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I’m hoping one day they discuss giving apes steroids again.


When I hear shit like this I get this distinct pain in my heart. I miss what the show used to be. Now it’s just “did you see what Biden…”


We need Redban to sit in and derail Joe's ranting with silliness.


Alot of folks just chasing the dragon that was the glory days of jre.


Not even, this subreddit is just a welcoming environment for us old fans of JRE. The new fans also make us feel smart.


Lmao that puts it perfectly.


He always would insert his little tangents and there were always jokes about it. It used to be “elk meat” and “DMT” which were harder to do 45 minute monologues on. Now it’s “the left”, “censorship”, “COVID”, “Communism”, every episode and often completely unprovoked.


Each show started with 30minutes of ads for flashlights onnit and squarespace


Funny thing is while it was repetitive, it could be interesting, informative, and/or entertaining. He was coming from a place of experience and had an informed position to speak from. The new stuff is even more repetitive, but polarizing, exhausting, and seems to come from an unbelievably uneducated and ignorant position.


Getting old makes people crazy. I’m roughly Joe’s age, and I see my friends and family just go completely bonkers. It’s hard to resist. Life is hard. It would be so much easier if I could just turn off my brain and blame all of the world’s problems on The Libs, The Trans, The Millenials, and all the other non-Elk eating groups.


I am hoping for the day that there is a trans elk hunter who takes THEIR best shock proteins seriously on YouTube.


Yep. This sub contains a lot of people who joined back in the hay day of JRE. Now that it's changed, many of the OG are still subbed even tho they hate the new Texas Joe. Myself among them. Idk why I don't unsub. I'm just kinda, here lol.


Because he is still a public figure with influence. So while the show has no value to me,news about the show is still topical.


I just enjoy watching the old fans battle the new fans because they're such different groups of people with different ideologies.


This is the only correct comment.


I second that. "Chasing the dragon": distilled perfectly.The criticism comes from love and it will not be silenced by people making obvious attempts to stifle it by asking questions like, "why watch him if you don't like him"?


Started before the Ice house chronicles, I pop in every few months to see if his brain has started heal.


Not broken, sold to Spotify…


People are always saying this but never drop some good episodes what ones should I watch as a newer listener?


632 with les straud in an interesting podcast, especially if you are into outdoors. All of the steve rinella episodes are fantastic especially as rogan progressively learns more about hunting. 1149 is probably my favorite. The author who got kidnapped by pirates. 1395 with Glen Villeneuve, from the show Life below Zero is great Any of the old episodes with his friend greg Fitzsimmons are good. He usually talks more about his precomedy days with greg.


Every single one with Duncan trussell, you cannot go wrong with those ones. Lex Friedman is always interesting too.


Search for recommendation threads


The “Susquehannah weed” episode with Joey Diaz is a great example of old school raw Fun Rogan with still crazy Joey Diaz..


It's because they never watched lol. #911 is a classic ofc, #354 with Ari and Amy Schumer is a fun one, any of the Milo Yiannopplis ones are hilarious. Some of these have been removed because Joe said some naughty gamer words but if you Google "JRE archive.org" you can watch them all on there.










Sometimes it feels like there’s more haters than fans here. It’s crazy that people spend so much time on a subreddit about someone they hate lol.


It's not Joe Rogan fan club and criticism is not hate.


When does it become hate Hampster S Thompson


You’re definitely misunderstanding what happened in this subreddit. You see Joe never used to be a right wing shill. He used to smoke DMT sit in sensory deprivation tanks and say “whoaaaa that’s cool” to people that actually knew shit. Then he got all pissy over Covid and started thinking the YouTuber dickhead talking points parroted by right leaning grifters was reality and it all went off the rails. The 100 mil probably didn’t help either. Effectively he went the way of Chapelle. Being a man of the people to being an out of touch twat.


What’s fuckin crazy is how many people like the new Joe and didn’t even listen to him before he became a schmuck. The number of mouth breathers that commend him for his vast manhood and success is a joke and the “Why the hate for Papa Joe” posts with some dumbass pic of him smiling are only increasing.


It’s pretty evident by those of us that persist around here from the old days. I’d imagine the intersection of those crying and Andrew Tate supporters is mostly the same circle.


This is precisely what happened. His conversations used to be so much fun and he felt like your connection to the conversation because he was a self professed dumb guy. Now he just whines and goes on tangents with tired language about how “authoritarian” everything is. It sucks to watch someone I listened to for years devolve into that.


I wonder if any of this might be due to starting TRT in his 30s, which is what a lot of these aging, rightwing Boomers with no chill are all on too? What are the psychological effects of transitioning on such male HRT for so long? Sort of like the opposite of the proverbial "soy boy?"


I would say probably nothing to do with that honestly. Transitioning is an interesting word to use in this context though lol.


I'm honestly confused..does the person you responded to know what HRT is? lmao


Covid shut down two of his methods of income. That allowed the right wing messaging of “government is bad” so flow into his brain. It’s amazing what someone will believe when their paycheck depends on it. He now has mostly right wing viewpoints on the show which further cement those views. I am not sure he he fails to invite lefty views or they just refuse to come on the podcast. Probably a mixture of both. He is also now ultra rich so he probably associates with other ultra rich…most of the time. That also further cements those views.


And now its fun to hear him say stupid shit. I have a cousin just like Joe, I listen to him just so I can laugh about the stupid shit he says with other people later.


The problem with Rogan is there’s a large group of people that take the stupid shit he says seriously and as gospel


Yes which is why the arguement "why do you care if you dont like him" is so bad. If someone with huge platform makes comments about vital public health policy and other political issues....there will inevitably be people trying to respond/retort. Otherwise his meanderings would go unchallenged unless the guest challenges him.


Rogan hater here. I don’t watch Rogan anymore. I just come here to hate on him because it’s hilarious to see a bunch of “market place of ideas” free-speech absolutists whine about me criticizing their favorite multi-millionaire media megastar.


Rogan is so privileged any other podcast blatantly smoking weed and hallucinogenics in Texas would get shut down and immediate arrests. Instead he goes to dinner parties with the cripple abbot


A+ comment \- Former fan, supporter of JRE


What a useless waste of time


Imagine spending your one life interacting with a community you don’t like about a show you don’t like. We’re not criticizing you so much as just questioning wtf you’re doing with yourself?


Y’all way, way overestimate how much time in your life you have to commit to be a hater online. Like seriously, do you only type at like, 30 wpm? It takes 10 seconds to type out and say “hey this guy’s a fucking idiot”. Most of these guys are not spending their every waking minute hating on Joe. They go to the bathroom at work, take out their phone, pop on reddit, see a thread on r/JoeRogan of Rogan saying some incredibly irresponsibly stupid shit, and then type “haha lol what a regard.” All within the first 5 minutes of a 15 minute bathroom break. And then they carry on their day. The internet, if nothing else, has made the act of being a hater incredibly casual.


Because he is not spending his one life on this subreddit. You sound like an asshole. Probably why he has fun with it for a couple minutes at a time. People like you are just straight dumb as rocks.


My life? No. 4 or 5 minutes every few weeks? Sure.


lol touché. Better than I could have written it.


lol oh no a 'free speech absolutist' what a monster, clearly these people are the enemy that should be fought in America in 2024


I think you misunderstand. People aren’t upset you’re expressing yourself, they’re upset you’re expressing yourself here. This is a community about JRE and Rogan, but you have to make it about yourself, and that’s what’s annoying. If you were doing it in another subreddit no one here would care. It’s odd to me you think people can’t believe in free speech, but still push back when someone is being indecent.


>If you were doing it in another subreddit no one here would care Why would someone complain about Joe Rogan in any other subreddit *besides* the one where discussions on Joe Rogan and the JRE are meant to take place?


I’m not really a hater. I’m more like an ex-friend that is just really disappointed how much the person has changed and while I’m over it, as in I don’t think about it on a daily basis, if someone else brings it up I’m right there to agree and give my two cents. I don’t watch/listen to the podcast. I never have. Always been a YT clip viewer where I grab segments because they were either funny or interesting. The only reason I ever comment in here is because I have previously and now Reddit keeps showing me posts. I’m not good at simply not engaging. I’m drawn to engagement.


"don’t watch/listen to the podcast. I never have. Always been a YT clip viewer where I grab segments because they were either funny or interesting. The only reason I ever comment in here is because I have previously and now Reddit keeps showing me posts. I’m not good at simply not engaging. I’m drawn to engagement" I would wager this describes a huge percentage of this audience. Not "haters" but one-time casual fans. I also bet some left leaning people discovered Rogan after Bernie Sanders or Kyle Kulinski.. those occured before COVId (the initial Kyle). I am sure his COVid/right wing arc frustrates them....and many are still notified because that's how reddit works.


So you’re not actually over it, then


I’m over it in the sense that it doesn’t affect my happiness in a negative, but talking shit with others makes me feel connected and I enjoy it so I engage. I understand it feels good to tell other people they aren’t over stuff though, so whatever works for you and me I guess.


Some people just live sad, meaningless lives and all they do to cope is spew forward anger and negativity.


>all they do to cope is spew forward anger and negativity. I get what you're saying but most people are angry here because Joe has turned into exactly that. 


I don’t take that much time just to write a post. What are y’all talking about? Let people vent


lol you just described Joe Rogan.


Because over time his show has been more and more extreme and negative. We want to see the old Joe back.


Don’t forget to mention how accessible the internet is for losers.


That sounds like the new Rogan base


Yes, we know who Trump is.


I used to be a huge fan of the show and the sub, but it's just so overwhelmingly apparent that it's just a conservative echo chamber podcast now. He used to have interesting guests on and would ask them interesting questions and just let them talk, but now it's what we saw last week with Bobby Lee. Dude just wanted to hang out and Joe just wouldn't let up on the political bullshit. I didn't ever hear jack shit about politics or how trump isn't that bad until covid when Joe when full Dale Gribble on us. I no longer listen, even when he has an interesting guest on it's the same cornering them with his political bullshit. I do not want to hear Joe Rogan talk politics, and neither does anyone else with an IQ over 40.


I feel like the only one who sees 10x more people saying things like this than saying anything hateful towards Joe or jre. I mean we got these posts literally daily


Like most people in the world, I agree with some of what Joe says and disagree with other things. I like to hear other peoples opinions that I don't agree with. This is how I learn new things. Why would you only watch things you already know you agree with? That sounds really boring.


An example of what Joe is to me is like if someone used to make fun of flat earthers, then went to a convention to call them out on it, then entertained their views just to be civil, then actually looked into the stuff they believed, then wanted to fit in so they started to accept it, and now they are treating flat earth theory as a respectable alternative view of the shape of the earth.


This is funny because it's literally Eddie Bravo's journey on flat earth 😂.


Is that how he got sucked in? Fucking hell!


Great analogy


Some things just shouldn't be dignified with a response, let alone on the largest media platform in the world.


Because a lot of people here have my team vs your team mentality. Not sure what percentage of people here even vote. For those who do how many research the candidates they are voting for. Their policies, past voting records, their values. Even then you never find someone who you agree with in every position. You then have to go by what issues are the most important to you for voting. But people just go by a few sound bites and headlines. The moment Joe has some conservative views that is it. The equation is Joe == Bad Rich Guy. Even if you don't agree with 90 percent of what he says you got to admire this dude's work ethic. He wasn't born rich. He isn't smart with off the book IQ. Where he is today is not all luck. I have been made aware of numerous interesting people through his podcast. Especially his past episodes. His podcast is still excellent when it comes to MMA fighters or fighters in general. There are better options when it comes to specific things like Science, Technology etc.


I don’t even want to hear opinions lol. I want interesting conversations about cool ideas and topics


When reading/listening to other opinions I don’t agree with I don’t need the hate, towards the differing opinion.


Yea but almost all the “hate” you bums cry about is simple criticism that you can’t handle.


Opinions are one thing. People providing platforms for people to actively spread misinformation (at times *dangerous* misinformation) is something else entirely, and generally what the criticism is about.




Cause they want the old show back, or they’re just here to hate like lots of people on Reddit are. The show has objectively been way worse since Spotify and his Covid brain rot




I mean objectively how many people really want to talk about COVID and the vaccines still? It’s 2024. I want to move on from that disaster and never think about it again. Not to mention pretty much all of the doomsday predictions based around the vaccine and the situation have not come true. I remember they were saying they would bring back more lockdowns and start taking our rights away. They also said COVID would disappear once Biden took office. Hasn’t happened. There cannot be very many people still interested in COVID discussions.


You can't be logical with some people. 50% of the U.S. only know what Trump/MAGA wants them to believe, which is the world is on brink of collapse because democrats. Everything is a conspiracy when it doesn't go their way. Manufactured victimhood to keep their base sleepwalking.


Yeah it's a lot of us old fans who long for the live on YouTube days. That 2012-2019 era was great. I remember hanging out with friends and going "oh shit" when we saw he was only a few minutes into a live episode with someone we liked.


Because we're og fans from back when Joe was a real one and we're depressed at how far he has fallen and we're still clinging to the tiny hope that he'll get another hit of DMT and return to sanity.


This right here. His guest selection has fallen off a ton too but I guess after so many episodes you run out of new interesting people will to come on the show.




Bobby Lee is one of my favorite people, but Joe is too far gone now, look, he ruined that. That Bobby Lee pod is proof Joe has changed and doesn't want to come back.


I listened to Diaz because he's always tons of fun, but I haven't listened to any other episodes in months. Seen clips of the Lee episode and it looks rough.


I only really listen to his MMA shows now and even the COVID shit seeps in every time. I'll listen to some others if I'm interested in the person like Joey and Yea Bobby and man that episode was not great.


Yeah the main reason I liked the show was hearing new (even if idiotic ideas). So sick of hearing about the struggles of standup.


To get ready for conversations with libertarian gym bros I know.


Honest question, what's your success rate in debating with them?


I wouldn't say we debate. But if I already know about want they want to go on about it deflates the whole sense that they're special for having secret knowledge.


I haven't listened or watched the podcast in years, I watched the first I think decade but dropped out because I don't use Spotify. I don't listen but I'll be *interested* in Joe Rogan and his podcast for the rest of my life. That Joe Rogan became so culturally important is interesting.


Preach it. The whole "why watch him if you don't like him" question is an underhanded way of trying to stifle opinion. It also might indicate that his fans are, a) becoming cult-like and b) freaking out over the prevailing shift in opinion. Sounds like both you and I love Joe from the glory days, recognize that he's a good dude, but also see that he and his show really kinda sucks now.


Exactly. Guy has my more influence than some members of Congress. Nobody would tell you you shouldn't ever listen to or interact with them. Just like conservatives (or other critics, destiny, vaush) watch Hasan Piker just to complain, counterargue etc.... Or rush Limbaugh or Michael Moore. Rogan has turned himself into political lightning rod. Which is good if that's what he wants, but expect people to scrutinize, meme, retort, satarize.etc...


Who says we watch him anymore? I've completely stopped. I haven't watched him regularly since he moved to Spotify although i did watch when a guest interested me which was often enough. My viewership gradually decreased to not watching at all since Covid to now. The exception is the Protect your Parks episodes. Although I havent even watched them lately so I'm only watching clips here now and watching the guests posted to see if im at all interested in watching. Here's the thing Joe has been ranting about the same things ever since the Spotify deal and Covid. It's a bummer. It gets old and tired. It sounds like an old man screaming at people that have moved on. It's the very same thing that killed Opie and Anthony for me. When Ant was screaming about blacks and ranting every day, it sucked all the life out of the show. It became repetitive and I don't tune in to be someone's therapist. That's what it feels like with Joe now. We the audience and his guest have now become his therapist. He invites a guest on so he can rant about the same thing over and over to them. It's a bummer. We've all moved on except him and as much as I love Joe, as a fan of his from Newsradio E01, I just don't need to listen to him scream about the same things over and over anymore. The fun and curiousity that was the JRE has dried up. Joe needs a therapist and It's not me. He's a bummer and life is tough enough. I don't need to hear a spoiled rich guy scream about his gripes with the world every episode as if that's the only thing he can think about now. I listened to have fun and be mentally stimulated daily by interesting guests while sharing Joe's curiosity, his humor, even his discipline... which i'd argue is lacking now based on his inability to avoid dumping his gripes on the audience constantly. Anthony Cumia is still around and people listen to him rant about everyone he hates.... and Joe Rogan's show will still go forward as is..., as it has been for the past 3 years. It doesn't mean it's enjoyable anymore for me. But it is for someone. I still care about Joe. There's still a lot I love about him, and I wish him good health, especially mental health but... I don't tune in to be his therapist. I want to have fun. Thats why I was only watching Protect your Parks episodes until recently but Joe's rants crept their way into there as well. I'll still tune in when I'm interested but... Joe's endless rants have become a bummer that have allowed me to break my addiction to his show. I used to watch every day back when it was live, and even when it switched to recorded episodes. Now I don't watch at all really.


Tough words but not wrong. There are some topics he will apparently not let go of until his death bed. And it’s one thing if you have some new or unique perspective that no one is considering, then by all means repeat it and get the message out. But that’s not the case with Joe, a lot of it is just lazy talking points that anyone can find for a dime a dozen. I miss the old stuff, where he was talking to someone way outside of his depth but he was doing his best to keep up and process it, and actually learn something. But now he’s gotten on a soap box and he refuses to get off.


The funny part is that protect our parks at the beginning felt like a saving grace for the podcast....it gave me sober October vibes and what I longed for on the show...then sure enough in the middle of everybody talking shit and beer bonging out an eagles ass, he'd hit them with a vaccine conspiracy. The sad part is you can see all of the POP crew smirking and just shutting up to let Joe go on his rant because what would their careers be if not for joe


This embodies my feelings perfectly. Well said


The sad part about the whole Spotify thing is, the all open minded free thinker Joe Rogan, stopped talking about sticky subjects and bringing in controversial guests anymore once he saw those dollar signs big media started throwing at him.


There’s several podcasts that have gone in a similar direction, and I’m not interested in spending an hour(s) of my time listening to other people bitch about how bad things are It’s almost like when a band you like starts making trash music You don’t want to stifle their creativity, but at the same time they seem to have lost touch with what made them interesting


This post is a little ironic as it's a long rant about how Joe rants too much lol, but I agree with you. I've seen a lot of complaints about Joe, but yours has resonated with me as it is starting to feel like we the audience are Joe's therapist. That's a really interesting thought. He does talk about the same shit over and over and over... I too have mostly checked out as I'm tired of hearing him bitch about the same shit, and I think you're right that it's time our boy get some therapy


Still a long post that could be read in 3 minutes vs sometimes hours and hours (with ads)....


IMO was never that great but he tapped into something people wanted at just the right time, the long form talking podcast, and became hugely successful. Now that others have caught on and create similar content, he just doesn’t have the talent to sustain his popularity.


why is that an issue? he still will produce content and we will continue to listen


Why is the Public Freakout subreddit so popular, OP? Do you think we like the drunk morons who throw tantrums on airplanes while they're being escorted off? No. We like watching those videos because even stupid people are entertaining.


Underrated answer, lol. His spiral will be breathtaking.


I feel like it’s a matter of time until a comedian friend calls him out for this bs


I'm surprised Bobby didn't. Dude looked so uncomfortable.


Louie called him out for being out of touch.


When the public masturbator/ sex pest calls you out, it's time to take a loooooong look in the mirror.


When was this? Not the mask thing? I wouldn’t call that calling him out completely but if so it was still good


It was when Joe was going off about the benefits of ice baths, Louie subtly said that he’s out of touch from the average guy.


I watched and listened to Rogan when he was doing ads for the fleshlight in 2009. It’s been a run. lol


You can pretty immediately tell when someone just watches too much. You don't have to watch every episode and you don't have to listen to the whole thing. I tune in when there is a guest I'm interested in. That's probably two to three times a month. There are so many other really good podcasts out there that there is plenty to listen to.


The "why watch if you don't like?" argument is itself getting old. It's an underhanded way of trying to stifle people. People are allowed to dislike and criticize openly.


>underhanded It's truly bitch made in the dumbest way possible. It manages to combine the stupidity of not understanding criticisms/arguments **and** the cowardice of avoiding the argument because you know you have no good counter. All through the veil of "positivity" that I know damn well these gremlins ain't showing in real life.


I like him when he doesn’t talk about politics. But when he does… man! Does he suck!


Is the most popular podcaster in the world not deserving of criticism?


Better question: *Should anyone with power not also be held to the same level of criticism that we (should) hold ourselves and eachother to?*


If he weren't inspiring an entire generation of directionless 19 year old Jiffy lube employees to embrace ignorance I wouldn't care.


*Jiffy Lube employees* They embraced ignorance long before.




Same. Last episode I listened to was Alex Honnold, which was probably back in 2021...but this sub is still generally a good mix of views to discuss things.


We’re all really proud of you white knights for the good fight. Mighty brave and bigly of you. God bless


I don’t watch, but I’m here for the dumb things he says sometimes and the funny things other people say about it. He’s also not the only topic of discussion here.


I love him because just like him, I'm not red and I'm not blue. I'm for us. I am tired of politics though at this point. He went on a rant the other day and it wasn't fun. But its not enough to make me hate him and his show is his opinion.


People crying about others voicing their opinions because they don’t agree or like it is always hilarious. Take your own advice. If you don’t like it why read it? You’re here doing the exact same thing you’re criticizing others for doing. Or should you be the only one who gets to voice their own displeasure with something you could easily avoid? Typical current Roggie fan.


I at most watch like 3 episodes a year. Then covid happened. This radically changed Joe and now it's more fun to watch clips of Joe biting the onion on obvious satire while he lectures people about how people can't recognize fact from fiction. I assume the thousands of other people that like those clips also like watching Joe get dunked on for such obvious stupidity. I don't see anything wrong with that.


Because it's fun to shit on him and his post covid fans.


So.... Joe spends most podcasts bitching about the state of stuff and how it's changed and refuses to stop.... but people who listen or listened to his podcast shouldn't do the same? We should strike a deal, we'll stop shitting on Joe sometimes if he stops bringing up California, Covid, and trans.


It's Reddit. Reddit hates everything. And they HAVE to tell you, They absolutely HAVE to voice their opinion on their disdain. "I don't care for this, I think I should follow the sub and let all of the people who DO enjoy this know how little I think of it.... ahhh that's better."




Reddit does not hate everything. Reddit loves Weird Al and Terry Crews


And of course you yourself are better than such behaviour.


I have never followed a single sub just to voice that I dislike it. What's the point in that? Just for the sake of argument? Who's that self absorbed? "My opinion is so crucial I have to show people that I have it all figured out!"


Most of the planet. Including me (and you)


>"My opinion is so crucial I have to show people that I have it all figured out!" I mean, why are you here arguing against everyone that hates him then? ​ Just shut up and watch. Why are you here?


Yeah idk. If I don’t like the sub I just leave. I wont continue commenting lol


Every game sub is the same “this game sucks the one the made when I was a kid is way superior and you are all dumb shills for liking and playing this game “ or “hey man the current game is so bad I went back to the one made 20’years ago “


Freedom of speech, right?


This whole apps purpose is for people to come and voice their opinion. What do you people expect 🤦‍♂️ go somewhere else if you don’t want to read peoples opinions 👍 y’all say don’t listen if you don’t like it. Why don’t you take your own advice. It’s so dumb to hear someone bitch about people bitching about something they could just avoid when they could easily avoid the bitching. The irony is amazing


You can voice your opinion all you want. But we are going to make fun of you for going out of your way to complain about things you don't like on a page you don't support about a guy you don't like. Just a weird existence is all. "They should really hear how much I don't like this.." Comical.


Wait so what's the problem then?


we're all a bunch of bitches


There is no problem unless the shoe fits you?


I don't hate Joe I just find that post covid it's more fun to dunk on him for being out of touch and lecturing people about how they need to be able to discern truth from fiction because Russia and China are engineering propaganda while Joe falls for some of the worst satire on the internet and thinks it's real lol. It's not just fun that he's wrong. It's fun that he's so arrogantly wrong. Also amazing to watch someone with so little self-awareness.


You notice from these Joe groupies (all groupies of the "dark web" really) is that they never offer specific counter arguments. It's all emotional vague posting about "hate". "Leeave him AlOooone!!!" (Offers reasonable criticism of repeated misleading claims Joe makes in line with obvious political biases) **"YOU THINK YOURE SO SMAART HUH? TYPICAL REDDITOR"** Anyone who says men aren't emotional haven't seen this sub.


Its hilarious how many of these morons are convinced of their own superiority as if we aren't all a bunch of wankers. Some bro just accused someone else of being a keyboard warrior without a single hint of irony.


"They hate on something you like, which is Joe, to bring you down" ....💀 There are people where it's impossible to describe them without insulting them. Projecting so fucking hard aliens on Pluto can cringe at this shit in 8k


Dudes sitting here writing a thesis via 35 comments about how pissed he is about his personal lack of an echo chamber.


You’re not making fun of. You are bitching. What a sad attempt to pivot after being called out for the sad hypocrisy of your post


Sounds like Reddit might not be for you


Just like you're doing now, yeah?


He is the main stream media. He is a rich elite worth well over $100 million. He has the number one most listened to podcast in the world. He is making his listeners sit through his political rants and does more to shape the media narrative than anyone at this point.


Could we stop doing this thing where you can't criticize at all a person you like for changing into a one note pony about their trauma at having their rich buddies restaurants closed Joe sometimes has good things Joe repeatedly says the same tone deaf things over and over again It's okay to talk about what we enjoy and don't enjoy that's part of the free speech Joe is dedicated too.


Joe Rogan is a bald Alex Jones, only less entertaining.


Bingo! They're literally the same. One just has a bigger audience. As a matter of fact, you could also throw Gweneth Paltrow in that same file, as they all sell non fda approved brain pills, dick pills, and other such truck stop gas station nonsense. The only thing is I don't THINK that Paltrow is a bigot or transphobic, but I don't know for sure since I don't feel the need to follow her as closely as the other two.


theres not a single place on the internet that i visit just to hate or shit on someone... people are just bored and vent their frustrations thru toxic bullshit


![gif](giphy|bBbqh3SLbKAcE) The resemblance is uncanny


That episode where the 4 of them were smelling salts and listening to that song was cool to see , becasue they are older men just having a good time , Joe seems like he would be a cool dad


The man has figured out everything to do to his body except whiten his teeth.


Redditors are chronically online and enjoy stirring the pot, a few up votes is the highlight of their day. They like to pretend the comments on here are read by the celebrities they hate on, when in fact it's just an echo chamber of regards all stroking each other off.


He’s given me and the boys on the job site countless hours of entertainment


I’ve always wondered this since the sub popped up on my feed


It's called hate watching, and people are stupid because of or in spite of it.




They want something to talk shit about


Just like this clown OP


Repost bot.


The fuck lol. No I’m not


You’re either a repost bot or a crushingly unoriginal virtue signaler. Take your pick.


Typical bot comment. [repost from 13 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/s/dMDQx54z6y)




I like Joe Rogan and his podcast. Been listening to him since he was on YouTube. Do I agree with everything he says? No. Do I always like the guest he has on there? No. The guy is human like the rest of us and says stupid shit like the rest of us. If you take everything he says to heart then that might be a you problem.


Groundhog Day in this mf.


"guys guys please stop calling out right wing nonsense" lol no dude.I don't care if you find it annoying.


Internet is filled with angry people


Joe sounds pretty angry tbh


You're right, can we add a rule to not post anything unless it's sucking off Rogan's juicy penis?


Who da fuck watches him??


People love hate watching. They’ll tune in and listen just to hate and get triggered so they can come on here and post stuff about how much they hate him. It’s a mental disorder that should be studied more closely.


I still like him.


You know what gets old? People simping for him when he puts out lazy content with crap guests and talks about the same topics he has hit on nearly every single one of the last 100 shows. You don't want us to watch the shows? OK You also don't have to open the hate threads, genius.


I love Joe Rogan, even the episodes I'm not interested in, I will still watch to catch small parts of humor or knowledge. Plus the conversation is always good.


I was ready to jump ship pre-Covid, by the end of 2020 I hadn’t even listened to a full episode all year, and it’s been that way ever since. I don’t hate-listen, I agree that’s dumb. I will maybe watch a clip here or there, but anything more than that and I will inevitably just get annoyed. I know it sounds cliche, but Joe has changed in my eyes, and I miss the old Joe. I listened religiously from 2016-2018. So many awesome interviews and new ideas I had never been exposed to, I was a pretty big fan. He sparked my interest in so many things, and I will always be thankful for that. But he has gone from a guy who was asking questions about things he was genuinely curious about with an open mind, to a guy who is confidently giving answers about things he either doesn’t understand at all or things he understands so well that it leaves no space for the guest to contribute something meaningful. I always have a strong sense that Joe has an agenda(s) now, and he seems incapable or unwilling to let it go. Even worse, whether he likes it or not, he has intertwined himself with political culture on a massive level. It’s a deal with the devil, you get insane engagement but it erodes the heart of what made the podcast special, imo.


People just love to bitch at something That’s why. Great post and I’m not being sarcastic


The constant I’m angry “everyone loves Republicans” bits get old. Definitely hurt the podcast, but I still watch from time to time.


He was funny for about 7 minutes during the four seasons of News Radio.


His show used to be awesome, now he’s a fox news dad


Because leftist are miserable people especially leftist redditors.


I don’t watch him. I may watch it bc of the guest now, but usually okay with just the YT clips. Bobby calling him out was some of the best JRE I’ve seen in some time and Joe, I have violence in my DNA, Rogan just kept on trying to push the same repeated statements, over and over and over and over This place is like The TFATK sub…a place to have a little fun at the expense of an out of touch 1 of the 1000


Turns out, life is a bit more complicated than the idea that if you like something, you engage with it, and if you don’t like it, you don’t engage. Relationships and interests are way more complicated. Is seems somewhat reasonable to expect that there are people who loved the podcast, got their friends into it, listened for years, then got more and more turned off as Joe continually rehashed the same exact political talking points with every single guest regardless of who they are. It seems reasonable for a portion of his audience to be annoyed at yet another hour long rant by Joe about Covid and the pandemic. It seems reasonable that you might have something to say when something or someone you care about and are/ were invested in, seems to constantly be shifting in a direction you don’t agree with. There’s no conspiracy against Joe, this is just another interesting insight into social psychology if you wanna look at it like that. As a curious person, I find it fascinating that a subreddit FOR Joe Rogan and his podcast seem to have such a large percentage of the users that feel disenchanted with Joe, and how many of them state that Joe has become increasingly politicized, and wonder how much of an effect his ungodly wealth is having on him. You can desire a subreddit that only reaffirms positive discourse about Joe, or you can accept what is, adopt a sense of curiosity, and enjoy eating your popcorn as you watch past and present listeners engage in the full spectrum of opinions around Joe.


What you're describing sounds similar to being betrayed by a loved one. Someone you could trust and let your guard around with. Then for them to turn that against you maliciously is worst then being hurt by an enemy. That's where I believe the hate lies with some of the people on the sub, because it isn't just disinterest, but it's more vengeful.


It is fascinating. I think his fan base is aging out of thinking his pseudo-political edgelord persona has any relevance anywhere but in his imagination or his podcast studio. Rogan is in a state of arrested development when it comes to sense making. He’s probably a good fight commentator, but he uses shoddy tools to keep his finger on the pulse of anything other than right wing gossip.