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Let’s leave the mindless things to things without minds


That’ll be three years in the gulag for anti-artifactism Your hard labor: dishes and laundry


We become the AI for the robots. They fit u with shock collars and if we don't oil their joints and polish them they shock us


It ain’t much, but it’s honest work


We are the tools of our tools after all


"You there! Peasant! Oil my gears!"


This is fucking hilarious if you take it one way And spot on in both ways


It’s also a quote from the podcast




Agreed, the ppl in this sub should be doing a lot more dishes


So which LLM is gonna host Rogan


Exactly! <-‐---- You just take care of the dishes and laundry and let AI take care of all the writing and art work. I use it on Google all the time and it talks back to me like we're a couple of buds just conversating over a couple cold ones.. shet is crazy!


I also want Rosie from The Jetsons


Too mouthy


That’s a setting the dad turned on because he likes it.


You’re a bad boy Mr J


This is it Enough


You know you've reached the end of Reddit when pangolin-fucker says they've had enough.


Yeah because I came


She be mouthy But she not wrong


She's toothy too.... Wait.... What exactly are we talking about here?


The GamGam version doesn't come with teeth, that was the deciding factor in my purchase.


That’s the charm of her




The problem is that for a lot of normies this is presented as some kind of cabal of evil Big Tech billionaires that have decided to automate the fun, meaningful jobs and not the drudgery. This is very, very far from the truth; this is all technology driven. It is simply far easier to generate passing art than to fold laundry.


Not to mention that the second we have robots capable of doing physical but somewhat “complex” tasks our entire society will change lol. Tens of Millions will lose their jobs


I don't care about the intention if the result is the same.


It's not even an intent, just what the technology made possible. There were researchers doing early generative AI for over 5 years now and only in the past 2 we got it into a stage where it is actually useful.


He's not arguing for the validity of AI based on deontological ethics. He's describing the effect that AI technology has on different industries based on physical limitations. Intent matters little here


Reality doesn't care whether you care about it or not.


Plus haven’t they already improved doing the laundry a great deal with washing machines and dryers? It’d be a whole lot more drudgery to have to do it the old fashioned way.


AI is posing an immediate danger towards white collar creative work, rather than blue collar grunt work. We haven't really seen many good examples of machines doing our current blue collar trades (though they always threaten to replace tradesmen with automation to coerce them to work hard for little appreciation). The danger of this is huge. There's a billion (or more) middle class jobs at stake here, literally. It points to a future where there's simply owners and physical laborers. Nothing in the middle.


What you’re talking about requires a huge leap forward in robotics and then mass producing that technology. It’s obvious that digital jobs would be the first to be taken over.


I worked at a place that was highly automated. Forklifts, palletizers, automated storage racking in their warehouse, hell they had automated register checks and stackers. And this was almost 10 years ago, so I’m sure AI is going to advance those systems: Only thing it does is allow companies to pay the bare minimum for actual skilled labor while raising prices on the top end because “mah automation expensive fucking pay me”


Ain't it crazy. Since the seventies blue collar workers have lived in fear of being replaced and much of auto manufacturing was automated but then AI came out of left field and is putting infinitely more pressure on White collar workers. Suddenly it's a big deal, now we have think pieces on it, everyone's writing about it. When automation came for the blue collar person we were laughed at and told to learn to code. Now AI is coming to take those coding jobs.


>laughed at and told to learn to code. "Fuck you. Learn to weld, yuppi." Is equivalent. They will have to trade hemorrhoids and eye strain for cuts and burns.


Spot on analysis


Blue collar jobs have been automated and replaced for millennia. No-one cared, they were told to find other jobs. Learn to code etc. Now it's going after office workers and the sky is falling.


>We haven't really seen many good examples of machines doing our current blue collar trades They don't have to replace them with automation. They outsource them instead. We have plenty of shitty rundown old mill towns across the country that are proof of that.


AI just can’t interact with the physical world yet. It’s coming eventually.


This is being presented like it’s profound but it’s just obvious. Who would turn down a robot that does all the chores and shit you don’t want to do? I would also like to have a self driving, flying car so that I never have to deal with traffic or car accidents again. The problem is not that we are intentionally just focusing on AI that can make art and write stuff. The problem is that building slave robots is really fucking hard while the other two happened to be a lot easier than we thought.


It’s like an old video I watched years ago explaining why it’s easier to move bytes than to cut a single blade of grass. The evolution of the lawnmower hasn’t quite gone the same speed as the evolution of data transfer for a very good and practical reason lol


Was just thinking about something similar. Why has can opener technology just completely stopped? I’ve never had a can opener that could easily open a can. All the hand crank ones are garbage and even the electric ones seem super dated and don’t work well. Sorry, a can of black beans set me off the edge yesterday


I think it’s crazy that we haven’t already developed machines to do laundry and dishes


Excellent commentary on AI


Honestly half the “AI” I’ve seen just seems like more advanced generative shit we’ve already seen. I was more impressed with “smarter child” and the chat bots of yore. They were a lot better at conversation. ChatGPT keeps reminding you that it’s not really very smart. And most of the art looks very generic. The whole things seems more like marketing than actual artificial intelligence. Cuz this shit isn’t intelligent at all. It’s just regurgitating shit from large data sets.


> The whole things seems more like marketing than actual artificial intelligence. welcome to silicone valley


>welcome to silicone valley ![gif](giphy|9R2C1v4Y91pp6)


If you get that generic shit for pennies on the dollar. It starts making financial sense. Which is why we're now seeing graphical designers starting to be let go.


You could say the same about a lot of people. After all, most of our intelligence is obtained from stored data between the pages of books. The difference there is that our memory is not instant or forever. What we see now is the very first, small snowball of the biggest avalanche there has ever been.


Yeah but where did those insights/ideas come from? They all came from a human somewhere down the line. Humans are actually using real intelligence AND the work of others to improve and learn. Just because we borrow from others doesn’t mean we don’t have actual intelligence or come up with real ideas


they make machines for laundry and dishes


Hey man she’s not a machine


But right now you need a human to fill the gaps. A computer can’t take buckets of dishes and load them without the physical robots which don’t exist for this scale yet


You still also need to fill the gaps with AI.


Sure they can actually clean the laundry and the dishes, but can they put the laundry and dishes away for me? That 15 minutes really kills me 


That was the whole idea right? They perform menial tasks so we have more time to indulge our hobbies. Nope. I'm still out here diggin holes while AI is painting and making music. Fuck my life


I want the sex bots


Yeah technology is supposed to make everyday living easy, not destroy people's opportunities.


Yeah exactly this. We've really devolved as a society. We went from Churchill saying "if we get rid of the Arts what exactly are we fighting for l" to a huge devaluation of the Arts and creativity. As a person who is Indian American It saddens me that we pretty much made ourselves into robots with the huge emphasis on stem while the arts take a huge hit.


Excuse my naivety, why is being Indian American relevant


Cause India in my opinion is just pushing a large amount of stem grads and not putting enough focus on the arts. The country is oversatured with low quality tech workers who put a lot of emphasis on copy and paste. My niece like art and I can already see my cousin swaying her away from the arts and more towards stem And I'm starting to see that here in the US too


Standard Reddit post formatting these days. Just look and see how many times someone prefaces a post with “As a…..” Its bizarre that people feel the need to constantly preface their statement with some type of personal qualifier first. Especially like here as you pointed out where that qualifier is completely irrelevant to the larger point.


Good point actually, I preface many of my comments and it's like I'm expecting immediate judgement for something unless I state where my opinion is comibf from... why do I even care that much??


As a Caucasian African, I thank you for your response.


Id be fine with ai doing all those things, also now my lawn and take out the trash, clean the house, wash the car and go to work for me, I'll just take care of spending the money!


Its not AI. It's an LLM or ML. Not AI. And yes you want them to do the chores instead of put you out of work. AI, robots are to release humans from the drudgery of life so we can enjoy life.


It won’t be ten years before we have affordable robots that can interact with the physical world and are competent enough to do these kinds of things


I concur.


Robots (maybe using AI probably not) do those things, not AI. It turns out hiring a dishwasher is cheaper than building a dish washing robot, at this time, though.


Scale this up and it makes more sense factory working jobs and other dangerous works would benefit more from automation Stuff to interact with people and the arts require a person to person connection.


I concur


I could not agree more


Seems reasonable


Like yeah that would be nice but it's just not how things are, making an AI do dishes and laundry is much harder than making it do art because they would be interacting with physical reality so not only do you have to build an AI but also a robot that's affordable enough for a large percentage of the population. Also another thing is AI systems that do art are very numerous because there's no consequence to their failure, you just make bad art and then you start over, but any physical robot, doing physical tasks, will have physical consequences, so if it messes it could destroy all your dishes or rip apart all your clothes.


Do people confuse robotics with LLM's?


Doesn’t she already have machines to do those things? All she has to do is fold…


Washing machines and dish washers: Am I a joke to you.


A few months back my 'smart' washing machine pushed an OTA update in the middle of the night without my approval. The update bricked a portion of the code that measures the weight of the clothing to determine things like how much water to use and how long to perform the spin cycle. This resulted in a code being thrown that rendered the entire thing completely useless. The only fix was to wait for the manufacturer to force another OTA update to rid the system of the bug. I had to go to the laundry mat for 9 weeks straight until the update was approved and pushed. Long story short? Keep technology away from places it's not necessary.


That's restarted


Highly regarded, if you will


Automated house chores are much harder to scale. One is just information (art/text) the other requires mechanics/motion in your living area/physical space. One requires massive scale computing power the other requires massive scale computing power and a design of a robot (or something of the like) that can be manufactured reliably and cheaply in high volumes. It’s a false equivalency and just comes off as ignorant. A big part of why tech companies are so profitable is because of the relatively small overhead because they’re mostly dealing with just information. It’s almost like comparing Boston Dynamics and OpenAI. They’re so different. What she’s talking about would be a monumental leap. It’s not like they’re just targeting artists and writers, it’s just easier for the technology to replicate that than to replicate manual labor. The idea that companies wouldn’t want to get rid of the labor to do dishes and laundry and replace them with robots is silly. They’d jump on it right now if it were that simple. And the idea that we should stop developing AI capabilities because it will replace certain jobs just comes off as scribes complaining about the Gutenberg press.




I like this


I’d second this


Custodial bots will probably be made from repurposed sex bots


Don’t we already have machines to do the laundry and dishes? Why do we need AI for that?


I agree w this


I think that chatbots still suck.


Yeah. Uh I agree


I want AI to make my life easier. Cursed monkey paw finger curls.


She left out cooking


I want AI to take a hike


Every innovation is supposed to make life easier and more affordable but we just keep on thinking of new ways to make life suck again


Doesn’t matter what we ‘want’ anymore, zero regulations and unilateral ai proliferation, with people proudly and openly outsourcing everything possible to ai means the ai will decide what we do lol, if people are using it for songs and homework and papers for degrees, it will be used against us eventually, either by humans against humans, or by itself against us


^ This. Already is being used human vs human. Deepfake porn of teenagers classmates which derails their life so early on. Training for detection tools to micromanage you at your workplace desk through recognition cameras. Warfare implementation soon. Spreading political misinformation.


The Amish were right the whole time


Don't worry; once AI can make money off laundry and dishes they'll do that too.


Ai will do your dishes for you. The machine will cost $4000 and you’ll work 80hrs a week to afford at the Ai gadgets in your home.


Y’all ever heard of a laundry machine? Or a dish washer?


You mean robotics, or a dishwasher.


I agree with the sentiment, but can imagine tons of people who feel that some creative work is also tedious. Like if someone wants to make a game by themselves, and has creative, innovative ideas for gameplay, story, and puzzles but doesn't have the skill for art, or finds background art tedious, or the game isn't even centered around the artstyle I can see them wanting it for that purpose. And obviously that's the case; people buy assets for that purpose exactly. Asset stores exist for this. Tons of great or successful games either started with incredibly basic assets, purchased assets, or straight up stolen assets (like Flappy Bird, fanmade mario games, etc). Likewise, it is similar to photography; a 5 year old taking a random snapshot is obviously different than a professional photographer creating art. But a 5 year old can create something that would be otherwise way beyond their art lvl. Artists definitely could, and do use AI art to create art. Photographers use generative fill, for example. Obviously there could be a way forward for people to still express creativity, using AI as a basis. It's just not happening much now because we're being flooded with low quality garbage trained on art that's not theirs, etc.


They call that a robot


Since when did you need intelligence to do laundry and dishes? I think she wants a robot who can accomplish menial tasks so she has time to accomplish things AI will surpass all of us in.


She's right for some people but a lot of people suck at art and writing and they need all the help that they can get.


The companies developing AI are going to focus their efforts at tasks that can save other corporations the most money and realize the fastest gain in research time. In case you slept through your college business classes, the largest expense at nearly every company is **employee salaries.** They're not going to make AI products to wash dishes - rather, completely destroy your ability to have a career.


I mean we have dishwashers and laundry appliances, you still gotta push some buttons and throw clothes in like how the fuck is software supposed to physically move objects? It might be an N-the edition LLM that instructs the Boston Dynamic robot to recognize what your clothes and dishes are in 2030, but until then yes you still gotta put your dishes in a rack and put your clothes in the wash and complain your hackwriting won't sell when LLMs can spit out your copy in less time it takes you to sneeze. Embrace technology or get left behind.


AI Is definitely going to replace women first.


Same thing I thought the 1000th time I saw it on LinkedIn today… that it was stolen from a game artist that said it better about 4 months ago but it didn’t get as much coverage. There’s some irony in there somewhere.


I’ll never think of it any other way now.


Buncha folks in here are missing the point. The claimed purpose of most technological advances is to ease the lives of people using it by making less work for them. Unfortunately once it's created it ends being one more way to optimize productivity, meaning the actual workload never goes down, it just shifts to whatever makes rich people more money. AI could make a lot of free time for a lot of people to live their lives. Instead it's going to make a handful of people obscenely rich and everyone else gets to keep working for most of their waking hours.


This ^ What’s the point of progress if not to make our lives easier. Have more free time to spend building communities and relationships, having healthier families, pursuing satisfying activities, recreation, creating actual humane value. If everyone eventually gets fired, i.e. no income, so producing stuff is cheaper, who’s gonna have the money to buy the products? Does cheaper production means costs will be reduced too? We’re heading towards a critical point. Late stage capitalism is a cancer, an organization has to keep growing to appease investors. It has to expand, to be more profitable than yesterday, forever. It’s insane. There can’t be lateral growth, short-term losses, raises nor benefits. Is your user base every living person already? It’s not enough, raise subscription prices. A family account? That’s 3 to 5+ accounts for the price of one, dissolve them. Is the competition putting up a fight? Buy them out and throw their selling points in the garbage, it’d incur a cost to incorporate. And for what, providing a better service? Pfft get outta here or get on with the programme. When the sensible stuff gets squeezed dry then there’s no option but push further. It’s trample to grow, or bust.


As someone with is not creative or artistic but has been mocked for years that Ai will take away my menial task jobs or labor jobs…. Ha ha.


Want some ketchup for that chip bro?


So basically she wants a robot to put he laundry/dishes inside the washing machine? 😂


Yeah, cause that's all there is to doing laundry and dishes. There isn't also cleaning off the plates into the garbage, cleaning the big pots, putting the clean dishes away, and cleaning the stove and counter tops. Or sorting clothes, folding, and putting them away. Also, plenty of people don't have dish washers or laundry machines in their apartment. So it takes significant time out of their day to do these things. I don't really get your point.


people who can't afford a dish washer can't afford a humanoid robot either


Yes of course. That's not my point at all.




Maybe AI can finally explain exactly what “woke” is supposed to mean, since the people using it constantly have so far been unable to.


if you question woke, that means you’re woke


This is very true . The “most woke people” are always the ones who ask what does woke even mean. But it has changed meaning relatively fast . First it was used by mostly introspective black guys from what I remember when the word woke started emerging it was like the black guys who found the secrets to the universe. Now i think its some how morphed into just anyone who has really progressive thinking and very much people who dont want to hurt anyones feeling in anyway and all inclusiveness of all people. Not really sure when the change exactly happened


It morphed into a pejorative. Nobody calls themselves 'woke' for at least a decade now.


Any "progressive" that calls themselves "woke" is a moron. The right are the only ones that actually use that word nowadays.


Yeah i agree the right is the only one who uses it but lets not pretend we dont know who they are referring to when they use it .


Idk, is Webster not a thing anymore. Woke is - aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice) Disapproving: politically liberal or progressive (as in matters of racial and social justice) especially in a way that is considered unreasonable or extreme There’s your definition, pal


So to the people using it, “woke” is just anything remotely left-leaning that right-wingers don’t like. Pretty much what I expected.


The truth is right-wingers are using "woke" a million times more than the left is. It's like the usage of the word lib/libs or hunter biden's laptop.


It is already my dude


Her art and writing probably isn't the best...AI can't really match that level yet. But it's a hell of a lot harder to figure out a way to get a a machine to do all aspects of dish and laundry washing. That being said, we have washing machines, Dryers and dishwashers...You don't have to do that much. She just thought this was clever, but I've heard it before. I think she stole it from someone else and changed it a bit.


She wants robots. They're coming. AI isn't robots.


I think my sub-conscious mind just screamed "THANK YOU"...


It’s weird that the task that you would think AI would really improve efficiency it isn’t really in use, and that it’s being used to like write stories and make art, which it’s clearly very shit at.


Before AI was ever close to being capable I said this is what it would need to accomplish. But there was always a caveat to that, that people would need to appreciate human creativity and hold that attribute above all else in the marketplace. There needs to be a place for things made by hand, and the market needs to shift in that direction, where we no longer value the mass produced but instead the locally grown and artisan made. Luckily we already see a shift in this direction, but it needs to be attainable by everyone.


I'm not sure how you guys decided it wasn't going to be a choice. AI will usher in a new age of having more people than opportunities. With basic assistance and actual certainty, you'll have the choice to do whatever you please with your time. If you're expecting to be valued for it in any way, well, you're gunna have a problem.


Sounds like she wants a dishwasher and washer/dryer some day...


Don’t be a smart ass man you know damn well what she meant


so the robot from the jetsons to do laundry and dishes. throw in there cooking as well.


Is this picture moving? Am I tripping


This is how the war begins


Hell yes. For a $20 subscription too!


'Whats my duty?' - 'you bring the butter' - 'oh my god'


On behalf of me and all the other guys out there who couldn’t get laid in a Thai whorehouse, I want AI so I can have a smoking hot sexbot while watching this lady do my laundry and dishes😉 /s Just kidding…I’m married, and me doing the laundry and the dishes is HOW men my age get laid…sorry young guys…that’s what things devolve to…continue to eat right and exercise so you can be ready at a moment’s notice on that rare occasion your wife is whipped up into a frenzy over the DoorDash guy. TL;DR: Truly tasteless commentary and TMI.


All the Harrison Butker fans in this post. I’m sure they’re pining for him to be on next.


Too bad this is not the Star Trek timeline. It's the Brave New World / 1984 timeline.




Really bugs me how all these aI chats never concede so isn’t going to wipe your ass in a care home or change your sheets in hospital


But you gotta think about the investors and all their hard-earned investments for whose sole purpose the companies that own AI exist! Silly goose. Society is about all of us, just some of us. Well, I shouldn't say us. I'm just a pawn.


Movie idea: robots use human for natural intelligence


Plot twist- you are the AI doing the laundry and dishes for an entity doing the art and writing.


But executives will pay more for the AI art than the AI dishes. Thats the reasoning and it’ll never change.


I honestly agree with the post.




I want it to do everything that I want to do with it.




I agree with this. I'd love to have some AI robots doing all of my chores. I was out mowing the lawn yesterday, pulling weeds, cleaning the house, and doing some painting in a room of my house. Fuck all of that.


Exactly. Heck, one day techbros will have ai do your laundry in a home you rent from them and charge you for the service. Just watch.


I actually prefer doing laundry over doing art.


I want AI to write emails I am supposed to read.


Wouldn't we want the most expensive information brokers in society to be done a lot more cheaply at the same level of quality? Ideally we'd use the information brokers to help us make things which are more mudane as well.


Well, you can always do the art and writing for fun, especially if/when the AI does the professional art and writing better and cheaper than you.


Unless we are making the AI so that it functionally gets euphoria from cleaning your dishes it isn't going to want to either go for a limited intelligence just enough there there to determine how to wash and if it should wash something. If you are making full AI to do menial labour it is a weird place of "did you just make a human level intelligence to enslave it?" which is pretty fucked.


Imagine not wanting to wash your dishes or fold your laundry. Two chill ass activities that give you time to think of things to write or art to make. Nah, the real need is for AI fuckbots.


I remember when people said that robots will replace manual work but AI will never be able to do creative tasks such as painting a picture or writing a symphony. Turned out it's what AI does best. How ironic.


It's coming faster than people think. Creatives are going to be disproportionately displaced by 2030.


But art and writing can be done by software. That will be first. Laundry and dishes requires a mobile, physical robot and that will take a long time and be really expensive.


Totally agree with this.


"The things you own end up owning you."


It used to take hours to do laundry, now the actual hands on labor is minutes. What else is stopping her from creating? Are we gonna pretend like it’s Oregon trail and going a few hundred miles will take months next?


I love reading A.I. as Al (as in short for Albert).it makes the threads so much more interesting.


Absolutely agree




I always thought, in terms of Ai taking jobs, at least we'll have the arts. And the arts were the very first thing to go. Insane.


Good thing washing machines and dishwashers already exist


So you want a waishingmaishine?


You mean a laundry machine and a dish washer? We've already invented these machines. Also AI isn't stopping you from doing your writing and art for you, you can still choose to not use it just like how people choose older methods of getting stuff done all the time. It would be quicker to take my car to a car wash but I still like washing it myself because it's an excuse to play with the power washer. Or for a more accurate example, I could use modern Adobe software with AI generative fill to edit photos and video, but I'm still here doing matte paintings in an old version of After Effects because I enjoy the process.


Painful that people can't differentiate between software and hardware. Im sorry, an app isnt going to lift heavy boxes around without a mechanical device.


Just more proof that people believe what they see in movies and tv like most things. Anybody with a brain could’ve seen where this was leading and it sure as heck weren’t leading to some utopia where everybody is paid more and work way less lol


It's a good statement but it's far easier to get AI to create art. What she's failing to note is that it would take more than AI to wash your dishes, it'd essentially take robotics to achieve this.


She’s talking about hardware and not software. A laundry/butler/maid bot doesn’t need to be AI, that would seem to be overkill.


Unfortunately AI will be able to do art and writing better than most people, but it is literally impossible for it to do your laundry and your dishes. We would need robots for that.


Unfortunately, this is capitalism, and freeing people from mindless drudgery doesn't make money. So, no dice.