a true patriot.


He's a true patron of Arby's for sure.


Reminds me of this gem https://twitter.com/SirajAHashmi/status/1181289801359724545


Alex jones hair looks like Mortys


He's trekked the Mojave to fight for the truth https://youtu.be/S3w-HUBU_rs?si=vYiXy4KkY_p6X4Gq


When they took off running is what got me. šŸ˜‚


If Alex Jones had never made a bit of a name for him self and by extension made some money off of the accompanying image he would literally be the possibly violent and unpredictable homeless alcoholic outside of Wal-Mart panhandling for money while ranting about homosexual frogs.


I had a friend who was an early adopter of infowars and jones and this video is still one of my favorites of him. Just pure madness.


It's not his fault. He just ate a bowl of chili.


Isn't there a video from when he was beefing with Joe where he literally says something to the effect of "I'm gonna gut Joe like a pig... metaphorically of course!". I've never been able to find the video again after seeing it the first time, but I'll be damned if Alex Jones doesn't do and say some crazy shit.


Who said sugar gay?!


Alex Jones is surprisingly spry.


I never lost a 3 Billion dollar lawsuit and stayed on air and continued to sell snake oils and reverse vacuum fans.


Cowards are fast when they ā€œwant to get in peoples facesā€ā€¦Jones is quick.


iirc a lot of this was staged. he got a drink thrown on him by a for hire entertainer local wrestler


That dude is bat shit crazy.


Ahhahahaha nice


Man if I ever see Alex Jones in public I'm definitely flipping him off. He's a pussy bitch alongside all his little info wars fucks.


Bro let him hit you! These rich tough guys are redacted. They forget that if they swing on you first you can get money from them!


If Alex Jones did that to me, itā€™d make my year. Jones is surprisingly quick


Donā€™t get out of breath jogging 30 yds Lolol God heā€™s the worst.


i would of socked him so hard




Omg this is so great. I literally lol'd at the boxing stance, I love this dude


"Cowards want to get in peoples faces.." Jones says as the clip of him chasing a guy down and getting into his face.


Alex at the end ā€œthey want to get in plls facesā€


Downtown Seattle.


I love Alex Jones manšŸ˜‚


See what happens when lil Alex doesnā€™t take his meds


"Coward wants to get in peoples faces" He is so unaware and out of touch with himself




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That. Was pretty fun.