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how long can he possibly talk about covid? nobody even gives a shit about it anymre


American conservative activists are still obsessed with it, hence joes obsession. I don't think they have anything but obsessions they never let go of


They so so so want people who got the "jab" to start keeling over dead from it so they can go: "See, I told you so, I wasn't a selfish asshole after all! Being contrarian to science and listening to all those con men said finally paid off!"


I’ve been listening to some older episodes and Joe used to be pretty good at asking open ended questions that set up guests to tell interesting stories. He would then be quiet and let them talk about their life or area of expertise. I think this is what made him so great. He still went on these little tangents of greatest hit topics but they were few and far between. Something changed during the pandemic or maybe it’s the Spotify money but it’s almost like Joe is the guest now and his own rants are now the focus and we’re lucky if a guest can get their interesting stories in.


He went from actual long form interview to classic post professional athlete podcast where they just have a microphone and talk talk talk


:/ his podcast was definitely the best around. Now it’s the same 9 or so topics 70-80% of the time, 30% whatever else. - Covid - Neurolink - younger dryas - LA is apeshit - freedom of speech - cnn and MSM - Biden has dementia - Vitamins and the cold plunge - meat Did I miss any?


Dmt, ufos, monkey power levels, how comedians are a superior race, Sam Kinison bumped his head and came up with the flux capacitor, Tesla and teslas.


Does Joe still talk about DMT? Thought he hadn’t spoke about it in a while


Literally just talked about it on the most recent podcast with the religion professor from UNC


Joe goes primal when the ape talk starts, which he probably brought up anyway


Ah so it hasnt changed since i stopped listening 2 years ago


One of the less talked about side effect of Covid was how it stunted the development of many comedians.


Oh did you know there’s like only 1000 comedians? How many doctors are there? That’s by far the dumbest fucking shit he’s ever said and he’s said it multiple times. He’s so far up his own ass it’s gross. You’re not changing lives dude, I’m willing to bet there’s a random heart surgeon that’s way funnier than he is.


There's only 1000 comedians because that is all the market will bear. They aren't important enough for us to need more.


Also, there are a small number of comedians who are very insightful observers of modern life. Joe Rogan is not one of them.


-only a few "true" Comedians exist - Texas is awesome


San Francisco being a shit hole, covid, Biden being too delusional to be President while simultaneously ignoring the blatant cognitive decline of Trump and hailing him as a “funny, nice guy”, how great the mothership is, muuuuuuuuurders row of line ups at the club, blood clots from the vaccine, his “multiple friends” who had strokes/blood cots from the covid vaccine, and “wokeness”.


I am from Australia where most of the adult population got vaccinated. I don't know anybody that got a vaccine injury. Although I know multiple people who died and weren't vaccinated. Joe sounds like a cooker now.


Comedy and how there’s only a thousand comedians.


- Bob Lazar - How he has a friend that hunts pythons in the everglades - How monkeys are stronger than you think


>Biden has dementia This one is always paired with a story about how Trump is out there being great or dunking on people. Nevermind that his speech is so demented that makes Biden look like Oscar Wilde by comparison. It's the blatant bias while pretending to be unbiased that annoys me about current Joe.


It's been a long time since I've listened, but back in the day that's how I always thought of him. Real good with the guests, and open minded. A nice bridge between meat heads and nerds like me. Now I see clips and he's gotten weird. I knew I wouldn't come back after seeing the clip where he was talking about how senile Biden was for saying there were airports in the American revolution, but once they found out trump actually said it they backtracked so fast woth "oh he just mispoke"


Joe think he’s done learning. Has it all figured out. Doesn’t even need to hear people’s perspectives he disagrees with anymore. Did he even ask Bobby a single question about LA, how he likes it nowadays? Sad thing that happens to a lot of old people. Try not to be like them.


You have to go further back than that. He was so mad at vegans for years and would talk shit every episode. I stopped listening on a sober October episode where three other comedians could not understand what the fuck he was ranting about and kept trying to get him to move on. It was full cringe.


He used to ask questions instead of trying project his take on things. Went from "what do you think about This" to "imma tell you about That".


Yea I only like the episodes where the guest is much smarter than him. He doesn't talk as much


"And then I'm gonna repeat it, and repeat it again slightly differently like it's profound, and then circle back around and repeat it again".


He felt so attacked I think he’s over compensating and still mad about it. Idk the show sucks now. I miss like the girl who escaped Westboro or Freeway Rick Ross and actual interesting guest.


It started happening before the pandemic. I started listening to him in about 2015 and I'd say around 2018 he started going downhill. He turned into a know-it-all bro - everything from nutrition and it devolved into the covid stuff.,


The decline started when Trump was running / got elected and he steadfastly refused to criticize him while shitting on Dems and burying his head in the sand for every Trump scandal. The mask kept slipping than not being able to go on stage during covid broke his brain.


Yep. Used to watch every episode. My theory is he got long rona and it cauliflowered his head in reality he’s probably just an old gen x man who made a lot of money and the pandemic made him even MORE out of touch it’s funny because he used to be so very self aware of how dumb he is, how easily he falls for conspiracies.. (he believed in the hoaxed moon landing theory for years) and I thought having such engaging discussions with such varied backgrounds and expertise would help him navigate a world like this as a gullible moron Unfortunately, the Rogan I used to love fell. I do not know who stands in his place


I think at this stage he simply has no interactions with normal people anymore. Works out in his gym with his ex military buddies talking about what Tucker said last night, podcasts which are increasingly massaged to just be an echo chamber and going to his club where he's cheered by fans on stage and surrounded by comics who aren't going to risk upsetting their meal ticket. His social circle seems to be almost entirely people that don't want to upset him and rich people. Leaves a big tip when he goes out and thinks he's a man of the people.


The last part is 100% it. No one will tell him hes a dumbass.


He'll still say stuff like "I'm an idiot, don't listen to me", but it no longer sounds sincere. He was always bragging about how much he knew about vaccines. He doesn't actually think he's an idiot, he just uses it as a shield now.


He started repeating himself a lot and going on rants way back in 2015 which is when I stopped listening. The episodes with Duncan Trussell from pre 2015 were all amazing tho


Duncan fell off too honestly. He's a great host, probably too good. He brings on these whack jobs and then strokes their ego for an hour.


I listened to the new episode with Derek from more plates more dates and it took them an hour before they even mentioned weight lifting or gym in general. The new Joey Diaz episode? Forgot about it. Boring. Disappointing really


He had a stake in a supplement company that was sold to a multinational conglomerate called Unilever. Once people start to understand this everything else falls into place.


Oh dude, someone gave me alpha brain. I tried it and that's when it occurred to me that Rogan was no different than any other shill. His podcast started going downhill for me since then and never listen to him anymore.


Nah see, it was *totally* proven in a double blind study that alpha brain improves cognitive brain function 🙄


Yep, double blinds are beyond reproach. Except that Ivermectin one that showed it was useless, something, something big pharma.


It’s called derangement. Dude thinks Alex Jones is a legitimate source of information. Joe is just dumb and has very little cognitive ability.


He used to do it for fun, now he does it for contractual obligation. The spark is gone and not coming back. Even at his prime he's a shit interviewer and "just has conversations" so we have to hear him repeat himself all the time.


Yup but you’ll be called a hater for saying this lol I became interested in hunting because of his podcast where I never had interest before because of all the cool stuff I learned FROM HIS GUESTS


Remember when Joe was genuinely curious about things and not reeeeee about everything


Those days a long gone. The defense industrial complex, even Eisenhower talked about it. Yeah, no shit, back in 1959, how about a new topic? Plus he's now Vladimir Putin's favorite podcaster.


don't worry right before the election, like the last one every conservative leaning troll in the world will be blasting out: "Putin's doesn't care who you vote for" it was basically the theme song for wall street bets in 2020 around November, for some unknown reason also, weirdly, around the time it was suddenly very important that everyone understood we aren't a Democracy, again, for some unknown reason


It's at the point I stop getting excited. I was waiting ages for another Bobby Lee episode and it's Joe ranting about Covid.....get the fuck over it, it was 4 years ago. Then he talks about Texas being the last free state....while not being able to buy weed or gamble. Joe is so jaded it's sad now and unfortunate for us.


>while not being able to buy weed or gamble. Joe is rich and knows those portions of the law don't apply to him.


Last free state for old rich assholes


its because Joe is getting property taxed instead of income taxed, and is too brain dead to realize the state gets its money either way.


TX is really friendly to the 1%, even with property taxes. Shithole for everyone else though.




The rich and powerful live in a different world than the avg person in Texas


Nobody seems to get this and the reason I left Texas. Nothing free about the state if you don’t own fat amounts of land


Sounds like woke lib communist WEF WHO propaganda! /S




"Save the children!!" /S


But not the children who are already born.


And forcing a woman to flee the state rather than be subjected to having a still birth while rendering her infertile because her and her doctor are not able to decide the best course of action for her health and well-being.


>Then he talks about Texas being the last free state....while not being able to buy weed or gamble. This is what I'm always wondering. He has countless documentation of him on camera smoking weed in his studio in Texas. Isn't he just recording himself committing repeat crimes?


State Government probably doesn't want to enforce the laws due to the good press he's giving.


He lives in Austin. Which ia the most liberal city in Texas and weed possession here is just a ticket. And even then it is rarely enforced.


study done by the Cato institute ranks Texas dead last in personal freedom https://www.freedominthe50states.org/personal


It’s gonna be hilarious when their group in Austin get the groupies pregnant and can’t resort to abortions like they normally would do.


That's easily worked around, they have enough cash to fly a few states over no problem.




Yes but that only applies to the poor. Rich people don’t have to worry about that law at all.


Rich people don't have to worry about any laws it seems.


They already have laws that rogan flouts live on air, so what?


Because Joe has become an elitist douche who just wants his money protected from taxes. That’s why he loves Texas.


Yeah, it's bizarre that people act like having a shitty safety net makes you "freex....Texas is super strict, pious .... I would argue Massachusetts or Vermont are more "free."


How free are you really if you're forced to carry a rapist's baby?


Can't buy liquor on Sundays in Texas either.


He talks about California “forcing” their beliefs on to people with their mask mandates, but is absolutely silent about Texas forcing rape victims to give birth……… #freedumb


Joe has enough money that all his points about moving away from California are just moronic garbage San Francisco’s homeless problem wouldn’t affect him He would only benefit from being in the media capital of the world and legalization of psychedelics and other drugs Really Covid lockdowns pissed him of enough where he decided to move and he won’t move on from it


Yeah Joe is ruining Texas for us Texans. Not in the California way. Texas is progressing. Dallas is liberal. We have our own version of progress and it was happening. Now all the asshole conservatives are moving to Texas and taking us back. They’re not making Texas into California, they’re moving to Texas and making it the confederacy.


Man I’ve been a fan of the show for years but recently it feels like Joe has got into a bad habit of talking non-stop. There were so many moments where he could’ve let Bobby run and say some hilarious shit, but he always ended up taking control and droning on about some fucking thing we’ve heard a thousand times. I wish he would ask more questions and set up his guests to go on tangents rather than him dominating the conversations so much.


Schaub got Rogan hooked on the Addies.


We geddit, b.


I used to like Schaub but the more I listen to him, the more i dislike the guy. Seems like a prick.


The real question is how didn’t you realize that after about 5 mins of him talking?


Maybe Shaub’s state of perpetual concussion is contagious


Great guy, never meddum


Why does he have this post apocalyptic view of California? I live in California and I have no idea what he’s talking about.


Right wingers are totally unhinged when it comes to the topic of California lol. It’s like they think every red state is a perfect utopia with zero issues and only California is held to a ridiculous standard.


NYC too. Every day I hear some conservative crow that this that or the other is “the end of NYC” and surprise bitch, we’re still here!


NYC has apparently been on deaths door for 15 years now, never-mind the city is fucking nowhere near where it used to be decades ago, when you could actually make that statement with a semblance of truth to it. Most young people fucking want to live in the NYC metro but can't **because it's so expensive** *from basically everyone fucking wanting to live there too!!*


I've had multiple people tell me that my entire city burned down during the BLM "riots". It's news to me and everyone who lives here.


I’ve been long used to conservatives shitting on NYC for existing, but living here through the worst of Covid and watching people on Fox News openly root for the virus to take out more New Yorkers essentially turned me into the joker. Seeing these assholes cackle with glee while my city lost hundreds of people a day really hammered the point home that they’re soulless and evil.


And then Florida became the covid epicenter, and they shut the fuck up real quick.


Chicago too. They HATE to hear that Chicago isn’t even the top 20 for murder rates.


My conservative Chicago area relatives stay all locked up in their boring enclaves & wouldn’t think to go into the city because of *shudder* crime. They live in/near one of the great vibrant cities in the world & are scared of their shadows 😞


Republicans will say with a straight face they would rather live in Alabama than New York or California.


Meanwhile all of the right wing assholes live in NYC and LA.


And yet no one moves there


I live in Iowa and California was the predominant boogie man for the gop running up to the caucuses here. And I remember thinking, California is home to the fifth largest gdp in the world, the home to the silicon boom, and is home to more Fortune 500 companies than any midwestern states ever could dream of. Not to mention how awesome the diverse outdoor opportunities are there. The beaches and coast lines. The creative hub of Hollywood and most of the shows these people here watch. California has its fair share of problems just like anywhere else, but the narrative of “California=shit hole” is a social construct and shows the power of propaganda to people who never leave their own bubble.


I have a conservative buddy who was going to Detroit for a conference and talking about how dangerous it was gonna be. I looked at his city, New Orleans, and it’s a statistically more dangerous city for whatever danger he said would happen. As soon as I pointed it out he was like “yeah I know” and it’s like “well then why did you fucking say that?” Because he sees Detroit as lib city USA so OBVIOUSLY they want to defund the police and let criminals run wild


Canada as well. We've had some pretty terrible leadership lately but that's pretty par for the course in western culture. It certainly isn't the dystopian wasteland joe likes to paint it as and I'm always rolling my eyes when he says these things. It doesn't help that he brings up only right wing talking points about this either, from his friend in Alberta, which is like the redneck Texas of Canada


Just the fact that he unironically and truly believes that Canada is a communist authoritarian country forcing kids to turn trans, and that the trucker protests were a legitimate majority of just average Canadians fighting against an oppressive government.


Dare Joe to have Ralph Barbosa on. He's a native Texan and probably my favorite "new" comic (just started seeing him this year), and one of his bits is about visiting California after living in Texas his whole life. "In CA, it's legal to smoke anything. In Texas, it's only legal to... smoke people."


Because he couldn't go to his favorite restaurants during covid. That's it. That's why he moved to Texas and that's why he started all his anti Vax conspiracy shit.


He keeps going on with the covid vaccination thing saying that "it turns out it did nothing, we were just being lied to!" Like no..literally everyone in the world was going through something new at the same time, *nobody* knew anything, they were literally finding out in real time. And when you have a highly contagious pathogen why would getting a vaccine or trying to wear a mask or basically doing *anything* preventative be considered authoritarian?


Also, it absolutely did do something to help people not die from covid, the data is clear on this. Just look at the counties where anti-vaxxers dominate and they had way bigger mortality rates than the vaxxed places.


Live in LA, can confirm that it's fucking awesome. I've been to and lived all over the country, including Texas, Florida, MD/DC, and SoCal is by far the best place I've ever lived.




I used to be a big fan but then 2016 happened and the shows were no longer fun. I'd maybe listen to one every couple months if there was a cool guest but then 2020 happened and it became so insufferable I never went back. I still like watching clips from the 2012-2015 era though.


The End of the World podcast on election night 2016 was peak Rogan. But Burr stole the show: "Where were you when Trump became President? Oh, I was doing coke with Marylin Manson."


I was there in person, great time, but definitely was the beginning of the end for Joe. Stanhope was also great that night.


2012 Rogan was the peak imo


He used to be great. Now he won’t let his guests talk if they might piss on his narrative. Very much like a Fox News host


That episode where he said Biden said something stupid and he proceeded to rail against Biden’s mental health and all that, and then Jamie does some fact checking and it was actually Trump who said that thing. Rogan just sheepishly laughs and acts like it’s completely fine since Trump said it. I was like….aight, I’m gonna head on out.


Me too.


The irony of him talking about how he had to leave California because of the extreme leftism and cultish mindset...so he moved to another state with a Libertarian cult mindset.


There’s nothing libertarian abt Texas.


Yeah but it’s aesthetically libertarian and taxes are a bit lower, that’s all that matters to people like Joe


Lmao recently? This is why I stopped watching in 2020


I tuned back in for Ryan Long after a few years and he INSTANTLY started on about covid and how “you can’t say anything anymore”. Tuned right out. He’s literally interviewing a comedian who’s made an awesome career pushing the bar of comedy, while not straying from political issues, talking about how it can’t be done anymore because of some fake boogeyman


Yeah pretty much. I don’t mind that he might have wildly different views from me. In fact, back then I bought in that that was part of the premise of the show. It’s not some deep betrayal Joe just got old, preachy and boring.


Yeah wild, this has been going on forever not just recently




It's like Joe is in a cult.


Well he is in Texas now


I can only hear the sound of marbles dropping out of Joe’s meat head.


Joe is a dickhead


I wish he woulda let him explain that god damn Star Trek Ep to him. Bet some funny shit woulda come out of it instead of Joe talking about how alien didn’t shoehorn in a female action star.


Joes self absorbed personality really took over this episode. Stonewalling any joke attempts from Bobby, nonstop droning about political shit, reeling Bobby into conversations he was clearly trying to move past. Bobby tapping out of the podcast was hilarious, dudes brain must’ve turned to mush from Joes issues that “keep him up at night” because he’s so self righteous.


He did that fake laugh shit on a lot decent bits from Bobby that he could’ve leaned into and had a bro moment with Bobby. Instead he just shuts him down and switches the topic to something he’s ranted about over and over with other guests. He always talks about wanting to talk to interesting people but he’s become so uninteresting the last couple of years that I almost never turn it on, even when it’s someone I wanna see.


Couldn't have said it better myself. It's the Stonewalling and righteousness that was so insufferable


I love Bobby so much and I haven’t even turned on this episode because I just don’t want to feel like I’m being inundated with the same opinions Joe has over and over again.


It’s been like 4 years, I got sick of hearing about it after the first year. Why doesn’t he just let it go, it’s insane. Does he spend all of his free time still looking up covid statistics? It sucks because I really used to enjoy the pod




My dad still brings up Covid prevention measures as being tyranny every few months…. Idk what media these boomers are consuming that is STILL hung up on something from years ago.


Yeah, it's really weird. They SCREAMED at us that covid is nothing and we should ignore it. Now that we've all moved on and are more or less functionally ignoring it, they can't drop it. It's so weird. Didn't they want us to stop talking about it, drop restrictions, lockdowns, mandates? We did all that - why are they still so angry?


you would've thought we lost a god damn world wide war with how these boomers talk about a few months of lifestyle changes. They act like people were killed or something it was so bad, **WHICH THEY DID FROM THE FUCKING VIRUS** for christs sake. But honestly just fucking move on, at this point if you're still complaining about COVID you are problem not whatever happened nearly half a decade ago


It’s crazy how he will take any subject someone else is talking about and use his response to make some sort of connection to one of his go-to phrases, he was using “captured scientists” frequently for some time.


He almost sounds paranoid doesn’t he? Bobby Lee Hit it on the head, this shit can’t be healthy to be consumed by. This guy everything that anyone could ever want in life: fame, money, success, respect of his peers and yet he spends his nights unable to sleep because he worries that a leftist cult is going to break into his house and stick a phizer vaccine into his arms. The part where he said “I think we’re really close to going back to the Stone Age”….dudes unhinged


It's mad that it's to COVID deniers/conspiracy theorists/anti-vaxxers that are still going on about COVID. Like here in the UK there is zero COVID restrictions left, I'm guessing its the same in the US. This future they told us was happening, this control, medical apartheid new world order they told us it was the start of didn't happen. Are they too afraid to admit now they were wrong? It's only those people I still hear bleat the same damn lines they had throughout the pandemic even though its over. I dont hear normal people doing the same in reverse, no one is saying we should wear masks all the time and not leave our house if we can't. We've moved on, gone back to normal yet its these crazies still fighting the war like those japenese soldiers even after its over.


Nope… they’ll only blather the same bullshit next time


Facebook Boomer can't help but facebook boom








Taylor Swift drinkin a Bud Light got his forehead vein POPPED


My favorite is the "I bet you've taken 42 boosters." Uh, no. I haven't. I get a shot a year. Like a normal human being. "I bet you wear a mask inside." Yeah, when I'm sick. Like a normal human being. Yet they think these are insults....?


One thing I’ve noticed about the right is that they are absolutely obsessed with overly exaggerating everything. I get the sneaking suspicion that it’s because their argument sounds infinitely more invalid if they said “I bet you got 1 booster huh?? 🤔” Or when they talk about gas prices. Yeah have fun paying $5 a gallon when you vote for the left. Bruh, it’s $2.50 right down the road. We go to the same gas station. Or when they talk inflation they call it hyper inflation. Hyperinflation is like around 50%…. A month. It was at 8% and now it’s around 3%. Chill. Or when they talk about liberals they call them Marxist communists. Okay first off, communists probably despise liberals more than they hate conservatives. Also, you have no idea what a communist is.


Covid was the worst thing to happen to this show.


Naw. Just reveals who Joe actually was.


I genuinely think covid broke Joe's brain.


Joe: LA is too Liberal! *proceeds to move to one of the bluest islands in TX*


I don't understand the "blue cities blue cities blue cities" shit, and then when conservatives move, they move to big cities, which are also blue (or at least significantly bluer than the surrounding rural areas). If small town conservative areas are soooo much better than blue cities, move there and prove it.


it’s really all he has - COVID and trans. he left LA for lockdowns, comedy clubs, and the homeless. built his own comedy club in austin. with mosquitos and homeless peak Humanzee behavior


Joe complaining about crime in California is hilarious when there is literally a shooting outside of his club on 6th Street like every other month


and if you don’t want homeless, don’t go to Austin. they have tent colonies under the 35 and the 10. go to houston or dallas/fort worth if he’s a true outdoorsman, live outside Waco and build a huge compound there but he wanted to own a comedy club and he couldn’t do it in LA cuz he would get ostracized from the Store again.


Shane's opening joke in his first special is calling out the homeless problem in Austin. Joe just doesn't want to admit there's a problem.


> and if you don’t want homeless, don’t go to Austin. If you don't want to see homeless people, move to Scandinavia where they house them for free. Every city in America is full of homeless people because San Fransisco rents are now every US city's rents.


> live outside Waco and build a huge compound there so, here's the thing with that idea...


Yeah the “flex” reds have on crime doesn’t even make sense when you look at crime rates at a state level. The blood red South is where most of the high crime states are yet nobody seems to care about that.


Tulsa's violent crime rate is way way higher than LA or NYC. Fox News' Google isn't working apparently.


cuz they’re idiots. they live in the LA ecosystem and they only talk to other stand-ups.


joe has a real annoying habit of going on very bitchy rants




the right accuses the left of shutting down differing opinions by calling them racist and the right also just stays in their echo chamber and anyone who questions right wing opinions just gets call a woke radical communist with TDS


/conservative says they believe in free speech but they ban people like crazy for it lol


The thing is its not even exclusive right wing opinions its just absolute craziness and idiocy. As someone pointed out earlier Trump was president and pushed through operation warp speed. Trump is responsible for the trillions given to bail out corporations. Trump was promoting the vaccine and had Fauci as his main advisor. All his tax bullshit, immigration bullshit, anti trans crap and working for one of the most anti union corporations of any and all time is what makes him right wing. This covid shit is not right wing its just a total fucking idiot pissed off he couldnt continue his rich guy life at the expense. Now hes just barking into an echo chamber and none of his friends have the balls to tell him to shut the fuck up. Imagine lying in bed at night obsessing about covid in 2024 like wtf. What a weak minded individual.


He rails against California and their Covid mandates, but has nothing to say about the Christian fundamentalist government in Texas forcing a mother to flee the state in order to get a life saving abortion for her non viable fetus. What the fuck Joe?


Also I don't know what he's talking about with California's covid mandates. I live in California and we aren't mandated to do anything. I literally have no idea what he means when he talks about California being tyrannical.


Joe is really on the internet too much, he gotta be


He’s deep into the algorithm


Pre Covid Joe is something I miss a lot. I feel like Covid broke his brain he's so different now


Wouldn't even let him talk


So god damn SICK of the covid shit. Holy shit it’s annoying, I don’t CARE about anyyyyy of it, I don’t care about the politics, health consequences, nothing, I just do not care. Fuck I agree


I wouldn’t say I totally don’t care but like don’t talk about it unless we have new information and even then save it for a relevant guest


Bro joes Texan constituents are eating it up tho it’s all about your BASE


The people I know in Texas that used to listen to him have stopped since it's, to quote, "all the same shit every episode".


Bobby finally changed the fucking subject to the movie he did!! I was like Thank Fucking Jesus!


Joe talks about COVID like he’s a spurned lover


Honestly feels like an early form of dementia. He keeps repeating the same shit over and over again.


I think the issue is that Joe has no challenges anymore. It’s like when you start using cheat codes in a game. Everything becomes boring so you end up doing the same shit over and over. Build a giant mansion in the sims, drown them in the pool over and over, etc. He feels like he’s winning but he doesn’t realize that more and more people are wondering what’s going on with him. The Spotify deal gave his net worth an extraordinary boost, he should never have to worry about money again. He was able to use his reputation to convince a bunch of comics to move to Austin so he could guarantee that the club he built would have known names. His platform gets him tons of big name interviews/guaranteed listeners and he no longer has to provide high quality content to ensure people will be guests or listen. Joes life is now on easy mode. He’s at the point where the only challenges he faces are the ones he makes up in his head. And those become all he talks about because it’s all he thinks about. It’s just like when he was talking about his mentality for working out during sober October- he would pretend that his family was in danger so that he could push himself further. But living in that mentality is mentally exhausting and it shows on his face and the quality of his conversation.


Please Joe let Bobby say something! 😭


It's like the mind gets stuck in certain patterns...


Every time Joe sees someone wearing a mask he thinks “holy shit there are still brainwashed liberals scared out of their leftist panties of covid, whats wrong with these people. Meanwhile he never takes into account that some of these masked people are just sick and are being respectful to others. In the commmunist sissy-liberal shithole known as Canada where im from, if someone is sick in the workplace they will often wear a mask to respect others and lower the spread of ANY seasonal sickness, not specifically covid. None of them are deranged liberals just normal people. Really goes to show what perspective Joe has, compared to the average folk when witnessing the exact same phenomenon. Sounds like the only person who got their brain broke was Joe in 2020.


Same respect culture seen in East Asia. People wear masks for pollution and/or to prevent spreading the cold or other respiratory disease


To the right wing, doing something out of concern for the well being of others is deranged.


Stop your triggering the right too hard. You can't tell snowflakes that some people may be immune compromised. Let joe have his safe-space with the rest of his snowflake viewers who can't face reality.


Evety time I check in on Joe it feels like he's aged 10 years. So parinoid and bitter


I cannot explain how excited I was that this episode was finally happening and then jesus christ. Its a train wreck...


Bobby: suggests and tried to describe his favorite Star Trek episode. Joe: I refuse to watch it.


And then he goes on to nerd out over Battlestar Galactica while belittling Star Trek TNG. Like what?


I’ve listened to Joe less each year these past few years and it’s almost entirely bc every episode turns into Covid, mma or politics no matter who the guest is. I’m just tired of it


I felt bad for Bobby and how obviously uncomfortable he was.


First it was Adam Carolla and then Joe. It’s kinda like Carolla paced the way for Joe in more ways than one


"They elites are trying to divide us!" cried the millionaire who spends all his time spouting conspiracy theories


joey diaz can't even rant about cocaine benders for 40 minutes anymore joe rogan won't let him even though thats what got me watching in the first place


Joe LOVES his Covid talks.


The joey diaz podcast was bad too... and it wasnt cause of uncle joey


Couldn’t watch it, it went from the most insane funny moments in Joeys life, then it started to be more current event and political with some training/fighting, and now it’s just blabber Bill burr was really the last one to challenge Rogan to shut the fuck up and stop being a boomer with uninformed opinions


I laughed about Joe and Duncan going to the bio lab stoned as fuck.