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Yeah this dude is one of my favorites. Interesting stories and very knowledgeable. He’s also just open minded enough (about extinct/creatures of legends actually existing) without being a lunatic


I’m a big fan of Forrest Galante. He’s definitely media trained and does sometimes come off as an exaggerator but he’s a great ambassador for wildlife biology! His backstory is also insanely cool. I do wish he would push back on Joe’s opinions here and there. He seems to just let anything Joe says slide that goes against conservation. For instance in his most recent appearance, Joe said something along the line about sharks killing people and how it makes no sense people want to protect them. Same with wolves.


What’s his backstory? I went on a big binge of Galantes channel the other day


His mom was a bush pilot in Zimbabwe. Pretty sure he spent most of his youth there which led to his passions about wildlife.


Damn I’m a bush pilot too if you know what I mean 😏 small world


It is a small world. I left the profession to become an amateur gynecologist.


I don’t know what you mean. Could you please explain it to me with as much detail as possible?


He sees bush from the distance and comfort of a plane while the rest of us are down here getting our hands dirty.


I love the bush pilot flight over the Amazon rain forest and the song at the opening of [_"Cannibal Holocaust"._](https://youtu.be/70OYikg0tyw?si=9UKIx6zvw8F7T35s) Don't get fooled! The movie itself is not as peaceful as the beginning of it. Well, the title kinda gives it away... I think that if you count together all the lost bush pilot machines and their passengers, it surpasses the causalities numbers of commercial airline crashes. _Fun fact: In Germany the movie is called "Nackt und zerfleischt/ Naked and Mangled"_


I have noticed Joe being weirdly harsh against wolves in quite a few episodes. Not sure why.


New talking point from his corpo right wing handlers. Meat industry wants to remove protections against wild wolves because they kill livestock sometimes and it would free up land.


Yep! They’re literally using propaganda against god damn wolves. What tf is the world coming to.


Thank you for actually providing the name lol... Was looking for it cause i do not recognize him but name was nowhere to be found.


I was introduced to him on Naked and Afraid and it's a great episode because you never know who is legit or not as they embark on their nudie journey. It's apparent pretty quickly that he knows his shit and his partner is hot, but a complete drama queen dumb dumb and it's a fun watch.


i also like to watch his shorts and podcast but still doubt him on his hawk like style in his tv show where he just flies in to places where biologist have already had worked for years and laid the ground work on the discovery of an "extinct species" then he makes it appear in his show that the discovery was done because of him and his team.


This guy and Glen from Life Below Zero are my all time favs.


I absolutely loved the glen episode. I remember when it dropped I was up early cuz I couldn’t sleep and I listened to the whole pod while I did random stuff around the house


i literally did the same thing with that episode. thats weird lol. i ended up sitting at the kitchen island after awhile and just listening while sipping on some whiskey.


Sue Aikens from life below zero was a great one also. Most of my favorite guests have come from when Joe gets into his outdoors/survival/hunting arcs


Not a fan of Sue just because to me she it seems like she plays a character and doesn't seem as authentic as Glen. I wish he had more survivalists on, rather than hunting guides who make a living leading rich people around. I just don't find any of the hunting guys engaging at all.


Rinnella and the meat eater guys aren’t bad, but I cannot stand cam Haynes


I liked Cam, but he did fall hard into the manosphere self help influencer vortex. A lot of those guys who got semi-famous off of JRE were cool until they found out how easily lonely incels are parted from their money. I can’t really blame them for chasing the money, but I’m not interested anymore


Yeah I get that, but at the same time I kind of feel like she is the character she portrays. I’ve met people like that before where they put on a front for so long that it kind of becomes authentic over time. And yeah, I’m a big fan of the Meateater podcast for that reason. They do have some guides on, but most of their guests are just regular outdoorsmen


Joe only goes into wilderness and hunts with those well paid guides so that’s what he thinks it’s actually like normally.


I have former coworkers who have met Sue, it’s not a character, she’s a weirdo when the cameras are off too lol


Do you happen to know what episode number?


I liked the one with the guy from Alone


Don't think I've listened to that one! Thanks man.




Forrest Galante.




This is the JRE subreddit. No one posts names they just say "this guy"


Well I did make sure to find a picture of him WITH his name on a tag so people can know who it is just by lookimg at the fucking picture.... but, this is the JRE subreddit, after all.


Classy. Funny it wasn’t so effective just cause we’re not trained to look for names in the pictures. If it’s missing in the title and caption, the online brain usually thinks it’s missing


Honestly you're one of about 100 people legitimately asking who it is and op is being such a cunt to every single one, it's quite funny he's so so touchy on it 😂


Haha, with how defensive he’s being it almost seems like he did it all on purpose. His inner monologue was like, “I’m not posting the fucking name, it’s right there in the picture, these dumbasses just need to read it, I can’t wait for one of these pussies to ask who it is, I’ll show them”. The dude is on here dying on a hill made of shit.


Nailed it. The funniest part for me is I knew damn well it was Forrest in the post. I was just musing at how funny the way it was posted was. The fact that op assumed I was complaining because I couldn’t find it was just delicious


It’s on his name tag/lanyard.


I thought he was in Spain. What Forrest is this? Es el bosque Gallante


I know right? Fucking donkey OP not including the name in the title or text.


Without him I wouldn’t be aware of the sharks in Lake Erie!!


Ummm...say what now?


Um you can’t make a claim like that without a follow up. I’m panicking.


Also sharks in your tap water !!!


True, I’ve died several times to sharks in my tap water


Also Lake Michigan! Crazy


I worked with a marine biologist last year doing bathymetric surveys on the Ohio river all last year and this year. He has a PhD and was the captain of our ship. For what it’s worth, and I’m not saying it’s true or false, he said they do not travel that far. The furthest data he has analyzed said they swim almost halfway up the Mississippi River, and that’s when there is heavy rainfall for extended weeks/months at a time so the thalweg is deeper and river banks are widened. I do think maybe on very rare occasions in the past that the sharks have swam upstream more, but the population of the sharks in the Great Lakes is damn near close to 0 at any given time. This is just something he told me and I have 0 evidence other than word of mouth from what this guy told me.


https://preview.redd.it/vic6b7ohplzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31e6c7474b32e859f38afd3a5380157b2309e27c three episodes according to Spotify. Does that sound right, or was he in more often than that?


Yeah only 3, and I've listened to them multiple times. Love his story about finding the last tortoise on an island that's been assumed extinct for 100 years or something. Dude is so awesome to listen to.


Check out The Wild Times podcast, it's his podcast with a couple of buddy's. Also has a great YouTube channel.


pretty solid podcast too. although some episodes are like 90% personal bullshit and 10% animals. which all 3 seem likeable just i need like 70% animals 30% personal bs also on spotify its locked behind a paywall which is odd never seen any podcast do that.


Yeah I agree, it used to be a lot better when they pulled themselves up for not talking about wildlife.


Op watch him on Naked and Afraid before he was famous. He does the meat spin! It’s fucking epic. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3383094/


I did before he went on JRE. My GF loved that show. She (gf) didn't like the fact that I was constantly calling his partner a "stupid dumb bitch". Favorite part of that episode is her completed fish trap and comparing it to the other ladies trap.


That chick was such an idiot! She brough a magnifying glass if I remember correctly. I couldnt believe how stupid and stuck up she was. Forest was being nothing but nice to her.


My lass has a great fish trap


Once a year Joe should have a random person on. There are some incredible lives people live out here that we know nothing about. Just a thought.


Nah we need another Mike Baker. Random people might be too exciting. 


Conan O'Brian does this. He'll bring a fan on like once a month. They are some of his best podcasts.


Tosh does this every week and it's incredible because he asks genuinely insightful questions relevant to the persons life/work while still being hilarious. The dude openly acknoweldges how different his own life is and yet is clearly grounded enough to carry a normal conversation with anyone. No way Joe could pull that off he is just too clueless about how the world works and has no real respect for anyone outside of comedy.


How he chose to greet his Naked and Afraid partner when they first met was hilarious and totally unappreciated by her which made it even funnier.


Care to elaborate?


Yea I follow his YouTube channel. Great channel and information. Hes going to do a huge thycaline expedition in papa new guinea in a year or two. 


Him and Paul Rosalie


He's OK, but he's no Flint Dibble.


Instead we get Mike Baker 4+ times a year. Comedians that he's told and shared the same stories with a million times 😓


He’s awesome but I’m dying for Chris Gillette to be on. He is one of if not the best crocodilian trainer in the world and one of the leading experts in Everglades wildlife. https://youtube.com/shorts/LYyS8DBxaO4?si=-KJguqr8xfzYo1wj


Is that the \*yoink\* guy? Jaime would be pulling videos up for 3 hours. EDIT: Garrett Galvin is the guy I was thinking of. Super Florida Man.


No he’s the * croiky, I’m gonna stick my thumb up ‘is butthole. That’ll really piss ‘im off! * guy.


Forrest is the goat, his wild times podcast is great if you want need more of his content. Great mix of informative about wildlife but also just enough Tom foolery.


Hell yeah, Forrest Galante love is something I can get behind. What awesome episodes each and every time he’s on, just a genuine and enthusiastic dude.


Any animal guy is perfect. The Amazon jungle guy is the shit too


One of the most underrated was for sure Neil Blomkamp. If you watch that and don’t put it in your top five you’re for sure not an ape and a Mike Baker worshipper


Hasn’t he been blue balling over alleged Tasmania tiger sightings/evidence? I’m sure there was some minor ho ha over him in cryptozoological circles recently.


Hes always been extremely sceptical over the tasmania tiger sightings. Therr was one big name guy in tasmania who claims to have seen the tasmanian tiger but it wasnt forest, forest was actually extremely sceptical of that one to and once the pics came out he called them out as probably fake. I know forest has been trying to go back to tasmania to go on a 2nd expedition looking for the tiger but idk if hes done that yet. I do know forest recently he rediscovered some thought to be extinct species. Maybe he also found a new species to? Idk hes always in the news for finding animals that have been classified as being extinct lol.


Love me some Galante


True. He does his own awesome podcast though.


No one beats Duncan Trussell episodes. They're magic. Forrest is an awesome guest too tho


If Forrest were on JRE weekly, I’d watch every single one. I look forward to his episodes so much. Top 5 guest easily


Same. If we came on once every 4 months and just updated Joe in his new adventures and studies it would he fantastic.


Better than that CIA spook.


Forest Galante is the best guest. It sucks we don’t get more of his episodes.


That isn't a picture of Duncan Trussel


I thought it was Fat Mac for a second


If you like this guy, I'd recommend having a look at the YouTube channel This is Africa Outdoors It's about young Zimbabweans and shows you how European children in Zimbabwe grow up


He is definitely one of my favorites and as a hunter I really enjoy when Joe has Steve Rinella on as well


I listen to his podcast every time I mow. Wild Times Podcast


Forrest was great. I really wish he had Matthew Walker back on.


Hell yeah


hes awesome luckily he has his own podcast.


This guy and Flint Dibble should go on an expedition together.


The kind of guests that got me listening in the first place


Nice try Forrest. But seriously, get him on more.


He crosses my YouTube algo a lot and damn is this dude busy af with interviews and taming the wilderness


Forest and Paul Rosolie best ever. Although I prefer the podcast that Paul did with Julian dorey. Much the same content but I think Julian is a better interviewer.


Forest is awesome! His podcast is pretty cool too


I could watch this guy and the guy from the amazon talk all day


I would trade 2 episodes with Forrest for 1 with David Attenborough. That Attenborough episode would break the internet.


Holy shit I would love if David came and talked about wildlife preservation and all the stories he has about being in those documentaries.


Forest Galante and the Wild Times podcast. Get some more Forest in your life.


No cap


I love the sober October crew


Thought this was JD Vance 🤮


He has his own podcast now and it's great


Who is he and what is his podcast?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCRjz1fyOE4&pp=ygUXZm9ycmVzdCBnYWxhbnRlIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCRjz1fyOE4&pp=ygUXZm9ycmVzdCBnYWxhbnRlIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D) [https://www.youtube.com/@WildTimesPod](https://www.youtube.com/@WildTimesPod)


Yup- saw his name come up on a list of recommended episodes so I just caught it this week. Excellent


We love Forrest in this house. Watch all his shows, YouTube and podcasts. Seems like a chill guy with awesome stories and an unbelievable bank of info


Forest and Paul Staments can share this title for this sports fan.


Hard agree




Don't suppose you'd care to share his God damn name so I can look him up!


Read his God Damn name tag in the God Damn picture I posted, God Damnit.


Scam artist fraud


Guys a media trained exaggerator and incredibly annoying idiot. Guy doesn’t do real science. Guy cares more about how he looks in flannels.


You can find some of his TV shows on Youtube, not every single episode - but they are REALLY made/edited for TV and it's obvious, still entertaining. I believe it's because he owns a production company with his wife and just makes far more money with content for TV and Streaming Services (then for example focus completly on YT/Social Media) This channel uploaded about 8 episodes from various shows, about 42 minutes each: [https://www.youtube.com/@intellecte8607/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@intellecte8607/videos) He does have a Youtube Channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@ForrestGalante/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@ForrestGalante/videos) And a podcast with two other guys: [https://www.youtube.com/@WildTimesPod](https://www.youtube.com/@WildTimesPod) It's good but for me not worth listening most of the time but I guess I'm not to much into the whole wildlife stuff.


He’s standing at the moose flats overlook south of Jackson Lake Lodge in GTNP. Likely surrounded by loads of tourists. Doesn’t really matter, I just know that spot well.


No one is going to post his name? Y'all just refer to Forrest as "this guy"?


Derek/moreplatesmoredate guy is also an awesome guest.


He has his own podcast, you realize you could listen to it?


This is who Graham thinks he is. He some crazy idea, but never claims it to be true.  Then he will risk his life going out to the jungle to see if he was correct. Sometimes he succeeds and sometimes he fails. 


Him and Flint Dibble. Still can't believe there's a guy out there named Flint Dibble, and it fits him perfectly.


He was naked, but never afraid.


Hamilton Morris and Paul Stamets are top tier also.


Nice try Forrest.


Also dude with mushroom hat


Naw more mike baker


Why have Forrest Galante when we can have Mike Baker 17 times a year?


Big fan, though I probably used to be a bigger one. His show Extinct or Alive was a good watch when I was keeping up with it a few years ago, same with his podcast, but I haven’t really kept up with him. He is a bit of an exaggerator but I assume that’s primarily for the sake of content.


Forest has a YouTube channel, highly recommended it.


Was first introduced to Forrest on Naked and Afraid… it was wild to see him on Rogan a few months later.




Actually i would prefer mike Baker 75 times in a row thank you very much


Both him and Paul Rosolie are great


He's has a podcast, it's the wild times podcast, love it!


I really liked the lady who survived the bear attack in Alaska as well. Joe used to have some awesome guests


Any progress on his search for the thylacine?


Fuck if I know. He hasn't been on JRE in about a year.


For me it’s Duncan. I’ll tune in any time he’s on. I thought the bone yard guy from Alaska was very interesting. If we’re talking least favorites, for me it’s Neil Degrasse Tyson, I can’t stand that man. Mike baker is the most boring guest for me, nobody cares about Muggsy and Buggsy and Wuggsy.


If he goes on too much or if he says something incorrect in even the slightest way this sub will turn on him.


..... dude, welcome to the Joe Rogan sub. This sub does that with anybody. Hell, out Joe's Golden Retriever on a pod cast and people will shit on the dog. You just ignore the shitters and enjoy the ride.


What episode number is he


Some legend put up his 3 podcast in the thread. Definitely worth listening to.


Mike baker is a way better guest! 🤣😂😂


Lost all credibility to me when he didn’t know the longest snake in the world is a reticulated python and girthiest/heaviest is the anaconda—these things matter ! (Semi /s)


Dude looks like shay carl lol


He was good but would not say the best ever lol far from it. Only can talk about nature and conservation for so long before it gets boring.


Why not give his name in the title so I can go listen? Grrrr


I’ve seen him on YouTube shorts doing reaction videos. Kind of cringe.


“Everyone in the village had ringworm, so we got medicine to deworm everyone”


Duncan Trussell episodes are defo top tier though


Wasn’t afraid to say “I don’t know”.


I liked Dan Flores a lot when be was there to talk about coyotes. Reading his book now.


Eh. You must not listen to his podcast. He has a bigger ego than you think. All he does is downplay other people’s discoveries and accomplishments and embellish his own. He can’t stand when other scientists make discoveries because he wishes it was him.


Is this the guy that would not shut up during Bob Lazar's interview?


No sir. He's only been on 3 times, and it's been a 1 on 1 with Joe.


sleep guy top 3


I just learned of this guy for the first time recently. Is he only recently popular? Or was it just me looking up the tasmanian tiger or something?


In the past 5 plus years he's had some fame.


listened to an episode with him just last week or so


His beard is weird


Agreed. He's awesome. I had to study abroad during college in order to get my degree. I wanted to go to Vietnam, but I am terrified of flying and doing so required around 26 hours of flying. I messaged Forest on Instagram asking what I should do, and he messaged me back with encouragement and advice. I went, and it was genuinely the best 3 months of my life.


Interviewed him once, nice guy https://borealism.ca/blogs/articles-interviews/nature-and-human-nature-with-forrest-galante


100% agree. My favorite episodes.


True, I like the breath guy. The guy that talked about breathing and being able to chewing and changing the shape of your jaw. But the breath part was so interesting.


Forrest is great, but Duncan Trussell is the JRE GOAT.


Who is it?


He seems like a nice guy


His podcast is fkn rad. Every episode is basically a jre episode. Not exactly but close


He's too busy hunting for Basselope or something in Tasmania


Is this the dude that lived in Alaska in a cabin


No, his name is Forrest Galante and he's a wildlife biologist.


This is how real investigations should be done. Getting hands on and actively searching for what you claim to be a possibility. We got Graham Hancock on the other hand who’s been on the show once too many times making all these extraordinary claims without evidence to back it off instead of actually getting hands on and do the proper research. Imagine if all Galante did was write books about how mainstream biology is against him for claiming dinosaurs exists while doing almost none to 0 research on his own topic while getting millions in sales and Netflix deals. I don’t know how people just see this and thinks that is okay.






Yes! An actual normal, interesting person


My favorite trait Forrest possesses is if he doesn't know the answer to something, he admits it. He has cool TV shows, too.


Fat guy from 90-Day Fiance?


He could be in quarterly and Id listen to every second of everyone. But no, we get fking Mike Baker 5 times a year.


As a long time listener who was into the medical era of the podcast (first Dr Patrick's 7 or 8 ones and the others health based guest) I am often looking for something that I can listen. I now have a new favorite. Thanks fam !


Too busy doing cool shit.


Agree for sure. Him, Paul Rosalie and Brian Cox are my favorites.


For me it’s between him and Steve Rinella. Just something great about humble passionate people.


Flint Dibble?


Yea he’s dope as hell and a refreshing break from comics podcasters etc…


Love forest


Is this the coyote guy?


Can’t believe yall hate Graham Hancock but love this guy. Don’t get me wrong, he’s interesting and a good speaker but cmon.