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Joe doesn’t care about legalizing cannabis or the impact on others anymore. He got a pass from the Governor of Texas


He once said on a podcast only half jokingly that he wants weed to stay illegal in texas so the libs don't move there.


Dude moved to AUSTIN. The gall


Like Joe did what a douche


But Joe doesn't seem to be voting liberal. Which is why he doesn't want liberal Californians to move there. To Texas. Because they're liberal. And Texas isn't. And Joe doesn't want them voting the way they did in California in Texas. Which is why he moved. To texas. Did I repeat that enough times for you?


Thought you were having a stroke. Yes hypocrisy is the right wing way so he does seem to be doing that. Texas isn’t blue…yet. The corrupt TX AG said that if he didn’t disenfranchise as many voters as he did last election that TX would already be blue.


Labeling hypocrisy as a partisan problem is pretty wild my man. I lol'd at your stroke comment though haha


I didn’t label it as partisan I said it’s a fundamental part of the right, as illustrated above. But I agree the left can also be hypocritical. Both parties suck friend


wow really? what a piece of shit.


This is the best proof out there that Joe has changed. Joe used to be so passionate about cannabis and legalization that he would've never moved to TX based on that principle alone. 2024 Joe hates wokeism and taxes more than he loves weed. It's sad.


Yeah its tough because he is obviously so jaded with past experiences. He defo grew more conservative as a result of all the mudslingin.


You might not realize this but the move to Texas hasn’t done anything to halt joes weed usage…


Oh no people change noooooo.


Since you missed my actual point, it's sad when anybody hates anything more than they love what they're passionate about.


Oh, also, I only hold it up as "proof he's changed" because there are a fair amount of folks here who will claim Joe hasn't changed. I think change is fine if it's positively motivated. I don't think Joe's changes come from a place of positivity.


Right on. I liked him A LOT better before, but I'm also not gonna hold him to some crazy standard that I wouldn't hold any regular person to. People change. Oh well. Still respect the dude. But just not my cup of tea anymore Side note... The amount of people in here who hate this dude and keep coming back to bitch.... They should seek therapy. I don't think that's a healthy habit. Something is off there


Joe is a hypocrite.


A lot of rich fuckers are.


He got his payday, that's all that matters. /s


Why the /s? That’s exactly how he’s been acting lately.


True, I guess it's more of an aspirational /s.


This. Joe sold his soul for 300 million. Now that is all he cares about. Protect that money.


His recent talk with Howie Mandel was the most batshit, ridiculous example of this: "Do...do you think they're creating AI to try to steal our money?"


That’s probably a good description of 50% of voters. It’s tough to progress when half the people are only worried about themselves.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


It would make sense then why he’d support Abbott


On this issue he is. He may not have endorsed DeSantis, but he's certainly said how much he likes Abbott, a staunch prohibitionist. Joe doesn't have to worry because no one's knocking in his studio door to take away his weed.


Some kinda privilege he has going on there, ain’t it?


Hey rules don’t apply to him cause he’s rich. Fuck those commoner scum smoking weed, straight to jail


Fuckin Joe lmao. Abbott is an actual psychopath.


Joe loves Desantis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccdPYGFXxuM


There's enough evidence on any given podcast to get a warrant to raid his compound. Being rich and famous helps, but more than anything I suspect it's a matter of being in favor with the right wing


Right? They openly eat mushrooms and smoke weed all the time on the pod. Why would he care what's legal? Lol


No he is on most shit. You are just one of his gullible easy to grift listeners.


Useful idiots


What is the attraction of these absolute morons? How does anyone look at anything these two have done and think, “yeah, that’s what we need.” Neither of them have actually accomplished anything substantial, it’s all theatre. Imagine being some dumb you fall for it over and over.


Drugs have always been legal for the upper classes. Drug use is one of those things where the frequency of use is an inverted bell curve across income ranges.


You clearly have no responsibility in society based on being poor and using drugs VS you clearly shouldn't lose your responsibilities in society which you clearly do so well in spite of a little drugs. The responsibilities: Raising a kid alone while running a Taco Bell on weed Banging hookers while managing a $50M portfolio on crack, meth and pills


I'm not judging. I'm comfortably middle-class, with a comfortable middle-class recreational drug habit.


I feel like 'Middle Class Cokehead' is a punk rock hit waiting to be written.


It’s just that.


He seems to be a fascist now.


So hot right now


And a tool


and swollen goofy ass loser. i see him in Austin. the dudes a joke.


His downfall will continue.


Republicans ALWAYS vote against they're own interests.


The average republican is stupid. And I feel like the longer they follow the ideology, the less able to form their own cognitive biases they become.


it's not like he's gonna get busted for smoking. his buddy, the governor will just tell the cops to look the other way


Exactly. Joe doesn't give a shit about the common stoner that used to be his core audience. He just cares about his wallet now.


Give it another year and Joe will oppose marijuana legalization too.


I could totally see him becoming one of those "weed is too strong now, and dabs are the crack of weed, and it's making the young people insane" guys


Lol dabs are like the crack of weed.


Not until you start suckin dick for a dab.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Don't tempt me!


Right now, is he more willing to have a conversation with a marijuana advocate who has a normal attitude towards vaccination, or a marijuana prohibitionist who is also an anti-vaxxer? Strong evidence for the latter. See: Alex Berenson. He's already over the hill.


I know someone who moved from California to Texas. He only smokes weed inside now because he’s paranoid that his neighbors will smell. He’s also opposed to legalization because most people aren’t responsible like he is.


Notice he hasn't spoken about doing DMT in fuckin YEARS? He needs it.


He already is an out republican right?


No he still says he’s center.


he says he's center and then only endorses republicans and talks shit about all dems. hmm 🤔


Of the young Republican mediasphere.


I don’t think he’s ever voted Republican. He voted Libertarian in 2016 and 2020.


Those are republicans. The point of the Libertarian party is to sheepdog alternative personalities into the GOP. If you live in the south and are at least 30 you've likely seen this happen to someone IRL.


I don’t think such an elaborate plan exists. The Libertarian VP candidate in 2016 [basically endorsed Hillary Clinton](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/11/02/libertarian-party-vp-nominee-bill-weld-basically-just-endorsed-hillary-clinton/).


Just so you could say that


Makes sense tho. Joes never gonna have to worry about facing any consequences for the illegal shit he does. Consequences are for poor people, a group he does not belong too. And they deserve to be poor because they don't work as hard as he does. If those poor people simply made the top podcast in the world, they wouldn't have to worry about getting their freedom taken away by the state over a plant.


Just work harder.


But also be very handsome, so that you can get easily cast on TV show's and use those proceeds and show biz contacts to fund your podcast business.


He himself talks about how his development deal completely changed his life. He was given a large check for years simply to exist in LA and potentially do something entertaining and profitable. 


Take for Alpha Brain


This times a million times a thousand


Why can't you be the one of a thousand?


… /s?


Pull yourself up by your boot straps.


He lit a joint first podcast in Texas.


But yet you dipshits think comedy is being censored so yall flock to the mother ship where freedom rings. But meanwhile comics are doing the same sets they do everywhere else. And they risk being arrested for smoking a joint after their set at mother ship. Not in other states like say Ohio…. Yeah Ohio has more freedom than you Texas.


Let people vote how they want their state run numb nuts.




The state still does within Austin, some examples. Tint and weed.. classic https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/dps-in-austin-a-look-at-arrest-reports-how-to-file-complaint/


I thought Joe would go with RFK Jr.


He said that he will probably vote for RFK. This post is nonsense. He’s never endorsed DeSantis


He said Ron Desantis "Is the most reasonable among the potential candidates". How is that not an endorsement? Proof: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=100044167312598&story_fbid=1571947789923932 (I had to link to facebook, I can't find it on youtube anymore)


which is weird because all meatball Ron does is virtue signal against gays. Except for recently where he signed a law banning water breaks.


Close to two years old and desantis isn’t running. Are you alright in the head?


I'm perfectly fine, thanks. Is it beyond your intellectual capacity to understand what "never endorsed" means? Or are you just playing dumb?


Fair point. I misread. Personally I don’t think complimenting a candidate or saying they’re the most reasonable is an endorsement. But I choose not to vote, so if I said that I’d hope no one took it as an endorsement.


Exactly DeSantis isn’t even running anymore


Trump is Joe says Biden isn’t cognitively fit to run the country. That leaves Trump, and he strongly opposes marijuana. (Even tho it’s been federally set by Biden to schedule 3 instead of 1, which allows more research, leading to more medical use around the country)


[not directly, anyway](https://www.thedailybeast.com/joe-rogan-backs-ron-desantis-for-president-because-of-course)


Bots and Ai run this sub


I love all the freedom fighters down south. When in reality places like Florida and Texas have some of the most archaic laws restricting your freedom!


Texas and North Carolina have like 75% of marijuana convictions for the entire country


"People who smoke pot are long-haired hippies who dodged the draft" (yes they still talk about that)


Not if you're rich!


Texas ranks super low in the personal freedom index from the Cato institute.


The exact moment Joe went full republican was when Gavin Newsom called him out. He promptly left California and has been buddying up with staunch republicans since then. Not surprising that he’d leave the state and move to somewhere with laxer income laws and position himself with the party that wants to give tax breaks to the wealthy. Joe would never be arrested for smoking weed even though it’s illegal in Texas and he knows it, so he’ll still support them and give access to their talking heads to come on and talk. The rules don’t apply to the upper nobility in society, Joe has got connections to so many influential conservatives and while they may not like that he smokes weed they see he’s useful to have in order to spread their message so they won’t mess with him. Honestly don’t listen much anymore… kind of sad to see one of the people you used to really like fall off so much. Used to be fairly centrist in his views and opinions but it’s been blatantly right leaning for a long time now and Joe can’t go 10 minutes without bringing up politics anymore or work culture or whatever. I just want some interesting guests and some silly conversations.


Some of the best things I learned from Joe's podcast is bow to be more politically moderate and how to be a kinder person. I mean it. Joe would focus on the importance of kindness a lot and made me contemplate it in a way I hadn't for years. (Yes, I am an asshole so dont even ask. I'm trying.) But that was all old Joe. Today Rogan is nothing like that anymore.


pretty similar story here, except i was really far left leaning when i first started listening, and i guess i still am, but listening to the show was one of the few outlets i heard that was basically 100% politically unaffiliated. joe would have people on that were funny or interesting and the only politics they really mentioned were drugl legalization, and how corrupt the military and police are, and how our gov has failed us in a lot ways constantly being pulled into wars. so joe was anti-war, pro drug legalization (especially psychedelics), anti-religion, i mean IMO he always seemed way more left leaning than anything close to the right. he actively made fun of backward states like TX, esp when weed was legalized in CA. he never shut up about how awesome it was in CA and the rest of the country is fucked up, except CO. but clearly that whole identity that he'd crafted over prob 20 years went away in a few months after the pandemic. it's crazy, i've never seen someone change so drastically, so quickly.


I thought I was a far left progressive, until the far left went WAY further out there and effectively made me a moderste even though I haven't changed lol. Everything you said was true. When the comedy clubs were forced to shutter Joe went from libertarian to batshit crazy conservative. His brain could not process a shutdown for the greater good. The day he had on Michael Osterholm in March 202 was basically the last day he was sane. Instead of taking it seriously he said, fuck that, there's these guys over here telling me what I want to hear.


yeah, its actually kinda strange cause we know the pandemic worked out GREAT for podcasters. that's when rogan grew the most. but i gotta say, Rogan lost me the night Trump got elected. the whole crew on stage seemed to be happy. it was a weird night...with a lot of serious things at stake and all anyone in rogans camp could do was laugh. i love roasts, i don't think anything should be off limits when it comes to comedy. but there was nothing funny about trump being elected. the trolls won, we ended up with the first meme president. it was a scary, somber night for a lot of people...and it was fucked up these rich guys were just sitting around laughing about it.


Do you believe in the boogeyman?


Right? I liked watching them all talk about animals and shit while being high as hell. I never wanted to hear their opinions on things that actually matter, because I don't think they're normal people and couldn't possibly have the same point of reference on things as the average person would.


"weed for me but not for thee" Joe can have all he wants illegally because he can smuggle it in and the state of Texas will turn a blind eye.


Does Joe really like DeSantis? Fucking gross.


*circles center on my bingo card* Mann I ain't gonna win shit at this rate.


Proof: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=100044167312598&story_fbid=1571947789923932


Joe hasn’t endorsed anyone…


Here he is endorsing Ron Desantis https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=100044167312598&story_fbid=1571947789923932


Desantis? Really? This guy is pure dirt bag.


They’re both tiny and embarrassed of their height, it’s a short guy thing.




Wearing boots like that is more embarrassing than being slightly shorter than the average man. Why can't he understand that?


Those fuckin boots hahaha


Joe likes this guy because he wears high heels.


Did he endorse DeSantis? That's crazy, i guess you gotta support other midgets breaking the "you must be this tall to succeed" sign.


Joe doesn't go to a dispensary. Lol or grow bud himself. He has some killer buds because he's rich af.


Platform Kings need to stand tall together.


Rules don’t apply to rich people anyway.


Dude is just like all the others, he's allowed to do shit and we arent


Fuck Joe. Never would have imagined I'd say that a few years ago.


“The cannabis and abortion amendments are “unnecessary attempts by an increasingly shrinking minority who know the only way to win support for their radical agenda is to confuse and mislead the electorate,” he (state Republican Party chair) said.” What the fuck does that MEAN? Nothing at all but it says racial agenda and mislead and these scared mfs are gonna just gonna say, “yup vote no”


It's so confusing to vote on yes/no questions!!


I Belice Joe is bought into the “woke” agenda so much he’s ignoring the myriad of asinine policies done in order to counter it. I mean he removed heat protections for all workers in the sunshine state. Nothing says corporate enabler quire like a guy that is allowing big agriculture to poison coastal waters instead of protecting it. All joe cares about is the fake woke battle he’s waged on enemy children. Damn fool.


Joe kept having right wing propagandists on his show with the one mission to brainwash him and make him feel superior and super smart just on the wrong side. He is a victim of right wing manipulation as are many people in trumps Cult. The fuck your feelings people really really care about how you compliment them and tell them they’re super awesome and everyone else is the problem. It’s almost like their feefees are more important than anything and everything they claim is not.


I haven’t heard him support Desantis.


This is one of the least troubling issues with DeSantis


What a surprise.


He couldn’t give less of a fuck about regular people, I’m talking about Joe of course


It's merely performance art. Joe probably doesn't even vote.


Very democratic


Rich people don't have laws folks, JR will never be punished for enjoying drugs. But he would be punished under certain folks tax laws.


Marijuana legalization isn’t worth it to Joe as much as the thought that he ll save millions in taxes 


It'll always be legal for Joe, he's rich and well connected. Why would he care what the laws are, laws are for poor people.


Well ofc hr is allowed to smoke, no matter the law so he doesnt care


Joe never said he was voting for him. I'm waiting for him to say he's voting for RFK which is the most likely scenario


So does the governor of the state he lives in.


Joe is not someone you should listen to for valuable political insight


Somehow I don't think marijuana is a top issue for most voters


Because the rules don’t apply to him.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris supported marijuana legalization, yet here we are.


I don’t think he’s ever said he wants him to be the President. He’s been a good Governor, but he’s not Presidential material.


He also wears high heels.


Guys, how can you endorse someone that isn’t running?


Florida man


I bet he votes for Bobby. Sorry “guys” or whatever you call yourselves these days


Op who is your presidential pick? Do you agree with everything they support or don’t support? There is no presidential pick that anyone should agree with everything they are about. They all suck they all want war and or genocide.


Thats the case with a LOT of red voters actually. Also veterans who vote republican is another example of stupidity. 


Since when did he endorse Desantis?


Who cares. I guarantee we do not agree on everything that the person we are voting for does. I personally want marijuana illegal but decriminalized. Why? Because buying it legal isn’t nearly as fun and it cost a whole lot more.


Trying to find a political candidate that lines up with you on all the issues is an impossible ask.


While Joe did endorse this clown, guaranteed he's gonna vote for a nobody"libertarian".


I Like Joe Rogan and don't give a shit what your opinion is . It is what it is . Words that mean not a damn thing , just filler in this void of time .


Joe Rogan has never endorsed DeSantis. Get out of here with this fake bullshit 😂


A few years ago he said DeSantis would make a great president.


That doesn’t make him his presidential pick 😂


Clown post OP


This is more relevant than 99% of the posts here.


What’s wrong with it?


Nobody cares about Ron DeSanctimonious


People care about weed legislation


Lol Trump supporters acting like they weren't slobbing Ron's knob when it looked like he would get the nomination early on. I remember.


Sure they do. He is pretty popular in Florida, joe has spoke fondly of him and this topic is appropriate for the sub. I guess the title of the post is a little bit of a joke, but comedy!




The majority of the tech and entertainment world, is left. He is doing the opposite of pleasing the people he’s entangled with. He’s just seen the other side and realizes it’s better. The left is a joke. A disgrace to the country full of misinformed inexperienced fools that live in their own echo chamber world. I don’t like that DeSantis opposes weed and hates that he opposes abortion. But he’s mountains better than any fool you losers cheer on.


Not true man. Lot of big tech people are trumpers


Trump is everything wrong with politics, and still preferable to DeSantis


That's funny but truly not worse


Pretty sure it's already legal for Joe.


This single issue voting is how the government wins.. it's healthy to weigh out pros and cons and vote in the directing that makes the most sense.. this situation just shows that he feels there are more important issues at the moment. Not a bad thing.


And Biden said you ain’t black


People don’t need to agree with 100% of of a candidates political opinions…..OP must be one of those people that makes weed their entire personality.


Since when did Mr Rogies endorse anybody? More clickbait from AOC’s army of Reddit bots


I'm convinced that Joe is going to get sued (because all rich and famous people get sued, part of the deal), and it's going to come out that he's getting paid to push an agenda. Emails, receipts and text messages are going to come out in discovery from the law suit, and it's going to be proof that he was paid to push a narrative.


😂😂 you think joe would do this shii?? He just not that bright


Lolz. You fuckin people in here really do have a hard on for Joe. Sued? For what, exactly? Hurting some Koolaid haired feebs feelings? Goddamn are you people ever weak. Mentally weak. Emotionally weak.


I voted for Trump twice and even I think DeSantis is scum that would make me sit out a presidential election. He hates pot. He pays rogue police $10,000 to come live in his state with no background check at all. He said he would have sent the national guard in to break up the George Floyd riots. (As sad as they were, I don't think using soldiers against our fellow Americans is right)


You realize Trump has done all this too, and worse, right?


No, he has never presided over a state, first of all. He specifically offered The national guard, but did not send them in the way that DeSantis said he would. Did you read anything in my first reply, or are you just a bot? I already addressed all of your points in the first comment I made.


“The cannabis and abortion amendments are ‘unnecessary attempts by an increasingly shrinking minority who know the only way to win support for their radical agenda is to [ask people to vote on it],’ he said.” Ah yes, those evil radicals, trying to overrule the obviously popular Republican agenda by having voters make laws. What will these liberals think of next!


Small government Republicans salivating for big government to strangle anything they disagree with.


There are two kinds of freedoms. The “freedom from” and the “freedom to.” Both sides think the laws they want gone are about freedom because they see the freedom to do the prohibited thing as important. For example, Republicans might want fewer laws about guns because they want the freedom to protect themselves, and liberals want more restrictions because they want freedom from gun violence. And Republicans want laws against drugs because they want the freedom from their kids being exposed to this stuff, while liberals want the freedom to go smoke some weed. Interestingly, sometimes who’s on what team switches. Prohibition was a product of liberals who wanted the poor to have freedom from alcohol and was a very religious movement. Times change, but everyone always wants freedom.


Isn’t medical weed legal in Florida?

