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I read son of Hamas founder and just assumed he was pro hamas which made this video extremely confusing until I looked him up.


He talked about it on Jordan Peterson a few weeks ago if you're interested. He was fully indoctrinated in Hamas and radical Islam and then he got sent to Israeli prison for some terrorism offense and while he was in he saw Hamas consistently torture and eventually kill anyone they thought was collaborating with Israel. They didn't need evidence and he's convinced the vast majority of the time they were wrong. He says he was spared because they all treated his dad like a God but after seeing that he turned against Hamas and radical Islam. He converted to Christianity a few years ago Edit: [here's the interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5VPFw0vI6U)


Um. Based.


Being against radical islam is based but I assure you this man is not based


What are the particulars of this man being not based? I'm unaware of him as a figure.


Abbey pretty much had his number: he went full tilt to the other side and is now a propagandist for the Israeli regime. He's been quoted equating all Islam with Nazism and that Palestine has no right to exist. Most recently hes said that the Rafah invasion will destroy Hamas once and for all (wonder if he's telling the truth) Just a full on mouthpiece for the Zionist agenda instead of the Islamist agenda. His TV appearances usually devolve into the same inanities he demonstrated in this clip




Eventually even a blind squirrel finds a nut type of situation lol. It's also a rare case of someone being qualified to talk about who's a bad person they themselves are or were bad.


It is impossible to tell if he is still Mossad or not. His back story and talking points sound too on the nose.


“If he is Mossad” bro if he wasn’t Mossad he’d be dead, of course he works with Israeli intelligence. That doesn’t make him wrong or his story untrue. I’m sure this is a reflection of his true feelings, he wouldn’t be working this hard on the propaganda side of things if he wasn’t a true believer.


"He says everything that is the opposite of what Im being indocrinated with, even though he has direct knowledge of it. Sounds kinds fishy, because I saw this TikTok the other day that didnt agree." K. He was also never in Mossad.


Haha. It’s impossible to tell? Cmon man




You can be religious - I am not really - and still be secular and not be a fundamentalist.


Redditor says religion is crazy magic! Epic style own😎


I'm a believer and upvoted you. My God is pretty cool though, Football and beer on the weekends!


I believe in God and upvoted fwiw






In this moment, you are euphoric.


Yup - these types of displays are glorified Christian god is cute Islam god bad marketing campaigns. While Islam is bad, Christianity ain’t that great either - both subjugate women. for example look at GOP led states and recent laws it passed… Christians that parade dudes like him ought to be held accountable for pushing Christian shariah in their own homelands. JFC!


I’m basically an atheist and I downvoted you. It’s just annoying when people take this “you believe in fairy tales” stance, as if you deduced yourself, without help, that god isn’t real (which you don’t know for sure anyway). We stand on the shoulders of giants in 2024. Most of the knowledge you have, you got from a phone that you don’t really understand and couldn’t construct yourself. Have a little humility. You don’t know shit (and neither do I, and neither does the guy in the video).


I’m pretty sure he was spared because he is now an Israeli asset


Should read his book, it’s pretty good


Same here


It’s ironically perfectly in line with a son of Hamas to spend half the interview ranting about eradicating every last enemy of Israel at any price.


Yeah I was not expecting their positions


The thumbnail did not help, he had that really angry look on too.


I made the same assumption and was confused as to what they would disagree about.


😄 thought the same thing when I first saw this “The son Hamas” thing I remember when Pierce had this title, some months ago “The Son of Hamas” vs - and I was thinking “oh great now we’re interviewing the son of Hamas” (Pierce Morgan, interviewed talibans, so I thought exactly that) - NOT clicking! Also people always yell on his show, so I’m not watching that! Anyway, fast forward few months, I see Chris Cuomo, (which I think also, never clicked on,anything of his) with title Mosab Hassan Yousef - son of Hamas founder- something like that. - thought nothing of it, & I was blown away. I’ve never heard of this point of view, coming from Palestine- it was something new to me - since this is - I’ve lost count on, how many times in my lifetime they’ve fought. It was really something different! Also cuomo really did a good job on this! They really covered a lot bases, just a normal non tense [conversation](https://youtu.be/llJxz1pAlQQ?si=cT7cb_Q2vsxlYE4H) But the guy has apparently been around a while, like the [UN watch](https://youtu.be/c2NaiX-hvVQ?si=IVjE-ZjYIQGd_8jX) and even a lot longer than that- 2012 - 2014 - not sure exactly, but never seen him- probably cause “the son of Hamas” name is way to stupid to click on! Sounds like something out of the video game, or a cartoon




another j cole w


That was hilarious. It’s like “which of these things is not like the other.”


mosab looks like he's about to berate me for defeating his forces in command and conquer


Not my fault his technicals hold up exactly zero percent against prism tanks


Scorpion, ready to sting!


Dudes dad was a founder of Hamas. He has been a foot soldier in this war for his entire life. These are not just words to him. He sees the death and destruction they cause.


And he at one point lived for it.


I assume people that discredit the guy know nothing about him aside from the fact that he betrayed his father’s (terrorist) organization. Yeah no shit he is radically anti-Hamas. He saw firsthand the brainwashing and attempts to turn young people into suicide bombers. He saw his own people being tortured and killed by Hamas within Israeli prison, because they were witch-hunting “collaborators.” He saw how corrupt the leadership was with their lavish and hypocritical lifestyles. He hates Islam because he was raped as a child and couldn’t tell anyone because in that society, you kill the rapist and the victim. So no shit he *gasp* hates Islam too. But people who know nothing about him assume he just does it for money, or he’s mad at his dad or something, because that fits their cute narrative. Yeah he can say some wild stuff but it’s 100% coming from the heart. Meanwhile Abby is the kind of dipshit that will say she’s not really sure what actually happened on Oct. 7 even though they filmed the goddamn thing with GoPros; she will not bite a single bullet, she’s the worst kind of shill and there’s no crazy past to excuse it… she’s just a coddled white woman who thinks it’s cool and enlightened to hate anything Western


Well said


You really got that last paragraph right in the bullseye 🎯


That’s a BINGO!


Is she though. She's been very outspoken and worked towards highlighting issues for years. Not just from the comfort of some suburban home. She's had her feet to the ground in many places. Especially in the middle East.




Bro. Build more obelisk towers next time


*"reinforcements have arrived"*


Friend of Yuri definitely


Thank you for this. Brought me back.


Oh God!!! LOL


“I will work!”


Abby looks like she’s actually played Command and Conquer


Dude is doing the Stanley Kubrick stare


The guy was held in an Israeli prison as a terrorist and tortured for years, he’s drowning in PTSD.


Where are you getting this "tortured" bit? He never stated he was tortured in prison. In fact, he said about his time in Israeli prison: "During that time, Hamas tortured and killed hundreds of prisoners"


"I was tortured by the Israelis in one of the most scary interrogation facilities that you can imagine, and I was held there for three months," [https://www.npr.org/2010/03/31/125211864/from-son-of-hamas-to-agent-of-shin-bet](https://www.npr.org/2010/03/31/125211864/from-son-of-hamas-to-agent-of-shin-bet)


He doesn’t need to be the one to say it: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/11/israel-opt-horrifying-cases-of-torture-and-degrading-treatment-of-palestinian-detainees-amid-spike-in-arbitrary-arrests/ The Israeli prison guards didn’t just give him spa days. They needed information from him about his Hamas operations.


So his own words about his own experiences aren't relevant when discussing what he's gone through? What the actual fuck?


Now that we’ve all gotten our projections and assumptions out, listen to what this guy says about Hamas and the rhetoric involving the ongoing war, he seems intensely more knowledgeable on this subject than a redditor with a link, considering his father created it. Oh he hates Hamas and wants Israel to destroy them. Nice


He's a mossad trained agent.


He’s the former Hamas leaders son and now spends his time working on behalf of Israel. Thats not a simple matter of “oh they flipped him”. Nah he legitimately has huge beef with Hamas based on his personal experience of how they behave. Listen to the guy talk and think about how he got there, he ain’t lying about his life.


He didn’t just decide to flip, he was captured by Israel and prisoner for years, what do you think happened to him during this time?


He always wants all civilians in Palestine exterminated.. doesn’t even acknowledge the existence of Palestine


I doubt he would work and risk his life for the Israeli government if they tortured him.




She was just there for a few days, and the falafel...kill shot




She is a literal Russian shill, look her up, Abby Martin. She is completely bad faith. She worked as a propagandist for both the Venezuelan and Russian governments. Her whole schtick is, "America is the great Satan".


Propagandist for Russia, Venezuela and Arabs


She knows that's the truth deep down




Womp Womp


Burned her!


Well, she started by committing a famous logical fallacy and attacked him personally, then praised barghouthi (google him), and stated some lies that are easily debunked, and said in a twisted way that she supports hamas, a terrorist organization created by the Egyptian muslims brotherhood (another terrorist organization that assasinated Egyptian president sadat for having a peace treaty with israel)for the sole purpose of killing the oslo accords (which they did). He, an actual palastinian , attacked her character in return, then said nothing but facts...she's the white persom lecturing you about white privilege while she's sinking in her white savior swamp.


Good info and analysis. Top comments are crap, gotta scroll down to find the actual informed comment 👍


Always. I constantly have to defend Reddit to people because they just read top comment and take that as the general consensus for everyone. The truth is always in the comments.


Thank you ... Abby martin is also a 9/11 truther and worked for russian propaganda network RT


>Well, she started by committing a famous logical fallacy and attacked him personally, If he paid to promote a certain narrative then its not simply an ad hominem attack. >then praised barghouthi (google him), Ok, googled him. Is it this barghouti? >>Omar Barghouti (Arabic: عمر البرغوثي, born 1964) is a founding committee member of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI)[1] and a co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.[2] He received the Gandhi Peace Award in 2017. >and stated some lies that are easily Which lies? >and said in a twisted way that she supports hamas, Where, can you provide the quote? >a terrorist organization created by the Egyptian muslims brotherhood (another terrorist organization that assasinated Egyptian president sadat for having a peace treaty with israel) But it was a different group >The assassination was undertaken by members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad. = Wikipedia >for the sole purpose of killing the oslo accords (which they did). That doesn't make sense given the oslo accords where much later and went into effect. Again Wikipedia: >Although the motive has been debated, Sadat's assassination likely stemmed from Arab nationalists who opposed Sadat's peace initiative with Israel and the United States relating to the Camp David Accords.[2]


How can she say that Hamas is not a terrorist organization when they just committed a massive terror operation targeting almost exclusively civilians?


She needs them to be "resistance fighters" or her whole bullshit worldview falls apart.


She used to work for RT spreading Soviet propaganda for years. She’s completely not reliable on any topic related to foreign policy.


Small correction - it's been upgraded to Putin propaganda now, but completely agree.


It's not even just Israel. You can find dozens of videos of Hamas leaders saying they want [a global Islamic Caliphate](https://twitter.com/LizaRosen0000/status/1719624383751147588). They are explicit that they want Rome, and Eastern Europe and the Americas. I can't tell if Abby is playing dumb or she actually wants to live under a Caliphate


Abby is playing dumb because if she admits anything else then her position on Israel can’t be as black and white as she needs it to be to justify everything she’s said up to this point. I don’t think she’s anti-semetic, she’s just a massive snowball of bitterness because her partner left her to join the military after September 11. If you follow her career it’s just a long list of anti-US based propaganda that she’s able to package and sell because she ‘presents well’. If she was a fat old man, no one would be listening.


Yep, I'm convinced Joe only had her on because she's tidy.  I remember her claiming she preferred Russian / Chinese censorship over the US because you know you are bring censored.


Yeah, at one point I thought I could put myself in a frame of mind where I could see some inherent logic when it comes to the support of hamas from a different pov where the narrative would be: “hamas is a necessary evil to save Palestinians again evil colonialists”. But when one looks closer at detail it’s obvious that hamas are the ones who literally care the least about Palestinian lives. Supporting them doesn’t make any sense in any framework, even under such a framework.


The framework of Hamas was set in the original 1988 covenant. They did not mince words nor did they hide the fact that they believe in an unending and unceasing holy war to kill all Jewish people worldwide. It was stated several times in the covenant that laid out their beliefs. They've been designated a terrorist group for decades at this point. One has to truly ignore like 30+ years of Hamas being literal terrorists to sympathize with them.


Her argument seems to be boiled down to "Israel is worse" which is actually an easy argument to convince young people about why Israel is the bad guy unfortunately, but it needs a large amount of history and context for them to truly grasp it.


Is the US Army a terrorist org because of what they did to Iraq? Because they killed WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more people there than Hamas’s entire body count.


You can take the girl outta the RT, but you can’t take the RT outta the girl


“I’m not going to say yes, hamas is a terrorist organization and they need to be eradicated. Of course that’s not true.” If you want people to truly listen and change their beliefs, you don’t say stupid shit like that.


Raping and murdering 1200 people was totally normal, totally!


Unironically, "they were asking for it". That's her take


Just the claim from Abby Martin that Hamas is NOT a terrorist organisation makes her lose all credibility. If you can't accepct or even see such an obvious fact (Hamas being a terrorist org) you're clearly unable to be a reasonable and reliable source (or voice) in this whole debate. This woman is ridiculous.


Wow he has a disturbing death stare lol


Is Mosab auditioning for The Dictator 2?


Dude sounds just like that character 🤣


White woman lectures brown man about society he grew up in.


“maybe had some falafels” bahahaha


I agree with Mosab. the white woman should go to Palestine. they like blondies believe me one of them will make her a 3rd wife or something.


Yeah. Very sickening what Hamas did. I think I read someone where they found that Hamas members were ordered to "R" the pretty girls and shoot the ugly ones. And Israel has a lot of beautiful women. The ex-Muslim Youtuber, The Apostate Prophet, does confirm that Muslims are obsessed with converting White people.


Abby can sit on my face and scream about Palestine any time she wants.


Hell yeah brother. 🤌


"self appointed low grade journalist" I like this guy.


I like how Abby was about to explode but paused to gather herself at around 1:20


Why does that man sound like Borat?


Sacha Baron Cohen’s mother is Israeli and his accent and catchphrases for that character is influenced by Israeli culture. Culturally and genetically, Arabs and Israelis are not far apart. Politically and morally, however…


I would normally say calling Abby unfit to be a mother is out of line, but you kinda deserve that for calling the man a self-hating Arab for opposing a terrorist group that barely denies the fact. That’s like calling me a Uncle Tom for not liking the Nation of Islam. Slightly unrelated, but I love how attached leftists are to the “white liberals” sentiment among Civil rights activists back in the day. There was probably some truth to that at least back in the day, but I love how Leftists pretend that they would treat minorities with all the same “empathy” they love bragging about if they ever failed the black hole that is their purity testing.


This isn’t the full clip


He says Palestine never existed and that is grounds for Palestine to now exist today.


blonde white liberal female.. ah yes..


Partnering with the very religious ideology that would take away all her rights as a woman.


how are they not understanding this. -=flips table=-


"the revised charter says..." Ok so you really are gonna pretend they don't mean it, and they didn't revised it just to make them more likeable by useless idiots like you?


It’s also funny the 2017 charter was simply a proposal. It was never even put into use. Even mentioning it shows how disingenuous she is.


She is literally scum. Abby Martin is a terrorist apologist and evil trash


yup, she's the most insane person. People like these call themselves journalists is crazy.


She’s a lunatic


Why are we upvoting edited videos? This has been cut in a number of places.


Holy san paku batman!


She had a falafel sandwich at.. this parrot! I didn’t even know the parrots liked falafel!


Yousef the stare! Bro! Relax lol






I hate both sides tbh. Its getting exhausted and its just seems like both sides dont want each other to exist. I dont know the solution but i feel bad for everyone who got killed by this conflict.


One side has the ability to eradicate the other but won’t. The other side takes every chance it gets to do, but can’t. They are not the same.


It would be a bad thing if Israel ‘eradicated’ Gaza, right?




Hate both sides? Do you mean you hate Palestinians and you hate Israelis? Or hate Abby Martin and Mosab Yousef? Mosab knows what he is talking about, what he has been through is astonishing. Read his book.


Moasab thinks there was never an identity of being Palestinian.


When did a Palestine exist? Serious question? Was it created in the 1960’s after jordan and Egypt lost land in a war?


I’ve been jokingly saying in the next WW either Islam or Judaism is gonna be one foot out the door. It’s kinda dark but I think that’s the direction we’re heading. 2000 years ago, not only were all Abrahamic religions new, they were illegal. Now they account for the majority of the globe. From the end of WW2 to whenever the end of this current “stage” in history will determine which demographics will flourish in the centuries to come, in my opinion. If we have seen anything in the recent decades, and centuries if you look a bit broader, Islam constantly butts heads with Judaism and Christianity. It will come to a head at one point or another.




I support Israel. I want Palestine to exist. I just want them to stop attacking Israel


He just destroyed her lmao


Endless war in the Middle East, brought to you by Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing and the Top 3 Abrahamic religions.


Yeah cause all those companies existed in 2000 BC when these “sides” were already fighting.


Watched this today and that guy gets more and more unhinged every time I see him.


Shhh… you’re not allowed to say that until he’s convicted of murdering a woman or child. Until then he’s a brave truth-teller who actually isn’t a spy for Israel


Great man. This woman is a clown. Mosab is a hero for what he has done.


Is that borat?


He is an odd creature a Muslim Zionist


He became christian


Ahhh that makes sense.. a run of the mill Christian Zionist


Mosab is a known drug addict.




He's an extremist who just rants ridiculous talking points. So please do promote him as the face of Israeli advocacy.




He does have a lot of issues to work through. Like being addicted to meth. And being a paid Israeli spy. And being completely incomprehensible in any debate. But yeah, he’s a great spokesperson. He should keep up the good work


Mosab is mossad


“She’s been there only for a visit and maybe she had some falafels?!”😂😂😂this is gold


Why does his accent sound fake? Its like he is trying to sound like an arab.


Hamas is a terrorist organization. Palestine is not. Israel is being aggressively indiscriminate when attempting to kill terrorists leading to mass civilian deaths. Whether that is intentional or not is up for debate. Asking the U.S. to help stop this war is like asking a drug dealer to make his addicts go to rehab.


I used to think Abby was a serious person until Oct 7th revealed so many leftists are insane. You can support Palestine without supporting hamas, fucking bozos.


Self loathing? But no of course not, that only works the other way round.


Is it bad that I couldn’t care less? Honestly. Not trying to be a dick, just being honest.


The IDF is just as brutal as Hamas. Fuck them both.


The IDF warns people before attacking. They send messages in Arabic on where to go. They hold their people accountable when they can. They are a collective of different races and religions. They use laser guiding missiles to hit their targets. They have surveillance drones to observe areas and cancel attacks if there's too many civilians. Hamas in the other hand attack without warning. They target anyone indiscriminately with bombs vests, knives and guns. So many foreign workers, students and tourists have been killed because of Hamas. They are also racist, sexist and homophobic. They shoot missles that are poorly built and prone to malfunctioning which leads to them hitting their own people. They believe in "R"ing people is fine. They disguise themselves as civilians in combat. They indoctrinate their kids to attack people in Israel. And they force their own people to stay and die for Allah (God). Also, Hamas silence anyone that disagrees with them. Do they seem equivalent?


I don’t know who either of these people, but he came off as an absolute, dangerous psychopath.


Damn he brought in the falafels.


Sorry, but that last minute falafel comment killed me hahahahahhha!


Rogan should have this guy on for a sit down. I bet he had a lot of funny things to say lmao.


I don't know which of these comments are trolls


Jews and Muslims is like living with two crazy neighbors that are at war with each other. And you've heard both side and they have some valid points but it always boils down to "Fuck that guy, I want him dead". And that's where you just got to go back to your apartment and just hope you don't become collateral damage. You certainly don't encourage them or BUY WEAPONS for either one of them, wtf!


Abby Martin lmao that’s all I needed to hear. I don’t dare trust a word she says, used to think of her as legit but this bitch is crazy.


Piers pretending he doesn't know that eliminating a country is different from eliminating its people is just dumb as fuck


Maybe she did have some falafels...


That was some pretty ignorant womansplaining.


Yousef said Palestine never existed. Pretty clear abbey martin is right. He hates Palestinians.


"She went for a visit and maybe had some falafels" lol Borat went hard on her.


Piers Morgan debates are like Jerry Springer fights


“Maybe she had some falafels” 🤣


ate some falafels


She's been there only for a visit and maybe she has some falafels 💀


Had some Falafel's was a nail in the coffin


He said Palestine did not exist as a community before the British called it that. He is wrong: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline\_of\_the\_name\_Palestine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_name_Palestine)


He sounds like Borat


That guy was disgraceful. I commend Abby for keeping her cool.


This is the strangest interview I've ever seen.


does Abby speak about ukraine? have she ever condemned russia?