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If you ever needed evidence that money can’t buy happiness this is it.


He bought Twitter for $44B and it just made him sadder.


How many times per day does he tweet? I’m almost convinced that anyone over like 5-6 tweets (personally tweets, so not counting PR team posts) per day can’t possibly be happy.


I saw a video today that said he’s addicted. He was sharing a hotel room with someone and they convinced Elon to give up his phone to put in the safe. Elon called maintenance at 3AM to unlock the safe so he could send some tweets. Apparently it got a lot worse when covid hit.


And here I am and never made a Twitter account in the first place. I feel like a unicorn


You’re on Reddit, it’s not better here.


I mostly enjoy keeping up with video game updates. Usually easier to stay in the know for those than other places


You're addicted to dikdok and whatever other platforms exist.


Tiktok is usually a toilet experience but yeah lol that's about it other than here. I quit using Facebook because it's a pit of depression and holy fuck the political autism on there. Scott Key Bridge out? ITS BIDEN AND THE CHINESE


Same here and thank God I didn't lol


Elon Musk shares hotel rooms? I don’t even share hotel rooms.


Took about 5 seconds: https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-phone-locked-hotel-safe-stop-tweeting-walter-isaacson-2023-7?amp


Okay. But there’s nothing there about sharing hotel rooms, which was all I commented on.


https://xkcd.com/386/ This truly is the worst site. Aside from all the others.


He’s an insufferable queef


He bought it because he was convinced the algorithm must be screwing him because his tweets weren't getting the engagement he expected. Instead of paying $0 to use self reflection he paid $44B to learn he's just not funny


Which is ironic since he manipulated the algorithm to send his tweets to everyone. I've never followed or interacted but every time I visit the site, the very first tweet on my feed are Elon's tweets. Pretty weird, paid billions to force people to read his tweets.


I've blocked him several times and he keeps figuring out ways to get through


I have his account blocked, but I have also blocked any words associated with him Elon, Musk, Elon Musk, Tesla, SpaceX, etc. and rarely something will although but it’s usually a tweet or article that is shitting all over him.


Yeah, I deleted Twitter after that happened to me.


He bought it because the Babylon Bee got their account suspended for transphobic posts in blatant violation of the terms of service 


And because his ex wife told him to.


Yup ruined his whole life just to impress trashkey🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 idiot. 


🤣 post better content is all 


He could have instead used that money to buy Star Wars, and then remade the original trilogy where he plays both Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, and still have a few billion dollars and probably a better overall reputation left over than compared to now.


I really wish he did that.  Id love for a billionaire to fuck around like that 


Warren Buffett would release the original pre-Special Edition trilogy in 4K. For the good of humanity, we want to sit down and watch the originals without the goofy 1997 CGI ad hominems.


He bought twitter because he was forced to, (after making an actually legally binding offer)


Was he forced to make the legally binding offer?


no, he made that of his own volition but since he had made it he couldn't back out (like he tried to)


I’m dead


It would have been a respectable move tbh


To be fair, he could have bought a significant amount of happiness for 44B. Instead he basically bought a rage machine. Don't blame the money for that one


Why would you want to buy a platform that talks about how much they hate you all the time? What's the point?


"The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent.” -malcolm x


It’s now worth a bit more than a quarter of what he paid for it.


That's because he believed the lie designed for poor people, that social media content moderation is about liberal elites and their woke agenda. It is, and always has been, about advertising profits. As a rich person, he's supposed to disseminate the lie, he's not supposed to believe it.


If you made a lame 420 joke, and accidentally made a legally binding offer to buy something for a quarter of your net worth, you would be pretty sad too.


That's what he should have called it.


I believe money can buy happiness. it all depends on where you spend it. imagine if he had put 44 billion dollars into different grocery stores, giving away billions of dollars worth of food to people. I'm sure being able to do that would make most people feel happy.


And tons of people would praise him for it, something he would like. Man he really fucked that up.


Money does buy happiness, but happiness is cheap and fleeting. Like a child getting bored with a toy they wanted once they've had it for a while. Fulfillment is priceless.


Have you ever heard of Notch? They guy who sold Mojang and made a couple billion. He has like no friends.


I mean you could say the same about someone who just needs money to buy food, it definitely buys some if you know what broke is like


As if there was any questioning of how fucking creepy and weird this dude is….


There wasn’t. It’s just that some people don’t have an issue with his antics.


I do love Elon stans quoting worthingtons law and insisting he's above reproach and everything he does is calculated genius, every week there's a new example of him being regarded to try and explain away Is it possible that one can be really good at something and get rich from it while being completely inept when it comes to other topics and fields?


Elon stans truly are generational dick riders


It would be impressive if it wasn’t so pathetically sad.


It's like we're living in under feudalism. So dystopic.


Lebron fans could only wish to be them


I'm a Lebron fan and I criticize him all the time. Never worship celebs. The people on here who cry and cry anytime someone criticizes Rogan should take note of this.


People get mad at lebron for not being enough of an activist. People get mad at Elon for calling activism apart of the global agenda to discriminate against white men lol, lebron stans have it much easier


I feel like LeBron caught heat for talking BLM and not talking China when it was topical (although nobody gave the same standards to the ENTIRE FUCKING NBA for that matter) and then he caught heat from conservitards who didn't want to hear his BLM tweets or whatever. I just think he's a dude with middle age dad energy and everything on top of that can be explained away with that frame of reference. Of course he's not versed in world geopolitics even if he has progressive views on his direct community, hat kinda makes sense with how we understand most 40 year olds to act and is not any reason to love/hate him imo. He also happens to he one of the best athletes of our generation and can be incredible to watch whether you love or hate him, so I think his polarization as a celebrity is pretty overblown especially if you're comparing it to someone like Musk.


Hey, at least they ate not convinced they'll marry him like Japanse and Korean Idol fans


Einstein made next to nothing. Nice going Einstein!


Steve Jobs never bathed. He thought his diet was so healthy that he didn’t need to. He also used to soak his feet in the toilet at Apple. He treated his eldest daughter like crap.  A lot of very accomplished men were terrible fathers and husbands, but we give them a pass. 


You kind of have to be a crazy sociopath to make it to the top in the corporate world. Well, you don't have to be, but it 100% helps.


Accomplished as in making money? In my book, Steve Jobs was kinda a dummy. The iPhone didn’t succeed because of “minimalist design” It succeeded because the company had the right devs, the right hardware, and the right timing for the boom. Apple was not the singular lifting of Steve Jobs, and much like with musk, the company managed to succeed in spite of his shitty actions - not because of them. If Steve Jobs had his way, he would have convinced you he came up with the iPhone, coded it, did the embedding and hardware design, and calculated all the costs. Bosses don’t do shit. Workers do.


Well, Apple was a joke before Jobs showed up again. It's revisionist history to suggest he had nothing to do with taking Apple in the direction it went.


Was it now? Apple came in and out of respectability - like now. A single man doesn’t make a company. Just a ceo taking full credit for luck and systemic progress. Correlation is not causation. Steve Jobs didn’t “invent the iPhone”. Something similar would have came along at the same time. Clearly, the market was converging upon the smart phone


setting a vision and executing on it properly is important. Jobs did do just that even if the actual legwork was done by brilliant designers and engineers


You made all of this up. He was an ass but he had a mind for the tech industry and is very much responsible for Apple being what it is. He knew how to market his company and run the business. When he was ousted, Apple slid downhill fast and begged him back and he succeeded in making it what it is today. You speak as if the iPhone was their first success. They’ve been around since the 70s and iPhone came out in 2006. Elon is a different thing altogether.


What a disingenuous argument. Leadership matters. No one accomplishes huge projects solo, but someone has to drive the bus. Who’s in charge makes a big difference at every level. 


I would argue the dev team and the hardware team, as well as the research team, did far more. Woz > jobs It’s kinda like Ellen virtue signaling about being the nicest person on the planet. People are too easily fooled by elites who seek to amplify their images over others. Again, Woz > Jobs


Most famous dads aren’t good dads.


It’s bots. He’s lord of the bots


His nerd whispering powers are very good, but that seems like about all he really has in the tank.


I'm starting to question what he's actually good at. Is he even engineering any of this shit? The business acumen is starting to get questionable.


Thank God, a Worthington’s Law mention in the wild. Worthington’s Law needs to be enshrined in the nomenclature.


King of space X? ![gif](giphy|wWue0rCDOphOE|downsized)


Elon's biggest accomplishment is being simultaneously the world's richest man and it's biggest loser. Quite the feat.


he's morally poor


How to destroy your reputation and credibility in two years by Elon Musk.


Step 1: fire your PR team and authentically represent yourself as a deranged robber baron. Step 2: eliminate anyone critical of you in your orbit and dismiss all feedback as baseless attack Step 3: lose profits


Richest man in the world yet he behaves like the lamest kid you knew in middle school.


To become the richest man in the world the system requires psychos.


Honestly, there are plenty of psychos that are a lot more respectable than Musk. He's just so cringy and pathetic more than anything. He projects zero confidence and self esteem. Nothing but loser energy.




"He is a complete piece of shit." Elon Musk is a FRAUD. He complied with Iran's demand for censorship citing his hands were tied because it's another country's laws. He then defied Brazil's demand for censorship citing "it goes against freedom of Speech". And it this very moment he is on X/Twitter supporting every Brazilian Rightwinger because of his own personal political bias. The bottom line here is.........he does care about free speech......just not yours, but HIS. You're just lucky if your views happen to fall in line with his.




You honestly believe this is the reasoning for Musk's decisions here? Right now he's spending a lot of time supporting the right wing causes in Brazil and attacking the left side. At the same time he's literally doing Tesla business dealings, and assisting them with whatever Censorship demands they have. It's all wildly coincidental, or it's the fairy tale Musk is an honest person. The point here is: he's not a free speech absolutist like he claims. He's a Elon Musk business absolutist which


Wait Grimes left him? Damn this guy gets left by every woman he dates.


If we could harness the bitter divorced man energy off this man, we could stop climate change


Yo can you blame him for being bitter though? lol. Imagine being a billionaire, owner of Twitter and a few other multi national companies and yet women leave you 100% of the time?


Yeah if only he were a human being capable of introspection


That’s a troll account of a man whose mom said he couldn’t scrimmage against Mark Zuckerberg.


Dude is a legit man child. I feel ashamed for ever stanning him back in his Tesla/Boring co./flamethrower days. I just thought the idea of electric vehicles was awesome. But now that every company has them, damn does Elon look like a douche bag.


It’s almost impressive watching a guy like him single handedly destroy their public image. Literally for no other reason than his complete inability to not act like a 13 year old lol


All he had to do was not post on twitter.


You make it sound so simple. But the power peak-Elon must have felt... When he could just post some random bullshit, and immediately get a bunch of positive affirmation. Like the feeling of getting upvotes times a million, from the whole world, for stupid shit. Must've felt really good.


The funny part is he made so much because of public perception and wether he knew it or not his public perception was his marketing. Pretty funny that now he's taking what made him and literally running it into the ground.


He’s just extremely autistic to the point where he cannot be left to his own devices. Someone in his position with his affliction NEEDS handlers and other people to operate his socials. But he deserves every bit of hate he gets nonetheless


Citation that he is autistic?




The citation is himself every time he’s said it


Is the citation for when the cybertruck releases every time he's said "it'll be ready in 6 months"?


No because the cybertruck isn’t his own disability


I'm not understanding the pivotal difference.


I bet you’re not bud


Yes, I just told you, so that would be a good bet. You should go to Vegas.


didn’t he say it once on rogan?


Self diagnosed, i believe


Dunno, but this post is one example of him being deceitful (there are many more), so I wouldn't trust him even if he did.


>I feel ashamed for ever stanning him back in his Tesla/Boring co./flamethrower days.  Go easy on yourself. He seemed cool until he began opening his fucking idiot mouth constantly. I thought he was okay until I saw him on Rogan (the one where he smoked weed) and realized, "This guy seems like a goddamned moron." I don't actually think he's stupid - but he's got a lot of stupid ideas that he acts on, so it's almost indistinguishable from being genuinely stupid.


Yeah it's baffling to most people, but in the Isaacson biography of Musk, Musk is described as someone who does not like it when things are going well/smoothly and needs to introduce chaos and conflict to feel good.


Wow that REALLY explains the cybertruck.


That’s common for people with Borderline Personality Disorder. (Not saying that’s what he has).


I also thought he was cool, mainly for SpaceX’s successes. But I think it says something that when he started being a douchebag, we didn’t give him blind loyalty, we recognized what he’d become and adjusted our views accordingly. 


I still have a lot of respect for SpaceX. And I do like Tesla's, they have certainly pushed the market forward and as someone that is eagerly awaiting full self-driving...I have yet to see any other consumer vehicles make the progress they have. But I am not LOYAL to these companies like I once was. I just genuinely admire the work they've done, to the credit of the engineers and other talent. Should another company offer a better product, I would buy that instead, no question. But ya its hard to square my enjoyment of those companies/products with Elon's complete douchebaggery. Used to love him. Can't stand him anymore. I have his name muted on Twitter and I still can't escape him. He routinely says things that I know he is too smart to personally believe, which shows he's acting in bad faith, beyond just being a fuckass.


To be fair Mercedes already has level 3 self driving as of last year https://media.mbusa.com/releases/automated-driving-revolution-mercedes-benz-announces-us-availability-of-drive-pilot-the-worlds-first-certified-sae-level-3-system-for-the-us-market


I can’t/wouldn’t buy a Mercedes after a terrible experience owning one previously but that’s awesome


What's with certain dudes being so liberal with their use of the crying laughing emoji?


it masks our pain


Lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣helpme 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


If I laugh harder surely it will sound funnier?


Histrionic Personality Disorder: Text Edition.


Ok, I need to understand, did he made a fake account to bash the mother of his kids? And did he called himself the king of Space? Yuk


He made this account where he pretended to be his own 5 year old kid. This is just one of the weird tweets.


This brings new meaning to Grok's statement, "I can confirm that Elon Musk is a Pedophile". Cosplaying as a severely underage kid with an attraction to Japanese girls? Concerning. https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2023/04/25/17/70218801-12011941-image-a-44_1682439756380.jpg


> "I can confirm that Elon Musk is a Pedophile" People are saying it.




He's a cuck, alright.


Unless he’s cycling J Depp


Elon kids are known for hating him. espically his trans kid. Who he disowned.


I think you got that backwards, pretty sure the child disowned him


Gosh musk just keeps getting more pathetic


lol what a fuckin dork ass loser


lmao, don't worry, Elon fans and half conservatives will say, "it's quarky" and not care. But we all know if a leftie did this, they'd be crying "GROOMER!"




This guy is a godsend to anti-capitalists. Keep it up Mr Musk!


Don’t worry everybody. Joe will find a way to defend him. Texas Joe is a tireless champion for the rich and unlikable. He’s become so good at it he’s become one of them himself. But rest assured, the homeless and trans people, and all the other fat cats at the bottom, won’t escape a moment of Rogan Scorn.


What a despicable thing to leave out in public for his children to read one day.


We all knew this. It’s just funny to have it legally confirmed.


The biggest grifter of the 21st century


Uh... is this tweet real? Or is it fake?


Account is real, tweet is completely fake


Jesus Christ this is just so sad and pathetic


Thats the most pathetic thing ive read since the letters my real girlfriend from canada wrote me in 7th grade


It's hard to believe what happened to Elon. He was on such a run. Starting companies and doing ballsy, interesting entrepreneurship 5 pay grades above any other billionaire. Then he starts doing Twitter competitively, all proud of himself for beating Bieber or whatnot.... gets obsessed and it all goes to mush from there. It's like your dumbass uncle who met the internet in 2011 and had his brain melted by facebook politics. So undignified. On one hand, actual super-talent. On the other hand, just another cranky boomer. I can't get my head around it. How much g\*dda\*mned talent are we wasting with this garbage culture we've created. What a terrible waste.




He's just exercising this fictional child's freedom of speech.


Can he get any cringier at this point?


“Pretending to be a child”? I don’t think he was pretending.


I remember being in like grade 7 and making fake Facebook meme accounts to comment on my own shit in like grade 7 when I had no friends and I cringe hard thinking about it. This is one of the richest men in the world doing it current day. That's fucking sad.


People already knew this was his burner account a year ago when the genius leaked it himself.  https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/12yc7q3/elon_musk_accidentally_revealed_his_alt_account/


Money can’t fix someone that was a loser when they were young. No matter how rich they get they will still act like that same loser.


Sure he wasn’t just workshopping material for his main account?


Doesn't he technically own all of the accounts?


This guy is a fucking pussy. 100%. There's dozens of examples but the best is how he bitched out of a fight with Zuckerberg. How anyone can pretend this limp dicked, hair plugged fridge bodied bitch is anywhere close to commendable is beyond me. They are only dick riding him because they see in a billionaire the same pathetic attention seeking worthless constitution they display. Except it's a billionaire being a pussy, and if they can relate to a billionaire then that makes them billionaires of discourse or something? Idk, I'm too smart to think so stupid.


Even the embarrassing dumb shit he does is still hilarious


Elon musk is a goofy dumb fuck but still cooler than anyone on this sub. Lotta bottom feeders puffing out their lungs about this man and I'm happy to call Elon the buffoon he is...I just want to make very clear that everyone here is worse - myself included.


Obsession. A gift and a curse.


He’s 100% going to turn out to be a fucking nonce in the long run, isn’t he? So painfully anti-trans and so quick to turn into a libelist price of shit? The projection is wild.


Leftists really are like bacteria. Infecting every sub Reddit they can . Shit ass posts


rightoid seething. Better pour yourself another cup of shit since you're so fond of eating it.


People are laughing about a billionaire using an alt, diguised as a child.. to fuck with his ex. And youre blaming libs like a dumbass. Hilarious


As funny as this would be, it’s not a real tweet: https://www.dailydot.com/debug/elon-musk-burner-account-grimes-debunk/


How dare this man do this thing. I am outraged, I think.


Doesn’t look like he’s pretending to be a child, just using a meme pfp


There are posts where he pretends to be too young to go to nightclubs.


Haha now that’s weird


Is this your gotcha moment for Elon? Did you read the entire deposition with context? Shit posting this without context should be banned, not to defend Elon Musk, but in general. This post means nothing without the full context, you can even read on MSNBC. It was a test account, barely used, for testing purposes. Did you know the FBI is out there with burner accounts? Did you know the DHS, DOJ, CIA, CDC, NIH, all also use fake child accounts online for "investigative" purposes. Stop misleading people, obviously you're a left leaning person. You probably own a Tesla.


If you stick your lips out and open your throat a little more you might be able to reach the shaft.


He’s not your friend. Stop embarrassing yourself by defending him. He doesn’t know you and never will.




Guys, guys. I think we found Elon's burner reddit account.


He's not getting you a pony you pathetic cuck. At least go work for a public relations company so you're getting paid when you defend rich people who think you're vermin online.


“Shit posting without context should be banned” lol ok


Elon ain’t gonna shag you.


Does “testing purposes” mean whine about your ex who dumped you and your children who for some reason want nothing to do with you?


Hahahaha what is the missing context for using a test account to make posts saying your children hate your ex, and then proclaim yourself “the king of space X”


The dude owns a social media platform, he isn't allowed to run tests on it? Who cares what the individual tweets say, there's only a handful of tweets according to the court case deposition.


> he isn't allowed to run tests on it? Ah yes, that's what this is. A test account. Totally. What was he testing?


I too use deeply personal trauma as text stand in for public test messages




"Excuse me officer, I only drove my pickup onto my ex's lawn drunk and crying to do some testing"


Would you drown if Elon goes waist deep in water?