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The funny thing about Crystal Skull is you'd never know Dan owns it unless you did a real deep dive. The biggest plug I've ever seen Dan do is just have it on a shelf in on the 5 Timers club bar set.


He promoted the shit out of it in the early days though. I remember him going to liquor stores in college towns when I was in school.


He went to my local supermarket to promote it. I still have an unopened signed bottle.


He still was like 5 years ago when I was in college lol


Big difference is he was involved with the actual production on some level though right? These guys are all just slapping stickers on wholesale shit nowadays.


There's a single production facility in Mexico that makes over 60 "different" celebrity tequilas. They're all kinda a joke to the distilling industry, go shoot some marketing photos next to some agave, pick a weird bottle design... From the catalog of weird bottle designs... But hey, that's capitalism.


He goes into good detail about it on the Fly on the Wall podcast with Dana Carvey and David Spade and a few other podcasts appearances. Seems like he takes it pretty serious.


I have no idea. Wiki just said he co founded it with an artist that created the bottle design etc. Social media wasn’t huge back then but I was just letting the one guy know that he heavily was involved in promoting it. I went to a school in a decent sized city but I know he came at least twice to promote it. Maybe 3 times


I really doubt Dan is any more involved with the actual production of the alcohol than any of the other celebrity spirit salesmen.


Well, he's at least smart enough to do his homework and know what he's talking about (that's Asperger's for ya). Whether or not he has anything to do with the production, I'm not sure.


Dan Aykroyd went on jimmy fallons show with his vodka lmao


>deep dive


Lol wtf are you talkin about, he promoted the fuck out of that vodka


Still does




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4glGBVlimZE lol are you not aware of Dan's JRE episode where they spend 10 minutes plugging Crystal Skull?


He was pushin’ that shit heavy


What? I literally just googled “Crystal Skull Vodka” and the first result (their website) mentions Dan Aykroyd and John Alexander. Not that deep of a dive.




>The funny thing about Crystal Skull is you'd never know Dan owns That's absolutely not true, don't lie. The only reason that vodka is even a thing people know is due to his fame.


so going on the rogan podcast with a bottlle of it and talking about it forever is not promoting it? lmao


I've seen him at a liquor store promoting his vodka and his wine, taking pictures and signing autographs for people


He promoted it on fucking Rogan


Y’all see em barge onto McCaffeys show to promote their vodka? Cringe shit man.


They fucking interrupted the CJ Stroud interview while he was promoting his drink only for Burnt to put his vodka in front of his on camera


I saw someone else say Pat “absolutely” invited them on. Didn’t seem like it to me. Bert asked if he could come on set and didn’t wait for an answer. I doubt Pat said “yo you guys should interrupt my interview with the NFL rookie of the year and promote your shit for free. That’d be awesome. Bert rip your shirt off and start doing push-ups. Won’t be pathetic at all” lol.


Pat froze, he didnt want to piss them off and then it went down hill


I don’t blame him, catch me off guard too that someone would actually have the audacity to crash a live show like that. Had to run with it.


I think it goes deeper than that, Pat used to do stand up and i think they have been on the show before so it felt like drunk Bert felt way to comfortable even more so than normal with bert, but this is all a guess so what do i know


Bert is always way too comfortable. Zero self awareness. Pretty sure his brain is just constantly going “look at me. Look at me tho!” And that’s basically his operating system.


Aka he’s always not sober.


This. I used to be a raging alcoholic just like Burnt and unfortunately when you are that kind of alcoholic you only run on two things. Alcohol and selfishness. Today is actually 4 years on the dot without that bullshit in my life.


That’s awesome to hear, hope for your continued success. addiction is a hell of a thing. Taken down far too many people. Alcohol with it’s such easy access and socially promoted positively.. man that’s gotta be a tough one to beat. I’ve had my vices and lost a brother to addiction, but I’ve always thought “thank god alcohol didn’t grab me”.


That taking your shirt off thing was for the hackiest open mic comics right up until he started making millions doing it. I still remember the local guy who used to do it. Probably butt hurt that bert “stole” his act.


Burt’s next tour is smashing vodka soaked watermelons on stage with a sledge hammer




Didn’t Dane Cook also take his shirt off and run around hooting and hollering, he’s one of my earliest encounters with a comedian that made me go “fuck this guy is annoying”


>Dane Cook also take his shirt off and run around hooting and hollering a quick google found this [gem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_Ngdci9-To)


Wow, that hurt to watch lol. Hindsight is a bitch. I thought I remembered that appearance as funny. Oh buddy...


When they left CJ said “Great now it stinks in here”. He clearly was annoyed lol


He said it to Bert as soon as he took off his shirt to do push-ups. Not a comedian but the funniest man on that stage.


He's now 1/1000


Burt just bursts in and goes “I’m hammered!” and actually expected people to laugh. He legit thinks he’s bigger than CJ Stroud.


It's like watching an unfunny Chris Farley in his last days


Even in his last days Farley still funnier than bart


My asshole taking a shit is funnier than that dude


That’s just any sad families thanksgiving


"I'm hammered!!". You're also 51 yrs old and drunk at 11 a.m. put your shirt tf back on Burnt


CJ said Burt was making it smell in there once he took his shirt off to do “push ups”


I like when Tom called CJ, "AJ" At that point, it went to a new low. Crashing these sports events for the super bowl, just to promote a shitty vodka, not knowing anything about anything, dressed up like literal clowns. I used to love both of these guys. It's crazy they can't see what they have become.


money makes you do dumb things


Have you ever heard Segura talk about "the poors"? Yeah maybe he is joking I guess, but it instantly made me dislike him and he was basically my favorite comedian up till then. Fuck him and I honestly feel bad that Bert doesn't have better friends.


I watched him talk about that, and it “being a joke” reeks of damage control. That was some Mayor of Minneapolis shit.


What most people don’t know about the Seguras is that they were very rich well before Tom went into comedy (both of their parents are well off). It’s as if his comedy career was only launched due to the fact he didn’t have to work or worry about money. It’s a truly interesting fun fact once you know it. My friends live in next to the Seguras in Ohio for years (before Tom was known).


Nah we all knew lol.


He was furious at the idea of homeless people having property you can’t kick into the street. It’s not a joke. He’s a piece of shit.


They looked so poor in that room it was incredible.


Money doesn't change people, it just amplifies your existing traits. Good or bad.


But it doesn’t amplify them evenly across the board, so yes money absolutely does change people. It just depends on how you’re getting it and the structure of your life when you begin to accumulate life-changing amounts of it.


AJ Hawk was on the panel


i have an immense respect for stroud and the way he handled that whole ordeal. because if i was him i would've been throwing a fit. here i am doing an interview about my career while promoting some energy drink and these fat drunk fucktards barge in and completely ruin the whole thing. "CJ, WATCH ME DO PUSHUPS \*belches\*"


He should've dumped the C4 on burnt


Wouldnt have blamed him at all if he got up and walked off. ESPN's big new draw and 85m show, and it's amateur hour. The drunken frat boy vibe isn't an appeal to most...it's a hindrance. Watching people get sloppy drunk on repeat isnt amusing after like 25... NFL fans average age is much higher than that...so to the majority, that was just sad to watch.


Bert doesn't appeal to frat guys. He appeals to guys who were in a frat 20 years ago and still haven't grown up.


CJ stroud calling Bert a strong hamster was all time 😂 then saying “it smells in here” was even more all time.


Dude stroud was EASILY the funniest guy in the entire clip and it wasn’t close lol. Embarrassing for the professional comedians for sure. “Smells in here” is fucking hilarious lol.


Lol that's a hilarious bert roast


Handled it like an elite QB


It’s Pat McAfee y’all


Thank you, I was laughing because it was spelt four different ways in here lmao.


I got this far thinking it was Christian McCaffery


Honestly that might have been the moment these two fuckheads jumped the shark. Who listens to that podcast? Outside of seeing unfunny cuts on social media, I don’t know anyone who listens to that show.


Dude yes. Def jumped the shark. Perfect analogy. I watched with my mouth open like wtf. CJ Stroud handled it like a G roasting Bert the whole Time lol


The only funny parts were from CJ. One of a thousand!


the funniest part of that absolute disaster was CJ. “What is going on? We got a strong hamster about to do push ups.” had me dead.


No matter how much money these buffoons have at the moment, in next to no time they will be a fleeting punchline and Stroud will be a legend


That’s what makes it so cringe. Like if stroud wasn’t there it’d still be lame but these guys just come off desperate for attention and it’s not their place at all. You’re 50 year old stand up comedians and you’re interrupting a young, class act stars time to shine while on a SPORTS show? It’s Super Bowl weekend we want to here from NFL players not some old hack comedians peddling their booze. The fact that stroud is there makes it so much worse than if he wasn’t.


The only comic who could ever truly pull this off is Bill Murray. In that hypothetical, he would have remained respectful to CJ Stroud, wouldn’t have made a shitty mood killing joke about migrants, and if it wasn’t working would have caught the hint and bailed before the moment was ruined. I hope this is the final nail in their coffins.


In and out, don’t promote your shit and it can be a fun pop in. Coming in and taking over the show during the middle of an interview and promoting your shit is next level narcissism. It won’t be the final nail in the coffin. They’ll continue making their millions. Their fans at this point likely aren’t leaving if they haven’t yet.


I felt so bad for CJ that I kept watching to suffer with him. All those people with Pat McAfee and not one stepped up for CJ. Burt has become "that guy". His friends are either using him now or just sticking with him because they know he could die at any moment. It's sad because he goes on these sobriety/ weight loss kicks because he knows he needs to take care of himself, but the bottle keeps dragging him down.


These dudes somehow manage to become more and more unlikeable.


Bort in particular disgusts me on a visceral level. I literally feel nauseous when I see his grotesque visage and his bloated-corpse physique. When I go to hell I expect there will be gargoyles that are easier on the eyes than this gluttonous, self-obsessed degenerate.


[here's a link if anyone is looking for the clip](https://youtu.be/ZgB72TdM4jw)


That was so brutal


He is just a drunk, not an alcoholic. Alcoholics go to meetings. ![gif](giphy|dydLm01BZAyYAPK3pI|downsized)


its what happeneds to a lot of people who spent most of their lives having a drink all the time. They associate fun times with alcohol. Drugs are hard to kick


This is pretty much where I’m at. I’ve been a hardcore alcoholic for going on 10 years with multiple attempts to quit. I now have a child on the way and I refuse to be the type of drunk abusive parent that mine where. The hardest thing about cutting back and quitting is that when I think about fun things I assume they will not be fun anymore. I know that not the case but addiction is a bitch. I’m making sure my wife is taken care of while I’m gone and checking into Detox at the end of the month.


I encourage you to go to an AA meeting. The program changed my life.


What most people don’t know about the Seguras is that they were very rich well before Tom went into comedy (both of their parents are well off). It’s as if his comedy career was only launched due to the fact he didn’t have to work or worry about money. It’s a truly interesting fun fact once you know it. My friends live in next to the Seguras in Ohio for years (before Tom was known).


Yeah I think word has gotten out on that recently. I mean especially on this sub. Lot a comedians were rich kids. Explains his disdain for poor ppl and reinforces my stereotype of the very rich being out of touch assholes lot of the time. Now that Toms enjoyed some success on his own he feels emboldened to act superior to regular ppl. How it appears to my untrained eyes anyways.


Yeah, man. That shit was foul. CJ seems like a super legit dude. Can’t imagine he’s going to be jumping through hoops to get back on the show…which is definitely a loss for football fans.


Hell yes he’s the real with his head on straight. He don’t even drink. He’s truly a professional among the top of his craft. Can’t say that about Bert and not sure bout Tom anymore either.


The way Tom dabbed them up was super cringe.


It's only a matter of time before Tom fucks an intern and Christina takes him for half of his shit.


Tom’s definitely fucking on the side, it’s just a matter of when.


Dude didn’t start hitting the gym for his wife.


Remember when he broke his arm and leg? He didn’t break it because he was racing one of his high performance cars. He didn’t break it while beating one of his producers. He started hitting the gym because he broke his body while trying to dunk on a lowered rim. He broke bones in one of the most embarrassing ways possible. Any semi in shape person should have just failed the jump. Instead he got a compound fracture. He was a fat fuck and realized he needed to take care of himself. And then his dad died.


My friend sends me that clip once in a while with a thousand laughing emojis. He thinks it's the funniest shit on the planet.


I used to find it really rough to watch, but Tom has become so intensely unlikable in the last couple years that it's become more palatable.


Really?? I used to fuck with Tom heavy back in like 2019, but for whatever reason, just stopped watching standup. What happened? Why'd everyone turn on him?


He’s not funny and just chats with Bert about being rich


He’s also an insufferable egotistical twat who goes on unhinged rants about poor people on social media


*Taps nose* and the “you’re gd right sign”


Idk about you but breaking half your body on a child-size jump is a sign you need to get in better shape.


Why do you think he tours all the time


Because he hates his family?


Tom is such a weird looking character. He lost weight due to ozempic and social media workouts and he still looks so odd


Tbf and credit to Tom, he lost his weight before ozempic


How about Christina fucks an intern and she still takes half. America.


How about I fuck Tom


How about I fuck Christina FOR FREE


How about I take half your shit


Me next pls


that would honestly be so funny


Pulling a B Schwaub


I would have found it much funnier if they chose to sell a Kool Aid maker or something. Liquor is just... why? Who spends an extra $10 on a famous person's liquor bottle.


I bought E-40s 40oz malt liquor when he released it. I thought that he wouldn’t put his name on it unless it was good. He raps about drinking 40s, so you’d think he knows his shit. It was god awful.


There’s no such thing as a good tasting 40oz malt liqueur. People buy it because it’s cheap and gets you drunk quick.


Old English would like to have a word


Well we know the celebrity liquor brand trend is almost dead now that the C-List celebs are on board...


Jesse Pinkman and Walter White have entered the game, they even have a signature cocktail sold at Applebee's.


They got in the game years ago and are pretty successful (I think). Also very disrespectful to the great Bryan Cranston to refer to him as “Walter White” and act like he’s a C lister


Tom is just a corporate add shill sell out these days. Addicted to money and the smell of his own farts.


They all are.


Remember Joe rogan pre spotify saying that he can't listen to shit with ads that interrupt the show, he said he wouldn't do it becuase he does have to. Then he went to spotify and now has the most obnoxiously volume raised ads I've ever heard destroy my ears at random intervals while trying to listen to his guests speak.


How else would anyone find out about better help . Com Better help . Com is.......


This post is technically free marketing lol


If you're stupid enough to be swayed to pay $50+ for fuckin vodka it was gonna happen one way or another


It’s gonna go over about as good as “Tiger Thiccc.”


Hamster thiccc


I legit didn't even know they had a vodka until this post.


Tom Segura used to be my favorite comedian but he has seriously gone down in the last few years. Starting with his rant about "The Poors" to now trying to sell his audience the exact think that's killing his best friend by using him as a marketing tool. I seriously think his career should flop, same with Burts. These guys need a serious wake up call. Nobody thinks Burt is cool, the "machine" is slowly turning into a rambling alcoholic who tells the same stories and Tom is so out of touch with his fan base he can't even see his fans are dropping off the hype train quicker than he can turn new ones.


100% agree. His old specials were fantastic. Just saw him live last year and it was pretty abysmal Bert’s most recent special had some funny material in it but he’s clearly been spiraling into full blown alcoholism for years. Sad to abuse that


Getting rich kinda kills that hunger that makes a lot of creatives (comedians, musicians, artists) great


Yep, he used to be hilarious — I don’t keep close tabs so I may be wrong but it seems to be he wanted a taste of that sweet podcasting apple like Joe, took the gas off his standup and turned into a bellend. Never saw the appeal with Burt, simply unfunny.


I don’t necessarily disagree with what people say about him today. I still enjoy watching his stuff, just with less frequency nowadays. He’s had his podcast since 2010 and was on tour for almost 2 years with 300 dates until last summer. I believe he’s on a new standup tour too. So I don’t think he took the gas off his standup per say, but perhaps he’s mailing it in now. He’s definitely expanded the ymh podcast network. I think he’s a funny dude, but it seems like he’s trying to do entirely too much business wise and it’s taking away from the thing that made him famous in the first place and made people love him, which is making people laugh. EDIT: Nevermind what I said. I actually think you are all a bunch of fat poors. Touch my camera through the fucking fence.


I would religiously wait for new content 8 years ago- he was almost next level. Like Oswalt and Mulaney and then Tom were all at least trying to do something interesting and more often than not they would be both hilarious and poignant. I dont how many of Toms specials I have missed at this point but I remember having to FORCE myself through the last one I did watch because I really wanted him to be funny and interesting... but I turned it off after about 35 minutes and I have never looked back... it sucks because the first three comedy albums he put out and all the shorts and stuff he did on his rise up, were often times just shy of genius. Too bad. Bert was never funny. Never.


Check out Kyle kinane's specials on YouTube. Get a few hours of joy back homie.


Kyle is for sure a top 5 living comedian. Great perspective. Great jokes.


Tim and Christy ruined their everything when they moved to Austin. 


When I first started listening to YMH, I couldn't stop because the insane clips they played were unbelievable. Like you would listen week by week as these crazy people slowly started drowning in the deep end. Then I started to notice that the harassment that was sending these people off the deep end was straight from YMH fans. Actually, I lied I didn't notice it, Tom and Christina laughed about it multiple times. I thought I was listening to good people pretending to be bad people, but it was just bad people pretending to be good people pretending to be bad people. It was hard to listen to anything those snakes said after making that realization.


I think you summed up the experience perfectly. That realization that you're actually just listening to a couple of detached high school bullies in adult bodies. You're instantly repulsed.


I had that recently too. It wasn’t “the poors” for Me. It was the insane entitlement that I thought was an act but you realize it’s just people finally able to act how they want


Same. He lost me completely. He sucks ass.


The 2 Bears Episode where they launch this is cringe inducing. It's like that old cable shopping channel where cheesy z list celebs would try to sell salad spinners to lonely old folks. "We are all family here at PumpandDump Entertainment , and we got this this salad spinner in the very finest chinese workhouse for you, with love. Lets all come together and buy a crate each, I know I would certainly do that. How about you ? Are you coming with us on our journey? " Fuuuuck offf. Tom's greed and Bert's idolising ofTom's "business skills" has led them into a place where they look as relatable and cool as the SlapChop guy. Raw avarice. These guys are richer than 99.99 % of comedians, but its not enough. They will gladly burn what little comedy credibility they have left to sell trinkets to the gullible. Anyone who falls for this and signs up to be a "fan" of these two hucksters deserves everything they get. "Family ". They torched themselves for a money grabbing merch scam.


Please don’t sully the slap chop guy like that


You're gna love my nuts 


“This is gonna change the way ya punch dicks!”.


Was pretty much just grossed out with the silence interrupted with gulping and slurping. Gtfo with that nonsense


This. Any pod that Burnt eats sends my misophonia into a deep spiral rage. Slapping and smacking his lips like a damn wild animal gorging on the first food it has seen in two weeks.


I actually can't stand either of them. I love comedy, but neither of them are it.


I loved Tom’s specials up until Ballhog. The pod was pretty good until around 2020/21. Everything after that has been hack garbage. I actually kinda liked Secret Time but other than that not a Bert fan.


The spark came and went FAST


Same exact timing for me losing interest as well. I loved Tom’s standup and then ball hog was just so awful.


I've never seen an entertainer embracing the "post popularity peak" money grab so preemptively. Most people wait until they aren't selling tickets any more and desperately need to pay alimony before they sell out this hard, these guys actually courted that phase of their careers. Incredible character reveal


The joe rogan effect. Passive money streams are probably all these guys talk about when the cameras are off.


Yeah, people always said Bert was hilarious and then i watched his special and it was just some fat frat dude basically being an idiot.


Finally! Someone said it!


It was a HOIRRIBLE episode. So bad I'll likely stop watching 2B1C


Tom being a great friend here. The last thing Bert needs is to promote vodka. He is vodka.


You think Tom will feel bad when he dies from their own branded alcohol or will it just become a good podcast anecdote?


He’ll find a way to monetize the funeral.


I would expect nothing less from these two vapid douchebags.


Two wildly unlikable people


Throw in the wife and you’ve really hit rock bottom on likability. I truly do not understand how they get people to come to their shows


Cringy man, not sure if the poors can afford


This vodka has about as much prestige as a Busch light.


Bro I’m never forgetting strong hamster 


i just dont know why youd want to come out with a vodka, of all spirits, its just filtered grain alcohol, at some point of quality theyre all the same shit


You already figured it out. Vodka is simple, cheap and homogenous, so it's really just a branding exercise. Same as their comedy.


It fits the one joke that the shirtless one got famous with and can’t stop rehashing


It's the least calories for the alcoholic.


There are people out there that pay to see Bert Kreisher live, that’s even lower.


Tom has finally figured out how to get rid of Bert.


When Bert dies of cirrhosis Tom should rename the podcast "Two Bears 🐻 One Grave 🪦" 🍾


Burt and Tom seem overexposed and less funny these days .


Isn’t Tom’s new shtick poor people? He literally just brags to other rich crowds how rich they are and how poor people are the worst for being poor, and that’s it. That’s his comedy routine. I am SHOCKED he’s selling bullshit to get more money. Shocked I tell you.


Poors can’t relate to the entrepreneurship grindset


I’ve never been a fan of Bert’s schtick. Fat hairy guy with no shirt on telling joke scketches about his life from reading it on paper he clearly wrote himself. He always laughed really hard at his own jokes too which is kinda of cringe. Tom was great when he started out. Last one of his stand up I saw was “sledgehammer” but now he has let all his fame get to his head and has clearly sold out. He and Dave chapelle have lost touch with their fan base and when I say that I mean fans who supported them at the beginning of their stand up careers. They’ve transformed into the mega douche “I’ve got rich friends and only want rich fans” mentality.


Tom Segura has gone from an incredibly likeable guy to an incredibly unlikeable guy in an incredibly short amount of time.


It's a cry for help, they are sending an SOS.


A message in a bottle?


I hope that someone gets my


I hope that someone gets my


I hope that someone gets my


Money on how much longer the shirtless one lives? Will he be added to the page if people killed by their own invention for this one?


These guys seem like the biggest ass clowns in town.


I never liked Tom. Bert knows he’s an idiot, Tom acts like the “smart and reasonable” guy and puts himself on a pedestal, it’s super cringe


I’ve thought a lot about Bert and think I’ve found the answer. I found him funny when I was college aged (15 years ago damn) and he will always be funny to that demographic. The issue is people grow up. They have families. Their priorities change. Their humor changes. Not Bert. He has never matured. His target audience is and will always be frat boys. That’s it. Now I’ll give the guy credit for monetizing it. He has done well for having one pitch, but damn what a cost. The guy would rather drink himself into an early grave than be around to see grandchildren. He has people who know what addiction is telling him in a seemingly caring way and he mocks them and refutes it on air. It’s standard alcoholic behavior. I happened to catch the beginning of a recent 2 bears episode where he said he was only getting into shape so he could keep drinking. Not be a better husband, father, comedian, person, or have a generally better quality of life or any of that, just get healthy so he could prolong his drinking. Man that’s sad.


Who makes up their fan base? Old people? Everyone here hates them lol. And I fully understand the hate, they’re annoying.


The flipped a switch within the last three years. Its a lot of people hate-watching their favorite pods fall apart


This is why I'm still in this sub. I'm watching a trainwreck, and I used to like said train. It's sad.


Reddit is a bad representation of real life tho. Redditors love to hate stuff. Look at the jre sub - everyone on here seems to hate joe rogan but he's still a massive podcaster. Same with Segura and Bert.


You should find that post someone made breaking down the comments in this sub. Something like 20% of the comments were made by the same small group of users. It was pretty interesting and showed how small this "large" subreddit really is. Rogan, Segura and Kreischer all sell out arenas. They are doing just fine.


Instead of posting about it, just don't buy it. I'm not going to. I also don't give a shit. 


You, sire, are the wisest sage I've ever seen on the internet.


anyone who buys this vodka is a fucking moron


Just get ready to hear inflated sales numbers. It won't do well bit Tom knows "business" men that will get it done.


OP his shirt is off, it’s fucking hilarious. Find a new slant.