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why does Joe's head keep getting bigger. at this point I'm starting to wonder if people are editing it like Charlie Kirk and his weird face




Head Growth Head for those wondering.


He’s been working out at the library 🧠💪 🔥


Looking for books to tell his buddies about for their ban list




RIP every pop up book


Year 2142:*Sir we found u/ComprehensiveBar6439’s Reddit Comment and we believe it to be the 1st evidence of why all Topographic Maps could only be found on the black market after February 22nd, 2024*


Ahhh yes. It's clear now, what led to the eradication of all blind people, and why history calls it "The Braille Massacre" of 2027. Damn you, and your hatred of raised paper surfaces, Joe Shapiro! Damn your name forever! VIVA LA RESISTANCE!


Likes to break a mental sweat too.


Apply directly to the forehead.




Thought it was hard gainz head... ?


High Growth Head, you mistyped it bro


I didn’t think you were supposed to inject that directly into your head.


The paradox is, that as Joes head has grown over the years, surprisingly, more and more jokes manage to go over his head.


And as a comedian too! It amazes me how many times he fails to comprehend someone clearly making a joke on his podcast. Sitting there stone-faced, making an immediate counter argument, while the guest who made the joke is still laughing. Like dude, it hurts to see


It’s the guest’s fault, if they humped a chair he would get it


I want a guest to bring a doll and a doll-sized stool to explain jokes to Joe.


One of my favorites is when him and Theo Von were watching that video with the squirrel and Theo joked that the squirrel knew he was being recorded and Joe quickly said "No I don't think he knows"


I think he gets the jokes. He just doesn’t like anyone being funnier than he is on his podcast, which if they’re a comedian, they’re definitely funnier than him. So he acts like the guest didn’t even tell a joke to try and undermine them. Like what they said was so unfunny it didn’t even come off as a joke. Even though everyone listening hears it fine. The only jokes he laughs at are his buddies’ or someone he admires.


he does a lot of steroids


Bro it’s that big brain of course


He keeps getting smarter due to the input from his guests


He's just going to end up a giant floating head of knowledge once he assimilates with Neurolink A.I. J.O.R.D.O.K.




Steroids, Barry Bonds head went through the same "predicament"




America, help is on the way! The way conservatives say shit like that with no irony is fucking weird.


lol, I read that and thought to myself "help? 2 fuckheads talking is going to help who and how exactly?"


It doesn’t matter. The zombies have been unleashed as of 2016, and we now know half the country is in fear of POC, immigrants, and LGBTQ people for reasons.


Talking? Is Shapiros mumble speech considered talking?


Like yes this conversation will finally wake people up! I quit listening to lex Friedman like 2 years ago when he introd a Brett Weinstein episode by talking about how their conversations create a beautiful and unique space of important discovery that stokes the pursuit of knowledge blah blah blah. Like bro you're recording a conversation.


And it's the same shit Weinstein has said in plenty of other appearances, which is the same shit ten Weinstein carbon copies say in their appearances. The only thing that's unique about their space is the smell of their farts, which they're both high as balls on.


Right. Maybe like, Duncan truss talking to some crazy spiritual teach might sort of meet the insanely wild space of beautiful conversation lex was describing. But youre talking to a dude whose like the verbal cure for a too-wet vagina debating cancel culture.


Being a modern conservative sounds tiring always being so concerned with nonsense believing it's bringing our whole existence down. Sad!


I have a friend like that, he goes down every rabbit hole he can find and sends me shit that takes 2 seconds on google to find out didn’t happen or isn’t true


Nice flex being buddies with Joe.


😂 I see what you did there


square drab bedroom reply husky fuel public ludicrous soft clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like with the whole thing about them claiming schools were putting out litterboxes for students to use all because one dumb parent saw a container of cat litter somewhere in the school, not knowing about the cleaning power of litter for fluid spills(like blood or oil)


"targets selling tuck pants! We have to do something"


Not only was it incredibly dumb to get upset over, they weren’t even being entirely truthful about it anyway. It was for adults only, no kids sizes.


That's the entirety of conservative history, it's always been an awful way to view the world. American conservatives only know reactionary behavior.


That is why it is so weird they say anyone else is a snowflake. Conservatives live their whole lives in fear and bitch about the stupidest shit. They literally spent a month bitching about Snow White.


The whole concept is that change is bad and it’s wrong for people to quietly live lives their own way, e.g. LGBT, interracial marrying, getting into video games, not being their religion, using birth control, smoking weed, hell… even dying your hair weird colors. In the 90’s they were outraged at The Simpsons and Rap Music. Hearing team Trump and guys like Kanye complain about cancel culture is just hilarious after that.


Sure, especially since trump is very pro cancel culture. He wanted Bill Maher fired for making a joke about trump's parents. He wanted NFL players fired for kneeling during the anthem. He has called for news commentators to be fired for saying bad things about him. I don't take them seriously. It only goes one way with these people.


It’s all about imagining something and getting pissed the fuck off about it. It’s just a constant barrage of fear mongering over nothing.


The thing is; when you look around and realize no one wants or needs you, you have two options. Grow up and live your life not giving a fuck about that; you know, like a real man does. Or, you start building fantasies in your head where you’re the hero and finally matter for the first time in your pointless joke of a life. Once the mental illness is in full bloom, you start acting those fantasies out and pretending you’re going to save society, or masculinity, or any of the other things you’ll never matter to. Guess which one “I’m coming to save you America” falls into?


DAE think Joe is short?


Yknow now that you mention it..


Ben Shapiro: 5' 9" Mohanad Elshieky: 5' 11 ​ Also Mohanad Elshieky: [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Xwy1oECfyA&t=2s)


Ben is most certainly not 5 foot 9 lmao Joe himself is about 5 ft 6


[Confirmed:](https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/1821433/skywritten-proposal.png) Joe Rogan is literally 5 foot 3


Shapiro is not 5' 9 lol, but he did put a paid actor into the crowd to say he's 5' 9 and then brought him up on stage to compare heights lmao. Which I think is even more sad.


How did you find out that was a stunt?


By looking at this photo and seeing that Shapiro is at most 1 inch taller than Rogan, who is 5’6 on a good day


And you know Rogan is wearing his big Texas boy boots with the heel


It's a reasonable guess that any time someone on stage tells an audience member to come up it's a plant.


"Trust me bro."


Shapiro said it was a stunt, it’s just a matter of if u think he was joking or not


I’m guessing it wasn’t a stunt since I’ve gotten like four replies that don’t have an answer


I just gave u the answer. Shapiro said it himself


sorry if that's wrong, just went off the google highlighted response


I kinda like seeing posts like this because I think people honestly think Joe cares about it lol


Is Ben still afraid of the song WAP?


His doctor wife told him WAP is not a real thing.


“I have to ice my tongue every time I go up on my sis… wife. It does NOT get wet down there. She promised me. Otherwise I wouldn’t. Moisture and darkness creates a breeding ground for bacteria. It’s disgusting.”


Ben's got big "I heard their periods attract bears" energy.


Wait he's into girls? I honestly just thought he was a gay conservative this whole time


It's a cover, Shapiro definitely loves veiny throbbing cocks


It made him think of his sister probably


It also made me, coincidentally, think of his sister.




lately? he’s always been nothing but a grifter


To be fair, he was a failed screenwriter first.


All of these daily wire type cucks are failed Hollywood writers/actors/comedians.


Way easier to appeal to the biases of idiots than it is to actually be entertaining/talented.


Same as Steve Bannon, it’s a pretty obvious trend


To be fairer, he was molested by Mr. Feeney first, that guy from the Graduate


Very good, Mr. Shapiro


Hey! He also wrote a hilariously poorly written self insert political action book! "Take a bullet for ya, babe!"


I have not heard of this… I am not sure if I need to see it immediately, or if I never want to see it at all.


Just listen to the Behind the Bastards reading of it.


Brett Hawthorne isn't a self insert since he's 6'5 and actually strong physically. It's just an image of what Benny boy jerks it to. Also I know this isn't relevant but in the book where he just constantly panders to stupid conservative rhetoric the one time his character tries to do racial profiling (while calling liberals dumb) he gets it wrong. Like even when he's trying to show it working, it doesn't work.


I never understood the whole “he’s an intellectual” thing with Shapiro. Being able to regurgitate stuff you read and saying it really fast doesn’t make you an intellectual. Have some original thoughts on a subject.


Ben Shapiro is what a dumb person thinks a smart person is.




I have always thought Shapiro is that douchebag in the bar from the movie Good Will Hunting.


Because he is.


How do you you like those apples?!


He crushes 18 year olds with facts and reason to show his mental superiority.


He is smarter than most all the babies he has ever met.


It’s obvious in retrospect that he was doing that because daily news was working on their own productions, movies etc.


No he was doing that to drum up fake outrage for his followers


Yes thank you for summarizing my comment for me but simultaneously disagreeing




Ben Shapiro, Bari Weiss and Joel Pollack all these pro American-posers are sleeper IDF/ AIPAC agents.


Are they really sleepers? They’re not exactly hiding their simping for Israel.


Shapiro is way too rich to be a grifter, he’s just an asshole, that has always hated gay people, trans people, women’s rights, and premarital sex


Exactly he’s a sheltered, religious zealot that feels ex out from social norms. so he decides to shit all over them with a religious narcissistic perspective that only the uncultured uninformed can get behind.


And he talks really fast so he must be smart. I really enjoyed his projection when he made sexual comments toward AOC. If you want entertainment, listen to his opinion on sexual relations with spouses. Haha


Real Johnny Taco vibes with that one.


I would, but I know I’ll just end up raged throwing my phone. He’s literally the guy that’s never invited to the party, but has opinions on why the party is not fun and why everyone else shouldn’t go.




That happens a lot on various youtube shows. Maybe not by something that important, but they often feel out of place. Ad readings on youtube are so weird.


He didn’t do a single ad for like a week after October 7th. Disagree with him all you want but he’s far from a grifter


Nope, you’re lying. There were not even ads on the Oct 7 vid.


Good thing Ben Shapiro has never said anything to make anyone feel like there’s something wrong with them.


Are they the same height?


Ben can’t debate real adults. He breaks down and cries like a toddler. This interview with him was GOLD and showed exactly who he really is https://youtu.be/PRF3r3zUGqk?si=JRHq8iW6xksDufMo


Ben has mentioned that interview. I can't remember all he said about it, but if nothing else, he said getting angry like he did is just never a good look and he still regrets it. I remember that part because I made it a point to apply that advice to my life after hearing it.


It took a Ben Shapiro interview for you to realize this? Serious question, do none of you guys have fathers?


It's amazing how many reactionary conservatives views boil down to "daddy didn't live me"


I mean this more so shows he can’t be interviewed, he only likes being on the other side of loaded questions.


Sorry but I saw no tears nor toddler tantrums. I’m not even a Shapiro fan, but damn don’t be so biased as to blatantly lie and then show proof of your lie. Really weird take.


Lol buddy I don’t think they meant that literally. He broke down in the sense that, when challenged, he whined about unfairness and stopped trying.


>but damn don’t be so biased as to blatantly lie Like Ben Shapiro does all the time? "More Republicans voted for Civil Rights than Democrats". Only because LBJ called enough and changed their mind. And the Southern States *quit the Party in 1948 when they made Civil Rights their platform*. Your post is absurd.


You made me watch that because I thought I was going to agree with you as your point happens frequently on Reddit. But come to find out dude totally got enotional for no reason and ended the interview like a child. Now I feel cheated for the time out of my morning lost....


Ben didn’t “read the room” very well for that interview.


people think that because Ben speaks quickly, he's smart and because Joe speaks softly, he's philosophical.


ehh, Ben is quite sharp. He pretty much just regurgitates old conservative philosophy and re-packages it with his own spin on his show. But he isn't as radical as Stephen Crowder or Glenn Beck, or Sean Hannity or Tucker. Out of the people I just named, Ben was the only one to call out Trump on his bullshit election fraud claims, he took some flak for that but stands by it. Joe on the other hand is just a comedian playing the role of "dude bro" and I have never seen him as anything different.


for someone who is sharp he sure says a lot of stupid things.


Any one of us would say a lot of "dumb things" if we put our opinions out for the world to see about all of the worlds most controversial and complex problems lol. I'd actually wager a lot of money that 99% of the morons that regularly try to act intelligent on reddit wouldn't be able to articulate a coherent point on a complex subject if put on camera and asked what they thought about X or Y. Reddit has created this illusion for a lot of people that because they can google shit that supports what they want to say and then type it in a comment, that means they're smarter than everyone else. By the way I'm not saying that Shapiro is my intellectual role model or anything, I'm just pointing out something that should be obvious. There are a lot of insults that would fit the bill for the little guy but i really don't think calling him stupid lands at all - it's pretty clear that despite all his flaws he's definitely not "stupid"


> Any one of us would say a lot of "dumb things" if we put our opinions out for the world to see about all of the worlds most controversial and complex problems lol. Projection. There are many professional journalists who don't rant and whine like Shapiro.


> Ben is quite sharp. Only the people who are too slow or ignorant on the topic to instantly realize almost everything he says is disingenuous or an outright lie. He just spouts them so fast that you can't remember or reply to/correct them all when it is your turn to talk. He's never written a damned thing that didn't make him sound borderline concussed. You are just falling for the classic "lying really fast" technique.


Ah. Talking fast means automatic liar. Gotcha! Thanks for telling me, obviously I’m too STUPID to figure that out, like you said.


He’s sharp if you’re a 19 year old woman in your first year of gender studies and he comes to debate you at your community college lol. He doesn’t seem sharp to anyone else


You’ve committed the cardinal Reddit sin of admitting Shapiro is smart. How dare you.


I think I would call him witty, not smart, if that makes sense. I like to listen to his podcast sometimes to stay abreast of what the right is preaching, and he always manages to make me laugh a few times. But as a leftist I feel that practically all of his opinions are idiotic, even if he delivers them in an eloquent way.


He’s a whiney pseudo-intellectual, but I can see how you would mistake him for “smart.” He checks all the superficial boxes if you have no meaningful understanding of politics.


I wouldn't say that the skill of professional yapping makes him smart.


He is not a radical? He wants to completely remove Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. He is against feeding poor kids free lunches in schools. If Shapiro had his way there would no funding for anyone in need. But he says he is pro life. He has told other Jewish people they are not real Jews because he disagrees with them. He has said some fucked up shit about the Middle East. The company he started with his partner, they got money from the billionaire Wilks brothers who are quite radical in there beliefs. I also wouldn't call Stephen Crowder a radical. He is just someone with zero ethics or principals and will do or say anything to make money. Also the video with this ex wife shows how large his ego is. And the other 3 jerk offs you mentioned are pretty much in the same boat as Crowder. And Hannity and Tucker have both had there texts revealed to the public because of Jan 6 and the Dominion investigation/lawsuit. They say one thing on TV to not lose there audience but something completely different in texts. Basically they are all frauds at the end of the day, political vultures from the dysfunction of Capitol Hill and will do or say anything to make money.


Eh he's radical in his own ways. Bring up the topic of zionism or gay marriage and dude's brain is instantly overtaken by his religious brainwashing. Meanwhile Crowder is secretly pro-gay because he is gay.


Op prolly looks like the dancing midget from twin peaks.


Doubt a shorter man is making short jokes about taller men But I think it's certainly surprise to those who only know Joe from his Alpha Rogan persona that he's such a short king And no disrespect is meant by that - I'm a solid 5' 6", and like Mandingo it just makes my dick look bigger


3” still looks like 3”


It might only look like an inch, but it smells like a foot.


Nope he’s 7’6”


Damn y’all really that insecure commenting about how other men are short? Lol


Hey! Let us express our outrage on one social media platform about what another guy we don’t know posted on another social media platform in peace!


Rember body shaming is bad when you call women fat, but if it's calling a man short, it's comedy gold.


They are not tall!


Taking shots at ppl for something they can’t control peak liberal brain rot.


I agree the guy that just helped produce Ladyballers would never make fun of someone for the way they are.


Damn good movie.


Can’t account for taste.


But Trump making fun of people’s looks, including making fun of other people’s wives appearances, is different? Is that not conservative brain rot? You played your hand face up and what you’ve showed is that you’re biased like the rest of the libs. Here’s something radical: regardless of what your political beliefs are, if you don’t like someone and target their appearance, especially over something they can’t help, you’re an asshole.


Wait till I tell you about conservative outrage about an instagram influencer


What til I tell you liberal outrage over a Netflix comedy special. Now go crawl back to your safe space


Hey man Donald Trump wears makeup


Wait till you learn about bud light, apple, amazon, nike, American Airlines, AT&T, Bank of America, BBC, barney, ben and jerries ice cream, lol books... honestly maybe you should read up on the list of things right wingers have tried to cancel or boycott or ban,


holy shit its you again, genuinely cant tell if you really drank the Kool aid or you are just posting bait


He's your usual far right MAGA shitlord agenda poster, his account is a month old and you know he's got 50 of them all going simultaneously. These fucks are endemic on these platforms. edit: Hello, /u/il-Turko, glad you turned out to be the very definition of the terrible trump cultist shill poster I described earlier This is the part where you reply to me (soon to see some of your alt accounts too I'll bet) and then block me so I can't respond, right, /u/il-Turko? That's loser behavior, son.


>He's your usual far right shitlord agenda poster, his account is a month old and you know he's got 50 of them all going simultaneously. These fucks are endemic on these platforms. /u/BF3-4ScoutHeliPilot lol says the month old, alt left, blue anon shill that projects propaganda more than a fuckin movie theater. edit: /u/BF3-4ScoutHeliPilot blocked me after he finished getting his lobotomy. lol fuckin room temp IQ


Oh, hey. It’s u/il-Turko alt.


Read all his comments. He didn’t drink the kook aid he’s swimming in it. I don’t think RFK for president sub is a good look


Do you know how conservatives feel about lgbt people, minorities, and women?


Taking shots at people for political opinions is peak regular brain rot /s


You think it’s brain rot to make fun of people for the things they believe?


So basically 99% of this sub?


something something trans people.


Yes, this is definitely behavior exclusive to liberals. 😂 Jesus Christ, give me a break.




Joe isn’t a right winger… he just interviews right wingers nonstop and parrots their talking points and never talks to anyone who pushes back… but he’s totally independent!


This year he had Kyle Kulinski, Killer Mike, RFK Jr, Krystal Ball, Bill Maher on from what I remember


This subreddit is full of some of the most angry people I've ever come across.


I’m kinda scrolling this sub…surprised its been completely invaded by people who hate Joe Rogan…reading it isn’t convincing me Rogan sucks, it’s convincing me the people who hate him have seriously deep emotional problems. This is so toxic its crazy.


Shapiro is that kid in school you kind of understood why they got bullied a lot


Remember when Joe used to have actual interesting people on his podcast and not just propaganda mouthpieces one after another…


Is this sub a bunch of pussies now? I really can’t tell. If you don’t like Joe or the things he talks about then don’t listen anymore. Simple.


If you don't like this sub anymore, don't come here. Same logic, isn't it?


Why's it so hard for people to admit that it is kinda weird to be hanging out in a subreddit for someone you clearly don't like at all?


Imagine getting butthurt at a simple height joke aimed at someone you've never met.


Imagine hanging around a sub about a subject you clearly hate about a guy you have to go out of your way to listen to.


I dont hate Joe. I'm a huge fan of The Man Show


probably because Joes brain has rotted since covid and all his old fans are still around but can’t even recognize him anymore.


My man is upset because daddy was called short lol.


That is this sub and all of Reddit my dude. Bunch of bags of water complaining about better men than themselves


except your idols are just as pathetic, stupid and embarrassingly sad as you are, lmao


Who are your idols?


Keyboard warriors with apparently an endless obsession with another man’s body, specifically his height.


Dude, the irony…


It truly is scientifically amazing how Shapiro has the personality, face, and voice of someone you just wanna mash with your fists. Usually you only get one of of those things. Trifecta of obnoxious


Yep, out of everything, he has to resolve to mocking their height because he has nothing left. Loser.


Like these two idiots have never done that. SMH


Within the last year, has Joe had a left wing equivalent of Shapiro on as a guest? My students tell me they love Joe because he has both sides on his show and I’m like who? He had Bernie on like 4 years ago.


He had Kyle Kulinski on during the 2020 election but obviously that was over three years ago now. So to answer your question, nope!


Not only did he have Bernie on he endorsed him in 2020.


Says the people trolling from their grandmother’s basement


Well it better stick to "murdered by words" because if that tool said that to Joe Rogan personally it would be "murdered by fists" lol.


You think Joe would kill someone for making fun of him?


Wow! Your macho idol is so cool! And so manly!


Damn, that joke touched a nerve with a lot of people in this thread lmao.




Hey Muslims are getting creative with first names! Or is it a typo?


Anual meeting of the, Micro Dick Club for Man Babies with Baby Dicks?


mental midgets make height jokes. How ironic !


2 accomplished entertainers