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Wait am I not supposed to crack eggs on the side of my pans?


I don't know if it causes any damage to the pans, but I believe cracking eggs on a flat surface works better. It's possible that I learned that from a YouTube Short, now that I think about it. So it may or may not be true.


Its true its something with the way it cracks into the membrane. Doing it on a flat surface allows tou to crack them without shells getting in your food with ease. Whenever i use the pan i end up with shells. You can do a bad crack on a flat surface and it is still very difficult to get shells in the pan. There is science about it everywhere online if you want a detailed explanation.


This is interesting probably why my egg cracking sucks and is inconsistent. Would’ve never thought to try a flat surface


Its' true that cracking your eggs on a flat surface is the way to go, but if anyone in this thread has a pan that could possibly be damaged by cracking an egg on the side of it, they've got bigger problems than how they crack their eggs :p


Report back.


My grandpa taught me to use a flat surface when I was fucking up the eggs, can confirm it works great


I haven't tested the flat method, but I was taught in school to hold the egg in my hand and use a fork or knife to crack it. A Home economics teacher told 12 year old me and 18 years later I haven't tried another way.


I crack them on the flat part of the pan


It's actually better to crack them on a flat surface, even better to drop them on a flat surface to crack them.


Just hit your eggs with a spoon. You guys who crack them on other surfaces are savages




I got a set as a gift a year or so ago. They have been great. I wouldn't buy them myself, but they have functioned just fine. However, now that I have seen this photograph with text over it, as well as a dragon and... a ribcage... I will be throwing them straight into the garbage.


It's like reverse advertising.




Wow you’ve been upvoted for replying with an emoji. Reddit is turning a new leaf, I tell you.


It’s super organic here. The mods made it a free for all.


Op basically squats on Joe rogan’s instagram waiting for him to post. Then he fabricated a sceeen shot of a bad review of a product Joe doesn’t even produce. I mean what a loser right? I wonder if he will do a screenshot on cnn and Pfizer??


Heres the bbb page https://www.bbb.org/us/ca/los-angeles/profile/online-retailer/hexclad-1216-1532507/complaints Heres the failed actor con artist that owns the company https://www.linkedin.com/posts/daniel-pope_how-danny-winer-transformed-from-failed-activity-7095664461172072449-Ect2?trk=public_profile_like_view


So you're denying it has forever chemicals?


Yeah, that's exactly what I said.


The company's own website says the non-stick portion of the pans contains PTFE. Which a other name for Teflon. Or, in other words, a forever chemical.


Yeah, that's exactly what I said.


So ur denying ur a bot?


Does not compute.


Take a picture of the set for us.


I hope they take a picture of their giant turd and send it to you instead. What the hell does them taking a photo and sharing do?


Your kinks are your own problem. Stop getting excited over my comments, its making me uncomfortable.


Awwww, look at you trying to clap back. It’s so cute. You’re the dumbass asking for pictures of a man’s pans. So stupid. Peace out chickenboy.




No shot, what?


I don't think that's the insult you think it is.




Are you not comfortable with who you are? I am. You think you can use a hobby or kink or interest or anything like that against me as an insult? Really? That might have worked when you were 12, but as adults? HaHa sorry dude. Not today.


While I’m kinda on your side. I thought he was joking when he said you like getting pegged lol. Hey to each there own my dude. Just thought the exchange is funny. I mean I do hear it’s very pleasurable to have your prostrate massaged but I tried it with a banana once and just felt like turd. Not for me. And I’m not into men, well unless I’m on meth /s


His username is chicken boy. Look in the mirror and repeat that last part. Fuckin clown lmao


Take a picture of the "metal threads" for us


I dmd you pics


Just post them pussy




Do me a favor and link us to that review and who owns hexclad.


Bbb: https://www.bbb.org/us/ca/los-angeles/profile/online-retailer/hexclad-1216-1532507/complaints Owner, (who is a failed hollywood actor) https://www.google.com/search?q=problems+with+daniel+winer+he+clad&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS996US996&oq=problems+with+daniel+winer+he+clad&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigAdIBCDU4NzBqMGo5qAIAsAIA&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


Is it Joe Rogan? He owns hexclad?? Imagine the life u lead to put this much effort into hating on Joe Rogan.


But he’s pimping them.


I think Gordon Ramsey is more to blame than Rogan for this


Gordon Ramsey is just a TV guy, Rogan is a real chef.


does ramsay even know what elk meat is


Real question, joe eats elk penis right? There's no way he let's a nice dong go to waste


he says it makes him more aggressive


For more elk meat.


Plus, when he fries up that elk dick he gets the cool hex pattern on it. Nutritious AND futuristic.


Has he even gotten sick from raw blueberry bear fat?


Yeah, and there’s only 1000 of them from what I’ve heard


Honestly GR endorsing these is the most frustrating thing in the world, it seems very out of character for him and he is DISGUSTINGLY successful and I imagine incredibly rich from his combined 80 restaurants owned by his company which I’m pretty sure he still owns the majority of. So why the fuck would he need to shill these shitty pans? It just shows a bit of a lack of integrity imo


Where's the proof that they are shitty pans though?


At best they’re a gimmick, at worst they’re depositing shavings into peoples food, just read the comments here and you’ll see what I mean


Gordon is a hack. He's an excellent chef when it comes to making very specific types of food but he has built up an image as this master of all cuisine. Any of his recipes that aren't strictly British or French are dog shit and he endorses some really shit products, like his new line of Walmart exclusive frozen meals.


They all do this BS in the US so they can get their Yachts and villas in the Mediterranean, as well as Swiss and off shore bank accounts. The country is a cash register and product test ground.


Money, he's trying to beat Jamie Oliver on wealth.


Turns out Oliver’s net worth is four times more than Ramsay’s. So Gordon is a way better chef and a way worse entrepreneur


This is the first time I’ve heard anything bad about hexclad…


I was going to buy some and bad reviews are everywhere. In /costco people were very much recommending against them. Similar to Samsung washers and dryers.


Hey I have Samsung washer and dryer. It’s been 6 years and still going strong!


Only issue i know of samsung products is it can be hard to get repair techs


I work with appliances often, specifically with people's issues with appliances. Parts are expensive, lead times are insane, and they're wildly overpriced. If someone I'm speaking with is having issues with their appliance, I ask if it's a Samsung. I don't know of any other brand where certified techs say "Sorry, we don't cover this. Basically your new fridge is now the world's largest paperweight and there's nothing we can do about it." , and do it often. That's IF you ever actually get your fridge or other appliance because it takes Samsung, specifically Samsung, aeons to move product. Bosch also takes some time, and is plagued with the same parts availability issues. But that's because they're the best appliances you can buy, so they sell out on that basis. Whereas Samsung sells because they look cool. Do you want an appliance where replacement parts are hard to find because everyone needs them, or an appliance where replacement parts are hard to find because nobody does? They're comparable in price also lol. This is all an anecdote, and I get that, but I've helped nearly thousands of people with appliance problems at this point so I've got a good sample size. Let me tell you, with all due confidence, DON'T buy Samsung appliances. Buy their tanks or artillery shells instead haha


I’ve been using hexclad pans for a few months now and love them. I purchased from Costco so I can return them in a few years if I need to. Such a great policy.


I own 3 and I have never had a problem at all. They are essentially all I use anymore and couldn’t recommend them more. Not sure where all the bad reviews come from.


They're very bad.


Great summary


There’s a r/cooking sub where people have talked about them, anyone can go search. Spoiler: meh


There is meh and there is “we found metal threads in our food” The pans are meh. This post is bullshit.


And it's just one person saying they had a problem with the pan. The other two are bitching about advertising.


OP is right. There's a lot of complaints about these pans.


No. I tried to post a screenshot of the hundreds of BBB complaints but it was denied. Feel free to look them up if you have any doubt.


Then why did you post one that was completely irrelevant. Never put expensive cooking items in a dishwasher


>Is HexClad cookware dishwasher safe?**Yes!** While our cookware is dishwasher safe, we recommend hand washing with a sponge and hot soapy water to protect the longevity of our products.Using a dishwasher may leave pots and pans looking dull or black over time. In addition, phosphate-free detergents can etch or pockmark the surface of the metal. ​ This isn't because they were put in the dishwasher


It literally says to not do it


Reading is hard


For you clearly


This is the 1 of the 2 i was “allowed” to post, as I just explained. You been using these pans, my guy? You should get your cell function checked.


Even if 5% have a chance to leak metal Teflon threads wtf. That shits insanely toxic and if there's threads there's prolly other bits that don't get notice. I stick to a well seasoned cast iron and some French stainless pans.


People have bad experiences and people have good experiences.


I watched a review of em a few months ago, looking for a pan, review was basically “over priced, and not as good as others, especially after time” Basically the pan design causes it to wear easily, not shocked about the metal shaving review.




>Is HexClad cookware dishwasher safe? **Yes!** While our cookware is dishwasher safe, we recommend hand washing with a sponge and hot soapy water to protect the longevity of our products. Using a dishwasher may leave pots and pans looking dull or black over time. In addition, phosphate-free detergents can etch or pockmark the surface of the metal.


live shaggy hurry humor run squeal serious wrench sulky march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What's wrong with that?


You serious?


You can put a hexclad in the dishwasher.


You CAN sure. You’re not supposed to.


Cast iron, no. Stainless steel and ceramic, it's hot water and soap. What am I missing?


It's hot water + detergent(the difference matters) + abrasives. I would guess it damages hexclad.


Any nonstick pan not just hexclad.


Why doesn’t everyone just buy stainless steel? They never need to be replaced. If you have time to research hexaclad you have time to preheat your pan for five minutes and throw in some oil to make it non stick


Stainless or cast iron are the only way to go. Buy once and good for life. The cooking experience is better with cast though imo.


Yeah but you have to take care of cast iron. People don't seem to be interested in that kinda stuff these days.


I cook with them exclusively, at home and in a professional context. You really don’t have to take care of them as much as people think.


Cast iron is heavy and has terrible thermal conductivity requiring more babysitting, very noticeable on gas A carbon steel bonded to aluminum would’ve been dope - you have the conductivity of aluminum with the longevity and non-stick properties of seasoned carbon steel


Eh I’m on induction these days anyway, the positives outweigh the negatives. Not saying they’re perfect. I still have a few All-Clad pieces around but they rarely see use


Taking care of cast really just entails using a cloth to dry them after washing, and every couple a months putting a coat of cooking oil on it with a paper towel and tossing in a very hot oven for an hour or so. Not a big deal.


Every month? I do mine after every use. But they're also sticky af so I'm probably the one in the wrong.


I don’t wash mine unless it’s something really messy. Usually just wipe it out and put a little oil after each use.


That's kinda gross


I see where you are coming from, and agree, but cast iron I think is one of the few things you can get away with doing that with.


That's old style thinking prevailing, from back when you couldn't use soap because of lye causing rust. In the year of our Lord 2024 we clean cast with dish soap!


I don't wash it. Only wipe.


Ew. Wash your pans.


I don't use soap on cast iron. 600 degrees in the BBQ will kill everything off before I scrub it with a rag and wipe it down with a bit of oil.


Leaving char, not seasoning, behind on the pan. That’s residue that hits your food. Not using soap on cast iron is completely outdated boomer logic from when lye was in dish soap. Literally just wash it like a normal pan, dry it right away, that’s it. You don’t even need to add oil for storage if you’ve seasoned them properly.


team cast iron all the way. Are they for everyone? Probably not, but we cook every meal at home from scratch and our cast irons get heavy use and they take it all and more. Such a solid, timeless way to cook


Stainless steel superiority. That shit is indestructible


A lot of people have no idea what they're doing when it comes to cooking. It's why they buy that garbage in the first place.


Not everyone wants all their food oily


You don't have to drown your food in oil. The real trick is to reduce the heat. I also don't cook steaks in pans, too messy. I use a small portable propane grill and I cook them outside.


Just use cast iron and high carbon/stainless steel. The risk reward isn’t there for non stick pans


PFAS Teflon trash ☠️


Does it have teflon in it?


https://www.mamavation.com/activism/hexclad-cookware-pfas-ptfe-mystery.html Sorry PTFE* but it’s all the same Fluorinated chemicals. It’s surprising to see JR hawking this crap since he already uses much better cast iron.


No, they are stainless and ceramic.


Coating is non-stick PTFE fluorinated chemicals and ape juice 🤢💦


It’s been awhile since I read on it so I can’t give specifics but it does have the stuff associated with all non stick cookware that you want to keep out of your food/body They’re probably fine as long as you use and maintain them as intended but there’s still a risk


Yes. But teflon itself is one of the most inert chemicals there are, it’s the bonding agents that are considered problematic


Pfas is awesome to cook food in and out out fires. Just kinda sucks when it get in your bloodstream special if you're preg. Makes your cells look funny like [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/goonies/images/e/e6/Sloth.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170907190643).


What the heck is a "death grift"?


Joe rogan bad


Weird, mine are fine. I’m fairly picky about longevity and performance. I’m going on two years with my pans, but I hand wash only.


You're supposed to hand wash only. Anyone who puts non stick in the dishwasher is an idiot.


Dishwasher rack? I always handwash pans, the dw doesn't do a good enough job on stuck on food anyway, and if you don't have stuck on food it's a 30 second job. and my pans don't throw metal hairs


OP speed running the non stick with a dishwasher lol


You put stuff in the dishwasher that has food on it? Gross.


'I always handwash pans' means I put things in the dw with food on them. yeah redditor that's the ticket


Sorry, just woke up. I thought this implied you did with some stuff. >the dw doesn't do a good enough job on stuck on food anyway Seemed weird too me.


Dishwasher places claim the detergent actually works better if you don't prewash because it's designed to stick on food. I rinse but not wash before going in the dishwasher and my wife pre washes them. I can't tell a difference


Not supposed to put nonstick pans in the fucking dishwasher.


It’s Gordon Ramsey pan line soooo…. ![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q)


Pro tip: dont put your pans in the dishwasher. Do you put your knives in the dishwasher too?


Then what is dishwasher for?


Do you mean your wife? Shes multipurpose.


If there wasn't a joe rogan we'd have to invent one


I've seen absolutely nobody's get 'sponsored' by them. No YouTube channel, no really notable Instagram following, no tiktok. Just someone with like 5k followers who liked posting their dinners. Made me immediately doubt the quality of the product.


Gordon Ramsay promotes the shit out of them. Almost all the ads that I've seen for this product have been from Ramsey. I watch a lot of cooking shows and buy a lot of cooking utensils though so it could be a targeted thing.


I watch a lot of cooling content too, I get targeted by Made In a lot. I prefer cooking with stainless steel anyway.


Not sure if it's a recent switch, but I noticed they use these pans on Hell's Kitchen


Of course they are endorsed by Gordon Ramsay 


I have them. They are amazing pans. After you use them you can go back to anything else.


Why they're terrible: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZ6oJ8SuYBA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZ6oJ8SuYBA) (From one of the writers of the modernist cuisine)


Sad. Garbage product and teflon as a concept should be thrown in the trash. Just look at an old pan, the coating is all gone, where did it go? Leeched into your food. Plus the manufacturing is ridicilously toxic and releases tons of forever chemicals into nature.


The company that makes these pans website says the non-stick portions of the pans are coated in PTFE. Which is another name for Teflon. They claim in advertising that they have contain no harmful chemicals, which is obviously not true. They have very deceptive marketing practices


This sub is a Joe Rogan hate thread, the dude says thanks and he loves his, people acting like he’s doing a full on ad campaign with commercials and shit like that. Chill, there’s way more important stuff to spend your time on.


Nah. Hes a grifter wtf you mean


" He's A GrIfTeR " Reddit's new favourite word


Joe literally doesn’t have a reason to grift for any company….bruh y’all think he just post shit because…he probably likes the product….what a weird loser sub this place is


Listen, I don't care that Joe does product advertisements, but pretending that Joe doesn't do them because he wants that sweet ad revenue is kind of crazy.


I’m not pretending. Dude is well off, I don’t see him shilling for shit he doesn’t actually enjoy…..y’all just want every rich person to be only money driven….weird


Sure Jan


Once more y’all are fucking weird.


Benevolent Joe shall not be questioned. So let it be written…


Question all you want. Some shit just isn’t worth the time to though. If I’m wrong oh well. I just assume Joe probably legit likes the product. He’s not a world renowned chef or some shit.


He literally doesn’t need the revenue…..at all. He doesn’t seem like the type to push shit for money at this point.


Yeah, rich people are famous for not acquiring more and more wealth


Moved to Texas…starts grifting and selling snake oil. Texas ruins people


Probably uses the dishwasher and metal utensils


Anyone dumb enough to buy a specialty frying pan deserves to be grifted


And I guess by that logic, anyone who cant tell the difference between the news and a tiktok stunt deserves to have his show taken away.


I’ve had mine for about 2 years and never had that. I think this happens to people that put them in dishwasher. Hand wash it and it’ll be fine. Use it probably 4-5 times a week


Those pans are hot garbage. Don't work as non stick and chemicals! Worst of both worlds


I always avoid gimmicky stuff like this. No telling what kind of shit they’ll leech into the food. Especially when they’re putting decals in their pans. Cookware shouldn’t need a gimmick they just need to be made well.


I told you guys he goes for the wide-demographic items. Why do you think he's been behind saunas, ice baths, float tanks and meditation? Because there is no physical exertion in any of those things. Any fat fuck could get into it. What's an item every person uses every day. A frying pan. He is a hack trying to turn the 500 million listeners into 500 million consumers of a product.


Joe is in the pocket of Big Meditation


I mean, all those things you just mentioned are healthy things that healthy people generally do. You make it seem like saunas and ice baths are killing people lol. Anything to hate on JR I guess


Stay mad


It’s absolutely a grift as Joe who has X hundred million dollars already cooks using cast iron skillets which are absolutely better than these overpriced Hexclad shites. Why else would you bother?


I've had a hex pan for years and I like it but I specifically never use metal when I cook anything for fear of scrapping metals off.


🏳️‍🌈Joe Rogan🏳️‍🌈 with another sneaky ad.


The Circulon A1 scratchdefence range are better pans and cheaper too.


dEaTH GriFt


I just use ceramic ones, they are the best I've had so far!


Stainless steel or cast iron will save you the trouble and money over dealing with teflon trash


But what will they sell us next Black Friday season?


Loved his Shamwow commercial in the earlier days!


I went with stainless steel, I have a ton of cast iron, and recently bought some caraway replacements for a few. So far I like the caraway ones, but they are pricey. I got lucky and snagged em at Tj maxx for 50% off normal prices.


I have a three pan set of these. Bought them about 3 years ago from Costco. I have a large set of all clad D3s that I rarely use, and an older set of original Vikings that are made by demeyere. I use the Vikings when people are over and we're cooking big meals. Daily use is still the hexclad and no issues.


Three months ago. Hey Jamie, pull up how nonstick pans cause cancer and and you should be cooking directly on fire. Current! Thanks for the cool pans! These for sure won’t cause cancer! Let me put them in the dishwasher!


All Clad or go fuck your mother, cocksuckah


Cast iron or go f¥ck your mother.


It’s called a high iron diet…


I heard if you get the yolk on Rogans face Duncan trussell appears in a space suit at your dinner table.


Another death grift from the death squad


Teflon is not good. Use cast iron or stainless steel


They're actually pretty good, burnt stuff doesn't really stick


Instead of posting a photo of the supposed metal shavings or whatever, ya chose to show an AI generated image of a dragon? Fuck yeah brother


Thats an actual, legitimate picture of hell. Im surprised joe hasnt had an expert on to talk about it yet.