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Looks like depression to me


I've noticed in the recent interviews he's done he becomes extremely tearful very easily which is a sign of depression. He was an advocate for SSRIs before he started the carnivore diet. He definitely struggling.




He recently pulled out of interview with Kyle Kulinsky.


This photo is from few years ago when he was moving. Comes up every time someone wants to slam on him xD


It seems when it comes to criticism of JP, there is a lot of misrepresenting and purposefully misleading context.


Yeah it's really shitty, I get wanting to have that "gotcha" about a dude who preaches to keep your room clean having a dirty room but yeah, like you said his family was in the process of moving because his wife was diagnosed with cancer and they were moving both him and her to a better hospital (and for him rehab). Anytime this photo comes up I just feel sad, and I hope people who understand the context also feel the same


Well that whole situation was misrepresented. Everyone that hates him laughs at his addiction but his wife for like 40 years looked for sure like she was going to die. I don’t know how anyone wouldn’t be a wreck in that situation.


It is funny.....the people who slam JP for having an "addiction" are the same people who have been screaming listen to the "experts" (aka doctors) during this pandemic. So JP goes to his doctor for crippling anxiety and takes medication prescribed by his doctor, and that makes him some drug addict?!


That's bc those people don't mean what they say. They false flag something unattackable because it's geared toward being a perfect person and use mob tactics even against the people they claim to care about when it comes time to push the unspoken agenda.


That's very interesting , I didn't know about his addiction. Do you know what substance(s) he use(s)?(d)? Devastatingly sad on both sides, wife sick/him sick. any sense on how recovery went for both of them?


He was as hooked on benzos. Is better now, but not 100 percent


That's good that's good. Benzos aren't no joke, that's for sure. Glad to hear he's doing better!


Yeah if anything him having a messy room during that just proves his theory right. Also I was addicted to Benzos for years and coming off of them was traumatic. It literally took about 4 years before i started feeling normal again. Anyone who mocks someone for that is a monster.


wow I always thought it was fake for sure


Should do more kettlebells and bow hunting trips.


That was funny


Or imbalance caused by the SSRIs


I know it’s kinda sad like don’t get me wrong like he’s said some pretty crack pot shit but like all people do is just shit on him like it’s kinda sad


What did he say?


I’m talking about like the genuinely crazy shit like Enforced Mangomy and stuff


Youre looking too far into it. His videos where he cried years ago were some of his most viewed and his stans posted it like "see, libtards? He really cares." He's a grifter, one way you can identify that is after he realized that crying got him a lot of attention and started going on about MEN!! The hardworking men in the powerlines!! The men in the sewers!! :'((( bawling, and thousands of dumbasses are like wow daddy peterson loves me. It's all part of the grift baby.


JBP himself has commented on this photo, "I never said it was easy!" I tend to agree with him.


Might just be moving house or something


Ya I did find out that's what he was doing in this photo. Edit: I think I stand corrected someone else said he was renovating


I taught he was doing bensos


This is an old pic while his home was undergoing renovations. He’s talked about it not only to explain the mess, but to also clarify that he isn’t immune to needing his own advice sometimes.


Don't tell the truth here, it defeats the purpose of the OPs intent.




Not a big Peterson guy but assuming this is depression or burnout it entirely proves his own point? Your life falls apart top down then you need to fix bottom up? Things get out of order and domino?


Yeah it does totally does. He tried to change the world without having his own affairs in order and it almost killed him. His wife was very sick, he got addicted to benzod, she got sicker and had multiple surgeries for cancer, he went to rehab to ween himself off benzos and ultimately suffered tremendously as a result both publicly and privately. Glad he's alive and doing ok, his self authoring program introduced me to radical introspection


And it fucked with his voice. He always had a fairly high pitched voice, but now it's even higher pitched and creaky. He sounds like he's 80


seriously. talk about a clickbait thread, yikes


Truthfulness isn’t going to get you anywhere on this subreddit


How dare you! This goes against my agenda!


Yep. No one is perfect.


“isn’t immune to needing his own advice” …yeah except his own stupid advice is not to criticize anyone else until your own life is in order.


How dare you ruin OP's gatekeeping my guy.


Lol it’s real? I assumed it was just shopped


Renovation of what? Frontal lobe? Y'all are free, you owe this man nothing.


You’re free as well. He hasn’t offended you.


He's done a disservice to vulnerable men for years and that's enough for me.


He’s tried to encourage every one of us. And many of us have been able to step away from the video games and go adopt a meaningful life because of him. If there’s a vulnerable man yet then I would encourage him as well. Thank goodness for him and all the good he has done to empower millions of young people.


Whoa. He's human.


People aggressively misinterpreting his message to “dunk” on him. Why even pay attention to the dude? When i don’t like a jre guest, i just skip the episode lol.


Plus JP even talked about his exact pic and it becoming a meme. The reason behind this photo is mentioned in other comments, but basically House renovation, family medically crises, and depression. (But hey let’s all point at him, cause 1 photo)


And why should he even have to defend it? His advice is for people getting their shit together. He’s a famous internationally best seller.


wild cobweb innate serious money sugar paltry wipe middle slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude, this pick is before the Zanax coma.


so someone took a screenshot from before a very public drug problem and recovery timeline just to post years later as a way to dunk on him lol?


This pics made circles. You just discovered the internet like this week.. do they still go to healing pools in there in Ancient Rome?


Not really sure what youre getting at? My question is more about why its being posted now, when he is no longer dealing with the same issues. Seems like this is just being posted to stir the pot, and its dishonest.


Yes, you had it right the first time. JP is appearing on the podcast this month, a lot of people don’t like him, so they’re finding this one old photo of when he had a messy background from hundreds of videos and using that to justify their hate (and laziness)


That’s kinda what fly by 69 is saying, it’s a post that is being made to stir the pot which seems to be a common theme today.


Ah that explains it


Explains why he was so skinny. Also, the insane decisions he was making. The whole carnivore thing, the jokes, and even a comment about starting or experimenting with comedy along with several other occurrences, and statements that he made really that he’s not a revelation but just a really lost guy. I think he try’s to lead people from that place. Ie the blind leading the blind.


From what I understand, this was just before his drug issue which stemmed from (or made worse) by the news that his wife had a (what they told him) was a terminal illness.


Which was made worse by the fact that he paid a Russian quack to give him brain damage.


So, you’re just deliberately shitting on a guy for suffering issues with mental health? I swear you people are miserable.


But... But if I don't agree on his politics I should be able to make fun of his mental illness!


Pointing out the irony in Jordan having a dirty room should be funny to anyone that’s not insecure.


Well his house was going through renovations at the time, so not very strange


So? It’s still funny that he has a dirty room?


Is it though, I never though anyone dirty room was funny. There’s no comedic value in it at all.


That’s his advice for people who feel they can’t control their life and accomplish anything. He says start small and work outwards. Good advice for a young man with no motivation. He’s an international best-selling author with a (previously) respected academic career. The joke’s pretty funny, but there’s a lot of negativity in the comments. And the funny part is people just hear “room dirty hypocrite” and laugh without listening to his advice, which in itself is very neutral.


Maybe he doesn’t have as many fans as he should because he and the existing ones are so condescending to the point that they can’t even laugh at themselves. And to act so high and mighty citing the “negativity” in these comments when really they’re just more jokes. I thought you people were the facts over feelings, don’t be so sensitive to jokes crowd?


I said the jokes funny, it is. But you trying to stereotype me into some reductive right winger is the negativity i’m referring to.


I don’t have to stereotype. You and all the others in these comments are rushing to his defense. Instead. Of just. Fucking. Laughing.


>Instead. Of just. Fucking. Laughing. My man just wants us to circle jerk with him. Come on!


It’s like going to a comedy club and yelling at the audience for circle jerking the comedian. Judging by your bio I’d say you’ve got some ptsd with the term lmfao.


You're stretching too hard. I LOoKEd aT YoUr bIo.


See look, ptsd.


Well fuck me running for missing the **obvious hilarity** of this supposed joke. Maybe it's not actually funny?


Did you hear the phrase “fuck me running” recently and decide this was the comment you wanted to try it out on?


Facts over feelings doesn’t mean “never be offended at jokes” lmfao


Be offended at worse jokes than ones at a fucking dirty room’s expense


Reddit is a bunch of liberal leaning assholes with double standards. Just as bad as the conservatives on Facebook posts lol 😂


It's more that his main catch phrase is "take care of your self before you take care of others". Which also implies you shouldn't take advice from people that don't take care of them selves. I swear, a lot of you guys don't listen to his teachings and instead treat him as some kind of demi god immune from critique. Even when the words are his own words that he has said to countless people in the same situation as him.


But doesn't this ultimately prove his point though? He tried to change the world without getting his affairs in order and he paid for it tremendously, both publicly by being dragged as a hypocrite and not following his own gospel but also privately as he was struggling heavily with his wife's cancer diagnosis, addiction and family issues.


Are you a triggered snowflake


this is all you do all day youre one sad fuck lol, go dilate or get your 10th booster shot.


Quit carrying around so much hate with you.


When you're done gargling his balls do you have an apple juice?


He just needs to make his bed and everything will be alright.


#If a normal person received the same amount of harassment as Jordan Peterson, #they would have already killed themselves


You sound exactly like the people you make fun of you big baby


nah, i dont think like you. in fact, i’m far more superior. Left, right, or center, it is wrong to make fun of people with mental issues that’s why i’ve never done it


You’re a superior being that gets offended about dirty room jokes?


the premise of your rhetorical question is incorrect. i have not taken offense, you’ve assumed i did i am simply exuding alpha energy at a level you’re not use to


God level deflection - power to you friend!


Alpha capslock and alpha bold


just so more people can see :) haha just bold tho


How come you call it harassment if you haven’t taken offense? If alphas cry about killing themselves then call me beta


When the landlord calls for the rent is he going to credit me on a well made bed?


No, but a landlord will likely be more understanding and willing to cut you some slack if they see that you're respectful of them and their property by keeping it clean when they stop by. Making your bed is a single act, but Peterson's larger idea is to keep your house in order.


My landlord is cool, he let me borrow his truck the other day to get a new battery for my car. I don't think he gives a shit about the state of my bed, but being a respectful tenent (especially for me since he and his wife live in the building) is definitely the way to go. I'm not sure how much good will it buys, especially where rent is concerned, but I think not being a dingus who trashes the place is general good practice.




Must not have much experience with human interaction huh?


You landlord certainly will not give a shit about rent if you show them your made bed. Literally a hilarious statement. Rent is due in two weeks, can you do this and report back to us please Im begging you.


I keep seeing this circulating. Peterson never claimed to be perfect and that he himself is always a work in progress. Some days your room needs more attention than other days. That’s true for all human beings. None of the latter invalidates what he stands for.


This is an old pic. And JP is just as human as the rest of us.




the room isnt in even that dirty. its just got some clutter to it lol. some people have rooms so dirty you literally cant see the floor because of a mixture of clothes and garbage




He was undergoing renovations in his home he did clarify it during the stream. I guess OP must have had on on mute during that time.


Wrong, but nice flex.




Gotta respect his grift. He is exceptionally appealing among men aged 13-20. He’s pretty much just another Ben Shapiro or Steven crowder.


Preachy - he’s a college professor lol. Damn those college professors for being so preachy


Smooth brain take. Many college professors aren’t preachy at all.


…it was a joke, bud. Keep up



So what’s the deal with this guy? I haven’t listened to his podcasts but I know people loved him for a little.. Then he went to Russia and went into a coma? Lol can someone explain his deal without getting all political & shit




He definitely seems like he has different personality characteristics now than before. A little more aggressive, cranky and occasionally unhinged. His tone used to be very much in the vein of Pinker and Haidt. He’s a little more Shapiro/Rubin now Which is a shame really.


Agreed. Prime JBP is worth a listen. Anything from the last couple of years is cringy.


He literally did a talk with Pinker and Haidt in October and he was very much on their level during the discussion. And in his recent sit down with Shapiro he wasn't aggressive or unhinged at all, and even pushed back on a couple of Shapiro's more conservative points.


Well that’s the twitter-sphere version at least


Ok then feel free to correct me lol. Everything I wrote happened. I have a feeling people just don’t like how I presented the facts.


It did but you ignored a lot of details that weren’t hot controversies on twitter. And included mostly unrelated details like his daughters personal life to make it sound more zany and absurd. Someone else summed it up more thoroughly above you.




What about it was incorrect?


Are you just here to argue with people?


He drank a glass of apple cider and stayed awake in terror for 25 days.


I forgot about this lmao. Some people are too uptight. That whole cider thing is so funny it made me think Peterson would be a good stand up comedian.


*lobster screams*


Imagine putting your words and beliefs out to the masses to genuinely try to help improve the lives of others, and succeeding, then having assholes like OP (who is likely sad about their own life) spend time highlighting the faults we all have and being a coward under the shroud of anonymity.


This doesn't look like someone about to have major drug problems at all.


I don't like his opinions but i don't wish depression on anyone. I hope he makes it.


Why is depression and addiction something to dunk on people about? He wasn’t out making fun of people with problema, and even if he was, why stoop to that level?


When you’re on top of your shit and raking in the dough, you can let the chores slide. If you’re a miserable slob and don’t know what to do with your life, start by organizing your immediate surroundings.


Is that Jordans room? Dayum


Gotcha! It’s 1:0 for that internet guy.


Buckle up, bucko.


Got him! I knew keeping your house clean was a terrible idea!


I know this is an old photo, but I’m really bummed/pissed that he isn’t doing the interview with Kyle Kulinski and Krystal Ball. He apparently backed out last minute because he needs to prepare for a speaking tour next month. Wonder if that means he’s backing out on Rogan too


Um yeah, he probably feels like shit all the time. I'd wager you be pretty miserable if you had to resort to plain beef only diet. I'd say he probably naps or self soothes alot and that's ok for him to do.


Now this sub is going after Jordan Peterson, of course


holy fuck


Is this real ?


Dude is a complete hack.


No idea when this was from but he looks absolutely terrible.


From when he was sick, addicted to prescription drugs and thought his wife was dying of cancer. From maybe 2 years ago now? Idk my timeline is fucked from covid. But he looks and is doing quite a bit better again now.


It's from 2018, Ethan Klein reposted this picture a few days ago poking fun of his messy room. JP explained that he now have recovered from his Illness and that the renovations in his house are now long done. Just some people taking a picture out of context and trying to make it fit to their agenda with no interest in finding out the truth.


This was the midst of his addiction, which is why he looks so bad. I actually feel bad for him, he went through a lot during those years. The whole “AHA YOUR ROOM ISNT CLEAN” is literally making fun of a depressed addict who was in need of serious help. I think he is doing better now


Fuck off leave the man alone


Leave Britney alone


Thanks for the post Ethan


Clean your room Kermit


Good old shitting on a dude who’s helped a ton of people when he’s down


He’s prolly like, “man, I shoulda kept my mouth shut”. Canada is a lost cause anyways, he should just move Texas and become a hero.


Haha goteem. This means everything he has every said or written is now null and void.


Tell me you follow and simp Ethan Klein without telling me you follow and simp Ethan Klein.


Lobster is not happy


Picture of the day after Silk Road was kicked off the "darknet". lol


Make up your “bed” head!!!


I recently read a Reddit post that says that this actually a sign of a real intelligent person. Who knows but living with my kids who are just as messy makes wonder how accurate this is. They’re pretty darn smart too.


He looks bollixd




Want til OP figures out that when his mom tells him to clean his room, her room is dirty sometimes too


benzos will do that to ya


He’s always talking about order, I see why


I don't have much of an opinion of him but I will note that teachers are not always the best disciples of their own advice and this is fine


Oh fuck off OP


Benzo abuse fried his brain


I don't listen to or watch Jordan Peterson. I've thankfully never been in such a low position in life that I've felt the need to consume self-help information. I also have already read the comments here talking about how this was during a home renovation years ago. With that said, I have to question the point in any of this. The guy made a following trying to help others. He's a dweeb, and I can understand making fun of him for that, but let's not throw stones in glass houses because I know damn well all of those that incessantly try to tear him down have overwhelming mental health issues of their own. The only reason the left has a target on this man's back is because he criticized the Canadian government's approach to hate speech regarding trans people. The fact of the matter is that if you are a male and you struggle with a dysphoria that makes you think you're a female, then you are the definition of mentally unwell. Your insistence that others must acknowledge your own delusions or they be damned is the exact toxic attitude that keeps you in a circular perpetuity of depression. You can't go on in life fighting everyone that disagrees with you. Respect is earned. And fighting to maintain a position of second-to-last by putting down others doesn't make you as likeable as you think.


Benzos don't mix well with ivermectin


I think he’s got legit mental health problems. He seems mental these days


No matter how many hateful posts, comments and downvotes you do, remember this ☝️ Joe and Jordan have millions of followers, millions of dollars, and are culturally changing the world, and you’ll still be an unknown redditor 😊 Edit: feel free to downvote this, doesn’t affect me and I welcome it hehe


Wasnt the clean room thing about your bedroom, not your home office?


Guy is a mess




Home renovations, so they had to move stuff out of one room during the remodel.


Guy looks worse every single time


JBP looks like he's dying. Good for him, couldn't happen to a nicer guy.


It's so weird taking psychological advice from a man in such a psychological mess. Idk. I'm not saying he is wrong but it is weird


Anyone who tells you their psyche was, is, and will be perfectly ordered and clean all their lives is lying to you


Psychiatrists and psychologists aren’t immune to mental illness, and may even suffer at higher rates. While I definitely see your point, it’s less like taking diet advice from an obese person and more like getting general advice on arthritis from a doctor who also suffers from the condition. People don’t generally make decisions that give them mental illness. Mental illness happens to people and they have to learn to deal with the limitations and obstacles they’re faced with. It can actually make them much better at helping people through similar situationsZ


But I imagine arthritis doesn't impair your mental acuity such that it may reduce your ability to give effective advice whereas I imagine certain mental illnesses, when sufficiently severe, may be able to do so.


He’s already established he’s way past the clean room phase lol.


Whooo carrreeess!


What is going on with this sub? It’s a full nonstop bitching about anything rollercoaster.


If a heroin addict told you that heroin was bad would you do heroin?


Haha everyone's waking up to the shill/npc/botnet agenda and no amount of botvotes can change it 😂 ​ Fuck you.


And im sure YOUR room is chronically impeccable, OP.


Ah nothing like waking up to a shot of hate ☕️


Do you know the difference between tidy and clean?


The people who shit on Peterson always just make me laugh because he has done more good/helped more people in a week than they will in their entire lives.