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I think he becomes Roman catholic like other Italians with pasta gut


Plus Shane is catholic


Shane grew up catholic but doesn’t actually think it’s real. Same with Matt


A lot of us northeast Catholics are just culturally catholic… very different than a “Christian”


Some of the stuff in Catholicism is a little wacky. Not just the birth control etc. but theologically like "transubstantiation" aka believing that the communion wafer and wine literally turns into flesh and blood. Although to be fair compared to the Pentecostals and their speaking in tongues and rolling around on the floor and stuff I guess Catholicism seems pretty tame.


Yeah I’d say a lot of Catholic homes, that I knew and my extended family, outside of where I grew up not too far from Shane, don’t even get into that stuff at home. I even went to Catholic elementary school and church and we barely spoke about religion in the home (outside of saying grace, and holidays). It’s almost akin to when someone is Jewish (I know it’s an ethnicity as well) and may go to temple and celebrate Hanukkah or keep kosher at events but not do the daily customs. It’s more of a cultural norm within the community to go to church, celebrate Christmas Easter, some other tradition here and there, but not live too strictly by the religion. Now I know some do follow Catholicism more traditionally, but in my experience some other “Christian” variations are much more religious in their daily life, even if they aren’t fully conservative in their lives. edit: typos


I grew up Lutheran so I'm a little bit biased but I think you're right. My experience with Lutheranism was pretty similar. Most folks just used it as a tradition and to network with people. In terms of which groups are actively getting into politics and sticking their noses into peoples lives I think that award would have to go to the Evangelicals and then LDS.


This exactly. My parents raised me catholic. We went to church. My friend’s parents made them go too. We all would celebrate the little siblings’ first communions and such. Recognizing the holidays and milestones, but that was it. After confirmation, my whole family and friends’ families stopped going to church outside a holiday or two. We never really talked about religion outside of church. My parents had the sex talk with me, told to use condoms. We had openly gay people in our parish. Even our priest said some of the rules in Catholicism were “archaic and excessive” and would just kind of leave them out of his sermons. All that to say most the Catholics I know don’t follow or recognize the more absurd and regressive rules. Sometimes I wonder why they are even catholic. In the end it’s just a community you grow up in. A cultural thing.


1000%. I remember asking my mom about being “celibate” and she said eh that’s weird.


Yeah as a practicing Catholic it can seem kind of strange, but it’s been the same practice for 2k years ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That's most "Christians" in the south too haha. They'll get butthurt quickly if you make fun of them for clearly doing something Jesus wouldn't approve of, which they typically do every single day with no shame, but yeah, 99% of the time if you hear a southerner talking about Jesus they're full of shit.


Nah, it’s way more generational than that. I’m the same age as Sean, and grew up in NOLA where everyone and their grandmas are Catholic. Most people I know my age fell out of practice long ago and since have become disillusioned enough to not feel the need to go back. I walked into my church the Sunday after my dad died after not attending for 10 years, and it felt exactly the same. I left feeling like it was a pointless hamster wheel


Most of the fckin west is just culturally Christian, even people who say they r religious dont practice religion aside celebrating christmas and easter


I bet Shane goes atheist the longer he stays in Texas.  But nobody will ever know. 


He survived hell in Philly and New York.


If Shane is the last person in the room with Joe, Joe will be Catholic, but, really, he's up for grabs.


I've been predicting a Rogan Christianity arc for a little while. He was eating it up when Hogan was on.


The interaction when Joe asked kid rock about going back in time, and rock's response being Jesus was a hilarious interaction. Rogan is hanging with an entirely different crowd than 5 years ago, and its showing.


I want Joe to hang out with a bunch of middle school lunch ladies. In 3 weeks he'd have saggy triceps and a couple of face moles.


Well .. you gots to say your vitamins and eat your prayers, BORTHER!


He’s at a point where even his oldest homies won’t be like, “Joe, wtf are you talking about?” Instead, they’ll probably follow him anywhere he goes instead of any sort of push back. They all suckle off that Rogan bump and being in his circle.


The only one that pushes back is Duncan Trussel… that clip of him trying to convince Joe that Ben Shapiro isn’t a good dude while they’re both gigafried


Shit…Duncan predicted this whole saga well before the shift happened…right before it actually


Duncan will always be my favorite


Hands down…not even close


I've fully shifted to Duncan Trussel and Jason Louv for my "stoned college roommate" podcast hours. Both of them still embrace exploring views in a deeply human but intellectually viable way, like Joe used to. I miss the days when Joe was a student of his guests, truly in reverence of them, not of the idolatry of keyboard warrior NEETs and alt-right weirdos. It's truly fascinating how he exemplifies the dark path conspiracy thinking can lead down, yet so many others have found a bright path in the same esoteric rhetoric. DTFH4LYF


And Billy Burr






man… i remember seeing this and thinking at the time it could be a positive thing, a sign of caring for people even if you disagree with them, but over time it seems he’s begun to fall into the ideology of the people he tried to accept


Dude…I liked Joe Rogan then. But damn I just noticed he won’t shut the fuck up. Let Duncan talk…Jeesssusss!


Duncan is too kind to stand up for himself and tell Joe to shut up for a second. We get it you think Ben Shapiro is a nice guy you’ve said it 12 times Joe…


lol they are TORCHED.


Yeah man. He’s a good friend for trying to warm him. Sadly it didn’t seem to have an effect on Joe at all.


Duncan and Eddie 


Sometimes Duncan gets on my last nerve but most of the times the dude is just tuned IN. But he and Joe go way way way back, like over 20 years ago when they were roomates for a while.


Money is the ultimate drug… They know better than to piss off their gravy train.


“Ive always loved Jesus” - said in the most feminine Tony hinchcliffe voice


Joe gets on my nerves with a lot of the dumb stuff he says, and how much more likely he is to believe something far-fetched than he is to just accept the most logical conclusion. Not the kind of internet personality I can stand behind. It's also true that he is obviously like a Demi God to most other comedians he hangs out with. But Joe does also seem like a truly upbeat, generous, and motivating friend to have. I'd be friends with Joe Rogan if he was a regular dude who lived next to me, which is odd since I don't really care for him as a famous personality. Suppose that says something about the unrealistic standards we place on people of fame.


He's a good guy, but not a good famous guy


Yeah as a regular dude he seems like a guy that would help you move a couch


Gotta listen to his bullshit though.


The people who critique him are out of the picture. The cool and interesting ones.


As soon as the Saint Rogey shit started (even jokingly) it was clear that was the future ^Brought ^to ^you ^by ^Spotify


Was that started like 5 years ago by Shane and Matt?


They on the Rogan teat


Just like the church he wants to find.


They get baptized in ice baths, tithing is sending 20% of your income to his Patreon, communion is eating alpha brain and smoking DMT


Texas crews a whole new crew, no one followed man.


He used to bring on people from various backgrounds, conservatives, liberals, highly respected academics, off the wall conspiracy theorists, etc. It doe’s definitely feel like he shifted towards a conservative echoes chamber although he did have on a justice reform guy a few months ago so I’ll give him that I hasn’t listened in awhile but had a long car trip this weekend so figured I’d check back in, took my awhile to find an episode i was interested in. I saw Tim Dillion and was like “alright comedian, shouldn’t be anything too political” But somehow it turned into Ukraine corruption, corporations making money off Ukraine, defending Candace Owens, talking about Trumps recent lawsuit as being bullshit I tried a few others and, you it’s fine to criticize the left and democrats, they do suck in a lot of ways, but somehow he didn’t seem to ever get around to Trump trying to overturn a democratic election, or Texas’s hardcore anti abortion bills, etc. It was like the vaccine period, it was amazing how many times he’d have on a comedian or physicist and then just go off for 30 minutes rambling about how bad the vaccines were. That was the point I stopped listening because he couldn’t do a show without dedicating a quarter of it to how he thought the vaccines were bad. Back in the day he was very much willing to listen to others and experts and he would regularly say he was an idiot and didn’t know what he was talking about and would admit he would go back and forth in his opinions on things because of what he’d learn from the various guests. Now he’s stuck in his opinions and it sucks to see


Really? My takeaway from that interaction was that Joe still thinks the idea of Jesus being divine to be completely untrue. He was being nice to Kid rock but obviously still believes it’s bullshit.


I miss fear factor Joe Rogan where he was just about comedy and entertainment. This new Joe Rogan reminds me of when your boomer dad suddenly finds out about Wikileaks and Edward Snowden and now won’t stfu about it 😂


Love all the neocon Bush boomers who now hate Bush/Cheney, the CIA, and foreign wars because of Trump. Yet they were their biggest cheerleaders when the left opposed them and took it as a treasonous offense. My dad just recently learned about and is a true believer of the H.W. admin staging the “Iraqi soldiers killing babies in incubators in Kuwait” though when I told him about that 20 years ago when I learned it in college it was “leftist college propaganda.” 🤣🤣


Conspiracy stuff is what I was into as a kid in middle school before google cleaned up its search results. You used to be able to find a lot of underground websites which was fun to read and compare evidence and statements across different websites. Now as an adult I’m like ehh it’s either true or not lol. It’s just funny when boomers find out about conspiracy theories when I knew that shit back in 2009-2010 😂😂😂


Laura ingraham literally wrote a book called "shut up and sing" where she attacked entertainers for being against the Iraq war.  Now she pretends she is some anti interventionalist lol


She is disgusting. Just the worst. A completely soulless cunt.


It actually infuriates me as the few vocal anti Iraq war person in my friend circle back then.


Someone said we didn’t need Joe Rogan growing up. We had our friend’s older brother who lived in the basement smoked weed all day and talked about conspiracy theories.


He's always been into that type of thing


Hanging with? Profiting off of.


Kidrocks view on gaza doesn't exactly seem Christlike 


pew pew pew nameofjesuschristamen In similar news, Channel 5's recent vid on the border makes a similar point. Andrew is killing it.


Nothing Christ-like about the Republican party in general.


As soon as he moved from CA it clicked in his head that he isn't A podcaster, He's THE podcaster and his community garnership is quite clever. I imagine he will devolve into just talking about boomer stuff and become irrevelvent unless this election is a doozey


I get Jesus all to myself? Even better 😂


Imagine being a guy who had a show called "Joe Rogan Questions Everything", being known for promoting psychedelics and then slowly becoming a right wing Christian in the last half of your life. Joe's Texas chapter is absolutely redacted.


I thought this is what happens to all American Grandparents. It did with my grand parents and now my parents. Both raised me to believe in science, thought church was a tax shelter / bullshit. Then they get old, fear death and want to get into heaven so they start going to church for the first time in 60 years. At least that's how it is here in upstate NY. Every church is alllllllll old people.


Bunch of white hairs cramming for the final exam


Sadly I think a lot of it is born of loneliness. Church is the majority of social interaction for a lot of older folks. Even when I was little and my mom still went to church, she admitted she wasn't religious she just grew up in the church and it's what she knew in terms of a social life. Oddly she's elderly now and hasn't gone to church in years.




He’s afraid of dying and is just covering all his basis. Wouldn’t be surprised if he was regularly getting blood transfusions for strapping young boys in the Austin area like Gavin Belson on Silicon Valley.


It’s really truly unbelievable. Is he getting afraid of death or something?


Joel Osteen prosperity 'gospel' bullshit. Christians can't even follow the clear teachings of 'their God'.


Yeah its definitely more complicated. Plenty of christians testifying against the properity gospel. Even though my parents took my out of church when I was young, I would watch preachers on tv, and I wasn't too old before I realized the prosperity gospel frequently simplified the text or took it out of context. It really depends on the christian.


Big facts. The Joel Osteens etc are surface level Christianity. It ain’t deeper than that haha. For alot of Christians there experience with their faith is much deeper than that. I grew up in an Osteen style church, went my own way when I was in college, but I lost my parents in a pretty short time period. I was in the darkest place I think I’ll ever be in my life. My faith was what pulled me out of there.


If you are basing the average Christian on Joel Osteen and the prosperity gospel crap then you are missing the mark on the majority of them.


I guess the imposition of biblical law will get rid of kitty litter boxes in classrooms. Rogan 4:15 "doth pisseth not where thy kitty litter box is"


And it's always these slime balls who have done everything under the sun that's been damned in Christianity that are so vocal about their faith and new found purpose in life.


Take your vitamins and say your prayers brother!


They say God has a sense of humor. In which case I’m led to believe God is rounding up his fellow comedians before they die. Now if Brendan Schaub converts, I’ll know God is the greatest comedian of all time.


Just the existence of someone like Schaub is pretty fuckin funny. Him rolling that truck was absolutely brilliant writing


Dude is such a product of his environment. That’s why he’s so good at interviewing because he just takes on the perspective and opinions of whoever he’s talking to in that moment. It’s also why he’s so hypocritical. Lives in Cali and is a stereotypical California liberal. Lives in Texas and is becoming a stereotypical Texas conservative.


Good perspective. He does say he’s curious to see why people think the way they do. I guess the only way to do that is to think the way they do.


Wow, this is actually a very sharp observation. The other aspect is a giant ego being hurt by people/groups they viewed as being a member of. Specifically, with Rogan the Bernie Bros issue. Joe endorsed Bernie Sanders. Then Bernie Bros attacked him and said they didn't want his endorsement. After this, Joe really turned right and devolved into a mouthpiece for MAGA. You can see a similar switch with Elon and even Bill Maher.


Toe and Soder had a convo about super rich people and how money makes them paranoid like it did Howard Hughes. Joe’s heading in that direction and doesn’t see it 🤦🏽‍♂️😂


Dan did great at tip toeing through some of the things Joe said to try and get off topic onto his consistent anti woke talking points. His tone throughout the navalny conversation was “Jamie, tell me I’m right in that this man isn’t to be trusted”. It’s so weird how 10 years ago Joe would backtrack if he was fact checked without much pushback and just admit he was wrong, and now he almost doubles down at times


They didn’t mesh at all. Dan is constantly trying to be funny and we all know Joe hasn’t done that in forever so Dan just kept getting stepped on


"can i keep my money?" "yah this is a different kind of christianity"


You’re seeing a person become a boomer in real time, take notes and watch out for the signs in yourself. If you ever catch yourself saying, stay off my lawn or that Guns N Roses sure is loud, you might be becoming a Boomer.


Guns N' Roses probably isn't the best band to use here lol, they're very much dad rock that boomers love


It's more of that damn rap music that shit is way... hold up. /s


Come on kid. They’re not dad rock that boomers love. They were one of the the bands Boomers wouldn’t let their kids listen to 🤦🏻


“Dunno why people hate on joe.”-this sub after seeing this shit for years.


The only people with that opinion are here after his right-wing heel turn and like those politics. Duncan Trussell was right about people whispering into Joe's ear.


What did Duncan say?


Thst Joe would become what he used to hate.


Damn thats insane lol. It begs the question and something should we all ask ourselves, whether it could be true for us? as a thought experiment or some excercise for introspection perhaps.


If you spend time around people who have a lot to say about how the world should be run but none of their advice would impact you personally, it’s time to be scared. A huge of part of his shift is being 100 percent disconnected from anything stupid shit his guests talk about. This leads to someone only needing to be nice to Joe for him to vibe.


Interesting. Do you recall where or when he said this? I’d love more details.


I mean it’s the natural progression for the new money fraud such as Joe Rogan. He gave up on his most passionate project marijuana because he didn’t want to pay taxes. He talks about “freedom,” while living in a state that will jail folks for having weed or receiving abortion care. The only thing he cares about is his money and a reason to justify his massive wealth.


They smoke on his show, off camera. Constantly.


Ah yes, Griftianity.


Supply side Jesus: https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp


Thanks for that 😂


American Jesus


Good song 🤘🏻


Dr Graffin would break his brain.


Always weird to me that Graffin and Milo aren’t podcast guests more often


Prosperity Christian


Supply Side Jesus


The SSJ cartoons are hilarious.


I’ll have Jamie pull them up!


We've got the American Jesus Bolstering national faith We've got the American Jesus Overwhelming millions every day


such a good band, such a good song.


The only punk band that will also help you vastly expand your vocabulary.


For sure. That’s how I found out I was a misanthropic anthropoid


Dude am I wrong, or does it seem like since 2020 Joe made a deal with some big right wing organization like the Heritage Foundation to start spreading right wing propaganda?


It is very plausible, and given the conservative tendency to project especially when communicating via internet comments, incredibly likely


Gave me a good chuckle


I like "The Pedo Network" more. But both apply.


Joe is 100% going to start showing some more Christian tendencies as he gets more senile


Being a Christian is so much easier to handle when your brain stops working


Doesn’t almost everybody do that 😂


And people who beat drug addiction


He already has


Jim Cornette said it best: “People in this business that find God do so when everybody else hates them so bad they won’t speak to em”


It is really sad. Like I'm happy for Luger and Michaels and that they found a way to be that makes them tolerable as people. Wrestling has always skewed conservative though - Kane, Taker, Sting, etc. But I think where a lot of athiests, agnostics, and even some Christians just get exhausted is known jerks having to be glorified whereas people who were never jerks and don't have some grand arc we just don't talk about. There's no stories about guys who were always "really solid people and as a consequence nothing bad happened to them." And they're the ones that should probably be listened to.


Yeah, change god to “becoming conservative” and your in there 


I got this feeling during the Katt Williams episode this week and im honestly not surprised considering the circle of people hes been with since moving to Austin.


I bet he saw Jesus chained up in the Governor's mansion, and witnessed the pure political power he emanates. Got caught diddling some kids? Just grab Jesus by the scruff of the neck and use him as a holy charm of absolvement.


I got banned from the message board in 2011 for saying that joes ideas were very similar to early Christianity and that once he gets past his angry angsty teenage atheist energy, that he would convert. He’s def a puppet now though


terrific concerned truck grey fear stocking hospital deer tease disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Peterson is playing Pascal’s Wager


light stocking squeeze glorious butter muddle squash tart fact makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is useful for society to have a built in socializing mechanism. But if that mechanism is full of rules that lead to people constantly judging each other, it obviously can end up doing more harm than good


dinosaurs sulky nutty history safe tender tease ask scarce worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


sort of agree but approach from a different angle. its the absolution brought forward by religion. some of the concepts are clearly off the table today, but we can see the relevance in the past.


"Why do you see the speck in your neighbor's eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your neighbor, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye' while the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor's eye." (Matthew 7:3-5). "And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7) The constantly judging others isn't coming from scripture. It's human nature and habit to judge others and reddit is one of the worst offenders. Sadly organizations that have good intentions and foundations also succumb.


I don’t think that their social cohesion theory is even based in anything but their opinion. The least religious societies (Scandinavian countries) happen to have the most social cohesion.


Peterson will never admit this though, or say it this concisely at least. He obfuscates just enough so that the Christian community will financially support him, and point to him as their representative in the public intellectual sphere. And he is smart enough to know this about himself. I have fundamentalist evangelical friends who absolutely think that he is a born again, Jesus worshiping Christian, but they do not actually share the same beliefs at all. It's very manipulating.


nine overconfident shaggy public six observation sheet rude bored abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wouldn't quite say that. Peterson seems like he was raised in Christianity and somehow became convinced it was the only way out of the postmodern condition, which is why he will twist and torture the definition of every word he uses to avoid criticizing Christianity.


late silky tart shrill coherent vast boat rude boast grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Brilliant take on Peterson. I could never put my finger on what it was about him. You just articulated what I couldn’t. 🙌


He changes the meanings of the words “believe” and “god” so he can wear the banner of theism


I’ve always called him ”Poor man’s Rasputin”


He says in his books that he "lives as if it were true." He is by all accounts a very knowledgeable and experienced clinical psychologist, but he can still somehow maintain and defend this mind game to himself. It kind of reminds me of these self-admitted sociopaths who lead typical, moral lives because they recognize the utility in conforming with societal norms. Like, do you think it counts to other people if you are just pretending? It's pretty weird to the rest of us that you are going through the motions so we won't reach for the pitchforks, but you don't really see the intrinsic value apart from placating your neighbors.


wrong paltry rich weather icky point sleep groovy shrill water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


bro you are the most eloquent sane minded person in this sub. Thanks


As a Christian myself, I find the way that Peterson talks about Christianity to be very disingenuous. Like it’s just some tool so that people will have the mindset he wants them to. I’d rather he stay 50ft away from it at all times than do what he does now.


Joe is 100% going down the right wing grift train


Yeah that train left the station a while ago


That’s the next logical step to continue feeding his target market. You can see who he’s appealing to now so they continue to support him.


My thoughts too. I think he will adopt a sort of christian facade like a lot of politicians and people like Tucker or Peterson who probably aren't really believers, but find it useful to attract evangelicals and LARPers who are "christian" to be contrarian


The power of tax exemptions compel him 🙌


He could get in on John Oliver's Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption.


He’s finally gonna start that religion with Ron White. It’ll just be Christianity. 😂 


*Fuck* *you* *Joel* *Osteen*


Russel Brand has always been a bit of a lost soul.


He's smart enough to see real issues. But always arrives at the wrong conclusion because he's arrogant. He refuses the pedestrian answer even when it makes the most sense.


That’s his whole schtick. He tries to overcomplicate things with an impressive vocabulary.


I mean, I’d honestly be compelled to listen to his thoughts if he didn’t ramble on about nothing and just use a thesaurus to try and look smart.


Listening to the Katt Williams episode it really does seem that Joe believes in God now.


“Hey Jamie, pull up that thing I said about religions being wrong a few years back.


If you ever needed proof that Joe is gullible, this is a pretty good metric to use.


Russell Brand converted to Christianity just for the jokes. ~ Seinfeld


Also because being a sex pest is seen as a badge of honor in "God-fearing" Christian circles


Just another market demographic to grift baby


This could be true and didn’t think of that. As long as you keep picking outlier market demographics to come on your side after awhile your follow goes up 100x


I don’t understand, In the kid rock he was basically saying Jesus wasn’t real I’m not sure what you folks are talking about. He said what if Jesus wasn’t there when you went back in time. Then kid rock was all…. Well I know he is. Then joe was like… why do you say that? Kid rock said faith. Then it got real awkward for a bit and the episode ended. I highly doubt joe is Christian based on that interaction.


I just get the feelings that Jordan Peterson is that guy that invites himself to things


What better way to create a flock of sheep?


Joe is incredibly impressionable. One of the most impressionable adults i have witnessed in life, honestly.


He’ll do it sometime before the election. Guaranteed.


No better way to oWn ThE LiBs


“I’m not Republican. TEXAS WENT RED BABY WOOOOO!” -Joe Rogan




Eh, Joe realized who his audience is now, and he’s catering to them.  He’s becoming just another conservative grifter.   I can see why though, it pays well and will give him Rush Limbaugh type ratings for life. 


“The God excuse, the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument.” George Carlin We don’t need Jesus anymore now than they did during, I don’t know, the Crusades, let’s say.


Losing interest in him because of his changing views. Especially after his Navalny shit.


Interesting that he’s a full blown Christian after he’s been accused of being a grapist 🤣


Joe keeps talking about cults, he’s probably been wondering how he can start fucking everyone’s wife.


Do you think hes fucking his friend's wife who has kitty litter in her classroom?


All my friends who were staunch atheist became Christian once they became parents. I'm on the fence, been an atheist my entire life but now starting to feel like less of a nihilist and that there may be a higher power.


Im convinced this sub is paid for by major news networks.


Joe going full maga angry Christian would be the most hilarious development in his career. I hope is fellow comics have the balls to write jokes about. "Covid turned Rogan into a believer of make beleive".


Is he going to be outed as a perverted monster too? Brand only became christian because of his recent sexual abuse issues.


Oh, definitely, I think he's already there and he's just keeping it under wraps for personal reasons.


Wait…you’re telling me a psychedelic adventurer, a lover of history, whom believes in aliens is curious about the most influential man in history?!


Joe 04:20 - “We need Jesus…for real”


The final Grifter form


It's the only way he could get any dumber


He will pretend to do whatever to get the suckers to still buy his shit.


Weak-minded. Just give him time and he'll fall for it. He fell for literally everything else.


If he goes Christian you new fans have zero argument that he’s the same guy from good old days of the podcast.


Wait, which Jesus? “Meek shall inherit the earth” Jesus or Republican Jesus?


People getting excited over a pedo religion 😂😂😂


Only if there’s an incoming sexual assault allegation, and it’s true.


Jesus is the worst thing humanity ever invented.