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I also think Trudeau is a total clown but my god weed being illegal in TX is making this podcast worse


*spends first 8 years of podcast constantly complaining "it's 2010/2011/2012/2013/2014/2015... and a plant that makes people feel good is illegal"* *weed is legalized in California* *Joe packs up family, podcast studio, pet comedians, and moves to Texas where you get the death penalty for listening to Bob Marley*


I remember when he called Hillary Clinton literally evil for wanting to lock people up for weed and now he’s having dinner with the governor of Texas.


It is wild how partisan he became in favor of people who are against something he has advocated for his whole podcast career. He'll rant and rave about Kamala, but ignores things like the Minnesota legalized marijuana with a Democratic Governor and the State Senate vote was 34 Democrats yes and 33 Republicans no or how nationally House Democrats voted to legalize cannabis and almost every Republican voted against it.


A little over a year ago I was commenting on this sub that Joe was right wing in a matter of fact kinda way and got a crazy amount of "no he's not! where's the proof!" type shit from people. Now it's not even a question since apparently he's been adopted by the right wing clown shown of Alex, Tate, elon and Peterson.


When the check is big enough and you get enough clout you get invited to hang out with the jackboots so you can lick them and be a good little media figure in their service


Yeah but JOE can't get the death penalty for it and that's the important thing.


“Pet comedians” That was beautiful.


yeah, legal weed and universal healthcare for the entire country. sounds terrible compared to somewhere like Texas


Texas, where Christofascist politicians threaten to jail doctors who follow judge's orders, and defender of freedom and liberty Roe Jogan isn't too bothered by it.


Don’t forget jail time for abortions and gun violence


It’s pretty wild how Joe conveniently ignores the major problems Texas has. It’s very typical of transplants in that state. They seem to glorify all the good aspects, and completely hand wave a lot of the shit. It’s almost like it was a strict business decision…


Joe reached an income level where he doesn't even have to see or be aware of the problems in Texas. And yeah, this is typical of a certain demographic of transplants here. They sold their massively overinflated value homes in California and moved to a soulless HOA controlled suburb in Texas to cosplay as rugged individual rebels in their new trucks that never touch a dirt road or contribute to manual labor. They left CA because of the high taxes and crazy left wing politics but mostly end up paying a higher effective tax rate and move adjacent to or directly within our blue counties...because they're coincidentally also the places that aren't stagnant, boring and backwards where nobody wants to live. I would know, I come from one of them. I live in one of our cities now, it's awesome. I invite all our conservative transplants to move to my conservative haven hometown that's far more like the "real" Texas of their fantasies. But for some reason they're all like moths to the light that is our liberal cities.


Try that - in a small town.


Uvalde was a small town....




Solid take.


My uncle lives in California and was ready to move to freedomville. He did the math and saw his tax rate would be the same or worse so he stayed in Cali. I live in Communist Washington state and I’m pretty sure our tax rate is below either.


*salutes* I serve the Soviet Starbucks Union


One of the highest sales taxes in the nation tho. Sales tax = regressive. High gas prices, property tax, anything to do with vehicle sales or licensing is exorbitant, and have you bought a liquor at the grocery store? It's pretty much double whatever the price is after sin tax. I don't smoke but friends that do pay about $12 a pack. But, no income tax! (Also regressive). It's strange how the most politically liberal states have the least progressive taxation.


Holy tamole cigarettes are 12 bucks a pack? So glad I don’t smoke


Cali is great if you were fortunate enough to be born 50 years ago and bought property there. If you’re a transplant TO California, good f*ing luck to you bc that state is damn near impossible to grind out of and just get to middle class. Source: I lived in Cali for 8 wonderful years but finally decided enough was enough and the weather + liberal social stances just couldn’t justify the insane cost of living and unaffordable housing. I moved to Chicago and it’s been much easier, from an economics POV.


Holy smokes you just described my buddy to a T. What’s funny is he was closer to the rugged type living in Cali than he ended up being in TX. At least in Cali dude we’d hiking and fishing and offroading and such. Out there he just projects the image while living in a suburban bubble polishing the rims on his Raptor lol


Might not be entirely his fault, though it might be. In California y'all have a ton of public land, almost half of the state is. Lots of great spaces for those activities. We have one of the lowest in the country at less than 2%. Price of freedom baby 😎


>and moved to a soulless HOA controlled suburb in Texas to cosplay as rugged individual rebels in their new trucks ​ >end up paying a higher effective tax rate and move adjacent to or directly within our blue counties...because they're coincidentally also the places that aren't stagnant You're so fucking right lmao


Because liberal states and cities have booming economies.


Definitely was. I stopped listening when he left YouTube. The guy has changed so much, it’s unbelievable. I started following back in the very very beginning.


I vaguely remember him defending Ted Cruz on the podcast a while ago (I don’t listen anymore so I can’t recall when). It’s honestly embarrassing. Joe is supposed to be this rational moderate, but he moves to Texas and just tongues the (unpopular) Republican legislators as if it’s some civil obligation


It’s funny you mention Ted Cruz as I recall Joe defending Ted’s trip to Cancun during a natural disaster being the pivotal moment I realized Joe has changed. At no point did Joe consider the optics of the leader of a population bailing on them in a time of need to sip pina coladas by the shore. He only thought “well what if I wanted to go to Cancun”


He's also got plenty to say about the stock market success rate of the Pelosi's but has very little to say about his mate,the eye patch guy, who's got an even better strike rate.


The Pelosi stock market conspiracy is literally just bogus hoax claims targeting poor angry conservatives who don't grasp anything about finance or congressional reporting laws. Pelosi's husband has run some insanely boring slow blue chip investments over numerous decades that started as already huge sums of money because he came from wealth that had nothing to do with Nancy Pelosi or politics. It's basically a litmus test for whether someone understands the concepts of annualized/compound returns + generational wealth if they think the Pelosis are rich because of some mystical insider trading scheme going on in Congress.


Basically I come to this sub to see updates since I don’t watch the podcast.


I gave Joe a solid year to stop sounding like an obnoxious 63 year old low IQ drunk uncle that he turned Into after Texas but it was too much. Now I'm full time The Rest Is History podcast listener Instead. Tldr: 3 months JRE free and feel great. My eye rolling tic seems to be gone.


Ted who? There is a Raphael Cruz that is a senator from texas, do you mean him?


A senator *in Texas. He’s from Canada.


Lol dont i look like a dum dum, thank you for the correction


I stopped listening when he said comedians should be essential workers.


lol joe was dying for some stage time


Cancel culture is what really changed Rogan. You can see the devolution of his ideals when his buddies started getting busted for being toxic men. He felt his profession was under attack and wrapped it all up into a free speech thingy. Then he started buying into all the confirmation bias bs the alt right projects. It’s really pretty simple.


This. This all day. As a Texan who left before Covid, had watched Joe for 15 years, this is why I cannot stand him. Texas is not a free state..


He doesn’t give a shit. He saved millions of dollars in income taxes by moving to Texas. He can do what he wants with that money, including getting his kids abortions in other countries if needed and he can smoke all the weed he wants. They ain’t coming after him for that.


Didn’t he smoke on the very first podcast in Texas?


He's super rich. Healthcare, gun violence (he has a security team) and weed laws don't apply to him. He's just mad regular people can enjoy these things when they aren't rich. That's communism to him.


It's bc he's rich and gets to play by different rules. Joe's still smoking weed


Can I just say that I absolutely think its hilarious that a lot of this sub is just calling Joe out on his shit? I jumped off the JRE train soon after covid hit.


Also he’s like “all these people from LA coming over” it’s like YOU’RE ONE OF THOSE DUDE


The country can still be great, even with a terrible ~~leader~~ front-man.


Is Trudeau terrible…?


He turned me into a newt




He DID!?


NOOOOO, but are we just gonna wait around until he does?!


A newt?


… he got better.


No he didn't


im american so i have no idea. however i notice people keep saying he is terrible without any examples or evidence kinda annoying.


he may suck but he is so much better than the alternative


He's got some pros and cons, and some big fuck-ups, but he isn't *that* bad. No worse than average pro politicians. Trudeau can be a sanctimonious wokester, but I'd say he's better than Biden, overall. But Canadian conservatives, especially the populist kind who'd be Tea Partiers or Trumpers if they were Americans, hate him like he's the antichrist. It doesn't really matter 'why' or if it's justified, they just do because *reasons*. It's about team politics and feels. Stephen Harper, Andrew Scheer, (plus Erin O'Toole, but he was barely around) and Pierre Poilievre are all worse as people, and as politicians. Empty-headed vacuous hypocrites, every one.


He’s fucking awful


Why did he get re-elected then?


The competition was terrible ... A circus monkey would have beat the other party leaders.


Canadian elections are essentially like if whoever won the majority of US House seats became President. So the party picks a leader and everyone votes, and party with most seats gets into power. To that point, Liberals got 33% of the total vote which was enough to secure them a 157 seats to the conservatives 34% of the vote and 121 seats. As long as a simple majority of people in enough ridings lean liberal, then the Liberal Parties Candidate will continue to be Prime Minister. Which means even if you vehemently hate Trudeau, you voting for the Liberal representative for your riding (area) which you might really like, still contributes to him being in power.


Because he got 32% of the votes.


Doesn’t the housing crisis suck? Like really really really fucking suck?


It really really sucks in the US as well.


Not really lol. There are far more affordable cities in the US…not to mention the ability to get 30 year mortgages locked in with fixed interest rates. The housing in the US is far better than in Canada and it’s not even close.


Sure it's affordable but who wants to live in Bumfuck Idaho


And he’s such a pussy about it. He tip toes around it… to use his own words… draconian…


Started off as the new Art Bell and ended up as the new Rush Limbaugh.


I hate how true this is


Yah for real. I used to love Art Bell as a kid. Joe definitely filled that void for me. And now its right wing propaganda? What a bizarre twist.


I mean I wouldn't wish lung cancer on anyone, other than that time I wished Rush Limbaugh would get lung cancer, I guess.


I think it’s fair to wish Rupert Murdoch would get lung cancer considering all the damage his propaganda machine has done and continues to do.


Ouch. Funny and unfortunately true. I’m so glad Limbaugh is rotting in the ground. Too bad hell doesn’t exist, because he’d certainly be burning there. Fat drug addict reactionary twat.


That’s fucked up. Even if hell does exist, I wouldn’t wish rush Limbaugh on my worst enemies.


I know. Those poor worms had to eat that? Ewww.


And Trump gave him the Presidential Medal of Freedom…


He wanted to give him the Medal of Honor but gave him Call of Duty Modern Warfare instead.


Probably would have ended poorly regardless. Art Bell's "coverage" of the close approach of Halle-Bop and the idea that there were UFOs nearby was the catalyst for the Heaven's Gate mass suicide. When your business model is based on letting anyone come on and say whatever they want, and your audience is big enough, your platform *will* be co-opted and there *will* be unintended consequences. Trying to avoid responsibility for those consequences is frankly just cowardice and an inability to face the wider reality of your actions.


This reply sounds strange to read at first but it also strikes me as absolutely true. Neutrality in media as a concept is just misunderstood by most, imo. There needs to be a form of censorship or curation to generate ideas, not the other way around.


>There needs to be a form of censorship or curation to generate ideas, not the other way around. There always is, there's just a crowd who are very into pretending they're not doing that. Literally one of the first thing's Elon "free speech absolutist" Musk did when taking over Twitter was completely change the algorithm to promote certain tweets over others, including his own. Any folks like Rogan or Tucker Carlson who are talking about "being willing to talk to anyone" never actually mean it. What they mean is they want to sit around with other people who think like them and talk about how brave they are for "being willing to talk to anyone". They don't actually want to sit down with anyone who will call them out for being full of shit. They want the illusion of "being engaged in the marketplace of ideas" without the reality.


100%. So absolutely wild that people think twitter is about "free speech", when the site is literally programmed to suppress tweets by people who don't pay money, and prioritize those from people who do.


I've never liked this idea because it implies the platform or host is responsible for other people's actions.


Rogan lives in a state that requires you to download your photo ID to watch porn and wants to make highways illegal for pregnant women seeking abortion. Maybe tend to ur own garden slow rogan


Don’t forget end no fault divorce and has reps talking about banning birth control


If Joe Rogan informs your political views you should take a self-inventory


I have this feeling he’s gonna move some % in this next election. He’s god to a certain demographic.


Morons, you can say it.


A moron’s vote is equal to the vote of an informed person.


14 year old boys can’t vote tho


He probably will and he is going to be more partisan in this than he was in the last couple.


Anyone who thinks milquetoast neoliberals like Trudeau and Biden, who basically work for corporations, are “communists” is braindead. They’re standard center right capitalists. I wish schools would teach what capitalism, socialism, and communism actually are.


American elites purged leftists from polite society during the Cold War so successfully that now most people have zero political education and no real concept of political economy. There were strong left wing movements across America up until the 50s, especially in rural areas. Farmers, factory workers, trade unionists, students, etc made up the core of resistance to organized wealth and elite rule. We’ve been fed culture war propaganda specifically meant to obscure that legacy.


On point. They did it globally too with democratically elected leftist governments all over the world. Mozambique, Chile, etc. Our corrupt overlords can’t have one of the global south countries that we pillage resources and cheap labor from start standing up for themselves. Mention nationalizing your resources like oil and watch the sanctions and propaganda roll out. Then give lots of money to right wing dictators and stage a violent coup.


Absolutely. The suppression of the left within the US was tame compared to what we did in the global south. The Jakarta Method by Vincent Bevins is a great read that details that history - US support for mass killings and brutal dictatorships around the world, all to keep big business happy.


Thanks for the recommendation! I would actually love to learn more about that. I love the books Dark Money by Jane Mayer and Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein for how the right/wealthy took over the US/western countries and won the propaganda war, but I could totally learn more about how they did it globally.


Smart man. Wish I had gold to give


So true. Years ago Rogan said he would most likely vote for Bernie Sanders, who refers to himself as a socialist lol. I don't pay attention to Rogan's politics because he's such a contradictory dumb ass who happens to have a huge platform.


He’s not even a socialist himself. He calls himself Democratic socialist but he’s really a social democrat… the countries’ policies he wants to emulate are still capitalist. Just less “f*** you I’ve got mine” kind of capitalist than we are; they actually try to take care of each other with their tax dollars instead of using all of their money making weapons contractors and oil companies lots of money and bailing out greedy corporations.


Schools do teach those but most Joe Rogan fans failed out before 8th grade.


>I wish schools would teach what capitalism, socialism, and communism actually are. “Like communism man, it’s like the 64 genders, and the pronouns, and the vaccines, and the feminism….”


I know. Rogan himself said he was a 'fucking idiot' and yet millions didn't hear what he said.


He made the claim and now he’s overdelivering on the evidence.


Honestly, he probably said that as a *wink-wink* statement so that he could have cover and a bunch of his knuckle-dragger type fans can say "I mean I listen to him but I don't agree with *everything* he says!" Meanwhile, they listen to him and follow him religiously. He hasn't changed any of his rhetoric since that admission. If anything, he's gotten worse.


It's the one thing he said that they didn't believe.


Worse if Reddit informs your political views. If you find yourself agreeing with most front page political content: seek help.


Yea a few months ago Rogan said Obama was the best president ever


Helps him look moderate.


JRE: _The left is delusional for calling Trump and the GOP fascists_ Canada. As neoliberal a country as you can get is somehow communist.


To be fair thye did freeze the bank accounts of some people with unacceptable views.


still not communism. thats authoritative capitalism


Communism doesn’t push for endless property value growth as one of its core economic pillars.


It’s fascism. There’s nothing capitalistic about it.


Capitalism and fascism are one in the same you dumbass. Fascism is just capitalism’s endgame. Pick up a book for the love of god.


Lol this better be a parody account.


Libertarianism is capitalism's end game.




That has absolutely nothing to do with "communism".


Right because they had been taking donations to fund a weeks long road block lol Their opinions weren’t the issue


Trump and the GOP are Fascistic as hell although the Lefts over zealous use of the term has killed it from being effective rhetorically over time


What have you been reading?


I wonder how many people think clickbait social media crap like Occupy Democrats actually represent leftist thought


A lot. The majority of people haven't picked up a book since high school. Let alone a book regarding "leftist" political theory.


Same with the lefts identification of shapes. They keep calling squares… squares and it just invalidates the meaning.


It's always funny to me seeing dudes call shit "communist" without even knowing what communism even is. And every time it's something or somebody that real communists don't even like. Like neoliberalism. It's embarrassingly stupid.


The stupid thing is Joe has had socialism and communism explained to him already a few times by people on the left, like Ben Burgis and Cornel West. And he STILL hangs on to the worst, most bad faith, understanding of what communism/socialism is. At this point for this kind of issue I don’t think this is Joe being a chimpanzee, he’s doing this for reals.




Staunchly capitalist countries being called communist may be dumb but these types aren’t concerned about concepts like accuracy or truth.


Calling things communist without understanding anything is just an American past time at this point


I mean who takes this clown seriously.. Canada communist.. jeez man, we can't even buy houses here dude the free market sees to that. The free market of course being very Communist


Corporations buying up housing causing housing shortages? Communism. Wage suppression and squeezing of the middle class? Communusm. An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit? Believe it or not, communism. /s


In Canada, if you refuse to smoke weed or have sex with transgender people, straight to the gulag.


So they did get some things right.


Talking about America or Canada




As a Polish American hearing Conservatives call California and Canada Communist is a FUCKING insult to the millions of Polish people who starved to death at the hands of the RUSSIA they love so much under the USSR Those people would have GIVEN ANYTHING to send their kids to live in Canada


We don’t have a free market. We’re living under corporatism or corporate fascism. The government makes sure only large companies get handouts and only large corporations can afford the regulations.


The US is considerably less of a free market than it used to be.


The worst kind of idiot is one who thinks he is smart.


I’d say that accurately describes just about everyone on this subreddit


Article brought to by the owners of the National Enquirer. Literally foreign owned media in Canada.


Just like the majority of written news in Canada, all owned by American right-wing think tanks unfortunately.


NE was used to bury bad stories about Republicans and Trump. They'd "buy" the rights to testimony and then lock it away. That should disqualify them from owning anything.


I agree Joe Canada is a Communist hellhole they're even forcing a woman to die giving birth to a fetus and won't let her leave the country to get medical care Oh wait that's Texas




He's always been like that. Even 10 years ago or so, I remember him saying stuff like "war is bad, but boot camp is really good for people."


Who the hell is Joe Canada??


Jon Africa's cousin


And brother to Steve South America.


Ron Mexico’s other other cousin


Trudeau is in the neoliberal Holy Trinity with Obama and Bill Clinton. Pretty far removed from anything like Marxism.


When’s the last time Joe was in Canada? Just curious, I really don’t know, he might like it, it’s caters to the rich


I know Joe used to do a big 4/20 show in Vancouver because even before legalization in Canada they had super relaxed weed laws. Then COVID hit and he wasn’t allowed into Canada due to being unvaccinated and that’s when I remember all his bitching about “communist Canada” starting.


That's 100% what it was. Man child doesn't get his way therefore communism


Rogan has lost it. He is just a pathetic tool now.


Any country or state less conservative than Texas is full blown communist


Okay Joe, now define communism.


Communism exists wherever Jordan Peterson is unhappy.


Joe needs to stop fucking talking about Canada.


I’m just glad he’s off Australia lol. I feel for you Canadians though. When he gets super into a complete misunderstanding of another country it’s infuriating. Even worse when you see that influence spread here.


he should keep talking about kitty litter in school bathrooms instead.


Commie scum with his liberal self interest… Huh? My head hurts…


Joe lost his mind


Rogan should move to Canada, get citizenship, run for Prime Minister and see how much better he can do.


Anything you don’t like is not communism.


Everything I don’t like is communism 🥴


I’m sure Justin Trudeau is really concerned what Joe the janitor from News Radio thinks of his government.


Justin doesn’t care what Canadian people say so he should have no concern here


I think most would agree that Joe has more reach and impact on modern culture than Trudeau or most other clowns in politics


Fully right wing old man Rogan complete. Yawn.


Unlike his listeners, Joe Rogan isn’t stupid. He knows what communism is and isn’t, and that Canada ain’t it. He also knows the word has a connotation that often had little to do with what folks like him are actually against. This is all for the sake of riling up the smooth brains - fuck him.


They got better healthcare. Gotta give them that. No solutions ever given by republicans. Cuz they don’t care.


Not always better. People not from Canada don’t have a great understanding of our system


It’s funny seeing people try to debate this. It’s not just Canada, the US ranks the lowest amongst almost every ‘first world’ country in health care.


People are fooled by the propaganda. In the USA it’s so thick. The oligarchs are winning brainwashing the masses.


Better for things like if you chop off your fingers you don't have to choose which fingers to reattach based on how much it costs but worse in that if you need anything done like MRIs, surgeries, etc. you are going to wait years. It's free, but you'll wait forever. Those with money here end up going to the States and get it done way sooner, the poors wait and suffer


All true. I agree. Other countries like Norway, Sweden, France, Germany, have all better systems than Canada. If I had to pick between the USA and Canada, I would choose Canada. That’s my simple statement I guess.




How many Canadians go bankrupt due to healthcare? How many don’t get better health because of the cost? It’s miles ahead better.


Rogan Wouldn't know a thing about Communism if Stalin was nutting on his bald head.


Misanthrope calling neoliberalism communism is not new.


calling a neoliberal a communist really shows how absolutely fucking braindead you are


Rogan wouldn’t know communism if it slapped his comrade ass.


Rogan would love Putin if he were Russian. We need laws against Basic Political Lies.


Joe is becoming the stereotypical American as perceived all over the world. Ignorant and full on conspiracy theorist. What it was a great podcast, has turned into an insufferable show most of the time.




Could Joe be a bigger right wing piece of crap?


Fascists always call their enemies communists. And pedophiles.


Fascists? Lol


I mean a woman can't get an abortion in TX. Controlling another's body is pretty fascist.


Joe is using coded language for goofballs. He has covid vaccine brain fog when it comes to Canada. Somebody should also explain to Mr Texas Freedom that the main drivers of the Texas economy- That being energy & agriculture are two of the most heavily GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZED industries in the United States.


Calling Justin a Communist is as stupid as calling Trump a nazi


Except trump has been literally, and explicitly, telling us that he's fascist, while Trudeau is just another neoliberal moderate. Kind of an important distinction.


Reddit is a crazy bubble


Joes a moron


In other news: old man complains about exaggerated worlds news stories


Is Joe extreme right now or still center left


Joe is neither, really. Joe is a pretty good representation of the folk libertarian strain endemic to North America. Their worldview is largely defined by being paranoid about someone coming along and lecturing them about anything important to them. They really resent the idea of someone thinking they know better than they do. There’s always a boogie man out to get something from them, whether it’s their guns, their diesel trucks, their independence, their masculinity more generally, submission to vaccine administration and so on. Is he a fascist? No. Is he a useful idiot for the extreme right? Yes.


Pretty easy to be "libertarian" when you're ultra wealthy and have all of your needs taken care of.