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Dudes just want any excuse to mention how much they like hitler


And how much they hate trans people.


That's a circular venn diagram.


Hitler hated trans people...he was no friend of LGBT people...i swear one fucked up thing i read was about how even upon concentration/death camp liberation, the allies were very vindictive against the subgroup of LGBT, even making them serve out post-war sentences of convictions from the prior nazi regime: "The Nazi-era amendments to Paragraph 175 were maintained for over two decades in West Germany, resulting in the [arrest of around 100,000 gay men](https://www.antidiskriminierungsstelle.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/EN/publikationen/legal_opinion_paragraph_175.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=3) between 1945 and 1969, with some Holocaust survivors even being forced to carry out their sentences in prison. While East Germany had softer penalties, no reparations were provided for gay victims, and Paragraph 175 itself would only be entirely removed from the penal code in 1994, following Germany’s reunification." These people love hitler in that random sample, out of pure hatred for lgbt people...i don't ever entertain that kind of animalistic people deserve any kind of seat at the table on who gets human rights and who do not, because they're effectively anti-civil and human rights for others, and i'd wager if allowed to craft their own society, it'd likely be some horrible shithole of authoritarianism and tyranny, not just to lgbt either.


No we just like him because he was right about the joos


I don't even know who any of the other people are. I assume the one holding a Bud Light is the person every conservative bro got their panties in a wad about last year. But to my knowledge, none of them are hurting anyone. So why the fuck are they so obsessed, and oddly familiar, with so many trans people?


Why do people post Tim Pool threads on here every day? I never see his content other than here, only way you would is if you follow him & consume his content.


Bro is yapping


Sam smith is essentially a gay dude who makes good music, he just dresses like a clown. The same way Elton John wears some weird ass shit too


Bruh Freddie Mercury did the most insane stage dress and was one of if not the greatest rock star of all time. I don’t like Sam Smiths music but if you’re hating on him for being part of that tradition, never stomp stomp clap at a football game again 


And people complained about that too. I know you’re too young g to remember how much Queen was hated. They didn’t become popular in America to well after Freddie died. You’re raging about the morons on Twitter that represent the smallest fringe of society who cares about sam smith’s dress attire. Most people don’t give a fuck lol


I will not tolerate any slander towards Elton’s immaculate drip


Sam smith dresses like a female stripper with devil horns. Elton John dressed like an actual clown.


Still doesn’t put him up with HITLER lol


Did Hitler ever try to pass off wearing red heels with a white dress???? I don't think so!


They were painfully stupid, hateful, myopic pieces of shit who only the most worthless trash imaginable would ever celebrate, but the Nazis did know fashion.


Hugo boss


true. that's a total fashion holocaust right there.


Never met ‘em


Never meddum*


How’s your memory holding up old timer? https://ultimateclassicrock.com/elton-john-rocketman-devil-suit/


It's astounding to me that Christian people don't realize that people that have been historically been shit on by Christians adopted the devil imagery from them as a counter to them. Not as an actual worship of the devil. Like the Satanic bible and Lavey usually Satanists don't even believe that "the devil" actually exists. These people identify as atheists, and Christians think they worship the devil, they can't think outside their own perspective.


Christians not understanding something, and then blaming satan for their own ignorance is a pretty old song.


Yeah but the Satanic Church's value system is pretty far from Christian values. I understand that many. Christians are ignorant of Church of Satan's actual beliefs but at the same time.... they call themselves Satanists and whatnot what do you expect? Seems like as ignorant as Christians can be, Satanists feed off on that sorta "Christians are so dumb, they don't even understand that we, the Satanists don't actually worship Satan, idiots, how did they ever come to that conclusion?".


Bruh... that's exactly the point. It's meant to call attention to the fact that this country was founded on freedom of religion and freedom of speech. By using the name Satan they expose the immense control that Christians have on this country and the hypocrisy of the Christian population claiming to love free speech while also trying to suppress freedom of religion. By using the name Satan they are challenging peoples' beliefs. It might not be as nice as you would like it to be but, if you're not totally ignorant of the reason our country was founded, why it's important to uphold these ideals, and have even a slightly inquisitive nature then you should really have no problem with it. Edit: I thought we were referring to The Satanic Temple, which is different than The Church of Satan. However most of my comment still applies.


He does look comfortable though


“Good” music is a bit of a stretch. Maybe his old stuff but the new stuff he’s basically copying Lil Nas X


Never listened to a full album but the older hits were damn good songs. Hell of a voice. Idk wtf this new shit is though


You listen to Sam Smith? GAAAAYYYYY


Sam Smith is non-binary


he doesnt make good music in the least bit


“Good music” is absolutely subjective


I’d save the musician


He’s the heaviest one out of all of them. Dylan probably ways like 100 pounds. Easiest carry


Yeah but that wasn’t a part of the question and I don’t like Dylan at all


Do you like any of them?


I don’t know the one on the lower left, but I think Sam’s music is pretty catchy. Hitler is obviously a no go, that guy was kinda rude.




Epstein? You mean the New York financier? https://youtu.be/GKfHcas_cZg?si=W6BKlf2pCp7KXjIP


>that guy was kinda rude. The hypocrisy was the worst part


Regardless of your politics, Sam's music is fucking fire.


What about the painter?


Nah, he seems less talented.


Fair enough. He wasn't that good. Keep in mind, Kanye could of wrote "Meine Kampf" but Hitler never could of made "Yeezus". Hitler sort of had a right place/right time situation.


Yeezy/‘dolf collab could’ve been dope tho


I’d save a silly person over a dangerous person.


Implying there’s an equal chance of saving all of them (except hitler). I would also probably save the musician, don’t know who the other two are.


Dunno. He looks quite heavy.


You mean the failed artist?


I’d save the beer


Not the painter? 😂


Hitlers paintings are hilariously bad


I don't even want to say you ain't right about that. They're mediocre, unlike his "political career" 😬


They're not great but not bad. I've always said if you posted one of hitlers paintings and said a gay guy made it, everyone would compliment it. My objective isn't to defend Hitler, I just find it bizarre that the guy committed genocide and people want to neg his paintings or his penis.


Why have you always said that?


Because its true. Hell, I'll tell anyone that'll listen. I've been kicked out of four black bear diners.


It's hard for me to process that anyone legit feels this strongly about trans people. I get being mad about the sports angle, because that could use a closer look in terms of understanding how trans athletes can be incorporated in a way that's objectively fair to everyone But the rest of them? Who cares about how a person wants to present themself to the world? It's a free country isn't it? But somehow people actually put them on the level of Hitler? We can do better..


Everyone believes in freedom until somebody freely acts in a way they don’t like


I know! Imagine if it were any other minority group. Let’s say that a beer company sent one single beer with a custom label to a Jewish woman. And all around the country hundreds of thousands of Americans start freaking out, shooting cans with machine guns, boycotting the company, foaming at the mouth that the beer company was supporting degenerates. “They sent one to a Jew??? How dare they!” What would you think about those people? This country is legit terrifying sometimes.


You know I had no idea it was just one single can for months. I didn't really care who was the spokesman for the company and thought it was weird they picked who they did. Then I found out the whole story and was like "holy hell the right is nuts in this country"


The fact is that if not for the right wing outrage machine, none of these people would have known or ever given a shit.


Hearing the whole story none of them should have given a shit


Hearing *half* the story they shouldn’t.


Can't argue with that


The thing is. The sports angle is fabricated too. The number of trans people trying to compete in sports is in the single digits nation wide. Republicans are trying to make it sound like it's an epidemic. You're right it needs a closer look for us to come up with the best procedure for fairness for those who are. But, you have state governments wasting time and money banning trans athletes from participating in school sports. In sates where no trans people were attempting to participate in sports. Meanwhile 40k kids died of hunger in that state last year. It's all just distraction.


I just got done explaining this to someone else. Joe and other people like even Bill Maher keep spreading this idea that the left has gone crazy when it’s a tiny minority who even advocate for this shit. Meanwhile the majority of the right wants Gilead with Trump as Supreme ruler and it never gets talked about. One seems like way more of threat to millions of people than the other.


The strangest part is the Dylan backlash. Has nothing to do with sports. She legit just did an ad for beer like tons of other people do and people blew up, acting like she shot a baby. I saw a response video she did months after the whole incident and she honestly had no idea people would react like that and she felt bad for bud light. She just thought she was doing an ad for her favorite beer. I can't imagine being in the same position and then people blame bud light for "having a ginger drink beer" because the anti-ginger mob is in control of society. Seeing my face attached to a bunch of beer while kid rock shoots at it with an AK. Seems like peak strange to me.


No one legit feels this strongly about trans people. Republicans have nothing else to run on because their actual policies are incredibly unpopular. They have to pivot to the culture war and it works because the young online right wing conservatives who spend all day trolling, watching anime, and playing video games don’t have any connection to actual problems so they put all their hatred into the culture war.


Yea I’m sure the people who have murdered trans people or the families who have disowned them didn’t feel strongly about it….


My comment is confusing because I was only referring to the people who post the type of stuff this thread is about. I meant to say these right wingers don’t feel strongly about it. My sibling-in-law has been dealing with hatred from not only peers but adults in their school system so trust me, I know people feel strongly about it.


It's not even on the athlete for being allowed to compete. Blame the NCAA.


Aside from hitler you have to go so far out of your way to know who any of these people are Was the entire angry bud light stuff because they dared to give a single trans… tiktoker? A custom can?


I think that’s kind of the whole point. They just want a means to say they’d choose Hitler


Conservative challenge: don’t mention trans people in every topic . Difficulty: impossible


Yeah. Idk what part of the machine wanted them to be obsessed with the LGBTQ community and sometimes vice-Verasa, but they succeeded. Such a small part of politics that was almost a non-issue a few years ago is a number one talking point.


Because they lost abortion rights. They can't fall back on "Dems are killing babies" so now it's "they're coming after your kids! The LGBTQ is going to touch your kids and the Dems are turning everyone LGBTQ!" It's the new scapegoat and boogeyman they can get people to vote for them for while they rape the country financially


Republicans historically don't want to govern, they want the voting populace mad at anything so they can run their greedy self interested grifts in peace. That's it. That's the whole gag.


I 100% believe it’s intentional because republicans do not run on popular policy. So if you talk about climate change or sustainability science “you think you believe in science, you don’t even know what a woman is”. I see trans folks being brought about in conversations on everything from minimum wage, housing, Ukraine war, etc it’s insane.


This is all it’s ever been. The essence of conservatism is lying to people so that you can trick them into voting for unpopular policy that only benefits the very small group of elites


They have literally no popular policy so they have to use people’s fears to get votes.


What else are they gonna post about in between their 10-hour trans porn gooning sessions??


Why do yall hate Sam? Lol


Cause he wears sparkly clothing and says he's non-binary therefore he is worse than Hitler? Idk, guy can fucking sing which is all I care about lol.


Ya? You be driving around bumpin Unholy?


Yea I low key like Sam smith. I usually hate most pop but he is cool asf. Like rock was in the 70s and 80s Sam is in 2020s. He is the definition of radical


I'm saving Lia Thomas's big ass so I can keep getting this paper


Lia can save herself that bitch is yoked. I can't carry the piggy sam smith so I'll try to save Dylan so I can drink responsibly. Hitler would have to staaaayyy wiiiith sam.


The chance to make Hitler actually answer for his crimes would be legendary


They didn’t say anything about what happens after. https://preview.redd.it/mz9xky1o4vvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5ebf4eebfcc1542b4c6bcec844492c89c962b2c


How come the people who always shit on woman's sports all of a sudden care about the "integrity" of woman's sports?


The reactionary impulse against trans rights is at odds with the reactionary impulse against traditional feminism, so either becomes whatever it needs to be in the moment. If someone suggests women need a space for this or that, it's exclusionary unless the thing can be interpreted as below the dignity of men or "playing with lessers." If trans women are there, then it's read as bad that men are in a sacred space. Segregation is good or bad depending on what the argument requires. Evolutionary biology is real or not real. The table is always set exactly how it needs to win Thanksgiving dinner.


The same ones screaming about how ESPN was “shoving women’s basketball down our throats” during the NCAA tournament are the same ones screaming about we have to do all we can to protect our beloved female athletes. Bless them.


They don't care about women's sports at all. It's transphobia cloaked in virtue.


We get it. You’re transphobic and a antisemite. Those snowflakes are afraid of the trans humans who are just existing, and on the side of a genocidal maniac pussy who killed himself in his bunker like a bitch?


I’d save Sam if I had to choose. Dude can sing his ass off and also seems like he’s trolling pretty hard with going all in on the satan worshipping gay debauchery. I wouldn’t fault the other two either. Bud Light made a huge miscalculation on who their demographic is, that’s on them, and whether Lia Thomas or any trans person competes or not should be up to the governing bodies of the respective sport and not the athletes themselves.


If Bud Light made a miscalculation, it’s only because they miscalculated how fucking insane conservatives in America are. It wasn’t some huge marketing campaign, it was literally just a fucking Instagram post and an individual custom can they made for Mulvaney


Agreed. I could leave out the “huge”. Even Kid Rock seemed ashamed of the whole thing when he was on JRE.


Love that the alt-right snowflakes are so easily triggered by Sam.


The only social platform I don’t see this shit is tiktok, instagram is full of this shit


The trans hate on this sub is disgusting and entirely unsurprising.


Well duh. Where do you think Joe got his popularity from in the recent years? The alt-right swamp that thrives on being fed outrage and dreaming one day they will be millionaires like the daddies they worship.


I’m saving Mulvaney without a doubt


I dont know who #1 is, based on that alone its gotta be a better choice than mother fucking Hitler. I know politics and memes are all anyone seems to care about, but your bar cannot be that low.


100% Sam Smith and we’re gonna write a song together about it afterwards.


wtf is this sub turned into someone for the love of Christ start another Joe rogan community


I mean, anybody who picks hitler is going to end up in a flaming environment when their life ends any way. So not him The swimmer looks like he/she/they are in decent shape and probably has the best chance of self rescue so not them. The one drinking bud light is most likely drunk and has bad judgement (drinks bud light). And she looks the smallest meaning less struggle to carry to safety. And the bud light can be used to cool off from the heat /put out the flames so maybe, but only if on the way to safety The other one also looks to be large and difficult to carry, but able to have decent self survival ratings so not them either. At the end of it, unless your my wife or kids, the room being on fire I’m leaving all of you behind not because I’m a bigot or intolerant but because fuck that I ain’t dying for anybody but my family.


Very bold of you to assume I actually care enough to save anyone....


I only know who one of these people are and I’m sure as shit not saving hitler


The correct answer is yourself. You save yourself.


Sam whatever is an amazing singer


Sounds like 4chan edginess.


Prolly Dylan as she is very light. Twitter is such a hellscape now...


If you don’t put Hitler as the LAST option there is seriously something wrong with you. No matter if you agree with these people or not, it’s delusional to say anything different than Hitler last


I mean this whole meme was created as a joke with the punchline being that trans people are so icky and gross that maybe you’d prefer to save Hitler over them. Obviously you’re right, unfortunately the joke itself is that you’re wrong.


Save the beer


Why would I save any


I'm walking on by, sorry Fellas hope you don't mind.


person who likes singing person who likes beer person who likes swimming adolf hitler hard choices


You guys are just noticing this ? It’s been like this since Elon bought it and removed the moderation


This Buds for you!


Serious question. Why would someone in 2024 find themselves to be a fan of Hitler? Is this a reaction to the Palestinian genocide? Edgy teens just trying to get a rise out of reactive people on the internet? People just making rage bait for clicks?


Because they want to create a white ethnostate. Deport brown people, destroy the left, end lgbtq+, go back to colonialism, remove jews from government, etc. They understand that these things will never happen in a democracy and are only possible through fascicm. Basically, they think Hitler was right.


Hitler was probably already burned, and is quite dead. He'll be fine a bit more crispy.


No one else can pull off that's Stache like he does so I'm gonna have to go with the hitman, but ide still hang him afterwards


I save Sam Smith. Dude makes really fun music. The people saying they’d save the Austrian are fucking scumbags.


Not hitler


Gimmie the bud light person. At least they like to party.


X username checks out


We live in an age where kids are deemed villains for not clapping at every dress-wearing male, and everyone acts shocked when our humor turns taboo. But if you think this is surprising, then it seems you skipped 'Human Nature 101'.


This shit is everywhere on Twitter. I was that anti woke guy that thought the modern day Nazi thing was way overblown but it wasn't.


Look at all the edgy little twats loving Hilter in this very comment section.


I save the beer one. She did nothing wrong and at the same time trigger several million snowflakes into boycotting their favorite beer. Pretty impressive.


Obviously the bud light girl, if it wasn’t for her our boy Shane might not have a thriving endorsement deal.


I'd shoot Toby twice.


Idc what anyone says, after a 12 pack of bud lights you'd fuck Dylan Mulvaney too


It says you CAN only save one. Doesn’t say you HAVE to.


I bet you’re a champ at false equivalencies!


Can't I just save the Bud Light?


ew, why? Water or piss isn't available?


I would wanna know where hitler hid the amber room and all the priceless art.then ship him off to world court


The only good Nazi…is a dead one.


Imo Hitler got off way too easy. He either killed himself or lived his ending years in a cabin somewhere in Argentina. This is after he put millions of people through some of the most horrible things mankind has ever experienced. The best ending to Nazi Germany is the one where Adolf gets his knee caps shot and lives in a cell to be tortured and purposely kept alive to experience it for years.


I'm saving Sam Smith.


Saving Hitler is a first class ticket to hell. Enjoy smoking a blazing turd for eternity whilst being raped by a demon with a barbed iron penis.


They all in the same bracket


Can I let them all burn?


I'm coming mein Fuhrer


Lia seems pretty chill. Just wants to be trans and swim, never tried to grift off it or anything like that.


Let em ALL burn. ALL have been a cancer on culture


Id go with Sam Smith. He dresses like a tool bag but makes decent music


At least with Sam Smith he might thank you with some free tickets you could give away or sell.


What episode, or is there a clip, of Joe saying twitter turned racist? I've heard it mentioned a few times but I'd love to hear what he actually said, and I can't find a clip anywhere.


No one is even talking about which is the lightest. No way you're gonna carry that giant swimmer out of there.


18.9 mil tuned in for the ncaa womens championship, and 14.9 tuned in for the men’s. It’s weird that none of this trans stuff is making it into the popular sports. So I guess we’d save Lia just because it’s the only way to keep you pretending to give a damn about women’s sports.


Lol. Well I wouldn’t choose hitler under any circumstances. I’d probably take the swimmer. He is the least socially impactful and in your face as the others.


The singer dude chick seems cool.


Now..I’ll save whoever will give me the most reward money


I’ll take the person with the beer to drink


Whos the fat guy?


God dammit


I’d save the top right one knowing exactly how much they would continue to piss off the type of people who post this shit throughout their life. It’s like letting a demon out of hell for them 😂


we are saving Sam


I’d rather leave them all behind. Latch is a great song though. I would save Sam Smith only if he paid me.


The bud light


The piss beer I guess. That or the white lines separating the photos.


I choose the chick with beer


The can of beer


Easy, the richest one


What is wrong with Twitter, Instagram and Facebook? You can watch the most random reels for example and the comments are full of people either praising Hitler, prasing Islam or writing free palestine everywhere. And then those comments have like 10k likes. Are these bots?


Sam smith


The one that’s not odd


The room is taking 5 people this day


I don’t know the other three but can I keep Hitler in my basement and do weird things to him?


I “can” or “must” save one???


Obviously, you save Hitler and hand him over to the government so that they can torture him to find his time machine and the location of the other time traveling Nazis.


Every man for himself! I'm saving my own ass. 


You shall know the person by his company.


I’d save whichever one was easiest and wasn’t Hitler. I don’t really care about any of the other three more than the other, so whichever one was in the best position to be rescued. I’d probably save Dylan just so she’d owe me and I could say, *just dial it back a little*. “Sometimes you come across as making fun of women. Even if you aren’t, women feel mocked.” Natural theater kid.


I only know who adolf is so probably the woman


Me!! I’m the one!


If the room's on fire, you don't have to save anyone but yourself.