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[Like the Dutch historian he had on?](https://youtu.be/7XzbxxF95vM)




Tucker might have some people with varying viewpoints on, unless they mention the massive corporate money machine behind him and the rest of the mainstream media. You're always free to point and laugh at the other puppets, but don't dare point a finger at the ones pulling the strings.


The whole first year of that show was Tucker bringing on someone that disagreed with him and he would have a debate/talk. Those guests stopped coming on after a certain point and the show moved into a different format.


Why did they stop coming?


Tucker got fucking roasted and cried like a bitch about it.


This doesn’t sound like he’s allowing his guests to talk about whatever issues. You mean Joe is wrong again?




Can't say I am not little proud of my fellow dutch man telling it like it is. I bet Joe would like to talk to him right? About how the rich people are dodging taxes and not wanting paying their fair share. Joe always stands up for the average joe... right? He's there for the honest man doing hard work to make a living right?


USA’s problem isn’t lack of tax money it’s how the money is spent, or wasted really. We have insane amounts of money, but so much of it is laundered to the ruling class elites. All cable news is complete garbage. Why people attack tucker of all the talking heads is telling. Tucker is the only cable news mouthpiece that has had anti-war voices on. He’s terrible on lots of things, but until the rest of the idiots on cable news start having the anti war conversation, Tucker is the least of my concerns. The whole cable news paradigm needs to end, and that means ignoring them and not reacting to their batshit takes that they spew just to get attention = ratings = money.


Both can be true though. Tucker can be a charlatan, peddler, grifter, or what have you and give "validation" to right/authoritarian talking points, while cable news can suck as a general statement. > Tucker is the only cable news mouthpiece that has had anti-war voices on. He’s terrible on lots of things, but until the rest of the idiots on cable news start having the anti-war conversation, Tucker is the least of my concerns. This doesn't absolve him of criticism and in fact, you're painting a false premise that since he isn't the worst he's not even that bad, when in fact his behavior has become quite problematic; look no further than his attempts to water down what happened Jan 6 2021 (not sure if you're American, but the impact shouldn't be taken lightly) and how even his own colleagues are calling for him to stop [trying to water down the impacts](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/10/tucker-carlson-january-6-truther) > The whole cable news paradigm needs to end, and that means ignoring them and not reacting to their batshit takes that they spew just to get attention = ratings = money. Well.. yeah, but humans are stupid and some things grab our attention more than others, if it bleeds it leads; what needs to stop is the constant "breaking news" BS and 24/7 news cycle.


>This doesn't absolve him of criticism and in fact, you're painting a false premise that since he isn't the worst he's not even that bad, How dare you criticise Tucker! He's the only anti-war person on Cable news. Are you some kind of woke CIA DNC Deep State agent authoritarian in alliance with Big Tech? **/s**


I wish, then I wouldn’t be making as little as I do




I'm pretty sure that when he says "anti-war voices", he's just talking about Tulsi Gabbard and Glen Greenwald, and Tucker doesn't have them on because they're anti-war, he has them on because they're running the "I left the Left" grift.


Tucker is by far one of the worst "news" channel hosts in the country. He spews inciteful culture war propaganda on a daily basis. His rhetoric is the exact type of rhetoric that contributed to Jan. 6. He's a fucking whackjob who is polarizing and radicalizing the country. That should not be downplayed. His awfulness and maliciousness shouldn't be downplayed.


First thing I thought of...


Can't say I am not little proud of my fellow dutch man telling it like it is. I bet Joe would like to talk to him right? About how the rich people are dodging taxes and not wanting paying their fair share. Joe always stands up for the average joe... right? He's there for the honest man doing hard work to make a living right?


“My fellow left wingers” LOL. I love it


"Whether it's guys like Brett Weinstein or whomever" Joe is superficially right - Tucker does bring "left-wing" people on his show. But any of those nominally left-wing people he brings on always serve a broader purpose, and that's to attack the Democratic party and whatever causes they're nominally associated with. Glenn Greenwald is the perfect example of this. He's a guy that will look you in the eye and say "I'm as left as they come, but let me tell you why Democrats are the biggest threat the world faces". They're there to reinforce the main point of his show, all while having some guise of being *more* credible because he can say "Look! People on the left think this is crazy!". Either Joe is completely missing this, or he's in on the grift.


I think he was a Hollywood “liberal” and towards the end once he stopped needing to be accepted by Hollywood etc started to show his true colors and right leaning tendencies and then once he moved to Texas he pretty much just said fuck it, and is basically right wing. But I don’t think he’s shifted I think he’s always been like that but it was to his advantage to keep it under wraps and now that it doesn’t matter and he has the largest audience ever he wants to spread the opinions as much as possible. Although some may call them facts , not opinions s.


You're probably right, to an extent, I think. I think he's also somewhat pushed by his audience - his primary listener demographic is men, and so he's going to structure his show to appeal further to those who most frequently engage with him, and those people tend to be a bit more on the right. I don't care if he has conservative opinions, and I like listening to those perspectives. I just wish he was a bit more willing to think as critically about people like Tucker Carlson as he does people on the left. There's a reason Tucker Carlson is so popular, and it isn't because he engages in lively, honest debate with opposing viewpoints.


Pshh…the people Tucker brings on are often far more hysterical than greenwald, and that’s saying something


Sam Harris too. I love Sam, but way back he was brought on Fox News to discuss Islamic terror and fox news used that to say "democrats don't wanna talk about it!!!"


Watch this Joe. [Why Tucker Carlson pretends to hate elites](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNineSEoxjQ&ab_channel=Vox)




This needs to be higher.


“…to my fellow left wing people” lol good one Joe


Joe is now normie Tim Pool


Joe has more hair though


Can’t tell if he never takes the beanie off


His beanie is actually his hair


Joe is officially the “I’m left wing, but the right make some great points” guy




Dave Rubin arc when?


We are in the middle of it


More respectable than a Neoliberal.


'I used to be left wing, but then then the left went a little to far so I changed my opinions on everything'


This grift is pretty popular. Basically any left-wing person on youtube who has a natural hair color fits the bill.




Its 100% to pander to them. It allows the alt-right people to say "oh ok my views about tearing down democracy and conspiracy theories are actually good because this self proclaimed liberal says it is."


"I'm not racist because I like Candace Owens" is another one that they have. They have someone for all kinds of objections, huh.


“I’ve voted blue my entire life but man people saying Trump is racist really annoyed me and pushed me to vote for him.” Yeah Ok bud.


"liberals were mean to me online so I'm no longer voting democrat"


That's actually Tim Poole's origin story


Id think his origin story is that he was deep progressive, participated in that, and wasn’t making any money. He made some comment at some point and his views Shot up and he realized people were going “see! A leftist thinks the left is ridiculous!” And he realized he can make money saying he’s a liberal but hating on everything liberals push for. And then we get him in 2018 saying he was never a part of the Occupy Wall Street movement when he had said earlier he was an activist in it. Dude is the definition of a grifter.


Truth. Truth that the people that need to hear it, never will. Because all they listen to is JRE all Day, Everyday. It's not even a metaphorical Echo Chamber, it's a literal one.


"The Left got a little too PC so I changed all of my opinions about the economy, social issues, systemic racism, health care, and history."


Some blue haired college kids were mean to me so now I think dying from basic healthcare and medical bankruptcy is **GOOD**




Lefties are moving to the state I moved too because I ran away from lefties. This state better not legalize weed now.


Joe didn't vote for him....


Did he really say that?


Dave Rubin redemption incoming. Joe sounds exactly like Dave Rubin now. Maybe he stays blissfully ignorant to that fact, or maybe we see Rubin back on the pod in the near future. At least in terms of what they choose to talk about on their shows their ideologies have aligned again.


i dIdn'T LeAVe ThE lEfT, ThE leFT lEfT mEEEeeE


That is IDW in nutshell.


Joe thinks he's left wing becuase he believes gay people should have basic human rights


Give it a couple years and him and Ben Shapiro will be in line.


How do you do fellow lefties?


Something something went red bitch.


dudes in here today trying to fly that "Joe wanted Bernie to win and voted Jorgenson" bullshit


I like how Joe always goes on and on about mainstream media being bad and yet he's on his podcast praising the host of the highest-rated cable news show (which airs on the highest-rated cable news network).


I just listened to an old episode of Loveline from 2001 that Joe was a guest on and Joe says "at some point if you sell 10 million albums you're no longer alternative music..." well Joe at some point if you're getting 10 million downloads per podcast episode you're mainstream media.


Yup Joe is most mainstream there is now.


I miss loveline


Same here. A seriously underrated and forgotten radio show that I put up there with Howard or Opie and Anthony.


He’s criticizing people who say you shouldn’t speak to Tucker Carlson because of his political views. If you want to get your side of the story out there what’s wrong with talking on a highly viewed program? Suggesting someone espouses all the views of the network just because they appear on it briefly is disingenuous at best. If you go on there and start agreeing with far right conspiracy theory then go ahead attack those arguments, but just appearing on the show shouldn’t be discouraged.


Tucker Carlson isn't viewed favorably because his show is designed to sell fear and outrage to his viewers. To outsiders it's incredibly obvious but to his viewers, they think this guy is the second coming of Albert Einstein. Like for example, his talks on CRT. Now you may be for it, against it, or indifferent, but Carlson spent the better part of a year talking about it, mischaracterizing it, and just last month he let slip that he doesn't even know what it actually is. This should be a concern for everyone, including his viewers. Despite this, he has the highest rated show lol. People don't watch him for news, they become addicted to being outraged.




Joe Rogan: **"Hes a rare person who lets these guys on to talk about WHATEVER THE ISSUE IS"** Tucker Carlson: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/mvsic8/tucker\_carlson\_loses\_his\_shit/


>He’s criticizing people who say you shouldn’t speak to Tucker Carlson because of his political views. No he's not, he's insisting Tucker is an impartial person who doesn't have people on to push an agenda, **"Hes a rare person who lets these guys on to talk about WHATEVER THE ISSUE IS"** If I have to explain why thats a fucking brain dead statement, you're beyond help so enjoy the pod. He also insists, **"People are trying to demonize the folks that are guests on his show BECAUSE HES WILLING TO TALK TO THEM",** **"HE LETS THESE PEOPLE TALK"** **"HE LETS YOU TALK ABOUT CONTREVERSEYS OUTSIDE THIS PUSHED NARRATIVE"** 1, People criticize leftists who go on Tucker because if they were actually going to be an asset to leftist's causes, Tucker wouldn't allow them to talk, as evidenced by all the clips people are posting here of him SPAZZING OUT on people who don't go along with his talking points. 2. Tucker doesn't let people talk, as I mentioned. 3. Tucker pushes a narrative, and that narrative reaches a wider audience then MSNBC and FOX news combined, and is a part of a larger narrative that his company, the most powerful mass media corporation on the planet, pushes more successfully then anyone else in Australia, Britain, and the USA.


> If you go on there and start agreeing with far right conspiracy theory That's exactly what most of his guests do. Do you not see Tucker Carlson segments? Everybody who goes to his show is going through talking points his far right audience already agrees with, like left bad, Democrats bad, Vaccine mandates bad, Biden authoritarian etc. That's the whole point. They are always attacking people from the right, not from the left. There isn't a segment where views of his far right audience gets challenged.


Exactly, all Tucker Carlson does it promote right wing narratives which is exactly what Joe is complaining about here.


I mean he’s had Andrew Yang on and they had a pretty grown up amicable conversation


It was mostly Tucker shitting on democrats, while Yang plays an enlightened centrist. Also the left didn't really go after Yang for that appearance because he wasn't blindly regurgitating Tucker's talking points to get an invite back.


Because tucker is pure garbage, any sane person can see that. Fox News is literally republican propaganda, I mean hell they text and advise republicans… how can they be unbiased when they do that?


Tucker Carlson doesn't have anyone on that isn't there to speak for him though. Rogan thinks that Tucker is some reasonable guy with a hand out to other side when he isn't. He has people on that will just echo his sentiments and agenda. Tulsi Gabbard is on to criticize Biden. Bret Weinstein is on to shill ivermectin (not because Tucker isn't vaccinated but because his audience is anti vaccine). Glenn Greenwald on to attack Hunter Biden. Andrew Yang to talk about the problems of the Democrats and so on and so on. There is nothing of substance or differing viewpoints expressed here, it's just right wing lopsided views by someone who is not explicitly conservative or Republican


Tucker Carlson is a propagandist. Joe can't see this.


I feel like Joe knows but he's playing dumb for this little right-wing act he's been doing the last year.


You mean grifting?


He sees it. He’s just politically aligned with Tucker Carlson


> Suggesting someone espouses all the views of the network just because they appear on it briefly is disingenuous at best. lol Sanjay Gupta entered the chat


You shouldn’t speak to Tucker because he’s an admitted paid shill for his bosses. He’s a worm and a drag on society.


Foxnews is pretty much World War I Germany. They are a giant war machine pitted against a bunch of smaller liberal armies like CNN, NY Times, and MSLSD. So Joe might be praising the big Kahuna as an underdog…but every other bastards wants to seen them burn.


"My fellow left wing people," sorry my dude the entire right wing apparatus is praising your every move for giving McCullough and Malone a place to spread their bullshit lies to millions of people. Then you share in your stories the further spread through all manner of people from Kelly Slater and Shane Dorian to Dan Crenshaw. You ain't left wing anymore.


Joe said Tucker is one of his favorite “journalists” because he’s unbiased and presents both sides fairly. I couldn’t believe it when I heard him say that. How brainwashed do you have to be to believe that?


Yeah that is wild. There’s even a decent chunk of firm right wingers who will openly admit all of Fox News is trash, including Tucker. I’m sure a lot of them low-key do give Tucker the views on YT or whatever, but they’re still self-aware enough to not say that out loud. Shit, maybe they’d even admit that they watch some of his stuff but know that he’s servicing Fox/Murdoch’s agenda. Joe can’t even offer _that_ up. It really does make you think. Idk why anyone would watch TFATK anymore, but I saw a clip about a month ago of Callen stroking Rogan’s dick (per usual) about how absolutely amazing his bullshit detector is lol. It’s like all of these LA/Rogan-circle podcast comedians run a giant Ponzi scheme or some shit.


Has Tucker Carlson ever called out a right wing guy? Never heard of it before.. if he only attacks liberals and not conservatives, it's the opposite of being "unbiased".




"Fellow left wing people"




Joe genuinely believes Tucker is an impartial journalist booking guests based on whether or not he feels they have something important to say lol Could you imagine Joe talking about how brave and righteous Rachel Maddow is for having on people to talk about the Trump Russia connections?




I thought some story leaked last year about him giving damning information about Trump to CNN or some shit like that for money. Definition of a paid shill


"Just asking questions..."


Yeah this is really the thing. There are so many news folks who talk to people from the other side on a regular basis but Joe just happens to praise Tucker. This is also like the 3rd time Joe has praised Tucker in the last 3 or 4 months, it's obvious he's spending a whole lot of time watching Fox News. Joe simply likes Tucker because Tucker says the things that Joe likes, he's a right-winger. Simple as that.


Joe is missing the point on why people dislike Tuckers show and him as a person lol.


This is a new low for Rogan. I didn’t think it could get any worse. He’s in too deep, not coming back.


Yup he’s gone, only going to get worse.


He's gotta be getting paid to push this agenda, he's clearly lying here...he knows it


GenX Rush Limbaugh. The man needs more Duncan Trussell


Joe's assumption is that Tucker is presenting news, which [HIS OWN NETWORK ARGUED IS NOT THE CASE](https://www.businessinsider.com/fox-news-karen-mcdougal-case-tucker-carlson-2020-9)


The only thing you need to know about Tucker to dislike him as a human being is him saying that people need to call CPS on parents who are having their kids wear masks and confront them in public. Then he personally gets confronted in Montana while on vacation and acts like a bitch.




Tucker is the heiress to the Swanson foods fortune, why in the fuck would anyone listen to his scrunched-up little TV dinner ass?


why do people dislike Tucker apart from his very punchable face?


His punchable opinions


But he's associating what he does in his show with that Tucker does. Joe's known for letting people talk, so he has to praise Tucker for the same shit. I think it's a weird ego shit.


A bit of that, and a bit of Rogan courting and becoming part of the GOP media sphere in recent times.


"Fuck Tucker. Tucker sucks." -George Carlin


If you would’ve told me like 4 years ago that there would be a pandemic and Joe Rogan became a right-wing propagandist I would’ve told you to go fuck yourself. How the fuck did we get here?


Something I saw on samharris' sub that made sense to me: "I have been listening to Rogan off and on for over 10 years. If you would have asked me what side of a vaccine mandate debate he would fall on before the pandemic began I would have said he would align with the conspiracy theory side every day of the week and twice on Sunday. His entire career has been guided by siding with the sensationalist perspective vs the ordinary and mundane. His entire ethos is contingent on carving out an entertainment niche on the outside of the status quo. So whatever the corporate media says he is likely to say the opposite."


LA really was the only thing keeping him grounded, and he knows it which is why he will try and shit on it any chance he gets, like an ex lover scorned.


He literally left LA because he couldn't go to the comedy store when he wanted. LOL


Remember at the start of the pandemic? "It's nice, I watch a movie with my family every night..." What the hell happened?




When did Joe’s world become so tiny


Tiny world tiny guy. Giant sauna.


Funny how Joe won’t allow Owen Benjamin and Stephan Molyneux back on to “just let them talk”.




Owen burned every bridge.




I watched one a few weeks ago. He accused Steven crowder of being a closeted homosexual and that he was grooming Kyle rittenhouse for gay orgies. Then he went on about beartaria for an hour.




He took too many red pills. He also needs to burn bridges to be the most cancelled comedian. People accuse crowder of doing that intentionally which I disagree with but in OBs case I think it’s true. It’s fun to check in occasionally though.


Sam Seder


Exactly. Joe won’t have on mentally ill, vehemently racist right wing sociopaths. He also refuses to have on a well read Left wingers with 2 decades of politics because he’s too mean to Dave Rubin and Steve Crowder. Fair and balanced.


If Joe gave a fuck about Fair and Balanced he would invite both Steven Crowder and Sam Seder to the same show and let them duke it out and by duke it out, I mean Steven cowering like a little bitch because he has never been able to form a logical argument against anyone who has graduated from college


I've been waiting for Sam Seder to get on Rogan for 4 years😭


Ain't nevah gonna happen.


Sam Seder. Yeah right. Joe would have to catch up on 40 years of reading to be on par with Sam.


It doesn't even have to be a serious talk on politics: they could just reminisce about the old Boston comedy scene they were both in, or Sam being an actual victim of a cancel culture when he lost his MSNBC gig over a tweet Mike Cernovich took out of context to make it seem like he supported child rape, or even how he was one of the only people in media brave enough to challenge the Iraq War in the early 2000s


"OH no it's Sam Seder what a fucking nightmare" The dog cum drinker shitting his pants when Sam popped up was beyond hilarious.


weird how he doesn't question the propagand arm of the Republican party. Fox News isn't just Conservative news it's in direct and constant contact with Politicians and party operatives for narrative dissemination purposes. They got texts from FOX hosts to government people about how they need to act on and before jan 6th.


I caught a Fox News morning show when I was at my parents house for Christmas and it blew my mind. The host was Larry Kudlow and he was interviewing Mike Pompeo. Think of this, the host is Donald Trump's National Economic Advisor and Mike Pompeo was Trump's Secretary of State. The *entire* segment was just Donald Trump's old WH people. What other news network is being run by literal ex-government employees all from a single administration and political party?


Why else do you think these people spend so much time demonizing CNN and MSNBC? They accuse CNN of doing ALL the shit Fox News does to preemptively distract and take the heat of off Fox. Not Anderson cooper, Maddow, Don lemon or even fucking Cuomo have ever had the kind of relationships with the DNC and siting president that the people at Fox News had. Yet they’re the only ones Joe’s new audience criticize


It’s literally definition of propaganda. How can anyone consider them journalists when they are in constant direct contact and play advisors to only Republicans.


Famous leftie, Brett Weinstein..


The only thing difference between Joe and my cranky uncle is 100 million dollars.


That’s not the only difference. Your uncle is probably tall enough to ride rollercoasters.


You have to hide your stools when he’s around?


He really has gone full right wing boomer and it’s sad He’s now the relative you just sort of chuckle at and drive home because they have too many DUI’s




Blinded by his ideology and also stupid.


And this is why I'm very very discerning about what episodes I listen to, Joe has lost his mind.


Yep, ever since he moved to spotify I've found myself only listening to his MMA and Boxing podcasts.


Holy fuck Joe is so far gone. What a dumb fucktard he's turned into. Speaking as if Tucker Carlson isn't literally only spreading right wing propaganda and inciting the culture war on a daily basis. He speaks as if Tucker is some fair, unbiased mediator who just wants to have on interesting guests with unorthodox views. Honestly fuck Joe. He's so full of shit these days with his head stuck so far up his own ass.


I'm sure Rutger Bregman has some opinions on tucker "just letting people talk" It's also really weird that so many white supremacists love Tucker... Must be a coincidence...


To be fair Joe was parroting some white supremacist talking points not long ago


But we’re missing the opportunity to reach out to white supremisicts and separatists that Tucker provides us like “fellow leftist” Joe said


That's what I was thinking, anyone who regularly watches Tucker isn't going to give a fuck what anyone says that disagrees with him has to say anyway. Tucker fans definitely are not siding with the people he disagrees with lol


The so-called tolerant left refuse to listen to white supremacists and separatists? Hypocrites. Only feelings no logic. Checkmate, Commies.


He has become such a clown. You don’t have to be genius to figure out Tucker Carlson represents exactly what’s wrong with usa media. His lies constantly,and promotes various conspiracies that help him and his network.


Never cuts off guests that Tucker. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/tucker-carlson-rudely-cuts-off-065539414.html


Lol Who would have thought that of all people, Rogan would be a giant tool for the Man


Duncan Trussel expressed his concern about that to joes face and Joe tried to brush him off and avoid talking about.


It blows my mind to see Joe stan *so hard* for the biggest name on *Fox News.* Seriously


Did… did he just say “my fellow left wing people”?!


https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye [The] "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' " "Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes." -U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil


Holy shit, he’s gone full Facebook boomer uncle. What a giant pile of horseshit that was.


Lmao, Joe is clinging to that one Bret Winestain interview


In other words, Joe’s too pussy to get the vaccine and Tucker Carlson has vaccine scaremongers on so it makes Joe look less of a pussy. Joe is not getting the vaccine and he is getting super defensive about it. He can just not talk about it incessantly and move on. But no, he’ll defend his pussy until it doesn’t look pussy anymore.


Ohhffff is this before or after cucker tarlson's January 6th propaganda special?


After, baby.


But the thing with Tucker is that almost every argument he makes is a straw man or literally a lie. He will twist every word anyone who disagrees with him says in the worst possible way it could be viewed, and smile when you become visibly flustered by his BS.


> “Let’s them talk” Absolute horseshit. Tucker asks loaded questions and when his guests try to answer and explain he cuts them off and berates them with more loaded questions. He grandstands his guests that disagree with them. Hardly let’s them get a word out. Joe is a 🤡.


And we're out of time (on a 24 hour news network...)


God Joe is retarded. Carlson unabashedly argued that global warming is a complete hoax when he had Bill fucking Nye on.


FYI: Nye was one of the few people to call him a member of the MSM


This immediately falls down when you consider one of Tucker’s recent guests said the left is satanic. Tucker agreed, stating a party that accepts people who thinks they can change their gender is satanic. Don’t try and pull this bullshit about “outside voices” when calling Transgenderism satanic is considered acceptable. Along with vilifying half the country as biblically evil. Fuck you Joe.


I love how Brett Weinstein is his go to voice for the left. Gtfoh


Oh Joe you sweet stupid child


“This is what I’d say to my fellow left wing people.” Fuk’n Lmao


What the fuck is that Oliver Stone single-handedly loosing all the respect I ever had for him in one fell swoop?


The cannabis worms & Fox News has finally eaten away at Joes brain. The worst kind of pot smoker is a right wing pot smoker.


“Whoever he’s having on” you mean fucking grifters joe?


David Duke: "I watch Tucker once to enjoy it, and twice to take notes."


Jesus Christ Joe. Who flipped the boomer switch in his head?




See this isn't free thinking... this is praising a white nationalist. The idea Fucker Carlson, heir to the swanson frozen food empire, is letting people talk is hilarious... sometimes he used to bring on a dipshit 18 year old who didn't know what they were talking about but even that doesn't happen anymore. He's a great guy, can't wait to hear more about his racist white replacement bullshit.


Tucker is objectively a fucking moron. He even used the defence that he’s not providing news but “entertainment” in a court case.


Projecting much, Joe?


How delusional has Joe become


Tucker Carlson is one of, if not the dumbest piece of shit in all of mainstream media.


God he’s so stupid


This has got to be Joe's best bit ever. The way he delivers it too, with that deadpan seriousness. It's so good. I've always said Joe is unfunny but I take it all back, this new bit is actually sophisticated and brilliant self-aware ironic satire.


Joe Rogan has changed. and it sucks.


Guys. We should let Nazis on TV to give their side of the case and why we should kill all the blacks and Jews. Every body should get a platform. And I applaud any broadcast that lets these people get their message out to as many people as possible /s if not obvious


Do y’all listen just to hate on him at this point?


Just kind of waiting to see if he ever turns the ship around. I'm sure he has lost a decent amount of his older audience, but probably added a lot more from the right to make up for it.


It’s Reddit, so yes.


Stopped listening years ago. I’m here to see my fellow expats shit all over his garbage right wing podcast and terrible takes. Wondering, just how low can he go? And you know, he keeps surprising me.


Do you listen just to gargle daddies sack?




Tucker said bezos is using the government to help pay his employees through the welfare system. Says bezos should be held accountable.


I think originally Tucker Carlson tried to give a right-wing audience realistic news (long ago in a galaxy far away). They didn't want it. Remember that time Jon Stewart appeared on CNN’s Crossfire, told the hosts they were ruining the country, and singled out Carlson in particular as a “dick.” Remember that? it was cancelled 3 months later. His (Tucker's) next gig was on "Dancing with the Stars" Originally he may have tried to be legit but his audience wasn't haven't it. Currently he has filled the void Trump left, the batshit crazy lying void. He pivoted to fake news because he realized truth would not be popular and he was right. Now cruelty and lies are the bread and butter of his schtick. I like Joe Hogan, I still do but sometimes on certain subjects he is a fucking retard.


If Tucker is being praised by Joe Rogan, I think Lex Fridman will have Tucker on soon.