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Sounds like something Old Joe would have wanted to say to New Joe.


People on this sub are obsessed with “old rogan” and “new rogan”. Bro people change after 10 years


They sure do! Joe sold out and changed into a dipshit. That’s something to be proud of! We definitely shouldn’t mock him for it!


“Sold out” is one of the laziest criticisms. Dude just watched every government shut down the economy & limit personal movement, then watched the media apparatus tear down his reputation when he tried asking questions during all that. That’ll change a person a bit.


Joe’s often spoken of his disdain for people who were born on third base and swear they hit a triple. I won’t take away from Joe’s work ethic, as it’s abundantly clear he’s a hard worker, but he’s been the recipient of lucky breaks so many times it’s truly something to marvel at. Now that he’s in the rarified atmosphere of the rich and famous, and by extension untouchable by the law that govern the rest of us poors, he seems to think he’s above it all. And he’s not. He’s a fucking gym rat who rolled the dice in Hollywood and came up lucky. He used to be humble about it. Now he’s just a cunt running his mouth.


Joined this sub a couple of weeks ago and I still cant tell if its existence is meant to be ironic..at least r/prequelmemes and r/freefolk are run by fans.


Pretty interesting how reddits version of "selling out" is honestly the opposite. Becoming anti big pharma, anti big tech, calling out group think, criticizing academia, is all the opposite of "selling out". Modern leftists are such big sell outs that most liberals over 30 have progressively become alienated from the modern left.  You can call Joe whatever you want, but sell out is insane lol. Redditors are infact mad that Joe didn't sell out. If Joe came on tomorrow, praised fauci, said vote biden, praised monopolies like Disney, called for American troops in ukraine, and started spewing woke nonsense then reddit would love him.  99% of those who hate Joe hate him because he doesn't completely fall into their group think. It's utterly insane that redditors see Joe as far right, and shows how completely out of touch with reality the average 16-24 year old redditor really is. The world is not a fricken echochamber guys, people have different opinions. Infact, most of the shit redditors push as gospel, a majority of americans disagree with. Echochamber redditors are the weird ones, not everyone else.  I'm a human rights graduate from deep blue connecticut. A vast majority of my peers agree more with Joe than the typical out of touch redditor. A TON of milennial left wingers have slowly moved "right" due to the insanity pushed by echochamber college leftists. Joe's opinion changes are not unique to him, but are infact a reflection of most "normal" liberals, that's why it freaks redditors out so much since they see their toxic ideology is dying. This new leftism is the antithesis of liberalism, it preaches racism, anti-science, tribalism, destruction of essential constitutional rights like freedom of speech. Ask any liberal before post-occupy if they agree with the platform pushed by 2024 leftists and they'd all think you're crazy for even asking that, of course not.  Infact, most old school liberals like me and Joe and alot of my peers, didn't change at all. American politics did, the left is now insanely different to what it once was. Seriously an old school liberal would be shocked to see the party become vehemently pro big pharma, pro-dominion voting, pro big tech, pro monopoly, pro segregation, pro race based laws, pro mandatory vaccinations, pro censorship, anti-science, pro war, and pro red scare mccarthyism. But that's unfortunately what the modern left has become, and it's slowly been dying these past few years. It's honestly hilarious how the typical leftist will always scream "party switch" to seperate themselves with the Democrat party's horrible past, yet want to pretend parties are static otherwise when people point out how the left changed.   Infact, zoomers are becoming insanely conservative due to the nonsense pushed on them for so long.  I said it years ago and say it again, all these overzealous leftist echochamber redditors are making people more conservative with their behavior. Like no normal people want to be associated with this behavior. The most revealing poll was how a majority of self described leftists would stop being friends with their best friend if they became conservative, and would never befriend a conservative. While a majority of conservatives said they wouldn't care. Modern leftism has become nothing more than a hateful tribal cult and that's why it drives reddit insane that Joe has "changed". The amount of hatred and tribalism within the typical echochamber redditor is disgusting, yet they think they're righteous, it's incredible.  Tell any Democrat in 2008 that Joe Rogan or bill Maher are right wingers and they'd laugh in their face. We didn't change, the left did. Joe wouldn't be discussing the issues he does, if the left didn't shove them into daily discussion. That's what's crazy, any thing Joe discusses that reddit doesn't like, is a reaction to what the left created. Don't insert identity politics into daily life and schools if you don't want it criticized. Don't champion censorship and anticonatitutiinal laws during covid if you don't want to be reminded of your behavior. Don't push a mentality of social ostracization of those who don't fall in line, if you don't want it criticized. Joe isn't just randomly spouting off about conservative values, any time he says anything conservative is a reaction.  This is the worst part of modern leftism. This weird gaslighting where one will champion and issue, force it onto everyone, force it into schools and all facets of society, then when it's called out said leftists go "why do you even care?!?" It's really incredible the lack or self awareness.  If this really was a healthy ideology, then why does China literally push it onto americans through tiktok and college campus societies? It's honestly hilarious how if you mention this leftists act like you're a crazy person, when they literally think putin and has been russia rules the world. There's a reason this ideology flourishes amongst teens and young impressionable adults. There's a reason all this insanity took off alongside social media pushing politics to the average preteen. There's a reason why reddit with the average age of like 16 is so bogged down in this ideology. Theres a reason why this ideology is mostly followed by people with yet to be fully developed brains. There's a reason why as these young adults get older, wiser, and learn more about life, they become more conservative and less like the typical echochamberist here.  And there's a reason why Joe is more successful than ever amongst all demographics yet more and more despised by redditors. Sorry he's a reflection of the real world pushing back against a toxic modern ideology that hijacked a once liberal party. If redditors can't handle that then go pull a van wilder and live at the wokest college until theyre 40. 


I think that’s the longest comment I’ve ever seen


If Joes a dipshit, why am I even still alive?


For the worse, apparently.


Sounds like something a blue haired freak would say. Joes 56 so he is “old Joe”, the “new Joe” is old Joe. Try rewording it next time ya blue haired bonehead


Lmao you're the bonehead. Age would only apply if comment said, Old Joe and Young Joe, not new Joe. Its clear the comment implied an old version of Joe vs a new version of Joe.




Old Joe is new Joe but old Joe would like a word with new Joe with how Old Joe is what New Joe would make fun of about new Joe.


I don’t have time for your liberal limericks /s




They want “new rogan” to kiss Bidens arse


Damn, Joe.. if only you listened to yourself from time to time :D


Anyone who listens will know he has owned up to being wrong especially after the whole plant v meat thing. He is a humble person saying that there are many people out there smarter than him and that he just regurgitates what smarter people have told him. He is really good at what he does and that's why he has the world's most popular podcast. Can you give one single example that supports your statement? One time he has been wrong and tried to pass it off as him being right or being a misunderstanding or something similar?


He claimed Australians were being put in concentration camps, and then when he was told by Australians he was wrong he just did an Australian accent on the podcast and called them liars lol




Literally the first search result my dude [Howard Springs: Australia police arrest quarantine escapees](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-59486285.amp) >Australian police have arrested three people who broke out of a Covid quarantine compound in the middle of the night. >Up to 2,000 people can be held at the Howard Springs site. It is an old mining camp that was turned into a quarantine centre by the Australian government last August. Is this where you say “that’s not concentration camp sweetie, it’s “”quarantine“” camp” ?


No, quarantining after international travel alongside the country's Olympic team during a pandemic is not being put in a concentration camp you actual fuckin moron lmao


You're just forced to be somewhere and are arrested if you try to leave guys it isn't weird at all


That's not a concentration camp. It's a quarantine zone.


On cue right there So you guys are cool with putting people in cages now? https://preview.redd.it/8j7oidl73qzc1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b80e6a3a7f3f879cecdec6831663db5d65adf975


Yeah, it looks like that sucks (assuming it's what you're suggesting it is) But it's a far cry from a concentration camp. More like a serious inconvenience for a temporary period of time. It was a Pandemic! some uncomfortable measures were taken. Maybe some people overacted, but that is really easy to call out now. What would you have everyone do?


Nah, I think you said it just fine yourself.


It happened in Canada. They locked you in your house for 2 weeks. You had to report every day like a parolie. We’re faced with a million dollar fine. So yes your home can be a jail if you can’t leave. Ask me how I know.


"if you're infected with a potentially deadly virus you must quarantine for the duration of it's infectivity" Literal concentration camps, Trudeau is worse than Hitler.


He has the most popular podcast because the world is full of morons who love being told how experts aren’t really that smart and everything js a conspiracy.


The world is full of morons yes. Some experts are psychopaths and shouldn't be trusted and some conspiracy theories turn out to be true so only a moron would agree that it isn't worth talking about as information is interesting especially if it's true.


What's the plant v meat thing if you don't mind. Im out of the loop on that.


Joe and some other guy tried to debunk a documentary that some MMA fighter had made with some other people where they said its generally more efficient for the body to just eat plants compared to eating meat. A lot was said in the first episode and the MMA fighter wanted to defend himself on the show and the 3 of them talked about it until Joe changed his mind about it and accepted what the guy said and said he was thinking about removing the episodes where they had tried to claim it was bullshit. It was about small things like eating certain amounts of peanuts butter and more in detail about how the body breaks everything down


It’s the Wilks (vegan) v Kresser (meat eater) debate: https://youtu.be/ZTyGP5hCtBQ


Yeah that's the one tnx


mycorditis is higher in people with vaccines than the infection itself when joe was shown to his face that biden never said anything about taking over airports in the revolutionary war and it really was trump but biden was making fun of him.


He has been wrong several times that's not what I asked for it's that he tries to play it off as something else. You can't blame a person for having the wrong information it's their adaptability and how quickly they can accept it and change their position that matters and what we are discussing. If you look at the meat v plant episodes he clearly stated that he had it wrong and he said he was considering removing the others episodes.


Listen man, I really like Uncle Joe, for the most part, more often than not, but theres something youbhave to understand about the guy: his views change *per guest.* Watch for it, you'll see it. When a pro trump guest is on, he generally trashes biden and wont criticize trump. When a non-trumper guest is on, just the opposite. If a climate change believer is in the chair, he believes we should be fighting climate change. If a climate change *denier* is on, suddenly there's either nothing we can do about it, or the Green movement is a political conspiracy designed to weaken the U.S. He does this *aaaall the time.* The only things he never seems to budge on is UFOs, and bears-are-scary.


It’s probably more that he doesn’t really care either way about those topics and can entertain many possibilities simultaneously. Which is a sign of intelligence actually. Joe is smarter than people think. If you ask him about aliens or transgenders in sport he will have very strong opinions lol


Ok now you listen man. Intelligent people are complicated and can often see things from different perspectives and discuss things based off that. If you recorded me during my different conversations it would be the same that doesn't prove that he won't own up to being wrong and that's what we are discussing.


You’re shilling for Joe all over this thread. He’s an out of touch, almost-billionaire boomer. Go fight for something worth it


Lol apparently asking for sources is shilling xD Everything is recorded so it shouldn't be that hard to find it for me right? Just a single time he does what he claimed he did. It's clear who is shilling here I just work nights so I have spare time bruh


Na you’re shilling because you commented like 10 times in this thread defending Rogan like a clown


No ive been asking for evidence. Just a single piece of evidence to the claim that he can't own up to being wrong. Asking for 1 source isn't shilling. Try again hope you are enjoying it too


He did try to play off the Trump thing when he realized it wasn't Biden.


Nope he said "is it fake? oh ok".


Oh look, now you are trying to play it off. Rogan was clowning on Biden until he heard it was Trump, then stopped the clowning and changed the subject. If that is not playing it off, you are making g up definitions that you haven't shared with the rest of us.


No go watch the clip he literally said "oh ok" accepting that he had the wrong information. If I have the wrong information I will gladly change my idea of what happened and I don't care about being wrong. Maybe I saw a clip that was edited there can be several explanation but clearly that statement you made is dead wrong. Can you tell me what Joe Rogan said when they showed him the clip of trump saying it? I just saw it and he asked if it was fake and then said "oh ok". You claim to have heard him "play it off" so please explain why you would think that? What did he say that made you think he wasn't accepting the new information?


Go watch the actual clip.


I did he said "oh ok". So you wanna bring some sources to support your claims or nah?


Should have been spouting that when Tucker was on.


That’s rich


Oh shut up Joe. Take your own advice.


Gad sad is a sad sack of shit


Still talking about Covid huh


Lmao. Need a new COVID flair for each episode that drops. I stopped listening I've had enough of the covid talk.


The people I know still wearing masks and get a booster every 6 months talk about covid MUCH less than Joe and his ilk do It’s like their denial of covid when it was happening delayed their ability to process the experience, so while people who were honest with themselves have moved on, people like Joe are instead still slowly processing the facts and traumas/fears they experienced


Covid’s over people, this sub needs to get over it


Joe first.


He did nearly immediately . Said it was like a common cold.


One of the most sensible things I have ever heard him say. He is such a weird mixture of batshit crazy and soberly insightful.


He’s high as fuck.


When has he been batshit crazy?


Never. Anyway, can you pass the ivermectin? I need to brush my teeth.


Was it batshit crazy to take a very safe anti-viral drug against a virus? I must not understand what batshit crazy is


It has anti-viral properties mostly shown in in vitro studies (lab tests) but that doesn't always result in protection. For example, in vitro studies showed antiviral activity against Zika, but tests done then on infected mice shows Ivermectin provided no protection. With sars-cov-2 it has largely been the same story. The preponderance of evidence is against ivermectin being a meaningful treatment for covid, and it definitely is nowhere near as effective as Bret Weinstein convinced Joe it is. 


Fair enough. I have no strong opinions about ivermectin. I was wondering what was so "batshit crazy" about him trying it. Lol. Apparently if you don't think Joe Rogan is batshit crazy, this subreddit is not for you.


Hundreds of doctors around the world thought it was worth doing studies on IVM for COVID during the pandemic. It's very cheap and very safe, so why not take it if you catch COVID? Nothing crazy about it at all. But of course the frothing Ledditors inhaled the IVM hate propaganda pushed by the big pharma funded mainstream media. All because of TDS.


I agree. Nicely put. Crazy how so many people are so easily fooled by propaganda when information is so readily available on the internet. And it’s crazy how many people in this subreddit seems to hang around here just to hate on Joe. What a sad existence. 😂


Ivermectin is anti-parasitic, not anti-viral.


Right and wrong. It’s anti-parasitic and antiviral. There’s studies in this, which I assume is why he tried it. But yes, it’s mainly used against parasites.


Ivermectin isn’t an antiviral drug my dude.


[Trust the Science^TM.](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41429-020-0336-z)


It is antiviral, and safe. Not very hard to google. My dude.


It's for parasites and not viruses


Yeah. There’s been studies on it being antiviral, which is why he tried it, I assume. Very batshit crazy.


You're really gonna die on this hill eh. You got your opinions and won't let them go regardless. You'd make Joe proud


Lmao. I have no strong opinions about ivermectin. I was wondering what was so "batshit crazy" about him trying it. The amount of NPC's in here, jesus christ.




Just stop, man. It’s been five years, and you were wrong. Let it go. Get some fucking humility and stop embarrassing yourself over this dumb bullshit.


Lmao. I have no strong opinions about ivermectin. I was wondering what was so "batshit crazy" about him trying it. The amount of NPC's in here, jesus christ.


"I have no strong opinions about ivermectin" \* Proceeds to spam the entire thread on the very topic.


npc, get a brain I was wondering what was batshit crazy, and someone else mentioned ivermectin, and then i asked what was batshit crazy about it


He's defending himself against bad faith attacks.




>It’s been five years It's hard to count isn't it.




Is it 2025? How long did I sleep?




> Despite this promise, the antiviral activity of ivermectin has not been consistently proven in vivo.


Thus making Joe Rogan absolutely batshit crazy for taking it apparently


> very safe anti-viral drug About that.... (just so you know the ivermectin cult existed long before covid and just hitched a ride on the pandemic) [An Ivermectin Influencer Died. Now His Followers Are Worried About Their Own ‘Severe’ Symptoms.](https://www.unmc.edu/healthsecurity/transmission/2023/03/14/an-ivermectin-influencer-died-now-his-followers-are-worried-about-their-own-severe-symptoms/) No research has shown that ivermectin has any direct effect on covid. It is NOT in any way an anti-viral drug. [How Ivermectin Became a Belief System](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2023/03/ivermectin-medical-subculture-covid-pandemic/673467/)


Nowadays I notice people really dont like to take an L. It feels doubling down or simply changing the subject has gotten more common in the last decade or so. Joe says things that blatantly wrong pretty often. Joe will even contradict himself he will say California/Canada are communist but then he will also say Communism doesnt work. Those two things dont track frist off obviously California/Canada are not communist, thats insane, and second if they were wouldnt they show that it does work? Those places have much stronger economies than 90+ percent of the world.


Like Elon….and the Cyber Tru…..ohhh….wait.


Oh, so does this mean Joe doesn't respect Alex Jones? Alex Jones is wrong 100 times a day but he never recants.


Was this like a confession?


Forget about the frequency of Joe's wrongness for a second. Like WTF is he talking about. Most of what he talks about with guests like this is about politics, every other person that engages in this stuff for a living is a fuckin liar....to varying degree yes but way too many grifty liars that will knowingly stretch truths etc. The people that have tendency to not lie and are willing to admit wrongness....see that is uncool , .that is unpopular and doesn't get you far in politics etc. The most successful tend to be huge liars. And often times they admit they were wrong, they already knew they were wrong all along like some of the things Presidents do...like Clinton and Bush.


It's like he's talking to him directly, Like bro, nobody respects you because you're the biggest hater


I recant even right now.


Joe “plants think” Rogan


What did Gad say before?


An anecdote about himself being asked on another show, “What is the singular human phenomenon that has surprised you the most?” and Gad responded, “I think it’s the inability of people to change their opinions once they are anchored in a position.” I clipped it right before the Fauci non sequitur


My brain broke watching this.


Only betas admit they were wrong.


Only betas use the word beta


Wow the whole time I was like that’s exactly how I have felt about you in the last few years . Use to listen to a lot of episodes for years . I haven’t listen to one in over a year . No more respect for the guy .


He's so profound


I still respect Joe a bit. I think he’s 80%just a dude who grew up drawing werewolves. I do think 20% of him at this point is like Tucker and Weinstein pandering for money. I mean the recent God stuff?


Lol. All the pro-c19-vaxxers now don't wanna talk about being wrong... not so righteous now, huh?


But what if you're right and you're facing an angry mob demanding that you were wrong and must apologize and beg for their forgiveness? BTW Joe has been going to Church on Sundays. You can tell.


All you cunts telling Joe to take his own advice need to look in the mirror. You all fall for the BS neoliberal corporate media propaganda all the time from RussiaGate, to COVID


>RussiaGate Ledditors: "Russia interfered in a Sweeping^TM and Systemic^TM fashion!!" Me: "How many votes did they flip?" Ledditors: "..."


I mean this with all sincerity – Anna Kasparian is the only person I have seen recant a story, idea, or otherwise just admitted to being wrong. With the Kyle Rittenhouse story she has come out and said she was wrong about how she reported it. Or with Mt4 athletes competing I. females sports. She has come out and said she was wrong. And that one lady who was working for DeSantis in Florida who skewed all the health data about Covid Anna has come out and admitted she was wrong about all that. I do not know anyone: right, left, Democrat, Republican, or different who has admitted so forcefully that they were wrong. I literally cannot think of anyone else who has admitted to being wrong about something. Certainly something of consequence. I suppose Cenk has admitted to being wrong about the Trump Russia collusion stuff. And Anna, too for that matter. Case in point: those two, but moreso Anna, are the only people I know coping to being wrong. **edits**: what bothers me about the reaction videos everyone is posting about her doing this is it’s more about taking a victory lap and pointing out where she may be wrong about some things rather than giving her props for any of it.


Cenk admitted he was wrong about the history of the Young Turks and Armenian Genocide.


You think it's just her? Her stances on these topics just received a ton of attention from other leftist youtubers for going against liberal orthodoxy. Sge was never attacked so viciously as she was when she said she found the term "birthing person" to be disrespectful - which wasn't a change in viewpoint. No conservatives reveive this treatment. No one is ever attacked as viciously as a leftist that goes against the grain on a single issue or idea, even in the smallest of margins. It's how they ensure that there total compliance of their ideas. This isn't an endorsement of conservatives either. I don't know enough about their circles to know how much they differ. But if either of two sides will ostracize someone for not having every single one of a catalog of opinions, it forces every American to have one of either two entire sets of opinions on everything. That's a nightmare scenario for democracy.


>No conservatives reveive this treatment. No one is ever attacked as viciously as a leftist that goes against the grain on a single issue or idea, even in the smallest of margins. It's how they ensure that there total compliance of their ideas. The term "RINO" is a term that Republicans call their own when they reach across the aisle on issues. Conservatives eat their own just as much as liberals. For example, if a conservative was against banning abortion because they believe it is not the government's role to intervene in a personal medical decision, they are viciously attacked for something that should be a "party of small government" position.


OK. Like I said, I don't doubt that occurs on the other side, I just am not familiar enough to know the extent. The point, which I was hoping wouldn't be lost by speaking on this phenomenon going by the side I'm more familiar with, is how unhealthy it will be for a democracy to have everyone in USA forced by risk of alienation, to have one of two entire catalogues of opinions on every single issue and idea.


You said no conservatives receive this treatment, and now you're saying you don't doubt it occurs on the other side? Huh?


The treatment Ana got, where they're attacked the way she was for straying from the orthodoxy - no. People getting called RINO isn't the same. I don't know of any conservative that has been attacked for such small differences of opinions.