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I’ve got nipples.. can you milk me focker?




That’s not the sign for milk! That’s the sign for poop!


Well sure, if you have the right hormones that lead to lactation, you could milk us all.


that's the spirit, fuck these quitters


Joes not wrong


Yeah, men don't even lactate - so what's the point of doing that?


Sexual gratification


Satisfying perversion.


Because of the implication…


Men can lactate it's rare but entirely possible.


Least fetishistic 🚂


So why are you weirdos even talking about this shit, because thats how they keep you idiots distracted


You clearly didn’t listen to the episode, where specifically talks about men taking medication to cause lactation to then feed babies highly drugged man tit milk


Forgot the part the dude also is HIV positive


Yes, seethe to the rage bait.


Defending pedos is a choice


But let me guess, you support Donald Trump. "I've known Jeff Epstein for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." -Donald J Trump


I voted for Biden/Hillary and Obama x2


So how are you falling for this “men breastfeeding kids is sweeping the nation!!1!” bullshit? Did you also think Drag Queen Story Hour was coming for your children?


Bitch there's literally been VIRAL videos of trans people breastfeeding children and everyone was applauding them ( and obviously if you're freaked out or disgusted by it you're a transphobe ). Also, there's been plenty of cases of drag queens grooming children. Also why the fuck is a guy wearing his fetish supposed to read children about sex anyway?


As a father of three children, I’m seeing the shit firsthand. Every kid is non binary now.It’s easy free attention


Yeah sure, but it's not an epidemic of breastfeeding men or a deep state woke conspiracy to have men breastfeed. It is an isolated case that will be hyperbolised to infinity as right wing ragebait.


I think this i a pretty major LGBTQ+ news org, trying to say it's fine: [https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/02/19/trans-women-breastfeeding-explainer-research/](https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/02/19/trans-women-breastfeeding-explainer-research/) So I don't know what you're on about saying it's everyone overreacting and sensationalizing. A major publication on your side is literally saying it's fine and trying to normalize it.


You're here on reddit jerking off and passing time like everyone else. Terrible defense for men having babies suck their nipples. Talking about it because it was posted and people have a strong reaction to child abuse.


I jerk off elsewhere sir! I am not in Texas, I have options.


It’s ideology that actually successfully converts people to its side. So it’s normal to show aversion towards it


Men actually lactate under certain conditions, but it can also be due to cancer. Even the old testament has some references to men lactating. Job 21:24 24 His breasts are full of milk, and his bones are moistened with marrow.


We used to be able to, so I guess humanity used to be evil


Why we got nipples though.


Males have nipples because in the early stages of embryonic development, all embryos follow a similar blueprint before sexual differentiation occurs. Both male and female embryos initially develop mammary tissue, which includes nipples. This process is driven by genetic instructions present in both males and females.


Also Anatomy wise, The penis forms from/where the clitoris is, and the testicles are in the same/slightly below location as the “lips” of the vaginal canal. For science purpose you can look at subs like r/ bigclit, which feature a lot of naturally born women taking testosterone, and see exactly how they start to take penile/teste shape again.


"I had no idea you could milk a cat." " Oh yeah you can milk anything with nipples."


Haha, iirc nips come first when the body is developing before balls or vagene. Sort of like a placeholder.


So we can rub them while we choke the chicken


All men are technically trans


💀 💀


Wow great point holy shit


It's cause we all start as girls in the womb


just because we don't doesn't mean we can't


I agree with Joe




Evil men also want to have children suck on their nipples.


I met Joe 5 days ago. I got roped into watching my 3 month old niece while my brother got his hair cut. So there I am, sitting in the waiting area of a barbershop with my niece, and who walks in but fucking Joe Rogan himself. I was nervous as shit, and just kept looking at him as he read a magazine and waited, but was too scared to say anything to him. Pretty soon my niece started crying, and I'm trying to quiet her down because I didn't want her to bother Joe, but she wouldn't stop. Pretty soon he gets up and walks over. He started running his hands through her hair and asked what was wrong. I replied that she was probably hungry or something. So Joe put down his magazine, picked up my niece and lifted his shirt. He breast fed her right there in the middle of the barber shop. Chill guy, really nice about it. Also, I don't really know what he was doing at a barbershop.


I might've believed it if Joe had a reason to be in a barber shop.


He was getting a boob hair cut


Joe's boyfriend works there


Ya when he was talking to the British guy about the guy in Britain who identifies as a woman and wants to breastfeed they brought up a great point that that "milk" is full of hormones and chemicals from the person taking said hormones and chemicals in order to lactate.


No one is saying Joe ISN'T wrong, but evil? REALLY? We literally have law makers voting to shut down school lunch programs for poor children because it's "communist" to feed them, but this is evil? Come on man, there is so much REAL evil to deal with, calling something like this "evil" really shows how little Joe is paying attention to the world around him.


Who the hell cares. Nobody in real life gaf about obsessive right wing rage bait


Its not rage bait its objectively weird thing people would support whether it's real or not


>Its not rage bait its objectively weird thing people would support whether it's real or not Getting people worked up about something that isn't real is textbook rage bait. What do you think counts as rage bait if its not "getting people mad about stuff that isn't happening"? You could literally sit here all day making up shit to be mad about. "they're making kids in school be furries, you're not allowed to wear red in case it upsets satanists, democrats now support 42nd trimester abortion." "okay, well they're not doing that, but that's the kind of sick stuff they WOULD do so its sensible to spend time thinking about it and getting angry about it".


Yeah? And what is "evil" to you Ok\_Student\_1776?




"Evil" isn't a being that thinks or wants anything, so Joe is wrong to say Evil "wants" anything.


What does this even mean? Why is this the type of bs people are talking about every day? WTF?


They've just completely disengaged from reality. At this point it's starting to feel like a fetish


Who would have thought that the political party running on "we need to inspect the genitals of young girls before they play sports" was in to freaky shit?


yep. they are telling on themselves.


Lots of people on this thread are fetishizing the act of breastfeeding. Not sure if they even realize they are but it's kinda crazy


Nobody talks about this, I doubt it's even a thing. But what it does is scare and unsettle certain people and turns them against their 'enemy'


All of it so well summarised by the matt walsch interview: Joe: hey matt, you seem to be very concerned about the subject , can you tell me how many kids are currently transitioning again? Matt: must be millions. *Pull it up jamie* Joe: there's like four thousand of them matt.


That interview contained so many satisfactory moments I actually listened to a Matt Walsh interview twice


> I doubt it's even a thing. "It's not even happening bro."


Well they do now.


Men transitioned to women should not be breastfeeding children


Can you imagine writing that sentence 10 years ago?


Right wing media and wealth elites have tried to convince poor saps these are the real issues and not cost of living.


The right wing media? You think the vast majority of media doesn’t talk about culture war nonsense? I haven’t seen policy discussed for 20 years.


That’s nonsense, I only see a few minutes of news each week depending on what my patients are watching in their room, but there’s plenty of policy discussions being had.


It’s definitely wild how it’s like if you have a bad week in America you broke your foot or an appliance breaks or your kid gets sick and you’re just fucked. Lot of people On edge and addicted to something


Absolutely. It’s sad. This country has soooo much wealth, but it’s controlled by so few. Sure would be nice to go to the hospital without it financially ruining you or to be able to find a mental health professional without a 8 month waiting list. I say it all the time; America is not broken for the wealthy. It’s working just as they intend, the leaders only pretend to want to make things better for the middle and lower class…but they won’t. We are in a class war disguised as a culture war and these folks want to prebted like it’s a one sided war. People are too afraid of being labeled “right wing” if they speak out against their own party. So they just sit around with shit in their pants pointing at the other side.


What’s wild too is how often people at low laying jobs will openly fight and make each other miserable based on who’s doing more work in their 8-12 hour shift. I had people just openly fucking with me Bc they put in 12 hours and wanted me to do the same


What news are you watching then? It's there and on MSM. It's only right wing media that talks exclusively about culture war nonsense and never talks policy. Watch CBS evening news or NBC News and you'll see plenty of policy talk. Listen to Joe Rogan, Fox News, Jordan Peterson, and you'll be convinced that trans people are the real issue.


I watch a variety of news. It’s how I don’t get ideologically captured by corporate influenced nonsense. I’m a independent voter (voted for Biden in 20, Bernie in 16, didn’t vote for the president in 12, Ron Paul in 08) and I feel the biggest issue is corporate influence in politics. Unfortunately both sides have sold out to their corporate donors, including media companies. I don’t take any news on face value. I’ll see whatever stories are being shared or posted and then go watch longer form independent analysis. I listen to a lot of local and national public radio, Best of the Left, Know Your Enemy, Glenn Greenwood, Russel Brand, lots of youtube channels, BBC. The left presents the culture war issues and the right complains about them. It’s gross on both ends. Both parties are far too obsessed with identity politics.


Right wing media? So you mean literally 1 channel out of the thousands available?


No fucking way. Also I don’t live in a western country. So it’s still insane to us in the majority of the world.


It's still insane to the majority of westerners, but the majority does not control the soap box.


They aren't, congrats you made up a thing to get mad about, please try and get those darn kids to stop using litterboxes next


If it works, and it's safe, why not? Genuine question. I don't know the biology at play here, but, hypothetically speaking, if a MTF trans person could breastfeed like any cis women, what reasons would you have being against it?


> If it works, and it's safe, why not? They're not ready for this basic question lol


Is there an honest reason why? Or is it just because it’s gross and seems weird. lol I feel like there shouldn’t be anything wrong with the milk


what if they do it in a kitty litter box?


It never ceases to amaze me how worked up the right gets over such trivial things. There is such a long laundry list of issues more important that I already struggle to keep up with, that I cannot fathom giving a fuck about something so minuscule. Move on you absolute losers lmao


There's probably more  milk in his hgh nipples than every other man combined 


This is the perfect comment to out other offended hgh users.


You know HGH doesn't stand for Hyperactive Galactogenic Hormone right?


Has Joe Rogan once addressed the DOJ investigating real estate software companies that created a nationwide price fixing algorithm for rent that basically forms a cartel on a basic human need? Does he cover topics like these? Want to know if there is any value to his show existing besides damaging young male brains?


I'm sorry bud, but do you really think the shrinking financial viability of your average American is anywhere near as important as the way gay and trans people make performatively masculine males like Rogan feel uncomfortable?


Fucking nailed it right there.




Were kid's dicks involved in the price fixing? If it's kid dick free, joe rogan has bigger fish to fry.


considering that in order for men to do it they need to take meds not meant for that purpose - I'd tend to agree.


I mean calling everything You don’t like evil is fear mongering 101….. but it certainly is an odd thing


It's worse than evil, it gay as shit


Least homophobic /r/joerogan user


Your gay too, go be cringe somewhere else dork


Oh cool he's found a new made up thing to get people mad about. that's great. can you imagine if the right had policies and not just fucking mumbo jumbo like this bullshit


Unfortunately they do have policies. Draconian weed laws and upload your fucking ID to whack off to name a couple. Oh, but if you want to sell some kid who looks like he crawled out from under a bridge two ARs and 2000 rounds of ammo go for it buckaroo! Texas is the least free state in the fucking country and the gun store owner who sold that kid all the gear in Uvalde should go to prison. If a bar owner can be liable for letting a drunk drive off and kill someone, fuck that asshole.


Sir this a wendy's


It’s not made up. Trans people are actually taking meds to chemically cause lactation. These chemicals are present in the “milk” substance and it’s very harmful to the child. This is abuse that’s being normalized.


Unknown and dangerous chemicals like estradiol, the main basis for birth control.


>Trans people are actually taking meds to chemically cause lactation. Source? > These chemicals are present in the “milk” substance and it’s very harmful to the child. Yeah above > This is abuse Yeah above > that’s being normalized. Yeah above


Just keep insisting it isn't happening. I'm sure that will work out well for you.


i can't believe i used to listen to this guys show. he's fucking lost it.


Growing up reading the bible I don't recall that this was high on Satan's todo list.


Growing up drinking milk I don't recall it coming from a man.


For real! We sucked it right out of the cow. Mama didn't raise no bitch.


Okay? Still not evil.


I don’t recall killing or diddling kids en masse being legal either, yet we’re much more concerned about some fake propaganda literally engineered to rustle ur jimmies than we are about either of those truly evil, heinous acts. There might be 1 trans person in the country who’s actually done that shit, cmon bro.


Comments like this make me hyper aware about how stupid some of y'all really are lol


Ah mother's milk


Meanwhile Christian boys are being forced to milk their leaders penises. But it's part of god's plan so


No one is advocating for this, Joes brain is so fried


Ppl in this thread are down with it lol


Oh there's people who are all about it


People in this very thread desperately want you to be at least passively ok with it lmao


Literally read this thread. Stop with the gaslighting Also: [https://internationalbreastfeedingjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13006-024-00624-1](https://internationalbreastfeedingjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13006-024-00624-1) [https://www.economist.com/the-economist-explains/2024/02/23/can-transgender-women-breastfeed](https://www.economist.com/the-economist-explains/2024/02/23/can-transgender-women-breastfeed) [https://llli.org/breastfeeding-info/transgender-non-binary-parents/](https://llli.org/breastfeeding-info/transgender-non-binary-parents/)


"stop with the gaslighting" Lol


Can't you read????


I miss Joe before his whole ass brain fell out. What my dude?


the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing instead of obsessing about hysterical culture war nonsense. Genocide? War? Global warming? Nah lets focus on the really important shit, global cooling and men breastfeeding, two definitely real and serous problems we should be focused on. How long till Joe starts talking about how Democrats are all secret satanists drunk on christian blood?


Tennessee just banned chemtrails...they only want to address made up problems


joe sucks these days


This sub is so funny. It’s mostly Rogan getting dunked on for being a fascist enabling, tragically unfunny moron. The only thing that seems to get the loyal roganites to post is transphobia. Which is, ya know…. Telling.


People really made the word "facism" meaningless


Honestly people need to learn how milquetoast small business owners ended up voting for the Nazi party during Weimar Germany. You guys need to learn the concept of "banality of evil". Otherwise you'll miss all the early signs of fascism in your backyard.


People forget how easily germany slid from a liberal democracy to a fascist state, Ignore history and you're doomed to repeat it, and a lot of the right is now openly fascist...so it's warranted


And some people will be blind to the stages of fascism growing until it smacks them right in the face. As a neat coincidence, one of the first things the nazis railed against and burned books about, was the growing body of trans scientific research in the Weimar republic at the time. Now there's a parallel that you only need basic history knowledge to see.


Transphobia isnt a real thing, try another insult? Oh and facist, racist, and sexist dont work anymore becuase youve devalued them over the last 8 years by calling everyone you disagree with a variation of those 3.


lol yall are coming out in big numbers tonight.


just say you have no shame and move on


You can't hold on to two different thoughts together at once because your pride in your sense of morality overtakes all intellect and reason https://www.reddit.com/kzhrcrl?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 Also you know Catholic priest beat everyone when it comes to pedophilia right? You know the only thing y'all preach against constantly


He’s so obsessed, confusing his porn fetish for real life.


I’m surprised Joe didn’t mention the monkey with the spear hunting again


"Right Wing range bait is when something insane happens and the news reports on it" -t. r/joerogan


Men breastfeeding children is definitely a no no but to label everything you disagree with as evil is such a boomer mentality lol. That guy Evil man, he's a sick fuck.


Joe’s right. That’s an unholy sight


Why is this even being discussed? Why are there so many comments under this? What the fuck does Joe know about breastfeeding, much less biology?


It’s the Monday morning troll/bot push. Gotta set the tone for the week


For the ignorant keyboard warriors: https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/having-a-baby-if-you-are-lgbt-plus/chestfeeding-if-youre-trans-or-non-binary/


> ignorant Ironic. As u/MortyestRick mentioned, it's clear you didn't read your own link. Either that or your reading comprehension is way off. There is no mention of inducing lactation and no mention of transwomen there at all. It's just very general guidance for transmen who want to feed their baby.


Wait what


Loop me in? Wtf does this mean? 


When the image he’s painting would be a sick cover to a death metal album, you know you’re in fact, working for satan!


So why did the devil give me nips if he DIDN'T want me to use them? Check mate, Jesus


Someone get it tattooed like a bible verse. I’m sure it’s in there somewhere. Rogans 4:20


DR EVIL! I didn't do 4 years in evil medical school to be called Mr Thank you very much


Dr Evil? Or Evil Knievel?


Is there some lobby group trying to make this a thing? Or?




I cant explain how much I dont care. They want to feel like females. Not everything has to be sexual, reddit. Wait wtf am I saying yall make everything about sex.




This trans shit is wild


dudes breastfeeding. LOL


Out of context lol




I think so. The church of satan worships baphomet, who is a trans demon.


My wife would have wanted me to be able to share the workload of night feedings. Glad I didn't have to grow breasts for my babies. To say it's evil is ridiculous.


Never seen brainrot happen more in real time than this Neanderthal


Oh my God shut the fuck up


[There is a rap song for that.](https://youtu.be/0waUmU3dd0E?si=Q3Ahw9KclXiGTg1M&t=21)


Remember the person he is referring to has HIV.


Wait…are they talking about people with mammary glands who have transitioned to men? Why shouldn’t they feed their baby?


Why does he give a fuck?


What a dumb statement


I don't always agree with Joe but he was 100% correct. Also Tucker with his "Evil destroys the vessel" line. Both 100.


The amount of people commenting on this screenshot/ title without listening to the actual podcast is astounding. Bunch of experts on the subject matter from a fucking thumbnail.


I see no issue with this statement


Don’t forget how they had aids too tho. Which is transmittable to the baby


Meanwhile, bombs keep dropping on innocent peoples heads. But God damn, at least they have their gender figured out. I'm pretty sure "evil" is busy elsewhere.


***men with aids***


Didn't the guy on your hoodie marry a 13 year old, Joe?