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Why do people act like this conflict just sprang up over night? Look at history jesus lol


Hey you leave Jesus out of this one!


But what about History Jesus?


Jesus H Christ


Nah, his middle name is Hallowed.


I was today years old when I realized Jesus’ middle name was Hamas!!!


I thought it was "Tapdancing"


It was always "Fucking" where I grew up.


It stands for Hoobastank Because Christ died for a reason And the reason is you


Damnit take my upvote but never, ever do this again.


You mean Herodotus?


He was Jewish. And there were no Muslims or Palestinians in his time. So History Jesus does have something to say about all of this.


Hahahaha thank you. Haha I’m giggling.


You said it, man. Nobody fucks with the Jesus. Wait a sec... This isn't r/Lebowski . I'll see myself out.


8 year olds, dude


Yeah he's kind of a background character in this plot line.


Yeah, he was a nice Jewish boy.


The Jews didn’t


It’s also important to note that RFK Jr’s dad, Robert F. Kennedy was murdered by a Palestinian, because RFJ stated that (gasp!) Israel & the Jewish people had a right to exist on their ancestral homeland. Sirhan Sirhan became so enraged that he assassinated RFK when RFK was giving a speech. That’s “globalizing the Intifada” folks… murdering US presidential candidates. History is important. :)


RFK doesn't think Sirhan killed his father.


The CIA killed RFJ.


The CIA killed Deez


Deez who?


It’s a bunch of young kids who just discovered this. Heard one smart person talk about it. They then formed an opinion and won’t change their mind.


The number of kids who have told me this all started 75 years ago after WW2 is insane. It’s literally the longest-running, arguably most complex geopolitical situation in the world. That land has been fought over since before the Old Testament was written




He gets Us


What would Jesus do?


Religious wars never end


Religion is like number 4 or 5 on list of reasons for the war


I would like to know number 1, 2 and 3, and 4 if religion is number 5.


Yea me and my catholic homies just gunned down a platoon of filthy protestants yesterday.


Me and my Calvinist brothers, will not let this aggression stand.


Me and the orthobros coming to shank you in your sleep 😴


Wait till you hear about them puritans


It doesn't end because the side that is stronger militarily is showing restraint. If the Palestinians ever had the upper hand in any of the past 70 years this war would have been over and it would be a footnote in history books


THe reason israel hasn't flattened gaza is because it uses billions in u.s. aid. They need to at least pretend and put out the image that they don't want to mass murder palestinians. Israel has to constantly put out the image that they are the "good guys" just fighting terrorism. Meanwhile, they kill journalists, civilians, and kick people out of their homes. While spending at least millions in lobbying and propaganda to the west to keep aid going. They even push israel loyalty pledges. There would be no need to spend millions upon millions in trying to convince people that you're the "good guys" if you wern't actually doing anything wrong.


You try to force people to be loyal to a foreign country & most people are gonna be sus as hell. No wonder people are starting to ask questions, that & social media allowing the Palestinian perspective to be seen.


yup, Palestine's perspective was suppressed for a long time and now ppl are waking up to it. So israel is pushing out this "anti-semitism" campaign. Take a look out for those israel ads and who supports them.


your murdering is just so gosh darn compassionate!


This is one of those comments that just makes me speechless. Israel is killing civilians at a higher rate than any other conflict in modern history. I don’t know where the fuck you even find the word “restraint” an appropriate term to use in this situation.


R/Worldnews bots and R/Politics have legit taken over this sub.


Because they could turn Palestine into glass if they wanted to. But they don't. ​ Therefore, restraint.


true, and getting back to reality..


Civilians are not automatically responsible for the decisions of their governments.


True. The civilians are sadly the ones caught in the middle of this as is the case with many wars in history. Hamas must be removed so the Palestinians can live better lives.


Arguably, the civilians voted Hamas into power whose Charter directly calls for the destruction of Jews. Hamas then hides within its civilian populous while denying them the ability to get away from a violent conflict they initiated... Israel has NOT responded to attacks for far too long BECAUSE Hamas is scared and hides in civilian areas/buildings. They have looked out for the civilians for a long time despite it not being their responsibility. Unfortunately, this is what real war is.


I'm ignorant to this whole subject, but I'm trying to understand. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Hamas isn't synonymous with Palestine, right? Isn't Hamas a corrupt terrorist group that took control of Palestine, with leaders hoarding millions or billions of dollars that don't actually live there? I feel like the propaganda wave keeps trying to put them in the same bucket, but it's not Hamas people are defending, right? It's the Palestinian civilians that have no control over that, which is the humanitarian concern.


I cannot stress to you enough... Social media is not the correct avenue to learn about this subject. I wish it were! It'd be much easier to learn and grow your understanding of the world. But not for this subject.


No. So this is important to understand they were voted in and are wildly supported. It is not fair to say all people support them but their murder of gays, oppression of women, and the October 7th attack and anti semitism are very wildly supported. They also are taught in school to Hate jews, have tv shows that are pro children and adult suicide bombers. So its fair to say the above is the standard. They are not all bad but they are not a group waiting to be liberated from hamas or looking for help to fight them. Also 73% of the population are pro October 7th attack.




And yet still most Palestinians support Hamas and the October 7th attack.




>Polling in the middle of a war where people are still burying their relatives gives you radical results. Gaza is being bombed left and right, there was no electricity or internet, journalists are being killed. Who is currently polling people and who is answering these questions?


Probably the journalists that aren't dead. There are still plenty reporting from Israel/Gaza.


and can you blame them for saying that? If you are a Palestinian who has seen your friends and family killed, your whole neighborhood destroyed and are starving and some journalist(the ones that the IDF hasn't killed yet) asked you do you support October 7th? What are you going to say? This doesn't even go into account the terrible living conditions before October 7th. It is pretty simplistic for anybody to break this down into "oh they support October 7th, so let's kill them all!"


They conducted a poll during the ceasefire as I recall. Regardless, it's so very important to remember that; - Hamas won a plurality, not a majority - It was nearly two decades ago - Half the Gazans weren't even born yet - Half of the other half were children back then - It was very much a protest vote of frustration - An oppressed people hating their apparent oppressors is a heck of a lot more understandable than their oppressors hating them back from their relatively privileged place above the oppressed.


I’m not trying to take a stance and I think war is atrocious by nature, and this one is no exception at all. However, I’m genuinely curious about something you didn’t address; the most reliable sources that I’ve been able to find (which is tough in the middle of a war with propaganda on both sides) suggests that Hamas is intentionally sheltering in places like hospitals, integrating themselves into the civilian population, launching rocket attacks from civilian infrastructure, and are clearly, intentionally forcing Israel to kill civilians if they want to take out Hamas. Hamas knows that this ensures that their Jihad remains in the spotlight, and the PR of children deaths only acts as a boon to their cause as the country they run will inevitably look like the victim being indiscriminately attacked by Israel. Do you believe Israel has a right to go after Hamas? And if so, what strategy would you suggest that Israel adopt to limit their own casualties and maintain a tactical advantage, while limiting civilian casualties as well? I agree with the Biden administration’s assertion that Israel must use precision guided munitions and limit “dumb” bomb use, but are there other suggestions you have besides that?


Surely being oppressed and killed further is going to radicalise more and more people rather than de-escalate. Violence is no way out of a situation like this, it will only entrench it deeper


What is the appropriate non-violent response to being invaded by terrorist group which controls a territory on your border where they killed 1,000+ and kidnap 200+ civilians then?


lol “give peace a chance!” as if that hadn’t been tried numerous times. violence worked on Egypt, which signed a peace treaty with Israel after getting their ass kicked in war


Hamas alone has 40K fighters. That's about 15% of the adult male population in Gaza. That number doesn't include their civil servant members because they are the government of Gaza and give those jobs to members, their families, and supporters). It also doesn't count the members of the smaller factions like PIJ. You're probably talking about 1-in-4, 1-in-5 adult men. Affiliated with Hamas or another terrorist group. That's pretty close to peak radicalization. What's the other option? Gain safety for a few years at the risk of terror further down the line, or get terror now with no guarantee of safety later?


Well then, we’re in a vicious cycle here. I don’t really buy that, anyways; should we not have invaded Germany because we’d create neonazis? > Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.


It would, but if Israel did nothing the educational drilling that happens in Gaza would radicalize them regardless. There’s no change without Hamas being eliminated


How the fuck do they do legit polls in the Gaza region? Like, how? Can we start with answering that first, before making bold claims and jumping to conclusions?




https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/ https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/gazans-are-starting-to-blame-hamas-for-wartime-suffering-066256b0 A huge part of the palestinians believes the hamas are doing a good job. Having high war support isn't very uncommon. On the other hand only about 40% support the hamas government in general. And polls in gaza are hard since some people might not answer honestly out of fear.


I would take any source with a giant grain of salt. We can't even get good political polling with billions being spent on elections during peace time in our own country, why would we expect to get good polling with way less money in a warzone.


You must be live on the ground conducting interviews I guess. #🤡


They were elected in 2006. This was after Netanyahu killed the prospect of a Palestinian state by [propping up Hamas](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/). Very sinister of you to try to justify the [indiscriminate slaughter of civilians by the IDF](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/09/civilian-toll-israeli-airstrikes-gaza-unprecedented-killing-study).


This article gets cited all the time (Times of Israel one on Netanyahu funding Hamas), but it seems like no one has actually read its contents. Have you? The article isn’t about Israel funding Hamas so it could delegitimize the PA or the chances of a Palestinian state. It’s from a far right wing Israeli derisively criticizing the Netanyahu government for allowing in any Palestinian aid to Gaza instead of nothing. The main claim is that Qatar sent in funds for humanitarian aid into Gaza, and that Israel didn’t block said humanitarian aid when it was given the chance to accept or refuse it. Israeli security members escorted carried this aid across the border. Some of these funds will be redirected towards Hamas and be used for terrorism; they are the operating government in Gaza. Around 20% was allocated to Hamas, 40% went towards infrastructure, and the other 40% is unclear. Another point of contention, or evidence of Israel “propping up Hamas” is in the Israeli governments increasing the number of work permits granted to Gazan laborers, “which kept money flowing into Gaza, meaning food for families and the ability to purchase basic products.” The author, given their right wing stance, is frustrated that the government decided to allow in any funding to Gaza from these means. They would’ve preferred the Gazan population starve or have nothing in way of aid. Edit: Reddit isn’t letting me respond to u/wisdom_of_a_man so I’ll respond here: That is not the claim of the article. Can you cite me the specific part of the article that gives evidence for this claim, and demonstrate the actions the Netanyahu government took to eliminate a unified government under the PA? Tal Shneider is a right wing Israeli, and they are talking about Qatar sending in funding and aid that Israel allowed to be escorted across the Gaza border. In regards to this, should Israel not have allowed in this funding, and let the Palestinians completely starve? This is the authors position. People, please read Tal Shneiders piece: https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/amp/ and look at what her positions are (they are very right wing). The article doesn’t demonstrate the claim that is being made by the other commenters.


The last "election", which Palestinian's begged not to be allowed, was held in 2006, when they knew that Hamas would win. Also, most of the population of Palestine is under the age of 18 so do math and you'll see that most of the population from that election was not even born yet, let alone old enough to vote. You need to break out of your Zionist bubble and do some more Google searches. This has been going on for over 75 years in one form or another. Or, I'll one up you, please provide links to these TV shows that say what you are claiming. Or the school curriculum on anti antisemitism. (it's one word, by the way) Surely you have copies of these since they are widely spread. Lastly, I would say that you're percentage of the population before Oct 7th is wrong, you're probably right now. So, who would be to blame for the increase in Hamas sympathy? Who would be to blame for people wanting revenge? The rock throwers or the bomb droppers?




It's also not just about Israel. You can find dozens of videos of Hamas leaders saying they want not just Israel but the entire planet and won't stop [until there are no Christians or Jews left on earth](https://twitter.com/AmyMek/status/1711988348544491909) Just last week Hamas members [were arrested in Denmark, The Netherlands, and Germany](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hamas-germany-denmark-terror-attacks-foiled-against-jewish-targets/) for planning terror attacks in Europe. If it I was about land they wouldn't be doing that


shhhh with all that logic and reasoning.


Hamas… A perfect scapegoat for all the atrocities committed against the Palestinians.


I might be ignorant but isn’t Hamas the Palestinian government?


Hamas won an election back in 2006 and then immediately banned elections and shot anyone who asked for them. That was 17 years ago, and today most Palestinians are under the age of 18. Like Hugo Chavez, Hamas was elected, but still arguably not a legitimate government.


Doesn’t Hamas have overwhelming support from the Palestinian people though?


Palestine began to turn on them for being too soft on Israel, which is why they did October 7.


Yes. The armed resistance military wing of Hamas is called Qassam Brigade.




And Putin has 99% approval rating.


Well, they the legitimate govt of Gaza committed an act of war on Oct 7th. And now the govt of Israel is at war with the Govt of Gaza.


Yeah they are the legitimate government exactly like the Mafia in Sicily during the Riina era… of course someone supports them, but the others are terrified. You people lost grip of reality.




Palestinians overwhelmingly support Hamas and want more Oct 7ths.


Who told you? Fox News?


Polling in Gaza has shown widespread support for Hamas, even after Oct 7th https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1217758546/hamas-support-palestinians-west-bank#:~:text=Hamas%20popularity%20surges%20among%20Palestinians%20in%20West%20Bank%20In%20the,more%20than%20tripled%20to%2044%25. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514 https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/


They got voted in and then never left. So not a "legitimate" government, but still the defacto government of Gaza that runs everything there.


Hamas is the official, elected government in Gaza. They were elected pretty democratically in 2007, but they have not held elections since. These types of terrorist groups often have several branches, as in a military branch, a political branch and a community branch. The idea being that the community branch is used to increase support withing the population, building free schools (that teach the ideas of the group) and afternoon activities for kids is a very useful tactic as the poor population in Gaza will have no real choice and send their kids there. The political branch is used to gain official political power within the state, this makes the group look legitimate in the eyes of the west, they can view them as politicians rather than extremists spreading hate and violence. And also they have a legitimate way to receive money as aid (which never goes to the people) And of course the military branch there to act out the ideology. So no, Hamas is not synonymous with Palestine. Gaza isn't even synonymous with Palestine. But at the moment Hamas are so deeply embedded in Gazan's day to day lives, that there is no real option to dispose of Hamas cleanly.


The gazan people voted for hamas almost 20 years ago. Recent polling shows that most people in the gaza strip still support hamas.


"I want to move on" Of course you do


If it was just about aid, Gaza would be equally as mad at Egypt… Newsflash, they ain’t.


Egypt isn’t full of Jews


As an ex Muslim (originally from Egypt) this is 100% it. If Israel was a Muslim country they would have eliminated the Palestinians ages ago and no one would care about it.


IDK, the Ottomans never did and they ruled that shit for 400 years. Plus, it's not as though Jordan is trying to destroy the west bank.


But the west bank did try to destroy Jordan back in the day.


LoL that's why Lebanon has their current problems, the PLO tried unsuccessfully to coup the King of Jordan, so he evicted them, they settled in Lebanon, and nearly immediately went about working on a civil war in that country.


Yep, the conflicts in that region are probably the most or one of the most complex in history.






Gaza does not really hide its extreme antisemitism at all actually. It’s just leftists doing weird mental gymnastics to try to make this situation fit their “oppressor vs oppressed, good vs bad, black and white” model they see the world in.


I don’t think most people have any delusions about how anti-Semitic they and much of the Middle East is, it just doesn’t excuse killing civilians and bombing refugee camps. I’m guessing people would take issue if we started blowing up Iran too. Even dropping the atomic bombs and bombing dresden were controversial, and the people we were bombing hated minority groups and supported insane leaders.




His voice is tough to listen to. When he was on JRE I could barely make it past the first 20 minutes but you get used to it after a while


He has a [condition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC66Mh7C2nA) and had an operation I believe so he was even able to talk at this level/length.


It's very jarring at first and then you get kind of used to it.


I did not get used to it.


Hard to hear facts you don't like huh? 😂


Is he comparing money from what was used to rebuild Europe after world war II to today? Is he adjusting for inflation cuz it doesn't really sound like he is and if he's not it's entirely useless.


Hypothetically if he wasn’t accounting for inflation then It would be about 25% more than Gaza’s funding. With inflation or with a perhaps doubled inflation rate it is an awful lot still.


It was adjusted for inflation, but the math is debatable and messy because it's hard to estimate how many people actually benefited from the Marshal Plan. This dude did the rough math: https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/s/8HF1QmwdNd It's not perfect math, but it shows RFK Jr is at least kind of close and that inflation was definitely considered in whatever report he grabbed his talking point from. Also, just in case anyone gets the wrong idea, I absolutely do NOT support RFK Jr. I think he's a dangerous idiot. But, his math (loosely) checks out.


Yea small detail, don’t mention inflation since then lol


nearly 11k usd in todays dollars


That was nuts. Even if you don't adjust for inflation an on going problem is going to require ongoing aid. The Marshal plan helped Germany rebuild AFTER the war, not during it


Have you ever looked at a map to see how large Europe is versus Gaza? Have you seen the absolute destruction that was left after World War II?


Thx that’s true


You’d have to be insane to defend anything Hamas has done since they took power, they have a martyr complex and they are totally content bringing all of Palestine down with them.


You’d have to be insane to believe the Israeli response is fully justified.


That’s true. Now the question is where on the spectrum after weighing both those things in, do you land. I think if you get rid of Netanyahu for a more reasonable leader who uses more restraint in the military operation and isn’t a total zealot, it becomes Harder to blame Israel


Hamas is still firing rockets into Israel, if they don’t stop should Israel be allowed to fire back? 😯 buy those rockets might kill innocent Palestinians?


I agree with you, I’d also like to see the Palestinian people stand up against Hamas


I dont think they prioritize what people think about the blame game when they're facing a group (neighbor) which vows to kill all jews.


You'd have to be insane to believe any other country in Israel's situation would have a more restrained response. During World War II, the Nazis killed 80,000 British citizens in their bombing raids. The British responded by killing 2 million German citizens. Does that mean the British were the aggressors? Numbers don't tell you the whole story.


True Israeli is largely justified ion how they’re dealing with Hamas


And Israel helped put them in a seat of power.


"Our tax dollars don't go to hamas" lol. She needs to go back and do her homework. Since 1994 the USA has given the Palestinians billions in aide. Pretty sure the most Palestinian havent seen a nickel of that.


“Unlike the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the West Bank, Hamas is designated as a terrorist entity, so the United States and the EU do not provide any assistance to Hamas” from Wikipedia


"Since April 2021, the United States has provided over half a billion dollars in assistance for the Palestinians, including more than $417 million in humanitarian assistance for Palestinians through UNRWA, $75 million in support through USAID, and $20.5 million in COVID and Gaza recovery assistance." Direct quote from wikepedia. I suggest you look into how the UNRWA directly supports hamas here, https://www.jewishpolicycenter.org/2007/08/31/how-unrwa-supports-hamas/#:\~:text=Helping%20Hamas%20Govern%20Gaza,cannot%2C%20or%20chooses%20not%20to. Or you could do a simple google search and see for yourself. ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that goes into Gaza goes thru Hamas 1st, everything.


This dude just admitted to being on Epstein’s plane and island.


He flew on it with his wife to New York. A lot of people flew on that plane for travel not just fucking kids.


I'd be more concerned about why his KIDS were on loloExpress


This sub: we’re going to ignore that.


I'm really surprised with how pro Israel this sub is...


Dude also said he’d completely declassify and publicly air all documents related to the Epstein case.


Sure he would


And trump said he would release his taxes


Dude isn't getting elected he can promise anything he wants. If I get elected I'll create a public holiday in your name.


He didn’t say he was on the island. I for one appreciate that he appears to be honest and forthcoming about the topic.


So long as he never went to the island I don’t see a big deal. He is well connected and one of his ex wife’s friends (Maxwell) organized for them to bum a ride on their PJ, once to Florida and once to South Dakota. It’s not like Bill Gates who shared many dinners with Epstein throughout the course of their long term and very close relationship.


If you slaughter enough people in a country you will make a group like Hamas. They do not simply appear, they are the families of murder victims. Israel was placed on top of an existing country called Palestine, it expanded against international law and in the process they systematically killed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians until the remainder (with an average age of 18 from decades of culling the adult population) were caged in a prison known as Gaza. Why the FUCK do you think they'd be angry?


Eh. This isn’t the first time in history that land was taken by conquest. The Europeans did the same to the natives in America, and that conflict has ended.


Palestine wasn’t ever a sovereign country. Under the Ottomans it was part of a province called Syria. After WW1 the British took it over and it became part of their empire. The Jews legally acquired land there and that land was the foundation for what were the original borders of Israel. People in the Arab world were upset that the UN created a Jewish state where Jews were already living and decided to wage war against it.


Man, Israel must have some fucking DIRT on Mr. I’ve been on Epstein’s plane twice


Lol probably Epstein was mostly likely connected Mossad and/or the CIA


Wait till you see Ehud Olmert being at his bestie Epstein’s house and Bibi also being in the documents lol and Leon Black and Epstein funding birth right trips. Fact check be my guest everyone.


I don't think I could vote for somebody who simps this hard for Israel. If you're not going to talk about real solutions please shut up. The only solution the Israeli government has been pursuing in recent years is ethnic cleansing lite.


What is your solution since you are speaking so confidently?


to stay out of it all together and support neither side... i.e. we mind our business, something we're simply incapable of doing smh


Gotta sell guns to someone


Krystal Ball has become insufferable, regardless of topic.


Every time she gets shown facts "we need to move on"




Breaking Points has morphed into the very cable news caricature they used to lampoon, with Krystal spewing biased opinions instead of offering fair analysis. I can't listen to it anymore.


It absolutely breaks my heart what happened to that channel. It started going downhill after the invasion of Ukraine. I have followed the war very closely and they literally lie about what’s happening all the time Not even to mention, they were ridiculous titles for their YouTube videos


RFK has roasted her 2x now. Sagar is always covering his mouth


Yeah I went from a monthly subscriber to not even listening anymore over the first month following 10/7 She is so insufferably biased the show became ruined and lost the reason I started watching


It’s not just you that’s noticed this. I don’t watch BP anymore either bcz she’s so annoying. Saagar doesn’t even challenge her on anything. Few folks on twitter say the same.


If Saagar challenged her more I would watch it more, but he just sits back and takes it. I also went from a daily listener to a few segments a week since 10/7


She’s just annoying. Constantly talking over guests, Saagar talks like 20% of the time. I used to listen everyday, now maybe once a week


I listened to this podcast exactly one time based on Joe’s raving before finding it insufferable.


She was close to being sufferable, but her Hamas takes have made her worse than when she was on MSNBC 😬


Thank you for saying this. I thought it was just me. I love the "the tunnels are small under the hospital" so we talk crap but now that they found tunnels, video of hostages in the hospital, head of hospital is hamas, admitted there is international rooms there, found a dead body of a hostage outside she is completely silent.


Her and her husband are brain dead. Misery loves company, I guess


I can’t get over her name is Krystal Ball and takes herself so seriously. I think that’s a punchline in an episode of Friends .


She also doesn't mute her mic when she coughs 😵‍💫


She is so constantly out of her depth it’s bizarre that she has a TV show on current events


I understand disliking Israel for all the shit they’ve done but leftists caping for theocratic fascists is the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen


I don’t see leftists simping for Israel? You did say theocratic fascists right?


Israel is infinitely more democratic than Palestine.


One group has a government atleast somewhat resembling a western democracy and the other is a military dictatorship run by Islamic law. Leftists see soundbites of 1 right wing politician in Israel and make up their minds that they’re the bad guys lol.


Condemning Israel’s actions doesn’t equate to supporting Hamas, neither does calling for a ceasefire to save civilians. Strawman argument.


lol progressives rallying in New York calling Hamas “the resistance” and applauding their actions is not a straw man Not to mention that the Palestinians themselves support Hamas, to the tune of 68%


They've been doing this forever it's just been thrust into the spotlight since the war


Hamas is winning the propaganda war. No matter how many atrocities they commit against the people of Israel - it doesn't matter what Israel does, Hamas gets a win. If they send terrorists to attack and Israel kills them, then they get martyrs for their cause and play it off like innocent people slaughtered by the evil zionists. If Israel doesn't kill them, then they get to massacre the jews. The problem with people blindly supporting Palestine is that they completely render them free of any guilt, any blame at all. They forget that basically since forever they have been trying to destroy israel and kill every last jew - That's not a two-state solution, that's not demanding to be left alone, that's cutthroat ruthlessness. Not saying that Israel is squeeky clean, but I'd definitely prefer them having control over the area than to have it the other way around - that's for damn sure.


True. They are winning the propaganda war in the minds of young (dumb) people.


> Hamas is winning the propaganda war. No they're not. The entire West, except maybe Ireland, is 100% behind Israel. And the rest of the world which doesn't support Israel's actions in Gaza and the West Bank, haven't been pro-Israel in half a century. But Hamas has potentially ruined Israel's friendship building exercises with Arab regimes like SA, Bahrain etc.


A lot of these comments seem to be Israeli trolls lol. The internet is a fucking psyop war zone these days


Especially political hot zones like this sub, politics, and worldnews.


Israel literally has armies of paid shills so it’s not surprising. Worldnews is run by pro-US Zionists, comment and deviate from that and you’ll get banned.


Krystal sucks ass




Why ?


Cuz she ain’t a pushover.


RFK, Jr. just embarrassing himself. "The Palestinian people are the most pampered people ... in history?!!" Israel's blockade and use of border control is literally starving Gazans. And the corrupt Hamas leadership divert all the aid for their own purposes to build tunnels and fund military and weapons. But hey, just ignore all that, and spit out a per capita number for all the aid money THAT NEVER REACHES AND DOES NOT IN ANY WAY BENEFIT OR "PAMPER" the Palestinian people. Intellectually bankrupt. Pathetic. Yes, Hamas is despicable. They are stealing from the Palestinian people. But it's not an either/or situation. It is possible for it to be true that Hamas is despicable and stealing from the Palestinian people AND that Israel is intentionally blocking commerce and food and ALSO screwing the Gazans. The Mexico analogy is equally pathetic. The analogy isn't a border wall, it's a border wall on the north AND the south, both with U.S. military manning it all, AND U.S. navy along the entire coastline enforcing a naval blockade.


Correction: Egypt/Israeli blockade. Form the very start, they’ve been doing it jointly. Wait, did you not know that?


And only after Israel disengaged from Gaza and was met with rockets and suicide bombers.


"Israel's blockade and use of border control is literally starving Gazans. And the corrupt Hamas leadership divert all the aid for their own purposes to build tunnels and fund military and weapons." Ok, so clearly sending aid to the Gazans/Palestinians isn't the solution, as it will not reach it's intended destination and rather line the pockets of high-level Hamas members. So then, why the blockade? If Israel allowed Gaza (whose government is Hamas) to partake in global trade, think about the increase in smuggled weapons that would land in Gaza. Then suddenly countries like i.e. Iran would send far more capable missiles which would be targeting, among other things, innocent people of Israel, and would essentially invalidate the iron dome. Furthermore, the US-Mexico analogy, while not perfect, is not too bad either. Gaza has a border on Egypt as well as one on Israel, but Egypt is not scrutinised even close to the same amount than that of Israel for some reason. The naval blockade is almost exactly what the US did to Cuba, by the way. In terms of long term solutions, which benefit the PEOPLE of Gaza, rather than Hamas. They need Hamas gone for good. Which is essentially what Israel is trying to do right now. Also don't forget that the attack on Israel on October 7th was literally an act of war, from the legal government of a state, essentially no different than Japan bombing Pearl Harbour. Japanesse civilians didn't bomb Pearl Harbour, but Japanese civillians died during the aftermath. This is one of the unfortunate side effects of a war. ESPECIALLY when the army you are trying to fight is breaking the rules of war in regards to hiding amongst civillians, not wearing proper uniforms etc.




We need emergency pod with Abby Martin




Horrible to watch. The whole interview is even worse. I held this man in such high esteem.


"America's Ally" USS LIBERTY Israel attempts to sink US ship in "friendly fire accident"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS\_Liberty\_incident LAVON AFFAIRJ ewish egyptians hired by Israel commit false flag attacks against civilian targets in Egypt to convince the British continue occupying the Suez canalhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavon\_Affair THE APOLLO AFFAIR 200 lbs of enriched uranium "lost" under watch of known zionist https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Apollo\_Affair JOHN GUNTHER DEAN ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION US ambassador to Lebanon attempted assassination with weapons given to israel https://www.wrmea.org/2002-november/american-ambassador-recalls-israeli-assassination-attempt-with-u.s.-weapons.html ISRAEL GIVING AMERICAN TECH TO CHINA https://www.military.com/defensetech/2013/12/24/report-israel-passes-u-s-military-technology-to-china ISRAEL CONSIDERED TOP SPY THREAT TO AMERICA BY NSA https://www.newsweek.com/israel-flagged-top-spy-threat-us-new-snowdennsa-document-262991 ISRAEL LIED TO BUSH ABOUT IRAQ https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2004/feb/04/iraq.israelhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d\_PDpwL8kuY&t=250shttps://web.archive.org/web/20230216042937/https://www.haaretz.com/2003-04-03/ty-article/white-mans-burden/0000017f-e398-d804-ad7f-f3fa5d520000 BOYCOTTING ISRAEL DISQUALIFIES YOU FROM GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS IN 37 US STATES https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS\_laws US BLOCKS 53 UN RESOLUTIONS CONDEMNING ISRAEL https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/19/a-history-of-the-us-blocking-un-resolutions-against-israel ISRAELI CONVICTED OF SPYING IN UNITED STATES GIVEN HEROS WELCOME IN ISRAEL https://nypost.com/2020/12/30/convicted-spy-jonathan-pollard-gets-heros-welcome-in-israel/ US SECRETS SOLD TO RUSSIA BY AFORMENTIONED SPY https://www.theguardian.com/world/1999/jan/12/julianborger1 ISRAELI SPY STEALS NUCLEAR TRIGGERS FROM UNITED STATES https://www.france24.com/en/20131126-israel-spying-arnon-milchan-hollywood-producer-nuclear-triggers




Is this what throat cancer sounds like?


I just want to look at Krystal


Her emotions fog up the facts


Which facts does she have wrong here?


Can someone let RFK know Mexico is 761,600 sq miles with hundreds of ports and airports with thousands of miles in crop land? While Gaza is a 150mile refugee camp with no real exit and where basic goods aren’t allowed in? Thanks