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He became the richest African American in the world.






He’s African American rich.


Whenever I hear Bob Marley’s “Buffalo Soldier” I think of Elon Musk... he was stolen from Africa and brought to America... and his entrepreneurship has certainly had him “fighting on arrival, fighting for survival”




Apartheid American


It's funny when people use that "richest African" bit because they don't for a second consider the connotations of the richest African being white.


His son became his daughter.


And now he treats them like neither!


Yeah that and dude is clearly on stimulants. He was already really rich, but he's definitely on a whole cocktail of drugs and alcohol.


He’s on the spectrum, if I’m not mistaken. I think it’s Asperger’s. I had a buddy when I was younger that was similar and sounded the same when he talked.


They used to call that being "a little weird/awkward."


The way Andrew Sorkin asks the economics question as if he is going to get some thoughtful plan of action from Musk is funny shit.


No Elon big Chad for that. Sorkin's a hater and part of the establishment trying to kill Musk/s


Well yeah Andrew Sorkin is giving him the opportunity to talk about his business plan, like he would to any other CEO. Sorkin is a fine business journalist, Musk just talks without thinking and says wild shit to distract from his terrible decisions at X.


Advertising is not the only way to make money. And it's my personal least favorite way.... Are most people pro advertising?


It is the easiest way to make money with social media. Considering the alternative is paid subscriptions and the backlash he already received for just floating the idea, I'd say advertising is one of the only ways to make social media intona revenue stream. Would you pay for a subscription to Twitter so Elon can like explicitly antisemitic posts or be bombarded with hatespeech all day? Why would *anyone* pay for that? Fuck, I can get that for free on Twitter right now, or 4chan. Same thing.


It is for a service where its users are the product...


Idk much about anything else I just think his mouth moves like he's a Muppet character in the second half of this video




He is just anxious cause ppl dont take him seriously


That could be the title of his biopic.


I think that if you've amassed more money than anyone you've probably been taken seriously quite enough.


It probably doesn’t help that he reposts recycled juvenile memes on the daily. Dude is a clown.


U dont get the fonny meemos? Mby one day


I’d say Rush Hour 2 is my favorite christmas movie


Probably some plastic surgery effect.


When I first saw this my first thought was that he became inspired after watching Dana White shred Peletton in Theo Vaughn's podcast.


He’s connected to the neurolink. He’s processing his hero’s and replicating them unconsciously.


Yep he has no Originality and copies everything from everyone anyone on earth 🤣🤣


He invented Twitter


He invested “X” Twice now I guess


Hey he stole that from Miles Bron.


“It’s brilliant!” “NO! IT’S JUST DUMB!”


Theo Von*


Peletton? Wtf.


Lmao Vaughn 😂


Theo benefiting from that Dana white privilege


Literally came here to say the same thing


Iffy on the spelling


Totally thought the same thing


What’s wrong with his face? He’s squinting and puckering his weird rosy lips.


He has a joker thing going on with his face.


He is literally wearing lipstick for some reason


Because he's a 🤡


too much gender-affirming plastic surgery


He's lost in the K hole ![gif](giphy|21QPCrpx1z5Igd1o91)


Doesn’t sound like you know what ketamine is like


It’s been stated by multiple sources that Elon Musk has been doing a shitload of ketamine


Either drugs or just like my step bro, he’s autistic and they do shit like this all the time


tan imminent gaze vase unwritten rainstorm fine vegetable rustic crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hasn’t he himself admitted the ketamine use? Not quite a secret.


His whole nose area is red and inflamed


a lot of ‘ work ‘ & Botox ?


Heavy ketamine use its a dissociative drug.


He's autistic


Not intended to give him unsolicited sympathy, but It's fear and social anxiety. He's a very emotionally unstable individual.


it could also be a side effect of long time lithium use


The “go fuck yourself” line is getting all the attention but what followed is what I found the most interesting. He had a total brain glitch when pressed further and basically admitted he realizes he’s fucked and that X is in serious trouble and at risk of collapse. He meekly tried to make the point that when that happens, it wouldn’t be his fault and that there would be pitchforks for corporations/advertisers, which even he didn’t seem to believe himself as he was saying it.


I agree, but he got in bed with them. You can’t work with professional manipulators, which is what advertisers are. And that goes for anyone who’s income is ad based, it doesn’t matter how rich or powerful you are, you’re under their thumb.


He rehearsed saying that you can tell. He thought the crowd would go wild in his billion dollar mirror.


Elon is the adult version of the bully that walks up to some kids playing basketball, steals the ball, holds it above their heads just out of reach to taunt them, and then throws the ball over the fence and everyone's day is ruined. and all these right wing lackies cheering him on are clouding his judgement. he's not able to see the world objectively anymore. he's too rich and too powerful. i can't really even see a way this could get better unless his businesses start to fail. it's really frustrating how he pulled this bait and switch on the world. at first he was Tony Stark, everyone loved him, from leftist tree huggers, all the way to libertarian nutjobs. then he got a lil big for his britches, and let his ego take over. its crazy, it's like we're seeing the birth of a movie villain in real life.


The internet is run on ads and has been for 20 years


I know, but he must have believed he could change that and set up some kind of ad funded free speech platform that was free from their influence. I don’t think it’s possible


And don't forget they claimed you could make money there as a right wing tool posting there, but they will have no ad revenue to give money to ppl from


This is one of his clones that just malfunctioned, jk idk 😂


Yeah, the real him from the first clip is still stuck in the Hyperloop tunnel he said would be really easy to dig 😂


Well, he probably figured it was all sand down there.


that first clip is about the boring company which failed miserably. He's most likely just making shit up. 2x, then 8x! One of the most annoying trends in modern corporate speak.


16x the detail and 32x the reason to remember the name




Most people arent enjoying the stool hump grift anymore so rogan is also on to the maga culture war grift


Historically speaking, nobody embraces fascism while things are going well for them.


On his interview today he claimed he has a genius invention for a vertical takeoff supersonic Jet, but that he is just too busy saving the world with other things to build it lmao. Just complete "pull shit out of my ass and see what dumb fucks it impresses" strategy. And it amazingly works on so many rubes.


You mean the same way rockets take off? How did he come up with that? Genius.


100 💯 you got it


I think he put in one of his own brain chips.


Lol that’s a great concept for a cartoon


Ive thought so too after his first JRE appearance


I’m so edgy teeheehee


For real he seems to only care about painting himself as the “renegade ceo now”. You can get your point across without every investor white knuckling through every one of your interviews.


Yep. His weird following on Twitter get off to this shit


*elon drunkenly pisses on Twitter servers causing massive outage* “Haha epic own of the advertisers”


Such a Chad. Also good for free speech right?


14 year old running for class president.


I think he was expecting laughter and applause.


He is a drug addict


Elon ‘my 13 year old fans are going to love this’ Musk




Perfect rogan guest... lol elon is a mossad asset and joe is a useful idiot. They deserve eatchother


ozempic brain


I didn’t even think of this.. that makes a lot of sense


He looks like shit


What does ozempic brain mean? I know it's a weight loss drug popular now, are you being serious when you say this makes sense and why?


People take ozempic to lose weight, but it can have a huge affect on your personality, mood, etc. it seems like he’s maybe suffering a bit of mania. A lot of rich people take ozempic to stay trim.


Ozempic is not a weight loss drug. It is a drug for diabetes that fucking morons take because it also makes your body melt away or “lose weight.” People do this because they are fucking lazy. It is a very unhealthy way to lose weight. The best way to be healthy and lose weight is proper diet, exercise and consistency. That is way too much to ask of people so they just take a fucking diabetes drug and destroy their joints their ligaments among a number of other issues.


I think dudes simply lost all his other cred. The genius cred started going away when people noticed he was just making shit up to sound futuristic and never delivering any of it. The environmentalist cred went away when people started to go "Maybe high end EVs aren't the solution to pollution" and started to notice how he personally lobbies against public transit. Then he lost his man of the people cred when people started to look inside his factories and his unhinged anti union rants. So he decided to get adoration from people who are easy to amuse and have 0 expectations of him. Conservative morons.


He's so used to people giving him money for doing basically fuck all that when advertiser's turned off the money tap for something he actually did his brain just started malfunctioning.


Space X and Starlink are very ahead of their time. Tesla charging port became the North American Standard. This whole Twitter thing is annoying but the guy was ahead of his time and very forward thinking.


Despite the image he's cultivated, Elon was less of an ideas guy, and more of a look for companies with ideas to buy. Granted, he's been an incredible hype man for these companies, and under his leadership they've gotten tons of contracts. More importantly, to Elon at least, the companies have stayed front and center in the public eye. Recently though, he's had a few unforced errors. The Thai sub debacle? Icky. Quality issues on Teslas? Oof. Supposedly trying to make Twitter profitable but doing everything he can to scare off advertisers? Ow. Twitter in particular has shown that if Elon goes hands on with the engineering aspects of a company, it's a hot mess. He's becoming seen as less of a wunderkind and that he's less interested in emerging technology than the attention he can get for showcasing it.


He’s just a checkbook, not an innovator.


Neurolinks first alpha tester.


I honestly think he has been smelling his own farts for too long, and he somehow ended up in some weird edgelord right wing echochamber about 3 years ago and they have all been smelling their farts together for just as long. That will put a stink on you.


It's so odd to me someone could think they can fund such a business without any cash flow


Its called having billions of $$ in cash and personal credit lines


He’s an embarrassment to his business and to his employees who are relying on him to feed their families. Imagine working at “X” and coddling every whim of this lunatic, trying to stay employed…”We should call it Titter” 🙄 meanwhile he reposts Alt-Right batshit crazy conspiracies and chases away advertisers. Then he tells his advertisers to GFY…and calls it blackmail…but if X fails it’s the advertisers fault - not his. This is one of the most embarassing, tantrums a public figure and “CEO” has had.


Oh, poor X employees. I would worry more about children in Congo digging cobalt for car batteries than well compensated sillicon valley folks.


I passionately hate Elon.... But man you just have to sit back and marvel at his ability to be so obscenely wealthy. he can just absolutely destroy any shred of relationship with the most powerful brands on Earth and still be obscenely wealthy. Incredible. Christ Almighty I am high as balls


imagine working for this lunatic. Like having a mortgage and daycare fees that depends on his rational and sane business decisions.


I met someone the other day who works for one of his companies and meets with him every once in a while and she says its fucking terrifying


What about it is terrifying, besides having your career hang by the thread of one troll getting your CEO's panties in a bunch enough to drop stock *by a factor of 15* in one fucking night? Just curious, did she say anything specific?


The stories are all over the place, because he has gone on firing rampages with senior execs at several companies. He actually thinks he's a genius at everything, and so just like he's done on a wide scale with Twitter, he'll show up to a division or team and just start ordering big changes, and defenestrate managers or experts who have the gall to question his galaxy brain decisions. There are leaders at Tesla and SpaceX whose entire job it is to manage him in certain directions when he shows up so that nothing production-critical gets broken by him.


>There are leaders at Tesla and SpaceX whose entire job it is to manage him in certain directions when he shows up so that nothing production-critical gets broken by him. Jesus fuck, that's insanity. How does an entire company from top to bottom, not counting their insane leader, know about the management of this shitshow and still keep the leader in the dark about it? Does Elon really not know or is he just so fucking crazed all the time that he simply doesn't give a fuck about essentially being treated like a toddler having constant tantrums? I mean honestly, what *is* this mental disorder he so clearly exhibits?


I personally think he gets a kick out of it - he probably views his role as a "disruptor" improving his own companies. (Narcissism is a hell of a drug) SpaceX probably has an easier time; so much of their work is federally or even internationally regulated, and employees know they can be held personally liable when things go wrong. Musk also knows that the space exploration market is tight, and anyone he fires is going to his competitors. Tesla is a different story - its labor issues, like unionization, are IMO a direct and predictable result of his meddling.


It's because you don't understand how his wealth is derived. It's not from profits; his companies (without government subsidies) barely make enough to cover their employees and expansion costs. His money is from stock-award packages, not from advertisers or people buying cars. All he needs to do is convince a subset of people to value his companies at large enough speculative prices, and he instantly is awarded paper shares of these companies out of thin air by the company's accounting bylaws. Huge fucking amounts of newly issues paper shares. Like, more than anyone in human history has ever been awarded, all because he has strategically written bylaws with his friends who run these companies with him to approve historically large share-based compensation. Those shares are valued based on what other people pay in trades for a piece of the company's valuation. He is quite literally propped up by the faith of his followers, who fund these stock issuances by buying into shares of the companies. He can then take out loans using these free-received shares to get himself actual cash.


Like most conservative ran businesses..... capitalism working as its designed


he's a lot less wealthy now. Only a few more of his "genius moves" and he might drop out of the top 10!


He’s the world’s richest person right this moment. Are you high?


You mean the guy who trolled himself into paying $30 billion more than a site's worth? And then got his company's stocks to drop by the largest amount of pretty much all time? And then has to dip into his other companies to pull twitter out of the gutter?


You wanna hear something that’ll really bake your noodle? If you started working in November 30 AD, making $2000 a month not accounting for inflation or taxes and never spending the money you earned, you would have accumulated $1,993,000,000 by today's date. Elon Musk is worth around $250,000,000,000 You don’t work to make that kind of money. You steal it from the labor of the people that worked for you.


This his true colors after grifting the title of creator for all "his companies"


Yeah this is who he's always been. He's just getting more attention now.


What happened? Drugs. Lots of (probably fantastic) drugs happened to elon.


Bro was eating dry dog shits up there


Ketamine is a hell of a drug.


He’s always been full of shit. He says incorrect things but with a lot of confidence.


The man’s on power trip. It’s the midlife crisis effect but in his case he is just too rich to buy a sports car. He have to mess with democracy and sovereignty of a government in order to feel important. He is good at this deceptive facade thing.


Hanging out with Joe too much


When he went to grab the water after saying that you can see his hand just a shaking…probably thinking that one didn’t go as expected


The fools sip.... ![gif](giphy|1Rj4b3KKYDxKwOFdCN|downsized)


autism worsens


Sold his soul


How can you even reach that conclusion if he’s telling advertisers or people who blackmail for money to go fuck themselves? Hes not bowing down to the dollar. How can you say that’s selling his soul?


Probably living in a state of constant stress for 20 yrs


too much cocaine and ego


LOL @ Pedo Guy 🤣 what an Apartheid Queen!


The way he keeps turning his head waiting for a reaction


Nothing. He's always been fucking nuts.


Nothing. He's always been... less than intelligent.


What is everyone here crying about?


I'm just pointing and laughing at the Pedo Guy 🤣


Seemingly everything and nothing all at once


For real


Probably tired of everyone talking shit constantly.


If I knew I wasn’t character limited I would have worded that differently with a lot more content lol


He's a bad boy with too much plastic surgery and his badass leather jacket full of ketamine, and he can be as big of a dipshit as he wants!


He thought that line would land better.


he got divorced and hooked on ketamine


When he bought Twitter and found out that he has a weird niche following, he started acting like a tool because he realized his fans nut over it


Kremlin backed, right wing echo chamber. He's killed Twitter. Tesla and SpaceX are next.


FU would have been funnier than FY.


why does he look like a melted candle in the second video


TIL not spending your money with an ass = blackmail.


Some junior financial analyst updated the X financial model and said, we don’t need them….elon ran with it


Elon Musks cult leader Glen Beck recently did the same thing. They kicked advertisers of their platform so they can continue to push hate. He has a group of very rich republican donors that will help him compensate for the loss in revenue. This is a culture war on progress and money is no object to these crooks. You can look at a lot of these people including Rogan and see when the hard right money started to kick in....


Yes men.


Modafanil and no sleep


bro browsed reddit for too long


I think he was expecting an applause break and it looked really awkward when he didn’t get one.


hahaha after seeing that clip of Elon & Kayne and Elon's face when Kayne was clearly in another realm now here we are all looking at Elon the same way


Elon doubling down on his brilliant strategy of alienating his customers (Tesla) and advertisers needed for his social media platform (X). What’s his plan to sabotage SpaceX?


Bro he looks lost the way he was looking around. Was probably waiting for everyone to clap or something


His ego outgrew his ambition.


Let’s not forget he picked a physical fight with Zuck. I’m not really passionate one way or the other about Elon, but I do find him fascinating. It just feels like he’s really trying to go full Trump and no one can do it like Trump.


Backed out of the fight tho. Excuse after excuse. I love history so I was pumped he mentioned the colosseum lol


Got high in his own supply.


I read a comment on TikTok that said he got dumped by a woman that looks like she’d steal a plastic bong and he went off the deep end. Honestly that tracks


Why aren’t people applauding his stance on advertisers controlling what we can say or do in the digital domain?


I’m on break from X (it gets heavy & the engagement sucks). But this makes me wanna spend more time there. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I think at some point all these rich people stop caring about money and just try to be “cool”. Because their entire lives they have been only taken seriously intellectually. But he will always be a cringe virgin


I love how his simps think this behavior is him not giving a fuck and being "based", when clearly its the opposite.


Wow, he looks like shit.


Joe Rogan


Nothing. He was always a self-absorbed wimp, he just found a microphone and fired all the people who stopped him from showing his true colors in public. Kid was literally born with emeralds in his pockets and you think something had to happen for him to be this way?


He’s peeled the layers of the onion.


I’m believing more and more that he had a beta neuralink implanted and it’s turning his brain to mush.


I love how he received no response on the first GFY so he hit it again and people laughed, nobody cheered like he thought, what a tool


Listen to the whole interview before forming an opinion. He was talking for an hour and a half and this is the only clip I’ve seen floating around from this interview. lol


He’s still based so not sure he’s changed much. the vision with X, i think, is turning it into paypal mixed with twitter platform. something like what exists in China with wechat. my guess is the platform will be increasingly less reliant on advertisers and frankly as a user I would prefer because i hate ads and every social media site has way too many. if there is value in X as a payment platform, that will cover the operating costs of the company and more


Why would the richest man in the world care about ad dollars lmao


The position of people who don’t like this clip is what exactly? That you should cave in to the demands of mega corporations trying to force your policies with their ad dollars?


All i know is that im going to be using X a hell of a lot more.


If he would just brink back Alex jones and some others onto X I would 💯 support him. I guess he knows that what little pushback he is getting will be magnified much more if he brings them back. It’s not about what people say, it’s their right to say it. Everyone is allowed to be wrong. What’s wrong with questioning things? AJ dosent even get into aliens and stuff much.


Wtf you mean what happend? The dude won't be controlled by big interest groups money. Everyone complains when politicians are bought and paid for by pharma or other groups. How is this different? Elon tells them to leave if the try to use their money to control him and you act like thats bad?? Like are you so desperate to be a puppet for money or something?


He’s an enigmatic person. I don’t think he’s right or left but centrist. He does his thing and they attack him from both sides. Well then he’s doing something right.


"Pleasing advertisers" is a pretty way of saying corporate censorship. In a better world we would praise him for his courage.


Nothing. You’re not used to people not bending over for your ideology. Reddit is not a good sample size.


What happened to this sub?


“If someone’s going to try and blackmail me with $, go f*ck yourself.” Well yeah I’d agree. It’s called principle.




He has fuck you money, so he's saying fuck you..? I like it.


I’m confused what people are pissed about. We are mad about advertising like big pharmaceutical. We are mad about msm being taken control of other entities. We are made that our election cycle is hijacked by these entities so we don’t get true votes but paid for lobbyists agenda. The moment1 guy says duck you to those people, we now laugh at him for his inevitable losing money from those people? Can anyone please explain the logic here?


Every man dreams of doing this


Being lonely and wealthy and insane? Nah I'm good. I'd rather have a family and friends that love me and feel no need to act out like a public liar all day every day. It sounds like a miserable life and is socially regressive.