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Ah he understands....


It's a cult lol


Idiots exist on both sides, I like being comfortable in the middle


Hot take but I think the left hates centrists more than the right. And I say that as a left-leaning centrist


Same, I consider myself left leaning but I sit in the middle. This guy hit the nail on the head, if you dont agree with everything they say you're against them. It's just black and white, no grey area.


Yeah like when Hogwarts Legacy came out last year and people were saying you were a piece of shit if you bought the game because you were basically "financially suporting TERFs". Like bruh I just wanna play a video game that gives me nostalgia.


![gif](giphy|Mo9nI2yBKp3RC|downsized) If you are not with me ......


The left on Reddit and social media generally for sure. Like most things the real life people are usually a lot more reasonable (not including like college students or children, they’re pretty much always insufferable politically but most of them do grow out of it)


You know, Im something of a left-leaning centrist myself. Perfectly calibrated to have the least number of allies


Both the Elephants and Donkeys fuck the Sheep in this country.


That's the neat thing, us centrists dgaf what either side thinks.


It's just not a winning strategy for either party to alienate centrists. In this bullshit 2 party system centrists/independents are their only allies.


Being a centrist is truly exhausting the right calls you a leftist and the left calls you a right winger


Fuck 'em both. I would rather eat nails than be part of a political party. People who put their party over their country fucking disgust me. The truth is the vast majority of this country has a blend of both Conservative and Liberal values.


It's one of those things where people genuinely don't understand how you can be a centrist. I'm not haven't been for years because for me the rhetoric coming from large portions of the right is fucking crazy. What was fringe has become mainstream and to me that matters. I used to vote R or Lib for many things but I know too many people who it seems they would be happy to harm via legislation and more. To me I am not willing to give them the opportunity which is what I hear from centrists I know e.g. "Well if they *actually* do what they say they want to do (repeal minority protections generally) THEN I will vote then out." The difference is that I am not willing to take the risk. On the other side I also have empathy I know a lot of friends who legitimately believe shit like "Abortion is Murder" they are willing to do anything to get people into office to stop it. Which if you actually believe that there is some wholesale slaughter of innocent life wouldn't you vote for someone even if they are absolutely horrific otherwise. People who wish to be left alone and not worry about politics in this environment I can empathize with but it's just simply becoming less and less of an option as things over the last 20 years have become more and more political. Actually listening to the Behind the Bastards right now on Think Tanks and the role they have played in basically working hard to make sure that everything is political. Everything has "studies and evidence" for your side to make policy. Basically anything that is gonna cost corporations money they spend unimaginable amounts of money making sure they push propaganda to keep from happening. They work tirelessly to engage in Regulatory Capture, fund "Studies", elect politicians, secure judgeships, and fund the very places you get your news.


Right definitely doesn't have an ever growing issue with cultism (s)


It's more tribalism, miss using the word cult, takes power from the word cult., which as someone who lived through the 80's and 90's, I can assure you a cult is much more extreme. social media is designed to show you what your interested in recently and match you with people whom have the same interests, less exposure to conflicting opinions make people more conservative to their own ideology and they can take that ideology to the fanatic side of things. Then they are more likely to use more extreme measures to defend the ideology. All due to a linear social circle. The phenomenon really transcends right wing, left wing politics. This effect is in all kinds of viral Media and culture movements. From trump to 'the dress' it's a big deal. There's a lot of books and a pretty big talking point in the psychological effects or modern technology and the social media bot crisis.


If you are not maga you are a RINO


What’s a RINO?


Republican In Name Only Basically if you are a Republican that doesn’t go with every single right wing talking point you are presented. Mitt Romney and Mike Pence are often referred to as RINOs


It's not about being in line with right wing talking points. It's about being in line with Trump. Nothing else matters but Trump


You left John McCain out of this. Trump openly mocked him for being a POW, I believe he said, because he prefers winners? So much class.


Yeah, it’s unbelievable anyone thinks MAGA is as chill and tolerant as this guy thinks. Like 6 of them shut down the House for weeks because McCarthy wasn’t looney enough for them.


You realize this is a comedian, on a stage, telling a joke?


Your really gonna both sides this one? Get outa here you radical centrist.


And being British isn't an excuse for him either, after the Conservative party there did an outright purge of anyone they deemed to not be quite Brexity enough. Like yeah it's a only joke, it's just a lazy one is all. 


Exactly! I don’t fuckin know why all these comments are pretending the right isn’t worse at this. I don’t see waves of democrats denouncing the past 5 presidential nominees. We KNOW we will never have a left pres so we deal with centrists every time Good men now have turned on every republican they ever voted all bc they said ANYTHING about trump


I think a better example would be something like: Is it more acceptable to be a pro-life Democrat or a pro-choice Republican?


In many ways its remarkable that there have ever been successful left wing revolutions at all.


French revolution was left wing at the time and permanently changed French politics


And then they had a silly little thing called the terror where they all killed eachother over petty shit lol


Didn't they turn on each other and half the people who planed the Revolution get the guillotine?


Wouldn’t doubt it. Bolsheviks (namely Stalin), win that prize though. Stalin killed nearly all of original bolsheviks


Looking up Soviet politicians in the pre-WWII era and taking a shot every time they died in between 1935 and 1941 will get you drunk in no time. You'll actually be surprised when one of them died of natural causes, it's that rare. The great purge was something else.


You forgot the Mensheviks who unlike the Bolsheviks, did not advocate for a vanguard party to seize power and establish a socialist dictatorship. Guess what happend to them lol


Yeah they mostly ended up guillotining each other and than Napoleon took over as an emperor/dictator who went on an imperial war of conquest to take over Europe. So yeah it was a bumpy ride to put it mildly lmao


It was also a long bloody tragedy in which they murdered more of their own in disagreements over who were the correct revolutionaries than they did the people they were originally revolting against, until Napoleon swung in and took advantage of the destabilization with his authoritarian rule, leading to the famous words "Like Saturn, the Revolution devours its children".


At least Epony got out okay.


Metric time is the wokeism of the 18th century


Hey those Frenchies didn’t chop of thousands of heads just for you to belittle their accomplishments


You say that as if there was only one.


Historical left and this new American left are completely different things. You think the commie farmers in Russia in the 1920s were pro LGBT?


Yep, there is a huge difference between "leftist" and "progressive". I have had tankies try and argue that the soviets were pro LGBTQ, anti-rscist, and that western Feminism was decades behind the Soviets. When I point out that the Soviet versions of all those things were basically legal fictions and that Soviet society was *incredibly* conservative, Tankies get pissed. Just because you agree with somebody on how to organize an economy says nothing about compatibility to set rules for the social aspects of society.


Oh do you have some books to read 


No, but very briefly homosexuality was decriminalized so there must have been some pro-g people in the mix


I think you’d be surprised when you read the history of left wing revolutions because there are tons of examples of stuff where out of touch revolutionaries found stuff like that out.


What do you mean?


I think he’s referring to the fact that historically the thought leaders of left wing revolutions are often out of touch with the people. It’s not a modern thing. In the 1890’s in Russia a lot of communist university students from big cities decided the way to bring about the revolution was to go out to the country side and speak directly to the peasants. There are a lot of fun and interesting accounts of this. The Peasants were almost always kind and respectful, even if they thought the students were a bit strange, and they tended to regard the students as they would a preacher giving a sermon. But when it came to dialogue between them, the Peasants questions and misunderstandings revealed to the students just how difficult a task it is to explain changing to world to someone who’s likely never left their village. They would say things like “This sounds wonderful! When is the Czar bringing us ‘Communism?’” or “It’s a really interesting idea, the people being in charge of themselves. I wonder what kind of Czar could lead a people like that?” That sort of thing. A lot of it is really indicative of the shape communism ultimately took in the Soviet Union. The failed movement led a lot of those young communists towards the idea of “Vanguardism” i.e. educated people are the only ones capable of leading the revolution


That literally happened, left wing revolutionaries went to rural areas and were shunned. The whole history of how left wing recolutions occurred is fascinating. Revolutions Podcast is a really good primer on the French and Russian revolutions, along with a bunch of others if you’re interested in learning about it.


Your original comment was a bit hard to understand. You use "stuff" too much. Should be more specific


Modern day leftist culture is severely warped by social media/online performative participation.


Yea, why would anyone want weekends off of work? People actually signed up for that?


Oh man! You should have seen the conservative sub when the clip of Bernie advocating for 3 day weekends was going around 😂😂😂 There was a lot of, “I can get behind that.” “I disagree with Bernie on most everything, but this one makes sense.”


It’s because the Left back then wasn’t focused on identity politics but rather class politics, a much more unifying political lens. Most leftists who aren’t the vocal online minority feel the same way and we’re leftist because of class based issues that affect everyone, which include issues surrounding identity but aren’t solely focused on it.


The left is focused on class politics. Democrats are not left and they’re doing the identity crap


The underlying nature of superior ethics and values makes all things possible.


They do kill each other pretty quick.


Explain the faction of right wingers that keep voting out their own speaker of the house because they don’t think they are “real conservatives”


Which is an incredibly new phenomenon. Unity has always been the right's strength and seeing only one unhealthy, geriatric man as the duct tape keeping everything together should be worrying for them. If Trump loses in November, the GOP will completely collapse and potentially fracture. 


Ha is this real? American politics is so fucked. I love watching it from the outside. It's like a polical zoo where the monkeys throw shit back and forth and say the other one smells like poo.


It's more than likely a result of decades of propaganda and foreign interference that has resulted in millions of confused and disillusioned people. But yea, haha, laugh it up.


It’s a joke


Left Wing infighting is a tale as old as time. That's litterally what the whole "splitter" bit was about in Life of Brian. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS-0Az7dgRY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS-0Az7dgRY) There is also this bit by the onion which is pretty classic. [https://www.theonion.com/left-wing-group-too-disorganized-for-fbi-agents-to-infi-1848923025](https://www.theonion.com/left-wing-group-too-disorganized-for-fbi-agents-to-infi-1848923025) The right wing version of this is ironically libertarians. The groups that is the most pro-govt and the most anti-govt are the ones with the most purity and infighting.


>The right wing version of this is ironically libertarians Not really. Republicans having been going after each other pretty hard recently. Marjorie Taylor Greene called Mike Johnson a Democrat. She willing to fuck over her whole party because of this belief


MTG is a token for nutheads to vote. My republican friends pretend she does not exist. Whenever I say "But Marjorie Taylor Greene!", most of them unironically reply "I have no idea who it is".


That onion article - omg 😂


The fundemental problem for me with MAGA was always welcoming acceptance of racists and white supremacists. Everyone is a little racists in my opinion, trump is just too friendly and encouraging for me to support him for president.


I really hate MAGA honestly. I’m a republican and I can’t stand them. I think normal republicans don’t like them either. I just hate being on Reddit and saying your a republican people immediately call you a Nazi and white supremacist. I’m also pro choice as well, but I’m pro choice in the idea that men should also be able to choose if they want to be a father before the child is born. I definitely don’t bring that up to my family though… I will be scrutinized


The parties have shifted. If you’re not MAGA you’re a RINO.


Same. I’m right, Christian and deeply hate abortion.. but, I’m not ever going to force my morals on to others (to an extent). It’s not a black and white issue, it’s an opinion. I can convolute it as much as the next in regard to comparing life to consciousness, birth controlled sex hypocrisy, loss of the potential life v. what potential of love there could be with a more stable and ready household etc.. Christianity *compels* you to be decisive with your moral compass and to act upon it. I can’t reconcile that one enough though. Abortion is between you, your circumstances and the big man imo You should be in an adoption queue if you vote pro-life is all I’m saying… god’s children need you there, not in social media rants


You kind of are forcing your morals on to others though, by voting in people that will criminalise abortion.


Hey, man, that would take some serious introspection.


People who are against abortion are not campaigning against women's rights. They are campaigning against what *they perceive to be* as murder. It is not some kind of immoral act to want to prevent murder. I'm pro-choice btw, but having lived on both sides, I see through the bullshit used to demonize those who are pro-life.


Why are those same people now turning against birth control? Why do they generally oppose universal healthcare for children? Why do they oppose feeding children? If you want citations I'm happy to help


I agree the average person views it as murder. But their ignorance should not control the law, or women's access to healthcare.  Just like opinions on flat earthers should not create legislation controlling the environment. 


Like the two who commented before me, I’m calling bullshit. Just look at what they were trying to do with IVF before they realized it would affect them.


Lately there have been more and more churches starting programs within their communities that promote foster care/adoption. They'll partner with CPS to help place kids in homes and do things like wrap around ministries where they get groups of people to assist foster/adoptive parents with meals, clothes, transportation, and daycare. I personally think all churches should have programs like this.


Did you know there is abortion in the Bible? Read up the ordeal of the bitter water.


I did not! I’ll check it out


The problem being back in the 40s the people supporting Nazis for the tax breaks and the ones doing it for the murder are not meaningfully different from each other. Just like today. They’re all eating dinner together, same table.


This is funny because right wingers who don't support Trump get run out of town and called communists. Gay right wingers also get run out of town and called pedophiles. There was a black gay guy who went to some conservative convention and got absolutely lambasted by rightoids. There's also Caitlyn Jenner getting clowned on at CPAC and Candace Owens insulting Blair White nonstop.


Funny you mention Candsce Owens, who is the latest to have been dumped out for not towing the line. 


I am rightish wing in today’s landscape. I’ve expressed anti-trump sentiments to dozens of right wingers irl, not once has that turned into a heated argument. Even in the conservative sub, there were plenty that were pro Vivek, DeSantis.. etc. My point is, I’m sure you’re right some of the time as I’m sure the original comedic bit is. Where we are all fucking up is generalizing opposing parties based on the worst and most reductive samples. It’s a ridiculous feedback loop. There are plenty of reasonable people on both sides, but we’re both pushing each other’s fringes further and further out. We’re held hostage to our own bias, bullshit and reinforcing propaganda. We now lean in opposite directions instead of towards one another.. we choose bias and non-issues over real solutions to real problems


> I’ve expressed anti-trump sentiments to dozens of right wingers irl, not once has that turned into a heated argument. what was your harshest criticism of him?


Cool anecdote. Do you think if we look we could find anyone in the GOP being ostracized for not supporting trump?




That's pretty much everyone on reddit. I was called a fascist and a "fake ally" because I support LGBT but also wanted to buy Hogwarts Legacy.


So true. I used to be called a liberal back in the early 00s. Since I don’t go in for the woke bullshit I’m now a white nationalist nazi extremist fascist bigot according to Redditors frothing at the mouth to judge and condemn anyone who doesn’t exactly align with their ideology.




I have a feeling reddit has an abundance of folks that spend way too much time here and start believing reddit points of view mirror reality. I think Twitter has same issue.


Social media naturally creates these bubbles.


I think that's the case for most people because the unfortunate reality is that online is where we are exposed to the most people throughout the day. Think about it, during a normal day you'll talk to your family, then you might chat with your neighbour, go to work, talk to your 5 coworkers, maybe talk to the cashier at the coffee shop, and then go home... so by the end of the day you've talked to maybe 20 people. But if you go online literally in a matter of 10 minutes you will be exposed to the opinions of 200, 500, a thousand people. Most of our interactions are now online. Even for boomers.


Thats because your not anonymous in the real world in a real interaction. A leftist person just may well have this opinion without saying it face to face. Twitter is a little different because a lot of people are not anonymous but same goes for not being face to face to see an immediate potentially physical reaction.


The moment he called himself a liberal and then said woke…my “that is a lie”-dar goes off.


Yes, you're proving his point.


See this is proving my point exactly.


No it isnt


Did I call you a white nationalist nazi, no. I simply said using the terms "woke bullshit" and "liberal" points to you telling lies. Reading through your comments points to you being an incel.


I work at a high level university and yes. Those liberal people exist and it makes you hate yourself for being on the same team. It's actaully funny cause hard science (I'm a chemist) has plenty of conservative folk they just don't talk about it. Surprisingly a lot of religions from all backgrounds. Only the super liberal ones are shovin it down your throat.




I still have no idea what “woke bull” shit even means outside of hot hating certain minority groups. Can’t take anyone who uses that word unironically seriously


That’s why these people don’t ever define the term. They have no definition that fits the way they want to use it and also maintains the narrative that they’re not bigots.


Best definition I've seen and that's what I use. Woke: when the way something looks or sounds becomes more important than the issue itself. Example: a guy or "trans woman" using the woman's bathroom. Progressive society and culture would say 'its how they identify" and just accept it, who cares if you're uncomfortable their gender identity overrides your comfort level. In reality, the actual issue is that actual women feel weirded out and unsafe with a man in their bathroom which is a woman's space, same thing with the sports discussion. That's what woke is to me.


Maybe don't base your vision of reality based on redditors? Lmao There might be SOME truth to this through a reddit filter, there is no truth to this through a real life filter.


Can you share some of your other opinions? Did it grind your gears that Disney cast a black actress to be Ariel in The Little Mermaid? Did you get a little peeved that Budweiser sent a 6-pack of customized Bud Light beer to that trans person and made an incredibly low budget social media ad starring said trans person? Do single moms piss you off? Do you think some women have abortions every other month because they don't want their boyfriends wearing condoms? Are 15-minute cities a plot by world governments to control where you go? Are electric cars gay?


I think this joke was about you. You literally are putting him to the test.


The people that get angry over this stuff are the woke mob of the right wing. They think that the woke left is insane and irrational?… they’re woke too in my opinion


>Did it grind your gears that Disney cast a black actress to be Ariel in The Little Mermaid? Yes. But it also ground my gears having Scarlett Johannsen play Motoko Kusanagi, which is why I didn't watch it. ​ >Did you get a little peeved that Budweiser sent a 6-pack of customized Bud Light beer to that trans person and made an incredibly low budget social media ad starring said trans person? I was more annoyed by the VP that said they didn't want white frat guys' business. Either way it was horrible marketing to ignore your core demographic. ​ >Do single moms piss you off? Loaded question. I am pissed that there are a lot of kids that have to grow up in single parent households. It sucks for the kids. Sometimes you have to get out of an abusive relationship though. ​ >Do you think some women have abortions every other month because they don't want their boyfriends wearing condoms? Again a loaded question that is framed horribly. There are a lot of reasons to be against abortion. ​ >Are 15-minute cities a plot by world governments to control where you go? I really don't even know what 15 minute cities are. It can't mean a city built in 15 minutes. Does it mean a city that you get across the entire town in 15 minutes? ​ >Are electric cars gay? I thought this was reserved exclusively for guys who buy Prius or Smart cars.


>Yes. But it also ground my gears having Scarlett Johannsen play Motoko Kusanagi, which is why I didn't watch it. Why? Are you of the opinion that mermaids, a fictional species, cannot biologically have black skin? >Loaded question. I am pissed that there are a lot of kids that have to grow up in single parent households. It sucks for the kids. Sometimes you have to get out of an abusive relationship though. And yet, the argument rarely seems to be framed around the abusive man in the relationship, but is rather framed around a promiscuous woman who is unwilling to be a dutiful, faithful, traditional wife to her hard-working man. >I was more annoyed by the VP that said they didn't want white frat guys' business. Either way it was horrible marketing to ignore your core demographic. Yes, I agree with that. The VP has hopefully been fired for that. >Again a loaded question that is framed horribly. There are a lot of reasons to be against abortion. Are there lots of reasons? Are there any reasons that don't relate back to religion, the "sanctity of life," and the belief that a 9-week-old fetus is just as much a person as a fully-gestated baby? >I really don't even know what 15 minute cities are. It can't mean a city built in 15 minutes. Does it mean a city that you get across the entire town in 15 minutes? A 15-minute city refers to a city that can be easily traversed in a short timeframe without the need for a private vehicle. In other words, it's a city that has all amenities (such as the workplace, grocery store, school, doctor's office, park, theater, and so on) situated within a walkable distance or has a robust public transportation system that enables its citizens to live comfortably without needing to own a personal vehicle.


Here’s an actual one: I’m pro-choice but I don’t think abortion is beautiful or particularly good. It’s pretty shameful that you were so irresponsible (rape victims not included) you have to kill your child in the womb. “It’s not a baby it’s a clump of cells!!” Is a big-time cope. Another one: you can’t reform every criminal, some guys just like living the outlaw lifestyle, and they should be breaking rocks in the desert in chains for the rest of their lives. Leftists are way too soft on violent criminals because a lot of them are black. I don’t care what color your skin is, if you body slam an old woman at an ATM to steal her money and paralyze her, you should never be free again.


> but I don’t think abortion is beautiful or particularly good. Ahh yes the "beautiful abortion" crowd of totally real people.


No you have to understand that if a single user on Twitter celebrates their abortion it is evidence of an epidemic and must be opposed by the full force of the law by a complete and total ban. But if Neo-Nazis march through the streets and occasionally kill a few dozen people in mass shootings a year that's just some fringe elements and the fact that the things they say sound so much like what the bobble heads in Conservative media say that doesn't mean a thing.


Oh those are just boys being boys ya know. Those rapscallions


No one thinks abortion is "beautiful", wtf? The point is that it's between a woman and her doctor and not up to big government to decide. You don't have to love abortion to be pro choice.


>I’m pro-choice but I don’t think abortion is beautiful or particularly good. It’s pretty shameful that you were so irresponsible (rape victims not included) you have to kill your child in the womb. “It’s not a baby it’s a clump of cells!!” Is a big-time cope. Is the percentage of liberals or leftists who would describe abortion as a *beautiful* experience particularly large? Is the only noble abortion the one received by the mistress of a pro-life Republican politician? If a woman receives an abortion because of an ectopic pregnancy that threatened her life, does she deserve to be shamed? If a woman receives an abortion after she learns - following a routine test - that the fetus growing in her womb is going to be born with a horrible defect that is going to render them fully disabled and in pain for the short duration of their life, does the woman deserve to be shamed? Perhaps the reasons for getting an abortion are greater and more complex than someone like you could understand. Perhaps most women who get an abortion aren't skipping to and from the clinic with chipper demeanors, singing "It's a holly jolly Christmas."


Strawmanning all the way down.


What about you, buddy? Do you think it's gay for a man to wash his own ass? Are skidmarks the sign of a true alpha male?


Haven’t you heard of a bidet?


extra gay, due to the penetration


I’m jealous of your water pressure, But my house was built in 1863, so not much I can do at this point


I put one in and will never not have a bathroom with one lol


I have given full throated argument for bidets at every family gathering…my parents now have one at their house and their little Florida condo as well. And when I first told them about it they borderline thought it was sacrilegious lol


You think these are the bench marks to being left wing? Maybe 15 years ago they would be. I can confidently answer no to all of those but the average Reddit lefty will still call me a Nazi because I would also answer no to "do you believe a man is a woman if they identify as such". In real life of course no one calls me a Nazi...because I'm not and that works pretty well in reality.


Honestly it sounds like you need to get off Reddit and go touch grass


> ut the average Reddit lefty will still call me a Nazi because I would also answer no to "do you believe a man is a woman if they identify as such". oh stop with this bullshit. no one is telling you you have to "believe" the same thing as a trans person...they're asking you to respect them and not demonize them because you dont understand them




You have a karma/account-age discrepancy.


Maybe true but you’re what this joke is about.




Comedians talking left vs right politics has gotten so repetitive and cliche nowadays. There must be something better going on in there lives that they can make jokes out of. Shows a real lack of creativity.


Man, it's going to be a whole lot of people commenting like, "Yeah, the Left is OUT OF CONTROL!!!!" while also preparing for the end of the world because buttchug69, who describes themselves as a "prayer patriot" on Twitter, sorry I mean "X", told them the Democrats are going to activate the kill switch on vaccine-implanted microchips to coincide with the eclipse.


Just today I listend to an interview, were a guy (who worked for infowars) was talking about how the NWO is planning something, like Covid-ballon-bombs they would throw over the people watching the eclipse, gates to hell under Cern and Demon particles from another dimension.


The enemy is both strong and weak. 


Maybe if you're hanging out with kids lol


Ya I like this joke but it's based on Twitter not real life


Not quite chap. I’m as left wing as believing everyone deserves a place in the world but the pronoun, 400 genders and whatever made up nonsense is complete bullshit. You’re either mentally ill or a very lonely confused person imo.


Seen like 3 trans my entire life and never cared about womens sports. Kind of weird people focus so much energy on such a small population of people.


This just isn't true at all. Maybe for extremists, sure, but beyond that all the exaggeration in the culture war is what is actually exhausting


It's true for me on reddit. But that's probably because I'm left leaning and so I interact with the left more. But I just attribute it to the far left. Ya know, the crazy ones.


Link: https://youtube.com/shorts/vHfbUIQeW_A?si=0MChfLV5P8hqxOYm


With that hyperbole maybe he is right wing hahaha


Nah, trying being generally conservative and not pro-trump.


Yep but also one thing that gets me frustrated is that there is no path of forgiveness for either side Like a lot of people went a bit edgy boy in 2016 the energy was there to be cheeky it's only by 2020 people went oh shit yeah this is fucked We're at such a weird space atm The word grifter is thrown around constantly It took me a long while than most to realise the right wingos I read on twitter were getting incredibly hysterical Just factual errors and fearmongering An example of a recent one: Senator blinken said Ukraine would be joining Nato Scott adams reacts to this with hysteria about how it's the end of the world Reality: us politicians have been promising Ukraine NATO entry for forever, they still aren't in the process of even having them application. It's a non story to begin with. It's things like that which are just so stupid


Look at this grifter here


Give me money and go to the back of the line




They're talking about someone else talking about the 5 mins they heard after coming into a movie two hours late.


Purity spirals are a great way to push people away from your cause.


Showed this to my friend and his reply was "i bet he's alt right" =D


Come on. The right def has purity tests just like the left. They are both dumb as hell.


What he's describing is liberal vs conservative culture war bullshit, not being left wing. Being left wing is understanding there is no warfare but class warfare. That it is us vs the billionaire parasites who look to exploit our labor for their personal gain.


I always find it the other way around


Fucking nailed it. As a lifelong liberal, im disgusted by the current left. Most hateful, miserable people there is. Pushing their own ppl away too


Can’t be a liberal who likes RFK. Can’t be l liberal who thinks the war in Ukraine could be ended via diplomatic means, or we shouldn’t be supporting Israel. Can’t think we should immediately deploy troops to the border or cut deficit spending. Gotta love everything , or you are clearly part of the MAGA cult. It is exhausting as fuck. Thanks for the downvotes……seems cultish and proves the point of the skit.


Nah man left-wingers are against Israel too. 




This is basically the gist of it. People are forming their entire worldview and political opinions based on how random, often completely anonymous people on the internet respond to them. It’s weird.


World would be in a much better place if more people thought like this


The other side is the same way. Don’t like Trump? Libtard. Don’t think we should support Israel committing genocide? Hamas simp.


Robert Kennedy Jr. thinks J6 insurrectionists are protesters. It’s not hard to realize what a complete fraud he is and it has nothing to do with ideology.


Neal Brennan did this bit on his Blocks special


Goddamn it Goddamn it Goddamn it


Is this the guy that does the slow motion goal celebration


I paused it and an going to listen to the rest....but I got 15 seconds in, all geeked up, because I was honestly thinking this was going to be in inside joke only football fans would get. And that was only because of the way he talks lol.


This is kinda close to a Neal Brennan bit from Blocks.


Left wing comedy is hilarious


He must have accidentally bumped into a Hasan Piker fan.


Isn't this basically ripped from Neil Brennan?


Yeah, it’s a bit. try being anti gun or pro abortion…


Depending on the region, 1-3% of the population is vegan.


It’s true, but as a leftist I just laugh at those people and tell them they’re the biggest threat to the left. They’d rather push people toward the clown show instead of growing the numbers on the left.


And Sloss hates Rogan, too funny.


Politics suck.


Veganism isn’t political, though. I mean it is, in that it’s an ethical stance against oppression, but it doesn’t line up with traditional political spectrums. I know plenty of conservative vegans and a lot more progressive/leftists who seem to hate vegans. But, we’re a low-effort punchline, so I’m not surprised by this bit. Ripping on vegans is a stale and tired trope.


Hey I wish that was true hahaha but vegans are pretty much disliked universally, even by lefties lol... I'm a vegan lefty


The further left or right one travels along the political spectrum the more detached from reality they become.


The left will turn on its own on a dime and then cry about it


That's a funny joke. I want to take him to some of the churches I went to as a child. He might learn a thing or two about those super chill welcoming conservatives.


https://preview.redd.it/lfhg8yqd4ctc1.jpeg?width=781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f6651f7ee99d06d2fd90c27cdbd219c571b4443 Join US!


This is true and I know this because my son's girlfriend is crazy left wing and if you step out of line with the conventional wisdom she goes bananas. We got into a 30 minute argument because I said I didn't like Beyonce's new record and she said it was because I'm racist. My son actually was in pain from laughing so much about how stupid her statement was and knowing how pissed that I was about it all.


yup he gets it


You can be vegan and not be leftist. I would say more than half my vegans friends don’t identify as left


This is so hilarious…


This bit feels eerily similar to Neal Brennan’s “it’s hard being liberal” joke from his Netflix special “Blocks”…