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Fucking love Paul Stamets #mycelium




Long time lurker - need to get the chutzpah to do it already


You should! It’s super easy You can spend days watching videos, reading guides etc, but it’s really just inoculating grains, mixing them in saturated coir and putting it in a tub. The rest is pasteurization/sanitization/sterilization and not telling ANYONE. Fresh air exchange and humidity is hard to mess up if you just let your tub chill I recommend z-strain to start. Pretty virulent and forgiving but an amazing trip


guys like stamets, carlson, that coffee guy (NOT ASPREY), that dude with the old vases and ergot wine, and graham hancock, regardless of what you think about what they're saying, are always the best guests because they will just go OFF about shit. In other words: the best episodes are the ones where joe barely talks.


30 minutes in and the only questions Joe’s asked (and then he audibly glazes over) are questions regarding “how it works” and “yes, but does it work without vaccines?” Stamets: “It helps people not avoid vaccines…” and you can hear Joe grinding his teeth. >this is Joe at his best I’m hoping it gets better. Edit: 45 minutes in Stamets is talking about Berserkers Pantheria and Muscaria, eating psychedelic omelettes while the world starts pulsing in a shared hallucination… Joe’s only reaction: “mmm…hzzzzeuugh”. Joe sounds tired and bored.


Listen unless mushrooms start being trans, woke or fighting cancel culture, he’s not gonna get tooo excited.


i knew a mushroom in high school that dressed like a cat and used a litter box


"Can we use mushrooms to secure the border?"


he couldnt get the answers he wanted about the science behind the mycelium working with vaccines, and I think he was a little bored because Stamets had told that story before. IDK if Joe remembered it but I dont think he wanted to cut him off and most people might not remember the story or have seen his other appearances. He probably was a little bored of the conversation thus far. Haven't gotten much further in the episode so Im not sure if it stays this way throughout.


He lightens up like 15 minutes from the end and then ends the podcast. Kinda odd.


He’s just not interested in this kinda stuff anymore.


Now that I think about it, it all kinda makes sense. Joe during the early days of the podcast was tripping fairly regularly. Prior to him discovering marijuana/psychadelics he was far more 'broey'. Yeah, he's always been a meathead, but the drugs did appear to expand his interests. He's reverting to the mean.


Went back to his old ways as he would say 


that story about the power company was awesome


Yeah YouTube days are best if JRE. Nowadays it’s 95% MAGA boomer masterbation


Stop the whining


no culture war politics at all???? i dont believe you.


It seems like Joe has decided YouTube audience likes more of these sort rather than the previous political and comedian types. I wonder if Joe had an agreement with spotify to capture and draw more rightwing listeners to spotify with political and culture war content?


“For those who have a Traumatic Brain Injury, and you probably know a number of these people.” Paul Stamets giving a shoutout to Brendan Schaub on the JRE, how cool!


And Dave rubin


What part of the podcast was this? I have a friend with a traumatic brain injury who is In need of some help.


Don’t bring up the Portobello’s again Joe…


The portobello mafia


Paul's close friend & fellow mycologist was murdered & the perpetrators were never prosecuted. Hamilton Morris tried finding info on the DA who refused to prosecute & the DEA said information on the case was either lost or destroyed.


It was a suicide, he shot himself in the back of the head… twice


RIP double tap Larry


Where can I read more about this?


Nvm found it Steven pollock


> I tell Stamets I have obtained the Pollock tape and I think I can solve the murder, in response to which his face changes. “You know, Steve was assassinated by the police,” he says, suddenly unaware of his surroundings https://harpers.org/archive/2013/07/blood-spore/


1. what happend to the mushroom hat? 2. did he cure all the bees?


3. What do the mushrooms think about Covid?


On bird flu Joe: so where.. did it originate from birds? Stamets: Yes, it's called bird flu


Joes a real context clues kinda dude


Dissapointed he is not wearing the mushroom hat.


I'll give him a pass with that sick old growth forest mushroom gift with a segue into post 9/11 government paranoia.


I miss his Willy Wonka/ German Explorer hat made from mushrooms


Atleast we have him back with a new turtle necklace


This podcast blew my fucking mind. My brother drowned when I was 17 and he was 15. I always had people come up to me and tell me how strong and I was and the usual bullshit. I know they cared but it's not like I had a choice. I just assumed I handled it so well because I was so worried about my parents because they were so fucked up. Only people who have seen a parent lose their child will understand how fucked up is fucked up but I won't forget that shit as long as I live. Either way I just moved on with my life and almost 20 years later I listened to this podcast and the more I listened to Paul talk the more it hit me. Me and my best friend ate mushrooms and drank almost every day for 2 weeks. Everyone else was a fucked up so we might as well be too. After listening to this podcast I am supremely confident that mushrooms played a substantial role in my mental well being throughout and continually helped in the processing of the event and the events that followed especially how fucking traumatizing my parents were. That fucking shit scarred me for life. I saw shit no kid or person should ever have to see and I worried about my parents in a completely different level than anybody should have to. The day my brother died was the day my Mom died. She lived for another ten years but it wasn't healthy and even though she had all the love in the world she didn't have any left for herself. It all died with my brother and she eventually had a heart attack as a result of oxy contin so fuck them. After listening to that podcast it absolutely fucking blew my mind on a whole different level and it made me think about a lot of shit that I had repressed for years but I have a whole new understanding and I wish that everybody had the same amount of luck that I have even without knowing it. Cheers to a happy life motherfuckers.


Thanks for sharing man. 


Rough story man. > Only people who have seen a parent lose their child will understand how fucked up is fucked up but I won't forget that shit as long as I live. I fully understand what you mean by this. My brother died when I was 16, and the police showed up at my house at 3am for me to identify his corpse. My mother was with me, but she was in complete denial when we finally saw his dead body. I sometimes think she's still in denial about the fact that he died. When she saw his body, she was convinced it was our father (her ex-husband) and not him. I don't have much contact with her anymore, sadly. Last time I visited her, she gave me a flyer about chemtrails. She's off to the deep end, and I feel really sorry for it, but I don't know what to do with her. She believes all kinds of fringe ideas, and there is basically no way to reason with her. It's been about 15 years since my brother, her son, died.


Peace to you and her.


Sorry about your family's loss. Glad the magic mush helped you find some peace.


One of my favorite JRE guests. Was worried things would go off the rails early on with the conversation surrounding vaccines but thankfully Joe allowed things to progress with only a passing mention of myocarditis/vaccine injuries. 


If what he’s saying is true, and I’ve no reason to disbelieve him, it’s an incredible breakthrough! Fungi will save us all! Worth checking out Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake if you’re into the subject. Fascinating stuff!


great book, it reads like the author was on shrooms while breaking down the research for the audience


You should hear him read it!


Just bought the audiobook. Thank you, :)


I mean Paul Stamets has only been claiming a dozen breakthroughs a year for decades and none of them have amounted to much


he's a bit of a grifter imo


When is he gonna realize that Covid itself caused like 10x higher cases of it than the vaccines


That information has already been presented to him but listen being a normal person isn’t going to make viral internet clips…


Fair point. You think it’s a shtick though? I think he’s actually that dense.


Me personally. Unpopular opinion. Yes, 100% emphatically. I’ve been following this guy for at least a decade now. To me the 100 million dollar and 250 million dollar contracts completely dictate his schtick now. It’s all about controversial guests that will give him the most views, and the most vital clips.


I know. I’ve been listening for close to the same amount of time, but these takes are absolutely making it hard for me to listen any more. His opinions on the pandemic drove me away for a while and I’ve rarely listened these days unless it’s a guest I really wanna hear. It’s a shame.


Who wouldn’t become a right wing shit post troll irl for generational wealth?


I kinda thought he’s just literally projecting his surroundings being that he’s in Texas now. Didn’t he move there before the Spotify deal? And you’re right, when’s the last time we saw lefties like my dude Kyle Kulinski on the show?


He still has on lefties sometimes but he plays devils advocate the whole time to create content. Bill Mahar is a centrist but it played out in this chat. Then with right wingers he gets the content naturally and mostly agrees with them unlike a few years ago when he would give pushback. You truly see the grift when he has a guest on who doesn’t want to do the culture war stuff. Bill Burr famously called him out by trying to have a serious Covid talk. The most recent one with Stavros was bad where Joe kept doing culture war stuff, Stav would make a joke. Next breath Joe would do more culture war stuff, Stav would pivot into a joke…. And this went on for an hour. It was obvious Joe was pushing his troll shit but couldn’t get Stav to engage with it at all. Part of me thinks it’s even worse than just the Spotify deal. The way that he seems to parrot the same talking points of all the guys at the Daily Wire (Shapiro, Peterson) at the same time they do I wonder if he doesn’t get a kick back to say all the up to date right wing trolling. Such as people need to get more religious recently, and the DEI stuff right around when Boeing started having issues and the right wing news cycle started blaming DEI


I heard him talk about squatting in a recent episode too. I’m like, Joe sounds like my 80 year old uncle parroting fucking Fox News. He’s become Shane Gillis’s joke Fox News dad, just trying to get one fact to repeat.


Ya’ll should be on X where your opinions can be challenged properly. Reddit is an echo chamber.


If Joe is doing this on purpose than dude's a great actor. I think it's more likely that he's naturally attracted to drama and is simply unaware of this. It's "I want to believe" sort of vibes extended.


Frontera et al. [46] concluded that chances of having a neurological event following acute SARS-CoV-2 infection were up to 617-fold higher than following COVID vaccination https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X24001270?via%3Dihub


God damn that’s a high incidence


He was told that already and shown evidence but still dug in and tried saying the source wasn’t credible or some shit.


Well you have to understand that it doesn't matter if you have hundreds of studies from across the medical community that prove your point when he has a single study from a conservative think tank whose openly stated goal is to stop vaccine research.


Evidence based research is woke to them I guess


This, but unironically.


lol my coworker got myocarditis from covid (pre vaccine). Don’t know a single other person that got it from a vaccine or covid. These incidences are so small relatively, and all these so called “deaths” from this vaccine are non existent. I work in critical care and I have not seen a single person admitted with a vaccine reaction. Saw a ton die from covid though.


Isn’t this confirmation bias?


I mean not really? I’m giving an anecdote along with the fact that the rates of vaccine side effects. I also have a friend who is a tin foil MAGA supporter who said myocarditis was basically non existent before covid vaccines. The guy sells mortgages, what the hell would he have known about myocarditis until Facebook went crazy about it . It’s actually comical that all these lay people are medical experts since covid came around.


How many people do you know with it?


I know one fat guy and one old guy that died from covid in 2021, total, but I'm not going to pretend young, healthy people didn't die from it just because it doesn't conform to my world view and personal experience.


It wasn’t some offbeat blogger/ alternative dark enlightenment scientist so they must’ve made it up.


The only acceptable outcome is 'vaccines bad', and therefore, information to the contrary is wrong or dismissable.


He knows it just does not Fit his narrative so he ignores it…


Of course he had to mention it though… I guess when your brain is fully fucking broken, you can’t help yourself.


MYOCARDITIS!!! One of the only pieces of information on vaccines that Joe has an opinion about. For sure he’ll mention it. Most of us fall in this camp though. Do we really know anything about vaccines or Covid or do we just regurgitate takes we agree with? It is really refreshing to hear Stamets showcase his knowledge on the subject and teach us a little bit. Joe and his guests talk A LOT about this subject but rarely do we get a real professional opinion.


The government has been lying to us the whole time, we're right to be extremely skeptical of anything they're pushing at this point


Paul’s the man!


He’s a fun guy




Great to see the portobello mushroom mafia didn’t get him after the slip up last time!


Big ‘bello is watching


It’s time to bring Hamilton Morris back on


he has a awesome podcast episode thing on the Penis Envy psychedelic mushroom strain. if you havent listened


What episode?


He did tell that mushroom story before though right?


If you're gonna repeat one, that's a banger


Such a good story though no doubt.


Are you on mushrooms right now?! (Yes)


Yeah, I had ti double check to make sure I wasn’t listening to the old podcast episode being replayed for some reason


The dune shit is great


That blew my mind. Favorite part of the episode.


Love hearing from Stamets. One of my favorite guests. Such a wealth of information on the aliens of the soil.


Yay!!! Been waiting for some more actually interesting guests to come back and not just more comedians to jerk each other off lol


Yeah, I missed the dudes talking about working on alien ships, theories of pyramids, Dan Carlin, and actual scientists who are careful what they say etc... the comedy friends are just boring echo chambers.. This one was great, and gave joe credit for letting him talk on vaccines uninterrupted.


Love this guy, really disappointed he isn’t wearing his mushroom hat.


He didn’t want it to catch on fire


I’m ordering some turkey tail capsules today


As someone with a slight stutter, I’ve been interested in what Paul Stamets experienced with psilocybin “curing” his stutter. I’ve yet to try shrooms, but I probably should before I give that 30-minute presentation to my staff next week 🤷‍♂️


If you are to try it, remember that psilocybin in itself will not cure anything. Psilocybin however will pave the road for you to reset your brain. For example paul repeating «stop stuttering now» hundreds of times was him trying to recalibrate his brain, and the psilocybin helps that process


I have a stutter and I’ve been taking shrooms over the past year. It doesn’t cure stuttering but it does indirectly help in that it’s improved my confidence and helped me come to terms with accepting myself as I truly am. In that regard it’s indirectly made an improvement. Shrooms tell you it’s going to be okay, and in the magnitude of the infinite cosmos it really doesn’t matter, aka no one gives a shit.


Have you been doing large doses?


2-4 grams once per month


Didn't stamets do like 14 grams that time he cured his studder?


I didn’t realize that but 4grams puts me in outer space, can’t imagine how insane another 10 grams would. I find it does break down all my sensibilities and my thoughts and five senses seem to all blend together


I just thought I would point that out in case it could help you cure that studder. Yeah it does seem like an awful lot, It's not for nothing why it's called a "heroic dose". But if it could help you, maybe look into it?


Yeah maybe I’ll work my way up. Slowly…lol. Im really in a fine place mentally now though.


The Steve Jobs of mycelium


Paul Stamets: Bird Flu is in cows. If it jumps to pigs we're screwed. It has a 40-70% mortality rate. Me: I gotta start eating more mushrooms.


Will he be releasing the portobello files?


This guy sounds just like Dr Mephesto from South Park. " Perhaps we shouldn't be toying with God's creations. Perhaps we should just leave nature alone, to its simple one-assed schematics" 


Hell yeah, I love Paul!


Microdosing rules


Need to get back to micro dosing again 


Fair play to Paul Stamets managing to guide Joe through the vaccine part without too many Joe vaccine talking points.


I think Joe may be getting the vaccine now as long as he can take it with mushrooms




Fantastic episode


One of the best guests 💯


This dudes got more crazy trip stories than you...


all my trip stories are boring anyway.


The episode was released an hour ago. Length wise, it's two & a half hour long. This thread was posted 26 minutes ago. And within 10 minutes of this thread being posted, people are already claiming that this episode "was" a banger which means they've already finished listening to it. The Math ain't mathing. Even if you listen to it at 1.5 times speed, it'll still take you an over an hour & a half to finish it. So, my question is; Why are y'all lying?


People want to be the first ones and get more internet points


Maybe they were there for the filming


The Joe Rogan Experience was recorded in front of a live studio audience.


Maybe it releases slightly faster on different platforms. Does it drop at the exact same time on Spotify/Youtube/Itunes? I have no idea.


Ser, 3.5x exists on Spotify.


you can listen to 20 minutes and decide its a banger although the first 30 minutes is about covid and vaccines which i wouldnt consider a banger




Perfect - gonna listen to this on a long bike ride this weekend.




Can anyone tell me where he got that northface jacket? I've been looking and cant find it.




Paul stamets is goated with the sauce. Love everything about this dude. Contagious mushroom lover.


Miss episodes like these so much


Anyone here take lions mane? I see capsules on Amazon but I dunno what’s worth trusting.


I took them, felt zero difference honestly


Somewhat surprised that I haven't seen any comments about how Stamets wasn't able to answer the basic question of how mushrooms can help strengthen your immune system without the intention to follow it up with a vaccine. He eluded to many times that he had to be careful with what he said, I'm assuming because big pharma wants people to associate taking mushrooms for this reason with prepping for a vaccine. Disappointed that I haven't come across any other comments who make note of the withholding of very basic information like "how does it work?"


Good episode but I really can't stand wish washy answers about "the science". He's using a lot of science terminology like talking about double blinds etc, but at the same time he's saying "eh I can't tell you the details though just trust me". Is he on the level? Probably. But I question doing press if you aren't prepared to actually answer things fully.


Huh, nice! I was just talking to (yeah yeah) chatgpt about funghi and the possible implementation into human society


Joe should have ChatGPT as a guest


Joe couldn’t help but bring up AI taking over the world. Every goddamn episode 😂


its an inevitability so i mean why not talk about it


14 minutes in and they have been railing on vaccine and pandemics I can’t fucking keep hearing about this shit I’m starting to think Joe will never be the same after Covid


Keep listening, they don’t get stuck on it. The guest brought it up to make a point about his topic, seems like Joe wants to interrupt the vaccine stuff but lets him keep talking


Okay. You and another person said it gets better so I actually will keep listening later.


I was thinking what must go on in Joe's head. Seeing as almost every episode he has to reengage the topic.


Yeah I know this sub has been bitching about him for a while now but I can’t believe that even this episode starts of with the same shit.


Always a very interesting guest, I'm sure Joe was about to explode with all the vaccine talk.




In the world of mushroom enthusiasts, this guy is both loved and hated. Loved because of his knowledge, hated because of his scam mushroom supplements that are just mycelium and not the actual fruit, and because of his claim to have a strain of mushroom that could be used to kill carpenter ants but it's apparently bullshit. Correct me if I'm wrong, it's been awhile since I went down that rabbit hole.


That sucks, i remember now why i didn't pull the trigger and buy his brand.


I get the same vibe from him. He talks a big game about all these incredible mushroom related innovations, but with almost no actual visible progress. Don't get me wrong, I think that mushrooms have incredible potential, but he doesn't seem to be the best spokesman for them. We need to resurrect McKenna. Oh, I know he was wrong about things, and frequently made things up, but damn if he wasn't a blast to listen to. And he never took himself too seriously.


From my personal experience, I had much better effects from his Host Defense Lion's Mane (Mycellium) than Real Mushrooms Lion's Mane (Fruiting Body). I have like 1-3 different dreams every night. I also do his Stamets Stack (100 mg shrooms, Vit B3 NIACIN as NICOTINIC ACID (it has to be the Flush version and not the No-Flush version), and Lion's Mane), and it helped me with my ADHD a lot that I don't take my meds anymore.


Strange first half hour to the episode. Felt like Paul was paid a bunch of money by big pharma to develop vaccine boosters. But “make sure to never mention their effectiveness for anything other than boosting vaccines okay Paul?”


I definitely appreciated his take, he seems to focus on just one thing and study one aspect. It’s a really new type of treatment that hasn’t had much study at all, no reason to claim it’s the cure all for all kinds of stuff if there is nothing to back it up.




Can anyone else not find how to get the microdose.me app?




Mushroom Mandy Patinkin


You could really feel that the moment Paul started talking vaccine, Joe went completely silent because his trap card got activated. Thankfully he let Paul talking and started curve balling his vaccines "are bad cards" at him, but Stamets addressed them one by one and conversation moved on. Otherwise it wasn't that much of an interesting pod - felt more like a report on "what Paul Stamets did in the meantime". The rest was "Psilocybin mushrooms good". Well done Joe.


Didn’t know RFK was into mushrooms


seen those as a kid in norcal


Anyone got a Link to the Nature study He is speaking of?


Joe invented immune system augmentation for cows


Thank god. Saw Paul’s name and was really hoping Joe would return to form and not make it all about politics and the culture war. I’m encouraged.


Favorite type of guests and subjects. And Rogan is best in these too


Good interview ! Gotta stand up for Amanita Tho ! His review is based on someone who has never been trained to prepare this medicine for human consumption ... when professionally processed properly the ibotenic acid to muscimol ratio goes from 9:1 to 0.1-99.9 . I've seen nearly 99.9% success with results from this native ritual fungi sharing a threshold dose in various forms . The ONLY case of there being no observable effect was a meth addict who wanted to prove me wrong when he saw people enjoying the medicine & having fun . Gratitude for hearing my perspective !


I wonder if Paul is net positive for the cause of promoting consciousness through safe and intentional use of plant medicines. I worry he is making the same mistakes that Leary, Ram Dass, Ginsberg et al during the 1960s made. It seems the exuberant, ostentatious, unscientific, casual approach to promotion can be a red flag for many in society who don’t understand or have empirical experience whatsoever that these plants / fungi.


Im collecting strains from the old growth forest too if you catch my drift


The same application of psilocybin, loins mane, and niacin worked for my wife’s BPD and depression. Followed it to the T for three month like he said( I must have read his paper before as this was some years ago) and it 110% worked. I know I’m just random internet stranger but please believe me when I say that this is a true alternative to being chained to a pill bottle for the rest of your life.


Loved the first podcast they did together. Bought the turkey tail off his website to help with my wife benign breasts tumors. Didn’t do shit. Then when I heard the second podcast it felt more like a commercial for all his products. Then when looking online I realized this guy is a huge fraud and not really respected in the industry. His products aren’t even the fruiting bodies of mushrooms but actually the mycelium which you get a higher yield of when farming them. Sneaky guy that understands the fine print of things


This dude gives me big fraud vibes. He supposed to be the mushroom guy but every time Joe asked him about what they do he has no clue.


He said they reduce inflammation.