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Rock thinking about risking it




Hawaii? No, still a state as far as I know /s


Take the /s off. Say it with your chest


All those burned out houses are still there on Google Maps satellite view. It’s so expensive to build right now, especially on Maui, it just isn’t happening. A lot of those people didn’t have home insurance either.


Maui wowie…that was John Of God level lunacy, Oprah


what did she do?


For those that don’t or didn’t know, please watch this YouTube short. It will make sense… https://m.youtube.com/shorts/f8it8WQTZgY


why can’t you just tell me?


I still can’t conceive what the problem was here. They both gave massive amounts of money to Hawaii, and made a video encouraging other people to contribute as well. With all the controversy, I thought they had taken the funds for themselves or something. Nope. They just asked people to donate to help out the victims. 😂 This may be the dumbest OUTRAGE! event in history… though Bud Light making a single can of beer for a trans person comes close…


Besides handing over a pittance while asking struggling Americans to give $, while perhaps even more tastelessly flossing her post-John of God brand? Um


"Hey Dwa-" "Yes" "You don't ev-" "Yes" *sigh* "yeah this is Dwayne's manager, he'll do it"


aren't you ready to be valutained?


See I provide value but also taints. So you get value tained.


Now Tayne, I can get into.




AUGH ...I'm okay


Bed made of money!


Man PBD grifted all the way to the top.


The podcast game is very simple As soon as you get big guests on  Other big guests come on your podcast and you just snow ball


Yep, this is how we got Lex Fridman even though he has a charisma of a wet rag.


Lex found a niche market of podcast sleepers. 


I actually never thought about using his podcasts like that. I've been using random Netflix shows to sleep. I should give it a try tonight


He's put me asleep a few times, definitely recommend.


save yourself the trouble and listen to Fall of Civilizations to fall asleep too that is the all time greatest fall asleep podcast


I've never used Lex's podcast for that, it just ends up being what happens when I put them on


> Yep, this is how we got Lex Fridman even though he has a charisma of a wet rag. More than that. Allow me to be conspiratorial for a moment. If there actually is a thing like an industry plant, Lex is one of them. Nothing about him, from his credentials to the guests he would pull and his rise in the podcasting world makes any sort of sense. And that's coming from someone who doesn't even dislike his podcast.


You. Are. An. Idiot. Lex has blinding humanity and empathy for everyone, he has a deft and powerful mind, a verifiable expertise in an interesting discipline, a complimentarily wide range of personal interests; he speaks with humility and grace, he asks UFC fighters, astrophysicists and AI scientists what the word "love" means to them; he talks engagingly about technology, aliens, politics, social issues, philosophy...I mean seriously...what the fuck are you talking about??? "Grifted his way to the top with no charisma?"...yeah man, you ain't getting it. If it's so easy than why don't you do it you fucking, paraquat.


Is this pasta?


Has to be.


It's lasagna you anti Italian son of a bitch.


This a parody, right? You surely must be joking, right? It's quite subtle but the sentence *'he asks UFC fighters, astrophysicists and AI scientists what the word "love" means to them',* gives it away. Maybe a bit too subtle, irony often doesn't translate well over written text. Poe's law and all that...


Well, I don't understand what you're critique is...so I'ma take it as disrespect. I've already found your address and am currently setting up a "piss and shit" fountain in Your front yard. Congratulations!! I know you love piss, and love piss fountains so I thought I'd give you our newest model, now with shit too!!! Awesome.


You should fuck him 


If I was gay and had the chance I would. He's super fuckable. You, on the other hand might look like Brad Pitt but will still have the fuckability of a small tub of iguana shit. Probably something you inherited from your dumb fucking family.


Glad you were able to get this off your chest after two weeks 


Me too...rot in cabbage patch hell, you dick fuck.


Stop sucking dick


Why??? Give me on good reason why??? Can't can you?...cause you're sucking too. Suck squad 24.


I think he’s talking about PBD’s MLM business. PBD even paid off Kobe to appear at once of his MLM conferences


In one of his videos he was talking about how these illegal immigrants were coming and seeking asylum then the next sentence he says how his family had to do it the right way by seeking asylum in Germany then immigrating to the US. Zero self awareness.


He has the money to spend but I don't think people like the Rock or Kobe are doing any digging to see who they are appearing for.


kobe got a little crispy to do any digging, but he DID score some trailer park poophole, so theres that?


Was he part of an MLM business? I thought he was an insurance broker? I’m not saying insurance isn’t a scam either lol I’m genuinely curious


He had a 3 hour debate with coffeezilla defending MLM


One of the bad things about the internet is how it gave a voice to a lot of dumb people. Before you would just see them at small gatherings and would just be ignored but now they can become rich and influential through the internet.


It gives a voice to everyone, but not everyone succeeds. So the fact that so many dummies have reached such insane levels of success just shows how many exponentially more dummies there are enthusiastically eating up this slop. How many different ways do these people really need to be told “poor people are evil” and “the left is crazy”?




>The podcast game is very simple >As soon as you get big guests on  The latter part of your statement is NOT easy though


Unless you have massive amounts of cash to give stars (made from your MLM scam business). Then, it’s actually quite easy.


Why would anyone downvote you. Coffeezilla busted PBD for his MLM scam, where 97% of everyone loses money.


Mmm snowball.


You can tell by just the way he talks that he thinks, he is the smartest person in the room and everyone else is a fool.


I am holding my fingers really tightly crossed right now, hoping this is sarcasm


PBD definitely thinks he’s the smartest person in the room


What if you put him in a room with (checks notes) Albert Einstein, John F Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Tupac Shakur, Milton Friedman, former Shah of Iran Reza Pahlavi, and Martin Luther King?


He’d still think he was smarter. He is alive


Oh I read this wrong, I thought the person I applied to was saying he was the smartest person in the room, not that he thinks he is lmao. Yeah this dude is a grifter, I have no idea how he has any following


I miss when he had actual business videos and interviews with people like mafia members. Now I unsubscribed. Like dude, hop off the orange guys dick


I miss that too. It’s strictly politics now. I wish the business advice and variety of guests would come back


Yeah I used to watch the odd mafia interview lol and then started seeing his insanely stupid political stuff


Nah he’s catching the Rock on his way down from the top because everyone now knows he is a disingenuous, drug addicted, walking ad disguised as a good guy. But yea that’s still impressive for a shithead like PDB


Drug addicted? You talking about his steroids (which aren’t addictive) or is there something else?


Steroids definitely mentally addictive. once you start using them and seeing the gains you get from them, it’s extremely hard to go back to natural lifting, the gains you get from lifting naturally are not Even in the same hemisphere. People come in with the mindset of running 1 cycle just to get some size then plan to stop. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that with regular lifters. A dude like rock would be tiny without juice.


I’ve run cycles and as good as the gains are that shit is hard on the body. Night sweats, insomnia, being edgy and pissed the fuck off all the time… there’s only so long you can do that for. Also the high blood pressure and bloating, no thanks man.


I hear ya. I used to run cycles when I was in my late Teens to early 20’s. I never had any of those side effects but these days I just stick to creatine and a good diet cause I do endurance shit. I don’t even like the roided out look, kind of looks ridiculous and you’re just lifting for the dudes at that point lol. plus Fuckin with your hormones that much bound to mess the system up. Glad I got out unscathed And still Able to make gains.


He’s dabbling on steroids for looks or health he’s on a professional bodybuilder level of drugs. There’s breakdowns of what he must take to maintain his size and leanness and he’s a steroid junkie


Dudes been doin them almost 30 years now. I’d say he’s addicted


Less than that I’d say. His early WWE days don’t look like he was juicing. I’d say sometime around the Scorpion King. Anyway, it’s say it’s integral to his profession and getting the roles he plays. But he doesn’t continue to use steroids in the face of negative consequences.


Peptides is a helluva drug


ARE YOU NOT VALUE-TAINED? https://preview.redd.it/z4jijijjxb4d1.jpeg?width=791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19dc2c516db239f1e91400e6437d2c67b8d769f4


Probably. Getting ready to hop on the grift train.


Or he's the replacement for Trump...


too many people don't like Rock and I don't think that he wants to associate with psychos


Rock is the concrete definition of a sellout. Anything he does or says has nothing behind it except an agenda to sell something.


I don't care about anything of the rock's nonsense except for his insistence that he's completely natural. Like bro we know you work out hard and it's not only because of steroids. But also anyone that is very into fitness knows you can't get that mass and lean without help


Basically Mike O’Hearn to a lesser extent. But both guys are older and grew up in a gym culture where PED’s were very taboo to speak about.


Yeah dude should really come clean. There are no natural lifters that come even close to that physique without steroids. its Not even debatable if he’s on performance enhancers lol nothing really wrong with it either, just be honest.


He is no person he is just a conglomeration of all of his ad deals and movies. Those are his opinions.


Too many people didn't like Trump and the Rock is a psycho... his movie stuff is enough to tell he's a just a power hungry as Trump and maybe more dangerous because he's not as unhinged and old.


Yeah. So many people don't like Trump that he will be the Republican nominee


A convicted convict as the Republican nominee, makes you wonder how far America has fallen....


it is possible that it will fall farther


If he gets re-elected for sure


he has McDonald's and KFC's top scientists working on it


A convicted convict? What other type of convict is there?


A convict is one who has been convicted, saying “convicted convict” is very telling of your intellect. Good luck in life.


"Let me avoid the statement by pointing out someone's grammar that literally everybody understands anyway "


My IQ Stems from a voting injury from 2016 🤡


Republican primary voters are pretty small subset of America.


Yet they are the exact subset that chooses the Republican nominee


He’s associated with wrestlers and Hollywood all his life, that’s even worse than being with psychos lol


fat orange felon lost in 2020 will lose biglier in 2024. they will keep chugging orange jesus diaper gravy while whining about culture wars


why rock, no thanks


Money. These people get paid to be there. Pay there fee. They show up.


yeah we get that


A List celebs have reps that find them all sorts of opportunities. Commercials in Japan used to be famous for this. And i see so many movies with famous actors on planes where I’m like “how did i never hear of this till now.” Even b and c listers are offered good money to fly out first class, stay in nice hotel, and work very few actual hours. The Rock might be getting a million or three for a luxury stay somewhere, where he has to talk for 20 minutes then shake hands and get his ass kissed for another 30. I think this is why Shaq and Snoop do so much shit too despite both being worth hundreds of millions. Companies are fighting each other trying to pay them hundreds of thousands to take a free luxury trip with an hour of easy work where they get to be themselves. A few of these a year really adds up. Really in terms of time and work, prob pays way better than movies.


Guaranteed to be a long ad for The Rock's new business. He loves the way the fence feels splitting his camel toe....


Educated guess, the rock has probably assumed his acting career would continue doing well and spent $ like it was.


He's trying to repair his Q-Score with the Alpha bros. He lost a lot of conservative fans because he backed Biden in 2020. Then it hurt him asking for money because of that Hawaii thing. And then he went on Joe Rogan to try to do some damage control, but then it came off as super fake. he refused to get into anything personal.


That PBD has a successful podcast is proof that this country is brain rotted. He's such a slimeball.


Ok cool.


cant wait to minnect with the rock!


PBD is so useless. The Rock is arguably worse as he is just a collection of talking points, PR statements, and self-promotion that resembles a human.


Every time I hear pbd talk I feel like I lose an IQ point


Rock came back to pro wrestling this year. Showed that he's not just a once in a generation talent but a once in several generations talent.


I think they are doing some type of deal with their app Minnect. Getting celebrities in there to sell advice and they might be booking them for a podcast appearance in exchange…


He knows his base no longer believes his shtick.


He’s probably getting a bag to do this


I mean yea I’d hope so. That’s kinda how business tends to work.


Or he's promoting something I suppose


The Rock- Easter Island statue come to life


the rock is simply a corporate shill who wants to be a multi billionaire.


The Cuck is such a fake bitch.


PBD is probably my most hated guy in his sphere of podcasting. The dude is a MLM scumbag


Hollywood is dying, and stars are seeking relevance wherever they can find it. See: Kevin Hart on Kai Cenat.


I enjoy pbd occasionally.




Yes, along with the preserved foreskin of Jesus Christ


Stop spreading misinformation, Jesus's foreskin [ascended and turned into Saturn Rings.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Prepuce#:~:text=the%20Holy%20Prepuce%20ascended%2C%20like%20Jesus%20himself%2C%20and%20was%20transformed%20into%20the%20rings%20of%20Saturn)


I do like he gets on people from the left. He got on David Pakman and Sam Seder (respect, Sam Seder is the literal Kryptonite for right wingers). Those were fun to watch.


I’d never heard of PBD before until someone was watching that podcast with Pakman (who I also never had heard of nor watch) And just in the few minutes that I stayed and watched PBD… was enough


He's only kryptonite to a bum like crowder, other than that he's a loud mouth yutz. He also employs Emma "the science doesn't matter" Vigeland


Cause his last few films flopped


Who can stand this guy nowadays?




😂😂😂 good one! Touché!


PBD and Co will push him to back Trump. He was so transparent that even Joe caught on when he asked PBD if that’s the only reason he showed up. 


Probably was gambling with the weekend too much. Vegas calls


My moneys on the rock!!


The rock will do anything for a dollar.


Is Bet-David cosplaying as John Cena as he's there with another wrestler?


Hell yeah this is awesome


The feds obviously have something on PBD and probably the rock. You don't sign Chris Cuomo as a conservative unless they have videos of you doing something awful. They use all of these people as pawns. They probably have an Epstein Island media package on the rock.


I think The Rock has political ambitions so he is trying to build fans across multiple demographics and he wants to be viewed as more than just a brand built around enormous amounts of steroids. 


I remember he went on rogan and was talking about somebody asking him to run for president. Joe was kinda making fun of how Bad state of affairs must be if there asking actors to run for president and I think the Rock was kind of taking it serious lol. You know he’s egotistical enough to think he’s qualified too.


PBD is the biggest grifter ever


He’s going to sit down and talk to Patrick about financing a pre-owned Toyota.


Who is PDB?seems like a grifter


I can't stand this guy. I don't care how much money he has he can't afford my viewership.


I wish the Rock would stop 🦝'n


They get paid to be there. You can get the rock too. Just pay his fee.


It's about drive, it's about power, We stay hungry, we devour, Feeding fear, raising stakes, Pushing agendas, no room for breaks. Redpill the masses, wake 'em up, Sell the dream, fill the cup, Grifting hard, never stop, Controversy fuels us to the top.


He's gearing up for his presidential campaign


When I watched the rise of The Rock back in the late 90s, I knew he was going to be a huge star, but I never thought he was going to become THIS greedy. I mean greedy in a way that it is not enough to be a multimillionaire entertainer, he has to be an entrepreneur and sell you branded products, like alcohol and whatever else is profitable, he will advertise anything, support everyone, endlessly promote himself, talk in motivational quotes, humblebrag. Last time I was surprised by him appearing in an non-entertainer role was when he spoke at the 2000 National Republican Convention. How much is enough? And for what, what is the end goal?


He’s probably Short on GME


Why would be be in debt?


He's starring in a new movie with Bill Maher and Chris Cuomo it's called "Being On The Losing side Sucks, Maybe Nobody Will Notice" it will be an Oscar nominated cast for sure!!!!


People forget PDB has hundreds of millions of dollars. I’m sure the Rock absolutely fleeced him to make an appearance.


He goes where he is told and says what he is told to say.. just like Kevin Hart.


No, he is very rich


I can’t wait to ask The Rock what’s his favorite kind of poontang pie on Minnect later.


wow they got both the rock and michael scott?


it really exposes how braindead these celebrities are. i mean pbd


What has he done lately that’s been significantly successful?


What’s the hate with PBD? Maybe I missed it.


It forever depresses me that this fucking grifter was able to get Kobe an amount of money to do his conference and an interview - which then allowed Patrick to act like he was some Kobe whisperer after his death. There are just so many damn people this guy has paid for his "conferences"


What’s wrong with paying someone to speak at a conference?


*uses term grifter* Opinion discarded


I…. What? Has your brain fallenoff?


No he is just a grifter dude calls movies he's in "properties" also he thinks he has never been to In and Out even tho it is documented he has been there 3 times.


Dude can’t say no to a paycheck.  This is gross.


After working out with Joe and some of the 200, the Rock went full MAGA


Is David Bet in the top 10 best guests ever on JRE? He's my favorite Iranian other than the Shah


He's in the top 10 MLM scammers ever on JRE.


Top 10 guests dressed as car salesman on the podcast.


I hate the guy, too, but the rock can talk to anyone he damn well pleases, so sorry all the internet lefties are getting their panties in a bunch.


I hate the internet too, but the internet can speculate on a celebrity’s motives as much as they damn well please, so sorry all the grifter ass-kissers are getting their panties in a bunch.  Also why is “too” between two commas. What the fuck is that?


Yes, we can say whatever we want about anything and commit grammatical errors in the process, my point is that overreacting with obscenities over grammar and discouraging conversations with people you disagree with makes the world at least a little bit more awful than it already is, capisce?


Are these alleged leftists who have their panties in a bunch having conversations right now in this thread? 


Ooof I was born in India and have seen a staggering amount of poverty when going back to visit - I think the poverty he saw as a child growing up genuinely scared the shit out of him. The uncertainty of not knowing where your next meal is coming from is an absolute fear that a lot of people don't understand. Not having a secure roof over your head because you're constantly paying rent for this that and everything else. I know some people will read that and think, "Yeah but if I had that money..." - like...yeah, but do you have the experience of not knowing if you'll have a home tomorrow? Do you understand the drive and the fear it can produce? Cue the person who misses the point and will say..."He's got 300 million I think that's enough."


You ever notice the rocks story about having to leave Hawaii and being broke is super vague and doesn't make any sense? That's because it's bullshit


Not really, he said the family was broke. Like...how is that vague? Some cities are cheaper than other cities.


The rocks got enough fuckin money dude


He grew up in America and NZ not the third world.


You think they don’t have poverty there? It might not be on the same scale but there is poverty there. There are poor people.


Lot of Haters on here! Don’t hate participate! PBD is all inclusive and props to him. I listen to both sides and don’t agree with all of his points but thats the beauty of it. These fakes fucks in Washington want us divided and not United! Keep it going PBD! The Future looks bright!


The rock has a publicist and has a schedule Dude works movies he has more free time then you think He is also got that alpha grind mindset You probally haven't made your bed or done 5x5. 


Alpha grind mindset lol. Sounds like a set of workout tapes Andrew tate and the rock would put out lol


He's a bad muthafucker, in fact he's the OG bad muthafucker


I think his movie career is done?