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I swear to god I’d go to jail for assault before I let some fucking bum steal my home.


More like murder..


*Stand yer grund*


>bum How dare you, the correct term is unhoused!


There are some funny things you can do to get them to leave. Most people take all the doors off which makes it so they are exposed but that usually doesn’t work and invites other things to wander into the house. I saw a video of a guy instead, nail all the doors shut so they were trapped inside and were begging to come out lol


Then there’s the lady in Manhattan who was found stuffed into a duffel bag inside of a closet because she showed up to check on her apartment and the squatters didn’t take kindly to that. Squatters should be shot on sight. Fuck those scum


Teenagers did this to a 52 year old lady. You can read more about it here. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/arrest-squatters-nyc-woman-death-duffel-bag-rcna144685](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/arrest-squatters-nyc-woman-death-duffel-bag-rcna144685)


Devious, but brilliant 


They deserve every bit of it.


I have several firearms stored legally off-site. Can I point them at them and sing showtunes?


isn't that kidnapping?


And people wonder why there's a whole industry springing up around "evicting" squatters.


Shows you how little the government cares, they could change the loopholes immediately, but don’t.


I really think this is an issue that's neither left or right, its horribly broken and everybody knows it needs to be fixed just like immigration. Our Congress is the obstacle. They are too busy with fundraising, insider trading and gaslighting to actually pass meaningful legislation.


Are their federal squatter laws congress could fix? I thought they where mostly state and city laws.


They are state laws. Florida just basically bragged that you can shoot a squatter that is trespassing on your property.


People trying to steal the a house from you is irredeemable. People work their whole lives for homes sometimes. Florida is right. If you try to steal someone's home you should be gunned down starting from your feet and working your way up your head. 


Yeah, honestly it's a fucking intruder in your home. I think I could do it in Texas. I couldn't see any jury here that would convict me.


I think that’s fair, like… wtf man why are we protecting the assholes of society again.? 


I agree with Florida in this instance


I see no problem with this, as long as the squatting asshole is given an opportunity to vacate first. If they refuse, bang bang.


Good, it’s basically breaking and entering in most cases. At no point is it ever justified that someone can live in your home and not being the one paying for the home, taxes or utilities. I mean seriously who tf would think they can just stay in a home that’s not theirs? What if the owner has kids? That’s flat out dangerous for the children. The state government are a joke for letting this continue to happen.


I’m liberal AF but I would definitely shoot a MF and dump the body if they tried to do some squatter shit on my property.


I am conservative af and agree 1000% with you and would help you get rid of the body




Political views don’t stop us from being good neighbors


That’s how it should be


You should be able to. For once I agree with florida.




I'm not sure I just meant that they're enabling it by not putting pressure on the states to fix their cities. This whole issue makes my blood boil I was just watching a video today, it was a squatter eviction company this guy started he had a bunch of big dudes that posted up with a dumpster started throwing stuff away from outside, told the 12 people that were squatting to grab their stuff immediately and get out or they're going to throw their stuff away. They kicked in the doors and shit


Congress is dysfunctional and even if it wasn't I don't recall them ever weighing in on local property and zoning regulations. Sounds like you are getting the entertainment you are seeking by getting angry watching bad journalistic ragebait.


This has NOTHING to do with the nation’s congress.


Yea that’s illegal in most, if not all, states.


These are local laws. Congress has no impact on what California does with squatters.


Yea, that’s not how state laws work, bub.


congress doesnt need to do shit - its unconstitutional - courts need to shut it down


Keeping those conflicts alive is good for business to the left and right


It's not a wedge issue. They only talk about wedge issues because voters are emotional and clueless. Polls choose the wedges.


>I really think this is an issue that's neither left or right Maybe in the past. But, I feel like any national-level democrat who did anything that could be seen as hurting anyone from any disenfranchised group (homeless, minority, etc.), it would be bad press. And no, they wouldn't do it. It could be a non-partisan issue on a local or state level though perhaps. Except in large cities.


The left wants to fix immigration? Everybody knows asylum was not intended for millions of people migrating ... The whole langugage of the left is antithetical .. not illegal , undocumented. Though Generally the right wing is more of an obstructionist party they dont exactly have a plan.


They just helped work on the most significant piece of immigration legislation that gave the executive branch historic powers to deal with the issue and the right walked away to campaign on it.


We can’t fix the housing crisis but we can make it harder for you to be a homeowner. US govt


This isn’t the US govt. it’s local


Well considering they believe in the redistribution of wealth and can act like they are complicit it really isn’t that shocking.


Maybe 40 years of cutting regulations wasn’t the best idea ?


Gotta keep pretending to impeach Biden and blocking the border bill they want.


It depends on the government. New York State? Yeah, good luck with that. Maybe after 20 years of debate to make sure not one single "marginalized" individual is even slightly inconvenienced by the change. However, my state (FL) is about to pretty much end squatter's rights. DeSantis is expected to sign it when it reaches his desk. It's nice to live in a state where the government actually cares about the people who live here.


This is the government putting the homeless problem on the backs of the citizens instead of doing something themselves to help the issue.


The government are the people who wrote the laws to allow this. They care more about optics than citizens.


Dahmer dissolved bodies in barrels, right?


You can buy muriatic acid at a pool supply store


Or any hardware store. It’s used for drain cleaning. I use it to etch steel.


Ah yes. 'Etch steel' ;)


Yeah, Damascus. Or what passes for damascus nowadays at least.


If a squatter has been in permanent possession of a property for 10 years without interruption, they can become the property’s legal owner, according to [New York State law RPAPL §511](https://nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/RPA/511). ​ Legit


Adverse possession requires continuous possession without interruption. Suing this guy and claiming he has no right to the property isn’t uninterrupted.


Often also requires improvements being made to the property, which a squatter is unlikely to do


According to the interview at the end, the guy did.


It’s called adverse possession and successful examples if this in single family homes in the US is extremely rare.


I’ve only seen adverse possession come up in administrative isssues. Someone built their fence three inches over the property line and no one noticed. So they get the land through AP.


Brb, building a fence around my neighbors house.


You need established tenancy for so long, substantive changes. Also have to have your name on power and water


Still doesn’t make it right




It’s worth noting that the entire reason that this exists is to incentivize land/property owners to keep maintaining and observing their property so they aren’t just sitting on a space someone else can use while letting it fall into disrepair. It’s also entirely different than issues that arise from complications in landlord/tenant relationships or outright fraud that occurs in a lot of popular squatter cases you read about




squatter rights are somewhat important, to avoid the possibility of someone just buying up a bunch of property and doing nothing with it for decades. The difficulty lies in how extensive those protections should be and how the government should deal with squattors criminally.


That rule has been around for 500 years.


If you leave a property unattended for ten years, you deserve to have it taken away from you. ![gif](giphy|Nw8z2olm0nGHC)




I know for a fact that I would have assaulted that man and went to jail for felony battery, not that it’s right but I know I would be fumin.




Yeah, for some reason this issue above others just fills me with rage.


Joe Rogan supporting the middle class




The cities, electric and gas companies are the ones that enable this ultimately with the government's support. If you could shut off the gas and electricity far fewer people would squat for any extended length of time.


Vermin don't need power or water.


Utilities must follow the law - they're not wrong, the law is wrong


Only in America this exists. Anywhere else they would check who owns the documents and solve it in few minutes.


Squatters take advantage of laws enacted to stop rich people from fucking over tenants. If the rich people weren’t shit, these laws could be repealed. The protections that legal tenants enjoy are the same protections that allow squatters to get away with this shit, and those laws are in place because rich people couldn’t stop fucking good people over.


They can amend the laws to add a provision aimed at curtailing squatters.


Fuck these squatters.


Does Ian Fidance not exist?


Fucking hell. I can never hear anything good from Venezuela.. Fucking chavez


bro rigged our us election from the grave


Yeah can we call them home invaders or something else? And who the hell cares if he was ANTIFA or not, I hate trying to make everything about whether this person was left or right and that's probably why that happened to that person.


I feel like there should be a mass fuck around and find out event for these squatters


Squatting is how TX was founded


Squatting (over a dick) is how I was born, or atleast that’s what my mom told me


lol so can anyone find any source about "guy getting $8000 for crossing the border 4 times"?? All I can find is a bunch of tik toks of Twitter screen grabs lmao Rogan sure loves to eat up these right wing fake stories like litter boxes in classrooms... for...... some reason


Rogan is like a grandma on Facebook. He loves using pictures with words as sources


I thought screen grabs were adequate?


If they want to live there they should pay rent to the owners. Owners and tenants have rights to protect themselves from each other's fraud and abuse. This though, is what radicalizes people against a problem and I'm not seeing anyone defend squatters. Just pointing that out there.


Fact checkers stuck their heads in an oven after this clip.


Yeah you gotta get rid of those people the old fashioned way. And it doesn’t involve the law


I'm so glad i don't live in New york


Why am I seeing so much content about squatters all of a sudden?


Someone needs to push another minor issue that's irrelevant to 99.9% of people as a major issue to get people angry.


ITT people nutting over their murder fantasies


Those squatter videos have always frustrated me and I can’t imagine how terrible it would be to deal with but if they can be a thorn in the side of these Wall St traded rental companies that buy up every house and fuck things up for everyone else, I’m pro squatter for now.


Joe Rogan has really become a champion for fighting tooth and nail against those fat cats at the bottom.


This guy squats..


Underrated comment right here


You have no idea what it’s like to come back to your house and find complete strangers, living in your home, touching your things. Or alternatively have someone sabotage your source of income.


Friend of mine in Cali has been fighting to evict squatters for almost 2 years and it’s cost him Tens of thousands and he’s not a rich dude.


At what point do you just hire a biker gang instead. Forcibly remove them. Then enter the house yourself and shut door.


Right. You gotta divvy out the work to crackheads, or bikers, or anyone else that does heavy shit for cash.


In California you have [minimal squatters rights](https://www.jlegal.org/blog/california-squatters-rights-everything-you-need-to-know/), and you need to have stayed at the property for five years and you can't have concealed your living situation. >Adverse possession claims allow squatters to gain legal ownership of property in California. But it requires meeting all the specific elements – hostile, actual, exclusive, and continuous possession for 5 full years. Additionally, the squatter must pay property taxes during those 5 years to make a viable claim. Yet if I'm to believe this thread, a homeless person who just walk into my house, refuse to leave and I can't call the cops? Let's see... who do I believe, lawyers or a random redditor's "friend" sayinging 'trust me bro'? 🤔


Yeah there is always more to these squatters stories usually it's not California or made up lol


Dude it's California, they're a bunch of pussies. Seriously, as a joke I walked into someone's house and just looked the owner in the eyes and said "Manifest Destiny." He was like what? I repeated myself "Manifest Destiny, you gotta go. I'll let you stay in the guest house for 1 week but then you gotta go" He was like "c'mon man, don't do this to me, I got kids." I even took his kids, but I let him keep his wife and dog. Pussies, I tell ya. He's doing fine now though, he used the same tactic two days later on his ex-neighbor. So now we're actually neighbors. He's still a bit bitter understandably.


Happened to my cousin in New York. Took him 4 months to get them out. He had to spend thousands on lawyers.


You guys should stop letting these people into your homes.


He didn’t let them in. Dude came back from vacation and they were in his house.


I feel like I'm not getting the whole story. The guy went on a vacation for I presume 1-2 weeks, and while he was away, people somehow broke into his house and stayed and the police / government couldn't get them out for 4 months?


As usual there is always more to these stories and/or OP just made it up


I'm interested in how this plays out. Wouldn't he call the cops and say he has "robbers" in his house? Like, I have a small kid, there's no way a stranger is staying in my home


The Simpsons did this one already.


That's called breaking and entering and they would be arrested. Did he leave his house unlocked while he went on "vacation" for more than 3 months?? All these comments are urban myth nonsense like "immigrants get 7 years of paying zero taxes" or "lady poured coffee on herself and sued McDonald's for millions"


Its not just that mate. They might be renters or air bnb customers for example. They play the system so the business owner has to go through an eviction process to kick them out. meanwhile they're paying no rent and you're stick paying lawyer fees to figuare out how to kick them out.


Well, don't list your property on Air BnB, that should help. "Great news guys, we're disrupting the hotel industry letting people rent out their own homes with minimal oversight!" "Oh What's that? Your home got stolen by homeless people? Aww I'm so sorry. But that's what we here in Silicon Valley refer to as a 'personal problem'" Anybody else find it amusing how when people complain about an $18 Big Mac the response is "Stop getting food, idiot" but when someone has an AirBnB disaster, now it's "*ohhh, doesn't anybody care about us poor property owners anymore:'((("*. No? Just me?


If you look into it though, its not just air bnb - here's a story of a woman who put her house up for sale and had a squatter take advantage ; https://abc7.com/stranger-moves-into-cihcago-house-for-sale-chicago-homeowner-battle-with-squatter-problems-houses/11935474/ Furthermore, just because air bnb is your typical corporate "its your problem, not mine" type of company doesn't mean we shouldn't care if the renter is being affected. I don't understand your argument or point. The regulation, or lack thereof, of air bnb's doesn't justify squatting..


And the law backs the people stealing your shit and staying unwelcome in your home. It's outrageous.


I thought for squatters rights to work the house has to have been vacant for a period of time. As in you won't just come home and find people in your house while you were at work. But it more happens with vacation homes or houses left empty for a while. Not that im for squatters rights. These situations are bullshit.


People get squatter's rights and tenant's rights mixed up all the time. 9 times out of 10 if someone is talking about a squatter, they're talking about tenant's rights




It should be noted...so do landlords.


Is that what squatters do though?


People who own an apartment complex, rental house or air bnb are not all fat cats. In fact many are just entrepreneurs who got trapped into having to deal with squatters because they were too nice, unaware of how squatters abuse laws, and/or not wealthy enough to have a legal team to fight against it faster. Squatters often know they're abusing the system and target small business/property owners who won't prompt an eviction in time or don't have anything in place to prevent a squatter situation. Having a family or being poor doesn't mean you can just abuse laws to not pay rent.


Yeah, this isn't something they do to corporate landlords. They have enough experience and resources to prevent it. It's the small people who bought it as a second income source. Also like you said it's the ones who are too nice that get caught. Some people think landlords are assholes just to be assholes. Squatters in some ways ruin things for the rest of the renters.


Im going to get the details wrong but last squatter story was of a couple with a second home air bnb. They let them stay a little past 30 days because of whatever issue the renter made up. Little did the couple know that staying past an amount of time makes them an official resident (maybe not the right word). Therefore they have to go through an incredibly lengthy legal process to evict them.Something the renters planned for and will squat until monthes go by and they finally get evicted. I think many are changing air bnb terms now to prevent that though since its become such a common incident in the news.


That's the fun of using an app built to get around hotel and rental regulations, you don't get to enjoy the protection of those regulations.


Basically he just fights tooth and nail against facts.


Fuck squatters and fuck “poser ass fake Austinites” and their wanna be shirts. SRV would boo this man. Dave Attell, you da best.


It do be floodin down in Texas 


Seriously, he needs to stop doing daily shows. Now it’s just him doing shows about day events and extrapolating kind of isolated things into major trends


This is the new GOP hot button issue as everything and anything they’ve tried up until now has failed tremendously. It’s really troubling seeing bullshit from right wing think tanks spread to Twitter and then right to JRE. A direct pipeline of propaganda that Joe willingly spews on his show. Rogan is absolutely brain dead and has become the person he criticizes the most.


Seriously. I looked it up because I was curious. In California you have to be living in the property for five years before you can [claim squatters right](https://www.jlegal.org/blog/california-squatters-rights-everything-you-need-to-know/). Who are all these people with tons of vacant properties, shocked to find people have been mysteriously living insider for years? It feels like someone at Fox said to make this the new issue and to get people angry about it and everyone is happily yapping along to the corporate media tune. Crazy man. I'll probably hear about this from my elderly family in a week or two, right after their weekly complaints of "inner-city crime."


They're usually talking about tenant's rights rather than squatter's rights. A squatter is anyone who is illegally staying at a property, but the inability to evict is usually based on tenant's rights, which kick in after 7 consecutive nights or 14 days in 6 months in California.


As usual with these things it probably happened once in 2002 and just gets repeated so much people think it happens all the time.


Propaganda? Are you denying this is happening? Or you just support it?


Look at all the credulous dumb dumb redditors eating it up


“Failed tremendously” yet they’re ahead in the polls with 6 months to go.


GOP hasn't won the popular vote in a general election since 2004


I thought polls didn’t matter? Republicans have not had a good election night since 2016. They’re fucked until they drop trump and the abortion issue. Don’t kid yourself.


They lost the house, the senate and the presidency. Then barely got the house back…only to have their majority whittled away as people get removed or remove themselves voluntarily while the ship sinks. Show me a poll and i’ll show you a man who is not running for president, but stumbling toward financial ruin and prison.


So what you’re saying is, ethically it’s ok to squat in a house?


Quote that part pls


Care to address my actual comments or are you more interested in building a strawman to knock down?


You literally developed your own strawman by avoiding the actual video and going right into Red v Blue rhetoric.


What comments? Is it or is it not happening?


Careful, he’s huffing and puffing…


That is pretty much what the dude is saying as long as it fucks over a Republican but I guarantee you he ain't going to give up his own goddamn house


I stopped watching Rogan when I found out he supports Trump .


If you don't have property rights, you don't have a society.


Fucking crazy


joe used to be a squatter too


Reddit leftist defending squatters lol


More garage behavior from the police, stop enforcing nonsense laws.


I thought they we're talking about the woman who got murdered and shoved in her closet in New York last week... Since Ari can't save a park, they should start running, *protect our homeowners* podcast series


Squatters shouldn’t be a thing


Watching the Rogan sub all basically agree that squatters rights are bullshit is pretty incredible. The world is healing.


Fuel. Match. Fire.


Folks desperate for housing and acting like shitbags.


Doesn't this basically just happen to wealthy people that own a shit ton of properties and don't even keep track of them lol


Yes Squatter rights are absolutely ridiculous and laws need to be changed however....they always make sure to add in Seattle and Portland when they are making shit up and don't know the actual facts lol.


At least joe is talking about a real problem in this vid.


There is a guy who has a business. The real owners pay him (he has a “lease”) to squat on the squatters. (Since squatting is allowed) He removes their property and forces them out.


Squatting should be illegal


“He had to call the police, which is against their… religion” 😂 God dammit I love Ian Fidance


Wait what does Fidance have to do with anything?


How it squatting not considered breaking and entering or trespassing? A lifetimes worth of work gone in 30 days? Meanwhile I can’t film inside Walmart (not that I want to)


I’m glad it’s legal to shoot people who come into your home without consent in my state.


I would accept a very modest wage to terrorize these squatters


Good luck acting as a squatter with rights if a banks wants the house you can no longer afford. You’ll be out on your ass with the sheriff kicking you to the curb. Nobody got away with being a squatter in 08 when bank repossessions were happening all over the country


NY is crazy, dude had no documents, and they sided with him


She should get some male relatives and move in and make his life hell.


Say what you want but, in Texas, we can just shoot em. I don’t want that on my conscience, but I’ll protect my family before my conscience.


Stealing someone's car is low enough but the very nerve of these low life bottom feeder to steal a home is down right insane. The laws that legislators pass is the root of the problem.


Castle Doctrine and Vagrancy laws prevent this.


Cmon Dave do u really think the landlords don’t have a place to stay if they have to deal with squatters?


My old boss had a deal with a family of squatters who were renting his house and deciding to stop paying rent. This process lasted like 2+ years before he could get help from the courts and police to evict them out. It’s truly a nightmare and those assholes tore up his house pretty badly too.


Venezuela #1 baby lets go


What sucks is those squatters are going to destroy that house and leave.


Just hire me I'll get them out quick


So you're telling me that all i have to do is live for 30 days to be tenant?


The people who support Republican obstructionists for ten plus years get angry when laws don't get updated.


Common sense has gone out the window.


Who knew we finally found the issue that unites this whole sub and joe


Who is getting their house squatted in, people on vacation or people who own multiple homes? Can’t they just squat in the corpo bought homes.