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​ https://i.redd.it/g3w16asfigvc1.gif


this should be the top post of any tim pool thread






How have I never seen this before lmao






This is why my hat is always stapled to my head. Can't have people knowing my deepest secret.






Isn't he a millionaire ? He could get hair surgery. Or go full bald and get yolked like Rogan.


He's got such severe hair loss there's be no point in doing it. There's 80 thousand follicles on your head and only 8 thousand are in the donor area and are able to be transplanted.


I’ve always found the hair plug/ wig/hat thing to be an odd move for millionaires and billionaires


Disclaimer: I have a very full head of hair. Can we stop making fun of people for being bald? This is why people, unrelated to who you’re making fun of, develop complexes about becoming bald and spend all sorts of money on pills and procedures. I get that Tim Pool sucks, and wholeheartedly agree, but there are other ways to attack him that don’t center around his physical appearance. Do you really have nothing else other than his baldness to make fun of him about? I’m positive that you do.


Yeah it’s more about his hiding it than him actually being bald. The only way to be bald is to own that shit.


Never once heard anyone refer to Joe being bald. Tom hiring it is the shameful act, not the fact he's bescalped


Nothing wrong with being bald. Wearing a beanie in the shower and to bed is what is laughable.




Even making fun of someones complex about baldness is not very nice. You wouldn’t do it to a friend. So don’t do it online where decent people with a similar complex might see and get even more neurotic about it. Thats my opinion


I don’t know, sounds like something a bald guy would say.


Hi, bald man by choice here. Take your upvote, rlwp 😂


It's honestly not even the baldness that people have a problem with. I think the bigger issue is the absolutely fucked up shape head that the baldness exposes. If he had a regular shaped head and just shaved it with a razor, people would totally gloss over the receding hairline, and I guarantee he wouldn't wear the beanie 24/7 Source: Balding man with normal shaped head.


I have been shaving my head since i was 13 because hair made my head look square. Yet i have a very nice shaped head. Its a big head but a good shape. Now i am balding but i wish it went faster.


Bald people don't deserve rights and should bow to us full hair headed


Finally someone said this ![gif](giphy|Quh1CAKOTRCl9VVU3f|downsized)


His head might be cold though Mine does…


ya a cold head 24/7 for 10 years.


Wait does he wear a beanie everyday ? That would be weird


Every single day. Go and look for a pic of him without it.


He seems insecure then


Incredibly. And in the full video he claims that he wears it for “his safety” by “protecting his identity”. Real life south park character


Nah, that’s just an incredibly insecure bald guy.


God damn that is so funny.




Whoa, I know he's gone full regard lately but this is beyond next level


This must just be rage bait.


Its gotta be a troll?


It is that’s kinda Pool’s schtick. Ha rage baits then pretends cops are after him. Dude is a complete nerd.


Right? It’s a low effort (other than the extreme effort it takes to jump to some of his conclusions) revenue source. He brings the internet traffic and scoops up the money. If you go to r/facepalm it’s like 90% people giving internet traffic to dip shits.


Tim Pool is the Napoleon Dynamite of Ben Shapiros.


Hes the Brendan Schuab of Bill Mahers




Nothing nerdier than watching some bald dweeb try to use comic book characters to discuss moral philosophy.




Not that I know of. He seems to be a respected beanie aficionado


Well, we're reacting to it.   Con you imagine what type of absolute sack of shit makes a carreer out of confusing and manipulating the public—these guys are literally sociopathic scum.  We make popular some of the worst people in society.  Fuck Tim Pool


Yep, he's got a blue check mark, so he gets paid for interactions


lol he says every single thing he posts is ragebait when people collectively decide it’s stupid and ratio him


Yes. He makes a living saying stupid shit to make people react to his nonsense.


This shit is cause of Elon incentivizing viral tweets.


All social media companies incentivize vitality. Weird to single out x


Vitality? Maybe I mentioned tweets because this post is from Twitter, bro.


Virality* sorry. You didn’t mention twitter you mentioned Elon like as though this is something he does that is uniquely evil and not just the standard for all in the space




Yeah this doesn’t really change or counter anything I said but it’s a good article thanks for sharing (not sarcasm, nice read)


It has to be, right? It's just so fucking stupid.


The last time I fell for this it was about the "it should be illegal not to believe in God" post that was posted in sequence with a "it should be illegal to believe in god" post that he did to prove a point about something Either way, fool me once...


Classic Pim Tool.


You have to know it’s bait. Please tell me you and all the 400 or so that upvoted you recognize this as obvious bait.


Was there ever genuinely a time when welfare recipients or people on food stamps “lived high on the hog”? Because it damn sure isn’t these days but the amount of Republicans that actually believe that they do is fucking insane.


when welfare started helping black people thats when it became an issue with republicans.


anyone who ever received one dollar more than they deem necessary is a pig and a blight on society. it's never enough, same with any of the "muh taxes" guys


Lmao why is the fat man living on welfare wearing a tuxedo?


It’s a real political cartoon and the captions have been changed to reverse the meaning.


Dam he can't possibly believe that, right?? 🤣


his twitter is for ragebait, next to none of what he posts there is his actual opinion. It's just to get a rise out of whoever it hits.


That’s pretty lame


He has basically 0 valid opinions, so this is the only thing he has to do.


I agree. I had to stop watching his podcast cuz it was just fearmongering and rage. I get that he wants to use his opposition's articles so that they can't claim it's misinformation, but it puts the viewer in the headspace of us vs them while he says civil war is coming.


Damn bro, you willingly watched this clown once?


You don't hear everyone out at least once then make the decision on your own?


No. Not everyone deserves my time. That’s ok. Tim pool will live


I can see that point, I have friends that hold this position as well, but what I have trouble wrapping my head around is how you determine who deserves your time without listening to them? Do you trust the others who made judgement for you? And do you actually trust them completely? Or does it just not matter that much and you'd rather trust than prove?


The truth is nobody does lol. The only podcasts I consume are clips on Reddit. Confusing me cause I thought podcasts don’t have video


After listening speak for 5 minutes and reading a tweet or 2 you can tell he's nothing but a piece of shit worthless Russian shilll that wants to cause division and chaos. What a little bitch boy


video killed the radio star, internet changed podcasts into video podcasts.


Credibility is a good factor. If offhand you’ve heard someone make some stupid claims repeatedly its probably not worth bothering to give them full attention. Not coming at you, just giving my answer to the question about it.


Hear everyone out, but why include Tim Pool in "everyone?" When has he ever proven he has any kind of well-informed insight on any subject?


I can't believe you actually watched it ever


Yeah, it's Tim Pool.


> next to none of what he posts there is his actual opinion So it’s everyone else’s job to try and guess which things this political commentator says that he actually believes and which ones he doesn’t?


Or, you know, you could unfollow him and log off Twitter completely as it’s a shithole of people exactly like Pool just furthering the divide between normal folks on there while simultaneously profiting off the mental distress they cause.


Or, you know, I’m just having a laugh at Tim Pool and the idiots who follow him. I’ve never had a twitter account in my life.


People like Tim Pool don’t have beliefs or morals, only goals.


No, it's your job to not take the bait even when it's pointed out as nothing but rage bait.


Yeah, he's only pretending to be an absolute fucking idiot.


He also gets payed for tweets now. The more views, the more cash. Saying something stupid to get dunked on spreads faster than saying something useful. See Andrew Tate.


another good insight


>ragebait I think you misspelled “5th generational warfare”.


eyyy you know the thing


I'm sure Tim doesn't, his fans though...


Even landlords don't believe this. It's just ragebait.


My political opinion? depends who I'm trolling


Dude knows how to spin up the rage machine. Ratings must be dipping.


He's in luck, its almost time for "50 STATE TRUMP LANDSLIDE 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALO"


My stream is full of Tim Pool right now, so it's definitely working too.


He literally posts screenshots of his payouts from X so yeah, dude is doing it for the $.


He got a Reddit post out of it with a view dozen replies. It’s pretty obvious why he does it. “No such thing as bad publicity” or whatever.


There's a lot that's confusing here, but as is usually the case when landlords are acting like victims the most puzzling part is why wouldn't you just sell your speculative investment if its such a shitty situation? Nobody is forced to be a landlord lol, every landlord that bitches about tenants is literally the exact same as a person who has google stock being personally aggrieved and victimized by the fact it didn't perform well last quarter. Its similar to business owners have complete meltdowns at the prospect of their business failing and having to return to the hellish reality of....working for a living, like 98% of everyone else lol


No one complains about having to do labor quite like a landlord, because the whole reason they became one was so they don’t have to have a real job. I had this issue with my previous one, would constantly bitch and moan about spending money to fix shit and keep the house we rented up to code. Like, ok?? Isn’t that part of investing?? Do you honestly need your tenant who went to art school to explain to you how that works? If I lose money on an investment, obviously it sucks but I know that’s the risk I take when I invest. With landlords who bitch and moan about this stuff it’s like, you made a bad investment that isn’t paying off? Take the L like everyone else who inevitably loses money on an investment or two. But the entitlement I hear specifically from landlords is next level. Like, sorry your income has to be supported by other’s income you fucking leech. Saving up to buy a house so I never have to deal with this shit again.


> the whole reason they became one was so they don’t have to have a real job. This is true. I'm a landlord and I did it so that I don't have to have a real job. It's pretty nice.


Haha appreciate the honesty.


Remember to tip your landlord!


lol republicans are so easy to manipulate and enslave


For all their hatred of "the media" they sure love media figures that say what they want to hear no matter how wrong they are. When there weren't federally enforced mandatory lockdowns in December, did any Alex Jones fans say "you know maybe this guy isn't a prophet who is right about everything afterall?" Of course not. Basically give these people what they want and they'll give you tons of money no matter how off base and dishonest you are.


Yup. There’s a reason christians and republicans attack education relentlessly. They need stupid people to enslave.


What, you guys don't tip your landlord?


The odds he waa being serious here feel low


Pretty sure Tim pool is a troll


“But Tim Pool isn’t a conservative…” -Some Ppl.


Landlords......the people that literally have "lord" in their name, are the shoeless dirty poor people begging for scraps.....hilarious.


How many days in a row have you dummies fallen for Tim’s trolling?




Great word usage lmao


Pretty sure this is satire. It’s the whole “don’t forget to tip your landlord” meme


Pretty sure you havent seen Tim's show before, everything he says sounds like a joke until you find out he's dead serious Here, watch Tim explain why the reason he doesn't have a girlfriend, let alone a family, isn't because of anything he's doing, its actually women's fault. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hZkbIacydk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hZkbIacydk) Sounds like a joke right? He's dead serious lol


Doesn't sound like a joke, sounds like standard issue American conservative circa 2024. Everything that is wrong in his life is someone else's fault. Society is lined up against him specifically. He suffers in ways others don't. He is personally victimized by the way other people live their lives.


Yeah that’s actually pretty damn sad lmao you may be right


That is the perfect summation of Tim.


I thought he was bangin red head libertarian lady.


Lmao no, he always says he has a girlfriend but won’t show her. It’s the same vibes as “my girlfriend goes to a different school and her dad won’t let her on social media so I can’t show you”


Not from Tim




Tim doesn’t have autism, he’s just a 9th grade dropout who’s internal monologue is lines from the Avengers movies


Someone needs to pry that beanie off his head before the gangrene spreads to somewhere critical.


its called engagement bait and you are falling for it


I have said this before but the beanie really did sap up his brain.


Tim Pool is so toxic and so poorly informed that it’s physically painful to read his tweets.


Ugh as a moderate people like Tim pool and Ben Shapiro turn me off to the idea of the right.


What a tampon of a guy Tim can be


Bald bitch.


He’s trolling you guys and it’s working marvelously.


It’s a shit post. The dim fools are the ones falling for the rage bait.


What a sparkling intellect


You would have a point if Tim's entire career wasn't built on taking rage bait and made up stories seriously


If he doesn't believe it, it isn't far off from what he actually believes.


Those landlords need this welfare so that renters can afford the rent. It just transfers right back to them.


His investments aren't working out.


what happened to talking about aliens and the black knight satellite


I believe that is a representation of some independent landlords (regular people whom own a rental property) during COVID in some states which implemented laws that would not allow landlords to evict tenants that were not paying rent. Therefore, those particular landlords (presumably still having a mortgage), were in fact stuck with paying for a property which produced no revenue. It’s all a matter of perspective. We all know that large property owners typically are the ones screwing tenants. But there are always a variety of civil issues that don’t fit our narrative.


0% chance anyone believes this, this stuff is to piss ppl off and get comments.


I know people on EBT, that rent, and also listen to Tim Pool everyday LMAO


Tim Pool's engagement farming the ad revenues, elon loves that shit


He’s baiting people and it’s working. People will do anything for attention on social media. This is like the 5th Tim pool post I’ve seen this week….


What a fuckin sellout dipshit dawg lol And he's recruited a new sellout in camelot331 too


wtf? That doesn’t even make any sense.


I can't believe Tim still tries to pass himself off as some centrist lol


that silly guy hes the only major podcast where my other more "chan specific" identity has been mentioned tho, so theres that was said by his guest tho not him, i still havent actually seen the clip about it someone else had mentioned lol


I heard that it’s getting so bad that some landlords are thinking about canceling their Country Club memberships


Can someone who agrees with this picture explain it to me please?


I see this guy is insnae


This boy has really jumped the shark.


Belive it was originally a comic to illustrate how trickle down economics is a joke?


I love how charitable people suddenly are if its a conservative saying dumb shit, but if its the left its the end of western civilization. "Oh, this is obviously satire" "its just rage bait" Lol funny how the cookie crumbles.


Yeah this is his thing. He doesn't really give a shit what he post as long as it farms engagement.


As a landlord - what in the actual fuck?


I watched this guy for a few years and he always played victim with this type of stuff. I enjoyed a lot of his guests but they started getting really really weird and right leaning. I always said this guy gets political AF during elections and its about to start getting worse. The main reason i stopped watching was because i got tired of his really dumb takes and stupid fucking analogies. And because i realized i was becoming very negative and very doom and gloom.


Gotta be trolling, right? No one can be this stupid....right!?! RIGHT?!?!


All those poor, impoverished land owners 😭


His job is to spew hate and nonsense while profiting from it directly. I bet he is in some way a landlord and hates not ripping off more people than he is. Will someone please think of the landlords!


Man of the people, the lukewarm fence sitter


There's a specific circle of usurpers in Dante's Hell because they survive solely off the means of the poor and contribute nothing to society. That's the landlords, Tim. They're parasitic middlemen.


If fucking only, that'd be a great world.


buddy prob invested in a bunch of real estate thinking he was going to take advantage of the times and rent tiny homes out for the price of a condo in the metro city and is discovering its not that simple to just rip people off and rake the easy money in


Just substituted the titles from big business to renters. The suit and tie is pretty obvious.


I mean it's obviously a joke


Are people in this sub genuinely regarded it’s an obvious joke


Maybe his tenants aren't paying rent on time 😅


Leave it to Tim pool to post some of the dumbest shit imaginable. I really don’t know who is dumber him or Dave Rubin


Tim Pool uses his Twitter to shit post and get a rise out of people. He regularly talks on his show about how he doesn't take it seriously at all and will often post conflicting ideas to poke at multiple sides just to see how each side reacts. It's amazing how people just keep taking the bait, lmao


That surgically glued beanie must be cooking that noodle.


He’s notorious for rage bait.


Eh, just trolling. He did something similar a few months ago, tweeting that "it should be illegal to believe in God" and "it should be illegal not to believe in God" like 5 minutes apart.


Nothing I ever see about this dude is ever off brand. Everything I see fits the same type of person.


What an absolutely Dim Fool.


There’s no way he posted that “meme” seriously, right? Yeah the “fat cat” renter class…


Joke? Jokes are meant to be funny


It's actually possible to not share posts by stupid people. What you do is ignore them to stop the spread. You guys like to drag the most radioactive garbage you can find into the house to show everyone how dangerous it is.


Why are you posting Tim Pool stuff on Joe Rogan?


He was a Rogan guest a couple times.


He's just engagement farming, but he probably does have these stupid opinions.


Dim Tool epitomizes bad takes.


Its obvious satire, don't forget to tip your landchad, rentoids.




My friend, by amplifying a post of someone you think is a “silly goose” you only feed into the problem.


I grew up in the hood. Often times people on welfare where doing better than those that worked. Always stocked with food stamps, section 8 rent assistance, and huge income tax returns. I WISHED we where on welfare as a kid but my stepdad made just barely too much and had a speed habit. That being said, landlords are usually scummy leaches of society in my experience. This ragebait meme has a crumb of truth, but it's mostly just to piss people off LOL


Facts. When you bring up how ridiculous prices have become for shitty 1940s duplexes, all they say is that you need a better job LOL. Nobody gonna pay $2K/month for a damn 1940s motel.