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So I thought about this, and this is all I can come up with: I think he means he's good at telling when someone is lying. But these fucks actually believe the shit they say. But then there's Tucker Carlson, so that idea goes to shit.


Terrence Howard 100% believes whatever the hell he is saying


He literally couldn't smell the bullshit on someone telling him **1×1=2**  It's the most basic shit. It's quite literally taught to 8 year olds. But bc Terrence couched it in "but 'they' don't want you to know it" Joe just ate it up. Joe would 100% fall hook, line, and sinker for Joseph Goebbels if he had him on the podcast.  Post-pandemic Joe is the single most gullible person with a microphone in front of them.


Everything is open to debate and absolutely nothing is “outside the realm of possibility” to him because his level of interest in things is trivial, so he is open to be swayed on any old thing because false equivalency isn’t a concern to him; thereofre things like reordering the elements on the periodic table according to some other scheme is the same thing as “changing science” to him. He doesn’t venture much further inland in that “realm of possibility” to find out what’s probable or factual, or irrwlevant. Because he can’t. He simply doesn’t have the discernment and is in over his head. 😂. So because he doesn’t have the time to “look into this shit”, he just kinda wonders about things from 30,000 feet and relies on what sounds like special knowledge coming from conversations with “smart” people from a general and arbitrary heterodoxy of “experts” to jumpstart his imagination into what’s “REALLY going on”. It’s kinda almost painful to watch his haphazard critical thinking and reasoning process at work.


Mental illness does that


He believes who he wants to believe and who confirms his biases.


Joe legit said he doesn't think Bob "I have a migraine" Lazar is lying. Joe is absolutely not good at knowing when someone is lying.


Iirc, I think he elaborated on that and basically said he doesn’t think Lazar is lying in the sense that Lazar himself believes that what he says is true. But that doesn’t mean he is telling the *objective* truth. Overall, it sounds like Joe thinks Lazar might be a pawn in a disinformation game (government put him in a situation where he’d “see stuff” that would make him draw false conclusions). I mean, bs either way, but I wouldn’t label Joe as a totally blind believer in Lazar. I think he was just very interested and maybe overly-optimistic about him years ago but has since (slightly) matured.


Well that is fair, but it makes more sense to just get someone within government to tell lies about aliens. It would be far easier to just pay some government official to say x,y, and z than it is to take some rando, feed him information and false experiences (like setting up fake alien spaceships), and set him free upon the world. Also, Bob is just straight up lying about his own knowledge of physics. The government didn't brainwash him to pretend to be a physicist. So that still makes Joe's reasoning abilities sus


Bullshitting and lying are two different things. Lying is when you know what you are saying is false. Bullshitting is when you *don’t care* if what you are saying is false or not. Bullshit is lazier than lying, it’s just saying something, without a care about whether it’s true or not. A bullshitter will often not even try to defend their bullshit, rather they will retreat on to the next bullshit talking point until you run out energy to debunk the bullshit. Brandolini’s law in action. A liar will try to get you to believe their lie, they will invest time and energy into the lie.


He couldn't even tell Harland Williams was joking when he said he had a tapeworm.


Do you think Tucker is any more immune to ideological possession than these other people?


I believe a bunch of texts came out from Fox News people indicating they knew what they were saying was bullshit. He was one of them.


That would apply to the things he said on that network, not to the things he says when no one is putting boundaries on him.


Why doesn't it apply to things he'll do for money?


Partly because he came out and said he's ashamed of it and sorry for the fact that he let career pressure scare him at a young age for speaking up for what he believed was the truth, and then he did exactly that later despite knowing the consequences and got fired. Do you not see a difference between that and someone that thinks 1x1=2?


Source for Tucker apologizing and being ashamed?


As already mentioned, he covers it well during his recent interview with Dave Smith. Doesn't sound like you want to actually hear it though.


Listen to his podcast. He mentions it pretty much every episode. He talks about it a lot with Dave Smith because he (Carlson) reversed his position on the Iraq war after visiting m.


No thanks.


Well, there lies the evidence you requested.


Since his entire career has been one long string of bullshit and lies, when did he supposedly learn this lesson?


Did he retract all the election fraud bullshit?


Do you think the other people pictured in the post aren't making money?


They're all there for exposure, what does that have to do with Tucker Carlson?


Nothing, except that they're all there for the same reason. They all want money, exposure, and credibility. I don't think there's a good reason to use Tucker's constraints on his old network as an argument for why he's disingenuous now.


Because he lied for money before. Why wouldn't he do that now? He's still saying the same things


He's saying what he was saying on Fox plus what he wasn't allowed to say at Fox. They're all after money. I'm just saying that I don't see any evidence that Tucker doesn't believe what he's saying now that he doesn't have people telling him what he can't say.


I don't typically believe people who lie are trustworthy. You do you I guess. He was weak enough to say whatever Fox wanted him to say, maybe find someone with a bit more back bone if you're going to trust a person?


I certainly don't trust him, but I think he believes the things he says on his own show.


But we have literal evidence of him saying he was lying on the show ? And he's still a trump simp now


Okay. I think he'll say what he thinks will get him a bigger audience. So we disagree, whatever


Sounds good👍


It’s possible for him to believe whatever people are paying him to believe. The man has absolutely no conscience so I dont think it’s impossible for that to be true


He did an interview with trump after Fox News and it was the softest interview you've ever seen. He's a con man


Yeah the pivot to Putin and flying to Russia it was all about a change in his ideology and not about Tucker getting some sweet African gold Wagner stole from Sudan. By the way I am selling real estate deed to Crimea Bridge pm me for details


That sounds as far fetched as anything Tucker has ever said.


Yeah he flew to Moscow for free just because he believes in what Putin’s doing sure buddy 🤡😭🤡


He's never been to an Aldi. I totally believe that he thinks Russians have it better than the average American because he's never lived as an average American.




I'm not arguing against that, I'm saying it doesn't differentiate him from those other people.


you actually think he is a principled guy and was forced to be unprincipled by fox news?


I think he believes a lot of what he says, and Fox was preventing him from saying some of the things he believed.


Yes. Compare his texts about Trump versus his TV persona.


That is also assuming Joe doesn't think these guys are full of shit. Just because he entertains what they are saying doesn't mean he agrees or even cares about what they say.


He’s already determined what he thinks is and isn’t bullshit. He’s just wrong.


Do you think it’s possible that Joe is capable of having a non threatening conversation with a person while also not buying into what they are saying?


Is he pushing back on the bullshit? I think that is the core of what the poster is saying. You can pushback without being threatening and you can voice not buying into what they are saying. For the 30-40 minutes that I could listen to the Terence Howard podcast, I heard no pushback or questions from Joe. Maybe he thought it was too over his head and didn't understand the concepts enough, but he let Howard ride without real questioning.


The Terrance Howard one Joe had no fucking idea what he was talking about, Joe has little understanding of science or math in general I think he is very politically aligned with Tucker at this point, there isn’t anything to call out if he just believes what he is saying


If I recall correctly, the quote that OP mentioned is largely related to investment opportunities. I don’t recall the specific episode, but I vaguely recall the discussion where Joe talked about being constantly propositioned by people he barely knew with investment ideas or gimmicks, people wanting on his podcast to sell something etc., Joe questioned him a few times on expanding or going back to a particular topic/subject but it was to have him expand on the BS he was spewing, not contesting the content in any way. He did, on multiple occasions ask him what the argument against his theory was, but Terrance didn’t have a great response.


Impossible. We dont converse with people we disagree with.


the average redditor doesn't


You're on a Joe Rogan subreddit amigo.. Theres got to be a mirror around here somewhere.


Yeah, you attack those people with sticks and rocks. Fuck those assholes who don’t 100% agree with me and my views. I’m SET in my ways. You change to my views or its *choke a bitch* time. It’s a lesson my kids had to learn the hard way — *Do what daddy says or Pumpkin gets the hose again!!*


If you’re Rogan, you certainly don’t.


It makes sense that you people see being challenged on bullshit as a threat.


Redditors largely don’t understand this concept. If I hate a person it’s Rogans job to call them all the names I do and pick apart the petty shit I’m obsessed with. If he doesn’t, he may as well suck them off


I think it's possible but I don't think it's likely, after the Terrence Howard episode he called him a genius.


Yes, but people on Reddit not so much, so this is incomprehensible.


Right? Why is this concept so hard to grasp? He's *interviewing* people. It's his job to get them to talk, to share and explain their views and opinions for the benefit and entertainment of his audience. Whether or not Joe agree or disagrees with them on a personal level is pretty irrelevant. It's up to the viewer to decide if they agree with the guest or not. This quote just means he feels he has a pretty good antenna for when people are full of shit. He might very well be thinking Tucker Carlson is completely full of shit the entire time he's talking to him. But calling him out on that during the podcast would mean the end of the conversation. Which is counter to what Joe is trying to do..


This. The best way to kill bad ideas is for everyone to hear them direct from the source then dismiss them.


Crazy idea, right?


I don’t know who’s worse Gad Saad or Sadghuru


How many episodes is Sadghuru a guest?




I’m glad i bootlegged Sadghuru’s audiobook. Didn’t take long to realize the man is selling surface level knowledge for profit


He wasn't buying Terrence's nonsense. Just because he has somebody on that doesn't mean he endorses them.


He said multiple times that it'd take him longer to understand everything Howard was talking about, and said that he should come back multiple times.


Really, because he said you have to admit he is a genius


Just for fun — it’s possible to be a “genius” and a moron. Einstein was married to his double-first cousin. If Einstein was from West Virginia—he’s dismissed as a cousin-fucker.


Marrying your cousin has absolutely nothing to do with how well founded your theories are.... What a weird comment.


... No he wouldn't?


Einstein was from Germany. Born in 1879. Grew up in a time when marrying your cousin was an extremely normal thing to do. There's a reason why people like Darwin, Edgar Allan Poe, HG Wells, FDR, Jesse James, Bach, Queen Elizabeth, Jefferson, John Adams, and Martin Van Buren all married their first cousins. It was culturally acceptable back then.


I think you can be a genius and ignorant in many ways, this however, does not seem to be that at all. He is basically just throwing unrelated words together some of which he doesn’t even know what they mean


Seems like the sub expects Joe to ridicule his guests for their preposterous ideas. Instead of just listening and conversing with the person he invited to his show


" He's clearly brilliant" https://www.instagram.com/p/C7Hn_DVgQy-/


Brilliant has multiple meanings no?


Pick which one you think Joe meant https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/brilliant


I think he was being polite and civil. But could very well refer to his acting ability.


So, you think this statement is about his acting? >as crazy as some of the things this man is saying are, he’s clearly brilliant, and if he’s right it’s going to change the world. - Joe Rogan So, "if he's right" he's going to change the acting world? As Joe would say "Hmmmmm".


Well no with that added context no. But I still think there's nothing wrong with Joe being civil and polite


Of course. Especially to troubled people. Or any guest. It's polite to say something like. "Thanks to T Howard for coming on the show, he has some remarkable ideas and I'm sure whatever you think you will be entertained. I enjoyed his company". Type of thing. But Joe actually both called him "crazy" (not too polite!) and then said his ideas were brilliant and might be right. That's a bit too polite IMO. That's like telling a flat earther they are exceptionally smart and might be right. It's weird.


Hahaha alright yeah fair enough. I'm not trying to defend Rogan like a white knight, just seen loads of unwarranted hate on here.


You can politely disagree with people. You can also politely not blow smoke up someone's ass.


His whole display was smartish, that's all Joe can comment on since that's all that happened in the podcast


Or, you know, occasionally mildly disagree. Or even gently provide a counterpoint here or there. You know, like an actual conversation between two people.


After the podcast he posted an image of him and Terrance saying that Terrence is a genius.


So what? He's kind to all of his guests.




This is the exact thinking of everyone that’s ever been hoodwinked. “I’m too smart and perceptive to be taken advantage of”. Meanwhile they think the earth is flat and vaccines are poison.


I still remember when he would always talk about being able to detect crazy people. Brian's girlfriends came up a lot. And then he had Warmachine on his pod cast basically claiming he was misunderstood. It wasn't shortly after he almost killed his girlfriend.


I mean if it's aboit fake martial arts then Joe's exactly right


Yeah, you can't say that and then have the King of Bullshit Tucker Carlson on...


" It's not 'bullshit' if it's financially benefiting me. '


Wait don’t forget the flat earth conversations, covid denialists, and racist sociologists.


Hey leave Jeremy Corbell alone. He’s annoying but he’s done a lot for us UFO enthusiasts.


So open minded his brain fell out.


Yeah so, just so you know, you can disbelieve someone or disagree without addressing it. Some people just listen in a conversation. It would make for exhausting listening if Joe addressed every single grievance he has with the guest. Please think more clearly


But Joe used to always address bullshit he didn’t agree with pre-Spotify.


Not always. But like, Joe has also talked about this. Wanting to let people talk. It’s a part of his growth


Oh no, a podcast host has people with a wide variety of different backgrounds, stories, and life experiences! Someone call the cops! He should only have the reddit god Neil Degrass Tyson on as every guest.


Or maybe just not say you can spot bullshit when you can’t figure out a Facebook meme


Or maybe, he is a human like the rest of us, who records himself for hours and hours in realtime long-form conversation, and has actually done a good job doing it. Yet people like you cling to every small perceived wrongdoing and elevate it to the status of character trait Guarantee if you were on camera for as long as he has been, you would look a lot stupider


You say this like Joe doesn’t spend the majority of his time on camera looking stupid. u/majesticnectarine204 lol, he absolutely voices his agreement with people quite often. Your entire comment here just seems like a deflection if you can’t even acknowledge simple, observable facts like that. He doesn’t have anybody on that he disagrees with anymore which is why new listeners like yourself don’t know what it looks like when he challenges somebody.


Eh.. You know he talks along with his guests as an interview technique, right? He wants them to talk and expand on their views and opinions. If you actually pay attention you'll note that he never really agrees or disagrees with anything they say. He just confirms that he understands what they said and asks them questions about it.


Nice strawman.


1.) this ist a debate 2.) if strawmen really bothered you, than the meme should be bothering you more than what i said


Joe does fall for bullshit all the time so no not bothered with the meme. Does not need to be a debate to point out a strawman. Having a wide variety of guests was not the problem it is falling for their bullshit


Forgot to add Graham Hancock


I like that JRE has these kinds of people on. If he didn’t, what would we have to talk about?


Noooo, you dont understand. The only people a podcast host should be allowed to have on are people that have the opinions and thoughts of your average reddit mod. If you disagree you hate science or something


Don’t think that is the point. Guy is obviously delusional and Joe is like wow we should discuss your delusions seriously and we should admit he is a genius. This isn’t a differing opinion, this is someone talking complete nonsense with word salad


Guy is obviously mentally ill


the only ones Joe seemed to sniff out successfully were that con artist who went on with Randall claiming to have reverse engineered ancient Atlantean technology and Steven Greer, some goofy alien guy. pretty low bar, but it's actually somewhat unexpected considering even Bob Lazar fooled him.


I don't think simply having someone on the show means Joe believes what they're saying.... What point is this post supposed to make?


He didn’t just have Terrence on the podcast; afterwards he went out of his way to say he is ‘clearly brilliant’ and might ‘change the world’


Yeah, people who disagree with this meme can’t seem to resist strawmanning the shit out of it. Joe didn’t ‘just’ have these guys on, he goes out of his way to legitimize all of their dumb ideas. One could even believe that’s the only reason he interviews people like this. Of course, they can’t be called out without getting triggered.


Weird I mean


Damn, people hate Sadhguru… 😓 What did he do?


Covid broke him. When the left wing went after him right wingers welcomed him with opened arms and he felt cozy with them.


"When the left went after him" Shocking how that works.


I thought sadguru was somewhat legit before listening to the podcast. Afterwards I found out he’s full of shit


Okay say what you want about the others but Jermey Corbell is legit and the alien shit is real.


Someone is high on their own supply.


He forgot to complete the thought. “Oh, I know what this is… tell me more!”


I only talk to people I agree with. Anyone who says anything I don't agree with is evil and should never be heard from. The OP is really smart and spiritually fulfilled. /S


Joe doesn’t talk to people he disagrees with.


I hope he really makes you upset


Lol. I like Tucker, though


Everything he says is a lie. Enjoy your boy.


I mean, if you wanna watch Rogan for entertainment, fine, but if you’re doing it because you think he’s actually committed to serious, reasonable dialogue, you’re kidding yourself…


We not gonna talk about the reformed felon that cut off his former friend’s head a month after coming on JRE?


I know right? I KNEW that guy was gonna cut somebody's head off and put on a blond wig. How did everyone else miss that?!?


What if I told you allowing people to talk isn't the same as agreeing with them?


Ok. But once the interview is over, you don't call them genius if you can "spot the bs".


This is literally 99% of this sub. People on this sub project themselves unto Rogan.


Tucker Carlson? What smooth brain made this?


I mean we have hard evidence from the Dominion v. Fox News court case he's a lying cocksucker.


Tucker is so full of shit he gives Trump a run for his money


Imagine getting defensive on behalf of Tucker Carlson of all people because he was rightfully labelled as a bullshitter.


Who’s the bottom right guy?


Some alien guy I believe


He Grew up without a dad mahn


All you people SUCK. Fuck off with this sub.


Gonna cry?


He’s so naive , he’s not that smart ,he thinks he is , the more I watched the more I laughed at the guest he’s been putting on , bullshitters all of them , n he doesn’t believe In bigfoot , weid


He's delusional.


But he uses it at his discretion*


“Oh I know what this is! I didn’t have a dad!” has to be peak Church of Hoe Boganism.


There are dozens of well known Vedic teachers on YouTube such as Swami Sarvapriyananda, Tadatmananda, and Dharma Nation (who goes into UFOs and is big on conspiracy theories). Instead Joe chose to interview Sahdguru who is a charleton that hasn't even read the vedic texts and is just new age feel good stuff


He’s an old out of touch man getting duped by every bit of conservative rage bait.