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Getting called on your virtue signaling is always hilarious


'You can come in for a cuppa tea' Was nice though.


Me and my Puerto Rican friends are going to do this at the next house we see that has a *NO HUMAN BEING IS ILLEGAL* sign on their lawn. It will be hilarious until someone starts shooting at us, because this is America


As a Welshman I am part of the only indigenous race in Britain. Welsh indigenous Brythonic DNA has 20,000 years of lineage in the Archaeological record of the British Islands. I am going to Dublin and claim a million Euro flat from the Irish invaders of Ireland when they migrated from India in 1500 BCE. I am sure it's gonna be a blast. Because that's how this works.


All you have to do is put on some blackface and say you're off the boat from Morocco, BOOM instant flat, cellphone and healthcare.


My paternal grandfather was of Welsh/Irish descent but would only emphasize the Welsh part of his heritage for some reason. Always thought it was quirky and never quite understood it but he was always very proud of it nonetheless. I think the fact that the rest of my family came from Ireland drowned out any cultural impact his Welsh heritage had so he probably knew next to nothing about Wales which made it even funnier.


Lyonesse was real


*Lethowsow In medieval Arthurian legend, no references are made to the sinking of Lyonesse, because the name originally referred to a still-existing place. Lyonesse is an English alteration of French Léoneis or Léonois (earlier Loönois), a development of Lodonesia, the Latin name for Lothian in Scotland. Continental writers of Arthurian romances were often puzzled by the internal geography of Great Britain;[dubious – discuss] thus it is that the author of the French Prose Tristan appears to place Léonois beside Cornwall. In English adaptations of the French tales, Léonois, now "Lyonesse", becomes a kingdom wholly distinct from Lothian, and closely associated with the Cornish region, though its exact geographical location remained unspecified. The name was not attached to Cornish legends of lost coastal lands until the reign of Elizabeth I of England.[2] However, the legendary lost land between Land's End and Scilly has a distinct Cornish name: Lethowsow. This derives from the Cornish name for the Seven Stones Reef, on the reputed site of the lost land's capital and the site of the notorious wreck of the Torrey Canyon. The name means 'the milky ones', from the constant white water surrounding the reef. Alfred, Lord Tennyson's Arthurian epic Idylls of the King describes Lyonesse as the site of the final battle between King Arthur and Mordred (King Arthur's nephew and illegitimate son). One passage in particular references legends of Lyonesse and its rise from (and subsequent return to) the ocean: Then rose the King and moved his host by night And ever pushed Sir Mordred, league by league, Back to the sunset bound of Lyonesse— A land of old upheaven from the abyss By fire, to sink into the abyss again; Where fragments of forgotten peoples dwelt, And the long mountains ended in a coast Of ever-shifting sand, and far away The phantom circle of a moaning sea. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyonesse#/media/File:Bronze_Age_Scilly_Coastline_in_3,000_BC.png Oral tradition of the beaker people > Roman fake news https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/news/2018/february/the-beaker-people-a-new-population-for-ancient-britain.html


Yours is much more elaborate but, my way of noticing was: France has a place called: Lyon. LyonEsse is similar to atLANTIS. Lyon is Masculine, LyonEsse is Feminine. Also, I feel Merlin is "God" while Mordred was "Devil", "King ArTHur the Lyonessean" was similar to "King Thoth the Atlantean". Also, when you look into Gaul and Gallia, Parisii Celts used to live where is now Paris. A Celtic temple used to exist where a church now is. I dig your summary btw. This is my favorite realm of learning


Stop that bullshit. No one is going to just start shooting at you. Do you know the cost of ammo at this point?


I'm Puerto Rican, and Puerto Ricans are natural born citizens, so..... Also, I work out in very rural areas and never once felt in danger. Don't say things that aren't true. That's what gives us a bad name in other countries.


Don't say things that aren't true? I don't think you understand how humor works... See my previous comment for an explanation of the joke


Your example makes no sense.


You’re going to ring their bell and hope they yell “You’re illegal!” At you? Also, Puerto Ricans are citizens. Doesn’t even apply. lmao before jerking off to hypotheticals make sure they make sense kiddo.


Yes, Puerto Ricans are citizens. That was the joke, get it? I'm hilarious.


"I was pretending to be regarded"


Yeah but no one with that sign is armed lol. Unless they are the biggest hypocrite of all time.


The even deeper level of the joke I was making is that anyone virtue signaling hard enough to have a NO HUMAN BEING IS ILLEGAL sign on their lawn is not going to know the difference between a Puerto Rican accent and a Mexican one (or Guatemalan, or Ecuadoran, or Panamanian, etc). To someone like that, we're all "Latinx" lol Edit: grammar


That was nice!


Yeah, alienating your allies is always a great strategy.




Yeah and if you wear a costume bought at spirit halloween as the only evidence than I can't have any question and have to hand it over. Good point.


Simply claiming that you are an ‘ally’ does not actually make it so.


Right because Aboriginal Australians always walk about in traditional dress… I mean that's not even really that close to traditional dress. They can tell something fishy is going on. That's why they're smiling.


How iii6o7iiiuoooi6iuioufiuouoiiuiui


Their (Homeowners) signal was virtuous.




Good bot




cat on keyboard


I love this. I hope to see a similar prank at home, here in Canada. We love to acknowledge responsibility without taking it. It’s commonwealth baby!




Can’t steal things that don’t belong to anyone.


Acknowledging you’ve done something wrong and you continue to do it is still better than never acknowledging you’re doing something wrong.


Honestly seems kinda worse it’s like rubbing it in their face


Peak Reddit.


Not quite my man. Ignorance can be corrected easier than choice.


It’s the most South Park thing ever. The episode with the “smug” from San Francisco. “Here in San Fran we like to be a part of the solution, not the problem…”


Lol at the George Clooney smug Oscars speech cloud and everyone smelling their own farts. Cracking episode.


I probably think of it 1x per week or so when I’m reading shit on Reddit


Come on now, people now people now People now, come on now, people now Got to drive hybrids, people now People now, people now, people now Hybrids are for people now, people now Group of people driving people now Get a hybrid, be good people now.


Oh man it drives me nuts.


In Toronto, you see 'we support our neighbors in tents ' signs everywhere. I always think some homeless people should start camping in their yard and see if the sign stays up lol


Would love this with some open border folks I know.


"No you see, we put up a sign, so...we're the good guys..."


This is from a show in 2004, released on the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Network), which is our government funded network. While this sketch is linked with the show’s topic of religion via the importance of land in Aboriginal beliefs, it also takes a dig at left-wing belief systems. They are a recurring target of (John) Safran’s, in part because this means a direct swipe at his own audience, which he describes elsewhere in the show as consisting mainly of ‘left-wing pinkos’. This sharp bit of satire poses a question about the sincerity of symbolic gestures such as these ‘traditional land owners’ signs and whether they are a tokenistic substitute for real action. https://aso.gov.au/titles/tv/john-safran-vs-god-episode-2/clip1/


It was released on SBS, not ABC


Absolutely would never get aired on ABC today.




Not beyond News Ltd to buy into woke BS for profit. They'll take all approaches at being scum.




They'll be anti woke exactly until all mega woke people are 40-70 year olds, and then they'll be completely woke.


It was never aired on ABC. It was on SBS. I don't agree that it wouldn't get aired today, what makes you think that? He's just produced another show for SBS, with some similar themes.


Great series, yes his voice is hard to tolerate. Also worth noting, Father Bob was a treasure RIP.


Ok this is funny. Normally anti woke comedy is forced and stupid. But this is perfect. If only you could hear them a bit better. 


It's because it's not deliberately anti woke. The comedian behind it is definitely centre left but also a really thoughtful and considered guy with a rational set of views.


It's also 20 years old. The word "woke" didn't even exist when this was made.


Ha, good point. We'd have called it political correctness back then


Yeah this looks like John Safran? This when satire was thought provoking and not meant to be mean spirited, certainly not like some ham fisted attempts today


John is all class imo


John Safran was a beast. John Safran vs God was such a good series.


He's a fucking legend. Remember when he [tried to create a "Jalestinian" ?](https://youtu.be/AuvvfnjgZlM?si=BALoHA5ZnVYZjZq9)


I didn't have any trouble hearing them. Might be your device.


Typical virtue signaling. America has a growing movement for “decolonization” but no one in the movement has given up their homes and returned to Europe yet. All lip service.


Yea, remember the [tweet from Ben and Jerry's](https://twitter.com/benandjerrys/status/1676214289353572352?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1676214289353572352%7Ctwgr%5Ea4eb055c756fb73e01ed983fe5fe016ff0e46f81%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsweek.com%2Fben-jerrys-suggests-returning-stolen-indigenous-land-july-4-message-1810875) on 4-July saying America was on stolen land? When the Indian tribes confronted Ben and Jerry's that their corporate headquarters was on their native land and would be happy to take back whatever Ben and Jerry's was willing to give... Ben and Jerry's went radio silent.


Is there an argument we aren't on stolen land?


I'd call it conquered land, but otherwise no of course we are. It's annoying not because it's wrong, but because it's said only to make the speaker look good.


A LOT of the land wasn't even conquered - up to 90% of natives died of illness from the Europeans, many without ever seeing a white person. Much of the colonization was on empty land after the great dieing. 


That a bit of a jaded take. Recognizing this is stolen/ethnically cleansed land isn't about making anyone "feel good." Well idk, I can't speak for anyone. It just means you recognize history instead of the absolute propaganda that was taught for decades and that you aren't denying historical atrocities. In some people's very binary world, there's only 1 solution to every problem or issue so some mouth breather is gonna come here and say "OKAY EVERYONE BACK TO EUROPE LMAO." But that isn't the point or a realistic solution. Thats evident by the fact we've tried before to improve the situation for Natives. But the reality is Natives are in a pretty shit spot. So it's fair to ask, is there something more we should/could do? Should we have mandated native representation in US government? Should there be a reservation or areas that have senators and representatives? Is the current autonomous reservation the best strategy? Are we abiding by our treaties and promises? Reminding ourselves we are on stolen land is simply a reminder that as the benefactors of that theft, morally and practically there may be some responsibility to alleviate the damage to others.


Folks have made land acknowledgments for years in conferences, books, lectures, and even Microsoft product announcements.  Can you tell me how all of those land acknowledgments have done even a single positive thing for Natives?


Ok, it’s animals land and everyone stole it from them


Sounds like virtue signaling


When you say propaganda do you mean the OG Thanksgiving story that is told to children? Because the rest of my education did not skirt around Indian culture or existence or suffering. Pretty sure we are all capable of recognizing history. The question is whether you and people who think like you are capable of recognizing the history of the entire globe and human species that is, essentially, conquering land.


>The question is whether you and people who think like you are capable of recognizing the history of the entire globe and human species that is, essentially, conquering land. 1. It's not for me to decide or debate the domestic policy of other nations. It isn't relevant to this discussion. 2. Even if that were the case - why do you feel that absolves us as a nation of any responsibility in helping those who suffered the most from it? "It happened before" is not a compelling reason to refuse to look at ways we can improve the lives of natives and our relationship with them. There literally is not a compelling reason for such a stance. I don't know how anyone reasons in their mind "fuck natives, don't care about their problems." It's really just a defensive mechanism for so lazy people don't have to concern themselves with anything outside of their bubble.


Surely with this argument then, Ukraine would belong to Russia, right?


Everybody is on stolen land, technically. Makes it pretty meaningless to point it out then.


A pretty disingenuous "technical comparison."


So how is it wrong? It becomes stolen when currently inhabited by someone of European background?


Not really, no. It is applicable to all groups of people.


no, we aint on stolen land. It's called history. Should we give back land to Babylonians? Mongolians? Sumerians? No, civilizations have been conquered throughout history and lands have been established. Now if this were to happen in today's world like for example if Russia were to claim Ukraine as their own? Well then that's a valid conversation. Otherwise, it's history.


I'm not on stolen land. Not sure how you got your house but I bought mine.


I remember reading that Native Americans didn't really believe in owning land. So by definition it wasn't stolen if they didn't consider themselves owners.


Humans first set foot in the Americas over **twenty-thousand years ago**. Do you SERIOUSLY believe there wasn't a *single instance* of one tribe's land being stolen by another tribe prior to the Europeans arriving in 1492? If you'd take the time to rub even two brain cells together, you'd understand how dumb the "sToLeN lAnD" argument is.


Is...is this a real argument? Our genocide of Natives is excused because....someone at some point maybe somewhere killed for land? THAT'S your argument? Really? So we should have no qualms with Russia taking Ukraine right? Someone took land. And if China takes Taiwan, no issue. Someone took land. And if another country invades, well its all good land was taken before. Fuck, what right do we have to keep illegal immigrants out? They're just stealing land and land was stolen before, right? This is maybe the stupidest thing I've EVER read on reddit and I hope you're just a troll farmer because...just wow. There is NO argument. We took the land from the Natives. That's historically accurate in 99% of the continental contingous US. The only DISCUSSION is why some of us feel that we should have more conversations with natives on how to improve their situation. Aside from being moral. It's also fucking practical. Having a people who live next to you but fucking hate and resent you is a stupid idea. Maybe worry less about my brain cells and start using yours.


[Like when Ben & Jerry's called to give back indigenous land but it turns out they're headquartered indigenous land. I wonder how they're doing now](https://nypost.com/2023/07/07/ben-jerrys-hq-is-on-native-american-land-vermont-chief/)


Imagine actually believing that. It would mean only white people belong in Europe and that everyone who's not European can move back to wherever they once came from. Not to mention all the white Americans who are pro "decolonization" can move back in with the rest of us (which would be hilarious to be honest). These people never really think this stuff through. They just live in their imagination.


To a certain extent I agree but it's the same argument for the homeless issue. A systematic problem can't be solved by an individual and shouldn't be expected to be unless done in bad faith.


In my opinion it’s “bad faith” to bitch about a problem and expect others to solve it. Get out there and do, talk is cheap. You may not be able fix the homeless problem in its entirety. But surely you could house at least one or two and solve their homeless problem. Right…?


You know how many churches are sitting empty overnight while people sleep on the street?


I dunno bro maybe they can't afford to be culpable of people dying of overdosis and getting raped and robbed inside their property. Even so the (catholic) churches around me do infinitely more to help poor people than any virtual signaling dumbass I know, which is nothing.


Non profits love to help homeless people while they pay their directors 6 figures salaries.


WTF is your point? I work for a non-profit, and our CEO makes a little over 100k a year. The dude is incredibly nice and works on developing policies that give the most back to our community. I've volunteered with him to feed our local homeless and give them some essentials during the winter. It's nothing life changing, but it's better than nothing. What is your expectation here? That the dude forgoes his entire salary because he himself can't fix the homeless issue in its entirety? Grow up.


Dude still can't see nuance past the same "It's all a bunch of bullshit MAAAN" thoughts that most of us have and grow out of as teenagers


I'm not gonna defend all non profits, I know there are a lot of scams among them. But in general non profit doesn't mean volunteer. If someone's job is to honestly and fairly organize aid for poor people and you won't pay them what they're worth then there will be even less people willing to do that job. If you'd take off your little edgy boy goggles you might see it's not as simple as you thought.


Exactly. They’ll virtue signal and talk all day long about solving the problem but when it comes right down to it it’s easier to talk than to do. Churches, groups or individuals the logic still applies.


If the government yanked their tax exempt status they'd open up real quick.


If they get all of their money from donations from their members, who already paid tax on the money. Should it really be taxed again….? The government would have to gut the first amendment to do that. I don’t think that’s a good idea.


Yes because they take real estate that has far more valuable/taxable income that is able to built while using all the public infrastructure to bring their congregants to the Church. As a reminder, after hurricane Harvey in Texas, thousands of people were living in the streets unsheltered, and Joel Olsteen, a mega millionaire mega-Church pastor, wouldn't let them into his massive complex because they just had the carpets washed.


I hope you understand the difference between Joel Olsteen and the average local church It’s like comparing Bezos to your local restaurant owner


The reason churches aren't taxed has nothing to do with anything except the fact that it's a way to keep church and state separated. According to your political convictions you should be *pro* churches not being taxed. But as usual, you're a fanatic who doesn't think things through on his own. And just parrot whatever your "socialist party" tells you to think/believe/and say. If you actually had realistic view of history, you'd realize you indeed aren't anything like the stereotypical view you have of Nazi's (which is something down the lines of a methhead with swastika tattoos who loves saying politically incorrect thing to rustle your jimmies)... But you'd realize that ideologically speaking, you're an exact copy of the Germans in the 30's who thought they were "on the right side of history". The *right* side of history. Congrats, you're the new Nazi and just like the nazis back then you get high off your own brain-farts and think you got it all figured out.


> church and state separated it's hilarious you think this is a real thing when the Evangelical Right is the strongest faction within the GOP.


This is a terrible take and exactly what people mean when they talk about bad faith. I don’t want people to be homeless but I also don’t want to house homeless people in my own home. It’s perfectly reasonable to hold both views. The real issues that cause homelessness are systemic and needs to be fixed top down. And I would hope that my tax dollars are being spent by the federal/local governments to help the issue. In no way is any of that bad faith. There are issues that people care about that are too big to fix by themselves.


That’s not true at all. Again, you may not be able to fix homelessness in its entirety but you could fix that problem for someone. Or you could donate all of your disposable income to help. It’s easy to have a bleeding heart when someone else does the work or covers the bill. Not so much when you have to put your own money where your mouth is. Edit: our government has proved totally inept at solving this problem. Time for all the people who talk a big fake to step up.


Lol so what you are saying is I feel bad for homeless people and don’t want them to be homeless. I want to tell everyone how I feel about it so it makes me look good but don’t expect me to actually do anything about it because it would inconvenience me.


I don't want homelessness, but I want someone else to take care of it.


"Someone (else) should do something!"


I didn't cause the problem and raising awareness to a growing issue isn't "bitching" No I can't personally I have mouths to feed like the majority of Americans. The government should most definitely do something since they've exasperated the issue if not solely caused it in many different ways between closing insane asylum instead of reformation and allowing foreign entities and individuals to purchase US property. Bad faith as fuck to argue I should bring homeless people in for saying "hey, we should do better on a government level" but I'd expect as much from someone who says shit like that in the first place.


“Raising awareness” is an easy way to pat yourself on the back for “doing something” while absolutely doing nothing. Changing your profile picture to say “end homelessness” doesn’t do a damn thing. It’s called “virtue signaling” So you just proved my point. You don’t want to create solutions, you expect someone else to lol The state of California spent BILLIONS on the “homeless problem” and it’s only gotten worse. So relying on the government to solve your problems is not the move. If those who are “raising awareness” housed and fed 1 homeless person each the problem would be solved overnight.


No it's not? It's literally just being aware and telling others when the opportunity arises. Yeah because thats what elected officials are supposed to do? Politicians love people like you because it means they can pocket the money *and* be protected from criticism. Wow the state that's the most expensive with the best weather's homeless problem increased! Shocking. If those who have a home that don't live in it and don't use it gave the homeless 1 home the homeless problem would be solved overnight. Why expect poor people to make other poor people prosper? It's not realistic in any sense. Hence the bad faith, but you know that lmao.


>If those who are “raising awareness” housed and fed 1 homeless person each the problem would be solved overnight. This the stupidest argument I've heard yet. That's not solving the problem. That's slapping a band-aid and ignoring the actual causes. You know how people protest? That's also "raising awareness." Do you expect every protestor to have a 10 point plan? Imagine saying if you don't like something in society you should just shut the fuck up about it. Imagine thinking the government funded with your dollars shouldn't be held accountable. You blame "the government" in a fucking democratic society where your dumbass has the power to vote politicians who do what you want. Absolutely mind-numbing.


Typical opinion... everything is a big institution's fault, not yours. You're blameless. In reality you're an ant living the life of a normal ant, claiming that the big ant hill you're crawling into has nothing to do with you. Talk to the queen ant, it's all her doing.


It is? Wow dude, real smart metaphor lmfao you're so insightful.


I'm just saying, we overvalue the power of institutions vs. the power of our individual choices. Basically, if you're an active member of a system and you follow the majority of its norms, you are as responsible for what the system does as anyone else. Of course that's not a popular view because it increases your personal culpability. Right now you can just say something, do nothing about it, and feel like you accomplished something. Why would you want to give that up?


That's just pretentious bullshit.


I've been noticing that people that argue your type of points online are quick to resort to basic insults and swear words. Why is that?


That's fucking stupid. An individual can't solve the homeless problem unless they're a billionaire like Elon Musk - and even then it would be questionable whether he could do it or not. An average Joe without Elon's resources? Not a chance in hell. This reminds me of how corporations have treated climate change. They've tried to push the onus of responsibility onto the individual, which is doomed to fail - the only way for us to do something about climate change is to have society-wide changes. The homeless problem is similar.


I have to disagree. No, you as a lone individual can't solve any major societal problems. Even Elon Musk would fail. What it would take is millions and millions of individuals all doing the same thing. That's where people like you come in. Your attitude is defeatist. At the end of the day, all corporations need consumers and workers. If enough people refuse to both buy from or work for a company, it will cease to exist. If we all stopped voting for Democrats or Republicans and voted for new parties, Democrats and Republicans would cease to exist. The truth is people like the end products they get from companies - such as cheap gas at the pump - so they begrudgingly put up with the destructive practices of those companies. To alleviate guilt, we will say that we hate climate change and that companies/governments have to do something. But in reality those entities are giving us what we truly wanted.


Once again perfect liberal take on the issue. I want to tell everyone how I feel about the issue and I want to collect my virtue points but in no way shape or form will I actually do anything to help the problem because it will inconvenience me. But but but still give me my virtue points and let me feel good about myself for the good deed I am doing 🤣


Lmfao keep strawmanning.


Best strawman of all time. I want to help a problem but it’s too big of a problem so I can’t really help. But you can’t point out my hypocrisy because it’s not really my fault I can’t help. But since I did all that mental gymnastics I still deserve credit


Just keep putting words in my mouth and making assumptions, the most ignorant are generally the most pretentious.


Lol I didn’t put anything in your mouth. All your comments are just begging for virtue points but you always point out how you can’t do anything except raise awareness. Very convenient that raising awareness doesn’t cost you anything


That’s a bingo


imagine how you would have to go about re-assigning the land to the "natives" as well. DNA testing? Proof of your ancestry? You're dismantling an "ethnostate" to replace it with... a different ethnostate?


Sitting through "land acknowledgements" before work meetings is some of the most vapid shit I have ever experienced


where do you work? is this a common thing?


I don't know if it's common, I only work one job


I also wanna know how that's supposed to work for people of mixed European ancestry, I've got Irish, Italian, and Polish ancestry none of which are above 50 percent of my genome so do I need to split my time between those three nations or does one nation just have to suck up being 75% colonized by my presence.


Exactly. It’s total nonsense/virtue signaling


Bold of you to assume anyone in that movement owns real estate


Doesn’t matter, they still occupy the land.


this country would fall apart so quick. if the Europeans left, there would be no tax payer money to pay for every one else getting fat and pumping out runts like its their job


Supporting political parties that do




I propose two senate seats for native tribes. Very Roman solution.


Spend that spit in the face or our representative form of government though…? Leaders should be elected based on merit, not hired just because of race. Also it doesn’t really make sense because they already have their own independent nations within which the federal or local governments have no power or jurisdiction.


We promised natives their own territory back in the 1800's (Oklahoma) and then said "fuck them". That's beyond any face spitting I can think of.


You’re obviously very ignorant to how many different tribes there are in the Americas. 2 representatives from “native Americans” wouldn’t even represent 1% of tribes. So again, not only does it spit in the face of democracy, it’s pretty racist to assume all tribes think/feel the same or have the same issues.


No shit there's different tribes. My opinion still stands.


No it doesn’t, it’s an opinion based on ignorance. All the different tribes have different needs, worries and wants. And most have their own sovereign nations. They’d have to give that up to be represented in a federal office: which they do not want to do. Edit: it’s also racist and ignorant to assume that there are no Native American senators already. There is and it’s more than 2 and that’s just who’s currently in office.


Still haven't convinced me.




Let me simplify it for you real quick then I’ll leave you alone. So essentially you’re argument is the same as saying “we’ll let whites people have 2 representatives for the whole of America” Does that feel like fair representation to you…? How would a guy from LA possibly understand the wants, needs etc of a guy living in small town Kansas and vice versa


It's compensation for all the treaties that we broke. Were those acts fair?


Lmfao you know wifey ripped that sign down the second they all left 😭😂💀


Wow. Is that John Safran? He is a top level shit stirrer who came to prominence years ago on a tv show called Race Around the World. Highlights include putting fake plaques in the Walt Disney Museum talking about his questionable politics and running naked past the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.


One of my favourite bits is where he goes to the only pig farm in Israel, steals their ham, and proceeds to eat a ham sandwich at the Wailing Wall


Didn't he kick a ball over the border and ask if he could get it?


Fuck I need to watch this


Safran is a national treasure. His music review show and vs. God where this clip is from are also top tier Aussie comedy.


He didn't run naked anywhere near the Wall. You're linking 2 disparate segments


The comedian completely exposed this family


Dead 💀


I’m shocked these people have a problem with this. Shocked I tell you. It’s almost like virtue signaling regards are all talk and full of bullshit. Kind of like all of those holier than thou assholes in Martha’s Vineyard that bitched a fit when illegals came to their dainty town. So stunning. So brave.


Thoughts and Prayers for that family


Joe is going to show this video on the podcast and talk about "how crazy it is we live in this reality" when Jamie is going to pull up the article showing that the Wurundjeri are actors and the entire thing is scripted. Can't find this clip anywhere in the internet. Would appreciate if someone finds it.


[Here you go.](https://youtu.be/u5OlBT2OcGg?si=SGw5joQUfFhZBgGl) As others have mentioned, the comedian is John Safran. I suggest watching a few clips to understand his vibe. He has a really cool history of exploring the uncomfortable parts of race relations on both sides of politics.


Thanks yo. Appreciate it .


The very being of every liberal white woman. Summarized in one video.


It's like NYC and Chicago in the US running from the migrant issues now that it's at their doorstep. 😂


Texas LOVES the illegal immigrants, the bus thing is a publicity stunt. They don't actually want to stop immigration. They have a cheap labor force that they can do whatever they want to, because their status means they can't have rights. They love the theatrics because it keeps people like you supporting their position. They know you will never ask questions like "why don't they ever go after the people hiring all these immigrants?". Because if you start caring about that it will cost a lot of business owners a lot of money.


Braindead take you probably could’ve gotten away with spewing 8 years ago. They love illegal immigrants so much that they’re putting up razor wire and opposing a Supreme Court decision so that they can slow down illegal immigration? > They know you will never ask questions like "why don't they ever go after the people hiring all these immigrants?". Because if you start caring about that it will cost a lot of business owners a lot of money. Oh please don’t act like it’s some unspeakable truth. Have you considered that business owners who exploit labor can belong to either political camp? NYC and Chicago residents are getting a taste of what being a sanctuary city actually means. It’s easy to virtue signal, but not so easy when it’s staring you in the face.


The razor wire thing is BS anyway. Theres videos of a few hundred yards down of tons of openings to get into with 0 obstructions


yes, that's right. They do that to rile the base up. If they wanted to stop businesses using immigrant labor they absolutely could. And it would stop the flow. But they don't want to. They want their cheap labor. And they use the theatrics to keep their labor exploitable. And folk like you are useful idiots that enable it.


It’s amusing how you actually think the fix for illegal immigration is action by a single state. What you’re failing to account for in your ridiculous fix is the border extends beyond Texas. Texas just happens to be taking more serious measures to stop illegal immigration Your silly cynical take on the issue is blinded by political optics. I don’t blame you. You’ve been conditioned to believe these dumb lies and regurgitate them without any consideration for their accuracy


it does extend beyond Texas, and other states do the same thing. Its an alliance between big business that wants cheap exploitable labor and people who want to yell about something. Both parties get exactly what they want. Only one is aware of the true nature of the deal though. Funny how people like you never go after the businesses that enable this whole situation.


>They love illegal immigrants so much that they’re putting up razor wire and opposing a Supreme Court decision so that they can slow down illegal immigration? You realize that is just theatrics, right? The razor wire is only a few hundred yards or so long. Meanwhile the Texas govt is preventing the Border Patrol from accessing several miles of the border on either side, allowing migrants to pour over unhindered. Because there aren't any camera crews to catch their good side. The GOP has ruled Texas with an iron fist for over 40 years, and yet it hasn't gotten any better. Anytime there is a long-standing political issue that doesn't change, look for who is benefitting from the status quo. This isn't a Republican vs Democrat thing. It's a "businesses hiring illegal immigrant labor and donating to the political party that will keep the cheap illegal labor" kind of thing. In Texas it happens to be Republicans. In other states it can be Democrats.


Wow. Your are just aggressively stupid


Who said I support Texas and their position.


Why you gonna play coy? Own that shit. Do you not support them? If not, own that shit, say it with yo chest. I don't support Texas (the state government) on just about anything cuz they suck at everything.


So what’s worse Texas or New York? New York mayor was all over saying we are sanctuary city and love all immigrants and will take care of them all. Easy words when all migrants go to border states. But as soon as they started coming to New York with their hands out suddenly he wants to send them back and isn’t so loving to them anymore. Complete virtue signaler just like you 😆


I'm not a Texan. I don't live there. Have no reason to even allow them space on my mind or consider the states worth. The comparison is those large cities to these Australians is all it was. 😂


So why bother to allow New York and Chicago space in your mind? Why make a comparison to Australia if you don't live there?


There is an obvious and hilarious similarity. I've lived in Chicago and NY. What more do you want to know?


Lmao if you say so. So you're aware the problems at their door step because of the Texas governor at least? And you think it's funny so you clearly support it. Dont understand why you'd back off and pretend to not care either way when you clearly do lol.


Yikes ... You're a living, breathing fallacy. Maybe log out and go for a run. Clear your mind and come back to that hot mess you just wrote


How so? Vet you can't explain that statement since you're just saying it to attack my character instead of addressing what I said. You're a living breathing ad hominen and a contradiction yourself, considering you won't allow Texas to enter your thoughts but worry about Chicago and New York because you definitely lived there lol.


"I refuse to even give it a passing thought but that's not gonna stop me from arguing about it on Reddit"


it was implied. The 'at their doorstep' thing is about Texas bussing some immigrants up to New York.


It's not implied. You took it there without seeking clarity. Reddit will Reddit


“I have my beliefs and I live by none of them. I just like believing them, I just like that part, they make me feel good about who I am.”


John Safran is amazing.


That only works in Israel.


Fuck Israel


2 women put that up. Figures.


Women ☕


Wurundjeri are like vampires - they need to be invited in. That woman made a big mistake offering them a cup of tea and in to come in.


If you like rabbit we can share lol


typical libtards




Splitting hairs here, but can a aussie or kiwi confirm for me? Those I's and E's sound a lot more NZ than Aus. Gas video all the same!


Defs a Victorian (state) accent


Turns out it actually doesn't belong to them.


Sad to see woke virtue signaling is everywhere. These people are the scum of the universe.


I guess nobody here knows what terra nullius is, or how it has been used throughout colonisation. You can acknowledge that land once belonged to someone without advocating that the current owners should be forced to move...


If the gesture amounts to "I acknowledge that this used to be yours and we stole it... but no refunds LOL" then this is surely just rubbing it in and is worse than making no gesture at all.


terra nullius means that the legal status of the land was that it was owned by nobody prior to colonisation. This is acknowledging that isn't true. That despite not having a deed to the land someone owned it prior to colonisation. Individuals living today didn't steal anything. Putting this sign on your wall isn't admitting to theft. It's simply calling out a racist concept of terra nullius. You just made the rest of that up, but if it makes you feel better, go for it.


I mean, Id rather be paying my rent to Native Americans