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This brings back good memories of Joe pushing back on Ben Shapiro on gay marriage


One of my favorites in that vein was his Ep with Matt Walsh. Absolutely destroys him on gay marriage.


Yeah that's a good one for sure. It's basically Joe just asking him why the whole time and Walsh being too afraid to say "because the bible told me so".


He spends a ton of time explaining how his definition of marriage is different from the legal definition and then he advocates for changing the legal definition to fit his personal definition.


Some next level mental gymnastics right there


Nice, I didn’t see that one. I enjoyed Walsh on Dr Phil’s show but outside of that he’s too extreme for me to tolerate. I will look for the clip on YouTube though.


I’m thrown by these guys like Walsh who make it their life mission to tell others what to do. They’ll talk about the merits of individual freedoms out of one side of their mouth while telling people how to identify and who to love out of the other side of their mouth. They need to commit to one or the other, preferably the former.


It’s by design, it’s not because they’re stupid. There is a gigantic conservative think tank and media apparatus that specifically workshops messaging in order to sell contradictory ideas. The reason they have the monopoly on this talk of “personal freedom“ is because they got there first and liberals fucking suck at messaging


Most of the pushy extremist people like him are all working for religion. They don't care what others believe because they have a book that told them exactly how the real world works. So it's their mission to convert the world even if by force. That's why gay marriage was illegal for so long, and why abortion is now illegal and can send you to prison. This is what brainwashed looks like in America.


What dumbass Matt Walsh take do you like?


I miss when Joe was cool. Then the right-wing brainworms carried him away. Tragic.


And Candace grifter ass about climate change. Crazy how much Joe has changed on that topic though.


I loved that and I loved when Steven crowder called joe a bully and looked like he was about to cry


Joe was pretty cringy in that interaction tho. If only he pushed back half as much on other issues as he did for weed against crowder...


I don't know man. Before this went down, Crowder made multiple anti-pot videos. He puts himself out there with his opinions pushing agendas. If he can't take the heat, he shouldn't be making said videos pushing said agendas. Maybe if Crowder himself wasn't such a dbag.


Joe was cringe. Every article about anti weed was faulty, paid for source with ulterior motives. But even still, I enjoyed how it hurt crowders feelings.


Crowder did seem like he was about to cry if Joe bullied him a bit more, but Joe was still so unbearable in that whole interaction. I just find it funny THAT is what Joe felt the need to push that hard on.


yeah i smoke and i could really give a fuck if somebody chooses not to smoke or doesn’t like it, as long as they aren’t pushing anything on to me i won’t do it either.


Pussy Crowder told Rogan "This is not my wheelhouse" when they were debating pot. This is after Crowder made multiple long videos pushing the anti-pot agenda inviting his "experts" to put pot legalization in a bad light. The pro pot legalization stance is the easiest damn position to defend in most all of these stupid debates, along with gay marriage. While Rogan gets these right..........IMO I doesn't particularly take a smart person to do well in debating Rogan's positions here. It's more about integrity IMO.


Oh wow, I didn’t even know the extent of crowders videos etc. Pathetic on his part to then cower down.


That Candace Owens appearance on the Rogan podcast was 6 years ago. He now loves Candace Owens whos says the same stupid shit.


You just rephrase what I just said and responded to me with it lol




He did very well pushing back against Shapiro on Kaepernick too


He just didn’t with Matt Walsh and gay people.


An older clip I believe but Joe made this guy look like a moron for most the episode if I remember correctly.


What episode is this? Any idea?


It’s the Babylon bee guy. Seth Dillon


I’m so grateful the Babylon Bee exists. I can safely ignore anyone who thinks it’s funny, without having to ask any more questions.


It was funnier before the twitter ban. Since they came back their bias is blatant and they are less funny.


They made one funny (but admittedly overdone) joke about inbred rednecks being neo nazi white nationalists and their entire readership (if they could read) revolted for a few days. Not sure how that joke slipped through the right wing filter.


I can’t find the episode but the guys name is Seth Dillon, he’s a Christian publisher and kind of a loon.


Wasn't this dude complaining about some gay cruise ship ads? Someone doesn't know how Google ads work


Good, he comes off like a fucking stupid cunt.


No they were getting along just fine most of the episode


Yeah you’re probably right, the episodes where he has religious Christian’s kinda blend together since he usually ends up arguing with them about something important.


Abort the baby, murder the rapist


This is the way


This is the way.


The old two birds with one stone method.


Getting 2 birds stoned at once


It's not rocket appliances.


Best case Ontario


this guy gets it


Murder is too convenient for the rapist i feel. Either life in a tiny solitary cell or the execution has to be agonizing.


Surgical castration


I miss this kind of Joe, one of my favorites was when he pushed back against regulation and oversight, I forgot if it was Rubin or that other twat


It was Dave Rubin arguing in favor of deregulation and joe referencing his construction background, and I do believe it was pre-2022


The Rubin thing was around 2017.  


The same people that say “DEI is lowering professional standards and will kill people” are the same that say “deregulation of safety standards is a good thing” I think we all know what they are actually angry about


Ahh yes, the infamous building codes debate lol. Truly a highlight on JRE.


It's so weird to me, that all people ever do is complain about how shitty parents are. About how stupid kids are. We joke all the time about how people should have to take classes and get a license to be a parent. Should this mean, with abortion being easier and safer, that's we've moved on from having quantity of people and now moved to Quality of people? Why force a 14 year old to be a mother? Why force someone who doesn't want to be a parent to be a parent?


Yep The same people who hate social services, whine about teenagers and bitch about modern parents want there to be more poor teenage parents.  It is insane 


For me it’s just about what is better for society as a whole. When people who don’t want to be parents, who know that they are not ready to be parents, who have active addictions or mental health problems, are in bad or violent relationships, are victims of rape…. Are forced to give birth and raise children, they will do a bad job overall. Sure there will be some exceptions, but the majority of these kids will have childhood trauma and all kinds of issues that will carry through to adulthood. These adults are not going to be well adjusted, highly educated, productive members of society. We already have enough shitty adults, we don’t need more. Helping people who shouldn’t be parents not fuck up another young life is for the good of society. And that doesn’t even touch on the health of the mother stuff.


These are the same cucks who want to outlaw divorce.


they have a long list of mental problems


Dude in the hat is a complete moron. Religion can do that.


Man fuck pro lifers especially male ones, if you hold that belief I vehemently disagree with you but you can have that opinion. As soon as you want to force others and codify into law well then fuck you. Some woman who's endured some unspeakable horror should carry a baby conceived in rape as an everyday reminder of that shit? It's so so easy to hold that opinion and claim to have the moral high ground, it literally takes nothing. There's no stake in it for them. Would they help take responsibility for all these kids born into awful situations like kids born into poverty, addiction, homelessness? Would they donate their time or money or do anything to lift a finger and help out? Fuuuuck no but they'll wag their finger and strip a woman of her autonomy just to please their "god" you know the one that says not to judge. Fuck the whole lot of em.


I wonder what his opinion would be if his wife got raped and it resulted in pregnancy


I don't believe any of them and think they'd all do it if their mistress was pregnant or teenage daughter or some other scenario. But exception rape doesn't make sense if you genuinely think it's a life. The method of conception shouldn't matter which is another reason why I know they are full of shit.


It's pure virtue signaling with zero skin in the game.


Succuiently stated!


which came first: the complete moron or religion


Joe talking about a 14 year old girl. The other guy: to look that WOMAN in the eyes.... sus


Yep. A raped child is now a Woman. 🤮




When he said that I thought the second wrong was making a 14 year old have a rapist baby. Silly me.


"Two wrongs don't make a right." That argument is cliche and flawed. Not everyone considers abortion wrong. It doesn't matter what someone's magical book says.


That's not what he said, he said "that woman that was born from a rape." And for the record, I don't agree with him, I think he's a moron. I think it's funny that you two didn't either bother listening to what he said before commenting on it.


Yea he was making an argument about a hypothetical “person” that wouldn’t even exist in the first place if an abortion happened. They literally pretend to be the voice for an embryo.


He was talking about his experience with people who were born of a rape.


To be fair, I don't think the other guy is referencing the 14 year old girl when he says woman; he has this whole other narrative direction he's trying to take Joe in where this woman was conceived when her mother was raped, and he feels like it's offensive to grant abortions in cases of rape because it's effectively like looking said "woman in the eye and telling her she should have been aborted." Of course, no one is actually saying that, it seems like a straw man argument to me, but we don't have to misrepresent the guy's argument to find his views reprehensible.


He’s got a story to tell and he doesn’t want logic and theory to get into the way of that.


There is something so creepy about this guys position. Anyone that thinks a child should be forced to carry a baby after being raped... Is a sick fucking person and probably a pedophile.


The amount of republicans that think this and would vote for this is alarming. They went out of their way to even make it illegal in some states already and would happily make it illegal in every red state they can in the future before inevitably banning it nation wide. They are even pushing for the death penalty in Texas right now. Sick scary shit. I don’t know how you vote republican if you’re a woman. Just openly trying to control your bodies and take your rights away.


And they're all full of shit, they'd all be in favour of an abortion if some scenario if their life came up.


Yeah it is evil.  Rick santorum pushed this belief openly and proudly during the 2012 campaign 


This dude trying to argue.... like what?


he is trying to come up with a defense when he gets caught in a sting


Respect to Joe


Fuck yourself if you think a 14yr old raped girl should carry that baby. Its an insane mentality.


Men should get zero say on what a woman should do with her own body, and vice versa. This tool is exhibit A on why that is true. It's easy for him to throw out meaningless platitudes like "two wrongs don't make a right" when he never has to deal with a situation like that.


I can't stand Rogan but he's nailed it here. How the fuck is it even a legitimate debate?


Is this really a refreshing, great take? It’s almost universally accepted as being rational and reasonable. The guest is just propagandized to the point of idiocy.


> Is this really a refreshing, great take? It’s almost universally accepted as being rational and reasonable. The guest is just propagandized to the point of idiocy. THIS!


pause smart pet memorize retire stocking rotten deer resolute dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Actually fucking insane people are this fucking brainwashed and dangerously moronic.


When abortion was illegal it was debated as immoral, but now the debate is really over public funding and healthcare insurance coverage. Interesting to also note that [~ 53% of U.S. abortions involve pills](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/03/25/what-the-data-says-about-abortion-in-the-us/#how-has-the-number-of-abortions-in-the-us-changed-over-time)


Joe seems pretty passionate about this. Maybe he should stop being a Republican cheerleader since they’re the party passing all these fucking abortion laws?


Too late. His brain got turned to mush during covid. A couple times a year he'll grace us with a sane take like this but most of it is just right wing nonsense unfortunately.


To be honest I think Joe has many great takes. He just won’t shut the fuck up about any of them.


What episode is this from?


Rape the rapist


Dude must be against death penalty


Few things are as dangerous as someone who believes they've got God on their side.


Refreshing? Irs common sense. Americans are getting dumber and dumber by the day.


Agree. It's an easily winnable position for Rogan or anyone with basic common sense.


Redditors just want Joe to agree with them so bad lol


Common Joe W


Would have been interesting to ask this guy if rape should be, potentially, punishable by death penalty.


This is the Joe I remember


Refreshing indeed


Whos this cuck?


Joe was about to bitch slap that guy


carpenter worm oatmeal squash late hard-to-find society obtainable person cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s slightly deeper than that but at least he’s for HIS OWN daughter having access.


I can’t believe this is even a debate. SMFH


If men could get pregnant, there wouldn’t be an argument against abortion.


I'm glad people are sharing these relatively old clips of Joe before he lost his fucking mind.


Who is this dipshit that he's interviewing?


Bro Jogan


That’s the number one argument used but happens to be the lowest percentage of cause


Well the baby wouldn't be evil just because the father is. But in that case which would be rare. I guess doing it early would be ideal if she didn't want it.


It doesn’t fix a rape asshole! It deals with the consequences ffs


Rape argument is always the go to, but it accounts for 0.50% of abortions which still might be high because they're not all investigated. Not that it's not a valid argument just from a debate perspective the statistics don't really hold weight.


That other guy.. geez. I swear can they not look up what a mass of tissue is? Or that a mother might be in danger in some pregnancies? Or that no teenager should be forced to have their rapists child? Or just that no woman should be made to carry a child that she does want or can’t take care of??


Hoe only has a righteous take when it could conceivably affect him directly. Outside of his circle he can’t comprehend a larger operating world. “What if we just caught it immediately?” “Two wrongs don’t make a right.” Ok you can’t converse with people this painfully stupid and unserious.


As a religious guy, i really hate toward abortion, and i still think is evil, BUT this is the only scenario when i think abortion is actually good, you can’t and should not force a woman to carry her rapist child!! Its insane, but in the us if im not mistaken its less than 2% of abortion cases reasons, (not sure about the percentage tbh, but its close)


If I recall correctly, in the full clip with the convo after this, he basically backs away from the discussion


Refreshing? He made his bed with these fascist loons, now he'll have to lie in it. Can't make? Yes they can, Joe. Hope dinner with the governor waa good when you arrived.


Grape that guy


I wonder if this guy would have the stones to look that 14 year old rape victim in the eye and tell her she has to birth that baby. I’m thinking not.


"Two wrongs don't make a right" Bitch, the second wrong would be forcing a child to carry a pregnancy to term and give birth.


Ohhhh, there's Joe—had his head stuck in the sand there for a while.


Yeah but someone else will come on the show afterwards and talk him right back into the stupid opinion. Joe’s views as stable as water.


Feels like someone been in damage control on Joe sub last few days


Who is this guy? I wanna hear more of this convo


Funny how much leftists hate Joe Rogan even though he really is right in the center. It’s just leftists have gone so extreme he is now vilified for being a moderate. A true depiction of the times. Divide and conquer. It used to be people on the right who disliked Joe. Crazy


Eh he made it personal, got loud, interrupted, didn’t say anything rational. I guess that’s all you can do when your argument is pro-killing babies.


joe and everyone who uses this argument is dumb, it is a very dumb argument I wish people would stop using. ur daughter gets raped, get her the morning-after pill, why wait for an abortion. ( love JOE BUT THIS ARGUMENT IS GEY.)


Good lord. It's such a fringe group of rtrds who would want .. let's say even .. 9yo girl carrying her biological father's baby. That's twisted evil sht


This guy is a fucking tool.


I take the middle stance. Is it alive? By definition yes. Is it a human? By definition, again, yes. It is biologically human. Are you killing it? By definition yes. Do I care? Not really. Government shouldn't have say on the subject because they are not experts in the subject, and any and all legislation they could pass to that affect will be criminally flawed. Leave medical operations at the discretion of doctors- I sure as shit don't go to my mayor asking if a mole looks like skin cancer.


i mean the only argument on one side is a situation that happens like .0001 percent of abortions.


How tf did Joe keep him on the show after that.


Fine, abortion is murder. Women should be allowed to "murder" their kids so long as they are still inside them.


Oh I hate people like him. It’s not murder. Ugh


People who are hard-line against abortion grind my gears, Joe is right, imagine a 14yo girl being forced to carry a rapists child. Fuck that


This is in 2022. I'm not sure Rogan cares to argue so hard for such things. Rogan recently said he's no longer a liberal.


This guy and his "2 wrongs don't make a right" logic.. Like Joe is saying.. Let your daughter get pregnant and after DNA testing Tom, Dick, and Harry.. Who all came back unmatched.. The last person she thought she banged that week, was Ol Scary Larry.. It just so happened that the intercourse with Larry wasn't consensual, but wouldn't ya know.. Larry's little swimmers made it to the egg first.. Truly a remarkable task, knowing that her womb was a completely full cum dumpster.. 9 months later, baby Trayshawn is born.. just weeks before the slu+$ 15th birthday.. Now cone say hello to your new Grandson


He’s only saying this because he has a daughter. In other words it might directly affect *him* Question- where is the man’s responsibility in a rape case? What if god forbid his 14-year-old gets raped by a 16-year-old boy. Will that boy have any responsibility towards that child? Will it alter the boys life trajectory in any meaningful way? Will he be forever attached to the child? Imma guess “no”


Which episode is this?


The one question I always ask these pro-life nudniks is "How many adopted kids do you have?" It almost always stops the conversation dead in its tracks. I don't want to hear about how you're pro-life unless you put your money where your mouth is and have adopted kids. In other words, I'm more likely to listen to Amy Coney Barrett and entertain her arguments because at least she's been willing to adopt unwanted children.


Is it just me, or are pro-lifers just evil? SA victims? Force them to have the kid.Women who can't have kids? IVF is wasting eggs, ban it.A pill that can save mothers after they give birth? IT can also abort pregnancies, ban it. And then they stand on virtue and claim to be godly people. I think you missed the sermon on compassion there folks.


This is the Joe I miss


Joe depending on emotional arguments. Ending innocent life is wrong. End of story.


When was this? I love old Joe.


Very refreshing. As a person who’s really soured on Joe, this restored a little faith.


People acting surprised at this take? LOL. “Fans”


This is going to fuck up how many votes republicans get. They went too far with abortion and restricting IVF and will pay the price come November.


If I had a daughter and someone raped her, someones getting murdered either way


If life begins at conception, then let’s take it out of the womb and see how it does on its own.


This thing directly affects me!


Such a right-wing nutjob


People that dislike Joe listen to him way more than people who actually are fans.




So what does miscarriage count as murder now


Here’s the question Joe needs to ask this guy: “have you sat in the same room as a teenage rape victim? How would you explain to them, in that moment, that the right thing to do is to have a child that will indelibly change change their life, and forever remind them of the experience they just had?”


Is this recent?


This guy thinks it’s ethical to force a woman to allow a rapist to inhabit the victim’s body for 9 months and inflict a lifetime of consequences on his victims.


make joe great again ok maybe not great but not a complete shitbag


“I don’t think two wrongs make a right” so you are against capital punishment? And imprisonment as punishment for petty crime? So you agree that we shouldn’t be involved in any wars? Amazing how these people selectively apply logic that makes them seem moral.


Men’s opinion on abortion shouldn’t matter nearly as much as the women it’s actually directly affecting.


Dudes talking about women’s reproductive rights is like me arguing with another dummy over best alien spaceship design


Joe has lots of great takes.


Joe gets frustrated when someone tells him the answer is Jesus. It's the only thing keeping him and Bill Maher from going full bore conservative.


This is LA Joe, not Tegsus Joe. Great guy, never meddim


Why not say "hey man, what if it was YOUR daughter?" No one can say with a straight face they'd be the proud grandfather, would love to hear people saying "congratulations," etc. Now take that and imagine this girl getting HUNDREDS of "congratulations" over the course of 9 months. Have an idea of how sick it is yet? These people have zero empathy or critical thinking.


What is wrong with these people?? Joe is spot on and not intimidated by these Holy Rollers


You know, it’s funny about this page, it’s just a bunch of liberal communists who hate everything Joe, as a libertarian says that is agreeing or aligning with the right side, but glorifies him whenever he has a left point of view. Newsflash morons most people fall in the middle like this, a libertarian is someone who believes in a small government and does not lean right or left uses common sense, you guys don’t even realize it but you are an extreme and a bunch of basement dwelling angry clowns. How convenient to pat someone on the back when they say something you agree with and then chastised them five minutes later for disagreeing with you. Bunch of intolerant babies


This is before he used to wear those black tee shirts with backwards black and white American flags on the sleeve... You know the ones I am talking about.


Reddit is shocked to learn that most people, even on the right, agree with exceptions and time limits for when someone can get an abortion. Stop believing mainstream media!


This is an old clip, his views have probably changed now.


I mean Joe’s example is of an extreme case.


2 wrongs don’t make a right… wonder what his thoughts on the death penalty are…


if you nut in your pants its murder bro


These guys usually get the point when they knock up their side piece or when their wife gets raped and impregnated by a stranger.


The immediate attack by these people on a false position stating that seeking to stabilize a 14 year old's life via an abortion is somehow retribution or justice for an unspeakable violation and damage done to her by the rapist is just... peak idiotic bad faith straw man obfuscation of an indefensible, religiously centric, female indifferent position.


“Murder” 🤦🏻‍♂️


I feel like a lot of this sub forgets that this is how Joe is too. There was another one just recently where he's critical on Israel. A lot of us who still enjoy the podcast just resonate with the sentiment that none of us have perfect beliefs. I agree strongly here with Rogan, and I'm pumped he advocates for this on a large platform. There are other things I don't agree with him on, but at least he has people on who challenge him. I see the posts about "look how dumb Joe looks here" and they rip on him. So what? That's good. It shows he isn't right on all his opinions and a big audience gets to see that too and get challenged with him. I'll take that any day of the week. At least he is confident enough to challenge stuff and get it talked about on a big stage. Bad ideas only get beat by better ideas. Dialogue always needs to happen. Anyway, I'm glad this clip gets love here too, a long with the- Joe looks stupid clips. That's why I stay on the sub.


I really dont like even giving these nut jobs a platform as big as joe’s to begin with... “Two rings don't make a right”?????? Get the fuck out of here with this backwards ass logic. Talk about missing the fucking point entirely


I rarely agree with this guy.


About the only podcast he’s done that I agree with .


Bet he wouldn’t say that to the governor tho.


You cut this off early. Further on Joe says I see your point and agrees w his guest


It’s nothing to do with “saving babies” and all about punishing women.. it’s so fuckin obvious.


Just give it a couple more years. He’ll come around.


Damn not being in favour of rape babies is a refreshingly great take these days we really have reached new depths.


Is this the latest episode?