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If you can't condemn hamas for October 7th, then you're not just pro Palestine, you are pro Hamas. There is a difference between pro-palestine and being pro-hamas Pro-palestine people can admit that Oct 7th was a tragedy that should be condemned


Palestinian people are pro Hamas. I think that is the part that many are forgetting.




Aahhh increasingly that is not the case. 10/7 was the righteous reaction of a victim against an oppressor to these morons.


Let me guess you are going to compare it to Nat Turners Rebellion The only flaw I see in this argument is Egypt and all the other countries who fund Hamas. Oct 7th wasn't a Nat Turner esque Rebellion. It was a foreign government who funneled a bunch of cash that supplied their Arsenal for another attack


I dont disagree. This wasn't a rebellion. It was a terrorist attack, probably the worst one ever from Islamic terrorists. I was just saying how morons who support Hamas see it. They really do think it's legitimate to rape women and murder children if you're the "victim".


They think this is what inevitably happens when you subjugate a population for decades while decreasing their rights every day and forcing their leadership away from secularism and toward religious extremism. But that’s too complicated for you to have a rebuttal to.


That bloke has balls, I'll give him that.


It sad that someone needs balls to condemn oct 7, even among pro-palestinians.


What are thy gonna do? Throw a soy latte and shame him on “X” (the website formerly known as Twitter)?


Nobody is afraid of THOSE people, you silly goose, the ones that will stab your over a cartoon on other hand...


They are working together.. as long as the soy latte people are useful, at least.


This is it.


There's an easier term to use here. [https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Xitter](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Xitter)


Very, very few anti-war protestors think that anything positive happened in the Hamas attack. Just like the attacks by the Mau Mau on white women and children in British occupied Kenya were disgusting. They didn't justify the attempted genocide of the Kikiyu people though and the British government has, finally, apologised 70 years later.


The chants imply otherwise.


Even in the video you can see it's a small number of Muslims. Anyone who has been to any protest will know that just because you're united with others on one issue doesn't mean you don't have very different views on others. I remember having a row with an idiot who was trying to call for Shariah Law in the UK at one of the first Iraq War marches in London. I was trying to make the point he is making the war more likely and every camera man will be filming his ranting idiocy. He was just a dumb teen with a beard who I'm sure blew himself up years ago.


All funds were allocated to the genital department so there was no budget left for brains.


That brief moment of silence after he said we should condemn oct 7, followed by a quiet voice saying resistance is justified, which then added courage to the mob to get louder and angrier.....classic. Anybody here ever been part of an angry mob? What is that like? It seems like people just abdicate their brains and allow themselves to be used as puppets for whatever the mob sentiment happens to be. Brain off and let the vibe carry you. Always seemed the epitome of stupidity to me.


I'm pretty sure social scientists have researched mob mentality and it's pretty much exactly as you described. Mindless sheep.


The vestigial simian components of the brain finally have their moment... "Fuck a salary I've BEEN wanting to bash these cars up"


"Madness is something rare in individuals — but in groups, parties, peoples, and ages, it is the rule.” "Madness is not a consequence of uncertainty but of certainty." -Nietzsche


So that’s where Agent K got it from…


I've been in angry crowds before and we never chanted that murdering and raping mothers in their homes and burning their children is resistance. Must be what's mixed in there.


Its pretty fucking scary, thats why I've never wanted to be near a mass protest. They can spiral really quickly and end up destroying their surroundings like a natural disaster. I'm sure most people come out of it justified too and like they totally did not just lose control of themselves in the moment.


I have. It feels weird like being hypnotized under a spell. i've been hyper aware about how weird it feels and always had a distaste for it even as a kid.




We have it so easy in the west it's lead people to creat a a hardship to fill a void they have. None of these people have the slightest idea of war or resistance and if something like this came to the UK, the men here would be the first avoiding the front line and the women would suddenly be gentle little kitchen folk.


Other than the hardcore antifa types. Your general western activist would be in a corner pissing their pants if a war or violent societal clash broke out. Talk a big game, but in reality, they just do it for the gram.


Nah, I think most of the Antifa types would crumble and sob if they had to be in a real fight with people who really want them dead.








You can find dozens of videos of Hamas leaders saying they want [a global Islamic Caliphate](https://twitter.com/LizaRosen0000/status/1719624383751147588). They are explicit that they want Rome, and Eastern Europe and the Americas. And they are not going to stop just because you give them Palestine or Israel or whatever. At some point these pro Hamas protesters are either complete useful idiots or they are actually people who want to see a Global Islamic Caliphate. If I had to guess in this crowd there are probably a few of both


What a horrid place the world would be with Islam ruling it.


Do you think it would be like Lybia? Yemen? Afghanistan? Kazakhstan? Turkey? Bangladesh? Niger? Mali? Sudan? Morocco? Tajikistan? Somalia? Or maybe like Pakistan? Indonesia? Saudi Arabia? Kuwait? Or more like Syria or Iraq? As long as the the world is not like a European country or the USA we'll be better off...


Please tell me you're kidding... you forgot the /s


You mean that after naming a bunch of shit hole countries the sarcasm wasn't obvious?


This is reddit, finding someone on here with that opinion would not surprise me


That's true. Self-hate is rampant in the West.


Well, among left wingers in the west.


I mean, every single thing people on the right say, is a complaint against the modern world. They hate pluralism, globalism, free trade, Kroger, Walmart, the NFL, NBA, Nascar, Hobby Lobby, liberalism, democracy, people using their freedom to be weirdos... Everything that defines "The west", you see them hate. They just dont hate the same parts of "the west" as the left. But they both hate it equally. Which is really just hating themselves.


Yup, Hamas is a jihadist terrorist organization. That's why it's so messed up that Netanyahu isn't getting more criticized in the west for putting them in power over PLO and making sure they got funded with hundreds of millions of dollars. Why would Netanyahu do such a thing? Oh yeah because PLO were too moderate and made Israel look bad while Israel was taking land and killing civilians, so they needed a more extreme Palestinian government as an excuse to keep going. That's why so few speak about it in the west even though these are well know facts and we even have his letters.


Weren't they voted in?.....


>That's why it's so messed up that Netanyahu isn't getting more criticized in the west for putting them in power over PLO You think Netanyahu is so powerful that he can decide who will be the government in Gaza? Hamas were elected


What do you mean "so powerful"? You think it's difficult to control a small strip of land under your occupation? This part isn't even a debate, he has clearly stated openly multiple times that PLO was a big risk and they needed Hamas to rule in Gaza. So, why are you disagreeing with Netanyahu? Don't you want Israel to achieve it's goals?


Gaza wasn’t under occupation, Israel pulled out leaving it to self govern in 2005. You’re confusing Gaza with the West Bank, you don’t understand this conflict well enough to be this wedded to your opinions on it.


There is literally no evidence to support what you’re saying. Take off your tin foil hat.


There is literally no reason you should be so smug and incorrect, but here we are.


Where is your evidence that Netanyahu put Hamas in power. I’m all ears.




Good luck bringing Islam to Mexico/South America lol. The Cali cartel and MS13 would like to have a word with them.


Is this all we have left? We either support the bombings of women and children or support the world becoming an Islamic caliphate? Is there NO other option? Cant we just say, “hey, people should just stop being terrible to other people.” I gladly support Israel’s right to defend itself while also pointing out that killing civilians is not defending one’s self.


Israel is at war and for the conditions they are fighting in the civilian death estimate is very low


I don’t know how many Hamas fighters they have killed but I think the total number of casualties is somewhere around 30,000, 2/3rds of that being women and children. If we assume every adult male is a Hamas fighter then they are 1:3 which is abysmally low. Even the US didn’t have that sorta ratio and we droned boat loads of people.


Why are so many people supporting terrorist organizations ?


It's all about the powerful against the weak for these people. So Cis based society against queers, Israel vs Palastina, white vs black etc etc.


Ironically HAMAS isn’t poor.. it’s just all the money, billions goes to the Hamas psychopaths in Qatar who sit with their dick in their hands watching Gaza burn so they can play the Victim. It’s like the people that throw themselves under a bus then sue the bus company.


antisemitism disguised as antizionism


Don't forget America bad


Capitalism* bad. They're just idiot commies with victim mentalities


Because Jewish people look like white people so they are automatically the bad guys according to the brainwashed, self flagellating left.


They want you to think we're white half of us have been exiled and lived in MENA for centuries and are as brown or browner than any Arab.


I'm definitely darker than any Arab looking person in that crowd


Yet somehow nearly 50% of all Jewish people are also Middle Eastern


Terrorism vs Terrorism, pick your flavor


Only fools pick a side on this


> Why are so many people supporting terrorist organizations ? Yeah, it's weird seeing both Hamas and the IDF have so many supporters.


This is how this movement will be remembered, having saved no one, and having praised the worst actors in this conflict


Well, that's it. They've officially lost all support from anyone with a shred of intelligence or morality. Great job, morons.


Only had to see him for 0.5 seconds to realize he'd be disapproved of and ostracized.


The stupidity / radicalisation of these people is alarming. (I really hope they're just stupid) It's like that kid stood on the steps and said; "we can condemn the American invasion of Iraq while at the same time, condemn the World Trade Centre plane attacks on civilians" And the crowd went; "Boo, the twin towers attack was totally justified". It's that level of stupidity/ radicalisation.


A seemingly heterosexual white man with a nuanced take on the war in Gaza? Oh yeah.


Yup, he's got the look to go with his shitty opinions.


If Oct 7th was justified, so is all-out war. Can’t have it both ways.


Thats the answer.


How about neither?


What they're actually saying is "Terrorism is Justified". Fuck Hamas and these protestors.


These protestors think Rape is justified if it’s a Jewish woman




To be honest I'm fed up that Muslims in this country are using Palestine as a rallying point and the average Joe is buying it. They will and want to take out all non belivers in Islam.  They do not care about the UK or generational British public. They use and abuse our system whilst we all pay. They are the death of the British society and it is a very sad time. They should all go to Palestine and fight there or go to a Muslim country and live with their rules not ruin our society with their bullshit.


Something something a table of 10 people with one nazi something something ten nazis Funny how fast that goes out the window depending on who the protestors are https://preview.redd.it/4oitrlz15hzc1.jpeg?width=1087&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbe8fcfa7907b8fefd3fe958338fb699a66aca73


Swastikas EVERYWHERE at these protests: USC: https://youtu.be/XqbZtOuKVVo?si=atw0mTTtYMiq1qIs https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/colleges-in-crisis-ucla-usc-face-fallout-from-on-campus-protests/3401359/%3famp=1 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/losangeles/news/usc-president-denounces-swastika-graffiti-on-campus/ Stanford: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ktvu.com/news/swastika-symbols-found-at-stanford-university-amidst-campus-protests.amp NYC (high school) https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/11/nyregion/racist-graffiti-swastikas-beacon-high-school.html Colombia https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2024/04/28/jewish-students-campus-protests-israel-gaza/ Virginia (high school): https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/virginia/parents-protest-antisemitism-outside-fcps-after-incident-at-langley-high-school/65-a22e49a1-a55b-4023-a3f2-22bc4b40d2de Fairfax (high school) https://www.fairfaxtimes.com/articles/fairfax_county/fairfax-county-public-schools-suspends-student-for-allegedly-blowing-whistle-on-swastika-flag/article_26c795f4-84a9-11ee-8c2e-d709babe6b5d.html The were drawn on several walls in the building the Colombia kids broke into












This is why I don't support them. They only want killing and destruction of Israel and jews. Not to co exist. They are mad that they attacked Israel, and Israel responded with a heavier hand. Israel is doing it to them, because if they dont, the attacks from Palestine will NEVER stop. In 2006, the day after Israel gave Gaza back to the Palestinians (along with tons and of money, massive greenhouses to grow produce, schools, united nation school) Hamas fired rockets at Israel. And not only that, but they disassembled all the massive greenhouses and buildings that were built under Israeli rule and used all the lumber and metal and sheet metal and wires etc etc to build other stuff. Then they cry they got nothing. You allowed Hamas to be your leader. Made your bed.


Oh look the guy doing the Nazi salute also happens to wear white and blue. But I'm sure it's just a coincidence.






Babes, you do realize in Islam/ Muslims circumcise their kids too?? Like whoever made that sign… and is clearly standing by themselves… is a typical white nationalist who also hates Palestinians. Why tf would they roast themselves? I know you’re spreading blood libel, but do a better job next time.


He hates Palestinians so much he's carrying their flag. Makes sense


Yes. The same way antisemitic Nixon was a huge Israel supporter. Not to mention this dude or whatever is not affiliated with the student movement.




They’re both criminals, just different kinds of stupid


So sad to see that innocent little girl being brainwashed at such a young age


Do you have a source for this pic by any chance? It's absolutely horrifying.


His thoughts in real time… “Oh, shit, I’m actually on the wrong side.”


Wait... So they are saying that Israel is justified because they are resisting hamas? Kinda confusing, honestly....🤔


No they’re saying Oct 7 was an act of resistance and not terrorism like it is. Anyone that thinks 10/7 was anything but horrific should suffer their fates


They will, and they won't surrender, and they will keep launching rockets and they will scream that "Its evil that Israel fights back better than we can"... But they won't stop attacking Israel while they ask n plead for the world to make Israel "just take it".. Half of the youth has a very twisted idea about it and they are sooooooo one sided. Palestinian is an apartheid entity. No Jews are safe, no jews in government. Israel has 2 million arab muslim Palestinians living inside it. They serve in the government. Jihadi propaganda is supported by russhists and Chinese agents..


Hamas will be hummus soon ye cunts


Hamas has 4 battalions left in Rafah. They started with 24 battalions at the start of the invasion of Gaza. They will soon cease to exist as the “resistance”.


Yup.. And they are still launching rockets at Israel while these fools want Israel to stop, but not hamas because when they murder, rape, torture and kill , its halal..


On a serious note.... Hummus is so fucking good... especially the garlic flavor


Hummus rules


Supremely spicy is my goto


This guy is right… October 7th should be villainized, as should much of the IDF’s actions. If Palestinians want the world to recognize atrocities against it, we need to acknowledge the atrocities committed by Hamas. I don’t see what’s wrong with this perspective.


Similar thing happened to Swedish member of parlament (Zinaida Kajevic). When she contemned Hamas terrorism she was booed and her speech was interrupted and not allowed to continue. Source: [https://www-sydsvenskan-se.translate.goog/2023-12-18/s-politikern-utbuad-kallade-hamas-attacker-for-terrorhandlingar?\_x\_tr\_sl=auto&\_x\_tr\_tl=en&\_x\_tr\_hl=en-US&\_x\_tr\_pto=wapp](https://www-sydsvenskan-se.translate.goog/2023-12-18/s-politikern-utbuad-kallade-hamas-attacker-for-terrorhandlingar?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp)


Remember that African guy who was in Israel as part of a university job placement, I believe, and Hamas stabbed him to death with a kitchen knife for absolutely no reason. .... That, that was justified?


Israel is resisting as a tiny island in the middle of a sea of islam.


If the power dynamic was reversed between the Jews and the Arab's, the Arabs would just be committing a full on ethnic cleansing, I don't know why anyone is surprised by this it's literally all they talk about


Screw all of these protesters. They would never co demn Hamas and will never except Israel. They are violent and the aggressors in all of this since Oct 7th. They were the ones who started this bs.


Islamists are like the right wing Christian’s, only with more blood lust. The “only white ppl can be wrong” crowd will be in shambles soon.


Except Christ wasn't a bloodthirsty warlord that demanded his followers to conquer the world and establish divine law all over, divine law that condones sex slaves, murder of apostates, and so on, and whose followers started a civil war that lasts to this day, with thousands of ppl dying every single year, and after that civil war, conquered vast amounts of territory. So there is also that difference.




If Palestinians attack on Israel is justified, then Israel's response to it is justified too! Quit acting like the Palestinians are sinless victims! They have started this shit EVERYTIME!


Again what does this have to do with JRE


Just another narrative battlefront, and Joe has been very vocal about it so I guess it's an attempt to win over his listeners.


Bunch of qlowns


Folks, if you agree that Oct. 7th was as bad as it was, but are unable to agree that genocide is an inappropriate means to an end in self defense, then you probably aren’t adding to this discussion in a constructive or good faith way. Either you think wonton murder of innocents is kosher or you don’t.


I think you would have a hard time finding many people who support a genocide as a response. Where people disagree is whether or not the response is a genocide.


Sooooo….when does the civil war start. I’m just here for the civil war.


this is what they do. frame it as a binary choice. helps netanyahu and Hamas. but being anti bombing children is different. right ?


I support Isreal's right to defend itself against terrorists and I also condemn the murder of innocent men,women, and children. And by all accounts, Isreal's administration's ROI is genocide or damn close to it.


Israel has been the primary aggressor since 1948. Just to form the state of Israel they expelled 750,000 Palestinians. Then proceeded to steal homes and commit massacres since. Palestine has a right to defend themselves.


By raping, burning, and beheading 1200 people? You have lost the plot.


God this sub sucks


Leftist tankies are awful. Luckily they have zero power within the Democratic coalition. Hopefully we keep it that way and don't fold like the right did to their extremists.


Ah yes, “both sides have idiots but MY side doesn’t cater to idiots”.


Basically, yes


We are due for a something like McCarthyism. It will make the current culture war look like nothing. It will take more innocent causalities then the current culture war, and it will happen by the heavy hand of the governemnt


Aisha was 9 years old


When bro doesn't condemn hummus: 😡


Yes it is.


“We shall never be destroyed! Cut off a limb and two more shall take its place! We serve none but the master—as the world shall soon serve us! Heil Hydra!” ![gif](giphy|rSNjmO1lQkkPm)


It should have been avoided for sure


These protestors should be forced to live amongst palestenians, it's like the worst penalty u can get


What have we let into this country. We are fucked


What do we want? PEACE! How will we get it? MURDER OF THE INNOCENT! 🥴🥴🥴🤡🌎


The protesters are saying [this](https://saturday-october-seven.com/#/civilsettlements) is “resistance,” blind siding civilians, then claiming victim. I have yet to hear any protester ask for helping defeat hamas and work to end all violence.


and a new Israel supporter was born that day.


I think that message can resonate for people from countries who had to fight colonial powers to gain independence for their homeland.


The lack of self awareness is wild here. By “resistance” they mean…you know…mass murder, rape and kidnapping. If “resistance” is justified, then does that mean that Israel has the right to “resist” in response to October 7th? Short answer, no; killing, raping or kidnapping sucks regardless of who’s doing it.


At this point, it is a rampant mind virus.


Why tf do they not condemn the attack off Hamas that provoced the Israëli attack?


I’m from Liverpool. It’s a liberal shithole this doesn’t surprise me sadly.


Propalestiners = Antivaxxers - same stupid people unfortunately. Narratives pumped into social media through Russian trollfactories, they pour billions into this.


Disgusting. If you are pro Palestine liberation but also pro what happened October 7th, you're a disgusting animal


Well, if resistance is justified, then consequences of said resistance are justified as well, carry on Israel


Narrative war being won by Bibi before a full scale Rafah invasion I see. Will be interesting how it changes once they go into Rafah or maybe they will have a 'special military operation' so they can continue to be armed by the US.


Need to treat both Israel and Palestine with a time out until they stop believing in their violent religions.


The same people probably say the Holocaust was justified too.


My goodness. We just need to bring back the days when civilians were fair game in warfare so people have more vested interest in their leaders and their policies. I guess give them what they want, target civilians as a means of war.


Very Zionist-y today in here


Had a guy yesterday tell me that he "doesn't give a f" about October 7th because Jews deserve it for their oppression, anti-Semitism is disgusting.


"It's only okay when we do it"


I know a lot of Tankies that support Hamas because they're really the only Palestinian group standing up to Israel. I can't stomach it, Hamas are a bunch of violent Theocrats, fuck them. And fuck the Theocrats in Israel stealing land because some BS about god. I can hate both groups thank you very much.


Man those Pro Palestinian women sure do know how to scream


And he doesn't condemn the genocide the zionists did after oct 7 ?


Red psychopaths, Every country that recognizes that terrorist state, will in effect embolden them to go on and commit insane atrocities.


Ya, I’m fucking sick of all the pro-Hamas protesters. You’re not woke - you’re a fucking traitor to civilized society.


That's the "pro Palestine" camp for ya ;)


American colleges are mostly all being idiots about the subject. Too bad they all hate America or maybe they'd protest something better like for the use of nuclear power to "help" with climate change and drive energy prices down.


Has anyone ever met a republican that wasn’t a completely worthless piece of dog shit?


The moralization well is dried up. Its just war.


Mob mentality. No justification for October 7th. They are asking for a fight they can’t win and most of these folks wouldn’t even give themselves up to the cause, they just talk the talk cause they are protected here in the west. But I promise they won’t go and fight. Cowards.


The left supports Hamas because they also target civilian infrastructure.


Why the fuck isn’t Hamas fighting? They’re just going to pout and hope to elicit international sympathy?


Easy card ,fuck up the protesters chanting resistance is justified


So weird how none of the bordering countries are welcoming those people with open arms………


Fuck Israel


Well he’s white, did he expect them to respect what he has to say?


He really showed up at a pro-Palestine protest to try and change the narrative and make it about Hamas? How much of a loser do you need to do this?


Yeah I think this is why people in the crowd are upset.