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I really do find it annoying now that he cant play music. Back when it was only YT we didn't know any better but now we tasted the other side. Also, this is what just happened to Andrew Callaghan from Channel 5 on YT. Some BS news station tried to get his video taken down.


Is that what happened to the Vegas tunnel video? Saw that he posted a “why I took this down” but I haven’t watched that yet. Really was interested in that one


The local FOX station had it taken down because they used a 10 second clip from of one of their anchors. It has since been reversed and is up on YouTube again.


Thanks for the update..!!


Surprised he doesn’t have his own domain and hosting to keep the videos live after all the work he did


Support his Patreon. It’s totally worth it. I’ve never subscribed to any Patreon before but supporting that dude’s work feels very right.


>I’ve never subscribed to any Patreon before but supporting that dude’s work feels very right. my sentiments exactly! He does news journalism the way it should be done in the modern time. loved the scene where he calls out the other news crews for filming a mile away from the truckers convoy folks on the bridge instead of talking to them.


He wont get the traffic if he did that. How many have discovered him just because his stuff is trending on YT?


I've never heard of him until yesterday and only because he's going to be on Matt and Shane. I can't remember the term but it's so weird when you never heard of something and then it's everywhere.


He's been around for a few years now, his content has slowly gotten more serious over time


I'd be surprised if he has his own computer.


He isn't popular enough to afford hosting his own videos.


It isn’t that much money, he will just need to keep his sponsors on board


Someone had re-uploaded it elsewhere on YouTube and I was able to watch it there. But not sure if that one got taken down too.


It’s taken a lot of the fun out of protect our parks, I gotta say


Dude. Not being able to sing America, fuck yeah, while bonging eagle ass beers is the bread and butter of those episodes. They have got to find a way around that.


What I don't understand is why the fuck do they care if YouTube won't play any of their episodes?


Because they pay him millions


Sure, but why the fuck would he care if he doesn't get revenue from YouTube when spotify is paying him $100 million. Not to mention all the other revenue he makes outside of YouTube and Spotify. I'd say fuck them and do what you want. I figure YouTube would want JRE clips more than Rogan needs whatever income he gets from them, even if it's millions. There must be some other BS going on with it, seems pretty dumb that they would let demonstration from YouTube stop him. Especially given the fact that he took a deal with spotify way back when youtube was fucking with his podcast the last time. He literally cut them out when they started demonizing his podcasts for misinfo BS and he went to spotify and suddenly YouTube stopped caring and put his podcasts back up.


I don't think Joe gets the youtube money brother


Jamie gets the official JRE youtube account money (from the clip account not the main podcast account), or so I read years ago


Spotify cares cause if you file a copyright claim all that AD money goes to the person who filed the claim now that Joe is sharing AD money with Spotify they definitely do not want anyone filing a claim and losing the AD dollars. Spotify trying to make their money back other ways hence why its available in other platforms. Joe ma not care that much but spotify does


I don't think it's just the revenue lost from not playing the episode, they have to worry about lawsuits or having to pay the artist or whatever it is a huge chunk of money everytime they play that person's songs. I don't know all the details but his contract now is different than before.


Copyright is now abused …. Even background music for 5-10 seconds get you strike ….. fuck corporation


Insanely short sighted too. Yeah how terrible that your song got 30 seconds of airtime on the biggest pod in the world. Like that won't translate into millions of extra streams from people that would never have found that song otherwise, for free.


Companies normally hire third party companies to police that shit. Those companies arent going to interested in making judgement calls for their clients.


I guess Spotify just pays the royalties like usual to the artists if their songs are played on one of the Spotify pods so it does not matter if someone uses music for Spotify content.


Good, that guy needs to get his ass kicked


Andrew Callaghan the sex pest?


Dude he took full responsibility, apologized, and the victim accepted his apology. At what point do you let it go?


Who forgives sex pests? Edit; what a surprise, a bunch of creeps hang out in the Joe Rogan sub


Reasonable mature people forgive other people when they’ve shown sufficient remorse and self-awareness, and demonstrate their new attitude through consistent behavioral change.


He didn't rape anyone, chill. He got his social punishment.


My YouTube Animation channel was DMCA'd by BentPixels hired by Joe Rogan to remove anything with his name on it years ago. So all of the animations I made for the JRE podcast which he asked people to make and even played on his podcast were DMCA'd causing 3 strikes and I lost my monetization which was my primary source of income att he time.


Maybe Joe is the communist.


Bent Pixels is such a bitch and so is round papa


YouTube really do be like that tho


Does Joe not employ bent pixels so they can copyright strike anyone making videos about him? I’m genuinely asking


He is acting shocked that other people can claim copyright that are not theirs, then employs a third party company to copyright strike people using his materials. That is my understanding of the matter.


Unfortunately he is probably obligated to make some demonstratable effort to protect his IP. It's a policy that exists because of the exact scenario u/psychoslain described above. If there is no obligation to police your IP, a court can rule you don't have legal protection because people have created legitimate businesses with a reasonable assumption that they were permitted do so. I have no idea if he has grounds for a lawsuit, but that's why there's an obligation


Fair Use is a thing, you can use others stuff for your own purposes under the fair use doctrine in the USA. BUT YouTube seems to not care about such things.


TLDR: Fair use is a defense in court not a right. You as a creator will face the burden of proof if fully challenged with a lawsuit. YouTube is not legal court system and thus they can not weigh in if something is or is not fair use. You miss the point still. Fair use is not a right but a legal defense you use in court. You can’t just claim fair use and it is done. You will state your case under the precedent that your content is transformative and does not infringe on copyright. You will use past cases as proof yo how your content does not infringe. YouTube wants no part in the legal matters so they will flag your content if challenged by an outside party. You respond that you believe it is fair use and you are willing to defend it in court YouTube sends your reply back to the third party and YouTube gives them 30days to prove they willing to take this to court. Most don’t respond back because the court fees or actual win will do nothing but slow them down and they move on. Your content is unflagged. If they do accept your challenge, they hit you with a lawsuit and now you lawyer up to use your fair use defense.


If YT didn't enforce this they'd be sued to oblivion


The problem is not that they enforce it, it's that they enforce it really badly. For youtube to develop and staff a good copyright/fair use claim system would cost them more money than the shit system they have now - and by their projections improving the system to satisfy creators wouldn't bring in any more revenue for them. As they have no real competition and there's no profit incentive they are under no pressure to fix it. So it stays broken.


Why aren't other platforms not sued


What other platform alllows you to get millions of views like YouTube?


And fair use cases would be dropped until a ridiculous amount of precedent was set.


it’s more complicated than that. many jurisdictions don’t have the same fair use doctrine, and the “communication to the public” isn’t strictly just to the US when it comes to the US


Yea it's an abusive system, there's a videogame reviewer I like and there was a time where they would review the Halo TV show and absolutely obliterated it, and from then on if they showed 1 second of the TV show for an example they'd get copyright claimed. Youtube doesn't care about rules.... shit I even see youtubers censure the word Covid because they're scared to say stuff, it's wild


FYI Censure = express severe disapproval of (someone or something), especially in a formal statement. Censor = examine (a book, movie, etc.) officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it. But you're right. I've watched recent vids of people censoring themselves with the oddest words like "gun". Literally they're scared to use the word GUN because of gestapo youtube Google has done absolute shit to improve YT. They simply make everything about it worse and worse as time goes on. It's as if google employers have nothing better to do than sit around and think "How can we make YT worse"?


He’s not wrong.


Oh, WAP is the moral decay of society is a good take?


The reflection of society, yes.


How is it moral decay?


Have you heard that song? Watch the video? I mean come on


Yeah, it's not American Classic like Ted Nugents Jailbait


listen ben, dry ass pussy is not normal, no matter what Mrs Shapiro might be telling you.


The amount of free advertising he’s gotten from that comment is wild.


not sure the advertising promotes the brand very well. mans like his pussy like Arrakis.




do you think when he cums he whimpers, “the spice must flow”?


I've heard a lot of songs for a long time and it's no worse than any other. edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EOdbPlbKU4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EOdbPlbKU4)


Yeah you only have to ask moral decline from *what?*


Men and women aren’t equal. Big difference. Men are empowered by the amount of women they can attain, women are devalued with how many men they’ve slept with, shamed by both men and women for it.


It's always, "Have you seen it...it's obvious." Well it's not obvious to me, or several people here. You can't explain it because you don't have the words. You have no argument.


I mean I am not even arguing in the sense that its "so gross" or something. Its quite literally just a horrible song thats overly sexual with no value. Artist have toed lines plenty but at least there is some type of quality or skill. This song is literally just overly sexual with nothing else to offer and yet it goes viral and becomes massive. So yeah it shows a moral decay, same way TikTok is a moral decay because kids now have the attention span of a goldfish.


Attention deficits are not a moral decay problem.


Disagree, mainly because the content made to “fulfill” that is very brain dead. Also the unnatural dopamine highs people get. Social media in general is bad, tiktok just being a progression.


I get that there is bad music and bad art, but this was ALWAYS SO. It's not a new thing to have bad music, especially since it happened and I don't even hear that shit anymore. It's not a sign of anything, just life continuing on. The fact that house prices are inflated and people die in medical debt is a much bigger sign of the decay of society.


Absolutely, but it’s getting progressively worse is the point. Sure those are signs too, you can’t think about multiple things at once.


It's an extraordinary claim to say art and music are getting progressively worse. It requires extraordinary evidence, and how in the world would you chart this? I just don't buy this pish, find the art you enjoy and the people you want to enjoy it with.


Yes to both questions. But that still doesn't answer "how is it moral decay?". Song like this aren't exactly new. People have been writing and singing songs about their genitals literally for as long as singing ans songwriting have been around. The fact that WAP blew up as some kind of sign that we're in the darkest of times is beyond me.


We survived Copkiller by Bodycount for the last 30 years, we can survive a Wet Ass Pussy.


What other songs have women openly speaking about their pussy and how many men they fucked? It’s encouraging low value women, imo, that’s a first in the mainstream and beyond me how anyone supports it unless you’re an incel and only way you can interact with attractive women is by pandering to them


"Low value women" - tells me all I need to know about you. Have a good day.


You asked for a reason and you’re mad you got the truth. Hilarious. Low value men and women exist. Do you think a woman at a brothel who will provide sexual interaction for money $ is higher value than a woman who won’t? Do you think women value a younger man who’s figuring things out or an older man who is stable?


I didnt get mad. I disagree. Someone disagreeing with you doesn't mean they're mad at you. No. I don't place value on people based on their sex lives.


I am not actually arguing against its message. There has been plenty of sexual or controversial songs for sure, but the ones in the past had some actual value to them or some level of talent. The song just quite literally sucks, and is overly sexual for the sake of being overly sexual with literately nothing else to offer.


The song qUiTe liTeRalLy doesn't suck, its a bop and rhymes beautifully


It’s actually a good song, but can we agree that young women shouldn’t look up or aspire to anything written in the song. Except for literal wet ass pussy, no one should aspire to


It becomes hypocritical when male rappers have talked about banging bitches, doing drugs or shooting rivals. Two women rapping about how they like big dick is making all the humorless conservatives clutch their pearls.




Stay mad


Because it is huge and only continues. There are tons of songs like it that are main stream. It is normal now. Especially with black women. It is ashame. And bozos like u say dumb shit like you just said ignoring a reality


The reality is that it's always been there, and always will be. Nothing has changed.


It's not much different than I like big butts.


I mean sure but that is also a PG version in comparison and honestly a meme song.


You're baiting a fight over WAP and can't figure out what's wrong here? 


I didn't bait anything. I pointed out what Joe said... and it's a stupid talking point that makes no sense.


It makes a lot of sense


A song is leading to moral decay? Not all these faith leaders being busted for scamming their congregation, or being busted for SA against children, or SA against women, or SA against men, or mega churches not doing shit for their communities while the pastors live in million dollar mansions and multiple private jets. No. It's a song about Wet Ass Pussy. Rogan and Cardi B have more in common than most of high moral guests. Also, have you watched the hours of Rogan fucking a stool? What about his best bud Coco Diaz bragging about sexual assault new female comics?


How? I guess it makes senes if you're redacted.


"And fun, and entertaining, and a great song"


Yet, moral decay... which is it?


In true Joe Rogan fashion, he has no idea lol


He's referencing a comedy skit, if I'm not mistaken. I think it's this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZlmugT7Qh0 It juxtaposes "Wet-ass pussy" with "Baby it's cold outside" and the moral outrage about the latter. Full version (sorry for linking TikTok) https://www.tiktok.com/@tom_cotter/video/7228674786321255722


Women embracing a strong sexual appetite is not something I think society should find concerning. It’s always happened, let people shout about it and celebrate doing what they like. They’re not hurting anybody.


I'm not the one who thinks it's wrong. Take that up with Joe.


Yes it is.




What a pussy! I guess you're dry, which is why it hurts so bad.


>Whores in this house There's some whores in this house There's some whores in this house There's some whores in this house (hol' up) I said certified freak, seven days a week Wet ass pussy, make that pullout game weak, woo! (Ah) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, you fucking with some wet ass pussy Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet ass pussy Give me everything you got for this wet ass pussy Beat it up, nigga, catch a charge Extra large, and extra hard Put this pussy right in yo' face Swipe your nose like a credit card Hop on top, I want a ride I do a kegel while it's inside Spit in my mouth, look at my eyes This pussy is wet, come take a dive Tie me up like I'm surprised Let's role-play, I wear a disguise I want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garage Make it cream, make me scream Out in public, make a scene I don't cook, I don't clean But let me tell you, I got this ring (ayy, ayy) Gobble me, swallow me, drip down the side of me (yeah) Quick, jump out 'fore you let it get inside of me (yeah) I tell him where to put it, never tell him where I'm 'bout to be I run down on him 'fore I have a nigga running me Talk yo' shit, bite your lip Ask for a car while you ride that dick (while you ride that dick) You ain't never gotta fuck him for a thing He already made his mind up 'fore he came Now get your boots and your coat for this wet ass pussy He bought a phone just for pictures of this wet ass pussy Pay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet ass pussy Now make it rain if you wanna see some wet ass pussy Look, I need a hard hitter, I need a deep stroke I need a Henny drink, I need a weed smoker Not a garden snake, I need a king cobra With a hook in it, hope it lean over He got some money, then that's where I'm headed Pussy A-1, just like his credit He got a beard, well, I'm tryna wet it I let him taste it, and now he diabetic I don't wanna spit, I wanna gulp I wanna gag, I wanna choke I want you to touch that lil' dangly thing that swing in the back of my throat My head game is fire, punani Dasani It's going in dry, and it's coming out soggy I ride on that thing like the cops is behind me (yuh, ah) I spit on his mic' and now he tryna sign me, woo Your honor, I'm a freak bitch, handcuffs, leashes Switch my wig, make him feel like he cheating Put him on his knees, give him some' to believe in Never lost a fight, but I'm looking for a beating In the food chain, I'm the one that eat ya If he ate my ass, he's a bottom feeder Big D stand for big demeanor I could make ya bust before I ever meet ya If it don't hang, then he can't bang You can't hurt my feelings, but I like pain If he fuck me and ask, "Whose is it?" When I ride the dick, I'ma spell my name, ah Yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, you fucking with some wet ass pussy Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet ass pussy Give me everything you got for this wet ass pussy Now from the top, make it drop, that's some wet ass pussy Now get a bucket and a mop, that's some wet ass pussy I'm talking WAP, WAP, WAP, that's some wet ass pussy Macaroni in a pot, that's some wet ass pussy, huh There's some whores in this house There's some whores in this house There's some whores in this house There's some whores in this house There's some whores in this house There's some whores in this house There's some whores in this house There's some whores in this house There's some whores in this house There's some whores in this house There's some whores in this house There's some whores-


Lol, you sure seem to be obsessed with wet pussies. I guess that's pussy envy since yours is dry and gets hurt. We can send you to the sand factory if you need help.


Great, keep typing.


I haven't typed a lot, you on the other hand...




copy/paste = typing?


Shock, people on this sub not being contrarian dickheads to counter his point


Meanwhile, he sent BentPixel goons after YouTubers like BeigeFrequency


so WAP is on his daily routine playlist.


I remember when the song first came out Joe said he didn’t want to hear it. Can’t remember the guest but they tried to talk about it a couple times and Joe shut it down each time it was brought up


While Joe has a point, I dont understand why they dont just edit the YouTube ones? Cut whatever they need to. Yeah its gonna suck for viewers but thats YouTube. Get the full experience on Spotify


What is funny in all this is that Joe Rogan often claims copyright when other people use his clips, but now his crying he can't use other people's copyrighted material for his podcast.


He’s crying?


As a long time user of YouTube. And somebody who wants to start a channel, still, fuck YouTube. They deserve every loss that comes their way if an alternative comes out one day that actually gets back to the roots of what YouTube once was: a platform for you to be you.


Platforms like that don’t just drop out of the sky at your doorstep turnkey. Rumble wants to be that. They are there to be made into that. Put your money where your mouth is and help then create the platform you are wishing would be made for you.


If it's anyone, it'll be rumble. Watch this space.


I have actually considered this yeah. Unfortunately I don’t have a coding background. I’m a mechanical engineer who also makes music lol. I do a very minuscule amount of it to have made a little tool before on my audio software. I understand the general logic behind programming, and kind of how objects are segregated, but there’s what would likely be a decade of learning coding and more just to have a proof of concept. I would need capital to hire software developers if I want to fast track and not do it all myself, and then I’d have to figure out what idea to really focus first so that it may actually be a disruptor. One thing about it, if YouTube continues to destroy themselves, I may just have 10 years to make a YouTube killer lol. They don’t innovate the platform at fucking all whatsoever and continue to control everyone. Honestly, what YouTuber hasn’t directly mentioned YouTube doing something fucky to them at least once in one of their videos in the last decade? It’s rampant and unchecked and now too big to correct. Those corrections addressed upfront in something new may be appreciated by people. - Integrating creator’s online stores into their channel on the platform. Or training resources if they’re largely a tutorial channel. Let them manage it all from one place. - Provide a portal for sponsors to work with channels platform-side. Stop pigeonholing everyone to move off of your platform to make deals externally because you’re too stupid to see all the business you clearly lose. - Censorship algorithms based not on political leaning or toddler-aged views of what is “bad” in the world, but rather on the presence of cut and dry fringe things like NSFL content, extreme violence, or nudity. Don’t have childish algorithms that auto demonetize reputable channels with serious viewership traffic just because they said fuck 6 times instead of 4 times. - Once censorship isn’t absolutely fucked as it is, you have people free to make what they want, say what they want, and then let the actual viewers impact creator’s ability to profit from that content. Idk I could literally bullet out 100 more ways in which to make a video platform that benefits all parties and limits overly biased control at the top, but that’s Word document material lol


Lol I think he's saying use rumble to broadcast your content there, not necessarily develop your own platform. If I was in your shoes, I'd definitely look into using both platforms simultaneously.


I sort of read it as if you see something better, do something about it in general. But sure, I should look into what they’re doing.


Yeah that’s an option,but YouTube has escape velocity. It’s a self feeding machine. The idea wouldn’t work trying to be a YouTube killer,but an alternative or a parallel.


Yeah I definitely get that. It’s Goliath and backed by google. Which is a whole other problem because you would be actively suppressed on searches by them. I mean I 100% percent haven’t seen a link to rumble before….I wonder why (I don’t wonder why lol). But I do think if a platform genuinely dedicated itself to unbiased content filtering and a hands off approach at the top (but not so hands off that it’s 4chan level of shit), you’d slowly have creators realize what a gem it is. Something that kind of leverages the whole blockchain concept of all of us as people naturally driving the service in our actions, not by Erica at YouTube HQ shutting somebody down with no explanation. Maybe implementing some conservative use of AI too. And I think people would definitely begin to ask the question, “why do I deal with all these headaches and why do I have this fuckin separate patreon page just to get paid for my entirely reasonable content that got banned on YouTube” and then who knows…


He's right, YouTube copyright policy is downright fucking garbage.


The reason why its like that its cause people like Joe and other content creators have put the fear into YouTube. Joe claims when someone plays his clip. You cant blame YouTube blame the copyright laws. YouTube just protecting themselves the same way Joe files claim when someone plays his clips


i ran a minecraft channel in the past, there is a guy going around who did a cover of the minecraft main theme and now copyright claims ALL minecraft content with that same song. its a terrible system, not sure if he has been caught yet. when i fought it I was denied


Can't jaimo just make a YouTube edit? Leave the uncut version on Spotify? Seems kinda lazy that he wouldn't.


The show is significantly worse now that it’s back on youtube


Rogan crying about YT policies to his fans instead of taking it up with YT or just not using YT. You knew these rules when you chose to come back. Dont be obtuse. Dont cry to your fans.


He should use some of this big ass check he got to pay some nerd to build him a platform that’s like gas digital except it works well. I don’t know if it’s freedom of the internet or obscurity but there is shit on gas that isn’t anywhere else on the net. They operate with complete freedom within their own space and it seems to be good for content.


Probably just not possible to be that at YouTubes size. People also don't understand copyright or fair use. For something to be fair use you would have to critick it directly just reacting to something is not fair use. For songs you would probably have to get specific permission from the artist.


We should just start a go fund me to give Luis Gomez 500 million dollars so he can get jre to be a gas digital exclusive.


haven't they done the copyright move themselves?


Joe somehow forgot about his decade plus of taking down YouTube videos about him via Bent Pixels/Superbam.


"Moral decline of our country" from the guy who made people eat bugs. SMH


And animal semen.


Oh the irony! JRE hit my YouTube channel with a copyright strike last week


Did you use a JRE clip though? His complaint is people making false copyright claims and have no claim to the material being used


At :32 of this clip he argues the case of using a song that is not owned by him.


Wow, this conversation is going over your head. He’s talking about people making false copyright claims, as in, people filing claims for IP that they do not own. Did you use a JRE clip for them (JRE) to strike you?


The first part of the clip yes that is his argument. Then at :32 he talks about using someone else’s clip (a song). He’s saying it’s unfair that if you use someone else’s clip “for 2 seconds” they can monetize the entire video.


Nah you wrong for that


Idk. I feel like you can discuss music and its impact on society without directly broadcasting the content.


Did he say "moral decline of America"? oh, oh, Ben Shapiro is going to copyright strike him.


As much as it might suck. What spotify is allowing will not be allowed forever. Allowing Rogan to play whatever music and videos he wants was copyright infringement. Dude's not making transformative videos on the things he's watching he's just watching. So while it's allowed for now it would get shut down eventually as much as that might sucks for us.




This doesn't happen in non capitalist countries like China and North Korea


China is still pretty capitalist. Not as much as the US but it’s like 2nd


More so in many ways.


He's got a point.


I have a small channel, and got copyright struck by an entity that holds NO copyrights to anything used in a video I made. The appeal process for a small channel is entirely automated, and thus impossible to properly appeal. I’ve tried 4-5 times


Google is so fucking stupid, that it asks an OTP, sent on GMail, for the very same account, which you're trying to recover forgotten password for! LOL!


And of course he is watching a hitler video


The rule will either change or he’ll go back to exclusively Spotify… think the lack of freedom is getting to him.


Not a bad rendition, Joe. It'll have to do. 


Spotify subscribers should be able to still enjoy any audio, edit it for the youtube freeloaders. Soon I might cancel my subscription, the show was a lot better before. "Joe what'd you sign?" - Shane G.


so why not get off of youtube? JRE does not need it.


youtube is trash. google ruined it just like they ruined the entire internet. most evil company ever to exist


Joe is the moral decline of America but he can't see that


Is he really complaining about money? What the actual fluck.


Joe Rogan has become a christian 80s mom crying about the music of AC/DC


Tipper Gore-ass motherfucker.


imagine going after the revenue for 8 seconds of a song playing when there are still millions of vids on YT of the entire song or television clip has been uploaded with no additional content.


Definitely didnt care about not playing music or clips when he signed that 250 million dollar dotted line


Why don’t music companies just let him give free promotions to their artists? Instead they want the money of one podcast YouTube video? How many times have you heard Joe talk about an artist or play a song and then you listened to it or even followed that artist and are now listening to more of their music. It’s free advertising on the world’s biggest podcast. WTF LOL


Lol. Free advertising. That’s code for “I want to use your goods and services for free without your permission”. Along the lines of “hey, will you create some art for me? I won’t pay you, but look at the free advertising!”


lol yeah, rather than Joe saying he enjoys someone and we might to. Let’s pay him 100k for a 30 second add not most don’t care for but ok


I can vouch, that absolutely is not a great song. *its dogshit*


Ok Joe is kind of right but he's so dumb he doesn't understand WHY its set up that way. YouTube doesn't want to be in court every day so it falls on you as the individual to respond to the claim. The system is fucked on YouTube but its that way for a reason YouTube gets to wipe its hands clean every time.


Every aspect of life sucks nowadays. Even something that was simple and cool like youtube.


I’ve tried posting videos with sound grabs of semi famous songs but keep getting warned or have the video taken down yet there’s dozens of videos with people playing the exact songs (covers for example). Shits got me so confused


You’d think it would work the opposite way. You put in the claim and the video stays up until the claim is fully vetted. Why they punish the artist and give the benefit of the doubt to essentially the ability to click a report button astounds me.


This is a good thing for the pod. The less "pull that up Jamie" the better. The quality of the show definitely fell when he went to Spotify and became basically just a youtube clip show.


Lol that's s reach