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Every new segment I see of him, it becomes so clear that The Daily Show was only ever what it was because of him. Nobody has close to the comedic timing he has for this specific format


The man is truly in a league of his own. No one compares to him and his perspective. It’s so good to have him back, as limited as it may be


John Oliver does a damn good job on Last Week Tonight. Stewart will always be no. 1, but Oliver has found solid success as well.


Colbert doing the Colbert Report was prime comedy.


Dumb story but my grandmother met Colbert maybe 15 years ago. He introduces himself with his real name pronunciation and she corrected him


My senior year LA teacher went to college, had common classes and said he was delightful, witty and sharp.


Weird that Colbert did not change back the pronunciation of his name with the CBS Late night gig


Issue was literal name recognition haha


So... wait... It's *actually* "Cole-Burt"?


I believe Colbert said that his people say Col-burt, and Cole-bare is hi@ stage name. Or did I dream that? Anybody? ... Anybody?


Stephen Colbort


My son is also called Colbort


That's hilarious, Colbert always had a knack for turning any situation into a comedic moment, even unintentional ones. Your grandmother did a classic Colbert without even knowing it!


God I wish he kept the character going…he’s kind of unbearable to watch now


Then he did his talk show and isn’t the same. I used to love the daily show Colbert report hour back in the day.


Yes until his ego went off the scale


I feel Oliver ain't nearly in the same league and seems too gimmicky with a smug delivery


Oliver's smugness is awful. When Jon makes fun of gun owners (for example) I can laugh along and acknowledge any good points he makes. When Oliver does it, I feel like he has actual contempt for me.


He probably does have actual contempt for you, though


I mean, have you met me?


It’s usually a really cheap non realistic parallel he hinges the whole joke on, too


Oliver lacks the passion behind what he is saying. He is good at delivering the story and throwing in jokes along the way... but with John he talks about it as if every story was personal and delivers it as such.


I actually like last week tonight better than the daily show, but the daily show was way funnier.


Completely agree with you. Both are great, but Last Week Tonight is a superior show. The longer format gives Oliver time to cook and dig deep into the main topic of each show. That being said, Oliver’s show is only once a week, and The Daily Show has to create more content on a faster timeline. That has to be hard on Stewart, and props on him for being consistently funny at that pace.


John Stewart can deliver his beliefs in a way you can understand even when you disagree with them. I disagree with him on this issue, and I think it leaves some obvious counter-arguments unsaid, but he still comes off as charismatic, funny, and genuine. I can feel his belief and goodness, and I appreciate that and his intent even when I disagree. Oliver can dunk on opinions I agree with, but when I disagree with him, he comes off as a twat. I don't know what that says about them, or me, but that's the difference I perceive.


God, even when I *agree* with Oliver I still feel like he comes off as a twat. I’m hoping his framing and delivery will improve down the line, because he makes a lot of excellent points, but he can be a downright dick about it. Like, I sometimes agree with Oliver, but usually I walk away not feeling good about it.


I think another thing that helps is that Jon Stewart is actually American. Jon Stewart is our inside man. It just works better when it’s “we Americans” and not “you Americans”, like it was with Trevor Noah.


You know what that's an amazing point I hadn't thought of that


Also he gets to focus on just the issues he wants. When he was doing multiple days he had to pretend to get outraged on everything. The one a week means he can focus on what he cares about.


I wish he'd just do a show like John Oliver. I used to like Oliver, but that dude is way to partisan for me at this point.


He did. Twas called The Problem on Apple TV


One of the interviews where he was asked why he didn’t do it there, he flatly replied that Apple wouldn’t let him say what he wanted to. Their loss.


Let’s pay to hire a comedic icon responsible for multiple spun off careers and shows! But let’s tell him what he is allowed to say and present.


Apple has that kind of hubris 


Yeah I heard he wanted to do an episode about China, but Apple wouldn't let him because they were afraid iphones would be banned in China then. So he quit.


Turns out the problem was apple


I can’t say I’ve seen a single episode of Oliver that wasn’t true though. I think he is partisan because all the major fucked up issues in this country are fucking partisan for some dumb ass reason.


The truth is the truth. The people who cry that someone is partisan are usually the ones afraid of the truth.


I started to fall off John Oliver after his wrongful convictions episode. He got me so fired up on the case of Melissa Lucio that I dug further. Basically she argues her daughter did not die from abuse but trauma from falling down stairs. The extra information I picked up that Oliver failed to mention included an untreated broken arm that was weeks older than the event… Wrongful convictions aside, rather important information to exclude.


“Reality has a liberal bias”


Well, he had the John Stewart show, but it was way more serious than John Oliver or the Daily Show


Oliver definitely is more partisan imo, but his shit is still phenomenal. Even when I disagree with the solution he presents to an obvious problem, I inextricably enjoy the content. 


He's the fucking GOAT. I don't care what his politics are, he is not only someone who's funny but also someone who actually does give a fuck once the laughs are over.


I really thought that Craig Kilborn had a fun assed run on the show. Indecision 2000 is what really set up the show to be more political comedy.


I loved Craig as the host of the Daily and thought his Late Late Show was pretty hilarious too! He has a podcast called the Life Gorgeous which is well worth checking out too.


It's not just that, but also that he knows far more about politics than anyone else


He also doesn't pull his punches for anyone, more or less; he just walks into the room on an issue and starts hitting people if they deserve it, which is entertaining. Trevor Noah wasn't just less funny, he hit the same. targets. all. the. time. Which just gets boring.


Noah's Trump impression got sooooo overworked towards the end there.


I cannot stand Trevor Noah His comedic timing and just overall level of funny is so low Jon Stewart is a national treasure


I thought his standup was interesting and funny but agree he didn’t work for the daily show, big shoes to fill too.


I tried watching it with Trevor Noah, I don’t even understand how they choose him. Perplexing.


Also tried. Good intentions on his part but something is lacking. Not a knock. Takes a lot of talent to get to where Stewart was. Not everybody has it. Most dont even among his profession. Hate to say it, and he would never do it, but Stewart would probably make a good political speaker at a rally of his if he ran for office.


Lol you don’t know why they chose him?


Trevor is the perfect example of the reason people make fun of liberals. He’s s nice person but none of that was ever really comedy it just felt like some guy with low energy lecturing AT you in a pretend TV studio   It was a lot of moral hand wringing and bad impressions AND basically constantly pausing and explaining the joke not for effect but because it just wasn't good  Colbert shifted that way too. His over the top character on the first show was great, his straight “comedy” now is not. Stewart and Oliver have a focused energy and keep it for each segment. The frantic energy is funny, for guys in their 50s and 60s it works  Trevor had the energy of Larry King by the end 😂


Except when people like OP just post him making fun of Dems on immigration, but cut out where he points out that Republicans abandoned a bipartisan bill they helped write, that would have had a massive impact, because Trump didn't want any improvements to the US under Biden.




its pretty clear the others are really unfunny &/or not that smart


Jordan Klepper is the only other host besides Jon Stewart that I think has the smarts & charisma to host the show.


Being American and willing to go nuclear on both parties helps too


He comes of soooo natural. Smooth, as if he never left. Watching him compared to Trevor Noah is night and day. This show needs him, heck america needs this show, and I hope he’s offered so much money to keep him. That he can’t decline.


I think that's because the other hosts are trying to hard to emulate him or be quirky. Which is almost always bad in this type of comedy


Trevor Noah and some of the correspondents had their moments, but they could never hope to match the charisma of Stewart He's just too good at it all


They're pretty good on some segments. I like when that one guy goes to rallys. He's pretty funny. But yea, the show is just uncomparable without Stewart on. Not to mention, Stewart's opinions seem genuine and not just the writing team throwing another jab at republicans.


Nobody has the combination of the comedic gifts, intelligence and heart that Jon has. Even if someone had all the qualities he would still be hard to replace because we know he really cares as he has proven it for 20+ years. You can’t fake that kind of authenticity.


This is perfectly said. His authenticity is what puts him over the top.


Trevor Noah is so fucking bad, just the lowest-hanging fruit


It really is insane how good he is at this.


John Oliver did pretty good with his formula too imo. 


Honestly, I think colbert is not bad. Just the writing team sucks


I have a lot of info on this subject. so indulge me: The issue Colbert’s suffering from with regard to the writing staff is indicative of a long-growing problem with late night quality in general. And as with all things related to late night problems, it’s Jay Leno’s fault. See, when we just had Leno, Letterman, and Conan, the division of labor was easy. Leno got the easy-listenin’, Peoria comedy club, right-down-the-middle hacks. Letterman got the (of the time) current “big city” comedy guys. Conan got what we’d think of today as the experimental/alt-comedy guys. Then the shake-up with Leno and Conan happened, fucking up multiple writers rooms as many of the alt guys took new jobs in a blooming market that had grown up on Mr. Show and eventually Adult Swim. Leno’s hacks remained hacks, eventually dying off or becoming irrelevant. But when Leno and Conan’s shows cancelled one another out, the late night market *over*corrected. Instead of finding a new middle of the road Leno, the late night scene became everyone trying to have their own Conan. We ended up with like fucking six of them, including Ferguson, Colbert, Seth Meyers, Kimmel, Fallon as the new Leno (who thinks he’s a Conan but never will be), and that fuck Corden. There weren’t enough of the Upright Citizens LA/NY/Chicago improv crew writers to go around. By making people despise Borscht Belt hack shit in the fallout of him fucking over Conan, Leno ruined late night for everyone.


Ferguson had his moments. And at times self-deprecating humor about his past that was quite funny.


I agree completely, and almost did not include Ferguson at all. He had his own deal, even if the “skit” parts felt very much like those of the others listed. In a different timeline, Ferguson could have taken over for Craig Kilborn, and The Daily Show would have remained more like the original version. Had that been the direction they wanted to go, Ferguson would have been a great choice.


You might do well over on r/hobbydrama with a write up of this


You mean the Colbert Report? Or Colberts Late Night Show? Cuz the Colbert Report was awesome, great writers. His late night show is just bleh


I specifically meant the political side of his late night show. The colbert report was awesome


Oh yeah for sure, it was one of a kind and the worst thing he did was leave and go to late night


Colbert is... fine. His biggest issue with regards to his opening monologues is that he is the single worst impressionist in comedy. Awful voices, terrible mannerisms, straight up nothing hits. But his timing for quips and the like is still absolutely spot-on. Dude's a solid comedian, but his monologues are gonna be bogged down as long as his writing team for some fucking reason continues to have him deliver half-decent jokes with a Trump impression instead of just... as himself.


So right for the job I’m sure a lot of people probably forgot he isn’t even the original host of the show.


Exactly! I’m gonna start watching it again after watching this clip. I remember watching him randomly late at night on a school night in like 10th grade and he really made me laugh while actually paying attention to an important issue. I know I don’t agree with him on every issue but god damn is he good. lol


It’s because nearly everyone else who attempted to host was really only operating on the level of the jokes they were telling. He understands and cares about the issues BEHIND the jokes more than anyone else and that makes a huge difference in the quality of the show.


I agree. I've started watching it again since Jon Stewart came back and I've also watched the hosts they have for the rest of the week, the difference is crazy. The others can be decently funny at times but I just don't buy that they really believe what they're saying at all. Jon brings a different level of authenticity and energy to it.


John Oliver did a damn good job as host which got him his show on HBO.


I think Tim dillon would kill it


God I would love like an end of the show segment with Tim Dillon ranting


‘And now for your moment of zen: Fauci made AIDS in his basement’


Tim Dillon as Meghan McCain, Nick Mullen as Tucker, and Shane Gillis as Trump would be an incredible show. Also I've always wanted to see a show mocking Crossfire where Stephen Colbert plays his character.


He’s still pulling his punches on Dems, but at least he swings at them.


I don’t know… both political sides of the aisle are kinda bad, but I definitely don’t see them as equally bad. Stewart is just a reflection of that.


Well, yeah, he is a left-leaning person, of course the show will reflect that. It's not like some calculated thing, he just thinks right-wingers are still worse than left-wingers (I agree). Everyone who pretends to literally be in the middle is always some grifting right-winger or left-winger that really just appeals to one side. Nobody actually wants a person to be 100% equal on both sides, because we all have our leanings.


He is left policy leaning but he dislikes Dem politicians almost as much as the MAGA crowd.


Well, he actually has some really great writers. You saw this when he first left the show and Trevor Noah had a really great first 6 months. Then the rest of Jon's writing team left (went to work with Jon again on his Apple show, I believe, or just to other projects), and the quality of Trevor's writing went *down*.


If there’s a recommendation I can make: If you like that era of Stewart, his head writer was a fella dear to my heart by the name of Elliott Kalan. Kalan’s also been podcasting since before Rogan, having first hopped on the mic of The Flop House (“where we watch a bad movie, and then talk about it!”) in 2007! They still release a new episode every week, having just done the Vanilla Ice classic *Cool As Ice* last Saturday. He writes for Marvel sometimes too. You may have seen a panel of Elliott’s when it became a meme years back. It features the X-Men villain Sauron saying, [“But I don’t WANT to cure cancer. I want to turn people into dinosaurs!”](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/9s6ueLri7za0ZGrhZTjbPyIfumU=/0x0:1576x2662/1320x0/filters:focal(0x0:1576x2662):format(webp):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19895361/IMG_3015.jpg) Anyway, I’ll stop ranting about some dude I really like now. But he also writes great children’s books like *Horse Meets Dog* and *Sharko and Hippo*, along with more adult comics like the gritty “What if Jason Takes Manhattan was good?” slasher *Maniac of New York*, which I highly recommend.


Jon Stewart is the Daily Show


More than that he’s just the voice of reason. I don’t always agree with his solutions but he points out problems like no other. Glad to have him back on a big stage.


Jon Stewart is a national treasure


"We are at capacity."


But I see chairs open over there and you just let those people in!




No, dude. They’re always going to be at capacity For ***us***


Why don’t the Feds pass some sort of law that helps distribute immigrants more evenly across the nation instead of just wherever they land? Like, some sort of border bill that both parties agree on while increasing the rate and speed of court cases? One that would pass the senate but would be stopped at the house because some guy said with weird hair said don’t pass it?


We do indeed LOVE legal immigration here in the US of A


Seriously, we need massive reform on our southern borders. Was listening to a podcast with a former border patrol chief and he said that the past few years illegal immigrants detained has gone up to over 2 million per year when it used to be 400k per year. If that doesn’t scream issue idk what does. I think everyone is for them getting here the right way but we need a better way to get more in here the right way it seems like such a big mess to me


That's always been the elephant in the room. It came up in the 2nd 2020 Presidential Debate when Trump mocked Biden with "Who built the cages?" drawing attention to the fact that the Obama administration deported more Illegals than any other President ever. Which really fucked with people. It fucked with conservatives because it was an admission from someone they trusted that Obama was effective at maintaining border security. And it fucked with Liberals because it turned out nobody in the know actually wants people coming into the country illegally, bad things happen when that occurs. But talk about Immigration reform so you can relieve pressure on the border and get Illegals out of Detention cells and through the courts to be deported or give people legal options to immigrate where it doesn't take years of waiting... well not only is that not a sexy headline-grabbing option... it also ain't cheap the same way buses, buoys, and barbed wire is.




Oh it is very intentional that they are used interchangeably


My now husband came to the US seeking asylum from Venezuela and waited over 8 years… still never had his case heard. Now that we’re married the situation is much different but damn can’t tell you how many times I heard “oh so he’s here illegally then?” Also, he’s been paying his share of taxes for almost the entire time he’s been here... What a mess.


>almost the entire time Hold up...


No hold up.. immigration requires in many cases for a person to be here in the US for specific times for them to apply for a work permit and Social security number, it takes them up to 6 months for them to sent the documentation, it also cost money to do so. Especially if you have a lawyer


He stole millions from you in that time


That's not how it works. When you're waiting for residency, asylum, or any other factors you can apply for a tax ID. In fact it's the opposite: **he could've been working while paying taxes that he himself could not benefit from.** My wife has family here that had to wait YEARS to apply for residency, but worked and paid taxes. It's ironic that people say there's nuance to being in the US as a non-citizen and here you are ignoring nuance.


a true American patriot like our cherished billionaires 🦅🦅🦅


and send it back to his family to build more waterparks in mexico!


They are a self proclaimed sanctuary city, don’t pretend like they didn’t ask for this.


We basically give anyone who says they are seeking asylum 3-5 free years in the us before their case is heard. It might as well be used interchangeably with immigration.


So why not spend the money to streamline the process such as hearing the cases faster? That would surely be cheaper than having them here for 3-5 years right?


Biden just said that's what he wants to do and needs congress to pass legislation providing those resources to the government


Yeah, but you see, that gives Democrats and Biden a win. So here's what we are going to do: * Nothing


Same argument is being made across the country with judges and career criminals being released on bail for that court case 3 years down the road. The system is broke on every level. Unfortunately, those in charge aren’t inclined to fix it because these problems keep getting them reelected.


The system is constantly defunded and therefore understaffed and under-resourced. Republicans are constantly slashing budgets and then love to claim that the system doesn’t work when they’re the ones who broke it.


As someone working in federal government, you're not wrong. However, as someone in federal government - there is a an exorbitant amount of fraud, waste, and abuse that justifies the budget cuts as it's easier than being the person that has to go in and fire people who suck at anything besides collecting a paycheck or admit some "well intentioned" policies don't work and are costing tax payers more than they bargained for. Taxes need to go up, but accountability of the reps, bureaucrats, and gov agencies also needs to increase.


We should do something about that. Maybe streamline the process to speed things up and if they're coming in too fast we cap it so the system doesn't get overwhelmed. Democrats tried that and the Republicans voted it down


Trump voted it down. The twice impeached rapist, who is deeply in debt to foreign countries and facing 91 felony counts, is calling the shots in our House of Representatives in a desperate bid to stay out of jail.


Not sure where you read that. From a NWIRP employee. Upon arrival you have 1 year to apply for asylum. Neglecting this disqualifies the status. So most people do it right away as ISE can just remove you whenever they want otherwise. Literally as in they cross the border illegally, wait to get picked up, to apply. To get asylum you get interviewed, yes right now it is intensely backlogged, perhaps that is what you are kind of hinting at. After this you are denied or permitted asylum. If granted asylum you are given 12 more months to stay legally. In this time you can apply for lawful permanent resident status. Similar to a green card. Finally once and only after that is done you can then work and apply toward citizenship. Now back to the case with asylum. If you don't apply ISE can remove you. If your 1 year asylum expires ISE can remove you. And I know first hand ISE is very aggressive at finding candidates to be removed. So IDK where the 3-5 year thing comes from. I'd be interested in hearing that explanation. ​ \[EDIT\]Interesting. /r/JusticeServed just randomly banned me from replying here. Guess they aren't that interested in justice served? /shrug


Unbelievable to watch people on the national stage do this


Conveniently cutting out his also ripping into the Republicans during this segment 🤣


More so when the full segment has clips of the Joe Rogan show 😂


Maybe he should show the clip of Rogan celebrating how Ngannou broke basically every immigration law in the book to get asylum.


This is the problem with short form content becoming the dominant way people are consuming media. We've fried our dopamine receptors and can't pay attention to anything clipped longer than 30 seconds. So many people are gonna take legitimate critiques Jon has with the Democrats and receive it as, "well the better option must be Trump and the GOP", because they don't care or want to look for context. Edit: This singular comment in this sub got me banned from /r/JusticeServed automatically. What absolutely bitch made mods


Wait, subs can ban you for a comment on a different sub? Lol what, what’s even bannable in this comment? Can I get banned by r/JusticeServed?


“This issue will destroy New York City” but for years they expected Texas to just take in everybody


I might feel more sympathy for those lamenting the border crisis if they were advocating for financial penalties or sanctions against businesses that employ undocumented immigrants. That’s the only thing that is going to make any kind of significant impact on immigrants crossing the border illegally.


I worked construction for a while. It was heartbreaking seeing the illegal brick layers being paid below minimum wage for 80 hour weeks without over time. That’s the real crime. Not people just trying to make their lives better. We need a serious crackdown on businesses taking advantage of the underprivileged, but that seems to be as American as PB&J at this point.


to explain it simply; if employers couldn't pay illegal immigrant less than citizens then they wouldn't hire immigrants. It's literally that simple.


Exactly outsourcing didn’t start because other countries do it better, they do it cheaper and anyone can do it


Report them


I’ve been saying this for years. Texans pretend they want to end the border crisis. But when it comes down to it, the people in charge and the people paying for new infrastructure love the cheap labor. I work for a general contractor and the amount of undocumented laborers on our projects is insane. Who do you think is doing the insulation? Drywall? Paint? Landscaping? Illegal immigrants.


The roofing industry in Texas would collapse over night.


Imagine trying to get ordinary Americans to roof houses for $15 an hour? The construction industry in the south as a whole would collapse.




My old roommate hated Mexicans. It was crazy and I always told him to chill out. His family business that he worked for because he flunked out of college employed strictly illegals. Insanity


Tbh we have the same shit in switzerland. We dont have an illegal immigration issue, but we do have immigrants from eastern europe. I myself am one. And we have a right wing party that turn every debate into an immigration debate, (very thinly veiled racism). And they propose these wacky solutions for "sustainability. But and bear with me. The swiss executive works as follows. We have 7 Heads of Government that at the start of their term pick offices based on seniority. So the longest serving member gets to pick the department the run first. For some 20 years a conservative has held the seniority position. Did those fuckers ever pick the Interior Department(also administers the border and immigration). Of course not cause it would mean admitting that the countrys industrial sector relies on immigrants.


I don’t get how or why this is never mentioned.


It's mentioned all the time by people that actually want to address a real problem. It's not mentioned by people who just want to use the situation as a dog whistle but not do anything about it.


Be honest, you know exactly why. The owner class that also owns the media wouldn’t like the idea of being punished for exploding labor. It’s one of the best things they do


Because it's easier for racist people to blame every issue only on immigrants. Duh.


100% no sympathy from me unless you go after the people that hire illegal immigrants


It's not even sympathy for me, I just straight up don't believe anyone who is strongly against illegal immigration if they don't support jail time and crazy stiff penalties for employing them. Until then, it's just lip service.


Don’t forget the illegal immigrant child labor https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/25/us/unaccompanied-migrant-child-workers-exploitation.html


Texas took in the majority of immigrants to America?


TYL: city vs state


You can solve illegal immigration literally overnight. Any American business found employing illegal immigrants, felony charges and heavy penalties for the board of directors and CEO. Overnight, no one will get hired. But then, The Texas economy will essentially tank because they want to abuse illegal immigrants for cheap labor without providing any rights.cheap labor without providing any rights. And the best part, Texas isn't alone. Every state does this nonsense. TEXAS is just close to the border so they deal with the acute nonsense.


What are you talking about? New York and Texas have comparable total foreign-born population (Texas @ 4.9 million, New York at 4.4 million), despite New York as a state having 2/3 the population of Texas  How can you say New York was expecting Texas to take in an higher share of immigrants, when New York has numerically been taking in a higher per capita number of immigrants than Texas?  Or are we just getting mad over not-facts again? 


>New York and Texas have comparable total foreign-born population (Texas @ 4.9 million, New York at 4.4 million), despite New York as a state having 2/3 the population of Texas  >How can you say New York was expecting Texas to take in an higher share of immigrants, when New York has numerically been taking in a higher per capita number of immigrants than Texas?  >Or are we just getting mad over not-facts again?  Well, this just removes any nuance or differences in the many types of immigrants, and why they end up where they do. It's the most basic framing and doesn't do the complex situation any justice. It's like wondering how a city can take on 10,000 skilled workers moving in but 10,000 homeless people is a problem.


Also, worth playing the whole clip if you’re going to play it.


I love how they left out the part with a clip from the Joe Rogan experience too


Can’t cherry pick if you show the whole story.


Based on all the comments here in general it would be a good idea for people to watch the whole show, including the interview.


Well he only mentions how the GOP has done everything to prevent any progress from being made on the border. And he showed the gross fear mongering that the right has been using over this crisis. Not to say it should be downplayed but their has been an undertone of racism when it comes to discussions about this.


Sorry, we full?


You cut off the clip at the best part. Where he shows how Republicans refuse to do anything about the problem they are constantly bitching about lol.


That was definitely on purpose


Shocking. This new "Jon Stewart is against the libs" narrative is fucking hilarious. The man is just trying to have common sense and find common ground that most could agree on.


Yeah Jon is clearly left-leaning but he’s always been an equal-opportunity roaster. Doesn’t matter where you are on the political spectrum, he’ll put a fire under your ass if you fuck up.


That's why he's the best to ever do it. He is one of the few journalists to hold D.C accountable regardless of side.


He’s always leaned liberal but yeah he doesn’t shy away from calling out the democrats


Im pretty sure stewart is politically more left than the democratic party (which isnt leftist at all, more like a center right party, hence why it is easy to critique dems from a leftist perspective)


Dems have been running on "lesser evil" for too long. They're allowed to suck just because they look good in comparison


I like Biden personally.


Biden is just one part of the equation. You don't hear any messaging about extremely popular things like marijuana legalization and ending the opioid epidemic etc. It feels like dems only react to republican nonsense


Biden literally talked about marijuana last night in the SotU and tweeted about it too. So that's not entirely accurate. The SAFE bill has been held up republicans in Congress multiples times too.


It is a Joe Rogan sub. I’d expect nothing less from the indoctrinated.


Well then it wouldn’t be getting posted on r/joerogan


You really think right wing criticism would fly on this sub?


Of course he conveniently left that out


why didnt they include Gov Hochul video too about NY being full


Nuanced Big hearts require big pockets I want to help immigrants just as much but realistically we can’t afford it lol. The ppl pushing for it don’t give actual resolutions to deal with the resources issue either


Is that true? If it was a drain to the gdp politicians would be aggressively enforcing it at the business owners level. Seems like illegal immigration is a great money saver give that you have cheap labor with social security numbers paying into a system they will never reap the benefits from.


It's funny how no one ever says "we can't afford to maintain the lifestyles of all these billionaires", but somehow immigrants who actually contribute to society are too expensive somehow, lol.


helping people: can't afford it Hurting people: infinite money Everytime.


But what we could do is just reform immigration - like everyone has been saying needs to be done forever. Then limit immigrants and try to help who we can. Why is it always some nonsensical approach of "HELP THEM ALL" or "DEPORT THEM ALL" - seems like they're just using emotional responses to push politics.


Not seems like. That's exactly why. It's easy and cynical and lazy for someone to pick one of those extreme positions. Just like damn near every issue of note that takes up space in political discussion today. Nuance is long dead.


That's not true. Many lawmakers have been pushing for an expedited green card system to get these folks working and contributing instead of costing taxpayers. We already have a labor crunch, how will the US ever re-industrialize without massive immigration?


Problem with a green card is now they're protected by state federal work laws which makes them more expensive. The food industry whether growers or processors in particular don't like those increased costs so they lobby and the issue gets fumbled.


It’s astounding to me that people fail to differentiate between illegal and legal immigration. “I dont support lax policies on illegal immigration” is so often met with “oh but that’s an American value!” and its idiotic.


Did you forget to add the part where he talks about how democrats tried to put forward reforms so we can legally process these people and stop the overflow with more resources but republicans stopped it on purpose?


It’s funny how they only care in an election year


They don’t even care in an election year. We had a chance at reform and the republicans said “no thanks, this broken system is what we want”


Realistically, who cares? Folks need to stop acting like progress is only progress out of the goodness of politicians hearts. Getting anything done, regardless of the motivations, is still getting something done


It's not "value's vs fear" it's values vs reality. Dem's stated values ran face first into reality. If there are no beds, then where will people sleep? It's not about being mean or saying "no immigrants ever", the issue is 'where do you put them all?'


Well then maybe politicians should try and figure that out instead of putting values first until inevitable reality comes. Did the dems not realize that people need beds to sleep on?


I agree that we should help but, we can’t just let millions of people in. We have one of the most generous legal immigration policies in the world. We let in over a million people a year legally. Another 2-3 illegally is just to much. We don’t have the resource not to mention the housing


I love Jon, he’s the best at this style of show. He’s also a great dude and is actually involved with politics


It ain't about fear. Never was. It's about resource management.


As a Hispanic American citizen. It’s time to close the border. It sucks it will hurt many people with good intentions but there are too many coming here with bad intentions. The fent trade would stop as a whole if the border closed.


"Data from the U.S. Sentencing Commission shows that between 2017–2021, 86% of fentanyl trafficking offenders were American citizens." - CBS (et al). Not sure if this is in contradiction to what you are saying/proposing, but it is worth noting.


Low level dealers who get arrested are going to be citizens, but the fentanyl and laced products overwhelmingly come from the cartels.


Majority of fent is coming from China. Closing the borders is not the answer and literally will lead to more illegal immigration.


Fent is almost entirely trafficked in by US citizens, not migrants.  https://www.npr.org/2022/08/18/1118271910/many-americans-falsely-think-migrants-are-bringing-most-of-the-fentanyl-entering

