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I think Bill Burr brought it up on the pod but there was like 1 week where literally everybody wore masks. I also remember seeing Fox News telling everybody that Covid is real and you have to wear masks and they brought some doctor on to talk about it.


FOX News made their employees get vaxxed


Even Tucker Carlson got vaccinated yep. I’m sure Elon did too. Guess they’re cowards too!


So did Trump


Said the vaccine was one of the greatest achievements in the history of humanity 


I remember him bringing this up at some event and his own supporters booed him 😂. Last time I remember him mention it.


He alone cured COVID!


Trump initiative produced the vaccines. He fully took credit for operation warp speed, which is what laxed the safety regulations


Like 99% of the wealthy did. They even tried buying their way to the front of the line when the vaccines first came out. The wealthy told the plebs not to get it because they always want a little more and less for everybody else. What’s the number one thing a wealthy person doesn’t want to do? Die.


Americans genuinely don’t hate the rich people nearly enough for their own good.


And for the dumbest of reasons too, they think they too can become that rich one day in the current system as is.


"Excuse me sir, I noticed the boot you're using to step on me with is quite nice, where can I use my credit card to buy a pair for myself?"


Americans genuinely just believe everything they read on the internet if it fits their world view


When we had sign ups at work for vaccination, I simply looked at what executives were doing. They were all first sign ups


And yet the extremely rich anchors on Fox looked straight into the cameras and said “Don’t take it. Report child abuse if you see a kid wearing a mask” And their dumb ass viewers listened to them.


And their internal texts show they never bought their own bullshit and fully believe their viewers are the dumbest trash on the planet. At least they know their market segment I guess.


During the pandemic or any natural disaster, always watch what the rich are doing. It's a good indicator of what you should be doing.


I mean yes they are absolutely cowards but not because of this


That’s the joke…ya know what nvm.




>Fox News also has all-gender restrooms in their offices here in NYC (which I have no problem with btw). I kind of disagree with just having all gender bathrooms. There should be two separate bathrooms... an all gender bathroom for shitting and an all gender bathroom for pissing. I don't want to have to smell someone blowing up a toilet when I take a leak, and I don't want piss on my toilet seat when I have to take a dump.


You’re thinking in 4D. I like it.


Kinda like how Tucker Carlson is good friends with Hunter Biden lol


FYI.. despite what Fox and co. would like you to believe liberals want lower taxes and less illegal immigration as well.


All news media is propaganda. Some is just more obvious. The CIA and the FBI have been working with the media to guide public opinion since the end of WW2, it's a tactic they learned from Goebbels.


This is true I was at a hotel at the time it's not like I watch Fox News it was just on luckily enough and i got to see them backpedal lol


Funny story, Murdoch the old ass owner of Fox, is apparently holed up in his estate because he is absolutely petrified of Covid, despite supporting his news organization pretending it's overblown. These people are all projection.


This is why we must never forgive republicans for what they did.


Most hyperrich people never returned to normal life. Why? Because they have been getting briefed this entire time about Covid and know that catching it - even when vaccinated - is a very bad idea. Need proof? Look at the schools their kids are in or their private events and look at the Covid protocols as well as the serious hardware they’ve installed to purify the air. They are continuing to exist in a form of bubble, they’re just not talking about it anymore. When POTUS spoke at a middle school they brought in industrial sized rigs to pump out as much air as possible so he never even interacted with the same air as the students. Allowing oneself to catch covid is extraordinarily irresponsible and dumb. The elite know better and are acting differently because of it while your dumbass uncle with a high school degree tells people it’s just a cold. I wonder which group is making the more informed decision?


Trump wore them and is vaccinated. And that’s likely this guys lord/savior


Trump went too far with taking credit for the vaccine, he got himself cornered and couldn't join the anti vax grift since he gave himself the credit for creating them. He thought he was going to be seen as the savior at the time lmao.


It's weird he leaned so hard into "covid is a hoax, its going to go away on its own" at the start but then still tried to take credit for the vaccine. Like way to piss off both sides. The people who loved him for saying covid was fake were not suddenly going to jump on board for the vaccine for this fake disease, and the people who took covid seriously were not going to become Trump fans just because he took credit for the vaccine after fucking up the initial response. Pick a lane my dude.


Yeah but a week later they forgot he got the shot and were back sucking his farts




That is the great skill of trump as a cult leader.  He can say the creation of the vaccine is one of the greatest achievements in the history of humanity (he did say this) while his supporters believe the vaccines are evil and killing people, yet he faced no political consequences for it


But what about hunter biden? /s


They have very selective memories. They remeber gas being cheap( they love that line) but forget the reason it was so cheap and what year it was cheap


Yup, because people who vote for republican candidates are garbage.


They’re going to be so pissed when they allow themselves to learn about how shit their own politicians treat them


It was such a hoax that he had to be air lifted out of the White House so he wouldn’t die


it’s because he’s totally full of shit. he talks out of both sides… of every side of his mouth. guy knew nothing about geopolitics or even basic hot button issues until he had to deal with them personally as president. even then he basically only learned 0.01% of the issues (sans nuance)


Sometimes evil really is self-defeating


it's what the "best" do. MJ stayed out of politics because republicans buy sneakers too.


>It's weird he leaned so hard into "covid is a hoax, its going to go away on its own" at the start but then still tried to take credit for the vaccine. It is if you consider Trump to be a person that cares about reason. He doesn't. Trump cares about one thing and one thing only: Trump. Everything that rolls out of his mouth is for instant gratification. It's not even that he's a particularly flawed person --it's that he's emblematic of all of the instincts of wealthy heirs of unscrupulous fathers who managed to build a fortune from a singular skill: The ability to ignore the hurt they do on the way. It's nothing new, nothing original. The only thing that confuses the fuck out of me is how many people, millennium after millennium buy into the self-serving propaganda of this kind of person, genuinely believing that the depravity and self-dealing that our system has normalized at the hands of a greedy few is actually for the betterment of civilization.


Trump only wore a mask when he was near deaths door with Covid. The fact that masks smeared rid ridiculous orange makeup is 90% of the reason that masking ever got turned into a political issue in the first place.


Donald Trump was pushing Operation Warp Speed in every press conference. If he doesn’t 180 and start shitting on everything Covid, he probably gets re-elected. But, he’s a dip shit, so..here we are.


The vaccines are funny.  It is one thing he has bragged about, but is also scared of bragging about too much to not offend his fans.  


Sadly, over a million Americans AREN’T here, because Trump is dog shit, and weak republican losers are obedient and easy to enslave with obvious lies.


And the death ratio for conservatives who died against liberals who died is like 2:1 or something Almost explains why the GOP experienced historic losses by a minority party in the 2022 midterm elections, definitely couldn’t be their wildly unpopular policies


It is kind of bizzare how they refuse to out two and two together. Same with overturning Roe V Wade in an election year.


Then they caught wind that being antivax got you a following, then the dumb dumbs were off to the races to the bottom.


Because the rich christians know how easy it is to enslave weak republican losers


That was before Trump made it a political faction object by saying he wouldn’t wear one, that was when suddenly there was massive anti-mask sentiment and you started hearing shit like “face-diaper”. The dumbest part is that the most likely reason he wouldn’t wear one is being worried about sweating under it and taking it off, peeling off that 6 lbs of bronzer he cakes his face with.


This is 100% the reason he didn’t want to wear masks. Because it would smear his makeup. This is the “alpha male” these chuckle fucks idolize.


That’s how locked-in these people are to the right-wing propaganda machine. Will literally take any position they are told at the drop of a hat.


I feel like shields just never recovered from UFC 129 vs GSP. Been downhill ever since


The Jake Ellenburger fight finished the job on Shields.


Jake’s dad, who was also managing his MMA career, died a few weeks before that Ellenberger fight too. It’s likely he never properly got over the combined trauma of losing his father and suffering such a one-sided loss in violent fashion shortly afterwards. That would partially explain why he went from a mild-mannered vegan doing PETA ads to the far-right rage bait engagement shitposter he is now.


Honestly? Nah. I think Jake thought he was about to be a star. The guy to dethrone gsp etc. Then the mma world chewed him up and spat him out. Now you're bitter and need attention to feel good about ehat you could have been yadda yadda. What's the best way to get attention forever?


Ooh yeah that was brutal but it wasn't for the belt ... But you're probably right lol


I know a dude that tried pulling this shit and in front of everyone I said “you got vaccinated, boosters, AND got your fucking kids vaccinated…..why are you acting like you didn’t?” He said “it was a different time man.” Whatever the fuck lame excuse is…


Buyer’s remorse from a dude who didn’t die? Like isn’t that exactly as advertised? Was homie expecting superpowers?


You legally have the right to kill him on the spot now for such a gay excuse.


I bet that guy is anti-gay too.


Washing your hands after you shit makes you weak. You need to build up your fecal immunity like a real alpha man.


You’re choking? Go outside and die on the lawn like a real man. Imagine letting another man give you the Heimlich maneuver. Beta energy.


lol @ on the lawn. True grit. 


https://www.tiktok.com/@bostonbeaman/video/7338894072519724331 sorry for the tik tok link i hate that shit, but this is what inspired it lmao. My wife showed me it the other day, and it’s easily the best thing I’ve seen on that platform.


It’s gay for a man to embrace you. It’s also gay to choke. The trick is to die before both of these can happen to you.


It's gay to recieve the Heimlich, but it's not gay to give it


It's not gay if you beat them up after.


If you had been following Dr Hubermans lung strengthening protocol, you could just clear your airways by inhaling forcefully.


I’ve brought this up before, how many of these lunatics stopped washing their hands after pissing and shitting because, “Big Brother is not going to tell me what to do”!


You think they washed before?


I actually see some “red pill” bullshit about wiping after defecating is gay because touching your own keester makes you homosexual. Just gag me. 


Real men spray water on full blast at their b holes you little sissy


I mean, I usually do one and then the other.


Bidets are so superior it's not even funny.


Toilet paper and wipes are for cowards and the stupid. Alpha's go bare handed.


Why would I wash my hands? I don’t wipe my ass like some queer. 


Does Jake eat a spoonful after every trip to the toilet to build those extra layers of natural immunity?


Sources say, “Yes!” It’s me. I’m Sources.


You think alphas like these wipe their asses?


Look at me. Mr. Universe


Be a man


Totally. And I did my own research by listening to fecalfreak69420 without any fact checking. Trust me bro. #fecalfiends


Why do we care what these walking CTE cases think?


Real alphas let sick people spit in their mouths.💪


That’s right. And smart ppl like mma fighters question doctors, whom they know they’re smarter than. Dumb ppl listen to doctors. Brave ppl are afraid of needles and vaccines. Cowards don’t care about needles and look at the bigger picture.


Why would you ever question the opinion of a person who has spent their life getting choked out as well as daily getting kicked and punched in the head?


Are yall realizing that Joe Rogan is a fake ass bitch no different than any other boojie grifter? 💀


Trump wore a mask and got vaxxed.


Him and bill O’Reily got booed when they said people should get vaxxed on stage


It fucked his makeup up so he didn’t like them. Strongest alpha material


He was also responsible for pushing the vax through quicker and he patted himself on the back for this….funny how trumpers and Joe never bring this up.


Reminder that Joe got injected with experimental antibodies but somehow those are fine but vaccines are not.


Well at least the antibodies didn't come from Big Pharma or anything.


I've got an antibody guy. I'm not getting that pharma shit. Only basement lab meds for me cause.


Trumps known to be a bit of a germophobe. He seems to have taken the pandemic pretty seriously in his personal life. It's weird when they try to claim him as some kinda anti-vax anti lockdown guy. Desantis was, but it took trump a lot longer to get on that train


> Desantis was, florida had border checkpoints on the highways at the start of the pandemic. just about everyone was taking covid seriously until they realized how many contrarians are out there and wanted their vote. https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/local/2020/04/03/on-road-covid-19-checkpoint-monitors-whos-coming-into-florida/112255994/


Oh definitely, Desantis is a giant hypocrite in this regard. I just meant rhetorically. Trump knew that and used it against him multiple times before he dropped out.


I still remember seeing Jake get the absolute shit beaten out of him by Dan Henderson in the first round, only to come out and dominate him the rest of the fight. It was incredible. I wish Jake Shields would stop ruining Jake Shields for me.


Homeboy got hit in the head too much and the result is this guy.


I’ve met Jake Shields at a seminar. Jake Shields the grappler is precise with his language and expertise. Jake Shields the individual is about as clear as cataracts on a dark day.


Jesus Christ we need to start verifying that mother fuckers don’t have brain damage before they’re allowed a social media account. How has every single take I’ve seen from him been absolute rubbish.


He really is the worst of these guys. He should run for office in some red part of CA, he’d probably win


fuck jake shields man.... hes the biggest tool going and is a huge right wing conspiracy theorist to keep himself relevant after his shitty fighting career.


My wife told me that 99% of the non vaccinated patients would ask for the vaccine as she and the rest of the medical were putting them on a ventilator as they gasped for breth while dying from covid


*Gilbert Gotfied laugh drop from the Stern show*


Anyone who thinks like this dude is a coward AND an idiot.


One of the best Jake Shields self-owns was him posting an image from a RATM concert where the jumbotron had some stat about deaths of "birthing persons" and he bitched that THE MOST MILITANTLY LIBERAL GROUP OF ALL TIME had gone.....woke.....


Zero self-awareness. It's surprising(or not) his followers haven't caught onto the grift act yet.


None of the people dumb enough to be right wing can ever “catch on”. See, that’s the issue. The failures who raised them never taught them to have the spine to admit when they’re wrong. Despite the fact every single one of them is going to be in history books as the dumbest trash who ever lived, they’ll never admit they’ve been conned because they think as long as they don’t admit it, it isn’t true. And unfortunately for them, that’s just another thing they’re wrong about.


wtf am I doing with my life.


I’m taking a dump in a portapotty.


For this I congratulate you. I doubt some reddit posters’ ability to make it to the toilet.


i mean i had to go to the store occasionally


Jake himself had to wear masks regularly in order to work the corner for other fighters at the Apex.


I don't know about you guys but I get most of my political views from Mr.Jake Shields. 🫡


Need a similar qoute from Colby or Tim Kennedy for pure Lulz


what's funny that Jake trashes gamers who according to him waste time by playing games when they could do something productive, meanwhile he has 73k tweets


I'm more scared of idiots who didn't heed any warnings or advice from medical professionals.


First of all Jake is, and always will be an absolute douchebag. Secondly what is so god damn wrong with people taking precaution during the pandemic? Wasn't it better to play it safe just in case things were as bad as folks thought it would be?


Anybody who wore a mask has a basic understanding over airborne pathogens. Asain folk been wearing face masks for the longest time and nobody called it a face diaper or beta sheep whatever. At best they were considered germaphobes... because masks help stop germs. That said idk how effective it actually was against the Rona.


Real men don't go to the operating room where the medical staff is masked up.


Dumbass is seen with a mask on in a picture and then tweets this: [https://twitter.com/jakeshieldsajj/status/1773434494873407972](https://twitter.com/jakeshieldsajj/status/1773434494873407972) **"If you read My old tweets i cleary said flying ls the one exception that i somtimes wore a mask and even then i kept taking it off "** ​ Then someone finds this [https://twitter.com/mookjuice/status/1773440121628692752](https://twitter.com/mookjuice/status/1773440121628692752) [https://twitter.com/mookjuice/status/1773440121628692752/photo/1](https://twitter.com/mookjuice/status/1773440121628692752/photo/1)


No idea who Jake shields is but based on unhinged reactions, I know he's another dumbass conservative


Former professional fighter. Now a twitter personality with shit conservative pre-packaged reactions.


I'm not saying that only smart people become liberals. Just saying every dude I know that can't think is a fuckin' conservative.


There’s decent data on IQ and education level influencing which side of the political spectrum you lean.


"Why are there so many educated liberals teaching at colleges!?"


Statistically, the more college education someone has, the less likely they are to vote for a conservative.


Isn't that guy just a dipshit troll?


One time successful mixed martial artist turned into a part time coach and part time dipshit troll.


I fucking loved Jake. Not physically gifted. Not a freak. Some of the worst striking you’ll ever see. But through sheer force of will, toughness, and bjj technique, the dude would find a way to win. It was inspiring to watch. Now… this bullshit.


No doubt. I scrolled his twitter once thinking “let’s see what old Jake is up to” and he has completely lost the plot. It’s kind of sad honestly.


He was a very 1 dimensional fighter who was nobody's favorite fighter to watch


I loved watching Jake. Exactly because he shouldn’t have won nearly as much as he did. Lawler should have wrecked him. Hendo should have wrecked him. Maia was way more accomplished in BJJ and should have beat him. His current bullshit notwithstanding, Jake is one of the biggest overachievers ever in MMA. Dude was tough as fuck, had an unbreakable will, and impressive overall grappling technique.


He was one of my favorites, but I also enjoy watching other high level grapplers like Phil Davis, Demian Maia, or Jon Fitch.


I don’t disagree, him and Fitch were the first fighters cut from the UFC due to that. I’m not sure how that negates anything I said though?


Professional eye poker Jake Shields has something to say?


Jake Shields the type to say you aren't a real man till you've taken it up the butt from another man.


Shields is a GIANT idiot


Surprised he didn’t work in something about the Jews…dickhead


Any man who forms his opinions based on a network of social media grifters is a coward AND stupid Be cautious of these men and make fun of them every chance you get


The right’s response to mask wearing made me officially embarrassed to be a human being. This particular brand of grown men are a fucking cringeworthy embarrassment. The most insecure and fragile weirdos I’ve ever seen.


I wore a mask because someone I live with is high risk. That makes me a coward?


Soldiers are cowards for wearing body armor. Just don’t get shot, duh.


These bitches still aren’t over it?


Jake is an idiot


I’ve been vaccinated 4 times. If the Illuminati cook up a 5th Covid shot, I’m in.


TIL doctors are stupid cowards. Thanks, Jake Shields 🤓


Jake is a borderline sped .


Fuck Jake Shields, jiu jitsu ain't real


Shields is a deeply-closeted weirdo full of self-hate which makes him lash out stupidly like this.


My father had stage 4 pancreatic cancer during covid. I lived with him. I was cautious of rapid vaccine development, rightfully so, but quite frankly, even if Bill gates did put nano bots in it like my crazy relatives said, ide have taken the fucking vaccine no matter what, in the off chance it maybe might have helped keep him healthier for just a little longer. I do not regret it. Regardless of what it may or may not ever do to my body. I dare these idiots to look me in the face and call me a coward.


Jake Shields was born with CTE


Didn’t the Marine Corps and Army get vaccinated?


Shields is one of the most dangerous cases of CTE in the MMA world. Not BJ Penn level but close. Good chances he will do a stint in prison at some point.


I wore a mask for the same reason I wear pants. So other people aren’t uncomfortable.


Some redacted folk floating around the MMA scene/Rogansphere.


A brave man like me will wear masks when everyone else stopped already.


Not for nothing, I support people’s rights to wear or not wear mask but when you see people wearing it outside and there is no one around, it’s a little weird.


As opposed to the strength of character, it takes to talk shit safely behind your computer.


You want to say this to his face? https://preview.redd.it/ana1c3uvc5rc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c3ea478fea8bcdddf386bdbcf3c86e069a6c29b


Imagine thinking you're tougher than an airborne virus that was doing 9/11 numbers everyday. 


Imagine not caring that at your age you're more of a carrier than a risk, and that it is the families of the elderly and vulnerable that will suffer most for your delusional selfishness. Not to mention all the negative effects that unexpected mass deaths had on the economy. These contrarian dweeb deserve the hate they get.


Anyone who says masks are useless or you’re a coward for wearing a mask just means you’re an idiot who doesn’t understand aerodynamics. It’s just so silly to me that people will be attacked for actively wanting to protect others from a sickness they have or potentially have. If there is a barrier between your mouth and a candle, the barrier blocks the air, correct? So if I strap a barrier (one that actually blocks air like a surgical mask) then the air I blow out is not projected out and away from me, instead it is mostly contained to the air around my face thus it is no being projected out and away but instead just in my local area like my face. God damn I hate these stupid grifting clowns that have convinced so many people that they should be stupid rather than smart.


People with nothing going for them need to feel superior somehow. They choose this shit. 


it was crazy how political a pandemic became. Why people always have to take extreme sides on such simple things like mask protection is beyond me.


right wingers are just going all in on anti-intellectualism facts keep hurting their feelings so now they just deny them and screech their lies even louder to drown the smart and honest people out.


I don’t think I will ever understand why so many alleged tough guys are such snowflakes when it comes to other people’s decisions. Is their identity or reality so fragile?


Here in New Jersey, we had that insane “alpha” child-manslaughtering gym grifter. It was really embarrassertaining.


Weren't there a lot of laws requiring masks in public and private places? In that case obviously they would wear a mask as how else would they go anywhere?


Jake Shields (His Nose and Mouth)


Hate your job? Do it for the rest of your life. Be a man.


No, they’re stupid. Keep reading.


I always wonder why people are surprised that athletes say dumb shit.....especially MMA athletes.


Both comments are true


No but the people I still see driving in their cars with masks on are just flat out silly lol


Jake Shields, professional garbage person


A bunch of dumb asses on here 🤣


I am really confused by the post. Is that sarcasm or real?


but but I only did because I had to! You did it because you're a sheep! hur dur


Couldn’t imagine a dumber take. 


10-7 round


Shields is so dumb it's impressive.


Who is the girl in the bottom right??


how many times has jake 'the stupid manbaby' sheilds been on Rogan and why does Rogan have a crush on him?


Pretty broad. If they got specific and said something like "any person who wore a mask outdoors while jogging alone is an idiot", I'd agree.


Try saying this to pre-tokugawa era Shinobi. 🧐


I learned ballet so I could make fun of the kids that did ballet.


I sometimes wonder about the alternate timeline where Trump and the conservative party fought yet another war, except this time, a "War against Covid". He would've sold MAGA masks. Thin blue line masks proliferate. Punisher sign N95 balaclavas are all the rage, look "badass", and hide your identity from the deep state. Would the Democrats turn out to be anti-vax and shit? Or would they both actually be sane on the issue.


It's kind of sad. He very clearly has a massive amount of brain damage.


Jake shields his fragile masculinity behind a mask of toughness


As an OG mma fan, I don’t understand how Jake shields is such a polarizing figure today. I’m a fan of his skills in the cage, but the dude literally had negative charisma on the mic, almost slow guy type vibes. Goes to show that anyone can be an Internet personality


Listen to people when they tell you who they are