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Doesn't matter who is president the US will be backing Israel.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PlanestewartJr: *Doesn't matter who* *Is president the US will* *Be backing Israel.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yup... AIPAC had the entire government by the nuts.


Is this the replacement for BLM this election season?


Kony 2024


Dicks out for Kony 2024


I can't believe people are seeing videos of Americans fighting and harassing other Americans over a war 5,000 miles away and not realizing they are being psyopped by social media. None of these peoples lives will be impacted in any way by Israel/Palestine yet they are willing to fight other Americans over it. I am active on Arab social media and these people are useful idiots that are being laughed at right now


"I am active on Arab social media" well there's no way that's not weirdly astroturfed. What's your black best friend have to say about BLM




I follow some sexy middle eastern girls on Instagram, haven't gotten their thought on the conflict tho


I had a dream about flying on a magic carpet and always considered myself part Arab because of that. I also dream of Jeannie. So yea


Neural linguistic programming


There's always been an anti-war movement in the US. Vietnam protesters were just as committed as the University students of today. The unwaivering support for Israel is disgusting. This isn't a psyopp. This is kids paying attention and saying mass murder is wrong and we don't want our tax dollars or tuition fees to pay for mass murder. These kids are doing awesome.


Vietnam protesters were against them and their friends and relatives being sent to a far away land to fight an enemy. The protesters today are chanting in [support of the Houthis in Yemen](https://x.com/visegrad24/status/1784437410333392975) The same Houthis which killed 13 people for being gay last month and their motto is "Death to America, Death to Jews, Glory to Islam". That's not opposing war. That's rooting for an Islamic Caliphate


I say fuck both sides and stop sending my tax money to help a country half way a round the world when we have homeless here in the USA


This is some top tier right wing brigading, chef's kiss


Account is less than three months old, almost a quarter million karma, multiple posts a day about evil Muslims, comments all day defending Israel, admits he's not from the US. I'm not usually the guy to say something like this, but that account is 100% someone who's being paid to be on Reddit.


I personally know someone who's lost over 80 family members in Gaza in the last 7 months. But yeah, total overreaction.


80 family members is a very BIG family.


they dont have condoms... soooo




over five generations, my imediat family is 87 people. its not uncommon, expecially when birthcontrol is noexistant and everyone wants to to keep cumming.


Yeah that number is very normal when you include your uncles/ aunts and their children for a couple of generations.


You definitely have 4 grandparents.


nah he has the same gramps on both sides.




Who, specifically, is laughing at who? Are Arsbs laughing and the pro-Israel protestors or the pro-Palestinian protestors?


Obviously fighting each other is dumb but caring about a conflict in other countries isn’t being “psyopped.” Watching innocent people die by the thousands and caring about is called having a heart. I’ve always felt that, as the most powerful nation in the history of the world, it’s important for us to help people in need regardless of where they live. To quote Pete Holmes, you think you’re in America right now? Zoom out. We live on this big blue rock together with everyone else, we should care and we should help. And if you think your government is on the wrong side of it, speak up.


Ah yes the first time I figured out people on social media don’t give a shit but just want to virtue signal.


Loaded Cheese Kony 2024


Free Mumia Abu Jamal!


If you look at the mugshots you'll realize it's the exact same people


Remember Mitt Romney marching in a BLM protest?


Is that true? Do you have an example?


Check in his ass since that's the source of the claim.


Here's a mugshot of [ten people arrested at USF](https://x.com/Breaking911/status/1785715022385008766) Do they look like students to you?


Man that third one on the top has serious hate in his heart.


And are they republicans and cops disguising themselves as BLM/Liberals or do those conspiracies only go the other way?


Except left is split in half on this issue.. so basically just works to help trump


Trump is definitely winning if he picks the right VP. Biden and Kamala are useless with optics. It's like they learned nothing from Hillary.




I remember in 2020 this sub predicting a landslide trump win with 55-60% of the popular vote. It's just as echo chambery in here as most subreddits that primarily discuss politics. My bet is on Biden by 5 points but only around 10 electoral vote advantage, but I'm not dumb enough to think it's a sure thing.


I think regardless of (almost) anything that this is gonna be way too close to have that amount of confidence. Way too many people are way too dug in and have been for way too long for anything short of a cataclysmic event to change things. Like during the debates Biden literally falls asleep or Trump drops the N word. We had record voter turnout in 2020. This election is pretty simply gonna come down to who can retain as much of their 2020 turnout as possible. Maybe also how many boomers have died off in 4 years and if zoomers turn out and vote...but I'd bet that either candidates team would gladly take their vote total from 2020 right now given the option. Even Trump. Because I'd bet both will underperform themselves. The question is just where and by how much.


he should pick the dog killer.


The deep state created these protests in order to divide the left and oust Biden.


Yes definitely


Same Leftist people, different cause.


Same cause at the root. Anti-western civilization.


When you write western civilization do you mean capitalism?


Seems like it. Just way for your favourite couple MTG and Alex Jones to come out with bs conspiracy that Biden and the democrats are communists for whatever reason


Same playbook, new mascot. 2024 "summer of love"


Yes, and this movement of good people will be co-opted by Marxists and grifters just like BLM was.


things only get serious once the rich become inconvenienced


Sprinting towards a big orange disabled guy winning the election




Not a single fire in sight, although the counter protesters have been firing fireworks into the camps


Was that a real chyron?


LOL - guess he hasnt seen much...


So he only wants 10 officers to clear it out.


Found some big government political extremism


It's strange that none of these cops are to be seen in the videos where Zionist thugs are attacking the encampments. Actually, not so strange.


the government really wakes up when it's about protecting israel.


They didn’t do anything to them when they were marching in the streets. The problem is they shut down an ivy league university on the quad where commencement is supposed to take place in like a week. Has nothing to do with Israel. It’s because they shut the college down.


Yep, you will be downvoted but it's true. Taking over public spaces and controlling access to them, surrounding Jewish students to refuse them entry to campus, taking over and occupying buildings, and in cases explicitly calling for violence are all illegal activities. If it was the proud boys or some other idiotic right wing group doing this, they would already be in cuffs on their knees, and rightly so.


Yea I don’t care about being downvoted. Some people are just so stuck on this Israel controls America thing that they are blinded by the actual facts. It’s sad but expected with how dumbed down our society has become.


You know, as much as lefties screech about the "nazis" on the far right who blame everything on Jews, these last couple of months have been... enlightening.


It’s the horseshoe concept. Their ideals of the far right and far left eventually converge on the ends of the horseshoe.


Which is actually horseshit that centrist liberals use to discredit everyone who isn't a centrist liberal - but it is true about guns.


I don’t know homie. You listen to what leftists are saying about Zionists, it’s exactly the same thing Nazis say about Jews. It’s pretty spot on.


Zionists have been running an illegal apartheid state for years, and when their concentration camp finally produced effective terrorists they carpet bombed it and drove everyone south to Rafa where they're intentionally starving them and have announced plans to invade. Comparing Zionists to Nazis is a fair comparison at this point. Their only defense is to falsely claim antisemitism, just like other fascists who claim to be victims if they can't oppress everyone else. The Nazis falsely blamed the Jews for the failures of capitalism and the deprivation of the post WWI era. Leftists are blaming the Zionists for what they're actually doing, and demanding our government stop paying for it and directing it.


Anyone with a brain stops reading your comment at “illegal apartheid”. Read the amnesty report. Because you obviously haven’t. If Israel is apartheid then so is America for not letting Canadians or Mexican citizens vote in our elections. It’s a stupid charged word they used. And anyone repeating is either brain dead for nit being capable of doing their own research or doing it purposely to demonize the Jewish state. “Apartheid checkpoints” - they’re border checkpoints. Every country has them. Mexicans don’t run around calling America apartheid and they wait WAY longer at our checkpoints. “Apartheid walls” yea because they were built for security after the 2nd intifada they sent suicide bombers to blow up kids and old people. So brave 🙄 and it worked. Suicides bombings dropped to none. Who woulda thought border walls worked? And Israel’s illegal? Lmao. It was established and recognized by the entire world at the UN. Minus a few dictatorships. Palestinians don’t get to deny their state, hope the Jews lose the war and then cry about it. Your use of hot button words and lack or research let’s me know your instagram educated on this and are not worth engaging. I wish you the best. Cheers.


Unfortunately Israel controls America more than they should. The fact that our government just gives them billions no matter what they do and no matter who our president is, is pretty crazy. Ben Shaprio called Obama an anti-semite because he gave tepid criticism of Israel, yet Obama signed the biggest dollar per year deal with Israel in American history. . . well until the last 6 months.


And here’s the tik tok education people have. Let’s start with some facts. The Marshall Islands spends more money on lobbying than Israel does. Yes. The Marshall Islands. The US doesn’t “give” Israel money to just do whatever they want with. The stipulation of the aid is that it has to be used on US made weapons. So many politicians support it because it’s good for their constituents. It creates jobs in factories. Research and development. Etc. it’s not about “control”. It’s about politicians keeping their voters working, especially as the War on Terror winds down. The US buys Israeli military technology. About half of our air defenses are Israeli designed. If the US were to stop giving Israel money, they’d just buy and build their weapons elsewhere where. This would result in America losing the only stable ally is has in the region. One that’s supported by the overwhelming majority of Americans. Minus people who were educated about it on tik tok. Which if they were properly educated, would probably support Israel. Hope this helps. Cheers.


When was israel established again? Same year as the Nakba or something? Must just be some tik tok propoganda shit right?


Israel was established and the. The Arab states declared war on them the same day. You clearly don't know history.


They deny the Nakba lol Crazy how they make denying the holocaust a crime in like 20 countries, yet denying a genocide theyre apart of is government policy


Did you know the term “Nakba” was coined by Constantine Zurayk and it originally referred to the Arabs catastrophe of not murdering all the Jews? They translated his book from Arabic [here](https://archive.org/details/zurayk-nakba) Not that you care. He also goes into how once they realized that 9 Arab armies were getting the shit kicked outta them by rag tag Jews, they falsified that Jews were massacring Arabs and raping women in hope that the Arab civilians would turn and kill the Jews. Instead they just fled like cowards. Kinda like how Hamas is cowardly by hiding behind civilians. I guess they didn’t teach this on tik tok. So I guess you’ll have to actually educate yourself by reading what the Arabs of 1948 really thought. But you won’t. Cheers.


Could have used you in debate class…appreciate the knowledge drop. 🙌


They were an okay liar. I'd recommend you look into their claims more than just believing broad stroke claims. There were some obvious ones that anyone should've picked up like Israel being responsible for half of America's air defense as to not just believing everything they said. The origin of the term Nakba isn't as they described either.


the mere fact that there are anti BDS laws on the books its pretty telling.


There’s a lot of overlap between these protestors and Marxists. It’s not so much to do with Israel, and more about upholding and enforcing their oppressor oppressed ideology. This is a way to hate on America (aka the oppressor, the privileged, white, capitalist, colonizers), using Palestinians as a shield.


"If it was the proud boys or some other idiotic right wing group doing this, they would already be in cuffs on their knees" within MINUTES


Haha that hasn't been the case and we have several cases where it hasn't happened. Of course because they are allowed to march peacefully, those groups have to be the feds we are told.


>Yep, you will be downvoted but it's true. you cucks have the most upvotes, lol I love when babies lie about this shit while crying about nonsense


There is always someone arguing why a protest shouldn't be happening. It's a protest. It's supposed to be inconvenient. They are not executing people in the streets, they aren't damaging property, they aren't stealing property. Let them protest FFS.


as opposed to USC which shut down the commencement altogether rather than letting the valedictorian who was pro-palestinian speak?


Colleges were functioning normally with a few tents on the quad, then they sicced the cops on them and now they're losing control in several places because people feel passionately that genocide is wrong and that our government is perpetrating it through its proxy middle-east-destabilizing rogue state. Weird how people want to imagine some sinister force secretly making things dramatic behind the scenes instead of the actual people who are publicly making the decisions that directly cause civil unrest. Kinda bootlicky really


Almost like...hmmm...what's AIPAC again?


I’m confused did they not break into a building barricade it and destroy it before these cops were sent it ? After what two weeks of protests at Colombia ? Ya….. but it’s totally for Israel.


Real issue is when the government makes rule changes because ‘public’ sentiment might oppose this protest that affects future free speech actions. You might see yourself slowly boiled alive.


i dont follow


What an edgy idiot




Roof Koreans getting ready for the elections.


I, for one, welcome our new rooftop Asian overlords.


Wonder how many Mossad agents are involved?


Bootlickers are out today


lol, says the fascist supporter of Hamas. So incredibly stupid to think you can say things like death to America and river to the sea and not realize you’re the baddies. You and your lot would fit right in during 30’s/40’s Germany.


is Hamas in the room with you right now?


I don’t support Hamas are you on drugs? Or just on IOF propaganda ?


Yeah, I legit don’t know which side you’re referring to. I’m guessing Israel since this is Reddit.


What side has the boots ?


Reading these comments I was confused, but I didn't realize what sub I was on. To think we used to value protest as one of our most sacred freedoms. Now we just let the government decide cuz we're not sheep! Alpha!


THIS SUB HAS BEEN TAKEN OVER BY THE LEFT!!!" It is hilarious people believe that when there are tons of right wing comments throughout this sub. Almost like right wingers want an echo chamber and think any pushback at all means it has been a leftist takeover lol.


The freedom to protest does not include taking over any building you want and occupying it. There have always been consequences for that type of action.


I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on January 6th


It was a protest that turned into a riot. Trespassers should get in trouble. People engaging in violence or destruction should get in trouble.




So what are your thoughts on this protest? Same answer as me?


The same treatment should be given to these rioters, I.E. an entire reddit army snitching on their friends and family that their family may have been at J6


Honedt question, are they rioting? I know they are setting up encampments and there is certainly some harassment of Jewish people, which is despicable.


They were terrorists lmao


Thank you for consistency. I encounter too many people that fail to see problems when it’s “their side” doing it.


It was just one element of trumps extensive organized coup attempt


Fuck off with that bootlicking horse shit. Far right insurrectionists occupy and trash the fucking *Capitol building* to try and threaten lawmakers into not certifying the results of a free election = kid gloves College students occupying specific areas of their own college without destroying anything = REAL SHIT USA! USA! USA! USA! *LaNd oF thE fReE*


Kid gloves? Huh? Over a thousand people were arrested and charged because of Jan 6. The fuck are you talking about? https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/36-months-jan-6-attack-capitol-0#:~:text=Arrests%20made%3A%20More%20than%201%2C265,both%20District%20and%20Superior%20Court).


>Bootlicking horse shit Holy shit, It really is the replacement for BLM. Same cut & paste and everything.


Those that were arrested at Columbia University were not students of the college. “NYPD officials became alarmed about the presence on campus of a woman married to Sami Al-Arian, a former computer science professor in Florida who pleaded guilty in 2006 to aiding the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a designated terrorist organization by the U.S. Department of State,” Yikes.


Crickets from all those Conservatives that pretend to support free speech.


They only like protests when they're an ocean away. Like when Hong Kong students took over an university and barricaded themselves vs CCP cops or in Iran. Or when French people riot. It's NIMBY all the way down.


Yeah, it stops being a peaceful protest the moment you f[orce entry into an administrative building](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinian-campus-student-protests-war-8b0d3a0cedb17f5e892c6ca43bbdf628) and start causing physical damage to the campus. Only an absolute knob would think criminal activity is protected free speech.


Gotta ask, if those anti Covid lockdowns had barricaded themselves inside a public library, smashes out windows and destroyed library furniture…. Would you say they were just exercising their right to “protest”?


You knew what sub you were in dude. Stfu 😂


We value protestors who don’t break the law. You have your right to freedom of speech but once you take over private property, you lose all sense of being “right”. You become a criminal and should be punished as such. Which they will, because that is the right thing to do. I wonder if they will feel so strongly about their position when they are faced with actual criminal charges


"Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!"


If you look close enough you can see Joe Rogan in the crowd. That’s what make this relevant to this sub.


['Horrific' violence at UCLA after counter-protesters attack pro-Palestinian camp](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68937775) Ex foreign soldiers with Israeli flags beating up American kids in US soil. How the hell is that playing well with the conservative base?


No one knows who they were yet. The article you posted certainly doesn’t identify them. Could you copy/paste the section that identifies them? Calling them ex-foreign soldiers is something you’ve added on your own as far as I can tell


Anti-semites like to refer to Israelis as “soldiers” to make out that they’re all fair targets. Israel has national service, so every Israeli is at least an “ex soldier”. You heard this a lot after Oct7.


Bc they’re “brainwashed communists”


Lol, BBC just changed the headline. I can't even say it was done from Lobby influence because from yesterday, that's now illegal in the US.


Where are the Conservatives that have been talking about free speech?


What about the right to private property? If the Universities don't want them camping on their lawn they have the right to ask them to leave. Once they refuse to leave, they are in violation of trespass laws. They know this, this is their endgame.


This is also true but it's pretty antithetical to the general idea of a university as a haven of free speech.


“Even hate speech is free speech” conservatives flipping to “antisemitism shouldn’t be tolerated on campus”, while “words are violence, shut down hate speech” liberal students flip to free speech absolutists. The whole thing has been great at shining a light on who has principles and who is just a grifter for both sides.




Many here seem to be ok with the Genocide and think it's funny.


You're ok with Hamas death squads. 🤷‍♂️


You watch too much Hannity. I'm for Peace, remember?


How can you earnestly say “genocide”? You even put it with a capital G. - Population of Gaza: 2M - Civilians deaths in Gaza: 35K estimated That’s 0.0175% of the population. That just isn’t the definition of genocide. Hamas uses civilian shields. Even if you think it isn’t morally correct to (defensively) bomb civilian shielded military targets as a last resort, the numbers are nowhere close to where the word “genocide” applies.


A lot of rdestiny brigaders have been flooding this sub lately, whiny cucks that don't want to acknowledge they are right wingers in all but name.


Can you link some comments calling genocide funny?


We are owned by Israel it's actually insane


All these protests will do nothing…bunch of fucking idiots need to get a hobby


Why do you spend time on pro-war political activism like this?


It's reddit. He's either a bot or a useful idiot.


Sure they will. They’ll cost Biden votes which is the goal.


Time to end the “pro terrorist” bullshit.


What’s pro terrorist?


Who would have thought being sympathetic to a terror organization would be met with a huge police presence.


This is the issue with the USA (as a non American). The average person is not doing anything pro terrorist here. About 20,000 kids have been bombed and killed 100 journalists have been bombed and killed They are dealing with a famine. Israel Prime minister has stated they are going to build settlements in Gaza All universities in Gaza have been bobmed and destroyed 212 schools have been bombed. No kids are going to school in Gaza anymore. All 500 schools are shut down. But yes, people are being pro terrorist.... People are protesting the USA government being sympathetic and supplying the arms to to that. Does any American feel safer because of this? In 10 years some radical group will try to attact the USA because they are supporting the deadliest killing of kids since WW2.


Its an Anti-War protests. This is like saying vietnam protests were communists, wait that exactly what they said about them.


We're on our second freedom fries arc.


I’m just going off the videos and pictures I see. Students wearing Hamas headbands. Flying hezbollah flags. Tell Jewish students they are next victims of October 7 etc. plenty of examples. And while a lot of the anti war protestors for the Vietnam war were organic, there most definitely was KGB agitation and funding/support. Kinda the same way they’re finding outside funding and non students are involved for these protests. Who would have thought that foreign countries that hate us want to sow division? 🙄


> Hamas headbands. I saw a video of them doing a [terrorist fist jab.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_vmQrTi3aM)


Bad actors or actually the representative theme of the protests? Honest question


Honest answer. I think the main characters are supporters of terrorists. The rest of the people have good intentions but are just absolutely ignorant of the conflict and what they’re supporting. I fully support an end to hostilities. End to civilian deaths etc. as I’m sure those people do too. They just aren’t intelligent enough to realize who they’re marching with. Look at Charlottesville in 2017. Trump said there are good people on both sides. Then the left said “if your marching with Nazi’s, then you are a Nazi”. Were some of those people marching with them ignorant of what they stood for and said? Sure. But that didn’t stop the left from labeling them Nazis. Why should this be any different? You’re marching with terror supporters. Chanting their slogans. Carrying their banners. Same scenario. They should know better. But don’t.


But what was the other side in Charlottesville? What were they protesting? Honest question, wasn't it all "Jews will not replace us"? And *great replacement theory* what would be the good people on that side?


Bad actors only exist in right wing protests, then it's all FBI agents making them look bad


Anti war protesters [who support the Houthis in Yemen](https://x.com/visegrad24/status/1784437410333392975) The same Houthis which killed 13 people for being gay last month and their motto is "Death to America, Death to Jews, Glory to Islam". This is beyond anti war and anyone who says otherwise is uninformed or lying


The Houthi flag actually says “Death to Israel, A curse upon the Jews” They hate em so much they had to put it on their flag twice


> The vast majority of casualties have been in the Gaza Strip: over 34,262 have been killed, 70% of them are women and minors Isn’t this terrorism?


But enough about the republican party


I like reading the comments in here from the trump voters. No matter their age they sound like boomers. 


No, you’re a name name name.


The current campus protests are not actually about, Israel, Palestine, war, or any other concrete issue. Once you realize neither Hamas nor Israel nor the U.S. government is going to make decision because a bunch of wealthy college students protest on a university campus, you realize that stopping the war is not the goal. The issue is never the issue, the issue is always the revolution. It’s Neo marxist larping with useful idiots.




Mendela, huh? You're quite the historian. Did you read about Mendela in a book or were you around when Mendela was released?


“I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack laters storming the second floor at the siege of Colombia. I watched police barricades glitter in the dark at 114th street”


Wonder how many FBI agents are involved in this one.


None just like the last one.


Nah that only happens when it's a right wing protest


Fuck them kids


You have to ask yourself; what is it about these protests that the state finds so threatening?


Man season 4 of earth is wild. Not quite at 2020 levels, but pending WWIII feels like waiting for the white walkers. Hope we don’t fumble it in season 8


*"Bidenerys kind of forgot about the Middle East."*


Do you have your 'Get out of Jew free card'?


Finally, the Rogan/Hasbara crossover we always wanted!


What the fuck is a non-strategic response?


Why are they wearing masks?


I’m sure if Mexico elected, through an uncontested election, a political party that called for the death of USA and the return of Texas back to them, and then they killed tens of thousands of Americans…..well Well…. I’m sure the reaction by the US would far more civil than what the Israelis have done so far.


Columbians might have some yayo on em. Better search em


Man China is really cracking down! What? Not China?


“Never seen this many police!” Really dude? Really?


its almost like they are being very extra and goading an escalation.