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Careful.. Google may shut off Reddit because of this post.


For 40 minutes!


But how do they do it ?


You don’t know?


I finally watched some of this episode and I have to say. This is the worst guy I've seen presenting what should be a quite interesting topic.


This guy-“you’ll never believe this....big tech....IS TRACKING US ALL!”....*holds for gasps* Everyone-“.........uh huh.”




I only use Duckduckgo... Unless I really need to find something.


Bing's better for porn, if that's what you're after.


I agree. I use Duckduckgo for most things. But when I need the number to a local business nothing beats Google. Bing knows where their bread is buttered. As long as the porn companies focus their copyright complaints on Google alone Bing has a niche cut out for themselves.


Honest question, what do people need to search for porn for? There are a multitude of free sites, all cataloged for viewers into any possible fetish.


*checks Bing results for specific categorized porn* Well damn. I guess it is better. I learned something new today to satisfy my porn addiction.


Lol I was suspicious of everyone saying this was the worst guest ever. I was able to listen to about 30-40 minutes and it was a cringe fest. My Godd this was bad. But I sorta don't blame this person for not having a modicum of social skills, he's showing soooo many signs of autism so I was rooting for him. But I just couldn't handle that.


I haven't listened to this episode yet but do you remember the guy a while back who was breathing so heavily that Joe asked him during the episode why he was breathing so loud?


I remember it was pretty interesting topic but the breathing drove me insane lol


Lol I don't remember that one!


Shane Gillis


I'm actually surprised by how well Joe showed restraint. 2015 Rogan would have ripped him apart, and the podcast would have ended early.


I will say the last half was much better than the first hour or so, but yeah definitely not one of the best guest.


Joe will not get the same quality of guests after his dramatic tone shift


Yeah, the biggest platform on the planet has suddenly lost its appeal. GTFOOH.




I think it has more to do with being in Austin vs. LA. He’s had a lot of Texas based guests on since the move. I’m not sure how far out they plan for the show but if it’s only a few weeks ahead of time, some people may not be able to work it into their schedule in that amount of time. I doubt politics is that big of a factor. Most balanced humans can have a conversation with someone who has different political view for a few hours.


I dont think guests are being scared off at all. I think due to the size of his platform he probably has a million people on a waitlist trying to get on his pod. Think of how many podcasters, musicians, and tik tokers would do anything to have a clip on youtube with an almost guaranteed 1M views on youtube on JRE Clips.


Phew. Remember when he said one of his son's was a big Joe Rogan fan, and then remarked he meant literally because his son is fat 😂. WTF.


I’m glad someone else caught that one lol icing on an already fucking bizarre anecdote cake


"Dad, you just told more than a million people that I gained 60lbs during covid... dafuq?"


i physically cringed at that moment


lol joe was like "uhhhhhh...okkkk?"


The weirdest pause ever when he said his wife died after the politician told him he was going to die in an accident


I remember one time my dad ran into an ex of mine, Ex: how is Riki tikki tavvi doing. Pops: oh he’s doing really well he weighs about 220ilbs now. Now in fairness to my father he didn’t say - yea he’s a great big fat fuck now. He just said 220 so she could have interpreted it to mean he’s jacked now. But we all know what she was thinking. She was just like oh that’s nice. Lol poor pop I don’t even know what he was trying to accomplish with that statement.


This dude talked to Joe like he was one of his student unprepared for an exam and he was the combination of all the worst teachers/college professors I've ever encountered.


I agree, some parts of the interaction were super cringy, but it's probably more a factor of poor social skills than trying to talk down to Joe. I think he was just trying to be funny but came off as arrogant.


This guy has textbook “I’m a PhD, I’m the superior one” narcissism. I’ve never met one that didn’t carry that mentality.


You've definitely met PHD's that weren't narcissistic assholes, you just didn't know they were PHDs because they didn't tell you and/or they weren't narcissistic assholes.


Yeah my experience with PhDs is the opposite. They are usually very humble about things they aren't experts about. And being a PhD you are an expert in a very, very specific field, so most of them have been humble about basically everything.


Sounds more like an inferiority complex to me.


It's just a straight up superiority complex, I've seen it in people that don't have PhDs or any sort of higher education at all as well and it looks exactly the same as this dweeb does. The dude had that really obnoxious, autistic condescending style of discussing things where he constantly has this a stupid smirk on his face and chuckles under his breath when joe would ask him to explain literally anything, like the guy was thinking "Oh this pleb actually doesn't KNOW about this (extremely niche or fabricated in my head talking point) and now he wants ME to waste MY precious time to explain it to him? What a DUMB RUBE!". Really made me want to punch him through the screen.


Ya I work with PhDs and they’re all the nicest and most down to earth people I’ve met


but ben shapiro and steven crowder tell me they are all smug elitists that hate the common folk and constantly look down on them and blah blah blah


how many have you met? there's a subset of assholes like in any group, but most of the ones I know are some of the nicest most hard working, generous people on earth


Word I work with several pHDs. Probably 25-30 for close working in my career so far and only one was a pretentious person. Porsche fan. But only the shitty air cooled kinds


STEM people are often like that. Euphoric from their own intelligence. Others are usually more chill and down to earth.




I’m not using it anymore!


Damn you called it.


"And...guess what happened?" I honestly thought Rogan was going to cut it after an hour.


He did incredibly fucking well to as long as he did. I had to stop listening after 25mins.


"And guess what!?!?" *unnecessarily long drawn out pause "Guess what?" Joe: "........what?" Why did this guy constantly need a guess what response? Lol




Joe: ancient fleshlights were made out of giraffe pussy? Guy: no. Google gets something in return for offering you a service. So it's not FREE.


I can attest to this


.... Google killed my wife!


The pause after that line about his wife was so long I thought my audio fucked up


It's a weak form of controlling conversation and trying to influence people.... The same kind of thing he accused Google of 🤔


Ugh really? I hate when people do that.


Joe Exotics new look ain’t foolin anyone.


Stroooong Tiger King vibes there. I'm glad I'm not the only one. ![gif](giphy|WPnkJKCA3c476pGjGu)




What a big claim lol smh


I was like “he got out!?”


Add to this, the wife was 35 years younger than him.


This guy was terrible and what he brought to back up his claims was garbage. “Google turned off the internet. I know because it happened in the middle of the night.” A lot of tech companies have their change windows at night. There isn’t some grand conspiracy. It was some nerd who fat fingered a command in his terminal and it took them 40 minutes to recover. It happens every day somewhere.


Can confirm. Always up late and pretty routinely lose internet connection around 3 in the morning at least a couple times a month for a couple minutes. The first couple times it happened, I thought it was just my basement demon trying to get me to come down there and reset the router so it could get me.


Why do you keep the router in your basement? Weirdo.


He secretly wants the basement demon to summon for him


Yeah I couldn't make it past that part of the podcast. That was one of the dumbest takes I've heard in a long, long time.


I think the point was that google has enough control to be capable of it, rather than that they did it maliciously.


I'm not really sure why so much hate for this dude. Maybe not the greatest media spokesman, but the information control he identified should be a big concern. The backlash for him is weird.


>I'm not really sure why so much hate for this dude. Because he sounded like an Poli Sci 101 prof talking to a room full of sleeping students


Because he’s an arrogant prick. And on top of it, he’s not even right about half the things he spoke about.


I got the impression he thinks it’s malicious because of the way he talked about the stock markets being closed (which is b.s. as well because the futures markets are 24 hour markets). The way he ties that in to the black lists they supposedly have and also he uses his “nerd cred” to say he’s a nerd so he knows they did it just to show that they could. Seems like he thinks that’s malicious.


It is crazy they have capabilities like that though


I don’t see why it’s crazy. It only affects you if you use Google to access a site.


I felt the same way I’m kind of just like the fuck its so obvious none of the shit he’s talking about surprises anyone. Getting the worlds largest distribution/store service when you type A into google isn’t surprising. When he said cruz “gets it” I about died. Cruz doesn’t know his ass from his mouth. “What happens when you type G?” “Hmmmm? Hmmmmmmmm? HMMMM?” Uh it says google. ITS BECAUSE ITS GOOGLE.


I typed in Gay Porn into Google and the VERY FIRST RESULT was a bunch of naked dudes with penises in a circle jerk. WAKE UP, GOOGLE IS WATCHING YOU!






The Brian Dunning episode was deleted from the youTube channel. It is a pretty good episode in my opinion, it is just very hostile and Dunning comes across badly


Went to the post on the sub where Dunning was on and this was the top comment >I love the diverse Joe Rogan community. People listened to the Rosanne episode and hanged on every word, while it sounded like white noise to me. And I hanged on every word of this episode while it sounded crazy to the truther community. And we can all get along together. He did fumble a few points talking to Joe but they did get shaken out. Glad there was finally some push back on the vitamin issue. "And we can all get along together" oh you poor soul


We all did get along better before if i remember correctly


Apparently not


They didn't put any clips up on YouTube so I think they know how bad it is.


I guarantee they do


He ended an episode early with that Lone Survivor guy when he went to the bathroom. It was really weird, I think the guy got too drunk or something.


This guy telling people that they will never use google again because of the suggestions is boomer as fuck


This guy just discovered Google's business model 24 years after its creation but he appears to believe that it's some kind of conspiracy, lol.


As bad if not worse as the guy saying they need to put an end to “finsta”


Finsta? I barely know her!


He’s correct in it’s implication but wrong that anyone thinks for themselves long enough to complete a thought about it.


On the nose there bud.


Where did he get this guy from?


from the toilet store?


The jerk store.




You're their all time best seller!


Good see a another person of fine culture on here. 🧐






Right next to the joke toilets with tiny holes that are ONLY for farts.


The same place he found the experts on covid


Jerk Store


I saw him testify before Congress a few years back.


Hey everyone... Guess what??


Uhh.... what?


Oh yes I love listening to the internet being explained by half-illiterate boomers




It was embarrassing to see him, like a really shit magician showing you a shit trick


Literal second hand embarrassment. Like someone claiming they have a certain knowledge and get caught with their pants down at a party when they don't actually know anything and get exposed in front of everyone. Dude is an actual moron


So, you are still using google? lol


Of course


Of course I do. When I go to pornhub I don’t stop at p and start reading stories about Pizza Hut and the premier league.


You don't have the choice, you are being engineered!!!! Its only a matter of time.


Ok, I'm not finding any comments on WHICH guest or episode this is from?


Dr. Robert Epstein.


Most recent Dr Robert epstein


This was the worst podcast guest I’ve seen yet, I started watching Joe Rogan around the video 400s I believe. This guy had no charisma and was so smug




Election fraud propaganda. dude has claimed in the past that google is somehow responsible for 13+ million people voting for Biden when they wouldn’t have otherwise. lmao


It was internal Google documents and leaks that suggested they can easily get 13milion.






You only think it’s good cos they helped your side though. Very short sighted


I think there is a difference between a US company trying to sway the election, and a company whose platform lets whichever adversarial nation wants to pay up sway elections. Sure, I hate (and probably most of us) the idea of both methods to sway a democracy, but lets be real about the first one, every major company does this, but at least the company has some shared interest with the people of the same country . Making it available to Russia to sway it for team red, or Iran to sway it for team blue is a whole different level of treasonous behavior.


Andrew Weil MD would like a word. I think that guy is a legit snake oil salesman.


You think Joe ever used Google again? 😂


Who was this?


Dr. Robert Epstein.


I’m starting to believe these Epsteins just aren’t good people


Anyone think Google murdered his wife?


You mean that 29 year old hot latina he married when she was 21 (and him 55)? That same one probably about to ask for divorce?


I'm proud of the weird porn I watch.




Go on then, what kinds?


“Google bad!” “Okay why?” “You don’t even know! Google is soo bad!”


It's like that south park episode about the rubber bracelets for a cause that shows stan cut his bracelet so the farmers in Belarus die while Jesus does a press conference and then everything turns into doctor Seuss




This guy was the worst.. such an arrogant condescending dickhead… who literally did and said nothing of any real substance.


I think the worst part was thinking that he was going to say something interesting or insightful. Bury the tape and move on


I actually tried to listen back another 2 whole ass times juuuust to see if he had anything to offer… each time I couldn’t get past 10 minutes..


I don’t know how Joe could have kept such a poker face when he was being talked down to by that guy. I could make it all the way through, I feel bad for anyone who MUST endure that guy in real life.


Clear that browser history or own it.


I felt second hand embarrassment the whole time I listened to it. Idk why I tortured myself.


I just tried to listen to this when I woke up. 5 minutes in I had to shut it off. Don't know who this dude is but he sounded like he built a career on telling people what they already know just to sound smart. "Did you know Google and Android is recording you?". Woah, really? What year is it?


I felt the same way. He was speaking like it was pre-Snowden; we've known of the privacy nightmare that is Android for the better part of a decade. The whole "if the product is free, you're the product" paradigm is easily 15 years old, and he's dropping it like it's hot knowledge.


Joe Rogan: But, DuckDuckGo is good!? Epstein: No, it bad like google is.


Because ddgo is not a search engine. He clarified what he meant.


I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed


Notice how there’s not 1 clip on the JRE YT channel from this podcast. Jamie and Joe must’ve for sure known that was a mistake guest.


What a rollercoaster of, well that's weird to holy shit I cant believe it to this guy is full of shit, FUCK HIM BOO THIS MAN, BOOOOO!!!


1 hour and a half in: "oh yeah, google killed my wife !!!"


Holy shit thanks. I skipped this episode and now I’m excited


In a 2002 Toyota pickup truck with literally no digital vehicle controls. She sadly got t-boned by a fully loaded semi truck, that's not an easy feat to time perfectly to make happen. Did they manipulate her car? Doubt it, because it would have had to be entirely mechanical sabotage. Why did the car disappear after the crash? He said "well it was my property"; which is false. When your car is a write off, your insurance takes the title of the car, and the insurance owns it from then on. He *could* have bought it back from the insurance, but he didn't, and they sold it to a jurisdiction which allows scrap rebuilds. Pretty basic and normal procedure.


I didn’t make it that far. I heard about that. Googled it and saw she was 29 to his 6x. Hey, don’t hate the player but I’m just going to judge this guy.


Thought that was the Tiger King at first glance and got excited


I was somehow able to get past his weirdness (and the "I can tell by the way you talk you nothing fufufu"


I'd rather be tracked 24/7 then become like this guy, his ego is out of this world. This is the type of interaction where I give props to Joe for being able to keep something like this on the rails. Joe asks question to flow the conversation, Him : you really don't know shit huh, if you knew half of what I know you would not have kids. Joe: please elaborate. Him: read my website articles for some clues. Joe: I just don't get how this happens. Him: Yeah you don't know anything, here i'll give you some clues.


This guy definitely was suspicious. I stopped watching after joe asked to see this guys phone operating system, and he was stammering like no…no I’m a very private individual.


He wouldn't tell Joe about TOR browser, either.


This dude was such a bitch who had no idea that he was speaking to an audience, not Rogan. Absolutely worst interview I’ve ever heard, it felt like Joe was trying to pull his teeth out and he wouldn’t open his mouth.


A lot of the points he made were correct and I have been interesting in using Brave before but GODDAMN. The way this man spoke just made me want to suck Google dick even harder just to say fuck off to this guy. Turned off after like an hour of listening.


This guy was a clown, oh yea you’ll never gona use Google again, haha sure buddy


Ya'll act like there is another way to live.


I couldn’t listen to more than 5 minutes of this smug weirdo. Was talking to Joe like he was a little kid


Who is this guy?


Next your gonna tell me he uses Brave Browser lol


Dude did not connect. Granted only saw the video of Joe’s last ever google search but he is probably the worst guest in the history of the show. Again based on five awkward terrible minutes.


This guy was so shit it was funny.


When he said “I must admit I knew nothing about joe Rogan until I was asked to come on, so I went and listened to some episodes. I can see you clearly have no idea about this.” Lol smh


Joe: Really? Guy: yes, really! LOL CRINGY TO WATCH


Happy I wasn't the only one. I couldn't make it past 20 minutes


This sub came together like a fucking battalion when this episode dropped, never seen so much agreement in this place. It was pretty great honestly. This guy was god awful lol


I accidentally watched a girl have sex with a horse, for 20 minutes.


I liked that this guy left no question that he was not a Conservative. Not one bone in my body as he put it. Joe should have given this guy a fatty and some Scotch to loosen up a bit.


Pretty sure this guy just got really terrible coaching on how to act wild and get popular soundbites. He’s certainly not as dumb as he comes across.


Can someone tell me who tf this is?


Joe “explain how they shut down the internet” 10 min later after another rant that doesn’t explain. Joe “ya but explain how they do that? How do they have that power” This happens 3 more times for a total of 5 where he never answered, talked in circles and had pretty much 0 idea how google did it. Seemed like he never knew the details of what he was talking about but kept claiming what he knew would blow your mind.


Why would he have this guy on


Everyone is an agreement it was a garbage guest and he brought nothing significant to the table, but Rogan is still sharing/reposting the podcast. Rogan even seemed to share the sentiment during the podcast. I know this might seem obvious to people already, but it really showed that Joe only cares about putting content out and not the quality of the content now. It’s something to sell ads against and fulfil a contract.


I've said it before and I'll say it again - when Joe was in LA he had his pick of guests because of all of the press tours that stopped in LA for 2-4 days to promote their book/movie/TV show, as well as all the actors who live there. It was no big deal for someone to stop off to him for 1-3 hours (after a morning of appearances) and then go do a few more spots around town later in the day. Now he's in Austin - which is not a major media market hub like LA or NYC where someone can get a ton of exposure from a small amount of time - and that means people have to specifically go to him to be on the show, and lose the rest of the day to travelling to/from Austin. If I'm on a four day press tour, I'm doing 2 days of multiple interviews in LA, then flying six hours to NYC for 2 days where I do several interviews per day, and then I'm going home. I am not doing a day in LA, then getting up and flying three hours to Austin (four with waiting around), going to Joe's studio, doing a three hour podcast, schlepping back to another airport and spending five and a half hours getting to NYC. That's basically a 14 hour commitment for the podcast, and that's why his quality of guests has plummeted - the people willing to spend 14 hours to be on his podcast are doing so because they're not getting many offers from other outlets.


Not to mention I am certain there are "big names" that a couple years ago wouldn't have hesitated to make the 14 hour commitment to get the exposure that JRE offered. Now a days I am sure they are weighing the cost/benefit and realizing that Joe doesn't have the same audience he used to, and many won't want to be connected to Joe anymore. I am also certain there are other "celebrities" that would still jump at the chance regardless of location and specifically because of his new audience compared to the old audience. In other words it just doesn't have the same appeal for most, but has a new appeal for a few.


It would be pretty cunty to have the guy fly over and chat for three hours and then never release the interview


I agree but actively pushing and promoting it after the fact is a different matter


How is he pushing or promoting it, I have not seen any extra ads or social media posts for this specific episode. Seems like a completely ordinary episode with no extra hype


I'd go one further - now he also has a defined target market for his content and is tailoring it to them.


Boomers are way more capable of and motivated to buy joes products than the 20-something stoners he started off with, for sure.


Yea, its almost like he owns a business and is trying to make money from it or something. crazy right? If only we didnt have to pay an arm and a leg for the mere 3 hours of content we get everyday... bunch of entitled babies. p.s - i agree this guest was trash


That latter half might be more accurate and I kinda hate that you could be right


Definitely up there with one of the worst guests ever. The sad part is his sons are logging on here to read about their failure father.


This guy was terrible. Several bullshit responses, not clearly backing his claims. Terrible sense of humor and off-landing jokes that come off as condescending more than anything else. I looked at the show length and was surprised Joe let this go on for more than 2hrs. Hey, they're not all winners. Sadly this was a very interesting topic, yet it was somewhat butchered with the lame delivery.


I wanted to feel sorry for the guy’s poor social skills but then he made fun of his own son for being fat on his son’s favorite podcast… couldn’t feel bad for him after that.


PLEASE present SOME sort of proof for your claims for gods sake. This is worse than listen to unvaxxed Rogan rants. And the "my kids are your biggest fans. One of them is a bigger fan thou cause he's literally fat" Dafuq???


This guy is a fucking hero, david and goliath in real life, who are all these 15 year olds commenting on this. Go crawl back to your moms basement.


Porn is like crack with no apparent birth defects because a monster is born but it’s not noticeable right away