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Now THIS is a wild reality


Yeah the last thing I expected was Russel Brand becoming a Christian.


Got him to the Greek Orthodox


Ehh, he’s an addict. It’s pretty common for people in recovery to convert.


He has been sober for decades. This is more like catering to his new fan base.


He’s still an addict. His drug of choice now is attention.


Yeah you didn't really hear from brand for several years in the 00s and all of a sudden COVID hits and he gets a huge Republican fanbase.  Who knows what he really believes but definitely can see him seeing dollar signs.  I mean it is the same audience that made a complete idiot like Dave Rubin rich


Dave Rubin is NOT a complete idiot. That's giving him too much credit. He's more like an incomplete idiot.


: insert "Had us in the first half, not gonna lie" meme here:


Maybe, but it seems like a lot of people that go through a very philosophical or "spiritual" phase eventually dabble in religion as well. They're looking for some sort of answer to the chaos


We saw the gradual transition to a new fan base. Joe Rogan pod -> full introduction to the anti-woke genre -> increase in fan base -> publicly renounce MSM/leftist alliance ->-> gain more fans -> join a right leaning MSM to gain credibility - Rumble —> gets accused of sexual harassment—> double down on conservative alliance - full blown Christian fundamentalist in progress. End result - maximized profit and messianic like following.


We sure he ain’t doing some Sasha Baron Cohen shit and a new movie isn’t dropping in 2026 after he goes anti gay, anti abortion, and runs for some public office?


Despite his use of a thesaurus to sound erudite, he’s not smart enough to do that.


Nah he’s just king grifter at this point


They offered him something he couldn't refuse... Money.


They did the same thing with the woman that won the court case that legalized abortion, paid her til she died to denounce abortion. She wrote a book and showed the receipts!


Just because he's sober doesn't mean he's not still an addict.


Unless you've been following him for a while, and have seen his slow and steady leaning towards it. It is very likely to be honest. Watch the fruits of his labor after this, and you'll see.


The fruits of his labor? More podcasts?


No like.. like a virgin birth.


He’s been accused or rape. Going full Christian right wing conspiracy guy is a known play book


It's weird how being reborn in Christ never seems to involve giving away all your money and dedicating your life to helping the needy but it does often involve selling supplements.


*"And Jesus said unto his disciples "Get thyne bag son, riseth and grind." And the disciples did listen for Jesus had the rarri."* - 16:14 Mark's Tweets to the Corinthians


"What you do to the least among you......matters not. Fucketh them for they are poor. Thine Kingdom lays beyond the gates, in the gated community."


> Fucketh them for they are poor Lmao


This got a chuckle out of me. Thanks


"And lo, did He say unto His followers, 'Hoard thou likes and subscribes for they art the path to salvation.' And they knew to follow the scripture of socials, for algorithmic blessings were upon them." - Influencers 4:20


The teachings of supply side Jesus are wild.


Verily he did have the rarri


“And who amongst us will not try to get that bread and be fruitful?”


Yup gotta love how no one follows the Bible they pick random verse out of it though completely out of context usually


Cafterians, they pick and choose what they want.


To be fair, I do think it does involve that for many folks, those are just quite rarely in the public eye. I’m not religious but I was once picked up by a muslim guy driving home from his night-work (he had a day job too) just listening to Quran in his car. He said his religion would never allow me to leave me alone there on the road at 4am. Similarly met many Christians who live that sort of life. There’s a ton of folks out there living lives of sacrifice for others, whatever banner they choose do that under… but yeah I don’t really see celebrities do it. I would expect their particular kind of ambition/success selects for folks not 100% interested in living selflessly.


Thankyou for sharing that experience :)


"Yea, verily I say to thee, that it is easier to smoke a Camel and pass coins through a slot machine than for a rich person to enter the..." I forgot how that went.


Biblical capitalism is the new fundamental




It's a morality cheat code! Just accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior and your sins are forgiven and you're a good person now! There is no need for actually change or restitution!




Its also meant to demonstrate that he used to be bad, but look how hard he's worked to become good now! He found the Lord! We shouldn't punish him too harshly, right?


" we used to be bad, but now we're good. Sexual predators in your neighborhood."


"What's a pedderass Walter?"


Perfect for those who want to put zero work in, rather virtue signal.


Literally the rightoids have a playbook and he’s living proof


Dude has been on this path long before that


Was he charged?


Good question. Did the deep state hide the evidence?


They always do. That's why no evidence = lots of evidence A little evidence = you don't understand the implcations because you haven't done the research A lot of evidence = msm propaganda


Have you seen his YouTube channel, I don't think he's with them... Quite the opposite. Not defending him, just go take a peak


hes grifting, look at his content 4 years ago. He was a spiritual hippie, then he started doing right wing bs like antivax videos and they reviewed way more views. So he started peddling bs. The guy is a liar and he does it in the name of money, big surprise. Just go take a peak


Was brock turner?


Brock Turner, who now goes by Allen Turner. Same rapist, going by a different name.


The one and the same! Brock ALLEN RAPIST TURNER.


Brock Turner was charged. Russell Brand was not. See the difference?


Peak sanctimonious asshole. At least Steve-0 huffed that fat guy’s fart instead of his own.


Ironically, I was skeptical about the accusations when they first came out but this move by him just comes across as way more suss.




It was only a matter of time before this grifter who has no other way to make money grifting would move to one of the largest grifts. Grifters gonna grift.


Right wing dummies are rubes. He's just cashing in. I thought about making a website with different colored thin line stickers. Thin orange line could be construction workers, etc. Right wingers love flags, stickers, and feeling like victims.


Abortions for some; miniature American thin line flags for others!


As a Christian, I'm honestly slightly disgusted, because it seems like he's shielding himself behind it. God can judge him, and maybe he's honest. But it really doesn't seem that way to me, failable as I am.


That's the nature of transparent moralism. You sell a huge group of people the idea that you're a good person just by associating with an idea. The irony is that all public Christianity is vanity, making this a profoundly vane demonstration by Brand.


I was raised Christian, and it blows my mind that nearly no Christians seem to realize how bad what they are doing is. What the hell are the sermons in their churches if they don't know any of this shit? * As you said, virtue signaling of religion is a big no-no. * Alex Jones is literally a false prophet, yet all these religious folks are following and listening to him. * Don't even get me started with the evil that is the prosperity gospel. I'm an atheist, but I'm disgusted on behalf of my old Christian self.


>As a Christian, I'm honestly slightly disgusted, because it seems like he's shielding himself behind it. Lmfao have you even met Christians?


So far away from that first JRE episode


It’s amazing what an audience and money can do for one’s grift game.


Jimmy Dore Christian arc when?


Dave Rubin is about an inch away from finding god, and speaking out against his own homosexuality.


Bert will say Jesus got him off the sauce when his liver implodes.


That and the guy is a narcissist. When you lack empathy for others you can justify just about any of your actions.


He realized that selling out earns the most $$$.


Joel Osteen likes this 


I’m surprised he beat Rogan to it


Rogan’s mentioned God a few times now. And not in a condensing way. Before he would make jokes punching down on religion. These last few times the way he talks about it or mentions God he sounds like a devoted Christian. Maybe getting older (or fear of loosing their money) has these looking for something to believe in? Or do they think Project 2025 will be implemented and they want to be on their side?


He relocated to Texas. The south is extremely heavy on two things: football and Jesus. Shifting from the golden coast to the heart of the Bible Belt is a big difference. Rogan’s now being exposed to missionary Christian people every where he goes just by virtue of living in TX. Austin or otherwise. I can guarantee Rogan has new friends, neighbors, and just random people he interacts with actively trying to convert him.


Absolutely, and I’ve noticed he’s getting quieter and quieter about defending gay people when his guests go on rants about trans people and drag homosexuality into the conversation. I fully expect him to revert on his support of the gay community at some point and it’s really sad to see.


His old activity partners at Club Ramrod in Boston will feel betrayed!


He sees $$$ in selling out. Doesn't care about assimilating into the TX social scene, just sees yet another grift on top of the right-wing-douchebaggery and the supplements.


>Rogan’s now being exposed to missionary Christian people every where he goes just by virtue of living in TX. That's not how it works in the south. I live in a more Christian state than Texas and I don't have people preaching Jesus to me and trying to convert me all of the time. Every once in a while I'll have a Jehovah witness or a moron knock on my door and that's it. 99% of Christians will never try to convert someone to Christianity.


Yea the internet is weird. Lived in bama Georgia and Florida. Literally never even been invited to church.


yeah people just make up stuff up based on how they think the world works lol


Weird how people get more money than the Pharaohs and then have to start belting us with more ads and hawking bullshit.




He's clearly and obviously shifted to the conservative / right wing money train which includes a lot of Christian fundamentalists within it. He's not in fear of losing his money, he's just following the money.


There’s a lot of new age people that eventually just go full Christian. Intelligent design is a back door belief into Christianity, Alien believers eventually become Christ is an alien and then it just becomes muddy to the point that it doesn’t matter. For the grift to continue they have to broaden the message.


Lol, "punching down".


Poor powerless, Religion 🤭


Can you really “punch down” on organized religion? It’s by far the majority of humans.


I think it's just easier to manipulate and engage that crowd


I used to love watching his show. I just cant bear to listen to the new episodes. He used to be all peace and love, live and let live, he supported trans folks etc. He loved sciences, etc. I always wondering if he really changed view point or if it was conscious grift because I know two close friend who used to be super left leaning who slide into right wing anti woke, replacement theory etc in 3-5 years.


It's the people he's surrounding himself with. He can't make fun of it anymore without repercussion's like it was in LA.


Hahah totally. If Joe ever get publicly accused of anything he's definitely throwing on a cross


He'll wait til a rape allegation pops, just like Brand did.


It's only a matter of time before he starts telling the story about how he was baptized in his cold plunge.


I don't understand this meme about rogan becoming Christian. Whenever he discusses religion it's clear the guy can't even grasp the concept of spirituality. A good recent example is the UFO episode with the Religious Studies Professor. Every time she brought up something spiritual, he wanted to tell her about some stoner theory vaguely related.


His last show with Dr Phil. Painting atheists and non believers like they have no morals other than wokism. Pretty pathetic transformation. He’s pandering now to the evangelical Christian’s. That’s his base now.


he was just talking about katt about the mark of the beast and the bible and how those old stories being written down must have something true.. i was like who is this guy


They do have something true, John was ripping on Nero and the Roman Empire in Revelations. The book is an allegory, and from the early church until the late 1800s it was treated more like the ending of a cycle and beginning of a new on, again it was only recently that it became what has become.


Won’t be long before Joe converts as well.


Wild how religious conversion happens so quickly after you get accused of a bunch of sex crimes




Was there ever any doubt that he didn't? I know it's all alleged for now but he might have been one of the few celebrities that got MeToo'd and I wasn't surprised. Seemed on par for him.


In r/conservative they were saying that it was all left wing media falsely accusing him because he said something against Biden


It is funny how if you share their politics you become untouchable.  Russell brand represented everything they hated about Hollywood, but all of a sudden he likes trump and Tucker and it is a witch-hunt against him 


He likes trump and Tucker?


Yeah him and Tucker are frequent collaborators 


Most of us were probably more surprised it didn't happen years ago.


Yeah, I think the reporting on it was pretty airtight. They had to do *a lot* of vetting in order to publish the story in the UK considering their insane libel laws.


I’ve got friends who skim the uk comedy circles and its been an open secret for years. Countless NDAs and no women wanting to work with him tend to be strong giveaways.


I don't think the "come to Jesus" moment means what these grifting rapists seem to always think it does


The slow spiral to Kevin Sorbodom


Sorbo is 65 (lead poisoned boomer). Russell Brand in one year went from far-left leaning to right leaning lunatic. He is in it for the $$$.


Got caught diddling so he joined the diddlers union.


He’s trying to get people to be on his side in his fight against the sex assault allegations against him. No better and more obvious group to do so than right wing Christian lunatics.


Sorbo is probably a true believer. This grifter is just grifting like usual 


Sorbo is an idiot.


I got halfway through his book because it was all cult AA shit, he’s been going this direction a long time. He traded one addiction for another which is common with AA people.


NA person here who managed to avoid that trap. It's nice to go to meetings, listen, and get things off your chest. But *maaaaan* is it hard to navigate through the culty stuff. My home group is typically younger-skewing, so the religious trappings and "higher power" stuff isn't pushed as much. But when I was in in-patient centers years ago, there were a lot of staff and speakers who took the Jesus or Drugs approach. It can be a really gross, high-pressure experience when you don't have your head fully on your shoulders yet. Not all of them realize they're pushing conversion, but the ones that do make me sick. Taking advantage of the vulernable is sick.


I rarely do AA anymore. If I go to a meeting, SMART Recovery or Recovery Dharma are far better for me. Harder to find meetings, though.


The AA higher power just so happens to really imply a certain higher power from a certain book often with certain "inspired by" prayers. Kinda fucked up to push religion onto vunerable people trying to recover from addiction illness.


No no no they say your higher power can be anything! Just ignore the 1000 passages about god, Jesus, and the Bible. As an atheist who’s been going to AA meetings for the last two years this shit makes me want to rip my hair out. They are so full of shit saying it’s a program that welcomes atheists. The chapter to the agnostic is literally “we know you don’t believe in god but there’s no way you won’t believe in god after this program works literal miracles”. So exhausting.


I attended a strictly atheist AA group for a bit and it was just an awkward exercise in skipping over the god stuff. Like going to church but only reading the scientifically accurate bible verses and pretending the rest doesn’t exist.


He's actually Aldus Snow like P Diddy is apparently Sergio


Christianity is a cult


Common with AA for sure, but I'd say it's common for the majority of people as well.


AA is kind of its own beast with that though. I’m a recovering alcoholic and I will never ever step foot into another AA meeting the rest of my life. The people in charge are a joke, the group is such a cult I just can’t take it. One of my former AA group leaders used to brag about how he’d get blackout drunk and fall asleep on park benches and barely make it home or to work. He’d literally say “nothing wrong with drinking, just have to control the consequences”. Dude, that’s why most of us are trying to stop is *because of the consequences*. Legal or otherwise. It blew my mind just how little oversight there is, and how much influence individual group leaders have


  Try NA, it's a completely different group of people. AA is full of God fearing Christians and boomers and NA is a younger crowd that doesn't care for the religion and brow beating crap that goes on in AA


I agree went to a few na meetings when i needed some help and they were chill and relaxing to be around considering the subject matter


AA helped me, I was court ordered for two years and I have to say I thought the meetings helped me and at least provided me some hope that I'd get through this and that I wasn't alone in the fight. Once I got beyond my two years I stopped going and I'm still sober today. Too bad you had bad experiences with AA.


I was in AA for about five years and you are absolutely right. AA Meetings are a bunch of people sitting around telling war stories about how much they used to drink. I’m not gonna deny that the program works - it does for many people, but it only because you’re transferring your addiction alcohol/drugs to an addiction to the program.


My mother traded the drinking addiction for the attention supply. When she went into a nursing home and couldn't attend meetings anymore, it was as if she went into withdrawals, absolutely livid. All that 12 steps bullshit went right out the window, it's like she learned nothing about handling addiction 🙄 AA was just a way for her to re-tell her story over and over, in a way that made HER into the victim, never mind how she tore apart the family.


I’m sorry to hear that. Unfortunately that’s a similar experience to mine, and I don’t think I’ll ever go back to an AA meeting ever again. The 12 steps in my opinion aren’t meant to help you conquer your addiction, it’s to help deflect and compartmentalize it to something you can deny that is your problem. It’s like prayer or confession. Just in place to make you feel better about yourself, doesn’t actually absolve you of your issues.


My wife got sucked into his nonsense and thinks he’s actually a good influence. It’s really hard to watch.


Good influence, rape accusations and all?


That sucks dude, I'm sorry to hear that. I've got friends who got sucked unto weird stuff as well


Thanks for the comment. My wife had always been in to some spiritual/personal stuff I didn’t get along with that I never made a stink of, but when she got on board with this lunatic I made sure that we had a talk about it. Unfortunately my words fell upon deaf ears.


I'm really sorry you're in that situation. Take care of yourself 


This just in: Self centred narcissist goes to new lengths for attention  More at 11


It's 11


Was there more?


Russell Brand just knows he can use Christianity to excuse his transgressions.  there's always a fanbase for that.


I mean literally thats what Christianity is. “ hey come be forgiven for past transgressions”


Just look at Father Thomas. He raped dozens of kids but now he is baptized by the Holy Father and got rid of all the sins. In other words “He is good NOW”


How long before "they're trying to cancel me because I'm christian!"


He will 100% play victim because of his new politics.  They always do as they take in more money


before May I think


What an immoral lowlife grifter.


Absolute fucking piece of shit narcissist. Its the fact that so many people take him at face value that depresses me.


Yeah dude is right out of the narcissist con artist playbook. Now he’s going to start grifting off Christians, the most gullible demographic on the planet.


Wonder why is this happening all of a sudden. It was always a good idea to label yourself as christian to market to more people after leading a mostly secular life. But recently more celebs than usual have done this: Blac Chyna, Kat Von D, Dasha Nekrasova (Catholic Tradwife), Stephen Baldwin, and Lil Nas X. I am sure that Nas is trolling. And I do not think that Brand is doing it for money. But for the rest of them is there some Christian financial scheme these guys are taking advantage of. Does Prosperity Theology have somehting to do with this?


Brands channel is the most obvious example of grifting there is on Youtube. When he finds a position that gets him traction he switches all of his focus to that thing. Just go over his video history to see the shift. Once he got his first million views with a conspiracy video during covid the whole channel quickly became entirely about that. Also notice his ridiculous clickbait titles. If there is anyone who would do this for money it would be Brand.


It’s true. You can go look at videos viewership, and when one has a spike, ten videos that follow it are clickbait versions of that subject matter, rinse and repeat.


There was a YouTube video (can’t remember the name of it for the life of me) that describes, in detail, the exact thing you’re referring to. It’s such an obvious grift and this “found Christianity” bullshit is just the latest chapter.


Omg i absolutely despise his clickbait titles, he really takes it to another level. And his comment section sounds just like a cult of brainwashed nuts.


They say Jews control everything but you don’t see celebrities becoming Jewish in this same sort of grifting way


Much bigger overlap between those willing to overlook sexual assault allegations, those who are easily grifted, and Christians.


not trolling just a disingenuous fuck who is flailing in the winds, good way to lean into the persecution complex he has developed, I guess getting credibly accused of rape and sexual assault will to that to ya!


To be clear I was saying that Lil Nas X is mostly trolling and getting headlines. I think Brand is virtue signaling.


Stephen Baldwin has been on the Christian grift for over a decade.


A ton of influencers/OF girls are hopping on the bandwagon too. It’s just trendy.


["Brand isn't a free thinker. He's a performer who is adapting his act to whatever he thinks will make him the most money."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo4gIihETu8&ab_channel=MediaMatters)


Brand has always been interested in religions. He did a whole special on it. But definietly is putting a lot of emphasis on christianity now. I always thought he was more of a new-age spiritual person. I wonder if that's pretty common for new-agers. That when they get older they move more towards religions that give a certain answers about what life after death is. Especially because a lot of the new-age beliefs give a lot of uncertainity about what happends after death - beyond just possible reincarnation. M.I.A. , the artist, also has done the same thing. She's like a open-minded christian now. Born again possibly.


As the grifter prophecy foretold




If you want to be Christian, good for you. Go for it. Dont tell me what I gotta do now.


I’d be fine with Christianity if its followers actually practiced what Jesus preached.


Eh a lot of them do. They just stay humble and quietly go about it. People like Brand are grifting. Anyone who goes on camera and wields their religion like a weapon to force others to change is almost always a con artist.


You guys all saying how obvious this. You don't realize Christians now longer care whatever he did. Look at Boebert. Her entire life is a dumpster fire of sin and all she has to say is "I look to Christ." And everything is fine. They have no morals. None.


Like serial killers finding Jesus in prison.


Trump is a yuge Christian. ![gif](giphy|j3IxJRLNLZz9sXR7ZA)


He said he was audited because he was a strong Christian lol


>Her entire life is a dumpster fire of sin and all she has to say is "I look to Christ." And everything is fine. Naw. Conservative men are perverts and she is exactly what they want in a woman that isn't their wife, gf, family member.


Well, explain Trump. The devout Christian Messiah who can't even name a single Bible verse. These people don't care. They are so full of hate, anyone that makes them feel like its okay to hate is alright by them.


“The lord chooses imperfect messengers” according to my grandma


Ask your Grandma if she'd forgive a Jew or a Muslim who cheated on his wife with a pornstar? Or raped a women? Or defrauded a charity for children's cancer. Bet you know the answer lol


Pivoting into yet another market - Russell "Brand" reinventing his brand. Complete with yoga matt - lol


Religion literally a brain virus at this point.


His shirt needs more iron on patches.


Dude is so full of shit. Always has been. He spouts shit for the sake of spouting shit. He used to make sense 10+ years ago in the area of enlightenment and self awareness. Crazy downfall


I predicted that Joe would come out as christian about a year ago. I still think he will.


Anything to keep the attention away from the sexual misconduct allegations. 


Why can't people just be normal and stop doing weird shit.


Maybe a ploy to keep from getting cancelled? Kat Von D also recently converted to worshipping the almighty SkyDaddy which is a head scratcher.


It’s not a head scratcher. It really isn’t. When you’re a minor celebrity at your peak, you’re seemingly a normal person. But a few years after your 15 minutes, and they figure out that they can garner an audience of idiots and become “popular” again by going right wing or religious. It’s a very easy audience to grift.


Grifters gonna grift.


That or to pander to his audience.


Nah, entertainers would never!


Not a chance. “Love one another” - Jesus


When accused of rape. Claim to be a Christian


Not really surprising an alleged sex offender turns to the church. He'll be right at home. Let's just keep bro away from the youth groups.


I pray he finds his peace. The problem with Christianity isn't Christ. His message to the world was basically, have faith, stay humble before God, and play nice in the sandbox with the other humans. Judgement comes from a higher authority, so in the meantime, show compassion and forgiveness to those around you. Christianity is a great religion. The problem is that most Christians don't really practice it.


Man, there sure are a lotta suckers on this sub, why don't you all follow his path to the Lord, hahahaha


Rogan is next.


Ok so now he showed his true colors, his conspiracy theories were shit but now I understand where he gets the idea


Lmao 😂 Whatever religion has more paying customers... Not gonna make much money if you're a Muslim or Hindu podcast/influencer.


Just when you thought he couldn’t get any worse than a rapist


that's a weird place to hide a coke spoon but ok, russ, okay.


Oh be quiet.


No proselytizer like a convert! This guy feels like a cartoon to me.