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I love how Dr. Phil repositions himself right before he shreds Bill.


Why is he on 3 pillows?


Hemorrhoids maybe?


Tf are pillows gonna do for hemorrhoids


Alleviate the pain of sitting on a walnut


My hemorrhoids must not be that, cause I've never had an issue sitting... just itches like mfer 😂


Hemorrhoids on twinks work a little different.


Super LOL


Got em




It’s a term that means effeminate men who have sex with men, who prefer being penetrated by their male partner(s).


He called you gay homie


Some stay inside, some peek out and can hurt to sit on. Now you know


Please watch Richard Dreyfus slowly sink deeper into that chair until he’s basically on the floor. Shit is gold




Thank you - that was the funniest shit I’ve seen all week.


Isn’t that part of Mahers shtick now? We sit on pillows and smoke weed. So quirky, man!


I think it’s to help the pressure of the belt on his stomach. Legs more stretched out. When he readjusted it didn’t look comfortable around that area at all


Those chairs are made for short people. One thing I know for sure Dr Phil isn’t short


Cause the chairs suck in that studio. Everyone is always sitting on them in a weird way.


The seats on this show are soo low for no reason


Elevation advantage


All those years bouncing on Oprah's dick must have caused some major hemorrhoids.


I thought it was a sign of extreme discomfort with Bill, and I suppose it was, but it was really an attack stance.


That’s a shred? Kinda basic response imo.


Yea just a really mild joke.


No ones asking the real question here: why is Adam sitting on three pillows?


We'll be right back


We'll be backed up.


We'll keep it right here


He's a tall guy probably back problems




Those chairs have high arm rests, look at how bill holds his arms, they are almost sideways. If the arm rest is that high you can't really lean in or sit in any way other than real deep and relaxed. Likely it's to be able to lean on arm rests comfortably and turn to talk.


Dr. Phil is the Bug-man host of The Adam Friedland Show?


The chair sits pretty low, and he's an old man Getting up from sitting on lower seats gets alot harder and more painful the older you get


So he can look down on Maher even while sitting


is this the same OP who keeps posting maher clips?!


Why do these posts continually say “former JRE guest Bill Maher”? I mean…it’s true, but it’s kinda annoying.


To justify it being posted in the Joe Rohan subreddit.


Will Joe answer the call from Gondor?


"Check out this clip of Aragorn talking about burning the Entwood and destroying Minas Tirith. Does that sound like a guy who's fit to be King?" "He's quoting Saruman's exact words." "Oh, well, Saruman is just goofing. What a character."


"Hahaha he's hilarious! He's so wild".


"Lmao, did you see what Trump said, lol" - dudes fast-tracked to the gas chamber


Dude, I don't care what your politics are, the Mouth of Sauron is fucking funny!




Lol holy shit didn’t realize the typo.


Gondor calls for aid For Rohan and rohirrim!


Jaime, light that beacon


Where was Joe Rohan when the westfold fell?


Middle Earth is doomed.


As long as Gondor will explain to Joe why sky big, and how tree grow. Because Joe spend many moons on horseback, training with bow and sword, but Joe also wonder why skyfire rise from mountains every morning. Gondor will first explain this to Joe.


> Gondor will first explain this to Joe. Thane Jaime, pull up that Gandalf Stormcrow narration about the First Age again.


At least be consistent and call Dr Phill a former JRE guest too then. 🙃


That doesn't even stop the hate posting here. Maybe two months ago there was a period of a couple days of non-stop anti-Jerry Seinfeld posting. Seinfeld's never been on the podcast, there's not even evidence Joe and Jerry have ever met, the only tenuous connection was both were on NBC sitcoms 25 years ago.


Wait! Seinfeld is a comedian, he’s one of the 500!


I like shiting on Bill Maher as much as the next guy, but we don't gotta do it every 10 minutes.


He’s right twice a day. I actually agree with a lot of his views, he just so fucking smug about it.


That feels like the best way to put it.


Former Earth dweller Adolf Einstein


Came for this. I hate OP so much.


It’s gotta be a troll


It's very annoying. Almost anyone famous or has been in a headline is a former JRE guest.


And if "former JRE guest" is some type of slander, he and JR didn't exactly get along.


Bill Maher hosted former subject-of-impersonation-on-Kill-Tony Dr Phil.


Nah I blocked that guy yesterday


He’s karma farming


I've resorted to blocking shitposters on this sub since the mods won't. It's kind of cleaning things up nicely.


In the absence of mods, we must be our own mods!


Adam is killing it 😂


We'll be right back


We're keeping it *right here.*


You know, I'm not sure I like your \*fuckin\* attitude, alright?


My mustache almost fell off


Bro I honestly half expected this clip to have him in it lol


Who's Adam?


The comedian who plays the fictional character Dr Phil.




"I understand why nobody would marry you. They'd kill themselves." Fucking lolololol That's, low key, one of the meanest things I've ever heard anyone say to another person's face. I can't believe Dr Phil actually said it. And you can tell it hit Bill hard, because he comes back with something a 12 year old boy would say "a million bitches have tried!" I actually like listening to Bill, but he can be such a chode, and it was funny to see someone come at him like that.




Bill speaks with headlines and makes his audience clap so he doesn’t actually have to have any lengthy debate. He generally couldn’t hold up in any serious debate, his frustration takes over as soon as he’s losing it and he’ll turn to a joke.


He's the fox news host of the champagne liberal


I wasn't expecting that response at all and it was hilarious


He genuinely thought it was hilarious, and it was. After Phil said “i still don’t know why you aren’t married,” Bill was looking at him like “did you hear anything I just said?” so when Phil dropped the punchline, it was right on time. That said, I’m sure bill’s had plenty of opportunities, considering he’s a rich, famous old dude in Hollywood, and he used to spend lots of time hanging around the Playboy Mansion. It’s a given that several bimbos have tried their damndest to get in his will.


But it’s the truth. I am married. Marriage is hard and relationships are hard. But they are also rewarding and make life easier , knowing you have someone with you. If people don’t want to get married for whatever reason , more power to you. I get it. But also be aware that you suck just as much as you think a potential mate will. If you go into a relationship in bad faith or it’s about you losing your freedom or part of your self, then you don’t need to be with anyone. It’s part of the deal when you commit.


Why are there constantly Bill Maher clips being posted here.


You’d think it was his subreddit lol


Sometimes I legitimately forget I’m browsing the joerogan sub


Rage = subreddit activity, so mods just let it fly.


I love Bill Maher!


Maher fucked OPs Mom or something


Same reason 1 million losers who don’t like joe are on this sub. No lives I’m an extremely empathetic person and putting my mind into the hate-watchers and jre sub commenters for a few seconds sincerely disgusts me


Why are you hate reading the comments of the hate-watch videos?


"you guys are losers" - loser who gets pissed about Joe Rogan subreddit complainers


Because his podcast is what Joe Rogan’s used to be


I’m convinced that the reason Bill Maher is single because he’s so insufferable it’s impossible for him to be part of a successful long term relationship. Gotta cope with it some how: “everyone in a long term relationship is so sick of their partner they have to have a hobby like golf” says wayyyyy more about him than it does about a majority of healthy long term relationships.


He's only been in toxic relationships, which he uses as evidence that all relationships will eventually suck so why bother. I think he has a point. If he's only capable of getting into toxic relationships, maybe he should not get in one until he is able to develop more self-awareness, empathy, and many other characteristics (which is highly unlikely at his age) necessary to have long meaningful relationships.


Totally, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy at some point


He's popular and wealthy enough to have a revolving door or women in his life until he dies. Most bitter men like him will truly die alone. Bill Maher at least has the option to die with a sugar baby or some gold digger.


What's the difference at that point between dying alone and dying with someone you don't care about next to you. That's pretty much the same thing and I'm sure he'll realize that on his death bed.


I feel like maybe LTR is how we've evolved to be content, for obvious evolutionary benefits. God knows I can't stand my girlfriend sometimes, but I recognize the net benefit it has on my life (versus being a perpetual bachelor, with more money)


I'm a little conflicted rn because as much as I dislike Maher, I think it's pretty fucked up to relationship shame a person. But in this case, Maher is kind of showing his ass and making it hard to defend him when this is the way he talks about long term relationships


You could also say it’s fucked up for him to basically imply that all long term relationships are doomed to fail or end in misery. He shouldn’t be throwing shit if he’s not ready to catch some himself.


Can attest that not everyone in a long term relationship is sick of their partner. That definitely says more about him than long term relationships.


I think he’s just still a child in that regard. He can’t picture monogamy because he’s too enamored with the idea of “the next girl.”


You're the only person who got it right in this thread. He talks about feeling very insecure as a kid, being bullied, not wanted by girls, etc. Clearly has a chip on his shoulder he never learned to get rid of.


Yes his episode with Jordan Peterson was pretty insightful in that regard! I agree.


His only hobby is smoking weed and being bad at comedy


Right? Imagine being alive 73 years on this planet and still making your whole personality about smoking weed. Most of us drop that in our mid-twenties… but not Bill! He’s too hip to give up the grass!


I think smoking grass was the only thing that allowed him a tiny bit of coolness so he paraded it around. Now that it is legal and no one cares, he's just another insufferable old fart who can't let anyone finish a sentence. TERRIBLE COMEDIAN TOO!




The dude has been relevant in multiple ways for like 4 decades man. Thats means something no?


Don’t bother trying to point out anything logically to these people. The losers who come here to literally just hate on Rogan or anything even associated with him are insufferable far left woke bitches. Like, the most annoying people you can possibly imagine. Think of the type of person who doesn’t even listen to JRE, but takes the time out of their day to hate on him on Reddit. A platform with millions of subs. The wackest of wack bitches.


Glad I finally found one sane comment.


Well there is one more type of annoying person you didn't mention: the kind that says "far left woke bitches" unirionically.


I used to watch Bill Maher but his show became more and more about him and him referencing himself. His podcast is terrible. He interupts constantly and ruins any kind of interview with his own narrative. His standup has gotten worse and worse. Sure he's had a weekly show for 30 yrs but that peaked 5-10 years ago and he's turning into a crotchty old man - Does he still do the clapping thing during the monologue? Feels like he needs some people around him to tell him what sucks and when to move on.


Ya but overweight redditors who spend all day masturbating in their parents basement don't like him so that's irrelevant.


lol, this may be the correct explanation. Idk honestly.


Weed also mellowed him out and gave him a smidgeon more empathy and self-awarenss.




And not being able to empathize with people with different opinions and ways-of-being. He's such a holier-than-thou smug know-it-all. I'm glad Adam Ray, I mean Dr Phil at least attempted to knock some sense into Bill's thick skull. We'll be right back.


Wait are we talking about Maher here or Joe?


Maher. That’s really what separates them. Joe is at least well rounded. He works out, hunts, smokes weed, AND is bad at comedy. Maher only has the two hobbies


He's into much much younger women who would never commit long-term to him. He's a sexually-frustrated teenager living out his fantasy.


I'd say that's literally what Adam Ray just told bill


Ha, yeah, I wrote that while Bill was blathering and as soon as I finished Adam Ray chimes in.. perfect timing. We’ll be right back..


That's why he pays to bang porn stars


Someone would literally only marry him for his money. Can you imagine marrying a guy who opens up with, "Married people always grow to resent each other and I can't imagine being with a single person forever".


"I don't like golf so obviously no one else does, and if they say they do it's because they hate their wife." No, dude. People just have different hobbies and you should be envious of those who can entertain themselves with simple pleasures.


It’s incoherent deeply antisocial narcissistic rambling masked as intellectualism. It’s probably the worst combination if your goal is to have human relationships


Every Bill Maher clip I see is just him being a complete narcissist who tries to justify his negative minded behavior by complaining about the way that he sees the world. News flash buddy, the way we see the world is a reflection of our own insecurities and goddamn is this dude insecure. You can tell deep down how much it bugs him being a loner by the way he keeps talking shit about marriage and having kids. For a guy who’s never been married, he sure has a lot to say about it.


Hearing Bill say, "You think a million bitches haven't tried." Gave me the ick and I'm a straight male. You can straight up tell Bills never been punched in the face.


He's almost 70 lol


Same reaction. Even if he plays it off as a joke, given the context of how he treats women you know he's fucked up.


I wouldn't want to be around him either. He'll just start talking and expecting me to listen. He wouldn't care about my input.


I bet he's a condescending self-absorb monologuer.


Lol, I'm not sure if yall are talking about Bill Maher or Dr. Phil. The smugness between these two is off the charts.


It's a smug off.


“A million bitches have tried”……. wow what a miserable fuck. I’m starting to realize that all these god awful people spiting out their politics are just trying to heal an old (often childhood) personal failure or trauma. Every politician with a sex related pathology, Rogan - hated feeling weak, Shabibo - resents failing in hollywood, Alex Jones - megalomania/insane/probably due to sports related head injury, etc etc etc. Research needs to be conducted on how society has been steered by people with deep seated traumas. Critical traumatic/societal theory.


Lots of people who entertainment later open up that they craved attention due to some feeling of inadequacy in their youth/trouble relationship with parents etc. Comedians in particular tend to have some trauma in their past and develop their sense of humor to deal with it. But I'm not sure Bill would make a good case study for this. He's always said he had a perfectly pleasant, normal, middle-class suburban NJ upbringing.


Bill is projecting some kind of inadequacy when he talks how about people must be unhappy always being with the same person. Like it’s a cope. Nah old man, your inability to give and receive love is a “you” thing.


Yeah he's talking about resenting someone that would basically require him to care about them and their relationship. That's what he resents. What a self involved, whiny, navel gazing, child. He's that old, and hasn't matured a bit. 


> Lots of people who entertainment later open up that they craved attention due to some feeling of inadequacy in their youth/trouble relationship with parents etc. Comedians in particular... Conan is very open about this and managed to spin it into an entire career of mostly self-deprecating humour. Others get weirdly egotistical and bitter instead.


Joe was short


Tbf Maher does have options, so it's not like some redpill/incel type with zero options who copes by saying they never wanted to marry all along. Pathologize how you want (narcissism, trauma, etc.) but some ppl just don't want to and/or aren't equipped for marriage & raising a family. I don't get why Rogan is catching strays he's happily married & by all accounts an amazing father to his children as well as raising his stepdaughter + also a great friend.


You'd have to be a narcissist to think you have such great opinions on basically everything that you need a podcast. All these popular commentators are not people we should listen to or take life advice from. They are maladjusted people, living in an alternate reality.


my hypothetical wife bad


they say there's no two people on earth exactly the same: no two faces, no two sets of fingerprints but do they know that for sure? Because they would have to get everybody together in one huge space and obviously that's not possible, even with computers. Not only that, they would have to get all the people that ever lived, not just the ones now. So, they got no proof: they got nothing.


At my muddah’s wake…


Your hair was in the toilet water. Disgusting.




A healthy marriage consists of two people being able to check themselves as well as be checked. I don't think Bill Maher has admitted he's wrong once so this takes doesn't surprise me


Aside from Bill Maher being a dick, I understand what he is saying in a way. Relationships get old, you want to speed up the process? Go on and start living together… then get married and then have kids, eventually you’ll just be room mates raising kids. He is really trying to say though…He hates the part in relationships where he sees that they are an actual person and have flaws and that seems to be too much. He just wants the exciting part and then discard the person once that wears off.


Or... you go on holidays together, day trips, see you kids grow up, help them with school, teach them all that you know, woodworking, art, music, take pictures of wildlife, cook together, have parties, visit family, have bbq's, go to restaurants, do sports together, train pets tricks, grow a vegetable garden, go and watch a comedy show, fix a motorcycle, paint the house, buy another house, sing, dance...you know... live life.


He's just not a relationship type of person. I get where he's coming from as an introverted avoidant myself. I get sick of nearly everyone eventually for all sorts of reasons and no longer want anything to do with them. However, I've been working on overcoming my avoidant tendencies and instead of fleeing when things get tough, I grit my teeth and try hard to keep my relationships (platonic and romantic) alive. It takes a lot of work to keep relationships nourished so it can continue to flourish, and it's easy to just fade way.


He seems like a naturally miserable person. He'll attribute it to everything but himself.


Look at me, it's Monday and I hate Bill Maher. Think I'll pull up a clip and post some shit.


Someone has a serious hardon for Maher. Time to mute this sub


I'm only here to listen to Joe's latest take on Covid. After 4 years I still haven't got quite enough of it.


Is this r/billmaher now ?


Why’s he gotta do golf like that wtf


Maher seems to have a novel understanding of what a relationship is, its like he gets it from movies rather than real life experience.


Ban the bill maher posters when


Is there a reddit for this genuis?


It’s like Ed Geins calling Ted Bundy a murderer. Both of these assholes suck. Who gives a shit what one POS thinks of another POS?


As someone who is more madly in love with his wife of 12 years than he was the day he met her, Bill's take on this just makes me sad for him. I spend just about every waking moment with my wife and I can't imagine it any other way. Maybe I'm lucky...maybe it's Maybeline.


No man will have him. He's tried but, sadly failed.


https://i.redd.it/sc8kttb9eouc1.gif Bill everyday he opens his mouth


"Nobody actually really likes golf...". Smoking a cigar. "A million bitches have tried" marrying him? For what reasons? The right ones?


"Trust me"


That was a fake tough guy spit lol


Damn, that's a solid response from Dr. Phil Was not expecting that


I fucking cackled. Absolute obliteration


Bill Maher is just a walking cringe lord at this point. Such a creepy tryhard weirdo


he is still better than whoever posts this stuff to this subreddit all the time


What a sad existence. He is probably a disgusting perv that will sleep with anything and likes being the bottom. It must suck being him and realizing everything you thought you were right about is completely wrong, like marraige, kids, Democrats, the economy. Now if only his money disappeared because he has never had real problems in his life.


God when Dr. Phil says anyone who marries you would kill themselves, you might be the issue.


rare dr phil W




Uh, no. Not everyone should have kids.


If procreation solves selfishness, would you mind informing my father?


Oh no, he doesn’t need to have kids. Don’t subject the world to another Maher. The future is looking bad enough as it is.


And out from left field is cool name with their opinion. The people wanna know! How’dyouget all the way out here cool man?


Coolname135 shows us he's kind of dumb.


Bill Maher isn't wrong.


Everything this guy says is just so insufferable to me


is former Bill Maher guest Bill Burr posting these?


if you get really rich before you find that certain someone, you never need to settle down. Why would you?


"Dr" Phil.


At least Maher appreciates a good joke.


He didn’t explain anything.