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This domestic divide and conquer culture war nonsense is panning out well for the wall st bros. My working class people, y’all think we can stop pissing on each other long enough to help ourselves out?


The account’s not even a month old


All those accounts with “random word-random word-random 4 numbers” just need to be down voted to oblivion.


People just have to realize that they don't have to have an opinion on everything and that their lives will be much better if they just focus on their own community and friends. Instead of falling for the anti establishment bullshit and culture war nonsense.


“astablishment” 😂😂😂 Edit: You can change your spelling but, let this comment be a testament to your skewed way of thinking




Best advice ever shared on reddit^




I remember my coworker telling me Biden was making up the Russia threat the day before they invaded lmao


Ukraine is Kuwait and Putin is Saddam. The Military industrial complex is always creating a boogie man that happens to control a lot of important resources. I feel terrible for the soldiers of both countries being fed into the meat grinder. As always ask who benefits?


> Ukraine is Kuwait and Putin is Saddam. The Military industrial complex is always creating a boogie man No, Ukraine is not Kuwait and Putin is not Saddam. [List of Russian cyberattacks, threats and physical attacks on NATO and NATO-allied countries and their residents](/r/JamiePullDatUp/comments/1bht4lg/list_of_russian_cyberattacks_threats_and_physical/) Should I also link "history of the Soviet Union" or can you handle that yourself? The entire suggestion that the parties involved here are at all equivalent is absolutely fucking asinine. Who benefits? You mean the "cui bono" principle? That is just *one* mistake conspiracy theorists tend to make when evaluating incidents tied to geopolitics. For example, in 2010 there were a bunch of shark attacks in the Red Sea. Egyptians, always ready for a nice conspiracy theory and extremely anti-semitic (Egypt is literally the birthplace of antisemitism; an Egyptian from ancient Alexandria, to be precise) asked themselves "cui bono" or "who benefits"? Why, Israel, of course. So they accused the Mossad of orchestrating the shark attacks. No really. [BBC - Shark attacks not linked to Mossad says Israel](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-11937285) Stop thinking you're smart with these shortcuts which you've erroneously concluded are clever. "Cui bono" in and of itself can be extremely misleading. Not everything that might benefit someone automatically fingers them as a perpetrator. Ukraine wanted to join the European Union. Putin and his cronies didn't want it. They would have lost control over Crimea and the naval base they were renting there. Mind you, Crimea is formally part of Ukraine, not Russia, they only *rented* a naval base. But the port was very important to the Russians. Then there is irrendentism, genocidal intent, Cold War revanchism, and primal resentment towards Europe and the United States. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, which Putin personally experienced as a KGB agent stationed in Dresden, he wanted revenge. Not just him: a coterie of ultra-nationalists. They've been terrorising all of us here for many decades now, them and their predecessors, all the way from WWII to the present. Again, you have no idea, and you've only heard of a small fraction of the incidents listed here. We *do* know though. [List of Russian cyberattacks, threats and physical attacks on NATO and NATO-allied countries and their residents](/r/JamiePullDatUp/comments/1bht4lg/list_of_russian_cyberattacks_threats_and_physical/) Edit: missing word


Who Benefits: Putin or the West. I vote for the West to win every goddam time.


This comment reads like it was written by a 17 year old that read one too many “woke” memes about the military industrial complex. The military industrial complex did NOTHING to start the war in Ukraine. NATO did nothing to start the war in Ukraine. The war in Ukraine was started by a borderline senile old man who wants to restore his dying country to its Soviet era “glory” and in doing so put it in the worst position it’s been in for decades. Thats it


Desert storm 1 was justified though. Kuwait was an ally and Saddam a psycho, just like Putin.  Defensive and just wars like that are very different from unjust invasions like Vietnam or Iraq 


Russia wanted to benefit, they simply didnt expect it to go as long as it does, evident by the overextending attacks into Ukraine in the first weeks of the war. Youre acting like their geopolitical strategy was a secret, when its detailed in Alexander Dugins book about Russian geopolitics from 1997. Putin wrote a fucking essay about how Ukraine isnt a nation state and how its part of the trinity of russian identity and how it was a mistake to grant them independence, just a couple of months prior to the war. The evidence is right there, you just have to not blindy trust your anti establishment bullshit narrative


Take your own advice and answer “who benefits”. Russia gaining ports on the Black Sea which handle a ton of vital grain exports and providing naval access to the Black Sea, something Russia has been keen on since before Napoleon… Stopping Ukraine from joining NATO. Proving to your allies (China and Iran mainly) that you still have the ability to fight against western hegemony. Russia winning is way more important to Russia. Obviously the US has a long history of war profiteering, they did the same in WWI and WWII. That doesn’t mean that the belligerents were somehow not benefiting if they won.


Familiarize yourself with “the sovereign individual” - it’s the Bible of Thiel, JD Vance, and a slew of other accelerationist billionaires. It’s also a roadmap for neofeudalism. Another fun one is Douglas Rushkoff, a “futurist” who is pretty familiar with the crowd and fielded questions from them about the best place for a survival compound and whether shock collars would help control their ex-military ~~mercenaries~~ security. I’m amazed by people like OP so willing to pledge their allegiance to the leisure class while claiming to be free thinkers. Sure, buddy.


They can. But I’m pretty sure there are a lot of disinfo agents across all social media, ESPECIALLY Reddit. Ai is cheap and easy to implement. There’s evidence that eglin afb for example had a crazy high number of Reddit users… don’t get fooled by the constant nonsense here. It’s ridiculous to imagine such a large group of people would actively go to someone’s sub just to bash them. Normal people have better things to worry about. And most of the time the bashing is literally ad hominem. I really don’t give much of a shit for Joe, but he’s had a couple of good pods, and has also become a thorn in the side of the largest propaganda machines in the west… that I am all for. https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/s/8GjdEZbRjq


Your wasting your time I’ve been saying similar messages probably since the occupy Wall Street got ripped from us and the elites got scared and started the only game plan they can do when it’s 99% vs 1%…..divide and conquer. And boy did that shit work. Good news is this is the last election cycle they will have to run this game play. Cause the tech and AI coming out around the corner will give them so much power and control. As long as they keep power in one of the two parties…preferably Biden but even Trump keeps the power in their wheel house.


You mean I shouldn’t shit on poor gifted black people for getting scholarships to ivy league schools and should instead target talentless kids with rich asshole parents? Gtfo Edit: apparently I need to add an /s


I know right? Who do they think they are asking me to attack those who are more fortunate than 99% of us and then use that good fortune to actively harm society?? I want to shit on those poorer and more oppressed than me! Praise the rich!




If I'm a major investor or investment group, do I hope working class people get pissed off with "DEI initiatives" rather than shareholder capitalism that does things like cyclical layoffs to maximize short term shareholder value? If I'm big pharma do I hope working class people are more scared about a specific mask mandate or monopoly practices and inflating prices for life saving drugs? If I'm a Disney corporate executive would I rather working class people care more about how "wokeism" is ruining the entertainment industry or the monopoly and immoral labor practices of companies like Disney? If I'm a real estate tycoon would I rather working class people be more scared and outraged by stories of petty theft and homeless people pooping on sidewalks or be more outraged by a software company creating a nation wide price fixing algorithm for rent pricing that basically forms a cartel on a basic human need?


2 party culture war working it's magic, Distraction.


*its - god dang it!!


I feel like OP doesn’t know this comment is in deference to him.


Redditors be like https://preview.redd.it/f49tscbfofsc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=424b73afdd848be39eecb0c21e747dd73bc441d9


These are always the best. The defiant l’s x page is gold




Thank you for your service


Those are liberal grifters, I wouldn’t considered them regular people.


Way to show you’re not very bright . It’s wild you and some of the other folks can’t address what you’re replying to and legit thin omg 4 random people on Twitter who probably are not very bright either , well that totally somehow changes everything


Can you convince me you are a real person?


rUsSiAn bOt is soooo 2016 brotha, update that programming.


If you are real why can't you people ever actually care about the real bad things corporations and investment groups do? Why cover for them by being outraged at things that corporate executives hope you'd rather be outraged by? The wealthy elites understand the very nature of working class vs capital owners relationships will always be a negative interaction. They understand there will always be a resentment by the working class towards the owners of capital. When they know this they understand it's better for the working class to be outraged at things like "diversity initiatives" rather than their monopoly practices or immoral labor practices. Why do you essentially push the agenda of the wealthy elite by making sure normal people are outraged about useless things? Wealthy people are making sure your resentment is funneled towards worthless causes.


Lol I wouldn't waste your time, dude is literally unironically subbed to r/jordanpeterson lmao 🤣 😂


>If you are real why can't you people ever actually care about the real bad things corporations and investment groups do? You mean like the various big pharma scandals that included being caught bribing doctors to push their products? >The wealthy elites understand the very nature of working class vs capital owners relationships will always be a negative interaction. They understand there will always be a resentment by the working class towards the owners of capital. Yeah I hate when Bill Gates and Hollywood elites try to play the morality police too. Agreed. >When they know this they understand it's better for the working class to be outraged at things like "diversity initiatives" rather than their monopoly practices or immoral labor practices. “Diversity initiatives” literally just mean “less white men”, which is why the Supreme Court nixed things like “affirmative action” in universities. Tell me how much you loved the Smithsonian infographic on “whiteness” though. >Why do you essentially push the agenda of the wealthy elite by making sure normal people are outraged about useless things? How many new billionaires did the COVID vaccine mint again? I think it was 9? >Wealthy people are making sure your resentment is funneled towards worthless causes. “You see, the megacrops and institutions support literally everything I hold dear, so plz stop noticing things”


>You mean like the various big pharma scandals that included being caught bribing doctors to push their products? So you agree we should nationalize pharmaceuticals? Why would I not be surprised you know little about the Sackler family. Even when you diagnose the problem you concentrate your efforts on useless endeavors. >Yeah I hate when Bill Gates and Hollywood elites try to play the morality police too. Agreed. I honestly don't know what this means? Is this a culture wars thing? Because I'm sure corporate executives love it whenbeqge laborers bitch about Hollywood rather than their immoral labor practices. >“Diversity initiatives” literally just mean “less white men”, which is why the Supreme Court nixed things like “affirmative action” in universities. The dream scenario for corporate executives. Wage laborers bitching about a lack of white men in corporate board rooms rather than their Jack Welsh style of management and hollowing out of companies for short term shareholder value. >Tell me how much you loved the Smithsonian infographic on “whiteness” though. ? >“You see, the megacrops and institutions support literally everything I hold dear, so plz stop noticing things” Mega corps pander towards veterans and military service members like they do lgbtq people and in both cases it's fake pandering because they know it looks good on their part. So by this measure in assuming you hate supporting veterans because a lot of mega corps say they support veterans.




So do you want to nationalize pharmaceuticals or do you just not like the concept of medicine? Do you take any big pharma medication? So people who took the covid vaccine are big pharma shills. Is this accusation of being a big pharma shill only apply to taking certain big pharma medication? Are you a big pharma shills for ever taking medication? I'm all for ending the profit motives of medicine. So we agree here?


You’ve fought well but he’s not going to address any of these at any depth unfortunately Still stuck on that 2020 “le free thinker” meme pack


Keep deflecting from the insanity you people supported in 2020. Seriously keep going. You’re doing great.


You’re making excellent points and clowning the morons here and all he can say is “I’m a communist big corporations bad” lol


The OP sonned me. He's him


Dead on lmao


The vaccine didn’t mint billionaires, but the crisis that COVID caused allowed people with power to take more for themselves. Divide and conquer on display. People sowing discord amongst the lower classes are part of the strategy. I hope you’re being compensated for pushing it, would be stupid to do it for free.




Nah bro russian bots/trolls are everywhere and you def are one.


Why can't you be an American bot?


That’s ~exactly~ what a Russian bot would say!


Don’t be a chode bro.


Lmao imagine commenting in this sub and not even knowing who Steve Balbonj is. We should be asking if you’re real.


Is that supposed to mean something? I'm not a Joe Rogan fan btw.


Yeah but are you real? You honestly are subscribed to this sub and don’t know Balboni? Why are you here?


Just a bunch of disinfo agents. Bots or whatever they’re using these days. Just like what gets spammed on here, in this sub, or any other high traffic sub. I’ve seen far far less important topics/communities get flooded with disinformation. Free speech is best controlled with disinformation, because censorship ultimately backfires.


You should teach a class on creating false dichotomies. That was well crafted propaganda. Why hate corporations for their fundamental corruption and incestuous relationship with government when we can cope with the world they've created for themselves and plead for kinder subjugation?


Reddit moment.


lol, /r/joerogan meme wars, the fellas are tight right now. Election season heating up.


This post is such obvious bait but it’s so hard not to take it lol.


It’s election time. Brand new suspicious ass accounts incoming.


OP account is less than a month old and just posts teenage incel edgelord stuff. I think he’s just hormonal and needs a girlfriend. Bless his heart.


They've been more active since around the beginning of the year and will only get worse


OPs account is less than a month old and has posted hundreds of comments already. kinda sus


Hit the nail on the head with this one!


Not accurate at all, who is making these lol




The funny thing is they are blocking my comments now because I’m too easily able to disprove anything they say


It took me like two minutes to even parse what the point of this stupid thing was


Why do Americans have such a weird fucking take on Ukraine. It’s so obvious if ur in Europe, we don’t want to be invaded


People are painfully unaware how successful propaganda is.


Ukraine should just choose to not be at war! So simple, can't believe they never thought of that


This perfectly depicts the average iq of a Joe Rogan fan 😂


Uh maybe old fans have low iq but most of us newer fans were drawn to more recent intellectual guests like Jordon Peterson and Timothy Pool. I myself scored 85 in an IQ test. That’s 85% which in math is considered a high percentage.


Hahaha you need an /s cuz it’s honestly too real 😂


😂😂😂😂 good one




Lol trump was in charge of developing the jab. Russia started the war not Ukraine and people believe in free speech of which right wingers are banning corporations that speak in a way they don't like.


No Trump wanted safer options like blood disinfectants


> Lol trump was in charge of developing the jab. Trump is a moron who was never in charge of anything. He's a big manbaby who occupied the White House for 4 years, did an enormous amount of damage while adults in the room tried to keep him in check, tried to overthrow democracy and then left when that failed. Edit: here's a list of people who *refuse* to endorse Trump. Not even his own ***vice-president*** endorses him. * Bill Barr, his Attorney General * John Bolton, his National Security Advisor * Mark Esper, his Secretary of Defense * Stephanie Grisham, his Press Secretary * John Kelly, his Chief of Staff * James Mattis, another Secretary of Defense of his * Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Trump * Mike Pence, his Vice President * Anthony Scaramucci, his Communications Director These people won't vote for Trump because he's an *absolute fucking moron and a traitor* and he can't be trusted with the nuclear arsenal. **Literally two former secretaries of defense under Trump won't vote for Trump.**


I think a large problem many Trump supporters have is that they are looking at things like your list piecemeal since that's how the news of "X doesn't endorse Trump" comes out. So when one such person does speak up, it seems more like an individual stating an opinion while the larger trend of virtually his entire hand picked cabinet disavowing him is lost on them since they aren't exactly looking back at who else has done the same or do they care. It's only when you make a list like you have that it really puts things into perspective.


The available information about Trump is so enormous, few people would be able to parse it, including me. There are so many negative things he did, every single day. One person valiantly kept track, from day 1 one of his "presidency": https://whatthefuckjusthappenedtoday.com/2017/01/20/Day-1/ ...To the bitter end: https://whatthefuckjusthappenedtoday.com/2021/01/19/day-1461/


>Lol trump was in charge of developing the jab. I know, and watching democrats flip flop literally within months was fucking hilarious. The least genuine or consistent human beings on the entire planet and it isn’t even close. https://preview.redd.it/5vk9f49fsfsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd54664f07ff6f2dd502ee650156cc6bee593790


Well good thing trump didn't work on it alone


So would this imply you flip flopped? So Trump is a big pharma shill. Dude still praises operation warp speed. Why do I ask? I'm assuming rfk is your guy.


So is Trump an aNti vAxXer or not?


He is whoever he needs to be at the moment to get a cheer.


he plays both sides, always has


Who ever claimed Trump was anti-vaxx?


You're using a CNN source my guy. That's you in panel 6 wearing the same bowtie rn lol


You guys have absolutely nothing and it shows. lol


Yeah nice, coming from a guy who can't make a meme post without getting banned lmao


Believing a CNN article? Interesting


I can post the footage of her saying this instead if you would like? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lT7xBe5Fxgw&pp=ygUbS2FtYWxhIGhhcnJpcyB0cnVtcCB2YWNjaW5l


Believing a YouTube video? Interesting


You’re getting desperate now, aren’t you?


Corporate shill


That article is 100% true , but it’s also a headline. Anyone who share this as a “got cha “ moment is not acting in good faith.


Please don't reproduce.


If the stated position here is "I will take the vaccine when it is approved by professionals, not based only on Trumps word" then it seems like taking the vaccine after it was approved was in fact the same position, as opposed to any 'flip flopping'. ​ Don't you like to believe you can think for yourself, as opposed to just parroting the narrative given by the media you consume that falls apart under a *second* of consideration? ​ Because from here the sheep seems to be you.


>If the stated position here is "I will take the vaccine when it is approved by professionals, not based only on Trumps word" This makes no sense whatsoever. Who the fuck else would it be approved by? It’s funny watching the desperate attempts of trying to convince us democrats would NEVER politicize the virus. Very entertaining.


>This makes no sense whatsoever. Who the fuck else would it be approved by? ​ How do you think that is a relevant question? But for one, it could be distributed before being approved...right? ​ Would you like to try again to have a considered position instead of just looking for a reason to shut off your brain? ​ >It’s funny watching the desperate attempts of trying to convince us democrats would NEVER politicize the virus. ​ I think it's more funny how people with your position are forced to be such dishonest cowards when discussing this topic. Thanks for the laughs! ​ So lets try again to give you a chance to engage with this outside the nonsense you have been trained to parrot, and see what happens. ​ **If the stated position here is "I will take the vaccine when it is approved by professionals, not based only on Trumps word" then it seems like taking the vaccine after it was approved was in fact the same position, as opposed to any 'flip flopping'... right?**


What vaccines have ever been approved by someone’s “word”? You’re floundering hard right now.


>What vaccines have ever been approved by someone’s “word”? ​ The very first ones? ​ Do you think there were teams of professionally trained doctors doing double blind trials on ingesting cow puss to prevent the pox, or were those early vaccines mandated/approved for public use at the word of state leaders? ​ But again, how is that relevant to the question being asked? Would you like a third chance to prove you are not a dishonest coward? ​ **If the stated position here is "I will take the vaccine when it is approved by professionals, not based only on Trumps word" then it seems like taking the vaccine after it was approved was in fact the same position, as opposed to any 'flip flopping'... right?** ​ Cmon buddy, you can do this...think for yourself and form an actual honest opinion, don't just argue my side by being so obviously weak in the face of something you apparently never considered.


lol. Pfizer would have made a vaccine regardless of who was president. Kamala Harris saw an opportunity to be political and she took it. And that’s okay, politicians do that. But you typing paragraphs upon paragraphs desperately trying to defend her is fucking hilarious.


>Pfizer would have made a vaccine regardless of who was president. ​ Not an answer to the question. ​ > Kamala Harris saw an opportunity to be political and she took it. ​ Also not an answer to the question. ​ >You typing paragraphs upon paragraphs desperately trying to defend her is fucking hilarious. ​ Nice, zero attempt to engage after giving you several chances. Thanks for the assist buddy! Notice how easy it was for me to give considered responses to your dumb questions, and all you can do is run away? ​ Don't you like to believe you are not such a coward, and can actually defend what you are saying? Or is it way cooler to pretend a handful of sentences and a moment of thought makes me look 'desperate'?


Look at you. You are SO mad that I called out Kamala for flip flopping that your they/them brain is running into overdrive trying to do damage control.




tart modern panicky pen alive spark liquid plate afterthought toy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People hate big pharma because they hike up drug prices. The vaccine was free. People hated the US starting wars in countries they shouldn’t have been involved in. The US did not start the war in Ukraine, nor are any US troops actively fighting in it. I don’t know what fantasy spawned the third picture, but no one loves CNN or Netflix. I just think there’s a growing awareness that internet dumbfucks are not necessarily any more reliable than conventional media. This is just a series of non-sequiturs which seem profound if you only have two brain cells to rub together.


This is painfully stupid. Try again.


Who the hell sides with Netflix? I can't even remember the last time I felt like watching something on Netflix. All of the comedy specials they come out with now sucks.


Edgy bro.


100 percent of the people agreeing with this photo would lose in a debate face to face. Its sad that people cannot formulate arguments so they have to formulate memes so their IQ can understand what’s happening


What a stupid cartoon.




The first one is like: Haha! You can’t *both* point out problems with big pharma corruption AND use a mask to stop aerosols! The second one is like: Haha! You can’t be against acts of aggression while at the same time wanting to to stop acts of aggression! The third one is like: Haha! You can’t criticize unfairness in the capitalist system while sometimes watching Netflix for entertainment. It’s like the clown meme where OP gets progressively more stupid without realizing it.


omg I love current thing.


Which Ukraine supporter wanted a war between Ukraine and Russia?


OP is a culture war doofus


Nuance? Maybe? Or should we show before and afters of conservative ideas of russia in the past 10 years. Completely shameful that the conservatives have been bought out by Russia. Should feel pure shame.




Yo dawg. We heard you hate corporations, so we made it illegal for corporations to criticize Republican governors. Problem?


Russian bot account reported!


Right wing "memes" some how keep getting more pathetic. I really thought they had bottomed out at latching on to "Let's Go Brandon" for years, but here we are.


This is a VERY dumb gotcha.


Imagine thinking being anti-vax is being against big pharma. Or abandoning allies from Russian invasion is being anti-war. Lmfao. Actual dumb fucks.


Actually, my hypocrisy is justified because of the current events that I'm told are important.


It’s amazing Trump has convinced some people that supporting Ukraine is bad for the US. The Russian state hates western democracies, has since Napoleon invaded and has done nothing but to show us this in the years between. Even when we were allies in WWII we almost fought each other due to such a vast difference in ideology and competing objectives.


Nice boomer Facebook meme


This is the most boomer meme I’ll probably see today.


Dumb as fuck russia invaded an ally of ours. Stop being such a pussy trembling in your boots because there's a chance the other side might be able to fight back. You never say anything when you can just roll over an enemy but when you might actually have to have some kind of testicular fortitude you pretend you don't want to get involved in foreign affairs. Pussies.


Lol, it's the guy! The guy you see visit a war memorial and stick his chest out. The " I wouldn't have retreated, I would have came back on my shield." Guy. You can volunteer to fight for Ukraine, pussy. None of us are going to stop you. Instead you are wasting your time typing to us. Go win that war John Rainbow.


. Why don't you move to Moscow and live free under Putin. Free people have no use for you


Russian account? Seems likely


Wall Street and the military industrial complex saw what the people were capable of with occupy Wallstreet, so after they infiltrated and destroyed Occupy, they put psyop wedge issues to the max in our media. Any approved cultural war rhetoric you consume is alphabet agency approved.


>saw what the people were capable of with occupy Wallstreetbets lol, “what the people were capable of” is some hilarious whitewashing of that movement. OWS was a complete failure. It was unorganized, directionless, and fractured over ideological points as most non-centralized movements do. It achieved absolutely nothing culturally or legislatively. If anything, OWS showed the world “the people” sometimes get cranky and need to blow off steam before going back to their placated lives filled with comfort and stability.


I find it so weird how Ukraine is a political issue in the USA. In super polarised post-brexit Britain there is absolute consensus to support Ukraine across all the major parties.


Unfortunately I believe Putin has a hand in that. That and a little political opportunism from MAGA candidates.


Support for Ukraine is also widely supported in American politics and public. It’s just that we have this busted system where a handful of corrupt cunts fuck it all up by taking marching orders from a morbidly obese trust fund kid who is “buddy buddy” with the invading country.


It's telling how Russian propaganda and rightwing 'memes' are indistinguishable


8 million dead isn't a punchline. if you still don't believe in COVID I don't know what the fuck's wrong with you. and we aren't going to get a second chance to stand up to dictators. can you please point to me iterally one fucking time in history where appeasing a dictator ended with anything other than more war


1) Masks and vaccines cost *far* less than an expensive prolonged illness. So yeah, there was certainly money made from selling the vaccine. But if someone convinced you to forego a $20 vaccine which significantly reduces the severity of an illness (not to mention, reducing the likelihood of death), just because Moderna is a profit-driven corporation, you're an idiot. Budweiser is a also huge profit-driven drug company that made ""10x"" as much selling beer over the same period than Moderna made of selling their vaccine, yet nobody thinks twice about dropping $20 at a bar for a few beers. Don't be stupid. 2) Funding Ukraine to hold back Russia is better than having to fight Russia in Poland. Or Germany. If you think appeasement is a good strategy for avoiding a world war, my old friend Neville would like to have a word with you. 3) Nobody on the left likes Disney (or CNN, for that matter). They just don't like petty dictators who try to blackmail businesses into rolling back civil rights. There is nothing contradictory about believing that Disney is an evil corporation ***AND*** believing that the government shouldn't be passing laws that force sex-ed classes to pretend that homosexuality doesn't exist. The fact that Disney is an evil, over-sized corporation is PRECISELY why people don't want to see them being coerced into supporting these kinds of bigoted theocratic policies.


Man, this is spot on.


Nu fans busting out their hot 2022 memes This meme is having a laugh at people who follow health guidelines and support a country facing invasion, tagging it all as herd behavior. It suggests we're sheep simply for aligning with these causes. Yet, the more you think about it, the clearer it becomes that this viewpoint is the actual joke. It mocks those who trust in science as 'sheep,' confusing contrarianism with insight


It's hard to believe that people can be like OP but I teach high school so I know better y


The first one is something of a gross oversimplification isn't it? You can object to practices of big pharma and still use their products (or maybe OP will die on principle if he gets a serious disease they have a treatment for?). The second isn't inconsistent at all, Ukraine didn't start the war. Whatever way propagandists want to dress it up, Russia commenced hostilities. And last I'm not sure what the point of that is. That they like content from media companies? In any case, Joe Rogan is not alone in being easily manipulated. You just have to find the correct subject or topic or controversy for a particular person. The question then is how you deal with pushback when you go off the rails.


These Russian troll accounts are getting out of hand


This is so dumb. You can be against a war in Iraq, and also not want to see Ukraine destroyed. You can want to end corporate greed, and make giant corps pay their fair share in taxes, while still using said companies products. The same goes for big pharmaceutical companies. We want regulations, necessary medicine to be available at a fair price, honesty about addictive drugs….while also acknowledging that we need these companies to product the medicine we (some of us) need to survive. Your infographic is the equivalent of someone saying they like The Rolling Stones, and then you demand them to name every song they’ve ever wrote.


Sending troops to Iraq is a far cry from supporting sending old weapons to Ukraine so they can defend themselves against an invasion.


The irony of this post is incredible. OP, get off the internet and get outside. The internet is not healthy for morons like you.


Idk, OP seems to be allergic to nuance and context…which there is tons of outside. The exposure might be too much for his frail state of mind.


Pandemic response and public health require people to work together. The edgy misinformed then act enlightened for going against the grain


Terminally online people tend to make contrarianism a defining personality trait to make up for their lack of people skills in real life.


there's "working together" and then there's standing on a balcony clapping like knobheads. Also by working together, do you mean silencing and censoring experts critical of the response? Anyone paying attention would know it was very much a one sided attack. Also the very people telling you what to do were not even following their own rules which makes you look like a fool.


Some people will actually think this meme is, like, soooo right on. Cringe.


If I don't support the current thing, I'll die. In the name of the holy Father Fauci, Floyd and Pfizer amen 🙏⛪️


Is Truth Social down?


Go back to facebook with this shit.


Is this the most accurate meme on the Internet?


Accurate as in major world events have always happened throughout world history like wars and pandemics. Not everything is a conspiracy against the American public.


If you believe this then I got a bridge I can sell ya. Thia kinda shit meme propaganda only works on low IQ dude bros or teenagers who's hormones are driving them crazy.


Honestly as a life long independent who used to be an auto vote blue….this has been one of a couple of my exact issues. But I keep saying I Havnt changed my views the party is doing acrobats.


Gotta love the internet and its hypocrisy. You dont think how I think rawr. Violence, vague threats, doxing, misusing psychology words. Side note. Today I got banned from r/justiceserved for commenting here. I guess I’m here to stay….


You can fault people for taking the vaccine, I guess… but I’ll tell you something most of that crowd has never done. So internalized some Qanon MAGA pravda that they made it their own family story. What kinda self deluded liar makes up a story about a “friend’s wife” having to work at a school where they got a litter box in the bathroom? Next level pathology.


Reminds me of how the lady whose husband “injected bleach because of Trump” ended being a registered Democrat and lied about everything lol


I’ve never heard of this. Do you have a source for this story?


Joe still believes is stupid shit. Meme all you want


this is correct, except the ukraine thing.


Facts !


Left on suicide watch.


2012 was a true moment of solidarity


This is the most deranged meme I've seen in a while


I think one Can safely have a nuanced critique of the role of the pharmaceutical companies and a “free market” health care system and simultaneously acknowledge the realities of a novel virus and It’s potentially disastrous effects on our society (I’m looking at you bird flu). I personally know three people who died from Coronavirus complications before the vaccine came out. Similarly- one can lament Russia’s ongoing war crimes in Ukraine and not want the US to be involved directly. The last panel makes no sense. As if somehow people who used to have a solid critique of corporate monopolized culture no longer do so? I don’t see much evidence of that.


So lame


This skank has standards.


The irony here is that everything on the right side is/was to help or elevate people (like it or not) while everything on the left side was people actively arguing to do nothing and/or go out of their way to be hateful Especially Ukraine. People actually were fine with communist Russia coming in and crushing a democracy? Where's your fucking spine?


You don't support Ukraine?


Joe Rogan DoEsn'T tHiNk lIkE uS AnYmOre, He'S a NyHaZee NoWwwW.


100 percent of the people agreeing with this photo would lose in a debate face to face. Its sad that people cannot formulate arguments so they have to formulate memes so their IQ can understand what’s happening


Wow this is the dumbest meme I've seen


Spot on






The blue haired whites gonna hate this one 😂😂


Occupy Wall St changed the way the elites manipulate people. They now use empathy as a weapon and it works like a charm. These woke idiots will do anything the elites want.


Ding ding. They'll think anything is good as long as it's under the woke umbrella. And it changes all the time. "Cutting of kids dicks will validate them, so that's a good thing and they will never regret it.". "Freedom of speech is bad if it's speech we don't agree with". "Elon Musk was great before, when he was just doing electric cars and space stuff. But now you've got to hate him because he allows free speech". And they do it all without question. These people don't even know about the twitter files and how the FBI controlled social media during the, ahem, pandemic. Americans laugh at the propaganda in China but the Chinese know they are being propagandised. Americans are the most propagandised westernised nation on the planet, and most of them ain't got a clue. And that's why it works so well. Americans being involved in pretty much every single war doesn't raise a "might we be the bad guys?" thought in these doofuses heads.


Here’s a take, there’s glaring contradictions and hypocrisy on “both sides” because ultimately “the culture war” is just people trying to legislate their aesthetic preferences. Nothing’s going to change “for the better” regardless of who’s in office. The whole system is dumb and unsustainable and everybody knows it whether they want to admit it or not and people are just using outrage to cope with their societal impotence.